Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 13, 1800, Image 1
NvMtltH 2458.] ;t ~y The price of this bd?.?tte is Eight QdILMiS per annum to 'SitfiCrtiters residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. 'Ailotiiers pay ,yne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; anil tcnless.soine ftcrstm in tbiscity will becvmie answerable -far-tic subscription, it must bepaiS Six Mcr.tbv m Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. >D«w«rt>«r * Jf99« ALMANAC From AvgvJ} 13 —to >9. UICB WATER. We<fri«fday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday • Monday - Taefaay SUV— ■'! «i<M »Ti • S 9 < J' S *O,. 6 jo S *1 * 49 • M *J 6 4 7 ' t J>« 6 4* i «5- 6 43 -J J i4 6 44 Wednesday Thurfdiy Friday Saturdav Stmday - Monday TuefJa/ For sale, . Ml Jsjk Ship India, lyins K-of' & Simfon's Kt3fe2Jrjuß»wliarf, burthen 40t ton*. For terms apply to JOSEPH S. LEWIS. Augufl 5* For Sale, tiie n:ew pit ® T St. Tammany, YIN Ci at Say's Wh.rf, above Market Sfreet, b'jrthrn 70 t nj, supposed te be a remarkable fail failing vtflel, ai_d may haSt -4tts for fei in a few fUy», Inventory to be Cecil and terms of fak know n by applying to the lub -fcribcr. CBOOXE STEVENSON, No. 4. South Water Street. ALSO FOR iSA-LS, fS llhds Mufc <rad Sugar. H* Siile and brown Hava> nah dieo in bcxei. Fall India do. ia bags. Welt Irtdta and Onntry Rum. jco Hhd". Molaflea. I'Jolland Gin Prrnt'h andSpanilh Brandy. Prpper, C< flee, Slc. Au+nft 9. fatu& F R SALE, Java Coffee 8c Sugar, THE CAHGO Of thr Sljip Ji-flferiou, E. E. Mo*bis, Commander from Bsttavia, CONSISTING or . <« 220,000 pounds Ceribon and Jaca tra Coffee. 220,000 pounds Sngar in canniftcrs. ALSO thk BRtGANTINK NEWTON, of Live Oak and Red Ce- will carry about twenty-two huiuirid t>2r -Is, ntw fbealhed with ctrdar, and will be in com pleat order to receive a cargo in a fen davs. Apply t» R H. WILCOCKS & Co. Augvft g d6t WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tb, ißco. TKE commanding C ffictr* i f corps, de tachment*, pnfls gjrrif- n?, and rerru ting parties, belong! g t the military t flablifhment of the Ututs.i Mates, ar- to report toj and Teceire orders from flrigadier Oc ncrjl Wil * mfi.n, in rhe City of \V«lhingt*n, and all officers on furlough ar* to rrpott themselves to the fane officer with all 'ifpattli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. •$3" All Printers wi'hin the United States who have puhliihed invitation* for contrailsrif Ihe 131 h of M#ti h last are requested to infrrt itlie a' ove in their rclpetSivt papers, once a -week for tw*9 m^n'lis BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock c? (Patch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market s Where he has for S»'c, Spring and other Clocks ; gold.aiid lityer Watches; Too's, Files and Materials; flrel and gilt Chains, Seala and Key 9 ; Springs, &c. Stc. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as uftial. Junt 3 tukf tf Just Arrived, AND FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCUIBKKS, THE CARGO OF THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Be-rigi consisting OF An affortrf.ent of Piece Goods. Sugars of the firfi quality, And ico qr. cheKs of superior Wytoa Teas, Wtilings W Francis, and Tbomus If" John Clifford. March 17. r>v< Gazette of t & e United States, & Daily Advertiser. Simon Walker Has removed HIS COUNTING HOUSE, Tg No.. 79, FOTJTH Funnm STRKF.T, Corner of Union Street—-wh: re he has for sale J»ST R aC&IVED, EARTHEN WARE, A(Tortccl for exportation or home market. Glafi Ware double flrit, in cases. Fresh Cloves [ Nutmegs and Mace. J u 'y *4- H. M 8 i* » «4 Received By the ship Kensington, cajtain Adamson, from London, A qUANTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Raveas-Duck, Of a fupcrior quality. Also on bandy received by the late arrivals y jy ASSOR7MENT OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans> Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. fvr file by . - ROBERT SMITH t* Co. No. 58, south Froot-flreet. July s6. d»w 1 o «5 ' II t .f .11 4> 0 *B. * 19 i Just Arrived, AND fOH SAtt ST TDI WIKIIIIII, TIIE CARGO Of tbe Ship Canyon, Richard Dale, Commander, From Canton, consisting or Bohea > Souchong J Hyfun Skin S TEAS. Young Hyson I and Hyson. J Su£ J nankeens. Sugar of ill quality" China Ware, tetflia. Fans. An aflortment of Silks. WILLINGS e FRANCIS, No. aI, Penn Street. Apnl 14. d. Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCEHS, &V. No. 63, Ntrth fiiie Market-ircec, HAVE a. general afibrtment of hell Loudon fup.ifine Broad Cloth* and Caffiraerej. (of the newest laihion) -silk stripe and second quality Cloths, l„(h nabU waiflcoating, silk Arise -uJ twili'd Nankeens, Jean, Foftian, Gingham, Dimi> ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, Vulvets, scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irifli and brown Linens, Dowlas, mas*' and wnmens' lilk and cotton Hoficry, coat and vest pearl, steel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muilins, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Shtwls, Pocket Handkerc.-i-fs, Glove* Checks, &c &c. N. 8 Taylors' best quality Trimming* . .all which they will fell very low. July 18. dtf Rum Sugar Coffee Cocoa Ciftor Oil, -u4 FRUIT, Jutt received per the sloop Supply Jrom Kingston, Jamaica y FOR SAI E BW Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate »fe, s Pipes of Old Port Wine, and too Bags East-India Sugar, Sec. July 30. <Jjtcost Now Landing, And fur sale by the subscribers, ISO PIPF.S OF Lisbon Wine. JESSE US ROBERT WALft. Jtily 30 diw A FEW COPIES OF The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have juit teen received and are now for sale, BY A. DICKINS, OppoGte Chrifl Church July 11. ' Jufl Received, By A• DICKINS, opposite Christ Churchy A. View CP THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF TUX American Revolution, In Nincteifi Discourses. By the Rev. JoNAi-H.m Boucukb, A.M. F. A. S. Price ; Dollars jc Cents. Julr 30, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. * PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, ig 0 c„ The Bankrupt Law Of THK UNITED STATES, Was this Day Publiftsd by A. DIC KI SS, op f.ofite Chrifl Church.—ff|3 t if Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST SfCfcIVED PROM NBW-YOKK, ' DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In the United States. [Pri»e 374 Cents ] wg*ft ft rf- Madeira Wine: The fubferiber has received in the Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old Loudon particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. caiki. GIDEON HILL WELLS. august 4. mw&I4VV Jacob Sperry & Co: No. 195, Market-Street, Have received by. tbe ship Eag/e, and Other late ar tvu/s /rum Hawuimg, The following Goods, Which they uftran liberal terms ; " E3TOP:J,J.A<j, -» # fDacanters, CafferilUs, 2-g [ Coffee-Mils, Boccadilloj, "5 j? . rapes, tvill'd.plaln Kcuans, 1 and coloured, Creasa la Morlaix, I J-S ; Sealing Vix. Coutila, J L * From London, A tons'g-nient 0] % Packages of Sadlers' Webbir.g, ;h4 3 Cases of the Washington Print, iq handfeme frames of full length Fngraving. ALSO, 2 New Cables, Ea«h r»j litiioi-is, 10 and f r inch. auguO 4. H6tm&th l(n A Summer Retreat. 1 TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, . WITH a itafjft, larriage h-ul« and lf>t, fituatfd in a part of Trenton. The terms y ill he modrra e, and possession can he had immediately ; but the te«ai« will not he wantr„ to occupy the premifrt after the 10th "f next November. For terms apply t.» tha printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, iu TrentoQ. J«t»e 14. tuth&stf TO LET, OX FOR SALE, A 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street (or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wafh houfe, all built of the heft materials, and in «xeel. ait or !er ; c«'.lar» under the whole, one pared, and has two lattice closet« with lock*, a hrge got den and yard, fevcral fruit-tree* In the garden, two pumps of excellent water ne«r the premises. Enquire at No, 39, Arch fttect. July «J ttiJtf 6w TO BE SOLD, Very low for Catb, or exc. aigeJ for Goods, A Large, Elegsr t, and Well finilhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Frank'ord; containing an entry and two large parlours on the firll floor, three bedchambers and two garrets The Iflt, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two (Ireets, and has the privilege of a to feet alley through ; it contains a kitchen, ftb'e, and coach.h. a well of excedentwater, &c For terms apply to JOHN M'CLELLEN, Jjly I#. ' tuthSts tf HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier tVYrujo, Spanilh Amba(rador, will be let out to an approved per foil or family. 011 easy cot' titions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and stables conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce lYreet. SAMUKL MAGAW, Arch Street, No. 04. July 23. eodif. Port Wine & Claret In Cases, of the first Quality. Wine artel Cj'der Vinegar. and Qnartor Calks—Fnr Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS fcf Co. July 19 3SW3W. For Sale, A LOT In the Borough of Frat'kford, BORDERING on the fide of Frank ford d eck, with a large well finiftied stone dwelling, house thereon, with a brick kitchen adjoining ; and also a Urge and convenient lr;me coaeh houfc aud itablc. The situation i» healthy a- 4 d agreeable. For larther p.irticuUrs apply to the itfcriber on the pre.'-.-.lies. WILLIAM GEORGE. iw m&i^ August 5. Writing, drawing & printing Papers '• • - AND . ( . Stationary Wares, FOR SALE,' AT Wi YOUNG'S BOOK-STORE, A#. Jt, Bn*i fitmJ Stmgl,tit ttnurt/' ...... CLfimStrta. Who has received an extensive and gene ral fiipply, and of the best quality. A CONSIGNMENT Of super rc*y*l, double crown and double pott Printing, and also of writing Ico's cap PAPER. Jt THU tr K O F Ladies Slippers. Which will b« fold low, for cafli, or negotiable Notes. w. Ysatg hat atfo rM«<Md a (int. aad Gr«i CWfa. wlowancc made to wfcok&l* 00/c6*fer«. -i"* l3l - JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, At DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Oppcfite Cbrill - Church, AH g- jwt Papers AND OTHER STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6. THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B. Wickej, (en. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISfJItG OF A complete aflbriment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPEk do. rOK SALE BY WILLINGS fcf FRANCIS, No. 31, Tenn-ftreet. Mj y «• dtf THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE PQn SALS, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, [OOO Boxes bed marbled Soap,") 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j From cm hoard tie 100 Halt chests Lucca Oil,' ! Louisa, 7 Biles Paper, f from Ltgtorm, Primftdn#, Parmcfan Cheese, J 300 Pipes be ft Bordeaux Brandy, 200 HoglVeads Claret fupwior quality, 700 Caien trench Sweet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cof nichons, 100 do. hr-ft alTorted Cordials, DRY GOODS affcrted for the Weft-tadia market, Claret In cases of afaperior quality, London dry White Lead, • A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Canhon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fcf Sons. 'May 10. 'uth&s tJ' . For Sale, Landing fr m on boa d the Schooner An drew, from Tenerijfe James M'Srig ger, Majler, 75 Pipes 40 Hhds. > TENfcRIFFEWINE. 64 Casks, J For terms apply to MATHJAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. aupuft 1, Just' PubH.bed, Abl fir sale by D, ogan. No. 51 South Third Street, m polite the Uriitrd States Bank, r J HE STFP-MOTHER, A DomelHc \ ale ftoni real liie, in two volume* (Pric. 1 D liar, 50 cents. By rviifs Helen* Weils, of Charlcfto.i, Smith-Carolina. Also, Letters rn frbje.Su of importance to the haptinefs cf Young finales -rC-'nce 75 cents ) —By ;h'. fatie From the Gentleman*t Magazine, for / 'ay 1 799. "Thtfe letters are a idr. Hied by a G. ve'iiefs to her pupils, en whole r*iods lhe ftrenu uUt «ndea vours to impress the sacred duties of religioo, the primary foljce of ev ry fe'ieicy. The z al which this lair author, fs his maniielled in the caule of virtue, both in her Step-Mother, and the work be fore us, we trad will haVe due influence with those who may bfc tempted to peru'e the e publications. We earr.eflly recommend the letter, to the atttn tion ol Yousg Females." ■■■u?ufl 8. f tuAf 3t Three Lents Keward. RUN away iromthe Subferiber on the evening of the «>ith irjft. a bound Servant C1k.1,. samciElizabeth HowcUel, had on and took wit? her three diJJorent changes of garment an! money proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p;r son apprehending her stall He entitled to the abc ve reward—no roils or charges will he paid. N: B, She had » years and forne months to fcrve BAUIEI. frtzPArsiGjt. (JofbenTowßftipjOheftsrCo'jnry, July 19. august 6 " 'awff To Printers. WANTED- in Exchange, AFc.UNT ot Long Primer, weighing 6 or 70(■ lb. or u; war!», and a Fount of Urevier weighing 400lbs; or upwards—sfcev ir.ull not be much worn—Any person hsvinp types i,f the above itcfcription and ilifpof. J to Exchange them for cither prir.ting materials ; or will l'ell cheap, may ipply at the Office oi the Gazette of t).e United States. July Ij. • ■■ ' • > > For Sale, BY" PUBL-'C AUCTION—IN THE t.« C F V OI W SI iINGT- N. V„.. l 0 .T' g . J " ope,ry belon S"* Of the ,\ te g egate Fund, provided for the payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox and Jamw GreenleaE On Mir,day the 6tb (October inst. "P P r op«'ty of said fund, in the City o) a3i ingtoh, that now is retrfiered clear o£ every incumbrance, will be ezpofed at Public '.uflion at rjnsicliflTavffrn, amongtt which are the follow,rig valuable fituatioh, viz. ,1 I ots ia % iquarc No. 973, 1 s o t« i n square 974, 15 lots ia jtjuarc N. 995 l 2 | ou f<j U are south „f f qulrt 1019, 19 lots in square io»o, 1 lot in square I0«e. 1 lot in .quire foaz, 7 lots in square 1043 4 lota m square ICS4, 3 lota i n square IC4J, 3 lots ia square 1046 9 lots in square .047, 11 lots in square 1048, with sundry others, advatitageoufly situated in various parts of the city. Also the a ltory frame fcouTe now occupied by Mr Deblois, beautifully situated (with an eitenfive view ol sev eral miles down the Potomac) on the south «afl cornerof fquare973, fronting 4. feet on 11 ftreec east, and 43 feet on south G street: 1 commodioii* Kitchen with an over, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame ft a Me, carriage house ani hay loft so feet by and a pump of ■ xcelknt water near the back d.*>r of the kitchen, the lot ertendingji feet on i| flreet. and 139 feet 1 inch in GQrect, comprizing lot« Nos. i, 2, 3, and pare of 11, ia the regirtered diviHon of the square. The faleswill commence 2t the said t vern at ten o clock in the forenoon. The term-one f, urth cafii, ore fourth in fir months, when a derd will hp friven - • ir.ciciy m two years, pay.'flfftrto re lecured ~~ by ''on 1 and mortgage. But the creditors in the above fund, may in Jipu of mortgage secUre pay ment «.f their bond 9 hy of c r'ificates of the truttee« at the rate of five (hillings in the pound , to the an ount fecursd and fiioald a dividend take place before the expiraciou of the* tw years, It will >efet iffagainll th« "coed, and the cerufi» cate> returned in the fahic proportion. Henry Pratt "1 Thomas W, Francis J John Miller, jun. Trujtcet. JohnAfhlejr | Jacob Baker. J THOMAS TIN'GEY, Agent. Anßuft 4 . 3law ta FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYINO on the Votomac RiVor county of Nor thumberland, fiatc of Virginia ; containing about 1400 aeres—its lituition is equal to any o'hef in the Northern Neck, remarkable tor every kind of wildfowl, oyliers, fifli and crab, and none bet ter for health. It is abeut-the fame distance from Baltimore, Alexandria a;- d Vorfolk, and not mora than one days fail from either. Tin-re are three improved plantations with dwelting houses, the one known by the name oi Exeter Lodge, former ly the residence of col. Jobn Gordon is an ehgant two (lory brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a passage sixteen feet wide. The othfT two arc commodious and convenient* ly fitted, with good and suitable out houses, at one of which John Murphy, F.fq. (now of Weftmore land county) lived several years; on this farm there is a good griil miH, with water fullicient to turn any number of floneS ; alf© convenient store hou ses and granaries on a public road, well situated for a country flare. On eaeh of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft qiiality.and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be knownby applying to Wm. P. Tebba Baltimore, Fo'iftiee G. Tebb«, cfq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd and Sons, Philadelphia. r cb. .<—l4 Just Imported, In tie ship Kensington, front London, and for sa'c by Joseph & James C.rukfhank, 87, High -street, AN ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS AND STATIONARY, Amongst which are the following NEW BOOKS : A summary of univerlal Hillory. ixhihiting th« use, Decline, and Revolutions ,}! th« .).ffer-nt Na tions ol the world, Irom tJe Creati' 11 to the pre sent time, 9 vols. 8 vo. tranflatedfrom the trench of M Atgocril Trails through the Ukited States of America, the Coui ry of th Iroqouis, . n>) i C anada, with an authentic account of Lowt'r Canada by the Duke de la Rochefoucatlt I.iancourt I vol;. 4 to Memoirs illative t» Egyft wrilt n in that coun try f!urii'jr the clftipttgibs ot General Bonaparte in the year» 1798 aa ( I 799. Public. Characters ot' 1798—99 —1800 %* Vols Bvo A Voyage to the Fall Indies containing an ac count of tU manners, Cutloma &c (f the Na tives with a Geographical defcript pii of tlie country by FraPaoleno d-lan llsitolomeo. The annual Necrnlegy of 1797, 8 including also various articles of negle£led BiVgrapby- Watkius Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiiftori cal Diifiionary. A Digested Index to the seven volumes of filling of frle<3 lives of IMultrious Britons, by William Mavor. L. L.D. Porms on various fufijefil feleilcd to enforee the prafl ice of virtue &' . by E. Tomkins. Moores :> 14th Edition enlarged* Jk'y 3°- ' eodfit K A PRINTING PRfcSs complete, Ol Loii;! Prir. er, Smill Pica on plea body (i e« and old Pea, do. Eruhfti, (two final! founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Fraiurs, and a great vatiety of Offica Furniture. &c. Iro* work of a pr nting press, jjr They will be fold cheap for cafh—-Appl' at the office of th« Gazette oi the Ur' \-Y \ 1 vy fV Liriyiß XVIII. 3* afr . ? _ * «