Just Arrived, and For salb by the subscribers, ' THE CARGO OF THE SHIP J>HlLAl)llPlllA, i Theodore Bliss, Commander, from K tn-fi COfSfSfJKC OF An aflbrtrr.eni of Piece Goods Sugars of tha fitft quality, And 100 qr. chefls of superior quality Hyson Teas. Witlings W Francis, and Tbofnas is' Join Clifford. March \ Eliflia Fiflier 8c Co, No. 39. Nowh Front Btreet, HAVE -ny fl.lS'D ASD FOB SALB, GP.RVT AN STKL, window ejlrfs, hats aflort. Ed in cases, Nils in calks, and a tafge .".ffft. ment of lro[ipiongery, Curlery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Harr eft Furniture, Brass and Japanned Wares. Pins and Needles. Jiilv 39 tu. th. fa. im. waYne County taxes. THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne county, are hsreby notified, that Taxes art' become jayable thcr«on !or the years I ">99 an 1 1803. Thole who have not already paid their tares, re hereby r quired to discharge the faii e to JIHN BHf iK, EtipiMre, Treasurer cf f-ii.! County at Milford, within thrt,e months Irphv thii date .otherwise proceedings to sale, atcorjit tr to the ail of Assembly iu such cafe provide 1, will e had hy the Coc.mlffioners for the f-id county, Aid Stent on, ~i > Join Cart.n, > Comiriffio;:ers Joannes Van Jit ten, J AtuG, E. Kellogg, CI I;. July 9, tßoo *r- For Sale, A FEW HOPSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Tijunlc of Mfi. ana Women*' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, Boflon Window-Glass, 8 by its, 9 by u, 10 by 12 and 17 by Ij. Any fixes larger tlun thufe may be had oti being ordered from the manufactory. Apply ta ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3 d wharf south of Market (beet. August 4- d 3 w A PAR A PERSON pofitfling I'orae capita). 4 coßfi f*- Ucrible share of industry, and defirotis of *ng4King_as 4 p* rt l tr > n 1 lucrative bufineft, may Hear of a situation. All proposals on this fubjeA to be in writing, felled an 1 t<> W. R. J- New York, and left with the printer of tkc Gazette of tbe United Sutei, will be at tended to. A Printer mrould 6nd it to m> advantage Jane j- d'f LANCASTER STAGES. THt ri;;i>rietun V 0«* *od Ltt caller iinc •/Scupct t'I9PATCH, rtrarn thvi fnlfe'ql thtaki (to ibSr friend* w4 the patUc h> th; (tit (atofit.ti lute rcc4i* mode fl tnr»Ulr.g cub« MCnaumaiuM'f it tfcc£t>gt □Ac* fig?i oC (JiumJ lutM Muktl Arctt, WiU4< Ij- 1 '.:** Siuttgby fiovfaing, Bynwoodj Co, £»,3". * FOR .SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ES I" A I E, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houfei, with excellent ftaMing for ftveu horfei, double eoach-houfe mofl completely fitted up; % beautiful large and «jlt*bl«i garden richly filled with choice fruit, furrouoded with high hoard fence, a'.moft new. The pren-.ifes are beautifully filiated near the middle of Germantown, sur rounded with rich profp»-&8 of (he adjicent eount-y s an orchard of about two acres, with a hamlfo ie lawn at the bjck of the house. One house has been v contly built oh an appro , ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty - fix... The new house is well calculated for a flore in either the dry or w« good line. , '■ Th» air and water are unriyalltd, and there are some most excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mk. potter, on the preinife«. del M»7 9 Rum Sag-ar Coffee Cocoa Castor Oil, and FftDlT, . Just retefa.cd. per the sloop Supply Jrom Kingston, Jamaica^ FOR SA'IE BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who liaye on tiand, OM Madeira Wine, fit for 'immediate life, « Pipes of old Fort Wine, and ICS Bag 3 Bail hiiiia Sugar, &c.- July 30. THE undersigned, HIS Sw. dilb Majesty's Consul Genera), and au thorized to tranfail the CpnfalUr BuGnefs, for his Majefly the King of Denmaak ill the United States of America, rofi: htmajjain, (hall receive the above rewtrd, with reafijiabte charges if brought hq>me, r or de livere! to Joihui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may I dtf Saulriier &. Wilson, WOOLEN btfAPERS, XtERCEI'.S, 'Sc. No. 63, North si le Market-Breel, HAVE a gtnpral assortment of best Lcndon fupcrfine Broad Cloths and CaCfunerea, (of the 11ew.il fafbion) silk si ripe and second quality c loths, fafhionabb waiHcoating, silk flripe and t.will'd Nat.ke, ns, Jean, F<*(ii;in, .Gipgham, Dimi ty, I'hickftt, lancy Cord, Vulvets, . c carlet, yellow and white F'anccls, Flanders, Iriih and brown Linens, Dowlas. ir.cns' and womeos' lilk and cottmi H .fiery, coat ar.d veil pearl, ftcei, gilt and p'.ated Burtons, different colours iilk Velvets, tam toured aad Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Calimaii coes, i»h iwls, Pocket Handlerctjefs, Glove* fhicVs.&c &c. N. B Taylors' heft quality Triiiimings all which rhey wiUfel! very low. July 18. rfrf d 90'. By the ship ca.lain Adumsim, Also-on band, reieived by tie title arrivals, AN ASSORTMF-N-r OF Holiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans' Ginghams, Callimancoes, » Durants, &c. ■„ .RSHIP. Now Landing, And for sal: by t*e subscribers, 150. lIPF.S OF, Lisbon WINE. JESSE £S" ROBEU.T WAI.N. July jo. djw OF The Anti-Jacobin Review &c Magazine, (VOL! IV.) Have jufi been received and are now for Tale, Bv A. DICKINS, Opposite Chrill Church July i». Just Arrived, AND TO* SALK ST Tilt 3VBSCKISIII, THE CARGO Of the Ship Canton, Richard Dile, Commander, from Canton, Consisting er 8.-lisa 1 Souchong ) Hyson Skin > TEAS. You,ng Hyson 1 and Hyson. v!)" e l NANKEENS. Yly'llOW J Sugar of i(I quality* China Wait. GilTia. Fans. An aiTortmrnt of Sille?.\ WILLING"; b FRANCIS, No. at,'Fcnn Street. April'14. d. GURRAHS and low priced Baftas, entitled to drawback. Also other coarse and fine 4 4 and 5-4 India Muflina, I;ifh and quadruple 4hicrs, Gcman Dowlas, India Satire, L»t lliings and Se?ihe« j, Ribbons, Spades, Frying p -ns, with 3 variety of other Ironmongery and kafouhle Dry Goods. Alio, to be SOLD or BARTERED, FOR DRY' GOODS, A bandso'mt i-story BRICK HOUSE, di* e °J' with p'tizzi and kitchenadjoiilirg, Ornate in V.ne t.ear Fourth Steeet, built in m .dern style with excellent material" and wjll calculated to aicortiiiio'laie a large family. / auyitft 13. dit.Mtf. LATELV ocfupied by the Chevalier D'Yiiijo v Spanilh A mbaffador, will be hi out to an approved jjeifon or family, on eal'y conditions. It is large, comm,odious and elegant, ayith coach-house and flablcs cons- i umble. Enquire at No. 100. Spruce Preet. SAMUEL MAG AW, Arch S'.rcct, No. 94. July 23. eodtf. Received from London, A Q_U ,i NTI P Y OF Erown Russia Sheetings, and ] G'urraha, do. Baftsfr, Check, Chintz, and a great virtety ofßaftas, &c. 3024 br>gs Suj:ar of a superior quality 449 da. Black Pepper a-.Q do. Ginger n.occ Gunr.y bags On FriJay ai.d Saturdiy previous to the fate, the goods w 11 be opened for ififpe&ion, when ca aiogues will be furnifhed, and th« te< ms of ta.e tiiaOe known by BEN i ALOU £s' DORSEY,. AnSioneers Aiig'ill 13. dtijd CHINA GOODS. Landing from the ship America, Waits. Sims, Commander, from Canton, JINU PGR SALIi BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH Co. BOHEA, COIIgO, Souchong, 10 & aoJ quality, Caper fouchcng, Hyfon-ftin, 1 tf a s r.nkay, , \ TEAS ' Hingio, Young hyf. n, |ljl\n, ill & ad quality, Imperial, Yfllii* 1 & white nankeens "J i.'jtdlrings, brack & colar'd ( In Ejoxes Sin/haws . <,'o. ( C alTorted, Sattins do'. J Lu.cfttijigi, ma?, blue .& dark green ~) . SikOiuvs do f , n FJeilian tafiVtas, ;laik green j ox '' They Inrce also on band for sale, received b\ the latf arrivals from Europe, ts>. 1 Infmalipack- Striped and chtiked ginghams 1 agej ail" rted, White figured Jc color'd Muf- I calculated for lineits ffhe Weft-In- White corded dir.hies I dia market & Color'd silk, llripe! Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, (4 Trunk! printed Calicoes, , . 5 tio. do, 3 Bales seine twine (fErititJe-l to 10 Cases Enpl'li China ware, (drawback, in tea luts J 6 Cifiu mineral black, 1 d». wLiie, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, do. nailD-all'rted, 9 dQ. London pciter in bottles, Ens; ilh fail canvas, No. 1, a & .1, Russia duck, >7 Boxes white Havanna sugar, j3 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunp iw.'er, .Empty wine bottles, so Gans, 6 pcunders, 1 a do. 9 do. tS do. 9do with carriages, Sec* ißo,ccolbs. Cerihoti coffee, quality (Entitled to jo,opolbs blatk pepper f drawback. 10 Logi ebor.y J Miy a.} Ibts Dqy Published, By J. OnaipoD, Hit. 41, Chefnut Street, (Frfce *s Ctnti) TH« Death of General Washington. A POEM. In imitation us th? manner of Oflian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Mimfter of the First Preib) .erian Coiigregxtios of Philadelphia. 0- Mr. Chaudron's Or£t»a will be publilhed ua Munday morning. f-'»rt.h if. d. A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, &c. 4:c. The »hole containing 17 acres, ftiuate cn the Wil'ahicon poad, between the third and fourth mile fione—May be purchased on reasonable terms. —Two thirds of the pur chafc m<-:ney may remain (fecuredon the pre mife» and oninterefl) during three years. Er.qoir® of BONSAL 8c SHOEMAKER, No. 124) South Foarth-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premifea, or at No. 4?, Walnnt-Jlrt\t. JON* WILLIAMS. June 13. 1 mwf tf. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office 13 removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third treat. An Office for tfai-G; Aacn is also kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April »8. Insurance Company Of the State of Pennfylvauia. THEDIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a Dividend of Thirty Dollars of e?ch Share of the Stock of thi« Company for the last fix months, -which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal Representa tives alter th» roth inflant. JAMES S. COX, Prefidant. augufl i. diot. , TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Pruner,' . •, SpfiM Ric» on Bnglifi, CMfc»»CcmnCifirtg'Sticki, »ud igrtft variety of article* atccfll*? tocsivy on the frint inp Bwfin c f», They %W fccfaM «bctf> tar e»Bu. (o tk« For Madeira, r-iTS-y Til? SHIP ABIGAIL, i 2&T&2o&. To fail about 15th raflant. For freight of a few hundred barrels or pas sage, apply to Gideon Hill Wells, or Moore Wharton. <"U£llft 4. <3tf F7R SALE, ' Java Coffee & Sugar, THE CARGO Of the Ship Jefferion, E. E. Morris," Commander from Batavia, COKSLSTINC OF 220,000 pounds Ceribon and Jaca tra Coffee. 1 220,000 pounds Sngar in cartniflers. ALSO TH tt BHI O ANTIN K WpL, NEWTON, of Live Oak and Kcd Ce- Jar, will carry about twenty two hundr;d barrels, naw Iheathcd with cedar, and wiil be in compleat order to receive a cargo in a few davs. Apply to 11 H. WILCOCKS k Co. August 9 d6t Madeira Wine: The subscriber has received in tho Apollc, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. cait<9. GIDEON HILL WELLS. augu(l4. mw&i 4.W WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4t/>, ißco. ~7~ HE commanding Officers of corps, de -- tachment»,pofts. garrison;, and recruiting parties, belongit g to the military establishment of the United States, are to report to, and receive crdcrs from Brigadier General Wil- Xinfc.n, iq the City or Walking - n, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the f,me officer with all pcfli,'.!e dispatch. SAMUEL DEXI'ER, Secretary of War. £5" All Pfinters wi'hin thfc United States whi> have ptjbljflbed invkitians for contra&sof the I3ih.cf March last are requeued to insert the a'-ove in tbeir refpedive pipeis, once a week for tws poonths Referred Trafts, FOR SAL.JJ. ON Wednesday the id day of Oilo!>«* ne* : > boolf «i'd be f:pen in the Office of the u f > si riber rcfiding in Frsnlclin, for the sale of the «f4r»«dTra ifctt. august 8, District of Pennsylvania to wit : BE it remembered th*t on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the said Dill id": hath deposited in this office the title of a booh tberijfht where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, " Reports of cases in the Count/ Courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of (he State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Gra-nd Juries of those County Courts. By Alexandor Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State cf PennlyWaou." In conformity to the aft of Congrefsof the Uni ted States intitied " An oil for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps charts and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times th.rein mentioned " D. C iLDWELI., Clerk of the Dijlriß of Pennsylvania. The jbove book is now published It will be de livered to iufcfcribers by Mr. Dobfcn Bookseller »3 That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch and 'Ninth Jlrcets. ' TO BE RENTED, And filtered upon this month, tlie House, Sta ble, Soach-Houfe and Lot?, now in the tenure of Mijor Butler, Ctuate as above. Enquire at No. aB, north Fifth street. July 10. m&th LOST, OR MISLAID, ACEIVTIHCATE of four Shares of the Bank of the Unite* amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. A moog them we e, Two marrow ;poors marked " VVofTock LikeneflVsof Mr James RobLitfon aRd wife, of Prterfkurg—one rfo. of aMr King one do. of Mr Join Trimbit, late of thi= town, she batkfe with a laige blue glass arid a fmaHer in the centre, under wfrieh was a plait of hair laid strait, with J. T. in a eyphr-r w. rkei in pearl.. Together with a nnmher of fancy pit. cts, painted by Sully, whi h C4nnot now be 'teccllefled ; 5 Bo.tfwaiu's Calls stamped < Wafr^k." AND ' The following Watches: i Oold w itch, -a. Iter's lume i r van, Pat/a I fiiver do rhombs Greeq, Liverpool, 7703 1 .do do George BifieM, London, 13,500 I gold do. French,, no name Idr do. John Kyland, London, 1331 I si ver d->. French, no name r do. do John Bui!, Loßdon, 744 1 golddj. Rodart, V'aris 1 fiiver do. Joseph Kemher Shaw I d do. J r'arli'.gt"n, LvniJon 1 do. do. No. 0861 i gilt do. G. m. Metcalf, London, 4T96 t 111ver do. Geoige Hafwood, London, tr.o6 1 do. do. J Smith, L' nd 11, na 1 double cafe gilt watch, 11. Ofburn, Rich mond, 8764 ioc Do'.lars «|H be piven for the restoration of the jewellery, r?r 2co dollars if the thief or thievc3 are aho fecurct^j Mr. Benjamin Morris, the owner of H>« Watche* which were taken at the fame tiiue, will alio give 100 dollars fcr them. July 19 £/" The Printers at Peterlburp, Richmond, Alexandria—Baltimore—Charleston—and o- ■ thers, are requested to inftrt the above far a few times Just Imported, In the ship Kensington, from London, and for sale by Joseph & James Crulcfliank, Ne. 87, High-street, AN ASSORTMENT OF EOOKS AND STATIONARY, Amongst which are the following NEW BOOKS : A summary of universal Hiflory, exhibiting th« use, Lh cline, and Revolutions of the different Na tions ot the world, from the Creation to the pre sent time, 9 vols. 8 vo. translated from the Frepch of M Anguetil. Travels through the Usited States of America, theCoun ry ofth; lroqouis, and Upper Canada, with an authentic account of Lower Canada by the Duke de la Rcchefoucault Liancourt 2 vols. 4 to. Memoirs r< lative t» Egypt written in that coun try .iuring the campaigns of General Eoonapart in the years 1798 ai\.-' 1799. Public Charaflers of 1798 —99t-i8;o s Voir. Bvo. A Voyjge to the Ealt Iniics containing in ac count ot the manner*, Customs &c of the Na tives with 4 Geographical dcfcriptxn of the country by FraPaoleno dafan Bjrtolomeo. The annual Necrulegy of 1797, 8 including also various articles of negle<3ed Biography- Watkins Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiftori cal Didlionary. A Digested Index to the seven volumes sf Term Reports by L f - E. Toitikins- Mavors Natural Htftory for the ufetrfSchools The Bntifb Nepos or Mirror of vouth con lifting of feleiit lives of Illustrious Unions, by William Mavor. L. L.D- Poems on virions fubjeAs feleiledto enfotse the pra&ice of virtue & • by E- Tomkins. Moores Navigation 14th Edition enhrgee 1 Nactical Almanacks fjr 1801—a , - * ' Port Wine 8c Claret In Cases, of tb.first Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Qnartsf Cifki —For S»le by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Ctf Co- July J9 3-V/3W. cod ft • ✓