Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 21, 1800, Image 1
Nvmbfii 2465.] fCf* The price of i'htp GaieTtt ii Eighi Do I t afrs -frer cMrlum to Subscribers residing in ti>t! city of Philadelphia. All others p-pj one Dollar additional, far enclosing and Ji rectitig ; and unlesstsjine person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid fix STonths in Advance. %* A r o Subscription mill he received for * shorter term than six months. ticcemHer 1 1755. ALMANAC Fr*m Atruf 10—to 36. ■ ICS •fe*M>Ok r Friday. ituiif iunday fvlnmlay Ttftfo-ay WerftieMay Thifi-fd*y Friday Saturday fnnilajr Monday Tu- fclay For Sale, iv _ i A THE NEW PU,OT SUILT ' SCHOOKEIt ®Mu|l St. Tammany, •SHBIfIhftLYiKQ at Say'a Wharf, ahove Market Street, burthen jot na, fuppoftd to be a remarkable faft failing veflel, ai d may befit ted for lea in a fe* 'lays. Inventory to be seen and terms of sale known by applying to the fub ftlKier. GROOKF. STEVENSON, No. 4< soatb Water Street. ALSO. ft>» SALE, 35 Hhd»- M"l<f>«d'> Sugar. <■ White and brown Hava-nah dit'o ill boxes. East Jndia do. in bags. We!&-India aod Conntry Ram. joo Khds. MolafTei. Holland Gin French and Spani/h Brandy- Pepper, Crffire, &c. ' Auguft9. F R SALE, Java Coffee & Sugar, TFE CARGO Of tht Ship Jcfferlon, E. E. Morris, Commander from Batavia, CONSISTING OF 220,000 pounds Ceribon and Jaca- tra Coffee. 120,000 pounds Sngar in cannifters. ALSO IH£ BPICANTINI NEWTON, ®EOBLmt!LT et' Live OA and Red C«• jßgjjl'W'ijr. «*!l carry about twenty-rwo huodr-ti harrrla, new &caihed with ctdir, and Will be in cotnptrM or Jcr to receive aciry« in a ?c« <lac». App'y i* K H. WILCOCKSJc O. 9 __ Aur»tl Marlhal's Sale. United States, ? j- Pennsvlvania- District, ) BY Vtrtueof a Writ to mt diretfed from the Honorable Richard Peters Esq. Judge of ihe Dilir>& Court of 'lie United Staree. in and for the PeOnfyWania Difiri<3, will be ex posed to public sal? 011 Tkur/day the 28th of August inft. at ii oMock at noon, at the office of lnfpeAinn, No. 49. North Third ft eet, in the cily of Philadelphia, Two Hogflieads of Rum. The fame hiving bten seized, &c. and libel led againit, ptofecutcd and condemned at for feited, Ac- JOHN HALL, Marshall. Marshall's Office, £ Philadelphia, Aug. 12, 1S00) 3 iwtS JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STOllfi, Chrift - Church, AN ASSORTMENT OF English Papers AND OTIIEH STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug 6. • Insurance Company Of the State of Pinnfylvauia. THE DIRECTORS HAVE this diy declared a Dividend of Thirty Dollarnof each Share of the Stock of thi« Company C r'the lad fix mouths, which will be paid to the Stockholders er their leg..: Representa tives ait«r th-> toiti mffant. JAMES S. COX, Prefdcnti. * aiißiift ». dlot. ALL PERSONS H AVING claims cgainft the F.ftate- of Margaret Telles, late of this City, deceased, are requelted to exhibit their accounts to the undecnamed Excc»t6rs, or either ®f them, and all persons indebtad to the said Estate, are requtfted to make immediate payment to the said Executors. , The Rev. M. CARR, GEORGE ARMROtfD, DAVIDCALL^GHAN, Augull 18. Gazette eft** United Statep, & Daily Advertiser: H. M * 6 * 5? 3 i 9 4 »5 • 5. *3 6 3 6' J8 i »■»«> IkTA - S *7-—-v 4j 3 »» * 4» 3 *o-<— 6 40 j ti«i i■& J9 - 3 >i -~t J* i »J 6 37 J *5 6 J J PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1800. 'V Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, , 150 PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. , JESSE & ROBERT WALN. J»'y 30 . div Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, No. 6j, Nerth fide Market-street, HAVE a general aflortment of best London fupcrfine Broa<l Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the newest faihion) silk itnpe and second quality Cloths, fafliionahl- waiftcoatiug, silk A ripe' and twill'd Nanketris, Jean, Fufiian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Coid, Va'.vets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irifli and brown Linens, Dowlas, mcGs 1 and women*' silk and cotton HoCery, coat and veil pearl, steel, gilt and plated Buttons; different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muflias, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Sh wis, Pocket Handkcrthiefs, Cloves Checks, &c. &c. N. B. Taylors' Heft quality Trimnsings—all which they will fell very low. July dtf Received By tbt ship Kensington, cat tain Adamson, /row London, A QUANTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of 4 fopcrior quality. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, AS ASSORT MEN* OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans* Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For f»le by ROBERT SMITH V Co. No. jB, south Frcnt-ftrcet. J«ly a 6. -» daw For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Men and Wotnens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, Bby to, 9by ii, 16 by l a ; tnd ly by 12. Any sizes larger than thole may be had 011 being ordered from tin; manufactory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3<l wharf south of M.trket ftit*t. Aupjuft 4. djw THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FSH SALS, ■ t NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Boxes heft marbled Soap,") 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j Frm cn board lie *OO Halt chest- Lucca Oil, 1 Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, | from Legbtrn, Brimflone, Parmesan Cheese, J 300 pipeßiJieft Bordeaux Brandy, aOO Hogftkcadi Claret superior quality, 70cC»!e< French Swart Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 100 do. heft allotted Cordials, 1 DRY GOODS Started for the Weft-India • market, Claret in cases oT a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4.Poutid Cannon, mounted. Tbomas Murgatroyd Sons. May 10. , tuth&f tf GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficiint number of themoft approved European Glass Manu fudlurers, and having on hand a large ftoek of the bed Materials, on which their workman are now employed., have the pleasure of a (Turing the public, that window glass of a superior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the fhorleft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piilures, coach glares, c(ock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafk«,piek'iTigjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other bellow ware —the whole at h alt if per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of ihe United States. A liberal allowance will he made on sale of large-<ji'antilies. Orders from merchants ind others will be punfWHy attended to on ap. plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Melfrs. PRATHER andftMILIE, in Maiket-gtreet, Pittlburgh, March 4, tuthtf. Simon Walker HAS HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Foitrth Street, Corntr of Union Street—where he has for sale JWST ReCEIVKD, EARTHEN WARE, * Aliened for exportation or home market. Glaft Ware double flint, in cases. Frf{h-Clr.vea. . - Nutmegs and Mace. July 14.> By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flrcet. i2j GERM AX • " Redemptioners. AMONG which are, Farmefs, Gardners, Sadl'rs, Instrument makers, Gold and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Jo'uws, Pot,- tfrs, Maions, Taylors, Tanneis, S'boeiTia ker*, Printers, Hatters, Bakers, Painters, Soap Boilers, Bell Founders, &t. &c. whose times are tQ be disposed of. Apply on b;ard tlie Hamburg ship Anna, capt. John Jurpjens, laying in the Stream a bcealk of Vine Street, or to From fa; veflVl from Hamburg, and have on hand, received by the lalt arrivals, Eftopillas Quadrnp'e Silefias Boccad 11. s Rouans Creas-<i-la-Morlaix Caflerill«< s of White Hulls Coutils f landerj Bed Ticks 9» lc i ALSO) 15 Pipes Coniac Brandy and 600 Demijohns. Pliila. Augull 20. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALS, ST THE SUBSCRIBER, SUPKHFIN. Silesia rouans") Creas a la Marlaix | Fine Bretagn.-* i Entitled to Do. "white platillas f debenture. E.'tof iltas an 4 Listadoi | Brown RulTia flitctirg* .J With a general ajforiment of British Goods, Which will bciold low 1 ;r caih or (hort credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Market-street, august I» diw A General Meeting OF the cu editors of Jjmr.s \\ ilfon, Esq. deceafcd» is retailed, *t Mr. Ru bicsn's Tavern, Si>;n of the White Swan, in Race-ftrect, No. 102, on Monday the 2j'th 3 o'clock in the Attfrnooff, when and where aflstemeni of his affairs will b.- 11 id bef m- tiu-in. WILLIAM NICHOLS, /IJmini/irntor AugulY 19 Pistols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, or sale ly , EMSHA" FISHER W Ce. Ns. 36, North Front-street. Aug"" 14 diw Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby fiver. —That is consequence of the Beacon on the BVowo, being io 1 soii injured as to rei.der it un6t for service, a Buoy with a keg on the milt, will be placed <>n that flxwl, ui.til it can be replzced by the 15"aeon, of whirh due no'ice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Superintends. Angnft t& ' dtw A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, carriage-houft and lot, litiiated in a pleasant part of Trenton. The ter.i>» will be moderate, pofleflion can be had immediately ; but the renant will not he wanted to occupy the premifrs after the loth of nekt November. For terms apply t» ths printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. J»ne 14. tuth&stf TO LET, OS FOR SALE, A 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street (or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wa(h houfe, all built ol the best materials, and in excels ent order ; cellars under the whole, one paved, and has two lattice clofots-wi«h locks, a Urge gar den ahd yard, fcveral (ruit-ttees in the garden, two pumps of excellent water near the premises. Enquire at No, 39, iVrch street. July 15 tu^f That large and commodious HOUSE, jit the corner of Arch and Ninth Jlreels. TO BE RENTED, And rntered upon this montb, the House, Sta ble, Goath-Honfe indicts, now in the tenure of Mvjor Butler, as above. Enquire as No. »8, north Fifth street. . July 10. m&tfa }w FOR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of tha United States, No. 3618 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. hpi beenlu?tjnr miflayei and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of which r.ll concerned are dcflied to take tiotice. 1 PETER TREGENT. May 19. ' d3m. Jacob s Perry w Co, WHO ARE LANDING TCofFee Mills g j Scythes S." J Tapes of all def j criptions; Q J Quills & Sealing b*) Wax. | I Eates & Edgings g- D.canters Gill tumblefs Calcs. Notice. A CERTIFICATE 1 TJie Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED STATES, Was this Day PuMilhsd by A. D I<? K1 NS, op politc ChriH Church—[Price 25 Cents.] A. DICK INS HAS JVST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YORK," DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft ofPublic Affairs Tn the United States. fPrfce 37 J Cehts.J augtift t: » FOR SALE, fn'the Ci jof Burlington, Slate of Ntiv- Jersey, • r i TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate oil Market llrcet, BEING twenty feet front ani thirty-two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, hkewife a well of good watiT in front. ALSO. Foul- twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premises, one hundred and fifty feet deep. For termi of file apply to the fubfcrib«r in Bur lington, by whom an isdifputable title will be given. micAjah Ellis. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (19) eotf d»jt FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON WedneMay the ift day of O&ober ne*t> books ',vill be topen in the Office of the SuJ>. fcriber, residing in Franklin, for the sale of the UcfervedTraits. laid out by virtus of an a<st ot AfTeniMy palftd the lith < ay of April, One fifth pare of tht purchafc money to be paid at the time »f sale, one fifth part witkin twelve months, rrom the day of sale, one fifth part wilhjn two years from fdid day, and the remaining two fifth parts at or before the expiration of three years after such sale N»i contraA to be confirm ed for fifteen day* after the said booses stall be o pened. and the highest price efftred within that time will be accepted. Alt payments male will be forfeited lintels the purchaser within three ye rs from the day of sale makes an a£lusl fcttlement on the tra«ft f-urchafed, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at lead two acres for every fifty con tained in ihe furvty, and thereon a mef faagefor the habitation of man, and rtfide there on ler the space of five years next following the" firft fettiement of *he No patents to ifiue, unlcfs fatisfa<3ory proof shall be made of such a&ual fcttlement, r faience, ar.d improvement. . GEORGE FOWLER, CommJJt^ner, Franklin, July aB, 1800. august 8, d6w. District of Pennsylvania to viit: BE it remembered that on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan j der Addifori ofthe fjid Diftridl hath deposited in this office the tit'e of a book the right where of he claims as Autli r in the word« following to wit, " Repotts of cafe» in the Count/ cpuris of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals ofthe State of I'ennfylvania, and charges to Grand Juries ps tbofe Cou ty Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State as Pennlylvar.ll." In conformity to the a (ft of Congress of the Uni ted States itttitled " An a<st for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps cfearti and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." P.C*I.D\VEXJ ; , Cleri of tie Dijltifl as Petwfylvania. The ahpve book is row puklilhrd It wW be de livered to lufcfcnhcrs by Mr. DoUf>.n Bookseller. Jfy]y_»3 For Sale, A LOT In, the Borough of Frankford, BORDKRING on the fide of Frsnkford creek with a large well finifhed (lone, dwelling, house thereon, with a Inick kitefcen adjoining - afld also a large and convenient frin'i coach house and (table. The situation is healthy and agreeable. For lurther particulars apply to the fubferiber on the premites. WILLIAM GEORGE. Augufi j. tu ni&lf EL MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House,' (Formerly in the tetture of Mrs. Groombrilge) South-Weft corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets. August 15 eo 3t A FEW COPIES or The Anti-Jacobin Review &c Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Ha»e jutl been received and are now for sale, By A. DICKINS, OppoCte Christ Church. July a». FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the. Gazette of the Unued Stats. July 19. * - *». "* Madeira Wine: The fuhfcribtrhas received in ihe Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old Uoudon particular Wine, In pipes, l.lids. & qr. caflis. GIDEON HILL WELLS. mw&l4w , aoguft 4, WAR DEPARTMENT, Augv.t 4tt>, ißce. I_ ]T~HE commandirg Cfficers of corps, de tichmems,pofk, garrif«n», »nd recruiting parties, belongs g t■> ihc military iflablifhment ot the United Stafe«, are to report to, and « receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil kinfon, in the City of Wa/hingUn, and all officers on furlough are to report theinfelves to tbe fime officer with all poffijle difpatcli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of W—'- •ST All Printers wi'hin the Unite-*' State« who have pnbliifced itwiutbns for ocoritra<£l s of the 13th of AJarch last are requef; l£ d t0 infrrt the above in their refpetfive paj >ers, once a week for tvv-j months. Supped to have txcn ( Tfiß article* have beat popped tad Jodgr<J if cfi-e Mayer's os^ t en fnfpiVic*! **& foviur . b#cn Btolrc, iad imv beticvdbitiMF intw* Mltrft -\* + , ;• •*. : /. M -r\\ : • «u j. ; y, >• •' ■■■■■, ?■'; *'< : ' I ditto ditto broken do A I ditto ditto ditto NEC l pap ditto E F 6' tea-ffootis mark rubbed off I ditto, cyphered S L maker's same C. Wilt berger « ditto,ne cypher, n*me. ?. Anthony Several piir of men anj) women's fiioei A quantity of wearing apparel Several grsfs as policed sieel Coat anc Waistccat buttons 3 keg? of flin s, l<-ft at the late Mayor's office in June Mayor's Office, august li, 1800. Loft, iHE, undermentioned Certificate! of Stock «f the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated ift juiy 1796, for ten fhare9 in the name of Charles Lovetrrove of New* York. No. 153 a I —No. 153H, dated ift Joty, 1795, for five [hares each in the name of Sarah Wedgewoocl of Etruria. No. ii)Be8 —No. 19809, dated iftJanuary, 1800, for ten fti jres eacji, in tha iianrie or Henry WaC'iingtou, Merchant, London. Aoticp is hereby given, That application is intended to te made at the (aid Bank by the fubfcriburs, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perl'oiu concerned are requested ro take notice. ■* WADDINGTON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwfjm Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Cburck, & View By the Rev. Jonavhan Bouchkk, A. M. F. A. S. Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents. 3°' - For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Bo'ly, Bur lington Ccunty, 18 milesfrom Cooper's ferry, and 7 from n ; ONE L/IIGE TWO STORY Brick - House, FIVE an j . thirty fe*t square, four rnnms on earfi floor, and a cellar linger the \v' le.— Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, (Itu« ate ou Mill i'reet, near theinirket, with anew Carriage House and Stables on the rear of ;be Lots fronting a public alley. For further par-. ' titulars apr'v to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. ' Who will Ihew the premiles and ' lake known the terms, or of the iubferiber in Burlington» by whom ail indilputahle title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9. 1800. July 19 eodtf. N For Sale, ' The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOT^ WHy) has three yfars and five months to fcrve ; he is iober, hc?neft, a good wai ter, and underilawds taking carc of horlcs. £a* quire at No. 60, Dock jlreet* July 39. eo Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcribcrcn the evening , aameil Elizabeth HnwcVeJ, had on ami t>:ok with , - ' 1 reward—n«-"C«f*s or charges will be paid. , , fciS.fht had i year? at i fotnc months ro fsrve " i DANIEL FirZPA tkJCK. GolhenToWE(!iip,Cheft«rCo'infy, Ja'y 19. atiguft 6 jawtf JH / VvV- \ -«•••» r \Volum*. XVIII. Goods OF THE CAUS&S AND CQNSESU£NCES OF T II E American Revolution, In Nineteen Dilcourfcs. t' \ /* , *4 V . tnf tf * -J*