Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 18, 1800, Image 1
JfUMHF.U 3462.") Old 8 percent. CfdrA, He* «Tptr Ce«. s»oa* t t 60, (iMI «!»««(*) K»vy do. - ... . 3 do. Deferird, Bank United States., . I'e 11 niy 1 v a;, ia, North America, Infura«ce Compafiy of North America, fliares 10 per cent, below par, Pennfylvania, fliares 21 per cent, advance. Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, under par. C - The fallowing Duties are such as arise on Importations in American VefTels. An Additional Duy of Ten per Cent, is itnpofed on aU Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported in Foreign Bottoms. > * - ■ ' ■ ' , • , V ' r ' ' I ■ ' ~ . '■ „ '< - ... * ** -' " -L !L L - r t. '» ■!■ . ' ■» IMi M ■ I ■I ■ I 1 .11 . . I . I L - J 1. 1.. '• Wholef*le Fro,,, lo DUTIES . WMeiafe j Froin TTT I, Wi.oldUk ". trolll WJ.olel'ale' From • i\, . ' pURRENT PRICK *D. C. D. Ci CURRENT PRICK. 1? B. C. D. G. W T "' S> CUHIifcNT PRICK. "S D. C. D. C. ® VTIES ' ■ CUP.RBXT PEICr. D. G. D. C. °"ISS. A L a L , UM . * 9 ! l hn, v k } ° -«l jShinglrs, 3 ft. dreft M ~zS " , b 22 15 prct ad v G'yL-ox 47 2 fee* K 8 Hum, Jam*k 'l2, %g *" elw * 11 12(1 ditto. Red Fox . 18 inches 5 Ai,tip Ui - • nore av market 51& Alhcs -P ot Racoon 33 53 Limes bll ScGrob . H do. ' 3 i h * !U 10 H .Ft (lie r 50 . La r J , hogs lb 13 14 Wiodwa' 1 ,_ " i P3^ J5 tfttf. o*fc k l2 16 Bear 's° 3 A/T VCE 15° 8 [ 5 pr ct sd \ New-EngW\' y 0 J P4 \ P riB * "® 12 WildC* 40 50 IVJL Madder 2 fi ] Gin, HotW i,o ,ao, Bw fa . „ cargo 6 9 foutlicrn 2; Mahogany/Bay F Free. Apple Brand-. 70 75 * 5«. c » Beer 6 Deer in hair, fail lb. j5 17 St. Domrngo +0 J R ye ' - 6 t Bresai, ship C 4 Dittored 25 J Molasses, W. India G S o 60 5 cts per gal [Slaves, wt.Oak pip- M6a r pilot 8 9 Furtic T Sugar house 7 8 ' ,Hhd. 40 Braziletto J6O f~*\ INGER, Race C none a- uaiket. 15 prct ad v Must. Fl. in Bottles'dz 1 15 .p «t ad v Heading 40 £j'.. « . > Bricks M<s jo do. Jam. grd. lb 10 iz do XT AILS, 3d lb Red Guk 30 „ . StoGk Gmfanj? , IN 4<» I i 2 Uogan 26 67 Bnmftoflr, roll {» 4 4S° GrlaL,Wiud.B by 10 bx ri 11 50 15 pet ad v 6d 16 (1 £ i.5 u Barrel 26 Bitter in keg* 14 15 I 7by 9 do • 8d "15 (.1 /*£*„• fisteel, German l> ,6 1 CANDLES aipt 16 17 Hue lb 15 ,od ,3 f 3 I>S T I EngKfli blistered t.i 4 fr 3 j 00 cents moulH 20 Gram, Wheat but izd 13 J| | Growley's 1 17 jc 18 [P" C. Spermaceti 50 Rye v 67 73 aod l 2 | American 140 144 Cards, wool Indian corn 74 76 Cut do. 3d 13 Starch V 10 11 u prct ad 5 i4 " ia , Ispretadv Oats 43 46 4d 13 14 Sugar, Havan. wliiti C Cherl'c, Er.ghfh 33 7 cents. Grain, Barley . bu 67 1 '6i i 2 Brow>! 1,4 12 24. do American 12 Ueft MW lb 6 8d ~ India, Ift quality by 13 14 z do Chocolate, Boilon 26 Gunpowder Eng. ig 10 tz 10J Ic i Muilovado d' ia 14 2 do Philad. 27 do Amer. 8 ' i 2 d i 0 Lump b 26 Ci do Cinnamon . 1 T_T A MS, Pprk lb 10 u 2D d , I 0 Loaf, (ingle res. 18 a do Clues 130 ijprctad.T |JLX Hair-powder 15 pet ad 0 Nankeen., long p !jipctad\ r~piAR, N. C. 3 xSO 3 Clover feed, red ib 20 d« Hemp, RulTla T zoo , 100 ctS pP, (hort 96 Ico do J_ Jersey 125 t white -rlr aj> I Hides, La Guira lb 10 ] Nutmegs Jb 7 7 50 15 pet ad v Tallow, Russia b 14 12 percent. Timothy .bu 4 j St.Bowingc 10 > Fr.-e iLFhjr. 30 fla. l 2 » ) D - „ Amerlcai 14 v-. r •, ■ Herd grass 150 Green 3f J 12 bottles 8 j Ten, Imperial 1 5° 166 ") Cocoa C*4 27 2 cts pr lb Hoops,Hhds. (ha.vsd M .Oil,com. Whale G 40 Young Hyfoi li 2 1 32 cents Coffire lb 2j 27 5 cents Hog;-lard lb 13 Spermacetti. 60 70 Hyson ,20 J per lb t Coal, foreign bu 5 cents bulhcl Honey, country qn none at market I Tanners B 16 Hyl'on Skin So 83 20 do Virginia 30 Havannah dj 80 86 Lintfeed G 86 90. Souchong 80 90 18 do Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ? , cen . s pr u, Ho P s Onions, bu Bohea 38 Surrinam jo $ * ' r Barrel poles | ,100 ropej , J, 7 Tin in plates 18 Free Georgia-sea ill. 45 TNDIGO, lb T)EAS 4 o 40 Tobacco C upland 29 3- i. St. Domingo I 12 S 1 lIT Pepper black lb 33 Richmond o).. 525 575 I Cordage, American C>4 Isle of France 125 [* 25 CUp ib Pimento, Jam. 12 13 6 cts per lb do 11 r 5 550 Ruflia, urred 1,1 50 180 cents pr C. New-Orleani I7'l 12 J j Fitch ' B 4 gents Peterlburgh 5 j 25' Copper in iheets, lb > Bottoms 40 I Free Iron Caltings T 74 67 80 Pork Burlington, R 15 Marjlaiid P,it. Iheath. J Fi?r 34 38 . Carolina 11 jo 12 Georgia j'2s Copperas C 350 4 do Country Bar 105 33 106 67 Porter, Lond. draft die SctspgSt/o Carolina 5 ~ Gorks vji 33 43 Rtoflis Uar 89 97 , 1 pct j ' Jcl- 2jc 3 !>n b Ol - v Twine, Seine # b ? 4p° cts Qurrants, Zant Sweden 110 no r a j V al Philadelphia bot. 110f 120 do Sewing 46 £ p«r cwt. t DUCK, Havensp «I Ji 25 "J , SlKet 226 67 240 J I I'earl, Petin. patent 9 , Turpentine R,2 50 Russia fail 14 17 50 I a d va] ' Hortps 133 33 138 67 TJ AISINS,befl kp g 10 Ij pot ad v ,fpiri;s%,33 40 Holland scarce J ' 'Nail-rods 121 33 122 67 j JTV Bloom & mulkb>, 4 .50 5 Varnill 33 15 FEATHERS lb 45 50 T EAD, Bar 1 150 ? licentplb Redwood, ground ib 20 30 / X7"INEGAR, ■;» Filh, cod dry qu| ?■ 5° I a Sheet ) ' Itice, C j J 2 5 V Wim 50 do. pickled Lead white, gr. in oil '■ 14 50 15 15 pet ad v j^ 0 g„ f , B 250 3 I Cydei 318 to , . Salradn do. li 9 9 'SO Leather, lost ,b 18 20 j Q ALT, Allum bu 67 1 | Varuifh , 23 25 do. fmoaked Lemons, Lilbon bx 7 g do j Cadiz nont at market. ( <r ec note . Verdigreafe 80 Sfead B 7 Malaga, io 1 Lilbon 67 \ j Vermillion 2 Mackarel 5 , 7 Cadiz 5 I Liverpool fine 52 55 3 TXT AX, Bees "> 28 30 Herrings 3 350 Lime stone H 525 ' | Salt petre refined 26 28 Free. yy Whale'oom Flax Ib 13 fcaice •, jLignumvit® T65 Free. S iil cloth En. No. Ir d ' l2 i P ct v Wines, Madura ? 160 zoo \0 to t;6 c g Flaxfecd H 850 BLogwood jb \ Segars, Spanish M g 10 B:ft Lond. partic. 240 40:0 58 do Fbur, fuperfiiie B* 10 25 10 50 H Lumber 'i ' Ameri a 2 SUerry ? 1 112 40 cents common 950 10 | Boards, Cedar M 25 Sheeting, Rufiia P 16 jo 17 5b tli per sent Lilbon 1* 160 10 30 do 1 Burr ljiiddlings 6jo 7jo | White Pine 19 33 j Shot C 7 8 1 cent per Ib. 'lVnerifie 90 93 28 do Rye meal 4jo 5 , Ditt.i Pannd ludian meal 4 4jo | Inch k qr. do. 53 33 | Bottles !z 6 ' Fayal 68 70 28 do Ship fluff C 213 233 | Heart Pule 28 Rappee 694 Port none a: market 3° do Furs, Otter Ik 333 160 "j j Sap 14 Soap, Cafttle Ib 20 22 2 cents per 11 Claret, sup. Bonrd'x , Deaver lb" i 2 ( Oak Scantling 18 Brown 9 10 calks 60 gals. 40 45 40 prct ad* Seal S»Free Heiulnok lo 12 White 13 Old fuperfiiie cargo |6O J do Mink ik 33 I Red Cedar Ft 50 Spirits, G 120 125 ? I* 1 " g a l' oll Mulkrat, 33 J Brandy, French 1 1 2J j lit p's c * Note. Salt wi per ctnt is added to t f The aforemen foucfiong 17, itnptri AU dutied articl , ' fry Of tlwfe .Marfhkl's Sale. United Stath ? Penntilvania Distne', $ l ) Y Virtue of a Writ to me .!irr<ste 1 frnmthe £> Hon rahlc R'chird Peters Efq J'ld^e.of the Di'.'riifl Court' fcf the United Staree, in aiiil for the Pcwvfylvanu Diltri-fl, will be ex p- fril to public fall' on TUiwfiUy the. »Bth of A uplift nilt. .it r» o'clock at norn, at the fcffi e fJnfpcfii n, No. 49, North'l hi: 4 ftteet, lit ll.e iiiy "f Philadelphia, Two HogQieads of Ruip. Tlte fame having been seized, &c. and lil.el led agaiuft, ;;ofecutcd and con demned as for feited, ic* JO?TX HA..LL; Afarzkfilt. Mar (hall's OSce, j> ildpbia, Aug. 12, rßr-o5 3'wtS Gazette of the United. States, & Daily Advertiser. #rice of fir cash-, - . . do. do. ... - do. - . < da. do. do. . do. - * I PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. Sighing more than 56 !b. per !>ufhel, pays so cents per 56 lb the cost of all paying an advabjrera duty." itioned rate of duties upon Teas refpeft those imported dire&ly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, fouchbng 21, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17, ial and hyson 50 its per lb. in American bottom;. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 i-j, 27, Jo cents per lh. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 5$ cents perlb. ;les, imported into the United S.ates, not having_l».-en landed more than oihe year, are allowed a drawback rff the duties fubjecSl to a dedudlion of one per except spirits, which is one half cent pfer gallon; articles that ha*e no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or fnch price cannot b» afcer.tained as to depend upon it. The Bankrupt Law OT TKI UNITED S7AT£S, Was thi* Day PuMiflied by A. DICK I NS, op pofitc Chriil Church.—[;-rice a 5 Cents.] A. D IG K INS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft ofPublic Affairs In tie United Statss. [Pf*e 374 Cents.] august t: d. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, ,800. percent. 1084 <j icSj ;8 ? 4 s 7 5 J 8 t _ 3i 26 48 per bushel or less, 20 cents per bufhul, in American velMs; if in foreign vessels 22 cents.—" Fiom the Cape of Good Hope,' «r btyond 40 ONE large convenient three-story Brick Dwelling-House, with four roems on a floor, am] two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cillern in the vard j fituaie on the east lide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. Wilh a pleasant yard on the South fide lot Arch-Street, third'door above Eighth. I Street. For term# apply at No. 116 Arch- Stteet. Houses to Let: A LSO, A convenient Three Story BRICK HOUSE, Aoguft 4. llilla 0H Lotidon, 30 daysp dc. do. 6o days, do. go days, Bills on Hamburg, at 60days, do. in Ainflerdaai, 60 days Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock. par. East India Company of North America, 7 per cent, advance, Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres. A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has ioft it may rercive it »n ap plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expencc of this advertisement. July it. FOR a three quarter Shire of Bank Stock of fh« United States, No. in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has hcen lost or miflayed and for the Ronewal of which application ha» been made at said Bask, of v*Uk-h all concerned are deSrcd to take notice. PETER. TREGEMT. M»y jj. W&wtf Cmim of Cjccfrange, FOREIGN BILLS, {for cash) do. do. August' 18, 1800. Found, A CERTIFICATE - - "Tf6 ~frr«t *6B ' .«, ■ . *«►> 36 a }7 <t)-pM MmV Bone*. 39 » 40 U< |er f lotiiri - To Printers. WANTED—m Exchange, AFOUMT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 :b. or upwards, and a Fount of Brevier \i'«igt)ing 4colb(. or upwards—.they Tiu(l not be much worn—Any person having lypes cf the above ar.d dilpofed to £?:ch.' , nge them for wtWr printing materials : or will" fell cheap, may apply Jt the Office of the Gazette of't.'.e United States. July 12. FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United Sates, \ [VoiaiiK XVHL ■I. * ! :'vs "l s v*. ' ''■ " r 1\:: » YfrV