Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 16, 1800, Image 3
f>s : !a\s-ful puijc tJ tsk.jn.'-ladpn, i:i whole. Qr in part, with EnVrfifh manufadtieei), or'with the produce of Englilh poiTtiliona." 'lJhat this De.stfee fraa in full three and operation, at the time of the re-capture of the Amelia, and that file would have br-eri c£«defiimid,, as laV»ful griise,. by-the French tribunal of St.' Domingo, but for the re-capture by. the Gonllitution frigate. - That being in poflVf , £on of <i French Privateer, for ten days, the pioperty in the (hip and cargo was chan ged, and th .t the 1 l*captora, were iuAly en titjed to a filvagej i« consequence of having n-ftu'td the fame from the danger of condemnation'. On the other h .lid, it was contended, that the (hip Amelia .being the property' of the fvibjefts; of a . neutral power, was captured by ..the French Carveut-, contrary id the luw 6f nations, and whatever might have been her fate in the French Counts, had (lie riot have been recaptured, -it doe's not belong to the courts of the'-UiTited States to inter fere betwe'en the fub-jetU of » neutral foreign power and the French Republic.' That a ft ate of war does not, in reality, exist be tween tlv.* United States ai'id France, Kecaufe bo declaration to that efled lias ever been made, by either party. Thiat notwi'thftand -stig the Commander of a public armed (hip of the United States, was juftified by hisin urOjSioas, in this Ship, (mm the hifnds of the French, yet, the moment her true chara&er. was-difeovered in our Courts knd prewtd to be the property of a neutral foreign power, in amity with this country, (he (houid have been restored to the original Owners, withiw'.-falvage, not to the French, who had wrongfully taken her &c. This is ati imperfefi outline of the leading features ip this cause, which '.he court had under 'till Tlmrfday, when his honor the Piefiding Judge, announced, " That this being a cause of the first im pression, the-court order it to be continued, for the purpose hf hearing a further argu ment, before a fuller court. , 1 Error from the Circuit Court for Tingey | the Pennsylvania Dityricl. ■ This was a cafe depending upon princi ples, in many refpeds similar to those of the priceeding,except that the claim in that is for salvage, for the Recapture of a veflel belonging to citizens of the Uni ted States, by one of our public armed (hips. It wn argued, much at length by Lewis and E. Tilgh'mati for Plaintiffs in Error ; W. Tilghman and Rawle for the Defen dants. It -ftas agreed that, by the last law of Congress, regul-.ting the allowance of sal vage, which repeals all former provilU.ns 011 this fnbjcft, the Recaptors are entitled to part of the whole value saved—The De fendants in Error, contend for • No Judgement has yet been rendered. . Several other causes of minor importance 1-ave bfcj) agurd in thecourfe of the felfion. Thp Court rose yesterday. [The author of the following imitation of 1 * pathetic French Song Composed it has ' tily from the flight recollt&ion of the original, asfung oece in his hearing, by •' the celebrated Mrs Pownal. The Editor Hates this cii cutnftance, merely to explain any accidental errors, in the sense or expefiion of the original, as he cannot with his limited researches, and partial knowledge oi the French language readi ly difccver the Opera Book, where it is to be found; For the Imitation itfelf not a shadow of apology is neccflary. It is a beautiful and tender poem, and every one, alive to the dumetiic charities, will fyttipathizre with the aifc&ionate Pa rent.] ORIGINAL POETRY. *-No. 11l Chanson. Ton amour, O Fille chtrir, Me console de tous roe 3 roaux, Si ton Percaime encore la vie, Cell pour veiller a ton repos. Ma retraite profdnde ty la vois SansefFroi,*j- fuis p"ur toi he monde, tu les aufli pour Tu les aufli, tu les aufli pour nioi. De Capo. Le souvenir de mon naufrage Vient il m' agiter, malgre nioi, Pour ranimectout mon courage, J'aime a redire pres de toi, Ma fille, Azemia. IMITAfSIU Child of my love, thy fondnefs (lill Consoles me, mid a host of woes, And if 1 bear with life and ill 'lis but to watch'o'er thy rrpofe. Fearlrfs thou feeft my dark retreat, Where I am all the world to thee, And 'till this pulse (hall cease lib beat Thou (halt be all the world to me. Should torturing fancy-paint the dorm, That funk each hope in deep despair, Thy gentle voice, thy angel form, Shall lull each pang, ihall calm each care. Tho' wreck'd forlorn, tkis feebla frame Bends to the tempefh, as th-y roil, Still, near thee tO'rrpeat thy name Is mofic tp thy father's foul. !My child, my Zimivthy lov'd name Is mufte, to thy father's foul, Tho' wreck'd, forlorn, his feeble frame Bends to the tempests, as they roll. H. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House, (Pcrirerly in the tenure of Mrs. Groombridge) Snutli-Wcft of Spruce aiivl Eleventh Streets. Anguft ij PRICES CURRENT. Liverpool, June 26, iffao. Produce admitted free of Duty for. Expor tation, in American and other neutral (hips. a SUGAR, Muscovado brown, from 38a to 41s per cwt Middling, from 43s to 44s per do Good, from 45s 1049s per do Fine, from 50s to 53s per do Clayed Tetes and Terres, from 44s to 56 per do Powders, from s&s to y6s per do Havanna brown, from 45s to 54« per do . White, fioin 70s to 80s per do b COFFEE, Ordinary, from ioss to 114s per do Middling, from IISS to 124s p"r'c!o Good, from i2js to 1325 per do Fine, from 138310 142s per do - Triage, from 764 to 86sperdo c COCOA, Weft-India, from 80s to 85s. per do Cariacas, from 87s to 92s per do. a lhe crips in the Wert-Indies having fallen very short, and flocks here confiders b!y reduced, hascaufed a briiknefs tor Su gar of every , description, and considerable purchases have been made, in part by order and in part on speculation. b Fine Coffee goes ofF readily; every other description heavy, with large (locks on hand —and as the Weft-India fleets are now be. gimiing to arrive, it is doubtful whether the present prices will be maintained* c Carraca much enquired for—Well-In dia rather liravy. J GINGER, White, from 60s to 6as per cwt Black, from 29s to 31s per do RUM, Jamaica, importation prohibited • Leeward Islands do e PIMENTO, fro in jj-d to 6d per lb /LOGWOOD, Chipt, Gimpeachy, from 231 , to 24.1 per ton Honduras, from 211 to 221 per do Jamaica, from 191 tn 201 per . ton d The quantity at market not large, tho' not much enquired for e Steady demand f Rather heavy file g COTTON, Bourbon Dutch, from 2s 6j4 to 2S 8-Jd per lh St Domingo, from 2s 4I to 2. per do Bahama, from a? 4] to 2> 6d perdo Common Weft India, from 2s 4d to 2s 6d per do Carthagena, from-, is gd to is 9-J-d per do Cir.racw, from is 6d to IS9I per do Surat, —— New Orleans, from 2s id to 2s 2d per do Porto Rica, fioin 2s 6d t« 2i 9d per do Georgia, Sea Island, from 2s 8i to 2s lod per do —— Short Staple, from is 9<i to 24 iod per do b M AIiOGAN /, Cutja, from is to 2s 2d per foot of 1 inch thick Hifpauiola, from is <;d to 2s 6d per do Honduras, from is 3d to 29 2d per-do i FUSTIC, from 16 to 18s per fn .!• NICARAGUA WOOD, from .2s to 24s per do I HIDES, Spanjfh, dried, from 54 to 61 per lb. g A very demand ; common forts uncommonly scarce, and on that account pro portionally higher than fine. The export of Cotton Twill is so conliderable, as to run oil'the article a« it arrives. No profpett of a decline. b Though the quantity at market is great, there is a (leady demand. » Heavy lale with Urge (locks. h Steady I Steady m TOBACCO, James River, from to 8J per lb Rappahannock, from to 6-J-i per do Potomack, from to 4-£ d per do Georgia, from to 4-JJ pr do Carolina, from i j to 4d prdo Stem'd, from 6d to 94 p?r do Maryland Brown, from 3d to per do INDIGO, Carolira, from ,is 3d to 4s 6d per lb—Heady DEER SKINS, from is to 2s per go ; duil PITCH, from (is to 12s per cwt; brilk TURPENTINE, from 14s 6d to 17s per do ; bri/k ROSIN, from 12$ to 13; per do; bri/k ASHES, Pearl ifl, from 50s to sis per do ; very heavy sale Put lit, from 52s to 535 per do; very heavy tale RICE, from 36; to per do j in great demand eo3t Coloury, from to s<fperdo Kstefoot, from Si to ■ji per do BEES WAX, from 209s to i-ios per do • •steady fate TAR, from 25s to »5s per barrel; briik sale " . FLOUR, fire ? from 78s tn 80s C inde- S«prrfi»* 5 per do ( inanu WHEAT, from tgs to 20s per 7olb , in demand INDIAN CORN, per Wircherter bu&tl; ditto FLAX SEED, for sowing, per Winchester buftiel. for crushing, from 6s 6i to 7s per Wlnchefter buflicl; dull PIG TRON, 50s per ton ; Ready « STAVES, White Ooak, Pipe, from 20s to 2js per thousand Ditto Hogfl«ad,,.jfroni 12 to 16 ptrr-dn Ditto Birrcl, frorti 8 to 12 per do ,p-r» Red-0»k, Hog(head,tfrom 7 to 12 per do 1 Ditto- Barrel * 0 New-England. —Logs Oak, from 29 3d to 2* 4d per cube foot Pine, from 2s id to'2S 2d pep ditto —Maple, Birch and Beach from '2s 2d to 25 3d per do Plank, Oak, from 5J to 5 i-id per fleet two inch thick. Pine, from 3 i-ad to 4a per ditto Boards, Oak, from 3d to 3-Jd per foot one? inch thick Pi' e, from ad ta 2 £d ]*r ditto. Naw^Toas.—Logs, Oak, from to 2s 6d per cube foot * Pine, from 2s to 25 id per do. Plank, Oak, from 5 1 id to 6d prr foot twoinih thick Pine, from 3 1 4> .4. l-*l per ditto Boards, 0«k, from dt 30 ■> l-a l. per foot one inc,ll thick Pine, from 2d to 2 I 2J pr ditto. Georgia —Logs, l' ; itch Pine, from 25 6d to 2s 7d per cube foot Plank, Pitch Pine, from 4 t 1 to jd per foot two inches thick. m 1 lie quantity of Tobacco at market is not great, though except for those of fine quiliii-s there is little demand. it Heavy (locks on hand, but are beeom ing moie faleablr; > ' 0 A dull fjje. Pistols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, Fat 1 ate ty • Ej.UHA FISHERY Co. No. '36, North Front-street. Augufl 14- ' R diw*- Just come to hand, AND FOk SALE, BY THE SV B9C&1 B RR, SUPERFIJJv Silcfia rtuans") Creas a 1* Morlaix I Fine Brctagnei i Entitled to l>o. white f-latillai V'' debenture. Eftopilljs and LittaJos | Brown Ruflia flu'ctinjrs J . / With a gene it ajfortment of Britifli Goods, Which will bcloidtow i-r calh or short credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. BJ,8 J, Market-street, august It daw Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, -opposite Christ Cburcb, K View .OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Djfcoudes. By' t+ie • Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. F. A. S. Price 2 Dollar* 50 Gents. J"'y 3°* Jacob Sperry & Co: No. 105, Market-Street, Have received ly tie ship J.agle, end other late Jvim Hamburg, The following Goods, Which they offer yn liberal terms ; ESrOPIM.AS, . rDacanter>, CaflVrillas, 2-g . Coffee-Mill#, Beccadillos, "2 3? Tlpea, twjU'd,plain Rouqns, '-nil 4 "<l coloured, Cr?a» ala Mcrlaix, | 5 - Sealing Wax, Coutils, J L from L.ondov, A cons'gtment oj •' » Packages of Sadlers' Wcbbirg, and 3 Cases of the W.ihington Print, in handfwne frames of full, ImgA Fngr*ving. also**", 2 New Cables, Ea»h 145 (athoms, »o and ir inch, august 4. d6t m&th im Philadelphia Ss? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, July 1-I*2;, 1800. THE Prcfident and MlWji" havu fhie day decUred a divijend of Eight Dollars on each fh?re of (lock, of which, fix dollars per (hare will be paid the Stockholders or their rcprefetitatives any pay after the 14th infVant; the remaining two dollars has been retained and expended in co*n p;eating and repairing the road agreeably to a r»foluiian ef the llockholderi. Wm. GOVETT, Trecsuer. Juiy 14 n»4t Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Came tip from the Fort, Sch'r Swil't, ■ -Havanna Sugars—Wm. & S. Keith Arthed at the Fort. Danish" B-irque Juliana Mnrg»retta. Macpherfon,' Kingftoii. Left it 4th July Ruiuj—J.' Sims. - ' Brig- Abigal, Lord,' Turks Ifhnd^—Left it 26th July— liilt and Limec. ■Detained at the Fort, Sch'r. Hercules, Lathrop, N. Cirblins. Left it 2d inft.—Ballaft. Sloop Patience, Montgomery, New-York —Left it 7th inft.—Svgar, Sin and Deer flons. CLEARED. Brig ClarifTa, Nichols George, Bill Sch'r Peggy, Coffin Brig Abigail, Lord, f-tid to be from Turk's-Ifland, is ore of the brigs menti oned below. Capt. Moram informs that he left at Porto Rico, the 15th July, as prizrs : Brijf Polly, of Ncw-Y : k ; brig Hannah, of Philadelphia Whose condemnation ar rived from Guadaloupe ; and fchr. Bctfev, of Hartford. M. was bearded by the Britiflj Frigate Cleopatra, in lat. 29, 25 N. long. 70, 30, W. tieatecT politely, aijd informed that among the\efTcls which C.ipt. Pellew had taken and Pent into Halifax, were tlie Brig Sally, D.iwfon, from 3,<ta\ia to Phila tlelphia fchr. , from Rhode I(land to Havanna, and a fqialf fchr. .then iprom panv from Philadelphia to Hnvanna. Cjpt. Pc.llew put 8 American feamenon board the Fair Columbia-. Brig Beaver, Elliot, failed from the Havanna, the-25th Jiily, for Phi ladelphia. Schr. Hawke, Norris, fr6m hefice. has arriv ed at Porto Rico. Arrived, at Newßedford, Augufl 7, (loop President, Peckliam, Alcxandaia. A brig from Philadelphia, Captain Rin arlda and a brig from New London' has been captured by the French Privateers (the Three Friends and Le Bisque. FROM LOYDS LIST. Dial, June 23. At East Bourne—John, Murray, from Charleston. At Liverpool Favourite, Weymouth, from Virginia ; Maddifou, ,from Savan nah ; and Arethrifa, , from K«w-Ynrk. At Jones from Balti- more. At Clyde •; Commerce, Wilkie, from V irgi^iii. boston, Aogud 11 Arrived brig Three Friends, Norton, Li verpool. Sailtd June 25. Left there the following veffclaunder fcizure, viz. Jofcph, M'Lellan of Portland ; Fox. Waite, do , Mary, Hunt, do ; Dolphin, Updike ;• feiz; ed on account of a few pounds of tobacco djcovcred amonj the people : and a Swo, dilh fliip seized fhr had landed a car go cf tobacco at Guernfcy : which was however, ptrmifteil by the officers at that place ; (hip Nanjcy, Stanby, of Wilming ton, seized on the fame account. Same day, l arque Columbia. Skinner, Dublin 44 days. Paflengers, Robert A thenleck, Thomas Kelley, Andrew Burke, James Mooney, Arthur Forrcfter, John Killroye, Mrs Either Williams, Mr Jo seph Montgomery and Wife, and Mr. Al len Gillbirth, wife and child. July 10, lat. 48 J7, long. 18, 26, spoke fiiip Mvy Ann of Providence for Amsterdam. July 27, lat. 44. 5, long. 48 30, spoke ihip Per severance, Moor, of New-York. August 6, spoke fhij> Foxwell, 2 days from Bolton for Btifioi. Arrived at Marblrhead, fchv. Catharine, capt. Cox in 42 days from Lisbon. Left there, (hip Jofephtss of Philadelphia for Leghorn , brig George, Dennis, do ; Ihip Rebecca, Wells, Baltim«re ; capts Gard ner and Girdler of Marblehead j captain Blunt of i'ortfmouth, fnr Philadelphia, with freight ; a fchoo er with rice from Charles ton just arrived ; and several other Ameri can veflels. American vefiels sent in by Britilh crui sers from May 25 to June 36 —Bri? Pra cock, Crafts, of Boston with (berry wines from Cadiz for London, captured in lat. 42, long. I 1, by the Guernsey Privateer Le Kufe. Brig King Solomon, Heivett, of New York, with butter and checfe. from Amllerdam for Cadiz, captured 3 leagues from St. Lucar, Jtrfey privateer Flying Firtv Brig Sea Nvmph, M'Ke»er, owned Ly Lewis A. T*rrafcon of Philadel gbia, ladened with coffee, pimento, cloves, cotton, dye-wood, &c. from Philadelphia for St. Sebastians j John Augnflut Viilor Farrovil, supercargo, captured by the Ut ter of marque Barwell. Brig Hirtd qf Sa lem, Ropes, owned by Mr. William Otae, ladened ?vith sugars, from Salem for Cadiz, captnred by the Britilh f;igate nfou, lat. 36, long. Sufannah of Charltllo*. Spencer, owned by BUckluck, Owen, and and Millapan, ladened with sugar frofn j Charleston, for Cadiz, captured by the Britilh Privateer La Maaclm. Ship Manilla, from London r.nd the Cip:* de Veids, has arrived at N.ntucket. She was plundered by two French privatrer«, in lat 29, 40, long 53, 20. Tliey had captured two Southern American veflelf. Ship.Hunter, 32 day's from Bonavifla, ar rived at New Bedford, was plundered by a Fren J privateer,. July 22. The valuable copper-bottomed fl.iop Gene ral Greene, taken or. hei paflage fr .m Nov- Yorfc to theSj>a«ifljAl«in, btt been dearett Auguft- ,-5. - • Arrived, Ijays hip Rising Sun, Hawkins, London ! , t<*«7 15 Aurora, ~—Jama«ca CLEARED. Ship Commerce, Chew, Liverpool Eugenia, Brtfu 0, ' ' Br ftol Schr. John, Henderfoo, Cpe Francoia Harmony, Prince, Havanna Thomas & Deborah. Bain, Yarmouth Briti/h Queen, Hatfield, £t J< hns Sloop-Dove, Picker, St. John» -The Earl Gower Picket, from New- Y&rk, arrived at London the 25th Juse She failed from Halifax the 27th of May. NORFOLK, Auguft-8. Arrived "The Eritfti ship Portland, M* Gill, days Halifax. On ihe.22d July, the Portland fell in with brig Abigail, from St. U es to Portf niouth (N. 11.) in long 63 30, who had 011 board 14 persons. being parts of the crew of the (loop Lydia and Belfry, capt. Ward, of arid from Allxandria to Barbadoes, and. the brig Polly, capt. Mskins, from Phila delphia to Barbadoes, who l ad been cap u rer 1 - in lat. 25 3®: long. 59, by the fchoopet Mutet, of 4 yuns aad 60 men, be!on ing :o Cayenne ; there were also in company two other privateers from Caye: ne, one of 18 guns, and 350' men, and the other of 14 guns and 220 men, who captured an Erf- (hip from Liverpool to Savanna, sni • Byllon fchootier. Cjrracoa Antigua New-Orleans Capt. M'Gill, firrra motives of humanity took the 14 perfoni above alluded to on bo rd lii's fliip, thty being in tlie grcated want of prqvifions, and landed them all lure. •BALTIMORE, August 13. > Arrive I, Schooßer Theoda, Hopkins, 29 daya New Orleans. Left'there brigi Francis Nixon, and Ceres, of New-York, and Kfliflifippi, and Volunteer, ol Alexandria, the latter bound to Jamaica. Was boarded by the Britirti frigate Ap ollo, and fuffered to pass. Sp'ike brig Fair American f.-cra Jamaica, to New-York . and In&uftry, of the Natches, ;o leeward of of the Havana. 45 d3ys from New-York_ bound to New Orleans, veVy (horr of water 4 LAND, LVING on the Potomac River, county of Nor thumberland, iiate of Virginia; containing abovt i 4QO atres—it? fltuation i?'equal to any o'her in the Northern Neck, remarkable ibr ev«ry kind of wildfowl, oyOcra, fifh and crab, and none bet ter fcrtieakh. It is about the lame dittance from Baltimore, Alexandria asd Norfolk, and not more than one da-s fail from eirhcr. ThVre are three improved plantations w.ith.dwelling houfos, the one known "by the narfrc o(, Exeter Lodge, former ly the rtfcdehce of col. John an el' gant two llory brick huufe, with four rooms.on a floor, and a pillage fixtecn feet wide. The other two are commodious and convenient iy fitted, wich good and fuxcaMe out bouses, at one oi which John Murphy., Efq (now of Weitmore land county)lived fcvcral on this farm there is a g iod mill, with warer fufZicient to turn any number of llones ; also conveniunj store hou se» and granaries on a public road, well situated for a country Op each of those places there are fine apple a r jd peach orchards. v The greater proportion of rhe land is of the firft quality, au& near the half of the whole heavily timbered.' The termsmay be knownby applying to Wm P.Tebba Baltimore, Fouftiee G. Tebb?, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatroyd and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. 5a- 14. RARTTAN FARM, FOR SALS. \ VALUABLE and d*firabli Ellate, situated on the river Raritati in JcrCey, near Somer fct Court-House, 16 r.iiles frjm Brunfwick, and iS from Prir.ceton ; conflftingof upwards of yqo acres, equally divided iuto meadow, arable and wood land ; the whole \\ -thin a ring fence ; tfrs barp, fhbles, &c. are ffr.cioui, and adequate to the size of the Farfr. ; there,is a plenitude of gatne, with a good stud fiiheyy. The eflate is now in the hands of ?*4r Henry Worley. Further particulars may be known of Messrs. XICKLIN if GRIFFITH Merchants. Philadelphia, aad ot J AMES GIBSON, Of Mr. RICH A. Kb POTTEK, G^rmantown, Or cf the Tenant on the miy 9. S tf RUH a tray from the Subfcriher oh the evening l. of the »Xxk iall. a bound Servant GIRL, f.icne.l Elizabeth HoSTcgel, had on and tock with her three different changes of garment and money, prOud,bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any pt-r ---!'on apprehending her ihatibe entitled to the above reward—no coKs or charges will be paid. N: B, She had a years and Tome month* to serve DANIEL FirZPATHICK. Oofliea Townftip, OhtfW County, July 19. augifft 6 jawtf NOTICE. A CERTIFICATF. No 1*519 da'ed ift Jan uaryi;9'/, in fa-vour ol Robert l.innfay.of Ufcarleftcn South-Carolina, for one fliaie of thi flock »f the liank of the United States is'loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said laflitution. ROBERT LENOX. AuguO 7. m&t3iri A PERSON OF abilities, integrit • and experience in mercantile Itufiaefs, would willingly rn« j!3ge a. CLEItK to a n-.erelipnt or pu&lic ofJ See, or be conci-rned « i h any perToa is patt, as he ha 1 ! an mterefUoif about one thousand pounds in real ellate in theciry. Pleale to ap ply to the Printer ; rr a line left at the office for 3. Y. will be attended to immediately. Mayle mSt:h ti "" FOR SALE,, A VALUABLE TUACT OF -Jhree Cents lie ward. 1 ' j«ir .