Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 18, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette 6f the Umte| States.
" Tristram," if he do not, choo'fe to
write his life, will obl'ge ug by Wis opinions.
We have a great' refpe<&' fdr'the Sbandy fa
mily ; and whether "this modem
■defcri'ae the harangues of Pbutatorius, o.r
itranflate liujen Slaivkinburgjus tenth De
cade, he will be always agreeable to the
Editor and his readers. >
some " caravansary of reft, by the way.' 1 It
is time for him to proceed on his promised
joiirney. L«t him' fuddle hie palfrey, he
will not warn adventures. " Locus est, ct
filuribus umbris.''
The Gentleman, who fumilhed the Edi
tor with a dete&ion of Aurora falfehood,
refpeifting what Duane chooses to call the
*' intrigues in the cabinet," refpe&jng the
grade of General Smith, is solicited to com
municate at hi* leisure, either his political
or literary refleftioDS.
«' Antonit's," like his namesake in
Shakefpekre's Julius Csfar, is " no orator,"
a? Brutus is, but a plain blunt man, who
right 011. Like hi:n too, he tells us
that, which we ourselves do know. His
communication would hot furnifh any new.
ideas to oqr readers, and, as to expression,
the communication from Antonius does not
c.ome to us, « clothed with a rich wardrobe
of words.
" Meucator" is requeflc-d to continue
his essays. The fubjea, at this time, is
peculiarly interelling, and a current topic
among the politicians.
The " Banks" a new fonjr, would if in
serted, defeat the trfual objefts of irulic ard
poetry.* Far frum cheering, it would com
pose and ftupify cur readers. The author
may well exclaim in tjie initial lines of
Sbenttone's pastoral,
" My Banks they are furnilbed with Btti
u Whose murmen—'invite one toJlecfif'
An arrival at New York from Liverpool,
has brought London papers to June. 26 one
day tbe latest : they contain nothing of im
portance—some extra&s are given in this
day's paper.
Eli A3 Caidwfll, Efq late of N.Jersey,
Clerk n/ the Supreme Court of the United
States, vice am el Bayard Esq. rcfigned.
Mr Cahlwell will reside i.i future, we un
derhand, at George-Town, near the city
of Wa/hington.
An obfeure fellow, whom we suppose to
be a foreign outlaw, his" £urni(hed tbe Au
rora jti an with some papers, which he
documents—They are evidently falfe, #nd
the Editor of that paper, knowing that the
charter of hiscorrrfpondent will not hear
in, petulantly declares, he will
answer no question on this fubjedj, unless
the enquiry is made at {he Aurora office ! !
He knows he<iifafe in doi. as no per
son who refpefts his own character, would
willingly resort there for infsrmation.
The cbara&er of Come of our city oelles,
why patrole every fine morning and evening
up and down Market Street, is tolerably hit
off in the following lines of an old long,
with which last night I lung niyfelf to sleep.
" Coquet and Coy at one# tfceir air
Both ftuciied —thaugh both fezm neglected,
Carek.fs th«y are, with artful care
Affciling—to seem unaffeded,"
It is well observed by a late fallible wri
ter, that the old Goths and Vandals did not
come, like Satan, to our Savkur, as the
trench, thole new Goth< and Vandals have
done to a deluded universe ; preaching to
the people 'on their Mount of Anarchy':
that if they would Jorsake their Gorf and
full down and worlhip them, they would in.
{Vantly enjoy every sublunary bliss. No,
the ancient Goths conquered fir exifteiice.
The French conquer for extermination.
They are an immense band of and
Tygers, and Hyaenas, that iflue from
France as from a' den to desolate the Human
raci'. • -
• i'
The French Re>t;lution, it is observed by
a recent and ciaflica! writer, h a ccmtulfive
Hifordcr which lome people imagine might
have been ufcfnl to France by removing o
ther complaints to which her conftitttioo
_was liable ; but being of a contagious na
ture, there is danger of its infefti ng nations,
who (land in no.netd of so violent a remedy.
It may therefere be prudent to form a line
of circiimva'lation around France, like what
is drawn around towns, infefled with the
p' a g ue t an d so cut off all intercourse with
th» people of that country, leaving t'nem to
find a remedy for their own difordcri, as
they bed can, and 1 never open the communi
cation, until the convulGons are cured, and
the danger
The bed news we have fays the .editor of
the NY. Gazette is, that we.are yetexr
etrpt from the yellowfever—and the city
Onufifatly lieahhy with refpeft to other dis
There is, In the ardent spirit of demo
cracy, more.dargcrs to be'apprehend, d, and
mure ty anny to endurf, than under the
rar.'-tfft aristocracy that ever txifted in ttie
world. America, while incrcafingin ftrengtb
end, gr;atnefs, mud encreafe also the ener
gies of its govc: ninent; or "In th« tempest
uous sea of jibgrty," the political barque
ft'ill be in dangrr of fou'-deti^g.
i Robert Sot they and others arc publish
ing in an annual Anthology. ff is
naoftly pieces, which originally
appeared, i_n the public papers, particularly
the Mornii g Chronicle and the Moping
PotK Some of these Poems ars beautiful,
aiid' others are vile, and proiUtutfd to infa
ittousand Jacobinical purpofe3.
Consulate of the United States.
... v
1 UtflS, April i«th, 1800. .
HA V ING' at-length amicably nd
jofted the affairs of the United States, witli
the-Bey and Regency of Tunis,-1 dfcfire you
will communicate this agreeable intelligence
to the Matters of Americar) vessels, and
others intercfted, who may come within the
limits,of your Consulate.
The principal Minister of the By, has
pledged himfelf, that the l.tft cl<iufe of the
twelfth article of our Tresty with this Re- 1
gency, inserted by Joseph Etienne Firniin,
lhall have the fame tsflesA with refpe<A to
American Merchant VelYeb, ai the custom
of all other natiyns at peace with Tunrs,
eftablidied with refpedi to their own—or no
other. Here is therefore, ijow 'no danger
to be apprehended from American' VefTets
vifiring this coast. . Perfeft health prevails
I am Sir, with efleeni and. regard,
Your most obrdienc Servant.
Mr. William Wilis, Ameri'cci
Consul at Barrel na.
P. S. r3 th. Ycfterday the Hero with the
regalia, at n o'clock, A. M. anchored nii
the Bay of Tunis all we 11. A true Copy,
Malaya, t\tb Mav<' 18eo.
Extraß of a tetter from a gtnleman at Caw s
to his correff indent at IVajhington x -dated 'June
18 cO.
" I have the honor to inform you,
that the prices of *heat and flour have en
creafed since my lad ; the former being now
fold currently here, and all round this neigh
b rhood, at from 18s. even up to 199. 6d.
asd 20s. per bufliel. weighing 59 (o 60 cr
61 pounds ; and the latter at jl. 10s. per
Tack of 280 poun 'a, or 443 per hundred
weight. The crops on the ground wtir a
very fair appearance at this time, excepting
in the low and wet Jp.nd« t where they have
not recovered from the rains & cold wenth
er in the spring ; but however the ensuing
crops may prove, tte- prices, m'uft remain
high all next year, from tht circiirriftance
of the country being now completely drain
ed and no stock on hand; It-will require
two fticceeding good coips to give us a
supply that wil( put us at onr ease in this
country again. Ric_* has fallen in price»
It has been fold at public lale as low as
30s. per cwt. but, government here paving
the difference between the above and 35s
there is good encouragement held out to
fend that article to this country.
The Le Vengetir, which engaged the
Constellation has/inee Tur kin the port of
Curracoa When /he put intd that port,
it was believed, that (he had been engag d
with a Briiidj 74 ; at foo'n, however, as it
was kn :wn tohat been an American, a
salute waj fired, the bells were ordered to
be rung, ao,d thrte days of public rejoicing
were • obfervtd throughout the place, in
honor of the gallant aftion.
TrccSy the mod heavily laden with the
richest fruit, are sure to attraft the atten
tion of the boys.-—No wonder then, that
such men as Pickering, Hamilton, Wojcott,
and others, are iso often pelted by the white
and fad boys of Ireland and the United
A great part, of-the abuse of the Amini
ftrators of the Federal Government, iflues
from jail-birds—-From Coaper, through the
-fewer of-the Aurora ; and from Callender,
who dates his productions from " Richmond
goal." Such fellows, thus fitinted",• it Is
true, have prescriptive right- to-rail at go
vernment :
" For all. goes wrong. In Cknrch and State,
" Bee» through perfpeitiv* of the grate."
But-the public ought to know the foure'es
from whence the a'pufe proceeds, that they
nray rfftimate'it accordingly.
Col. Ccntinel
HASTE the.jnys of love to fhate,
Seize the momenta as they fly ;
Soon (hall close the fceot so fair . •
Soon we droop, and fade, and die !
Laugh at Physic's pert grimace.
Shun the water-drinking train ;
Wine, that fonthes the foul's disease, .
Soothes alike the~bddy's pain.
Wine, the balm kiad nature pours, ">
Rosy health aud bloom supplies :
Crown the bowl with faireft flow'rs ;
Drijik—and glee at bottom lies.
Now his right* let B cchus claim.
Let his fragrant attars burn ;
Soon fliall love the bre§ft inflame—
Love (hall triurpph in his turn !
1 \
Having at length eNgaged a gentleman of
diftinguifl;ed talents to aflift in writing a
,Hi(lory of the Life «f the late General
Wafliington, this work will be immediately
commenced, and will be compleated as ex
peditioufty as the nature of such an under
taking will permit.
Busimen Washington.
August 16tb, 1800.
F'jr etc Cjztrr:: t>f the UiiitSD ts.
L'et?l:B.' 11.
3' 1 , Vict PrefiMnt of the Unit, rf Slates.
PHILAD: Any. 16,1800.
Sir, 1 ~ 1
11' would give Hie infinite farisf.iftinn, as
J I .1111 fir re it would the reft ot' your country
men, it the defeats in your character record
ed in' my firfl letter were the only charges
which could be alledged against y6u. You
m'fglit then, withfome jvifttce, command a
| confidej'able portion of the affections of the
'■* people ; for »hhot>gh important blerpilhes
are Vilible in that portrait, ftfli your talents.
011 part f rvices the good you' are enabled
1 in future to Tender tlterj, Should gloss over a
" a lai:je (hare of your faal>s, and their partiali
■;c ty would induce them only to observe the
more agreeable features.
15 But unfortunately Sir, the shades in your
r ' e charafter grow darker aiid darker; from
c ~ fault you proceed to crimes, and from a pas-
n > live vicious dilpofition to adtive realevo
to lencf. To judge by your present condudl
I,TI every good you have rendered America, was
' 3 > but a means, an inftrumen* to acfcomplifh her
no . ru| n. Have you never heard of certain cha
ei rafters who, to succeed in a febeme of vice
~ ' and Cruelty, cortimenced their business with
iis an appearance of piety and'virtoe, to delude
the unwary confidence of the people' that
they might more effectually complete their
work of blood ?-with more facility mount
into power, when, like Sampson, their
flrength of refinance has been destroyed by
repoflfig in the 1 11 offulfe fechrity?
Ie In tins l';t*er Sir, I prbmifed to consider
111 you as at the head nf a Jacobin party ; and
, in order toHippreciate Jr.uir rank, I will IJrft
examine the m tivt s which annate and the
objoftt.which,ark "thf-'i-nds yjf'the party
1 bis party, Sir v w.\j geneivted. in France by
■r refllefs and ambit us difp fitions which
ne could not be e. .nt. <; . der fitly govern
ment that was 00,. aJminiftfred by them,
[i, fclves, m-n confj;iouj of depraved cha
[i- rafters, loft to every virtue and finer feel
w irg which could erdear rneni to So
[j. cifty and involved in debts contrasted by
3. profligacy to obtain (he rood criminal de«
r fires. Its objeftj arc to gain universal do
fr minion and abfolate power to fciie on the
; d property of honed and industrious men thst '
a they may indulge «very tyrannical exeefs of
g their tctrpsrs, and to. overturn the altars of 1
, e religion which 10 the wicked have ever been | 1
1- a cause of terror and unedfiuef*. That tliefe
g are the motives and obje£ls of Jacobinism is
l n evideut by observing its progress in France
;c and A merica ; ever refllefs 'till it arrived at
di power, and when attained exercising it with j 1
rc cruelty and violence. In France it gai' ed
a its ascendancy by pretending that its sole
j, objedt was the public good. For this it o- !
e, v.erturaed the monarchical system of gov- '
as ernmeqtj under the pica of limiting il* »u
-,g tho ity—for this 11 expelled the then existing
, religion, under, the cloak of tolerating all
l 0 ohers j but in reality to subvert all —for
this, it fcized on the woalth of the clergy
and nobility, under the flattering and pl»u
-le fible tale of diftr'ibuting it among the poor
)f and redccing all ranks to an cquality'in rich
t, c't—for this, thousands we're sens to their
j proves, widows and Orphans butchered in 1
it cold blood, and those good men who could
a benefit thei: country guillotined, least they
o might plot a counter-revolution.
The firft scenes of this deep tragedy have 1
; n been aftcd in America; bu 1 thanks to God
whose Providence lias Ihielded them from ;
many a storm, the American people turned
he with horror frora.a feic'n» where nothing but
n- ruin and misery appeared, and with marked
at indignation drove! the aftors from the stage ;
t. but (fill Jacobimfm exifb, and exults in the
te hope of one day griping the government
'J with her poisonous fangs. ...
I believe tir it' i) an eaty talk for me to
i- prove that you are the head of this party,
es and I will now in a Jjlain manner give yu.u ,
lie, my reafonsfor believing so, viz. You have'
r, twice fuffered yoarfelf to be the candidate '
id of this party for the Prefinency ; have heard
is yourfelf called by them their chieftain, and
0- at all their public dinners drank as their
champion, and at those very dinners and by
the fame people who have reviled every
officer of the Fedetal Goven ment, and
es ftigmatizjd all its mealures as unjust and
infam.ous, but the lafk, and strongest proof
of all, is your letter, to Mazzei, in which
, e j you declare the Government to be an " angle
monarchical failion," at the head of which
was the jtiftly beloved General "Wafliington,
and place yourfelf in the firft rank, among
those who oppbfed his administration. Here
Sir we have yonr words for it ; a decla
ration, which has judjy damned you, in the
eyrs of all honed njej). Wlrat could ?he
United States expect from the
tioii of a man, who has avowed his biflief.
that George and all his officers
were devoted to adjoreign nation, traitors to
the liberties of.tjieir country' ? for this is
the amount of .you words—America could
expeft nothing;elfe than,a fyftem'of admi
nistration, direftly different from his, find
which by a tottiral'donfequente, rfiuft'be a
system of iniquity and oppreftlon. YOll also
f»y Sir, in your litter '1 we will break tlidfe
Lilliputian ties" the evident meaning of
tnefe words, is that you will break thr«ugh
the federal Condition ; and-is he a pro
per man, to be placed at the Heid of a na
tion, who has declared his intention tovio
of late her conftiUjticn ? On the contrary
Sir, con fide ring vour talents, and the hypo
critical part you h&ye a6tedj devel oped by
a ' your letter to. Mazzei, your elettion to,, the
ly Piefidencyj would be a measure more ruinous
x _ and the liberties, and happiness
of America, than alrnoft any other event
:r - that would occur., .Your friends rc fejubliiig (
yourfelf in dispositions.and charaftersj woulfl
fill all those offices now occupied by liprtght
aiid patriotic Americans, '.. '
Gazette Marine Lift,
Sloop Patience, Montgomery, N. York 5
[Dry Goods .
Came up from the fort,
oloop Cicero, Remington, Havanna '
[■ Wm» Q?eas
Snow Ceres, Parke, (leaky) r f
Brig Boflon, Williams, Cape Francois
Schr. Bilboa, Perkins, §t. Sebastians
Sloop Deprndance, Churnlides,frofii hence
has arrived at New Orleans.
Snow Experiment; Charlton, from hepce
to Liverpool, was spoke in lal 43, long $5,
VV. *ll well.
Arrived at the Fort.
Brig Lark, Hammond., Niflau—Left it
3l(l July—Coffee and_ molasses ; Under
Ship Arrna, —Hamburg—Left if
15th May ; Dry Goods. *
Ship Mary, Odlin, Cape; Francois ; left
it 24th July; Coffeej Cocoa, and Dry
Goods; James Yard/
Brig Bs<iver, Elliot, Havanna ; left it iIV
August ; Sugar and fegars ;! R. Oakley.
Schr. Eliza Myers, Lewis, Cape Francois ;
left it 24th July ; Coffee, cocoa and cotton ;
James Yard. : * '
Schr. Charming Bctf-y, M'Farlan (prize 1
mallei J prize to the Conftellition frigate.
Her cargo was d'ilcliarged at Mirtinico,
which place she left on the 24th July. ' ;
Schr Lyon, Whitfield, Norfolk ; left it 1
oh 1 2th inft.-—Tobacto, Tea, Turpentine, '
&c. (detaim-d.) f
Schooner Aciv-nture, Lillibridge, from
hence, has arrived at Havanna. '
Captain Elliot ot. the brig Beavor, informs 1
that he left at the Havannaj the llt of Aug, '
the following vefTels : <
Ship Fair American, Breevor. of Phtfa- 1
Jelpliia, and ship Alexandria, Davy, of de.. 1
ready for lea. , 1
Schooner Adventure, Lillibrihge, dif- I
:barging. , ]
Ship Good Friends, Earl, was at Part '
Mariel 28th July, fiaving the g e iter part ]
sf her cargo on board ; and expefled to be a:
Havanna in a few days after capt. £.. failed.'
Information was received at the fiavan- 1
na, by ar. American brig from the Florido
(bore, of the loss of the {hip Potomac Chief, 3
as Alexandria, and other vefTels, names
unknown, on the Cjri» fort Reef. On the 1
9th August Capt. E. saw a fleet of men war,
having 5 vefTels under convoy.
On the 13th instant, in lat. 37, 30, loogi.
13, 10, spoke the ship Abigal, Clark, from a
Madeira to Baltimore. Same day spoke the 1
schooner Polly, Bucktfan, to Ntw- '
Orleans, 9 days out, all well. \
Capt. Hammond left at NafLui, under ad
judication, the following vefTi Is :■ . • ' '
Bug Commerce, Ropes, of Salem; had
are trial, and time allowed for further proof
of property, * -
■Schr. Swift, Cromwell, Charleston, South '
Carolina, do. do. ' y \ 1 . > s
Nimble, Claik, do- k \ • t
Neptune, Gibbs, Brill 1> R. I. from Afri- '
ca to the Havanna,-with slaves,. condemned.
Two fchoouers, names unknown, also I
from Africa to the Havannah, likewise con
Ship Tanner. O'Brien, of New York was
at NafiVu the 31ft July.
Brig Lark (arrived at the Fort from Nas
sau) was sent into that jfort on her pafTage
from St. Jago de Cuba ai d liberated, veflel
and catgr>, after a trial.
Sldp Minerva, Henderfon, from hence to
St. "SiballinßS, was fp'oken the 26th Julyj <
in lat gSi 41. N. leng. 59, W. 1
3hip Thwmas Chalkley, Dehart, fror
•*nce to Lifljonj was spoken thie aSth Jul)
id lat. 3?, N. long. 59, 40, W.
Ship Hiram, Whitney, from hence to
Liverpool, was seen the 29th of
Captain Moran informs that he left at
Porto Rico the 15th July, as prizes :
Brig Polly, of New-York; brig Han
nali, of Philadelphia, whose condemnation
arii«ed from Guadaloupe; and fchoose
Betfcy, of Hartford.
Ship Hazea, Heoderfoo, Havanna ; brig
Trial, Rufiell,' ditto. Sokty Sweet, Leg! 71 :
fclir. Sally! Proaer, Havanna j Sally, Williams,
Annapolis, N S •
• Cleared
■Brig Eflex, Orpe, , Havanna j fthr. Polly,
Snow, Norfolk,.
Saturday arrived the brigfTryal, Capt- Rnf.
fell, 10 days from the Havaiina, Lett there
the 6rig Alrriira, Wait, ef Portland ; Neptune,
Bragdon, of d >'; Portland, Crabtree, of do. ;
Helen, Haradcn,, of Bolton ; Rebecca, Pil'.bury,
of do, ; Joy, Waddle of do.; and fch'r Chinee,
Holman, of thi» port'. >
' '
NEW-YORK, Au 3 UR.16.
Arrived. days.
Ship Mary, Leffingwell, Liverpool 45
Ma-iy, Taylor, Barcelona 115
Ship Alknotpack, Akirs, .St. Sebaflian
Cutter Crocodile, Cook,
Ship Alexander, has arrived at Havanr.a
from Truxelta. '
Schr. Dispatch, at St. Thomas
frpm this port so 2 ? day». 1
Brig Austria, Lindair, arrived at" the
Havanna iri 18 days. >* r
?>hip Hunter, Driggs, arrived at thi Ha
vantia in 19 days.
The fchr. Diana, froin Newport, bound
I to. the Havanria wad fenV'to Halifax by the
' Cleopatra,'captain Pellewl
The fehr. Fanny, Ncxen, is fafe arrived
at the Havannah.
fe'P'Mercujjr, capt. J-cffingwell, ar»
nved here yeffcrday 46 d*ys from Liver
pool. She brings a London piper ooe day
later than the Gen. Mercer, but it con
tains nothing of -moment. The day (he
{ai!»d,4j)oke the ship Hiram of Caftine, from!. July l 2) in i Jti 4 g ; j
14 14> fgoke the (hip Huron, 28 days from
CiiHrl-ltor. Last Sunday, Jpoke a black
ship irom Malaga for thii.piirt.
Snip Msrjr, Taylor, 61 days from Bar
■ Ji" 1 ®
fppfce brig Ainer can Hero, CnrlWll, 21
days from Newport, R. I. for Madeira.
Jn|y 10(poke brig Virginia, Catfon, of
ana for- New-York, 30.-days from Lifljon,
and parted company on 21ft with the iofs of
her foretppmaft.
July 25, fat 38 41 long. 59 00, spoke
ship Mineivu, 9 d;iys out from Philadel
phia bound to St. Scbailians.
July 28, hit. 38 35 long. j9 40 fpokc
fhiu 1 bonus Chalkier, out from
Philadelphia, bound for Europe and a tnar
CHARLESTON, Augtift rr.
Arrived brig Dorothea, Mtodrop, H
65 days ; fchr. I'egatius. Crooket, Kinglton,
(Jam.) 16 days.
The fhfp Ariadne, capt. Le Bosquet,
from Charleston to London, was taken oh
the 13th March, by a French privateer,'and
carried,into St. Andero.'.in Bpsti». The
.America}] consul iprnesto the coniigned ia
I ->nd(jn,ih-it he expedls flit -aill br given
Captain Pinniger, of the fch<?oner Twd
Sifters, froqp Cadiz, on the gth nf July, in
at 3 1 > ~B> and long. 72, zo, spoke the
fchoonet ——, pYazier, . from Baltimore
for the Cape, out fix days.
July 16, ; n lat. 77, 3 , long. 33. 50,
fpokc brig 1 liza, Hopkins, from Savannah
to Boston, out three , days. Captsin ,H.
informed, that t*o days after he left port,
a negro named Jofiah, belonging to Tat
nall, of Savannah came out of his holj! ;
that he came onboard without his know
ledge, and that he would endeavour to
take care of him for his owner. Captain
H. particularly requested that this circum
stance might be mentioned in the Chadcfton
.Agbfti 12.
Arrived brig Weft Indian, Chlfho'.m,
Havanna, twemy-one days.
Yesterday arrived the (hip Birmingham
Packet, Cochran, London fifiy-fix. days:
Notice to the Pilots.
IS hcreW given— I hut is cpnfequente of rk.
Beacon on the Brown, bring I'o ii.bcK injure
•» to render it gpflt forVervxr, a Buoy with 3
keg oi. tl.e m.ft. will be placed nn thjt fljoal,
until it ciii be. replaced ~ \.y the Beacon, of
which due notice wili bp jjiven.
W. MACPWERSQN, Superintend nt.
(Vi|Z»ft 16 diw
. HAVING claims (he Fftate oS
Margaret Felles, late of this City, deeeafed,
are rcqutfted 10 exhibit their accounts to
the undernamed Executors or either ®f
them, and all persons indebted to the said
Estate, are requtfted to make immtdiate
payment to the said Executor*.
The R:v. M CAR R,
Juit come to hand,
SUPERFINF Silesia rcuii-1 ■
Creaa a la Mbrllix j
Fine Brecagncs ; Entitled to
D 6. white platillai f debenture.
F.*?opilla«aud Listaioj |
Brown Rujlia, Iheitirigs J
With a gcncr.:l ajfortmcnt of
Britjfh Goods,
Which will be fold low { r ca(h or /hort credit.
august i» d2w
Jacob Sperry & Co;
No. 19j, Market-Street,
Have received fry t[ e sbip Eagle, and
otoer Lite a rivals from
Hamburg, ~
The following Goods,
Which they offer on liberal terms ;
ESfOPILLAS, -) . rDecanters,
Boccadilljs, "5 xu Tapes, twill'd,plain
Rouans, ' coloured,
Creas ala Morlaix, I.? J Sealing Wax, \
Coutils, J. I
From London, A consignment oj
% Packages of Sadiers* Webbir g, and
3 Cases of the Wsfhington Print, in handfem*
frames of full length Engraving,
•1 New Cables,
Eaoh r»j. (athpms, 10 and ir inch,
august 4. Y ' t m&th im
, to BE SOLD,
Very low for Cash, or exchanged for Goods,
A Large, Elegant, a»d vv 11! finiflied
2-story Frame House
IN the borough of Franfe r ord ; containing in
entry and two Urge parlours on the firil loor,
three bedchambers and two garrets. The let,
which is 340 feet deep, fronting en two dreeti,
and has ihe_privilege of a :o feet alley through ;
it contains a kitchen", ftjb'e, and c"ach.h*ufe, a
Iwell of excellent water. &c For ictms apply to
Juljr atf •» MtlsSi tf