34.56.1 Olil ,8 per cent. Stock, Kew • fn' CtDt. Stock, 6- do. (net wnwiat) N»*y do. •I d®» Uwaed State*; - North Insurance Company of North America, fhaues 10 per cent, below par, — —— Pennsylvania, fliares 21 per cent, advance. Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, under par. I —— , , Cj" The flowing Duties are such as arise on Importations in American Veflels. An Additional Dutj of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported in Foreign Bottoms. I _ , _ _ _ , ■■■.-> i_ ' i-\ j Wtioicfllc ' trem To DD ,, E , .from To mlTllf<i Whoiefale I From ITo I k Whelclalc | I Fiom ITo | I CURRENT PRICE "5 D. C. Q. C: CVHHr.tJT PRICK; "S B. C. D. C. ' CURREST PRICE. D. C. D. C. T CURRENT PRICE, *n D. C. D. C. " U UES, > A LLUM Q 9 Free Martin <k 5 o Shingles, J ft. dreft M2B 4 Spwijll 7t> 1 ad TIT" -O- Almonds !b 22 Ispr«;t»dv Grey Fox 47 2 feeuß 8 Rum, JamaU ; 125 Ojdp 2 S Anchois 11 12-4 Jjtu># Red Fox t 18 > idles J Antigut none ai market b>4th p?z lAihcs pot 5^ Oon * Limes bll StCroi: do. 8 f cthp^S T> AGON |b WW s o .« if rd ' U r?f c lb »3 Wind Ware' li 7 ~ J 6th f46 _f3 Beef, mess B 12 Be" 'i° 3 r IVT 75° 8 15 prct ad % Nc-v-Euglam 70 J prime JO H Wild Cut 40 jo J.VX Madder .. 28 39 1 Gin, Hollanc Ilq i2028t0 to c r cargo 6 9 fputherp 27 Mahogany, Bay F 1 Free. Apple Braniv 7.0 75 B» er 6 Deer m hair, fall lb, 16 17 St. Domingo 40 J Rye ' 53 56 Bread, fliip 0 4 Ditto ltd 2$ J Molalti, W. India G S o $0 j cts per gal Stave*, wt.Oafc nipt !Vf 6933 pilot 8 9 F»flic . T Sugar houft 78 Bhd. +0 * ■ Braziletto T 6? I/"I INGER, Race C none ai market. 15 pr ct ad v Must. Fl. in Bottles dz 120 ij p ad v Heading 40 Bricks M 650 f VjIT do, J#nj. grd. !b lo 12 do TVJ AILS, 3d lb Red Oak 30 Stock 24 • Qinfang 1 i j Leogati 26. 67 ' Brimstone, roll <» .4 45° Glpf^Wind.s by jo \>x u 11 50 15 pet ad v 6d 16 I f « Barrel * 6 Butter in kegs lb *4 I S, CANDLESdipt 16 '7 Glwe . lb *5 tod ,3 fs Englifli blistered ft. 14 13 L'°° cents moyh 1 *o Grain, Wheat bu a iad »3 Jo Ja. > S. Crowley's t 175 clB J P er c \ Spermaceti 5° *?*. 73 12 American 14.0 144 Cjird*, woq! Indian corn iJ3 87 Cut do. 3d Starch lb 10 nt 5 prct ad Gallia 8° Isprctadv Oats 43 46 4d 13 14 Sugar, Havan. white C 154 i cts perlb Qherfe, EngHlh 33 7 cents. Grain, Barley bu 67 1 6d l 2 * Browi. ~4 :2 2 | do M Amencah 12 belj Ifiellpd lb 6 8d n India, ill quality bs, 13 14 2 do Chocolate, Ballon *6 Gunpowder Eng. kg Iq 12 lod Ic 4 Muscovado' G IS 14 2 do Phi lad. 27 ' do Amer. 8 lid 10 Lump lb 26 6| de> Cinnamon « fearce T_T AMS, Bork lb 10 11 aod 10 Loaf, single res. 28 ,0 do Clove* 130 15 prct ad.» JLi. Hair-powder 15 pct atl v Nankeenj, long p Clover feed, red lb 20 d» Hemp, Russia T 200 100 cts pC fliort 96 ,«cO do _|_ Jersey 125 ci white 2Q Hides, La Guira lb is "J Nutmegs lb 7 75© '5 P ct ad v Tallow, Rullia ib 14 . . .1 J™ " Timothy bu 4 . St. Domingo 10 V Fr-e [ IL Flor. fta. , 3 1 D - A'merlcai 14 Herd grass ICO Grcan J \\J 12 bottles 8 J ' Vea, Imperial Ijo 166 T * Cocas. C 24 *6 actsprlh Hoop«,Hhds. fliavfd M l(Sl,com. Wh.lo G 40' j Ycuag Hyfoi 112 r "lk' 5 Coffee lb *S *6 J cents Hogs-lard lb 13 tq " 'Tf : ~— -UyTan , 20 J F 1 " lb t ' Coal, foreign bu 5 crnts bushel Honey, country Qfa none at market Tanners B 16 Hyson Skin So 83 20 do f Virginia 3® Havannah dj 80 86 Lintfeed G 86 9° Souchong 80 90 18 do Cottoß St. Domingolh 33 47 ? Mnrspr n> H°P S Onions, bu Bphea 38 43 12 do Surjinam 5° J Barrel poles ico ropes 6 7 Tin in plates >x 18 Free Georgia sea id. 4.' TNDIGO, fib j ■ BT>EAS I 40 l'ob:cco upland «9 3» X St. Domingo I 125 1 _L Pepper black lb 33 Richmond olri 525 575 Cordag*, American C <4 I£le of France 1 25 >2sCtsplb Pimento, Jam. ij 13 6 cts per lb jp 5 50 Rulfia, tarrec) >1 S° iSoeentsprC. New-Orleans I 7 112 J Pitch B 4Cents Peterfburgh j 525 Copper in sheets, Ib 40 go } Carolina 60 1 Plaifter, Paris T 8 850 Fredericklburg 4 45° Bottom? 40 y Free Iron Cartings • T 74 67 . Pork Burlington, B »5 Mar)land 1 Pat. Iheath. J Pig 34 38 Carolina II 50 12 Georgia 5 5 25 I Copperas C 3S® 4- do Country Bar 105 33 106 67 Porter, Lond. draft da BctspgScic Carolina 5 Corks ?s 33 43 l| Rsflia Bar 89 97 1 125 pet ' Jot ' 2 5° 3 an bot. ad v f wine, Seine lb ? 400 cts Currants, Zant R Sweden no 120 ?■ ai V al Philadelphia bot, 110 120 do Sewing 46 ) per cwt. DUCK, Ravensp I 1 **,"35 ") , | Sheet 226 67 240 J Pearl, Penn. pafent 8 9 Turpentine B 2 5<5 Ruflia fail '4 l 7 i J° >• a d Jal 3 Hoops 133 33 138 67 jj TJ AlSlKS.bertkg g 10 Holland fearce J I Nail-rods 121 33 12a 67 _LV Bloom & mu(k bx 450 5 . Varnifli 33 15 FEATHERS lb 4S S® | T EAD, Bar r IS® I i eentplbjKedwood, ground lb 20 30 TT fNEGAR, ,?a Filh, cod diy qu 25 9 Rice, C j 5 2 5 V Wine 50 „ do. pickled j Lead white, gr. in oil C 1450 ij 15 pet ad v R o s in) B 2 jo 3 Cydei 18 20 Salmon do. B 9 950 Leather, foal 'b 18 ao O ALT, Allum bu 67 1 Varnish 23 25 do. fmoaked Lemons, Lilbon bx do j Cadiz none at market. I. s ee note * Verdigreafe 80 Shad B 7 Malaga, 4 10 Li(bo« 67 T Vermillion 2 M.tckarel 5 7 . Cadiz 5 Livjrpool fine 52 5J J XT7" AX, Bees- 'b 28 30 Herrings 3 35° Lime stone H 525 Salt petre refined lb 26 28 Free. |VV Wh.ileoont flax lb 13 fearce Lignumvit* T65 Free. |Sail cloth En. No. Iyd vVines, Madeira 160 200 4° to s° c g Flaxfeed H Bjo L°g w °od S° Segars, Spa*i(h M 8 10 Bert Lond. partic. 240 4°-'.o 58 do Flour, fuperfine B 10 25 10 50 uLumber , " America 2 ' Sherry K j 112 40 cents common 9 10 y Boards, Codar M 25 Sheeting, Ruflia P 16 50 17 J° 1 2-rP« r( sentj Lisbon P 160 i-;o 3° Burr middlings 650 750 J White Pine 1.9 33 • Shot C 750 8 t cent per 11, Teneriffe ? a 90 93 28 do Rye meal 45° S I Ditto Pannel 27 28 Snuff, in Bladdars 33 Malaga 83 85 z!^ Indian meal 4 45® | Inch & qr. do. 53 33 ( Bottles dz 6 | Fayal 68 70 28 do Ship (luff C 213 233 HeaitPine 28 'l Rappee 694 I Port noneat market 3° Furs, Otter & 333 < 1 S®P '4 Soap, Caftilp Ib 20 22 2 cents per lb Claret, sup. Bourd'x Beaver lb 1 2 I Oak Scantling 18 Brown 9, 10 calks 60 gals. 40 45 .40 prct ad v S ca l Jl Free Hemlock 10 12 White 13 Old fuperfine Sfirgo 60 do Mink a 33 I R e J Cedar Ft jo Spirits, G 130 125? F r gal' oll / Mulkrat, 33 J Brandy, French 1 12J S lfl P5 2 c * Note. Sftl't weighing more than 56 lb. per bultert, pays is cents par 56 lbs. per bushel o.r less, 20 cents per bushel, in American vessels ;if in foreign veffals 22 cents.—" Fram the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20 per cent is acMed to the cost of all goods payipg an advalorem duty." _ . ' f The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refpeft thofo imported direftly from India—lf from Eur9pe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong ;u, imperial and hyson 4® cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17, souchong 27, imperial and hyson 50 ctsper lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5, 27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, tB, 7-1-0, 29 7-10, 55 cents per lb. AH dutied articles, imported into the U»it#d States, not having been landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback fff the duties fubjed to a deduction of one per cent except i'pirits, which is one half cent per gallon-; of t hose articles that have no pric« affixed tp them, th?ir is either none *t market, or such price cantiet b« ascertained as to depend upon it. The Bankrupt Law UNITED STATES, Was this Pay Publifhcd by A. DIC K1 NS, op polite Christ Church —[Price 15 CentsJ A. DICKINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In the United States. [Pri«e 374 Cents ] 1: " «!• , august 1: Gazette of the United States, & #rite of dHacfcg. forccas t do* 4*. do, do. do, do. da* 4fl. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollais and Cents. OF THE NEW-YORK, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST n, tgoo. * " » ' " ''A. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. npHE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne * county, are Yjrehy notified, that Taxes are become ;.:iyable thereon fer the years 1'99 and 1803. Those who have not already paid their taxes, '.re hereby rfquired to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer of fa id County at Milford, within three months from this date ,otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the ail qf Assembly in such cafe provided, will be had by the CommiHioners for the said county. Asa Sttnion, 1 John Carton, > Commiflioners Jebannes Fan Etten, J At'.sft, E. Kellogo, Clk. Ju'y 9, ißco By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. i«8-r a 1 percen^ * 108 a 8"v S3 Hi 3' 26 48 Found, A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has loft it may receive it «n ap plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expence of this advertisement. July i». A CERTIFICATE FOR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and for the Renewal of whkh, application has been made at (aid Bank, of wbieh alUoncerced sf| desired to take KLOtlcft. PETER TREGENT. May 19. d3m. d 9«t Bills on London, 30 days, do. 60 days, do. do.. go days, Bills ptj Hamburg, at 60 days, do. iTAinfterdam, 60 days Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. East India Company of North America, 7 per cent, advance, Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres. For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Men and Womens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALS , Boston Window-Glals, 8 by to, 9 by u, iq> by 12 and 17 by 12 Any fijses larger than tlwfe mey be bad on being ordered from the reanufatliy. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Ju.rV. 3d wharf south of Mjirkf-t ftiee.t August 4. djw Course of «£;ccf)attjje, FOREIGN BILLS, {for cash) do, do. •August it, 1800. -0* 171 perct 170 do - ' 169 36 a 37 cts per Mark Banco? 39 a 40 cts per Florin- Elifha Fiflier & Go. No. 39 North Frcmt Ftrer, HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE, GISRMAN STEFL, windowgla ! s hats allott ed in cases, Nails in calks, and a large off rt ment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, S idler), Coach, and Harnefa Furniture,Braf, and Ja anncd Wares. Pins and Netdles. July 39 tush fa. rra, WANTED IMMEDIAYELY- Two or three Lads- OF RayotabU CoiMduat aa appiciujcd <( n cteguuand profitable bofineft App j tsthe - alficeef the Oaxtt so the United otatee> Angaft ,mtm ' * * * *r+ [Volumf. XVIII. ——-—A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers