74,-4.] SC/* The price of tbir (.fasttle is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay ene Dollar for enclosing and di recting i and unlessrsome person in this city will become answerable fr the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Aiivjnee. %* No Subscription will be receh' 1 for a shorter term tb'in six menlbs. DicemVcr 1 1759. ALMANAC Fr'm Augirfl 6— tv is. HIGH WiTU. WednefJay TJmrfday Friday „ Saturday Sunday Monday T nefaay Wilocttf Th«rfJ»y Ccidajr Sunday Monday TwW./ Marshal's Sale. Uyirr.D Sr.irss, } fennsjlvania District, } PURSUANT t > a writ to me diroJled, frolh' the Honorable Ri.kard Peters, Efqoire, Judge of tkf Diftrifl C art of the United States in and f. r the PennfyHania Diftridl, will be ex posed t<> ptiblic Cle, at the M«'• Jppurtei anccj, (he lame havng tjeen lately cpndtmoej in the said Court as forfeited, See. J3HN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, ) July 30. 1800 > N B. The Schnoner La Leger lies at Brown's wharf ; her fail- may be fcen at the Sjil Loft o» Meflrs. Cliffton & Watkios, at La iiner'» wharf. Ship Lavinia. On "SATURDAY next the 9th ir.ftant, at 10 o'clock at the Ccffee-Houft, fltL B« SOLD, About »oo I ons burthen ; ■ii wc " known faithful lire cak ** * and cedar fuijt veHW mouois 10 four pounders, fuiail arms, &c. complete. Ap proved Notes a{ to and 90 days will be received iu payment Inventory to \e fcen cn board at South-ftri-gt wharf, and at the auflion room cf the subscriber. JOHN CONNELLY, Aucfr. augtift 5. The {hip Volant, i'wim? or London, * itec-t&tu To fail 911 Saturday next, Will ake a little Freight if i.cmtdiately offered. THCM.4S KETLAND. d S t Augufl 5 For feJc, llw lLatt Jt IMM'I barthe* 494 tM*. Far tciEis apply t» JOSEPH S. LEWIS. 4s' Av»gu(l 5 JUST IMPORTED . AND FOR SALE, AT QIC KINS'S BOOK-STORE, Oppefite Chrill - Church, AS ASSORT HEST OF English Papers AND OTiJER STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6. District of Pennsylvania to nit : BE it remembered thit cn the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence©? the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the said Diftriil hath dep.ifiled in this oj%-e thatit'e of a tiooli the right where of he ciain>s as Author ifl the words following to wit, " Reports of cases in t!;,a County coufts of the Fifth Circuit and in the H:gh Court of Errors and appeals ofthe State of Fennfylvania, 4nd charges to Grand Juries of thole Courty Courts. Hv Alexand?r Addifon, Prrfident of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State cf Pennsylvania." In conformity to the aSi of Congress of the Unir ted States i.ttitjed " An adt for the crjcoucageinent oflcarninghy securing the copies of maps charts and books to the Authors and proprietors of such -.copies during the times therein mentioned." D.CvJLDWELL, CUrt of tbt Difrift of Fennfylvania. The above boot is now publilhed- It will be de livered to lubfcribtfrs by Mr. Dobfon Bookfcllcr. J u 'y 2.? FOR SALE, , A Printing Prefe. Appfy at the Office of the Gizttteci the Ucitcd Stale*. Gazette *f the linked States* & Daily Advertiser. H. M 3 4 S 4 I» 4 5» 5 40 6 1 OS 7 49 BUM- Hill SETS S a 6 i-8 5 3-: 6 57 S 4 6 (6 - J J 6 55 • 5 6 6 54 5 7 6 53 J B—6 51 tn»f t» Will be fold, At 7 o clonic oh Saturday E venire at the Mer- cbiati' C«Si, A LOT OF GROUND, WI 1 H all the improvements thereon, lituate on the feurh fide of Coombs* allfy, near Second street ; contaioir.g in frent on Co.-imba' alley 19 feet, and in depth 74 left or thereabout! To be f'Jd by virtue «f the will of- tfeter H«a derfon.deceifed. Josuh L. Cactes, Ex'tr. JOHN CONNELLY, Auct'r. awguits HIGH-STREET. The House, LA TF.LY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spanifli Ambaflador, will be Id out to an approved person or family, on ealy conditions. It is large, commodious and eVgam, with coach-house and (tables cons. rnable. Enquire'at No. too, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, jV». 94. eodtf. J«»y JJ Eliftia Filher & Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE OS HAND AND FOR SALE, GERMAN STEEL, window gljfe, hati afferi ca in caftj, NdiU in caiks, and a large afl'jrt ment of Ironmongery, CutUsry, Sadlery, Coach, and Harr.efc Furniture, Brass and Japanned Wares. Pins and N e<.dle«. July 29 For Sale, In tit pteoiant viilrjt of Mount Holfy, Bur i'tngton C.untj, 18 it.Uesfrom Cooper's />< ; , iind 7 from Burlington , ONE LAUGi TW'O STOBY Brick - House, TT'Vf' and thirty feet fquarr, four rooms on each flior, and a cellar under the whole.— LikewiCe adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, fitw ate o« Mill street, near the rairket, with a new Carriage House and Stables on the rear of the Lot,fronting a public alley. For further par ticulars applv to MAHLON BUDD.or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will (hew the prtinifes and nuke known thttermi, or of the ("übferiher in Burlingtcp, li/ whom an indilputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 July 19 FOR SALE, In the Ciy of Burlington, Stale of New- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEINC twenty feet front and thiity two feet deep, each with cellir under them and kitch ens in the rear, likewise a well of good watir in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premifei, ong hundred and fifty feet deep. For tcrma offale apply to the fu&fcnbu in Bur lington, by whom an tsdifputabU titlo will be s'veo. MICATAW ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (i 9) entf WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. "THB of unimproved in Wayne *■ county, aie briefly notified, that Taxes ar« become payable thereon for the years 1*99 and 1800. Those who have not already paid their ta«9, \fa hereby rtquirod to difekarge the fame t CommifEmiera y»taotus Van Etlen, J At'.aft, X- StikLPec, CUt> For Sale, A EEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and; COFFEE, A TrynJc qf Mel 4 anil Woihens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, 8 by 10, g by ii, 10 by 12 and xy by 12. • Any fixes larger than thufc may be had on being ordered froip the maimfailory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jtin'r. 3d wharf south of Market ftieet. Asg-uft 4- djw. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a flable, carrijge-houfe and lot, lituated in a plea font part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and poflefiion can be had iir-raediireljr j,bu» the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the premises after the loth of ntxt November. For terms apply ths printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. ( By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, Sputh Front-flreet. Plf I LAD EL PHI A y EVENING, 180 0. Xo. 14, south Front -street, Have received per Kenfmgton from Lotion, i handfomefupply of the undermentiontd * Articles-—vit. FLAXEN tow Oznabriw, £ Drnghedi and Laccaihire'SlfaJtiags, White and brown Irish Linens; £U wide Persians, aflbrted colours, An extensive assortment oi fancy &»ther Stibbonj Cotton and silk rfoiiery, Women's white and colour'i Silk Olavci, ufuil length, Do. do. extra do. Striped and mixed Bengal#, Fine Decca Handkerchiefs, Superfine white Ginghams, Check'd and striped do. Calimancoes, Joans and Durants, Pioi, Scotch coloured Thread, &c. &c. Whitti are for sale on low terms, for u!h or lhort credit, July 31 Castor Oil, and FRUIT, 7 ust received, per tie sloop Suppl/ Jrom Kingston, Jamaica, FOll SAI E BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. ■ Who have on hand, OM Madeira Wine, fit for immediate use. • Pipes of OM Port Wine, and 10© Ei(l-India Sugar, &c. July 30. CO. th. f*. 18, The Bankrupt Law UNITED S 7 ATES, Wm this' Day PiiMifhad by A. DIC KI WS, op poiite Christ Church.— [Price 25 Cents.] NEW-YOKK, desultory reflections ON THE New Political Afpett of Public Affairs. In ibe United SrArts. [Pri.e37j Cents] august it Just Imported, In the ship Kensington, fom Loudon, and for sale by Jofcph & Jainco l ' Na. 87, HigJl-'ttcct, AN ASSORTMENT OF •odtf. BOOKS AND STATIONARY, A summary of univcrfal Hi'lory, exhibiting « use, Decline, and Revolutions of the different Na tions of the world, from the Creati n to the pre sent time, 9 vols. 8 vo. tranfl-ued from the Frccch of M. 1 ravels through the United States of America, the Country of the Ircqouis, and Upper Canada, with an authentic account of Lower Canada by the Duke de la Rochefoucanlt Liancourt 1 vols. 4 to. Memoirs relative t® Egypt writtm in that coun try I'uring the campaigns of General in the years 1798 m l 1799. PuhTjc Characters of 1798—99 — 2 Vols Bvo. A Voyagp 10 the East Indies containing an ac count of the manuors, Cuftows &c of the Na tives with a Geographical defcript.on of the country by Fra Paoltao dafaf) Jiir tolomeo. The annual Nccrolegy of 1797, 8 including also various articles of negTedled Biography. Watkins Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiftari ca! Didionary, Walpoliana s voV A Dig*fted Index to the seven volumes ef Term Reports by F. E. Tomkins. Mavors Natural History for the uft of Schools The British Nepos or Mirror of vouth con lifting of felefl lives of Illuflnous Britons, by William Mavor. L. L.D- Poems on various futijrfls fefciled to enforce the prafllca of virtu* Bk. by E. Tomltins. Moores Nai>tic»! far 180 I—l July 30. ~ eod6t dsot . Found, A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has loft it may receive it an ai plkatipn at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expence of- this advertisement. July ii. A CERTIFICATE FSS a three qtiarrer Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name < f John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed add lor the Renewal of which application has been made at said Ualilt, of which all concerned are defited to take notice. May »9, Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the Prrfident and Directors of the Bai.k of the United States for the renewal of the following Certificate? ef Shares in the said Bank, which were 101 l on board the ship John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davsy, matter, bound to London, vis : .V 5 . . B. «o. »vM 4 I ' *9&h I gKhfefoWf J" n««e •98n>.V»rTtio'*Hbtf,A«fieM (O.E) •969 7 } ditei ilk ttotttf 1900 »' *9««J Of wkith. appUoKiMi,*)) p«(te» a»«»nwl,- win plMft to t*kc notice. SAMUEL STERKTT. Smith & Rodman,, Rum Sugar Coffee Cocoa _ « OF THE A. DICK INS HAS JUST RECEIVED TROM Amongst which are the following NEW BOOKS: PfeTlftTftXSftNr. djlll. No\y Landing, And for sale, by the subscriber s\ tjo PIPES OF LIS BO N WIN E. JfiSSS & RO3ERT WALN. ' diw •July Jacob Sperry & Co: No. igj, Mahket-Street, Have received by the ship Eagle, arid olber late arrivals from Hamburg, The following Goods, Which they offer on liberal terms; "1 • r D ««nters, n In * 2 S Coffee-Mills, Boccadillos, tl| . Tape,, twill'd.plain Rouans, Kg *< and coloured, [ SealiD g W "' iiw From London, A consignment oj % Packages of Sadlers.' Webbing, and 3 Cases of the Washington Prim, in handfame frames of full length Engraving. ALSO, 2 New Cables, Eaeh Ifathoms, 10 and u inch, suguft 4. d6t m&th im for sale, THE CAIRGQ OF 7HE SHIP ASIA, cap?AW MORGA N, fjicm BAT A VIA; Confiding of Seribon and Jacatra Coffee & Sugar, Of an excellent quality. 4j«tojt t T HE SHIP Is also offered Fqr Sale ; sh« has made but one voyage fine me was (heathed with the best pa j and (he is in good order. tent ■d'ply to James C. & Saml, W. Fflier, William Sanfom, AND Joseph S. Lewis. July 24. BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE CITY Or WASHINGTON. THE fpllowmg property belonging to-the Truf. tceiof the Agg.egate Fund, provided for the [ox 2nd James GreSß On Monday the 18 tb Augijl hut. PART of the properly of said fund, in the City of Waftiiagton, that now is rendered clear of every it>curfit,rar:ce, will be exposed at Pufeiic Auflron at Taniiiclifl Tavern, amongrt which are the following Taluable fituatioi., viz. n Lots in square No. 973, 1 lots in square 974, 15 lots in jquarc 99J> * lots in square fotith of fquari 1019, 19 lots in square icio,: lot in square io»e. t lot in square IMt, 7 lots in square 1013 4 lots in fquaie 10*4, 3 lots in square J045, 3 los in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 12 lots in square 1048, with fumiry others, advantagcoujly fituatcd in various parts of the city. Also the % story frame iioufe now occupied by Mr. Dc.blois, beautifully situated (with an ex-en five view of fcv eral miles down the Potomao) on the south aaft corner of square 973, fronting 42 feet on 11 Urect east, and 41 feet on south G street: a commodiuus Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame stable, carriage hcufe and hayloft 50 feat by *5, and a pump of excellent water near the back door ef the kitchen, the lot ci£iending9i feeton 11 street, and 139 feet i inch inGftreet, comprizing lots Nit. 1, i, 3, and part of 21, in the rt'gfflered divilion of the fqasre. 1 he sales will commence at the said house at ten o'clock in the forenoon os the 18th of Au<-utl a ferefaid. The ttrmeonefourih csfh, otic fourth in 6 months, when a deed will be given, the remain ing moiety in two years, paynent to be feourcd by bond and raortgage. But the creditors in the above fund, may in lieu of mortgage secure pay ment of their bonds by depoflt of c riificates of the trustees ar the rate of five (hillings in the poiind, to the amount fecurcd and Ihctfld a dividend take plate before the expiratiou of the* two years, it will be set off sgaitift tha bond, and the certifi cates returned in the fame proportion. Henry Pratt ") Thomas W. Francis j John NTiller, jua. Trujlees. John Afhley Jacob Baker. j THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. August 4. .- dtf Insurance Company Of the State of Pennsylvania. THE DIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a Dividend of Thirty Dollars of each Share of the Stock of this Company for the lift fix months, which will he paid to tha Stockholders or tligir leg*! Repreftnta tives ait«r thu 10th instant. JAMES S. COX, Prtfidwt. dlO!. aaguft ». OJI FOk SALE, A 2-story brick house Situate in Dukc-stveet (or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rcoms on a floor, kirchen and wafla honfi, all l uilt of the belt nuti.riib, and in txC cU ent order; cellars under the whole, one paved, and has two lattice clofcts wi-h locks, 3 hrg." gar den and yard, several iru-.t trees in the garden twopumpsof ex-cslltnt wster i:eur tt.e preimfes. Enqairj at No, 39, Arch flreet. For Sale, TO LET, SauJnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, 5sV. No. 63, North fide Market-flreet, Have 4 gcn.nl afforWKm of t,dl London iuperfine Bread Cfath. arvd Caffimerea (If second quality r»HIW » W r wuiftcoatingj fuk ftripo „nd ' f anc * c "" ! ' -Vw!yeti, . 6 c.?riet, yellow and white Flannels, LnZ'hlC™ me "j " d wonsl ' ns> I'"' and cotton Hofitry, coat and veil pearl, ft«l. gilt and pla.ed Buttons, diffeient colours Silk Velvets tarn bourcdind Cambric Muflmi, .Calicoes, Caliman- Handkcrciiefs, Gloves Trimmings— —all July 18. Jufl Received, Br A. DICKINS, appetite Christ Church, A- View OF THE, CAUSES AND CQNSEQUENC&S OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Difcourfcs. By the Rev. yOS' ATM AN Eouch&r, A.' Kfc' F. A. S. Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents. July 30. Houses to Let: ONE large convenient three-itory Bru;k Dwelling-Houfe. vviih four rooms on a floor, sr.J two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cistern n the yard ; situate cn the east f:de of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solofnon Moroche. ALSO) A convenbut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch Street, third door above Eighth Street. For terms apply at No. 1:6 Arch- Street. August 4- m&wtf For Sale, Lancing fr m on loa-J the Schooner An drew, from Ttnerijfc • jfamei M'ljrig ger, Majlcr, 75 Pi P« 40 Hhds. > TeneriffeWine. 64 Casks, j apply to MATHJAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. Mflltt I, Port Wine & Claret In Cases, rf ih? fir it Quality, Wine and Cyder Vinegar. 11l tipes and Qiiarltr Cafts~Fur -ialebf BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Co. July ty , 3 iWjW. To be Let, or Sold, Eith r together or divided in lots, A CONVENIENT, WIiLL FINISHED ' HOUSE, And 4 acres of Land SITTUA i E in the Village of Attleh orough cr Fc\sr Lanes enda, Bucks county. Imme diate poffcffiofl will be given. Enquire ol the iublcri&er on the premise;. ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N Tlie Tin.e of a hialiby flout NEGftO BOY for Tale—Enquire as abov£. July a 8 Madeira Wine : ( The fubferiber has received in the Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity, of Hill's Old I -on don particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. calks. GIDEON HILL WELLS. atiguft 4. mw&l 4.W TO DISTILLERS And Owners of Stills. WHEREAS by ail a«Tt t,f C.-Jwrcfs, pasTed the 8-th day of May <791, entitled, "An aisl concerning the duties- on i'pi-rft9 distil- Jcd within the United fftxtcs/' it is r< quired of all perfoiis h»viu£ or kerpisig a still., or (lills, to make entry thereof', between the lait day of May arid the firfi day of July in eacji year, under the penalty of two. hundred and fifty dollars. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to 311 fiitlijltrs, nr owners of 111 ils, within the city an.l coiiiitv of t* 1. ila i! c 1 p 1 ia, !o nuke entry of them at the office of li)Sj>-.<9ioM, at 49, Nort:i Third flrcet, in the city of Philadelphia, wi:!; in the abovtmenrioned • • erio