Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 12, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States,
Fur the Gazette of the Unitsd States.
[Among the fwect fingers and Tweet /ongf
tj-elTes who compose our musical private
* parties, and in evrry public serenade no
song 'appears more popular than the gal
lant ip vocation of the well bred H. Wal
. pole to the deeping beauty.
" Rife, Cynthia, rife"
Now, as a parody of a popular song will
alwaysexcitea temporary uttered, St gener
ally beguile the -lounger offome of his cares,
let us make the attempt, and sneer at the
doltilh in manner following,] '
Rife, Aurora, rifs ;
Rife, Auroyn, rile;
The faftißu3,tr;be on tiptoe dands
To view thy f'mutty face.
Mammoth, with philosophic eyes,
Sees none more foul in all his race.
The fwjnifh lerl, who round thee gape
Will driw frelh venom from thine eye,
Then, ah, in pity ;
Then, ah, in pity ;
In pity to McK
Do not a morning draught deny.
For f£<?G.A7.ETTK of the United States
—No. II
On feeing a young LaJy, darning Stockings.
Along the Docking's foot, with ease and grace
Yrwr fingers, lovely Mira, when you move,
On them with eye admiring I will gaze,
And drink deep draughts of all refiftleft love.
Aflume thy gloves, my mod enchanting flir
Wheji next your (lockings you begin to mend
For though full white the hose, they yet appear
As faffron yellow,, neir thy lily hand.
As constant as your all obedient thread
Does thy bright needle's devious path pursue,
So does each thought of my poor, brainless head
For ever dwtll, divined nympb, on yoU.
Oft, as thy Deedlet pierce the yielding hose,
So sft thy beauties pierce my yielding breiftt
Oh then companionate my deep felt woes,
And hid awhile the ntedle reft.
Or, if one idie minute you difd.'in,
On me be cxercis'd your mending art
Yes, lovely maid, to ease me of my pain
Come,darn the hole,that rankles in ny ktart
For the Gazette of the United States.
Sung by , at a late meeting of
the Republican Society, Bait.more.
REPUBLICANS, be en guard ;
l.ook (harp to what is dontf ;
Tae ftit j*a fe; are w?riing hard
To bring about your ruin
Yankee Doodle, here's a cup,
Tskealittle Brandy.
Twill serve to keep your fpiriti up
Drinking is the candy.
7'bin i mot a man amonj ui all,
. But tells hi. v.unting story,
OfJoBNNT QoiNcy'k dcfliu'd fall-
Tint curled Britilh tory_.
Ya: kes Doodle, pulh the glass,
Send about the brandy,
Hi that Jliiuba u an aft,
jirrtKiou'ithe d.iNdv
Then rally strong, and ynu'll defeat
Their schemes cf wicked adlicn j
And trample underneath your feet,
The Royal Bciulh Uflion.
Ya.kee Doodle turn 'cm omt,
Places are the daudy,
What the Devil are you about
Send us round the Brandy.
Be fiauneh and firm on freedom's fide,
And keep a close conne&ion j
Let no Aristocrats divida
Your vote# at next ee<slion.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up,
Push about the Brandy,
Johnny Qoincy's out bflucky
Jtfftrfon's the dandy.
The cry for war has no relejle,
But hot and hotter waxes ;
Then vote him in, he'll give us peacj
' And pay off all our taxes,
Yankee Doodle Jeffer doo,
Son—y, doodle dandy,
Son—y, doodle, Jeffer do
Si»k the price of Brandy.
Baltimore, August 6.
The Aotifederalifls fr.-m th« time of the
eftablilhment of the Government, to the
present momet, ha e held the fame lan
guage. But, in lamenting the evils of par
ty spirit, whom do they accuse ? Their own
party ?By no means. If we are to believe
th.'m, tbe whole burden lies at the do r of
the Federalists. The Federalists lay taxes,
enadt laws, build navies &c This is true.
The Federalists have generally been the ma
jority ; the majority always cnaft laws in a
reprefeiuative government ; and the minori
ty as invariably are the oppnfition. The very
term Oppofilion This is some
times more and forae times ltfs violent. But
the opposition are ever (if their own afler
lion are to be taken for evidence) the friends
of the people. They rail at taxes, to indu:£
the people to believe, th.t if they had the
management of government, there (houlJbe
no taxes. But, is a Government to be car
ried on without taxes ? Will Mr. JtfTerfon,
with all his moderaisn, and patriotism, be
able to devise a scheme to support our Gov
ernment, and pay our debts, without the
i r»vei,ue ?It is absurd to suppose it. When
the Democrats prom.fe this, let every'man
remember it is a falfe, and only
calculated to deceive he people.
The Democrats talk much of uniting
part es, and of accommodation ; and pre
tend that Mr. Jtffcfon's moderation will
accomplidi this desirable end. This goes
on the idea that there is something wrong
on both sides, which ought to be given up.
Let me enquire, if any man ever knew an
instance, in which the Jacobin party ever
gave up a bStr't breadth of their ground ?
I ventnre to assert, no such instance ever
happened. The fail already mentioned,
viz. that' they have forever opposed, and
never proposed, measures, is a proof of my
aflertio'n. Befidts, if the Federalists are to
give up, is it not giving up right treasures,
to obtain wrong* What is to be gained ?
The Democrats have done nothing but op
u-'.fe. We can then gain nothing but op
pofjtion. The truth is, the idea of accom
modation with them, is to make a bargain
all on cne side. We trust Federalism is just,
In order to silence the voices, and allay that its measures are right ; the Govern
the fears, of the Federalists, relative to the I ment has hitherto stood upon them, and the
election of Mr. Jeflerfon, immediately upon j country flourillies under their influence,
the appearance of success dawning upon : Mixing with Jacobinism, is like scattering
them this season, the democrats began to poifen inter the aliments of life. The whole
fay, that it' Mr. Jefferfcn Ihould he elefted mass becomes impure, and if (wallowed,
> the government would not be subverted ; proves the certain cause of deft ruction and
but, that he would purfoe the f'.me general death.
system which his predec-flors had followed. The main fubjefl of the proportion will
That is,, tbe .democrats, for many years past, he puil'ued in my next'. Burleigh.
j From tie Connecticut CourcHt.
No. V.
To the People of the United States.
THE second proposition which I am to
eflablifh is—If Mr. Jefferson should be
elected Presidint, the constitution will in
evitably fall a sacrifice to Jacobinism. If
I have succeeded in proving' that Mr. Jef
ftrfon, and his party, wish to denroy the
constitution ; I presume nothing m»re is
neceflary to fnpport.thc present point, than
to lhew t that in cafe of his ele&ion to the
Presidency, he will poflefs the means of de
, flroying the ccnftitution. After some pre
liminary obfervatians, I Ihall brinj? into
view some of the means which he will pof
fei's. Whether they will probably prove
effe&ual for the purpose, cr not, is for you
to determine.
lm# filled liift newfpcipfrs with falfehocw
*nd calumny; againftewry Federal inan, and
Federal itie'aforr; idennuncvd one after an
qther, all the friends of thfc admiui fixation,
as traitors, monarchills, arillocrats, Biitili
agents, &c. Sec. merely to jfive Mr. J ff-r
--->fon and his party, opportunity to do exaftly
what General Washington, and the Federal
party have done Str-nge and ab
filld as declarations of this fort are, tlity
are perpetually nude by the Jacobins, in or
der to pacify the minds of tliofe, who feel
alarrtted for the- laffcty of the constitution,
and the exiflence" of the nation. But, can
any man of'common ■ sense, believe such an
allVrtion—can it be credited for a moment,
that Mr. Jefferfon, when he aflitmes the j
reins of government, will admire the fund-j
ing fydem, the fyllem of neutrality, the j
navy, the annulling- of.\he Frepch treaty. ;
&c. ? If he is capable of fucji hypocrisy,
such base diflimrJuion, and falft'hood. will
not every honed mind at once declare, that
such a nun, inftf aH of being entrudrd with
the execution of the government, is dellitute
of common integrity, and worthy of noth
ng but obloquy and contempt ?
My countrymen the people who make
these declarations, do not believe them,.
They know they are untrue, and calculate
them only tp eceive. It they did believe
them they would with one voice, denounce
Mr. Jefferfon, and hunt his chara&er into
the fame wilds of infamy, where they have
endeavoured to dedroy those of honed and
virtuous men. If Mr. Jeffeifon should pur
sue Federal measures, where is the reward
of his partizans, whose appetites are now
preparing for the feaft of office ? Are Mr.
Madison, Mr. Gallatin, Mr. Burr, Mr.
Giles, Mr. Monroe, Mr. Baldwin, Mr.
Livingfton, See. &c. to reap no benefit for
all tbeir labors ? These gentlemen are riot
very greatly distinguished for their difinte
rellednefs ; and fame of them, at least, are
notaccudomed to <>bje£t igainll pecuniary
aid, whenever it offert. Will they be con
tented with merely feeing Mr. Jeffeifon at
i the head of government, and bearing him
commend all those measures, which have
been ihefubje&of their clamor, and the
objefls of their haired, while they (land qui
etly by, without office, without emolu-
I ment, without power ? Ibis may happen ;
! and when it does, however miraculous it
(hall seem, mud dill fe acknowledged to
exill. At present, it i» out of the reach of
my credulity.
Another artifice which the Democrats
are now playing off, to effeft the fame pur
pose, is this—The country, they fay, is
divided into parties those parties are violent,
the country fuffers by reason of this vio
lent. Mr. Jtfferfon is a moderate man, if he
is Pfefident he will fofttn and unite the par
ties, and every thing will go on peaceably
and cleverly, When democrats deal in gen
eral propositions, they ough'. to be drongly
diftiufted. For, by advancing abdraft truths,
they mean to obtain coriceffionc, which in
detail they will turn againd their opponents.
No honelt man exilts, who does not depre
cate the party spirit which reigns in our
nation The evjls of it are severely felt;
and there is a Itrong reason to fear that our
( ,overnm nt will fall a facr ifice to it. So
far we can agree with them ; the point of
difference will be, in feckir.g for the re
Sale ahd Eroceees of Breeding .
Late the properly cf Robert Fo-wler, in the
Cvuuty cf Oxford, Great Britain.
This Gentleman was so peculiar in pro
curing and prefers ing a good Stock of
breeding cattle, that he spared no trouble
or expefice to obtain the best ; and no
money could tempt him to part with such as
he approved. He was known to refufe one
thoufund guineas for three cov/s and a bull
ot the bell breed.
After his death his breeding (lock was
fold at public Auction for £6c66 (lerling.
It cotififted principally of Sheep and Horn
cattle. A single bull, was flruck off at
£220 10, and two others at £2l j. js each ;
a bull calf, one year old, for £2l0 —and 5
cow), supposed in calf by a noted Bull, for
the atjiu/ing sum of £Nor were his
flieep of at iiuirh inferior rates :
two Rams were fold for £99 5. The fupr
riority of this Gi-ntlrtuans breed of Horn
Cattle was briefly this ; a natural or con
stitutional property of furnifliing the mod
meat upon those parts of the body, which
fell for rhofl by the pound, or in other
words, the njoll fine, and lead ccarfe meat,
from a given quantity of food.
Frem a London Paper.
While Commodore Blanket was err.bay
ed and becalmed on the Coast of Africa, it
was frequently necessary to land for the pro
curement of water ; and on these occasions,
notwithstanding the greatest poflible cauti
on, several fcamen of the squadron were cut
off by the savage natives.
Nianfredt, celebrated among the people
called improvisators. or extemporiers, now
exhibits his powers at Pari?. He is to dic
tate to ten pyrfons at a time, ten letters iu
five different languages upon ten different
fntjt&s to be chosen by lot by the com
Theop'n'on ofLalande, the French aftro
qomer, lhat the prtfent year belongs to the
eighteenth century.will only serve to confirm
our Laureat in the contrary opinion. A
republican astronomer can never be right.
Early on Tuesday morning t there arose
from the South a very large and luminous
meteor, which pafled to to the Westward.
After it was a little elevated, tailed like a
comet; and, as the tail increased, the body
seemed to dimioilh, till the whole disap
peared. It was net attended with any
noise, but the light was so strong, that any
person might hare read by it.
A fhephetd died lately, at Gompas, in
Hungary, in the 126 th year of his age.
His manner ofliving was extremely simple :
he never ate any meat, but subsisted entire
ly on milk, butter and cheese, and never had
been ill it. his life.
The mortality amongst th« horses of post
masters, camera, and road-waggons, dill
continues from the dreadful Itate of the
roads, inccflant labour, and want as fuffi
cient nutriment. One day lad week, Jive
horses lay dead in the road between Knightf
bridge, and the tight mile (lone, near S-mall
burg green; aiidijixth,, the next morning,
at the hither end of Hounflow.-
A most dreadful storm of wind and snow
came on at Newcastle on Wednesday night
last, and continued without intermiflion till
Thursday evening ; and about three u'clock
in the morning of that four ships be
longing to Sunderland, and one to Blythr,
were driven upon the Black Middens, im
mediately upon the wrecks of the nine
vcfTels which were loft there a few weeks
6nce. It is also reported, but we have
not been able to learo the particulars, that
n the fame furious teirpelt, seven veflels
wete driven on the Herd Sand.
Smith & Rodman,
No. 14, south Front-street,
Have received per KenGngton from London, a
handfomefupply of the undermentioned
FLAXEN aid Tow Oznabrigi,
Droghcdi and I.ancalhire Sheetings,
White and hrown Irifli Linens,
Ell wide India Persians, affortcd colours,
An extensive alTirtment ot fancy & other Ribbons
Cotton and silk Hosiery, ' ',
Women's white and colow'd Silk Gleves, usual
Do. do. extra do:
Striped and mixed Bengals,
Fine Decca Handkerchiefs,
Suptrfine white Ginghams,
Check'd and striped do.
Calimxncoes, Joans and Durantj,
Pini, Scotch coloured Thread, 4cc. &c.
Whith arc for sale on low terms, tot cash or
(hort credit.
July 3l»
For Madeira,
To liil sbsut i j«h
for freight of i lew bocdrcd b»rr«l« or p«f-
Gideon Hill Wells,
Moorc Wharton.
Avguft ; "i.
For Sale,
The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY,
WHO has three years and five months to
fcrre ; he is lober, honest, a good wai
ter, and undcrOands taking carc of horfcs. En
quire at No. 60, Dock (Ireet.
July 39. eo 3t!
an apprentice
At the Office of the Gazette of the United
July 6
On Fifth Day the 9th ot October, on the
pre mi let,. The
Mary-Ann Forge
And Plantation :
SITU ATE part in Brandy wine township, and
part in Werckland, about 30 miles from Phi
ladelphia, and one and an hal mile from the Turn
pike road, and Downing's tr.wn ; containing
about 330 acres, with allowance of 6 acres per
100 ; two thirds of the land is good 'woodland,
some excellent meadow made, and much , more
can be made of the firft quality; the forge is
turned by the main branch of Bran lysvinc Creek,
a forcible Stream, the forge has three fires and
two hammer* all in gojd repair. The dam being
found and well backed, and apparantly able to
refill any frefh (not supernatural) LiUewif.- there
is aa ither lively flieam and current of water, that
empties into the (aid dam, that might be very con
venient for a Grill Mill, r; - other kind of water
works, might be with facility erected; there is a
good twa-llory stone dwellinghoufe for the ac
commodation of the proprietor of the works, with
an excellent spring and good houfc over it; con
tiguous to the door also convenient tlont stabling,
with an entry thrcugh the mid le fufficient t»
accommodate three teams, besides haakney horles;
contiguous to the forge standi a good stone office,
and a number of convenient houses for the work
man is erefted amply adequate for tha fa id works
If not then fold it will be rented for a term of
years. Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
WILLIAM EVANS, in Willittown,
er JOHN MARSHALL, in Thorn
bury Township.
N. B. The Sale t» commence at 1 o'clock oh
said day.
Avg 5 saw6w^
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft In
dies,arid the fouthcrn parts of the United States
particular!}' in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Rich,
inond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt. n,Charl«f
ton, Savannah. &c. The testimony of a ntirr
ber of persons in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to bilieve that a
tiraelv us« of th sfalutary ren;edy, has, under
Providence, prelerved their lives when in the
mofl alarming circvmflances.
Fafls of this conclusive nature fprak more in
favour o! a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere aflertion, could do-
It is not indeed prsfumptuoufly proposed as
an infallible ctre, but the inventor has every
poffib'.e reason, which can rcfult from extensive
experience for believing that a dose of these pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of o -ir annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of those diseases, their use will
very generally succeed in refloring health and
frequently in cases eftecmed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeflly mild
and maybe used with fal'ety by persons in every
1 fituatinn and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
! perfluous bile and prevent in morbid fecretioos ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal coniequence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its f.rft
l appearance. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, fiefcnefs of the flornaeh and
fevers head-ache, aii'd ought to be taken by all
persons on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
' in preventing and curing mofl disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and Ihould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every fearaaii.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of the
eyes, Whether the efftit of natural weakness, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, meaflts and fe
vers, and wonder ully (lengthening a weak fight.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fighti
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate and lasting relief in the mod severe in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and of
pains in the face and neck.
Ins allible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
f»nd cases not one in a hundred has had eccafion to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Secsnd Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where alfa may be had-,. Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Diftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Restorative Drops, Essence and Ex
trait of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowland'j and Herfian Lot'wn, Restorative
Tooth Powder, Damalk l.ip Salve, Church'»
C«ugh Drops, A nderlon's Pills* &c. &c.
apriliq m tf
~ TiariTaN farm, ~
A VALUABLE and dsfirable Eft ate, Ctuated
on the river Raritan in Jerfcy, near Somer
fct Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and
lg from Princeton ; conQiiingot upwardsof 700
acres, equally divided into meadow, arable and
wood land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the
>ara, stables, &c, are fpaciout, and adequate to the
ize of the Farm ; there is a plenitude of game,
vith a good shad fif.icry. The estate is now in
he hands of Mr. Henry Wor'.ey.
Further particulars may he known of
Merchants, Philadelphia,asd of
Dr of the Tenant on the prcmife
."V 9: . ■ ' . .. .
Be IT REMEMBERED, That cn the 31ft day
of July, in the 15th year of tho Indcp«Hdence
oi the Unied States of America, Joiin Rowlett
of the said Diflri& hath depolited ill this Office the
Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as
Proprietor, in the words following, to wit.
Tables of D fcount, or Interest,
FROM one to two thousand ; on eveiy ten dol
lars,from two thcufand to two thoufaud five hun
dred ; on every fifty, from two thousand five hun
dred to three thousand, and on every five hundred
from th-ee thousand to fiv thoufand—from on?
day to iixty-four days inclusive, AT SIX PER.
CENT. Comjrizing, in the whole, upward* of
one hundred and thirty two thousand one hundred
and fitly calculations of Discount; all performed
accordi:.g to the cquita' le principles of the Banks,
and as praftifed between individuals throughout
the United States
Preceding the work, shewing how, hy means of
the Tables, to ascertain the L'ilcount AT SEVEN
and at EIGHT PER CEN f, reckoning either 360
or 365 days to the year—explained by examples.
Another Note, under the firft page of the W«rk,
shewing the mede of calculation on CENTS.
The ready way to use the Tables for any number
of Days exceeding futy Jour.
To til which is added, the principles of compu*
tation »f the various exchanges between each Hate
refpeilively, and between all these and London
and Paris, at different iate« ef Esthanj;e:.
jiccimptant, Bank of North-America.
IN CONFORMITY to the ail of tfce Cor-
grefs of the United State*,intituled " An
A(sl for ths encouragement of learning,
by.fecurirg the copies o: Maps, Ghart»
and Bo»ks to tl ■' Authors and Propri
etors of such copies during the time hire
in mentioned."
(Signed) D. CALDWELL.
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania,
augufl I. law^w.
of 7he , Ship ASIA, captain MqrcaH>
from BAT A VIA:
Confiding of
Seribon and Jagatra
Coffee & Sugar,
Of an excellent quality.
Is also offered For Sale ;
She has made but one voyage fine
(he was (heathed with the bell pa
tent Copper,and (he is in good order.
Apply to
James C. & Saml. W. Ffhcr,
William Sanfom,
Joseph S. Lewis.
Tuly M. dl
AN attachment wan lately iflued out of the in
ferior oourt of common pleas of the county
of Essex, in the llate of New Jersey, dire&ed to
the IhetifF of the said county, against the rights,
credits, monies ami effefls, goods, and chattels,
landsand tenements ol Jolr. Clevei Symaes at the
fuitof William Weill, in a plea of trelpafs on the
cafe to hi 9 damage threethoufand dollars;—-
And whereat, the said fheriff did, at the term of
June lift pad, return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bend given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars,and alfoby fisty land warrants j
N<™> therefore, wilefs the said John Cleve#
Symmesftiallappear.givc special bai], and receive
a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment
will be entere4 against him, and his property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
statute in such cafe made and pr«v ; dcd.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, fcfc.
Elizabeth-town July 8, 1:99 (IJ) iawlim
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAV from Spring F.rge, in York
County,a negroman, naaned ISAAC, other
wise CUDJQ, about ax years old, the property
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8
inches high, has alilemifli in his eyes, more white
in them than common, by trade a Fergeman; had
on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons;
printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under
acket; a rorum hat ; one fine and one coarse
shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto llriped border, a blue PerGan under jacket
and two pcir cotton [lockings. Whoevcr takes up
fai-* negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neigabouring dates (hall have the above r«
ward or rtafonable cipencesif brought home.
Spring For**, OcSibeTij, ijfly/
N. B. At (ud negro foraurtj Ht«<l in Cfttfter
cooat 7, it he
And Qivtins of Stills.
WHEREAS by an a<Sl of Congress, parted
the Bth day of May '791, entitled,
" An a<sl concerning the duties on fpirus
led within the United States," it is required of
all persons having or keeping a still, or flills,
to make entry thereof, between the lalt day
of May and the firft day of July in each yeor,
under the penalty of two hundred and fifty
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to alf
dlftillers, or owners of stills, within the city
and county of Philade'phia, to mike entry of
them at the office of InfpuiSion, at 49, North
Third-flreet, in the city »f Philadelphia, wi'h
intheabovementioned periods.
JAMF.S ASH, Collector
of the revenue of the first divisim of the
/irst survey of the district of Pennsylvania.
June 6, ftf
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette cf
the United States.