Just Arrived, AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIB EH &, THE CARGO Of THE SUtJP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Btngi coNSisnii a of An affortreent of Piece Goods. Sugars of the Hrft qualify, And aoo qr. chelis of superior quality Hyfbn Tea?. Wiliings If Francis, and Thomas l»' Jain Clifford. Varch J 7 . d. Elifha Fiflier & Co. No. &y. North Front Strea', oy HAND AND FOJI SALE, GERMAN STEEL, windowglaii, hats aflort e3 ,in cases, Nails in caflcs, and a large ass irt- Went of Iryijtpopeery, Cutlery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Harc.efs Furniture,Brafi and Japanned Wares. Pini an J No.dles, July 29 WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. npHE owners of unimproved l»nd» in Wayne -*■ county, are h»reby notified, that Taies are bepojne payable thereon far the ycjrs I ■>99 and 1803. fhofe who have not already paid their taxes, "ire hereby required to discharge the fame to JOtlW BRINK, Treafurer of Oid County at NJilford, within three month» Iroci this date ,otherwiCe proceedings to sale, to the 3x51 of Affeiubly in ftich cafe provided, will e had by the Comimffionem for the said county. Aia S teuton, "1 John Cart ril, 1800 aawjm To be Let, For ibe seasons (Jf immediate possessisngivcxi A very plaafant, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, WITH Garden, Pallure Ground", Coa<.h- House, Ice-House, See &C.—Situa'ed near the Frgckford coaM, aud about 3 i-» miles from the city- For terms apply to the fubferiber, in Cheftiut, abuviE'ghth flreet. W. MACPHERSON. July 18. d6t Houses to Let: ONE large convenient three-story Brick Dwelling-House, with four rooms 011 a floor, gnj two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cistern in the yard ; situate op the raft tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroehe. ALSO* A convenisut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth Street. For terms apply at No. ti6 Arch- Stree*. Augufl 4. m&wtf GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass IVorfts, HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of the inoft approved European Glali Manu facturers, and having on hand a layge stock of the Left Materials, on which their workmen ire now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window- glafsof a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by »4 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing too feet ea h> may behad at the (horttfl notice. Glass of larger fjzes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for pidlures, coach glafTes, clock faces, ice. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may alfp be had t together with pocket fiafts.picklmjrjarj, apothecary's fliop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at le»ft if per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be punflually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HAUA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Mefirs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, March 4, tuihtf, Filty Dollars Reward, RAN-AWAY from Gen, Kidgcly of Balti more, on the aoth inll. a lijrht coloured negro rain, who call* himfelf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD j He is about 24 years of age, about 5 feat 8 inchea high, neat ip his dress, and has a good suit of kirr. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a thort light green doth coat, edped with \ellow, and yel low gilt l.uttons—a light buff caflimer, double breasted waiflcoat, a p>ir of dark'olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton (tickings, and a good pair of (hoes with ft'ingj. ,He took with hirn a dirk bloc euat, a pair of olive caftrocr pmta lnor.s, and a light corduroy pair of br*eel>«» j alfi> a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a Heel chain. He is food of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a ttupid look, and chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charles comity, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge ley. Whoever apprehends said nrgro, and le cures him in any jail so that the owner may got him again, (hill receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought hem*, or de livered to Joftiua 8. BouJ, Philadelphia, may 1 d Newspaper at the feat of government, is so ui'eful an undertaking, both to the government and to the citizens at large, for the purpole of com municating State Papers, the Proceedings ot Congress, and other Intelligence, that the Editor has of receiving the public patronage. Having left 1 specimen of th's Paper with the principal printers and book sellers at Philadelphia, he takes this oppor tunity of laying before the public. 1. The Gazette ffiall be publilhed every day in quarto, 011 a half (heet large royal, and be delivered to fubferitxtrs in this city and Georgetown at then places of relidence. 2. Papers.for distant fubferibers shall be carefully packed up and forwarded every poll day ; in halt ftieets tu places where the mail is conveyed every day ; and in whole flieets to fubferibers at places wWre it is not con veyed so often. V It Avail be carefully printed on a good type and paper, to be enlarged as soon as lubferiptions and advertifcments will admit of it. 4* The price to subscribers (hall be five d-liars a year, to be paid half yearly in ad vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to be pud at the end of each half year. 5. Advertifementj will be inserted three tirqes at the rate of one dollar a square. 6. I'he Gazette (hall contain the earliefl intelligence foreign and domtfiic—public of ficial papers, a fkerch of the proceedings and debates in Gongrefs : with fele&ions and es says 011 tlie various fbbjedis of economy and literature. It (hall be conduced 6a a fair and impar tial plan, open to political discussions ; but no personal pieces or irritating animadver licms on parties or individuals (hall be ad mitted. The publication of the Gazette will com mence on the firft day of p&ober next. CHARLES CIST. Washington, July (Aug. i)mwl°3w WHEREAS BY a dscree of th« High Court of Chancery, made !d a cause, Jamus against Newman, it ii among other things reforred to Wm. Graves' Bf,. one of the matter* of the hid court, " to take ao account of thi Legacies bequeathed by the will of the teflator, WILLIAM PHILLIFS, late of Newgate street, London, decc-fcd, and aUo to in •juire and (late to the court, whether Francis James, the brother of the complainant's named a> one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whither he died in the life time •( the testator Therefore ail persona who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis James be living or deaj, and if living where he now rcfides or lafl refidol, and when a'id at what place, and when and where he waslalt heard et, and if dead, when and where he-died, ere hereby reiiuefl«i t«> give such information tvthefaid William Graves,Efq at hi, office in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London,on or before the firft day of March mat, oiherwifr he wiil be exclud. 1 the benefit of the faiddecree. The faiJ Francis James wis born at or near Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, aud il living, it ab«ut the age of thirty four years, aod about the year 1779, was a fr.remaft man on board tlv: Milfcrd, a merchant fcip, belonging to the port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septeni btr, 1780, afterwards he returned to Bristol, an I in November, 1781, was prefled in King road, Bristol, aod fenton board the king's frigate called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth en a cruise, and on board of which he af terwards became a quarter gunner, and deserted the said fliip at Char teflon Bar ia North-America in September 1781. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enabled togiva information of the above named Francis James, whether living «r dead, they are requeAed to communicate the fame to DAVID A. OGDF.N, No. 69, Stone street, New-York. gjp, The printers throughout the United States are requested to putliftuhe above, april 18- Ibis Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price »j Cents) Till Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Ofiian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation ofphiladdphia. «• Mr. Chaudron's Oration will be published onday morning. Miirch 15. d; A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orckard, Barn, Pump, &c. &c. The whole con-lining 17 acres, situate od the Wifahicon road, between the third and fourth mile flo«e —Maybe purchased on rcafonable terms. —Two thirds or the pur chafc money may remain (secured on the pre mises and on interest) during three years. £n LOWELL, Clerk tf tie DiJiriS of Pennsylvania. The above book is now published. It wilt bedc livered to lubfcribers by Mr. Dobfoa Bookseller Ju'y 2 3 That large and commodioiu HOUSE, At the corner of Arch ar.d NinthJlreets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this montlt, the House, Sta ble, Soach-Houfs and Lets, now in the tenure of Butler, fituitw as above. Enquire at No. aB, north Fifth ftre'et. July 10. m&th 3W LOST, OR MISLAID, " ACEKTIFICATE of four Shares ®f the Bank of the United States in the name of Bickhsm & Reefe, No 1593, for the renewal of trhich application is intended to be made at the said Bank, and all persons concerned are de. fire to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. d.^m Strayed away, ON Sub'ay the inft. a fmill strawberry coloured MAKE, foorteen hands high, has three whi'e feet, a white face, about ten years old. Ary information will be thankfully received, and if delivered at John Negns s Ferry, at Market ilrcct, a reward of four Del ia! s will be paid. July 17. ? 3' TO BE SOLD, A 7 PUBLIC SALE, On "Fifth Day the gih of Oticbirr, til tie greriiifcs, The Mary- nf» Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LASI' ta:urday trg'.t my (k.p in Water flreet was opened by a fali'e key, and sun dry articles of JhWi-LLFay, to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. A«o>g them were, . Two marrow I'poons marked " Worrock Likeseflla of Mr James Unbutton and wife, of Peterlburg—one do. of aMr King one do. of Mr JoJin Trimble, late of this town, the back set with a large blue ghTs a»d a smaller in the ce::tre, under which was a plait of hair laid (trait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in pearl. Together with a nnrnter of fancy pf«-i ces, painted by Sully, whi h cannot now be recollciled ; 5 Boitfwaiji's Calls ftamocd •Warrock.' r AND The following Watches: I Gold watch, maker's name Provaa, Paris I silver do Thomas Gtien, Liverpool. 7703 1 do do. George Bifield, Lcndon, 13JO0 1 gold do. Fr<*nch, no name I t!». do. John Kyland, London, ijzt 1 fiiver d •. French, r.o n:nt 1 do. do John Hull, • o»don, 744 1 gold do. Rodart, Paris 1 filvcr do. Joseph Kemper Shaw 1 df. do. J. DarH gton, London 1 do. do. No. 9^61 x gilt do. G. \J. Metcalf, Londen, 4T9S I fiiver do. George Hafwood, London, 2906 1 do. do. J.Smith, London, m 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Oiburn, Rich- Mlnndi •?*» tro Dollars will be piven for the relioration ' of the jewellery, or ico dollars if the thief or thieves are also feeured. Mr Benjamin Morris, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time* will alfogive 10s dollars fcr them. July 19 gF The Prmrers at Peterfcurj;, Richmond, Alex »nd< ia—Haiti men:—Charieffon —and ci thers, are requested to insert the above for a few times TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englift, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrcat variety of articles neceflary ;o carry on the r'rint ing Buflnefj. They will be fold oheaptsr calh- Apply to the Printer. To be Let, or Sold, Either together or divided in lots,. A CONVENIENT, WELL FINISHED HOUSE, And 4 acres of Land SITTUA PE ia the Village of Attleborough or Four Lanes ends, Bucks county. Imme diate poffeflicn will be given. Enquire of thr lubfcriber on the premises. ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N B The Time of a healthy ltout NEGRO BOY for fala—Enquire as above. July eats THE UNDERS. HIS Svredi!h Majeflv's Confal Geeeralj.aod au thorized to tranfmSl the Confuiar HuGuefs, for his Majetly the King of Denmaak ill' the United States of America, redding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftruilionS received from hh government, it is the duty of all Maflers of Swedilh ami Danilh ve.leU, hc4