not tfl alvajidrtn. The combat wis blootiy. The rebeis drfended for two entire- hours the twopiec^.of cannon, but the lOthdemi brigade carried pne, and while the enemy ■was defending the other valiantly, the 4th denu briuradp, with its accuftnniid bravery, carried off the other and put the whole army to flight. A number of the rebels fell upon the field ; the reft found f,«fety by flight into the neighbouring woods. The two pieces of cannon bave jtift arrived at head quarters • they are in fine order to irrve agaiii'ft Rigaud on fotne other tccalion, wHo» With his ca valry. not wilhing to stand the to.ock of our brave troops, tY 3lutf)oritp* Sixth Cungrefs of the United. States At the First Seflion, berun and held at the Crty of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, on Mon day, the second of December, one.thousand seven hundred and ninety] nine. AN ACT To retain a further sum on drawbacks, for ■the expenses incident to the allowance and payment thereof, and in lieu of stamp du ties on debentures. Seftion i. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America., in Congress assembled, That from and after the thirtieth day of June •next, two and one-half per centum on the amount of all drawbacks, allowed or to be allowed by law, upon afid for the re-exporta tion from the United States of goods, wares, or merchandizes imported thereinto, fliall be -retained for the use of the United States, 4Sy the colleftors paying such drawbacks re fpe£\ively ; and in addition tn the fnm of ■ene and one-quarter per centum heretofore a, Dock (IretC. July 19. eo ,v-1 Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, "WEDNESDAY K.V>; KING, AUGUST I^. i'RICES OF STOCKS. PninniLPßu, Aucost U Old % per Cent Stock for cafli 108 J a jcß 3-4 p.ct Ntw 8 per Cent Stock do 108**1081-4 Su per Cent, (not amour t) 871 Navy do. do. 87 Threeper Cent. do. 53 Deferred, - do. 8^ U INK United States, do. 31 Pcnnfylvaaia, do. »6 North rtaierica, do. 48 Infuranse conjp N. ihares 10 per cent, be low par Pennfylvapja, lhares, ai per cent, adv, Turi pikc Shares, jo per cent, under par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. Ea't-lndia Company q| n. a. 7 percent advance Land Warrants, 15 dolls, per too acrss. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on Lou. at 30 days for cafe 171 per ct Do. do. 60 days do. 170 do Do. do. po days do 169 Bills on Hamburgh ac 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark Banco D». in Amftcrdaai, 60 days 39 a 40 cts per Florin Ysfterday we were deprived of one of the Boston papers, containing European details, and th-1 *c counts for their not appearing in last tvenikg's Gazette to day we are again deprived of the Paper dise from thence, The Printers in N. Y. and Boston, are earnestly solicited to pay atten tion to our complaints on this fubjed; tktre i. improper condudt somewhere; whether on the part of the Printer* »r Post ettablilhmcnt we can not determine. An itarra hiving be«n excited in N. Y. refpcc ting the Yellow Fever, Dr. Tilltry, the refiJent FhyGciaa, has publicly declared that there has been but out caf« lately. Vutnt hating beccme notorious for fa!fehood> we questioned hiahavii g fcen the Morning Chro nicle cf June 1$ ; bat it appear* he bat rtceivtj that paper. Our doubti may afford him a profit ahlr. kffjn, and we recommend to his perusal the Fable of the Shepherds Boy and the Wolves, the Lad became so notorious lcr sals.hoed, that he wa > not believed when he fpolte the truth. Mr. Nones has sent a long eflTay to the Editor of the Aurora, and introduces it with fonie remarks, relpedting the conduit of the Editor of the Gazette of the United States. —As Mr. N. has deviated from a promile made to me (unsolicited) 1 (hall take no further notice of his communication. He has cbol'en a proper vehicle for the infertian of hu defence, as he calls it.—Were such filly fluff admitted in this Gazette, we (hould next of Secretary Vizse with bis de fence. Duane (Billy) gives ui to understand that the Morning Chronicle of the 2j.h, came fr< m the fame and Jimilar source, with a farrago hotchpotch ot -lies, about which he seems very much concerned, th f we have never taken the pains to enquire. It is for people who doubt to be inquiiitive, but the tru'h it, we well knew at the time he pub lifted the nonsense, above riferred to, that it was a Ihcer fabrication ! Why then (hould w« enquire any thing about a nulliti ? We believe that very ridiculous (lories are 'cry often told to Duane. which he, for want of capacity to ditli' guillj, miltakes for truth ; but we hold it very unreasonable in him to expeft us and oti/ers to believe them.—-Credulity, he may learn it from God win—Credulity" is not the prominent fea ture of the times." It is said by a Foreign politician, that Ja cnbinifm is now writhing in its lad agonies. But the snake must be kil'ed before the peace of society can be made secure. From a Late London Paper. NEPTUNE AND ECHO, A DIALOGUE. NEPTUNE—" I wi(h to know, ECHO if you can give me any account of Buona parte, the famous Corsican." ECHO.—" Of—course I cm." NEP.—" What, in his eftimatior, will exhibit the befl pretensions to sagacity ?" ECHO.—" To—sack a city." NEP.— 1 * As the guardian of Britain, I once fu(pe" You lie." NEP.—" What was hisobjeft in declar pig himfelfadiftiple of the Prophet?'' ECHO—" Proft>\ NEP.—" What is become of those Di reftors he created in the Cisalpine ?" ECHO—" All fine." NEP.—" What does he care foi the in terests of the Republic eflablifhed at Rotter .dim ?" ECHO—" Not a Jam." N'EP-—" What did he do when opposed to the British heroes of the Mile ?" ECHO—" Mil." NEP.-." How did his heroes of Italy be have when opposed to Suviorojfi" ECHO—" Were off." NEP.—" He lays great claim to politi cal hnnefly,*' ECHO —«• l S ( be>" NEP.—" What will prevent him from disturbing England and Ireland by difuaien'' ECHO— 41 Unien." The Editor cf a morning paper, dating his receipt by tlie Britifli Packet, Earl of Leicester, ot a. regul ir file of the London Oracle, adds, that though he finds " nothihg of a very important nature in these papers, they contain much inte'esting detail." Now, if the author of this paragraph had not publicly declared himfelf to be realty and truly an American, one would suppose that both he and his' competition were of Hibernian birth. For how in the name of St. Consistency can a paper be *an ablblute negation of the important, and yet contain interesting details ? By the head of Anoi so» and Johnson this is not the way in .Which our ancestors wrote. This is not the English style. It is a specimen of the new American ; and we recommend it to the very particular attention of Mr. Noah Webster. It will ftipply a genuine article | for his projefted dictionary of what he lb | jutlly calls the American language. For the Gazette of the United Sr^rss'. raoM the CHIRPING COOLER. A Decision for Dtiarie. Will's head and hit purse had a quarrel of late; He with both came to me, to decide the de- bate Not great was the difTrence—lndeed this was It— His my purse the mod calh,or my head the moll wit ? I know not, cry'd I, which at present is worlt, But furcly your headhxA ths vacuum firft. Midas, they Jay, pefltft'd the art of old Of turning whalfie'er he touch'd to geld. I his fclieme the Jacobins reverie with eafif, Touch them withhold they'll turn to what you fleafe If at his title O had drop'd his quill O— might have palVd lor a grut cunjuror ftiil, f, But O—— alas, excuse him, if you can Is now a Icriobkr, not a Cxr^man. For the G az ktte of the United States TO THE,GOVERNOR Of the Sta e of Per.njylv ma. Sir, I HAVE been no careless fpe&ator of your condud, llnce your elevation to the chair • ( State. In „my calculations previous to your eledi ny wi ich had marked your public and your private career; the inso lence you had displayed as a public, and the unfeeling ard inctflant oppriffion, as a private charadler, ei j-'t'tcd it on me as a sa cred and a Memn duly tp ipy country to oppose thoft arts which should vest you with a power, the iwpropejr extrcife of which W' uld bla!l the fairelt p-.-fptfts. of the slate. Vet. had I viewed ypu. as a man superior tr> flattery ; as one who onld teel the dig ny of t he hid |olt fight > f hit o common.iso.uld ; aAuated by no common principle ; irtenton no common end ; fuccef* cannot gratify you; ambition, nor perury nor misery d mp your-thirft for reveng ; nature i* of en on extremes When flie formed Calar, (he fuffered a Ca to to exist Milton llione in the days of Cromwell; and when.the virtues of'Wafh ington adorned a world, the vice# o r a Gov ernor formed a cor t raft, marked and flrong. It my information be corredt. your Ex cellency vifued the Prothonotary's Office in Laneafter to be afcertaiaed of the existence of record which riamned the reputation of Stever ; wh. n convinced ef its exigence, you exprefTed your regret at tie appoint ment. I Say, Sir, why was this ? I» the nume rous cum millions you have signed, was your pen guided by the- spirit cf patriotism ? Was it the wi(h of ycrur heart " to do jus. tice to the genuine principlet e>f Republican In- Jlilutions f" Did you-analyfe the characters ; of the rejt of thofc men whom you ap | pointed ? Did the spirit of pat:iotifm prompt you 1 to raise into office a m«r. who had guided the armies of the enemy at a time when you re probated so ftrcngly even plffi-e eonduft, that your opinion was that he who was not for us was against us I" Were you influenced by the spirit of pa triotism when you app itited a man, whom you knew to have delighted in re»i!ing the charafler of Wafhirgtqn ? Were you adju sted by that spirit when you created a man a major-general—a man whom the Legisla ture bad but a short time before declared un worthy of an appointment ? Was it the spirit of patriotism which ur ged you to raise . into office another, whom you yourfelf had declared to be destitute of principle ? I Wa9 it—fay, fir, was it the spirit of patriotism winch whispered to your paren- ! tal set lings to appoint two of your children into offices, theiofs of wkicb deprived one , man of his bread, and sent Jnothcr to big grave ? '•s- ' And was it by these api*mvtmeT)ts yoa meant to substantiate your public, official declaration that "you had selected the Of ficers of the G.rnernment without regard to personal feeling ?" But, Sir, you regretted the appointment of Stever, when you found he flood convidt ed pn record—a Thief. —Pray, Sir, was it or was it not your duty to have investigated j the ehara&er of this man previous to the ap pointment, and peculiarly lb, when you knew that appointment was for life ? When it (hall become a fafl, too ftrongto be denied, even by the fyirit of party, that the offices of the State at - filled by men des titute bf principle, you will tell us that you regiet it, but that you knew not the char after of these men !—but will you tell us alio that there were no men of principle and ability, whom you might have appointed, and men whole charadlers you did know ? Sir, the Conditution has confided to you the appointment of nearly all the officers of government; and, in making those appoint ments, however you may (hieldyourfelf under the plea of Conltitutional power, you are and will be responsible to your country for tjie injuries they may occaiion to that coun try.— Yet while your countrymen will seek for some profpecl of good amid the gloom that furrouiids them, they will thank their God, as I do, that the office of Treasurer is beyond your reach, and that the funds of the State are in no danger of being plunder ed by a dealer in certificates, or an Irilli traitor. SENECA. • THE WINTRY DAY ! DY MRS. ROBINSON. IS it in mansions, rich and gay, On downy beds or couches warm, That Nature owns the Wintry Day. And fhrinlcs to hear the howling floras ? Alt ! no L 'Tis on the bleak and barren tienth. Where Mis'ty feels the ftiaft of death, As to the dark and freezing grave Her children, not a friend to five— Unheeded go ! Is it in chambers, silken drefl, At tables, with prol'ufion's heap ; Is it on pillows foft to reft In dreams of long and balmy sleep \ Ah ! no ! 'Tis in the rulhy but obfeure, Where Poverty's low sons endure, And fiercely daring to repine, On a straw pallet mate, recline, O'erwhelm'd with woe ! Is it to flaunt in warm attiVe, To laugh and feaft, and dance and sing, To crowd around the blazing fire, ' And make the roof with revels ring ? Ah ! no ! • . 'Tis. on the prison's flinty floor— 'Tis where the deaf'ning whirlwinds roar, 'Tis when the ft-a boy, on the mafl, Hears the waves bounding to the blast, And looks below ! Is it in chariots gay to ride. To crowd the splendid midnight ball, To revel in luxuti'>utpride, While pamper'd vaflals wait your call ? Ah ! no 1 'Tis in a Cheerlcfs, naked room, Where Miihy's vidims wait their doom ! Where a fond mot'tr famifh'd dies, While forth a frantic father flies, Man's defp'rate foe ! Is it where, prodigal and weak, The filly fpendthrift scatters gold, Where eager folly hades to seek The fordid wanton, falfe and bold ? Ah ! no ! ' Tis in the file-1 spot obfeure, Where, f re'd all sorrows to endure, Pale Genius learns, Oh lesson fad ! To court the vain and on the b:d, False praise bejlow ! Is it where Tamejlers, thronging round, Their foiling heaps of wealth display ? Where Fafhio t giddy tribes ar? found, Sporting their senseless hours away ? Ah ! no.! 'Tis where neglefted Genius sighs, ■ Where Hope, exhausted, silent dies ; Where Merit starves, by P iJc opprefs'd, 'Till ev'ry ft ream that wai'ms the Forbears to flow I January, 1800. Jufl come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SUBS CM B EX, SUPERFINE Silcfia rouans") Creas a la Morlaix t Fine Bretagßos I to Do. white platillas ■ debenture. E'topillas and Brown Ruflia (heetings J With a general affarlment of British Goods, Which will be fold low tor ca(h or short credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Market.str«et. aupuit It daw For Madeira, ABIGAIL, To ftil about ijth'inftaiit. For freight of a few hundred barreli or pa[- Care, apply to Gideon Hill Wells, or Moore Wharton. Augull i. dtf AN APPRENTICE wanted, At the Oftice of the Gazette of the United States. July 6 Gazette Marine Lift, PCRf OF PHILADELPHIA. Came up from tbr Fort. ■ Schr, Eutaw. Enm'j, P, Republican Sugar, Coffle, &t- A. and V. Thuun. Sleop Supply t mith, Kingston Rum, Coffee, &c. T. & P. Mackle. CLEARED. Ship Elizabeth, Dyer, Sloop Alexander, Stiteg, No arrivib at the fort• The Philadelphia, Captain Parsons, arri*-' at Leghorn the 14th June, from this p^rt. Ship Atalanta, Banbury, of and f r Bal timore, 98 days from St Sebastians, has ar# rived at Reedy Island in distress, fcteral of the crew having diets on the paffagc of the Scurvy, The Sch* Privateer La Fortune, captured off the Havannaby the Ganges, has arrired at Reedy island. NEW-YORK, August 12. Arrived Ship Elizabeth, Jteifly. St. Croix 17 Northern Liberties, Setan, Calcatta Brig Lion, Entfley, Porto R ic» '25 Schr. Nancy, Bloek, Virginia 2 Sehr. Hiram, Rogers, Charieftou Sloop Randolph, Nichols, nntigna Cleared, Brig—, , ft- Sc bqftialiß Sloop Sally, Morris, Sr Vincents Brig Dorfey, of N. York has fafe arrived at Port Republican. We are lorry to date, that the Schooner Rein Deer, Capt. Lawrence, tr m this port bound to Cutracoa, waa wrecked on tne weft end of St. I roix about the 16th of Ju ly lad—cargo entirely loft. CHARLESTON July 25. ARRIVED days Ship Otfego, Bythvrood, Gibraltar 56 Brig Little Susan, Taylor, Port Re publican 19 Schr. Hetty, M'Kinlcy Philadelphia 22 July 17, arrived, bng Pei:aian, Lemon, Nassau, 9 days. JULY 23. The (hip Superior, Smith, from Havan na ; and big Auro a, Stowe, and schooner Nancy, Dome, from Cape Francois ancho red yesterday off Fort Jolinfton. A few days ago the Superior was board ed by'the Britilh (hip York, of 64 gups, who put on board 16 French prifonert. Arrive!, pclacre Conception. Heyland, Nassau, 5 days ; schooner Thomas and ly, Rider, Havanna. 21 days In fight of Georgetown Bar, mpt. Was- Con spoke the schooner Two Sifters, Wil liam C. Pinegar. master, 63 days from Ca diz, all well; supplied them with water. J u, 7 2 9■ Arrived, sloop Rac! ellj Lictleficld, Ha vanna, 21 day*. For Sale, By LORAIN fcr SON, No. 5, No-tb T&iid GURRAHS and low priced Haftas, entitled to drawback. Also other coarse and fine 4 4 and 5-4 India Muslins, Irish ar.d quadruple liness German Dowlai, India Siti s, Lut firings and Se«fheu>», Ribbons, Spades, Frying "p-ns w'rh a rj-i f >v of other Ironmongery and feafonible Dry Goods. Aifo, to-be SOLD or BARTER! D, FOR DRY GOODS, A handsome ystory BRICK HOUSE, with piazza and kitchen adjoinu g litnate in Vine near Fourth Steeet, built in m dern ft\le with excellent materials and well calculated to aceommoda e a lavge family. aueiift 13. dit.Mtf. Sale by au&ion AT BALTIMORE. EAST-INDIA GOODS. ON Monday tiie td Saturday previous to the sale, the goods w H be • pe etj for infpeflion. when catalogues will, b? furr.iihcd, and th» terms rf sale made krowi< by BENTALOU & DOR c F.Y,. AiMicneers dti^d Avguft 13. • 1 • *. TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The 'fwo ,Houses»;. LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, Ne. 13, fnuth Fourth street. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, 41, Arch firect. 3 aw aw , J*I»W Hamburg Norfolk - v"