BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. NEW-YORK, Aujufl 7. IMPORTANT. \cfterday morning arrived at the quarantine ground, the Hup Providence, Adams, of Providence, mounting thirty-four 24, 1S and 6 pounders, from Bircejona, Jo.d*l with wine and brandy. Col. E. Gardner, owner and supercargo of this Uiip, has politely favoured us with the following minute : " THE (hip Providence, of Providence. Rhode-Ifluid, Captain A-Jajns, left Barce - lona 011 the evening of 17th June. On the 20th off welt end of Majorca, spoke the Britifli frigate Sea-Horse, having an board General AberCrot,r>ie, and three other, Ell - Generals, together with a Company < f artillery : they parted the day before from a fleet from Gibraltar, having troops ob board for Minorca, or fume other place in the Mediterranean. By a gentleman* who lett Cette on thr 7th of June, information was received that the blockade of Genoa was raised ; on which account there were gl'eat rejoicings in France ; and all the Ge noese velTels immediately taken into em ploy. Information was alio received of the success ot the French armies on the Rhine, and by several accounts from Cadiz, Mar seilles and Paris, the American Commilfi oners had closed the bufinefj of their mil lion with the deputies of the French nation, and waited only the afient ot' the Chief Consul, who w-as then absent from Paris, with the army in Piedmont ; it was said and believed, with a full determination of restoring to his crown, the King ot Sardinia. " PalVed Gibraltar 3! July, at 10 A. M. On the 28th, latitude 34,, 30, longitude 69, 50, spoke the schooner Favourite Elcy, M'Connell, 9 days from Norfolk, bound to Jamaica ; and the id Augufl fell in with the Britifli (loop of war, the Pheasant, who sent a boat on board, and would have per suaded us to have allowed him '.j carry us into Halifax ; but which we declined—he purfu'.d us 56 hours, then left us." * Captain Gardner of this port. Twelve years since, the whole United States, could luppa t but two Banks ; now they arc increaftd to upwards of thirty ; and we last week learnt (fays the Centinel) the eflablifhment of one at Weftcrly in Rhode- IHand. ExtraA of a letter from a gentleman in Gi braltar, to a refpeftable Hou'e in this cily, dated June 10th, 1800. •• On the 30th arrived at this port by ftrefi of weather, the brig Georgia Packet, James Drummond. rr.after, from Leghorn, for your part, with sundry merchandize— On the 2:d (he left thii a d proceeded on her voyage, but in a few hours after being out, a French cruifcr came up with her and ordered the matter to follow him to Alge firai, which ihey did for aboit half an hour —but on an EngliOi privateer heaving in fight, the French cruiser flood away, and captain Drummond altered his course to proceed on his voyage again, when the English privateer took him an ! brought him in here, and has libelled the vessel and oar go. He alledges as this was a blockaded port they would have made a prize of her ; but asTaid blockade is on the part of Spaii and not France Ido not fee how it will be of any use to them." CHARLESTON, July 25 A letter dated Kinglon, July 1, from Captain Tihotwell, of the brig Harmony, of cht9 port, owned by Mefirs. William So marfall and Son, furnifhes the pleafmg in telligence of the trial and acquittal ot the Haimony, and her cargo, which were car ried in there some time ago. It would appear the following ex traft of a letter from Jamaica, fays a corrcf por dent, that while the British are carrying In our vefTels for adjudication, under the ftalc pretence of thcr. beiug engaged in an illicit commerce, when they are met hiving on board cargoes the produce of the Spa ni(h settlements, they feel no compunAion at trading to those identical ports, when it cau be done under the fubterfuge of licen ced vessels. Extraft of a letter received a few days ago, from a mercantile house in Kingtijn, to another in this city. «' Rice is now at 4of some a»e alking more but we are confident from the quanti ty at mat kef, and several cargoes daily ar riving from New Orleans, where it can be purchased at lead 30 per cent cheaper than with you, that it cannot be higher than 4of. Since making sale of yours, two cargoes from New Orleans have been fold at 36f. Ad. The trade from thence to this ifljind is great and encreafing daily." On Thursday laftaftcr a short illnef', Mr. Micah Johnson, Printer, of MafTichufetts, Hi# remains were yester day afternoon interred in the burial ground of St. Philip's church. SANDUSKY, ifl June, 1800. The C'hf of 'he Senikee and Wyandot na tions to their brothers the White Inhabi tants on the waters of the Muskingum, near the old Kushbabkin. Whereas f me of our Young men having unknown to us and contrary to our wishes stolen horses from our brothers the Wnite people,Vt ha.e tltijs day held a council of the Young men, and lure accordingly been able to get back one of the horses and have left in charge with William Speer a White man at our town, about twelve enilta above Lower Sandufky. Our brotheVs may be tbrst cur (it nod endeavours (lull not be wanting to get back the remaining part of horses Itolcn by oui young men, and leave tbrm at. tiir fame place, atid in future (hall exhort oin \oung men when bunting near the fettl?- ment of tbe whites to leave their property at peace, particularly their ho.fes. Our brother mad not think haul of our Nation at this place, on account of the holes taken by 'he Senikees this season for they may be allured that it was not the \oung men rt liding among us here that has done the mifchirf, hut mere rtraglers, whoft. relidcnce is no where. We hope that your Head men wiU'endtta voua to keep your Young men at peace, for it is the determined wiflt ot us and our na . tion to live on good terms with our brothers, and hope we (hall 111 future have no more .complaints of this nature: but if there th'ould we hope they can be let tied without crmiiig to words. We will be happy that ' our brothers who have loft horses by our pie, will come forward immediately for them, as it is our desire that an intercptirfe may (till be kept up between our brothers and us, as usual, so that our women and children can go back and forward in peace. 1 he horse alluded t», taken up and left in charge of William Speer is a sorrel, branded on the left (houlder W B. 1 he above is the fer.fe of ten moie na tions, who arc of the fame mind with our selves and are determined to keep peace. PUSSA WNANACUS. UNNOHAUGH. By an officer of the United States army, who pnfled through this town «n the 7th irilUnt, from Knoxville, we are informed, that a war is likely to pke place between the Choftaw and Chickafnw Indians. The caul'e of the dispute is (aid to be, that a Cliicka faw chief erefted a ferry on the Ten n: flee river, at the crpffing' place from Orleans to Kentucky. A chief of the Cho£la\vs (.Dou hle-head) Tent him word that he nyouldered a ferry on the opposite fide of the river. The Chickafaw replied, that he wou'.d take his scalp it heatt'nipted it. The two tribes have taken up the quarrel, and, as our inform ant fays, are preparing for wiir. [ Washington Tdlcgraphe. POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, 5 fA August 1800 Letters for the British Packet Jane, fo r F;iimouth England, will be received at this Office, untill Tuesday 12th liiflant, at 11 o'clock Noon. N B. The inland Poflage to New-Yotk must be paid. • I For Madeira, ABIGAIL, To fail about jjth inflant. For freight of a few hurdred barrels or pas sage, apply t» Gideon Hill Wells, OP Moore Wharton. Augufl *. " dtf NOTICE. ACEtTIFICATE, No t SS »9 da'ed J™- uary 1797, in favour ol Robert Lint-fay, of I'harleflsn South -Carolina, for one (hare of the t'cck of the Dank of the United States is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said loAitutian. ROBERT LENOX. rfuguft 7. mSct^m Writing, drawing & printing Papers AND Stationary Wares, FOR SALE, AT W. YOUNG'S BOOK-STORE, AV 51, South Second Street, the corner of ' Cbqfuut Sreet. % Who has received an rxtenfive and gene rrl I'upply, and of the belt quality. A CONSIGNMENT Of surer royal, double crown and douMc pott Printing, and also of writing lools cap PAPER. A rJ!U H K O F Ladies Slippers. Which wi 1 b« fold low, (or cash, or negotiable Notes. W. Young has also received a complete aflort m Jilt of £nn[:Jh, latin, and Greek Clajflct. A libe ral allowance made to purchafers July 31 1 lawiw IVHEREAS, AN attachment was lately ifi'ued out of the in ferior oourt of common pleas of the county the f)ate of New Jersey, directed to the fheriff of the said county, againfl the rights, credits, monies ami effe<9s, goods and chattels, lands»nd tenement* of Jet* CUvu Symmts at the suit ot William Wtlh, in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage three thousand dollars;— And whereat, the said fheriff did, at the term of June lalt past.return to the said court that he had attached the defendant hy a certain bond given by Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of i-ear two thousand dellar§,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; Now therefore, nnlefs the said John Cleves Symmesrtiallappear.give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment wili be entered againfl him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to tke tUtufc is such cafe made and prsv : dcd. Aaron Ogden, Clerk y &?<e. Fliiabetlvtown July 8. I ;oo ( * I) law t tin * For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOT, WHO has three yrars and five months to fcrve ; he is sober, honed, a good wai ter, and tinderflands taking care of horses. En quire a: No. 60, Dock street. July 39. eo k vl Gazette Marine Lilt, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Came up from the Fort, Ship AHa, Morgan, Batavia, 144. days £Sugar & Coffee ; J. S. Lewis CLEARED. Brig Tartar, Clark Cape Francois Perfius, Nicks New Providence Schr. Amity, Sh;ipl;igh Portfmomh Trial, Hand Alexandria Sloop Walhington, Trefetbrefy*Portfmouth Arrived at the Fort, Brig Liberty, Hunt Coruflna fCocoa, bidfs, See. K. Humphreys Ship Amity, Miles, M'l-evan, ,p{ this port from Galway, has arrived at Briflol. Sliip John, Foldick, front hence, has been spoken in. lat 43, long 38, id, on the sth J iily, all well, Ship George Walhington and trig So phia, of aild from Philadelphia to N. Orleans, was spoke July 15-, name not yet known, arrived at the Fort this morning. B'ig Tryphenia, Arnold, from hence to Amsterdam, was all well off Dover in 31 days, after being boarded by fevrral Britilh ships of war. |C7» Tlif Letter Bag of the (hip Rose, captain Jones, for Liverpool, will be taken from the Coffee House this evening'. From LoyJi lift to June 10. The Washington, Young of Philadel phia, arrived at Gravefend the 9th June. Brig Dispatch, Rofs, of Philadelphia, has arrived at Cork. The Nancy, Loyd, of Philadelphia, has arrived at Liverpool. Ship Thomas Wilson, Gwiun, from Phi ladelphia, has arrived at Cork. • Brig Susannah, Shallcrofs, from Phila delphia, has arrived at Loudon. The Cmmerce, Coffin, from N. Carolina, has arrived at Bristol. The Pallas, Bowden, has arrived at Clyde from New York. The Augusta, Hacfloop, has arrived at Bremen from Charleston. The , Paych n, has arrived at Bre men, from Baltimore. The Rachi-1, Dogworth, has arrived at Dublin, from New York. The Tapster, Anderfon, at Cork, from Norfolk. The Diamond, Gloss, at do. fr >m do. The Packet, Shaw, at Cork, from Wil mington. The Fabiun, Black, at Cork, from Vir ginia. The Lonifa Carolina, Hantz.spd the Ba tavia, Andrews, have arrived at Gravefend from Charleston. sS The Polly, Facey, at Gravefend, from "Wilmington. - 1,1 ' BOSTON, August 2. Arrived Chip Ulyflcs Lamb r Canton, via Island Alcenfion, 180 days. Spok« no* thing. Same day. fchr. Minerva, Eabfon, 50 days, St. Scbafliatis. No News- June 30, lat 4J, 59, long. 33, 17, spoke (hip Brutus, Brown, 16 days from Salem. June 14, lat. 43, 59- ' OI g- 5.< 33> fch. Eagle, Pedrick, 43 days from Boston for Bilboa. Same day arrived fchr. Hope. Harding, 45 days from Lifcon. Sailed in co. with capt. Fettyplace for Marbleluad ; parted with h : m July 6, lat. 38,50, 00. Left there capt. Williams, of and from Cape Ann, jutl ariived ; capt. Cox to fail in 10 days. Spoke 10 days fitice, long. 61, 52, lat. 42, 50, (hip Columbus, capt. Tappan, from Bremen for Newburyport, all well. August 3, arrived (hip Hope, Hooper, 50 days, Li(bon. Spoke 10 days since off Sable Isle, £hip Nancy, of Fortfmouth, for Liverpool, 6 days out. No ti'ws. On Saturday evening lad atrived at quar antine, brig Byfield,Girdler, Alicant, which place he lef June I & Gibralter the 16th. June 14, lat; 33, 51, long 26 52 W (poke (hip Olive, of New-York from Naples, had been sent into Algeziras by a French Pri vateer, detained 16 days and cleared July 21, lat 41, 6, long. 60, spoke brig Philan thrnphy, capt. Prince of Marblehead, bound to Bilboa, ali well. July 21, lat 41,6 lmg 60, spoke fchr Governor Carver, of Ply mouth, capt Spoener, for Li(bon, all well. July 23, lat 41 26, l.irg 66, 30, spoke (hip Citizen of New-York, for Liverpool, all well. July 29, lat- 42, 56, Ibng (6, 30, fpeke (hip Mary, of Portfiriouth, for Glafsgow, all well. July 30, lat 42, 43} long 67, 30, f;oke (hip Houlbrook,for Greenock, all welh July to, lat. 18, N. long 54 40, W. was spoke (loop Pheoenix, from Bolton, for Berhic*-, t\ days out. The fchr. ifabella of Boston, late capt, Lombard, was retaken and carried into Surinam, about 20th June, by Mr. Walter Scott, and two men who were left on board when ordered for Cayenne, and the velTel afterwards delivered by him, to the Ameri can Consul, for account of the underwri ters. June 20, latitude 41, longtitude 30, spoke (hip Vanclia, Bates,- eleven days from Bos ton, for Dublin. The Brig Good Intent, of Portfmonth, schooner Minerva of Newcastle, and brig America, of WifcafTet, failed with about thirty others, from Dominica, on the sth inftaut, for different ports in the United States. • The brig ——Criftie, of Boston, w»» tt Boenoi Aype*, M*y i+» Arrived, Republican. Fellows, Balti more ; Caaolinr,, New York ; Su fa itsh, Wood, Cliarleftoo. NEW YORK, 4ugu(l 7. ARRIVED days Ship Provide! ce f Adams, Barcelona 37 scl)r. Thomas & Dcbby, Bain, Windsor N. S. 9 Phccenix, Welderham, St. Bartbolemews »7 23 Bird Wallis, Curacoa CLEARED, lJrigTace. , Jamaic, Union, Pacfcwood, Cadi 2 Schr. Betf-Vf Portcljy, St. Bartholemews Four Sifters, Story, Jamaica Na cy R:ce, Cape Francois The Dai iih fcbr. Amelia, Fiokin, has arrived at Kingflon from Barcelona. The Bremen (hip Martha Margaretha, Wachter, has arrived at Bremen from this port. The fchr. Juno Morrifon arrived at Boston In 45 days from Oporto, informs that it was reported there ihat the combi ned fleet was seen in lat. 50, lotig 19, [lf this aceount is accurate, they -mull have heen a considerable d stance weft of Brest. The (hip Qniato, of East Haddom, from Tnrkt-Ifland, with fait, got up frcm the quarantine ground yesterday morning, aad anchored in the North-river. CHARLESTON, July 24. ARRIVED, days Sloop Charlotte, Baker, New Pro [vidence 14 Arrived, Sloop Genet, Wheland, Phila delphia, 17 days ; Schr. Hopewell, Darrell, Antigua, 24 days; (loop Lively, Glad, Port Republican, 17 days ; fchr. Jnduflry, Prichet, Port Pepublican, 17 days; brig Nympth, Graham, Nafiau, 6 days ; fchr. Constitution, M'lntire, Cimpeachy, 19 days. Arrived fchr. Hiram, Rogeis, Havanna, 21 days. Cleared, Ship John, Warren, Cork Eliza, I .add, Kingston, (Jam.) Brig Sophia, Follenfbey, Boston Sclir. Debbe, Jtarr, New-York William, Copps, do. Sloop Martha, Norris, Havanna Betsey, Oliphant, Philadelphia Extract from the schooner Betseys leg book, captain Tut tie, from St. Tbomas. " July 10, parted with the Adams fri gate, being then in lat. 30, 36, long 73, 20. Same day spoke the (hip Geo. Wash ington and brig Sophia, nf and from Phi ladelphia, bound for New-Orleans. The Adams was to have come ess Charleston, but (he being in bad order in her upper works and her bowsprit dangerously fprung,expett (lie ha< gone to New-York. The Adams has captured seven privateers and re-captur a Av* k<>« ktfen J on the Weft India flation." FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON WcdnefVay the id day of Oitober next, books -will be rpcn in the Office of the ?ub fcriber, residing in Franklin, for the faje of the RefervedTrafis. laid rut by virtue of an ad ol Assembly.passed the nth ay of April, 1799- — One fifth part of the purchafc money to be p id at the time ef sale, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, one fiith pare wi'hin two years from said day, and t\*e remaining two fifth parts at er before the expiration of three years after such sale No contrail to he confirm ed for fifteen days after the said l ooks fliall be o pened, and the highett price offered within thar rime will be accepted. All pay.ncnts made will be forfeited unless the purchaser within three ye rs from the day of sale makes an aSual ii-ttlement on the trail purchased, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at lead two acres frr every fifty con tained in the survey, and er;& thereon a mes s age for the habitation of man, and ri fide there on ler the space of five years n-.xt following the firfl settlement of the fame. No patents to issue, unless fatisfactory proof (hall be made of such a3ual fcttlcment, rtfidenec and improvement. GEORGE FOWLER. Fratklin, July 18, ißeo. august 8, , Just Puhli-ibed, And for sale by D, Kogan, No. sI South Third Street, nppofite the United States Bank, THE STEP-MOTHER, A Domeflic Tale. from real life, in two volumes. [Price 1 Dllar, 50 cents. By Miss Helena Wells, of Charleston, South-Carolina. Alfa, Letters on f-!bie&§ of importance to the happiness of Young Females.—(Price 75 cents tht fa»e. From the Gentleman t Magazine,for May I 799* '• These letters are addrcflcd by a Gcvcrnefs to her pupils, cn whose minds she ufl/ endea vours to jmprefs the lacied daties of Telig'-aSj the primary folacc of ev. ry felicity. The zeal which this fair author fs has manitcfted in the caufc of virtue, both in her Step-Motber> and the work be fore us, we trud will have due influence with those who may be tempted to peruse these publications. We earneflly recommend the letters to the atten tion of Yousg Femalei." august 8, f tu&fjt. BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock isf Watch, Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mahket Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and silver Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; fleel and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. &c. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Rep!red a; ofnal. June 3 tuSif tf I 05* A MEEnN& vist be he held by the Federal.lis of Chefler county, on 30th d y of August next, at the Court- House in "Weftcht-fler, ior the. puvpole of nominating a fiiitable pevfon 'to represent the Counties of. Chester"and Delaware in Congress, and alio a suitable ctarafter to ne eledled a Member of the Senate of this (late, from the Counties of Bucks, Mont gomery rt nd Chester. N. B. The Citizens of Delaware coun ty, by Committee or othervvife,»-are re quested to attend at the above meeting. Cliefler County, > July 23d, 1800. $ On Fifth Day the sth ot o£tcb?r, on the Mary-Ajin Forge And Plantation : SITUATE part in Brandywine townfcip, and part in Werckland, about ,30 miles from Phi ladelphia, and rnc-and anhal mile from the Turn pike road, and Downing'* town ; containing about 33c acres, with allowance of 6 acres per ioo ; two thirds of the land is good woodland, some excellent meadow made, and much more c-an be made of the firft quality ; the forge is turned by the main branch of Brannywir.c'Creek, a forcible Stream, the forge lias thre ? fires and two hammers all in good repair. The dam being found and well hacked, and apparently able to refill any frcfti (not fupematural) l.ikewif? there is ascthet lively ftrearn and current ofwa er, that empties into the fai-4 dam, tha» mipht ' vtry con venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind water works, might l e with facility ereiled; th;re is a good tw»-ftory strne dwellmghoufe lor the sc. commodatioii of the proprietor cf the wtrks, with an excellent spring and vood house over it; con tiguous to the door also convenient Hone stabling, with an entry fhrcugh the mid-le fufiicicnt i« accommodate three teams, besides hyokney horis*; contiguous to the forge stands a good stone office, and a numVer of c-.tiVejiifcm houses for the work man is eretf; d amply adequate for th* said worlrs. If not the' fold, it will be rented for a term < f years. Terms and conditions made known by applying to WILLIAM EVANS, in Willistown, er JOHN MARSHALL, in >horn bury Townlhip. N. B. The Sale to commence at i o'clock on (aid day. Aug. 5 saw6w^ ROWLETTs Copy-Right. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— TO WIT.' BE IT REMEMBERED, That '-n the 31ft day of July, in the asth year of the of the United States ot America, John Kowlitt of the said DiflriA hath deposited in this Office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. ROWLETTs Tables of Discount, cr Interest, FROM one to two thousand ; pn ereiy tf'n dol lars from two thousand to two thousand five hun dred ; on e*i ry fifty, from two thoufaud fiv - hun- from thiee th'oufard to fiv. thoufand—from ore day to fiaty-four t'ays inclufiv, AT SIX PER CENT. Comprizing, in the whole, npwarOt of one hundred and thirty-two t*ioufand ene hundred and fiity calculations or Difcour.t; all performed according to the equira' le principles o! the Bar.ks, and as pradtifed between individuals throughout the United Statei WITH NOTES Preceding the work, shewing how, hy means of the Tables to afecrtain the Diicouot AT SEVEN and at EIGHT PER CENT, recoiling either 60 or 365 days to the year—explained ty examples. AlS', Another Vote, under the firft psge of the W«rk, Viewing the m*de of ca'culation on CENTS. The ready my to ofr th*,TaLlcf tor anf Mailtcr of Day •exceeding fri;-/oar. , To «JI which if iddid, cb< principle* ps eotnpa* - tatioo of tk« nfiofli rtebaogt* bet«««a w)j|ii r.fpesi»rly, and bctwaes *U tbcf* and' LtSfm., and Pari*, *t iliffircotratsa of Bxdkanft. BY JOHN ROWLETT, Acctmptant, Bank of Nortlr America. IN CONFORMITY to the a& of tbt Con gress .f the United States, intituled " Aa A<sl for the en.ouragement of learning, [sEAt..] by fscuting the copies oi Maps, Ch»ti and 80-k- to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the time here in mentioned " (Signed) D.CALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania* IUW4W. CcmmJJ!:ner. august I. d6w. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Sprirg forgr, in York County.a ca:nfd ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about n year* c!d, the property of Robert Coleman; Ffq. He is at .out 5 feet 8 inches high, ha« a blemish in hi» eyes, yiore white in then than ccmn-sn, by trade a Fttgeman; had 03 and teok with him a drab coloured broad clolh cost, almost new, a lailors jackct-and pantaloon? printed fancy cord, a 1 war.!.' flriped t;rdtr acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse {hirf one muslin handkercf ief, (prigged, two ditto Uriped border a blue iVrfcn under jacket aid two p-.-ir cotton (l<-ckirs;s. .Wfoevrr :a!:e» np fai-' negro and lodges him in. anj jail in this or any of the lieigabourirvg states (hall have tha above r«, ward of reasonable cxyencesif brought hom». JOHN ISRIEN. Spring Forge, October 13, 1?59. H. B. As (aid negro formally lived in Chefler county, it is prcbabls I.e ir.ay return there. Novemrer 5 TO BE LET, fc Either siparntely or together. The Two Houses, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL hy Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, fcuth Fourth ftrecx. For terms apply to benjamin r morgan, No. 41, Arch ftreetj July 10 3' a w . an apprentice wanted, .\t the Office of the Gizette of the United j July 6 TO BE, SOLD, At PUBLIC SALE; premises, ,The ON E«l*Y DOLLAR, L 1 KE WI SE, States. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers