Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 20, 1800, Image 1
■ ■ plnlf r;' 7 '" Gazette «f the United States, & Daily Advertiser. f NVMUfH 1464 1 |C5 ** Tbe priae of tbisHaeette is Eight Uol l-sins per iinnum to Subscribers resiilfttg in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay em Qall<rr addhimal, fur mclmtiig ctrid di recting : \ihd unlesss&me .person intbis city will become answerable for the subscription, it must bcpaidSlx %• No Siibseripticn t oitl !>e received for a shorter farm than six months. December 1 1799. aLVAUfcC ft»m A nrou water. Wedn«fday Tb«rfday Friday Saturday Sunday Meuday T«.'f<iay SUN- Vednefday ThurKay Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuef.ia/ For Sale, r jbvjk THE Ntw PII.OT BUILT St - tammany, at Say's Whtrf, above Market Street, burthen 70 t nj, fuppofsd to be a remarkable fail failing vefTet, at.d may be "fit ted for sea in a few day*, Inventory to be fertn and terms of fak known by applying to the fuV fcritur. CROOKE STEVENSON, . N». 4, Sjuti Water Street. alto FOR SALE, 31 Hhds Mufcovad •• Sugar. White and brown Ilavai nah ditto in boxes. East India do. in bags. WeH-India and Conßtry"Rum. 100 Hhd«. Molasses. Holland Gin fxench«nd Spani/h Brandy. Pepper, Ctfiee, ice. August 9. x fa tu&th-tf. Marftial's Sale. United States, ? jt Pennsylvania Distrief, , j BY Virtue of a Writ to medireifted from the Hon< rabls IVxhjrd Peters Esq. Judge of the Diftrifl Court of the Unktd Stitee, in and for rirc PenrifyWama Dtftrift, will be ex poftd t > pnWic f»le on Tfcurfday the »Bth of Aupufl mil. it t a o'clock at no-, n, at the Lffi-e of I 'pefti n, No. 49, North Third fti«et, >u the ci! v '-f Philadtlphia, Two Hogfhcads of Rum. The fame having been seized, &c. Mid libel led again!!. profecuUd and condemned a* for feited, 4c ' < JOHN HALL, Marshall. Marshall's Office, } PLifaJelphia, Aug. 12, 1800 J 3 twtS For Madeira, ABIGAIL, To fail about 15th instant. for freight at a lew hundred barrels or pas sage, apply t* Gideon Hill Wells, or Moore Wharton. August ». dtf FDR SALE, Java Coffee Sugar, THE CARGO Of the Ship Jefferloi), E. E. Morris, Commander from Batavia, consisting or 2 20,000.pounds Ceribon and Jaca tra Coffee. 220,000 pounds Sngar in eannifter3. ALSO <~V-< TllE BRI CARtinr |hM,. NEWTON, BUILT of Live Oak and Red Ce ill carry about twenty-two hundred barrels, new sheathed with cedar, and will be in compleat order to receive a cargo in a few dav«. Apply t« R H. WILCOCKS & Go. t!6t A«|»l9 " JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DTCKINTS BOOK - STORE, Gppofite Christ - Church, Air jis^soxt3lENT or English Papers AND OTHER STATIONARY Philadelphia, Aug. 6. Insurance Company Of ibt S/sti <f Ptnnfylvaaia. THBDJ RECTORS HAVE <Hi» «l»y BiVuUaJ 01 Ti irry DolWn •/ rtch 9i»< of of thi" Corny any far th' ♦ Ss »»nrtu, »bvh will be paid to the JrockV; «n mt tfarir tk* t-xk JAMES S. COX, Prefidant. Ufpft »• Now Landing/ And for sale by (be subscribers, rso ripgs of Lis Bo N WINE. JESSE £3* ROBERT WALN. J"ty3° , <Jjw Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, t3*«. No. 63, "NorfVfrtle Kfarket-flree'c, HAVE a general affurtment of bcfl London fupeifme Bfoad Cloths and Caffimerej, (of t+ie nev.'ffk fa*h-ion) filkftrrpe arid lem-.d quality Cloths, faftiuwrtU waiOfcoßrfng, fllfe ttripe and twill'd Nacikct.m, JtarhTuftian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thict(ct, fancy Cotd, Velvets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, lriih and brown Linen's, Jlowlas, *r.«ns" and womcTvt' lilt; and cotton IrMiery, ctmt arrd Tefl pearl, lb«l, gilt r,nd plated Bmtom, ('iffoTWit «01.-,ur> BHfe Vefcics, tam boured and CamWk Cuiicoes, Calinwn coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Glove* (.hecks, inc.. Jkc. N. B. Taylor*'beft quality Tritnaiingi all whtch they will fell vety low. July ?«'• dtf n. m -1 6 ■1 J3. 3 29 "■ J 13 6 I 1 » l«| —IIIU (IT! - i 17 6 4j Sty. - 16 41 - B ** < *9 •t M 5 S »J f> Jf 3 »J si 34 Received Bj tbe sbij) Kensington, ca[tain Adamson, from London, A QJJANTITY OF Brown Ruflia Sheeting*, and Ravens-Duck, Of a fupermr quality. Also ail band) by the lata artiixiis) aw nv9on?jMEitr or Holiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans> Ginghams, Callimancoes, t)urants, &c. FW hit by ROBERT SMITH W Co. Hr>. j?, south f'rtnt'ftreet. J»ly «6. d»»tr For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEAD* OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mei. and YVuniens' Snues, Aud a parcel of Tow Linen, Also, Barton "Window-daft, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12 and 17 bf 11. Any li«s hii-gtt- than tlioftf may bt had on being ordi/ed from the rninufudpry. App'y to ISAAC HARVEY, Jon'r. 3d whtrf.fonth of M.nket ftifet. Augufl 4. djw THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE P9tt SALE, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Bout belt mar Mod So*p,~l 80 Botes Sweet Oil, Frttm 0* hoard the too Half chests Lucca Oil, , Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, from Leghorn, Brimftena, Parmesan Cheese, J 300 Pis*.« best Bordeaux Brandy, »oo Claret superior quality, 700 Caleb French Swert Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Casks Prunes, 400 Boki Capers, Olives, Anchoviei and Cor- Richous, 190 do. hcii assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS aflbrted for the Well-India market, Claret id cases of ifuperiot quiHry, Loftttoft dry White Lead, A small invoke of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pourid Cawjon, DouMed. Tbornas Murgatroyd W Sons. May 10. » tuth&s tf HAVING procured a fufficiant number of the molt approved European Glass Manu facturers, and havmg on hand a large- stock of the bell Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of affaring the public, that vtindow glass of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the Oiorteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also bt had, inch as for pictures, coach glaffea, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafki, pickUngjafs, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at leall if pel cent. lower than articles of lhe fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind othfcrs will be punflu«lly attended to on ap plication'to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs. PRATHER and SMILIE, in Maikct-Street, Pittiburgh. March 4, tuthtf. Simon Walker HAS BEMOVfD HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Cornirr of Union Street—where he bis for f»le J VST &ICIIVED, EARTHEN WARK, Affortcd for exportation or hoaie ftiirket. Cs!afs Ware double flint, in faffs. Frcfe Clfrtfii. Nutmegs Mace.' July »4. Jiot PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST ,800. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, By C. P. Watne, N0.'65, South Front-street. For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN TH£ CITY 01- WASHINGTON. THE following property, belonging Cd the Trus tees of the Agg egati Fund, provi.icd for the payment of certain Creditera of EUward Fax and James Grecnleaf. On ttfe (jib Ocloutr in:t. ' PART of the property of fa id fund, in the City of WaSiingtun, that now is rendered clear of every incumbrance, will be cipofed at Public Amnion at TanKiclirt Tavern, ambngft which are the following valuable situation, viz. 11 Lots in square No. 973, 1 lots in square 974, 15 lots in jquarc N». gyj, 1 lots in square fo»th pffquan 1019, 19 lots in square ioio, I lot in square lOte. 1 lot in square 1 on, 7 lots in square 1033, 4 lots in square 1044, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 lots in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 12 lots in' square IC4B, with sundry others, ajvantageoufly Ctuated in various parts of the city. Alio the » llory Frane h'oiife now occupied by Mr Debloii, beautifully situated (with an extensive view offev era! miles down the Potomac) on the south east corner of square 973, fronting 42 fuetonil street t"i ft, and 41 feet on south G street: a. commodious Kitchen wi-'h in oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame liable, carriage henfe and hay loft 50 feet by %$, and a pump of excellent water near the back door of the kitchen, the iot I extending 91 feet on f 1 street, and 139 feet 1 inch j in Gftreg', cbmprning lots No». 1, 1, 3, and part of *», in the regiflered division of the square The fairs will commence at the said t- VT n at ten'' o'clock ic the forenoon. The tctm-iotie fourth c?fh r ore fourth in fix months, when a Seed Will be given, the remain ing moiety in two years, payment to be fecurv'd by bond and mortgage Gut the creditor) hi the •bov fuiyi, may in lie* of mortgage fecwre pay ment ot (heir I or.d» by ot crrtiSotn of the trustees at the rate of five (hillings in the pound, I to the an ount fecurad and flioald a dividend take place before thfc expiration »f the tw years, it | will be set ess ngamfl the bond, and the certifi cates returned in the faitie proportion. Henry Pratt ") Thomas W. Francis John Miller, juu. JohnAfhley i Jacob Baker. Thomas tin Aiiguft 4 Eliflia Fiflier & Co. No. 39 Not th Front Street, nAVK OS HASD AND FOR SALE, FRMAN STEEL, win<*ow g'.af-, hats affurt. Vj ed in cases, N<ils in caflts, and a large afTrt mint of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sid'ery, Coach, ahd (hrntfi Furnitufc.Brafs and Japanned Wares. Fin* and Needles. July 39 tu. th. fa. im, Rum " - Coffee Cocoa Caftnr Oil, and FH.UIT, Just received per the (loop Supply Jrom Kingston, Jamaica, FOtt. SAI E BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have o« hand, OM Madeira fit for iirrmedrate u£e, • Pipes of Oid Po*t Wine, *tid 103 Bags East India Sugar, See. July 30. djtcoit To be Let, of Sold, Either together or divided in lots, A CONVENIENT, WELL FINISHED HOUSE, And 4 acres ot Land SITTUA IE in the Village of Attleborough or Four Lanes end), Bucks county. Imme diate polTeffion will be given. Enquire of the luhfcribcr 011 the premise», ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N B Tke Tia e of a hialthy Itdrut NEGRO BOY for fale—Eu<juire as above. July »8 es tf A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a (table, carriage-huufe and lot, situated in a pleasant part of Trenton. The ttfrfns will be moderate, and poflfeffion can be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the premises after the loth of next November. For terms apply to tha printer, or to AIiRAHAM HUN T, esquire, in Trenton. Jane 14. tuth&stf TO LET, OR FOR SALE, A 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street (or' Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO i*oom» on a floor, kitchen and wa(h houfe, all built of the bed materials, and in cxcel ent order; ceMars -tmder tbe whole, one paved, and has two lattice clofcts with locks, a large gar den and yard, several fruit-trees in the garden, two pumps of excellent water near the preraifes. Enquire at No, 39, Arch flreet. July <5 tuScf 6w That large and commodiotu HOUSE, At the corn.r tf Arch and Ninth jlretti. ,TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this mOKth, the House, 9ta» fcle, Soach House and Lets, now in the tenare of M«jor Butler, fituato sj abaW- Enquire at No. : • north Fifth (kcet, July 19, 3* *. ' The Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED STATES, [Was this Day Publifli«d by A. DIC K1 NS, op- I-ofite Chrfft Ch-urtb.— 25 tents.] A. DICKINS HAS JUSt IECSIVED FROM I4EW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS 01« i THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In the United States. [Prise Cents J august li J. Houses to Let : ONE large cpnvenient three-story Buck Dwelling-House, with four rooms ou a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is apump of water, and a rain water cittern .if the Yard ; situate on the eafl fide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street,, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story BRIGK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth- Street, For terms apply at No. 116-Arch- Street. Augwft 4. Tnacwtf FRANKLIN Referred Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednesday the ift day of OAober nex*> books -will be open in the Office of the Sub scriber, rcfiding in franklin, for the sale of the Rcferved Trails, laid out by-virtu: of an aft ot Aifcmhly pafled the nth ay of Apri), 1799 One fifth part of the purchase money to be pud at the time «f sale, one fifth part within twelve months ffoth tfie of sale, one fifth pare wiihin two years from said day, and the two fifth parts at er before the expiration o! three years after such sale No contrail to be confirm ed for fifteen days after the said books ffiill be o peDed, and the highefl price offered within that time toill be accepted. All paymmts made will be forfeited untefs the purciiafer within three yenrs from the day of sale makes an frttlement on the trail purchased, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at lealt two acres for every fifty con tained in the survey, and erefl thereon a mef ftage for the habitation of man, and reside there on i»r the space of five years Hcxt following the firll feitlrmeiit of the fame. No patcuts to iflue, ntilefs fatikfatflory proof shall be made of such a6lual settlement, rkCdenee, and improv^menf. GEORGE FOWLER. CommJJtcner. Frarklin, July 1%, 1800. august 8, d6w. Trujlctt. -EY, Agent. 3taw ts District of Pennsylvania to Iwit : BE it remembered that on the Tenth day of July is the tsiemy fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan*- der Addifon of the ftid Diftrifl hath depufited in this office the titie of a book tlie right where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, *' Reports of cases in the Couiity couris of the Fifth Circuit and in the Hifjh Court of Errors and appea's of ihe State of I'ennfylvanii, and charges to Grand Juries of thoff Cou. ly Courts. Hy Alexander .iiidifon, PreTident of the-Courts of Comratiii P'eas of the Fifth Cir cuit of tile State ef Pcnnlylvann." In conformity to the ail of Congrefsof the Uni ted States intitled "An a<sl for the cl.couragemenc of learning by securing the copies of maps chart* and b 'oks to the Author- and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned " D.CLDWELL, Clerk of the DiJlriH cf Pe/infylt-aria The above book is cow publtlhed. It will Be de livered to lubferibers by Mr. Dobfcn Bookftller. J u 'y 2 s . • For Sale, • A LOT In the Borough of Frankford, B ORDERING On the fide of Frtnkford creek, with a large well finilhed stone dwelling houfe thereon, with a brick kitchen adjoining and also a large and convenient frame eoach houfc and liable. Ih ■ situation is healthy and agreeable, for lurtfter particulars apply to the fabferibtr en tht prtmiles. WILLIAM GEORGE. Augaft j. tu m&lf H. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House, (Fclrnerly in the t.Bure of Mrs. Groumbridge) South-Weft corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets. August J5 eo 3t A CERTIFICATE FOB a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and lor the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of which all concerned are defiled to take notice. PETER TREGRNT. May 19- dim. A FEW COPIES or The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have iuft been received and are now for sale, By A- DICKIES, Opposite Christ Church. July t- Madeira Wine: The fubfcrib'erhas received in the Apollo, frofn Liverpool, a Quantity of v Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. casks. t . . GIDEON HILL WELLS. au g ust 4, mw&l 4 w - ™ rruv ,Bco * - lT HE . ccmmindirg Officers of corps, <J e - J»cbmem»,poa»,.g»rrif<inJi«ttd recruiting parties, belongi. g to th e n>ilitary - efl'ablifhmen= or the States, are to report, to, mi recfcirt ttfdtrs from ftfijjadier Ctneral W'il kmfon, to the City of tfMWgt™, and »fl officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fiinie offiter with all poffili'.e difpatdi. SAMUEL DE£TEH, .. • Secretary of War. All Printers wuhin the United States who haye puhhibfd invitations for contrails of tbe 13th of March iffft ar.e requested to insert the j iove in the.r lefpedlive pipers, once A week for month's. Goods^^^ Supposed to have been Stolea. THE fqHowi g articles have been stuff e J and at the Mayor's office,on f\i(picion-ol (raving bfefch Stolen, and may be viewtd by those inter* etud : I lArgetllv t r watch, cyphered-fcfc the baskO. P- I old pincbbeck ditto ( 1 i filvrr table fpocnj m*rked T t ditto ditto French do. E c W B I ditto ditto L'Mcen do. A M ' I ditto ditto ditto NEC l pap ditto E F 6 tea-fpoor.s mark rub'jed cff I ditto, cypfcrcd S L maker's aame C. Wilt berger i cypher,mallT'iname 3. Anthony Several pa-ir et rtien and women's {hoes A qualttity 61 wearing appirel . Several gr«fs »f pcliinfetl steel coat ane waistcoat buttons 3 kegs of flin » left at the late Mayor's office is June 1798 Mayor's bflfc-e, nugtrit li, 1800. tnf tf Loft, IH£ Undermentioned Certificates of Stock i. No. 38C4, d«ted lit July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of diaries of Ntw- York. No. 1796, for five (hares each in the naoie of Sarah Wedpewood of Etrurit. Ni>. 2t)8o8—No. 19809, dated ill January, 180 c. for ten (hjree each, in tha name ef Henry Waddingtou, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at th£ said Hank fcy the fubfcrih«rs, for a renewal of the fame, of which all ptrlons concerneC are requcfted to take notice. WADDING 1 ON if HARVVOOD Philadelphia, July 30, tßoo. inwf jrn Just Receiv^L^^^^^^ Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Churchy /V View OF THE CAUSES AND QONSE^UENCES 6 F TH 6 American Revolution, In Nineteen Diicourfcs. P>y the Rev, Jonathan Boucukß, A. M. F. A. S. Trice 1 Datitri 5 _Jaly 30. ' For Sale, In the pleasant villcfcc of Mount L'o'h, Bur lington County, i b miles from Cooper's fe'ry, and 7 from Burlxngt.n ; ONH LAHOK TWO STORY Brick - House, FlVl'l am] thirty feet square, four rooms Ott each floor, and a cellar un.ler the Whole.— Likewise j 'jiining, a forty foot front Lot, 6tu» ate op Mill street, near themirket, with anew Carriage House and Stables on the reir of the Lot,fronting a puMic altey. For further par ticulars ap">lv to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will shew the preniifcs and Make known the terms, or of the fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an indifputahle title will he given. MIC AJ AH ELLIS. Burlington, July ji 1800, J'jly 19 eodtf. For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BQY y WHO has three years and five months to firve ; he is lober, hotieft, a good wai ter. and underdaoda taking care of horias. En quire at No. 60, Pock Areet. July 39. eo 7 hrte Ltnti RetkarJ. Rom *w r<W : <**• <«***.•• b«M* mm «i£ : ■«m4 Winiwih How4«fcJwrf o» »a* Mvfc tritfe ■" Wt three dlSirsM ch«#nw •( gvnpenl eN w*f^' ■ Mi«d<ty*k j. mtfttSb <■ IsatrtteiMdiaf Mr CMlthd Co tM> " lIWW <al« er di«H>n»Mit>« Mi I I MIH'^[I . DANISL I>TTZfA'T3.ItX. ■ , ■ «oga3 4 )wif - > •, >• '•;• • *v. fc : '» W. : ' v--:; W; i ' > fVmiuMF. XVIIL ' Tr*: v "l V I * • -»H »' * - )'r-*