Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 08, 1800, Image 2
Gazette of the United States. PIiILADZLtUIA, fHIBAT r.VEfitSO, ABGUST 8. COM NRJNICA I'ION. A flupid Virginia. N.gro driver, who dates fr«m Shannon Hill (Berkley) lias un dertaken to w rite ii letter to Duane, enclolluK ilte price of a ye:n'j fubfeription for the Gpnintry Aurora, and telling him that he '• been detrmd by th* cry of Jacobin &c. from enquiring whether " the Aurora," reded on the b-~oad basis of truth." Any body who reads this, niuft burd out into a fr»adlaugh, and yet this Sir FefHi naiid.-i Fdirf.ixo—tins knight of. the woeful pliiz ; no doulJt coTiiliklrd, he was paying a very high compliment tlie man he was addrelling, by inllnuating,, that, until latrly, he had J'uppofed that the newl'|,»per publillied by him, was a patrk of lies—.t lead he was afraid to enquire, least lie (liould discover the trut.i of the fac\—Well, Duane, takes it as a 'high compliment from Sir Ferdinando and publilhes the letter, lorl'ooth—This is the rcj fint instance in which Duane ever undertook to puff himself off in ii; own Newspaper—How so ? Why he never pub 11tiled a Angle batch of 4th of July toads, wherein " Billy Duane'"was drank, for one —in the (hape ot himfelf— ef a CJat or of a Kit catcher, or fume other ufeful bead- No,! No ! He wjs too model!—He never laid a word about the New-York feadipg; where he dined without about a dozen of lis p:ers—whether Cats or Rats, ao matter which, and where "after Mr. Duane re tired"—" William Duane"—was toaded— Nj No—He was toe model! ! ! ! Mlr. trjryr.. IN your paper of Monday last acor tefpondent expresses a delire of being in formed whether a would be Sheriff of Insur rection memory can expedl to derive a pow ctful support from that refpeftable body, the Uomjn Catholics, at the ele&ion to rake place ni Odlober next. I mult confefs, I had been of opinion, that the firm, steady and decided part which a very great majo rity of this relpe&able f.iciety have, on all occaGons, taken in- support of met; olgenuine Federal sentiments, was so well known, as to have rendered any Quere of the kind un necelT.iry ; however, as tt appears information oil this point is detired, I beg leave to state, that from a pretty accurate kno.vledjVe, which J have of this fubjeft, I feel no helitation in frying, that from giving their counte nance, much less a powerful support, in fa vor of this enliglitt'-'d and virtuous Chris tian, that h.: will meet an almost unanimous and decided opposition—H. is, therefore, very much H'.ifUkcn, if, he believe his ap pearance occasionally at St. Marys will ope r ite favorably on his eleilion, and is at the lime time allured-, that the;' perfectly well know to what m .tive this affected piety is to tie attributed, and will regulate themselves accordingly. A. Z. LEVITY. Tor the GazmTtß of the UsiTED Sr.iTSS. Mu. Wayne, Der.r, Dear S:r, I APPLY to you in a cafe of real dif- Ir.l's. My life is at (lake I and it appears to me that you alone can save it. My melancholy history is this : I am the daughter of a decayed gentle woman, who keeps a boarding house at the corner of street, on the profits of which depends the fubfiftenc* of the family. It is my misfortune to have been born with ?n extreme sensibility of nerves, and a general d:licacy or debility of organization, which fubje£ls xie to a thousand inconve nit-Hcies. I receive for inllance. not ortly difagreeab e, but dangerous impreflions from offsnfiye finclls a; d tastes, from the view of tilth a id dirt, and even from the obftrvatinn of a wa it of cleanliness and decency in the dress or the habits of individuals—l have hren cnci and again carried home in a swoon from certain streets of Philadelphia, merely beCHufe I had approached too near to ftag nait water. I feel an instantaneous nausea oa feeing a man chewing a moist quid of to bacco i and I cannot assist my sickly auot Ueborah, when (lie takes an em-tic, bscaufe e»en the hearing of its operation has the fame c(Te£t on mr as if I had swallowed a Competent dole of Ipecacuana myfelf. Now Sir, you mnft knot#, that my mo ther's houfe'lm for some time pad been oc cupied by lodgers, who to be sure arc the belt men in the world, but who, one and all, h.avt/fo many indelicate customs, or to fpoak inoic p'ai 'ly f'> ma<y dirty tricls. that I not only lead a moll uncomfortable life, but feci my health and llrength and spirits fai ing ; and unless you come to my relief, I mull loon go lh« way of all flefll. Allow me to give yon a faniple cf my m ft r it's : Among cur boarders, the personage of the (ifglict) dignity happens to be a member of Congrifs. This refpcftable gentleman ge » ncrally places himfell at the foot of the table and allills my mother ill doing t.he honours I-le distributes the roatl-beef, which is a (lauding dilh irf our house, aud my favorite food. But alas I he is no fooncr seated, than he lays hold of his fork, and (while the reft ot the company are eating their soup) makes mod diligent use of the prongs, in ftrj.oliiuj his head, particularly the hind p >rt of it, through a large quantity of hair, matted and thickened* by means of powder and pomatum. The.aiiiv ty of his exer tioi s, and the contorlionsof face wiih which they are accompanied, enfjree the notion that the Itching he means to remove is ex- Ex'.raetofa leUet from a G.ntkmanoii beard cited by Come very pungent c'aufe. A slice the Charles, CaV. Bithcrwood, of beef is called for—and behold 1. the a Cafe Mount, Africciy duicd ajtb Dtce in . forefaid fork, all powdery, all greasy, all I hr, 1799. know not what !is applied to its natural « a t Sierra December 24'h, fun£ti in. Poer I £ could not taste beef, the" Jhip InJtpciidance, of Boston, to fail in so fcrvtd, were it to preserve my exillence. a feV-di.yi for the Havnnna. The fchoon- Wishing however to eat something,—(sor er Clariffi, captain Gordon Bennett, of O wretched maid that lam ! 1 have a good New-Providence, was cast away on the tail (harp appetite,) I apply to the person who ! of the (hoals of Sr. Ann, going from Sier* tits second in order; for a leg of the fowl, r a Leone to Shetbon island, and «s the na or a small bit of the ham, winch happen« to tives are atniod Cannibals, '"tvyas thought be opposite to him ; but before I have fully they would be all nsurdered utiered the requell, I observe that he has . •* Munro had failed for Tobago and the been picking his teeth, his ycllovJ teeth, Agreeable for Barbadoes. Fell in with the his knife and fork alternately. No, British fiigate La Ujne, of 48 guns, and fays I, I have altered my mind, I wont have failed in company with her for there who any. I beg pardon. treated u&f;.o'itelJ'." My -mother helps to tlie fith. I procure a j —, little of it, and begin to eat —when catling i We (Hte on the authority of a gentleman my eyes on one fide. 1 perceive that my j who w*s on board the (hip Criterion, when next neighbour, a handsome young Englith- the Loilis captuied by a French priva man from an adjoining counting house, ia teerj tfiat the account publilhed in a letter {looping forward over the table, and ever from Madras, is erroneous : the I/uiis had and anon spitting out upon his plate small been captured and her guns turned on the parcels of fith-bones, conjoined with pieces ; Criterion and two broadsides given, which of the fith, half chewed. My stomach be- | killed i and wounded 2, betides doing cop gns to rife—l turn away, my head, and fiderable injury to her fills and rigging, be force down a few mouth'fuls, with much fore the Criterion attempted to quit the d fficulty. By and by, I find he has chan- a£tion. his plate. I brtathe : I regain cou rage • > loi»k round once more- Worfa and worse ; he has now been helped to a piece of gritkin, with potatoes and falad-»(You fee we ha\e a good dinner, if one could but eat it in comfort;)— And lo 1 fragments of potatoes are perpetually crumbling, and tumbling from his mouth into the plate, in such quick and smooth fucceffiun, that the idea of my aunt'» emetic comes full into my mind. I can stand it no longer. I rife, I ruth out of the parlour; and alas ! and a'.ack aday 1 not even the little I had gulped down to support life ******* but I will not proceed, nor will I recount the reft of my anuoyaneet, for fear you thould think that my own habits are not the mott delicate in the world. Suffice it then, to fay, that I find myfelf in attual danger of (tarving for want of tood. —My mother would not for the world ex plain to the gentleman the real cause of my fufFrring, (although they often express sur prise and commileration,) nor will she allow me to do it —tor I sometimes think I could, in my despair, summon up resolution enetigh to speak out : She fays it would ruin her bufinefi—that the lodgers would never for give the iufult—that they would leave the house, and prevent others from frequenting it.—Besides, the old gentlew oman is tigid in her ideas of education, and ot the proper treatment of young people. Slie talks much of the airs which pretended fine ladies ffive themlMves now-a-days ; confidcu my delica cy of feelings as pure affectation ; and obsti nately refutes to allow me to eat alone. My only hope is in you. If you itifert this letter in the Gazette of the United States, which is read aloud in our house every day after dinner ; the boarders will take the hint, (they cannot be offended, as I have mentioned no names :) you will raise a poor girl from the brink of the grave ; J —I A»»U trry UrHi'j dclrj oir ( Yonr moll devoted Servant, LUCY LACKADAY. [The City of New-York lias lately given us a Nautical Poet, not unworthy of the family of Dibdiu. The martial hymns of Tyrtaus animated the Greeks in the hour of battle. Many a brave man has been [licnulnted to duty on the plain of Minden and before the walls of Quebec, by the cheering and jocund found of •' The British Grenadiers," and tie po pular " Liltibullero" and " B'>yne Wa ter, and " The King shall have his own again," have incited the soldiers and sailors of a Stuart and an Orange. The following original Ballad is well calcula ted to urge the bold sailor to destroy the buccaneering privateers of the thief, Merlin, and check the maritime plunders of the uprtart Buonaparte.) twxE-AlI hatds-a-Hoy to the under, NOW -he President's ready fjr fe» boys* O ! (he's fttcb a tight little ship, Tars, Lubbers, »nd Swabi, full of glee, bop, All long to go in her atrip : But the mailer, who knows what he's made of, Says theciptain begins to te nice, And tho' he be nothing afraid of, He'll fend away Swahs in a trice. Chorus With light hearts we'll fail away, Jolly Boys, With the fmdes of fair fortune we go, The pirates (hall think of their tolly Bays, When they hear through the trumpet, yo hoa ! Yet we've room for a true hearted sailor. Who knnw» <wbat le do in a (hip, When battle an j fierce ftirm aflail her. Who !au»h» when the »nchor'i a trip ; Who never was known for a flincher, While seamen were wanted on deck, Who'd meet the ft ut foe, aye, and clinch her, And fight till himfelf was a wreck. Chorus. With a ''ght heart he'l fail awjy, Jolly Boys, In fea re h good fortune to go, AmllianE the proud f»e tor hji foil", Boys, Who comes with n Vanity vo hoa. Since Jacobins dont like to fight, Boys, And start at the musical roar Of the great guns, "in which (we delight, Boys. Why let the poor rogue t stay on (bore . They lay we m>y meet wi'h a flout (hip, As tight arid welt msnn'd as the 1 aft To lead i s a dance —then about (hip, And fight till there's never a majl; Chorus. Still fort.ine fhallfmilenn us Jolly B .ys, rou'Jlfoot) fee •who'd take her in tow ; We'll comeback io Sail, K*ite,and Polly, Boys, And c v .«r them with hearty, yo hoa. EPITAPH. Here lies ihr body of Jacob Sneer, Who had a mouth from ear to ear ; Reader, tread lightly on his sod, For if he gapes—you're gone by G-. For tbe Gazette of tbe Ukited States [The following we have just received from England, from the Rev. W. Gordon, Retlor of St. Nicol's.] St. Meals, Feb. 23, ißor. Sir. Obfcrving in the- Philadelphia Daily Ad vertise- of September 7, 1799, an article dated Alexandria, August 23 —" Died on Friday morning the l6ch inftant,near Dum fries, Mr. Daniel Ford, in the 2 oth year of hi}, of that dreadful malady the Hydro phobia, .very much and very juflly refpetled." (He was,bitte.n, as I observed, by a maddog, in the m-ck.) I have here ftut you a' in falliole cure for the bite of a mad dog. The leaves' of rue, pieked froth the stalks and bulled—Venice treacle or mithridate, and i'cra pings of pewter, each four ounces— boil all these together over a (low fire in two quarts if ale, 'till one pint is consumed —keep it in a bottle close flopped—give of it nine fpooofuls, a little warm t j the person bit, seven mornings fuc'ceflively, and fix to a dog, to be given for nine days after the bite ; apply ilfo some of the ingredients to the part bitten. N. B. This Receipt was taken out of Cathrop Church, in Lincolnlhire, the whole town aimoll being bitten, and not one person that took this medicine but what wascureJ. Your humble Servant. WILLIAM GORDON. From a 1., n 'on Prince Current "J June 6, received by the Leicester Packet. Ashes pearl best 2I 13s to 2/ 17s per cwt Inferior, 2I to 2/ loi do. Pot Be ft, 2/ 13s to il 16s do. Coffee, Fine 7/ js to 7/ 15s dp. Good, 6/ 2s to 7/ do. i-I.ll' nfj- £1 1 ill TO3 do. Ordinary, 5/ 6s to 5/ 15s do. Flour fuperfine, 105s do. Cotton, Surrinam, as gd to ad 1 id per lb St Domingo ; 2» 4.d to 2s 7d do. Bourbon, 2s 9d to 3s do. Georgia, fine 2s 7d to 2s 10J do. ord. is tod to 2s id do. Logwood, Cam, 2 5/per ton Pitch, American, us per cwt Rice, Carolina, new, 1/ 15s to 1/ 16 pa cwt Staves, bbl. 15/ to 18/ per 1200 hhd. 20/ to 25/ do. Pine 301 to 40/ do. Far American, i/ 4 6s to il 8s per bbl Tobacco, Maryland, Fine, gd to iodperlb. Good color, 7 i-idto 8d do. Middling do 6d to 74 do. Ordinary, 4d to 5d do. Virginia, Fine, 6d i-2d to 7d do. Middling-, 4 *d to 5! do- Ordinary, 3d to 4d do. Strip Leaf, 81 to loi do. Carolina, 3 i-2 (o 5d do. Georgia, 4d to 5 1 si io. jlmeiican Funds in demand at London June g. 8 per cent?. 6 do. 3 d°* Deferred, Bank Stock FOR SALE—A COMPLETE Printing-Office, WITH A Newspaper Establishment, In the pleasant and healthy town of Newark, New- Jersey, about nine miles from New-York j Also, a complete set of BOOK BINDING TOOLS. THE above is worthy the attention of any Printer wifliing to eftablilh himfelf in a country town. The rapid population, and ex treme pUafantncft of the t«wn, and it» vicinity to New-York, iif» consideration which every person will know how to appreciate. It will be fold very cheap for cash ; or » liberal credit will be given for one halt of the purchase money, if desired. Furthrr particulars may be known by fending a line, po'l paid, to JACOB IJALSEY, Newark. July 19.. tuth&» iw Ibree Cents keward. RUN away from the Subfcriberon the evening of the »Bth inft. a bound Servant CIRL, name" 1 Elizabeth Htfwcfcel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud,bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any pur fon apprehending her ihallbe entitled to the above reward—no coS* or charges will be paid. N- n She had » years and iome months to fexve ' ' DANIEL FITZ PATRICK. Gofhen Towafliip. Chester County, July i<j. ■cgrt 6 . J awtf From London Papers to June 10 received at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. LONDON', June 10. Admiralty-Office, June 7, ißso. Copy of a letter from Captain Price, com mander of his majeily's (hip Badger, to Evan Nepe&n, Elq. dated at St. Marcou the 31ft May, 1800. Sir, I beg leave to iriclofe you, for the information of their lordships, a letter I re ceived this day from lieutenant Henry Ri chardson (ifl) commanding his majesty's hired cutter Rose (2d), giving me an ac count of his liaving captured Le Risque a Tout Republican Privateer, carrying two fotir-pounders, with mufquetry, and sixteen men, belonging to Cherbourg, Jaques Neef captain ; and I have sent the prisoners by the Champion cotter to Portsmouth. I am, Sir, &c. &c. &c. C. P. PRICE. His Majesty's hired cutter Rose (2d) at Sea, Maysi y 1800. Sir, In purluance of your order of yef-1 terday'j date, I proceeded with his majesty's ; hired cutter Roi'e (2d) under my command, the Dolphin hired cutter, lieutenant Jarrett commander, in company, for the purpose of examining the creeks and harbours of the enemy between Cape Batfleur and Cape La HogKe. At half part four this morning observed a small cutter to windward ; the Dolphin making the signal of an enemy we imme diately gave chace, and in an hour captured her, Cape Barfleur S. E. distant about three or four leagues : found her to be La Risque a Tout trench privateer, mounting two four-pounders, with mufquetry, sixteen men, Jaques Neel, captain, out ten hours from Cherbourg without making any c;.;jture. 1 am, Sir, &c. &c. &c. H. RICHARDSON (ill). Charles Papps Price, Esq. commander of his majesty's sloop Badger, St. Marcou. We have the fay, that 10 men out of the 14, who were'blown up in the And'vme 'it, have recovered their fight. A Court Martial is ordered to be held at Portsmouth on Lord Proby, and the officers of the Danae frigate, for the loss of that fliip, run into Brest by the crfcw., A Court Martial is also to be held on captain Alms, for the loss of the Repulse, of 64 guns. Admiral Lord Duncan is gone down to Dundee, in Scotland. Don Chacon, who was Gcvernor of Tri nidad at thp time it was taken by the Eng lilh, has been beheaded at Madrid, pursuant to a Council of \W, for having betrayed his trust in the surrender of the Illand. A Public, Print, adverting to our fair married Flames, manfully fuppor'.s their conjugal virtues, though in somewhat quaint language, obferviwg that, compared with their Anceftorj, English women in general have'riot increased in the " quantum of aber ration." The average price of Sugar, computed frdm the returns made for the week ending the 4th day of June, 1800, is sixty-three shillings and one penny half penny per hun dred weight. l'he average price of Rice, computed from the returns made for the week ending the 4th day of June, 1800, is thirty-four shil lings and four pence three farthings per hundred weight. A Di&ionary, it seems, is preparing at Paris, which is to consist of terms brought into use by the Revolution. So much af J fetfked jargon was produced by that lamen table event that it is a pity fnch nonsense should be recorded. But whatever words this Diflionary may contain, none of thefn can be forcible enough to express the mi sery and the horror which that execrable e vent has occasioned. Buonaparte is said to be in a very bad (late of health, chiefly arising from the care and anxiety attendant upon his military and legislative toils. It is but right that such a man (hould fuffcr fur his butcheries, and his usurpation. For the repose of Eurepe, em broiled by his ambition, every honest man may properly exclaim " would he were wafted, marrow, bones and all." MaiTena's frequent forties have justly in curred the censure of all men, because they (hew a prodigality of food, without any hope of real advantage. It is surprizing that the French soldiers have not yet dis covered how regardless their commanders are of their lives, when any purpose of mi litary pride is to be effe£ted. The Union, Bowler, from Charleston to England is captured. The Carpenter arri , ved at Liverposl. 109 84 53 126 BELL'S FOREIGN BULLETIN. Consisting of privnte Continental C rre&fon clauce &c. BERLIN May 3. The book entitled, Secret Mimoirs rela tive to Rtiflia, is the fule fubjeft of convert - tion in this city, and a confidenible differ ence of opinion prevails with refpeft to its charattei" While fame pcrfonj regard it is an infamous libel, others, on the contrary, take every word of it for gospel.—Every one decides 011 it according to his particular political bias. Thus the Royalists revile it, becaufc, as they amagine, in every page the author exposes himfelf as an innovator and a Republican ; and-ths Revolutionists extol extracts Frosj it to the Ikies, bec.iufe it boltffy ftiijiS an Emperor of -ia»3 Royal tinsel. I regard th:S work as a coHcftion ct fhapeh-fs (tones, which, cut by a f<fc, able, and fte:»dy hand, may one day farm a column in the 'Jenipel of History. But the materials mud nbt be indifcriminattly employed.---Some are mere veins of chalk, find, an t clay, while others consist of marble or granite. The greater part of the nncdo'.es detailed by the author, are true, but a few ot them are palpably, falfe. The fame observation may be applied to his conclilfions, the pencil seems to tremble in his hand, and his toueh is deflitute of uniformity. The work confitls, of eighteen numbers; an enumeration of their titles will Ihsw the degree of interefl which each may ppfTcfs, and their inccnfidencv as a whole : Nq. i. Projected Marrage of the Ring of Sweden with the Grand Duehefs, the eldett daughter of Paul a. Details of of Catherine 3. Fovouritesc»fCatherine, with their Portraits 4. Accession of Paul to the throne, and his proceedings on becoming Emperor 5. Has Paul any reason to dread the fate of Peter 111. ? his Portrait, with thole of the Emprcfs and the Qrand Dukes, Alexander and Conftaistine ; traits of the charatter of Paul, his piincipal Courtier* and Minitler, with various anecdotes, 6. What Revolutions has Rudia to expefl ? 7. The National Charafter; 8. Religion; 9; Gynicocricy, or the influence, the cha racter, and the manners of the Ruffian Wo men ; 10. Education; 11. Frenchmen in Russia, &c. Such are thefubjeft of which the author treats. We shall extract a few of themoft striking paflages : Madame Lebrun, 110 lels celebrated for her affairs of gallantry with Vaudreuil and Calonne than for her talents, intended to draw a portrait of Catherine 11. after her death. The following advice wasgiven her upon this occasion—let the map of Russia > be .your'canvas, the darkness of ignorance your back-ground, the spoils of Poland your drapevy, human blood your Colouring, your outline the monuments of her reign, and ypur shade the fiift fix months of the reign of her son. The author pretends that Paul ii sur rounded by abler Counsellors than his mo ther had. This might have been true at the time when he wrote ; for Paul had not then dilmiffed the Kourakins, to whom he is Ha ted to have owned both his throne and his life. But the author immediately contradi&s himfelf, by observing, that Catharine, in talking of her Minilters, represented them as a set of punchinellos, whom (he could manage at pie afu re. A perlonage who has a Considerable (hare of influence at Court, is a Turkilh valet de chambre, who was carried into slavery in his infancy and reared in the Palace. To this Turk, named Iwan Paulowitch, the Ruffian Generals and Grande s at present pay their Court.- Love is the (Irongeft and the molt pafdon able of all our paffiofis. Its cxceffes- and its abuses are therefore, regarded as* left odious; and the reign of uiiftrefles'will never fee so humiliating as that of valets. I wan Panlowitch is aftually a C'unfdlor of State, and hae the' title cf Excellency. He has, since the auther wrote this book, re ceived the order of St. and hastoeen appointed ' Grand Huntsman and Grand Equery. It must however be observed, in justice to Iwan, that he is neither infol:rit nor wicked. THE WASHING 'TON Daily Gazette, Published at the Seat of Government of the United States, THE publiiation of a good Newspaper at the feat cf government, is so ufeful an undertaking, both to the government and to the citizens at large, for the purpose of com municating State Papers, th*; Proceedings ot Congress, and other Intelligence, that the Editor has no doubt of receiving the public patronage. Having left a fpecirtien ot th s with th: principal printers and book sellers at Philadelphia, he takes this oppor tunity of laying his terns before the public. 1. The Gazette {hall be publiflied eery dsy in quarto, on a half flieet large royal, and be delivered to subscribers in this city ■ and Georgetown at their places of residence; 2. Papers for distant subscribers Ihpll be carefully packed up and forwarded every port day ; in half sheets to places where the mail is conveyed every day ; and in whole flieets to subscribers at places where it is not can ( veyedfo often. 3. It (hall be carefully printed on a good type and paper, to be enlarged as soon as subscriptions and advertisements will adniit of it. 4- The price to subscribers {hall be five dollars a year, to be paid half yearly in ad vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to be plid at the end of 6ach half year. • j. Advertisements will be infer ted three times at the rate of one dollar a square. ' 6. The Gazette shall contain the earliefl intelligence foreign and domeflic—publ'fc of ficial papers, a {ketch of the proceedings and debates in Congrefs'. with feledlionsandef fays on the various fubjedts of economy and literature. It (hall be conduced on a Fair and impar tial plan, open to political difcufiions ; but no personal pieces or irritating animadver sions on parties or irtdividuals lhall be ad mitted. The publication of the Gazette will com mence on the firfl day of October next. CHARLES CIST. Washington, Juh 25. (Aug. :) mwfjw f i 1