Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 07, 1800, Image 4

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    r ' THE
« iiVAS 111 NG7QN .
Daily Gazette,
" \"
J Pttblifli.ed at the
Siijii of GoriiKnnu/T or rus United
Sr.*tps. -
r rHE ptifaliis'tijw gpo4 Newspaper at
the. ivat t f jrovrrinpent, I? fp mVtul #i»
xiiukrt»king,/both to the government and to
the Citizens at tarst, for thg piirpofe oi com
municating ■ th-T.l'r.c Clings ol
and other L.iclVigence, that the
tyittir has nodculrt i.f. receiving .the public
J J ,iper witlj the principal pfiiijifis and. book
sellers at Philadelphia, .Jie, ftfces&ls oppor
tunity, of laying his ie,rn,s netore the public.
1. The Gazette fhail be puhhfhtd' every
day in qtiarto, on a liMf theet Urge royal,;
an'd be delivered to Urbicfibers til this city
and Getrgetov.-n at tl.tir pl'ices of relidence.
2. Papers +"<sl-"defiant ftkfcfiber# ili'all lie
car. M>lly packed up.and for yv aided every pod
ctay ; in hMt (lirets to places where the ma,il
is enn'vevid every d-iy ; and in whole Hieets
to fjMi r:bi ; fs ut pjac« where it is not con
vey ; d si often.' ;
It (hall be carefully printed on a good
type and paper, to be enlarged as foot! as
filbfc! iptions and advertisements will admit
of it.
■" 4" The tn fubfcvib'jrf (hall be five
dollar* a ye ir, to be puid hilt yearly in ad
vance ; t>r fix dollars a year, one half to be
piid at the end ofsach hulf yiar.
j. Advertisements will be inlerted three
times at the rate of one dollar a square.
6. -The Gazette.ttiall contain the earlifclt
intelligence fyreign and dome flic—i üblic of
ficial papers, a Iketclt nf the uroeeidiHgs and
debates in Cougrefs ■. with lei ctions and ef
fnys on.the various fub]e£ts of economy and
It ihall be conduced on a fair and impar
tial pian, open to political difcuflions ; hut
po. perfo'nai pieces or irritating arimadver-
Tions on parties or individuals (hall be ad
The, publication of the Gazette will cum-
Wnce on the firft day of Oftober next.
Waslhg'.or., Juljt 15. (Aug. 1 ) niwf^w
_.. .1 ■ 1. - ■
The Supporter.
The nun publication of the D >ilv Ney/»-
pjp r under upy diredtion intituled •' Ihe
Supporter, »r Daily Uepalt," which has
not appeared Once Saturday'.alt. calls for an
apology fr9ni me to my fubferihers and
ii.fltimers; and th derangement in the print
ing of it being sudden. I not the
"opportunity of doing it In my own paper;
I therefore take his way of informing my
fubfefiht:» & readers, that owng to a
cha g? in the printing thereof the publica
tion will be suspended for some time until
. otliifr arrangements are eompleled whifch
*/iU be a3 son as pofiible. In the mean
tine such purfrns as chufe to add their
names to the lilt of Subscribers are refpeft-
I'uiiy i so med that fubfcriptiofl papers for
pit pose qonlinue i'peo 3t ■ talk's !:bra
,y No. 75, N. Third a. at Wm. Y Birch.
No. 17 South Second-futet. at Thomas
Dobfon's No 41, South oecond llrett. at
John Ornirods 41, C!.eft;ut-(lrcet, and with
the fuWcrfbrr 'himftlf— During the fuf
pcu&on fubfoibus will of courfs not be
Just received, by the ship Kensington, from
London,—-and J or sale by
go. 17,
1.711 F, "aIAL wov» and plain,
Super Koyal do.
Upyal do.
Med iura do.
Demy do.
cap do.
Post thick and thin do. folio and quarto,
]id. do. do. liit-prel's'd
C ,-pyinp machite paper and ink-powder for do.
I: k and ink powder, red and black, fine Japan
ink,' parchnient, quills and pens, penknives,
filing-wax, waters, See. he
A few sets of e'epaßt Maps and Atlas's,
Mahogany writing defes of various fizet.
SCP Merchant's Account Books ready
rtjde f or made te any pattern On tbe short-
cit nutite.
July »j.
Just Arrived,
fheqdore Bliss, Commander, from Btngi
An a Tort merit of Piece Goods.
Sugars of the firft quality,
And 100 qr. chefls of superior quality
Uyfon Teas.
Wtilings if Francis, and
TbomJs & John Clifford.
March 17 *'•
Oi' the Ship Criterion, B Wickes, (en. com
mander, from Bengal,
consisting of
A complete assortment of '
SUGARS of the firft quality,
so* SAL* BY
No. 31, Pbnn-ftrect.
May 5.
f m&th 3t
77H" U.\ r Y,Z Fsbi'ED,
H:.-; .w.vv.:, «,i a;j:'.v »»v
lldrncil iii ifS'nlaA tl.'ie CV)iif«'i"'
l»;r i".n ti«t Im«1? o* i iu 'I lA^iu..
JA'tt b yjf-' ■ W L 'ri a-j
if-n guvurion'i't, u
.+ Su-».,t{:> ail.!'r»if.!S_vsj[t<.:«.- !>«■'.«,■ , Wl'.W | f{S
'rb.ii 'vV./i'<iri'fri'H.v lii'l .WtcV. M c.'.!j np<>r i.i®
■> c*fiil "fiT b'c'm'imed futh
'. iot (lictt t>rrgc<ii, wiikh llie eiSj*cn!]T
.of'.iof Ihe NcuiiJl'CxinSiCKC *&•! thefe',. .j>w f<.»» ( «4'. i t|.e tfcJTiycrtrot Power*. rflndtr'
"ruifyvP'Aiy iieitfTTjry, iriil, my r cf
rPX: 'i' ©IK iug t» the r'rfj'e-fliTC.n»ti>ta, orm
jftxVr jirot*fl!on" df thfir fi.'igV in
■ ■•iiiiMjf.g <o nko c«ciilit.. ■»,' will pirfci«!ly
re'?</•.for ih: /Cvpf: , «a'".
i;e|c p.'CcihkcT, • 799-
i f y:i sale,
A V.aluad
LyrsG.ou.xtc V<.teniae River, county of Nsr
thutrilierlarid, of Virginia; containing
"about 14' o'aet es—— i• gittiation is equal to any o'her
in tli«'Wort!»tra Siitck, tcmarkabie l'oi every kin' 1
of willfowl, oyilers, filli ami crab, and none bet
ter for health. 11 is about the fame diltance from
Baltimore, Alexandria aini Norfolk, and not more
thkiioiine days fail frpsa either. Th-re are three
ttr.jrovcd plantations with dwelling houses, the
one known by the name ol Exeter I,odge,farmer.
!y the r'efidebce «.f c il.'Jolari Gordon is an elegant I
t»h story brick house, with four rotra> on a floor,
a patTiCi,
The other tw are commodious and convenicnt
ly fitted, with good and fuiLaMe out hotifes, at one
of which John lVlurpfry, Ef; (now of Weftmore
lar.d cov:;(ty.) Jived' leveial years; on f his farfci there
is a good grill mill, with vjater Ju .icietit to turn
any numl<«r as floiics ; aUW convenient (lorehuu
fe« in"jituaries on a public rpad.tvcli .Gtuatcd
f-.r a c'trn'try (tore. On each of tjipfe places there
a"s fia: apple aid peach drchards. The greater
inop>f>ru<i;t of (he laud is of thv firfl quality, and
v t half ■ f the whole heavily timbered, {'he
terms msy he knnwnby applying tb Wffl V. TebSk
Haiti.core, Pji-ulhee O. 'i-ult 4 . *, esq. of Richmond
county. Virginia,' or to'TJiomas Murjjatrf' l and
!^b..5—14. .. 3'V -
FROM Voiii. Town onrhe 13d iull.
HENDKItSOH, latcVy a Set-jrant in the loth
Regiment, and fincc califted as a Serjeant ui.lht
Mirine Corp*, of the following difcription.—
He s about five feet fix ir.thes high, brow:: hair
and fair compl xion He is an aftive fellow and
bragi much ot his abilities a 9 a Drill Serjeant.
J-Ic has hct-n lately t-en in Lancafler, and it oro
balily with hii lriends, who live about 4 mile*
from that place.
The abovi reward will be given and all expen
ces paid, on delivering Ipm. to any officer in the
flrvite o! the Vnited afctcs, cr lodging him in
Adjvtsnit Marine Ccrps.
Philadelphia, June 30. diw.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN- A WAY from Gen. Kidgely of Balti
more, on the aoth inlt. a lij'ht coloured
negro s.\an, who calls himfclf VYILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He U about 34 yrarsof age,
about j feet 8 inches high, n- at in his dress, and
has a good suit of Hid on, when he
Vent away, a go. d heaver hat, a ftiort light
green cloth coat, edged with ' ellow, and yel
low gilt button*—a light bulf c*ffimer, double
l r:af,c 1 waillcoat, a pair : f dark olive colour
ed ihurkfctt pantaloons—a white linen ihirt,
white ribhed cotton (lockings, and a gocd pair
of (haea with firings- lie took with him a
dark blue coa>, a pair of olive caiTimtr panta
loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, wirh a steel
chain. He i« fond of fpiritnu* liquors, is info
if-nt, has a tt'ipsd look, and chews tobacco. —
He was bred in Chirlcs connty, Maryland, and
purchafrd of col. John Thomas by gen. llidge-
Icy." Whoe'er apprehends laid negro, and le-
CHtes him in icy jail so that the owner may
gut him again, shall receive the above reward,
with reasonable charges if brought horn.*, or de
livered to Jolhui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may 1 dtf
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING ef two hamlfome dwelling
hyufei, with excclltpt ilatiling for seven horses,
itouMr coach-houfc mod coraplttely 6nedup; a
beautiful Urge and valuabla garden richly filleJ
with choice fruit, furrouaded with high board
fencf,»'moft new. The premifts a»e hrautifully
near the middle of Gcrmantowo, sur
rounded with rich prc.fp»6ls of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
haodfome lawn aiths back of the house.
One house his been recently built on ar. appro
ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired,
painted an J papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-rocm, fiftieen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a (lore in
either the dry or W(-t good line.
Th'i air and water i)re unrnrafltd, and there are
(Vine most excellent fchcols in the 1 eighborhood.
l'or particulars enquire of tUe Printer, or of
on the premiles.
M»j ».
'"fHB l'roprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan-
J. c*(trr line of St'igeß DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to their friends and the public in
I'eneral, fir the past favors tl.ey have received,and
li.forni them that in addition to the regular Line,
th«v aro piovi.led with Carrisgcs.fobtr andcareful
drirors, to go'through between the City and
DCTowgh ih two days. Those who prefer this mode
ii{ travelling can be accommodated at tke Stage
Office,'fign of United Smkh EagU, Market street,
Sluugb, Downing, Dur.voody If Co.
Nw. 30. U it {
A PERSON fome capital, a cofji
derible.ihare of i.ll Juftry, and desirous of
engaging as 1 partner in a lucrative business,
may hear of a fitua'i'in. All propola's on this
fubjefl to he in writing, fea'ied and directed to
W. R, J Neyv York, and left with the printer
of tjie Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to. ■»
#3* A I'riater would Cud it to uis advantage
Junej- itt
TME .r'upyUlE TOR *
Of the jPitts/mfgb (jUiss Hurts,
TTAVtr;<j p<'..eufcd i fulScjsr.t number of
'JI A ti:emr>ii 9v>j>pi>ved EiJf'VyeiH G'als .<anir |
am! leaving on hand a large (lock or
the best Materials, on which their workmen art
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
t'»»C public,, that window glafaof a fupeiior tyua
iity and of any f?ze, from 7 by 9» to 18 by 24
inches, carefully packed in boxe* containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
Glass .of largrr Hzr'i for other purposes, may
also fuch 33 for pi'tfures, coach gUflc*}
cWk faces, &c. Bottles of alt kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
iiades, apothecary's (hop furniture,
1 r other bn11()w ware—'the whole at leait 25 per
cent, lower than articfes of the; iarn? quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
A libera) allowance will be made or
fajc of Ijnje quantities. Orders from merchants
jnd other* will be pun&uslfy attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARa or ISAAC
Cti \IG, or at the Store of Mcfirs PRATHER
andKMILIE, in Maiket-Strect, P;tt(burgh,
March 4, tu'htf.
t:iact or
To be Let,
For the season, isf immechtc possession given
A very pkafant, healthy
WITH Garden, Pat'mrr Ground?, Coa.h-
Hrmfe, Ice-House, &c &c—Situated r.ear
the Franks' rd road, and about 3 1-2 miles Irorr.
the ciry. F«r terms to the fubferiber, 11:
Chffnut, abLV.' fci'xhth (rreet-
July %8. t!6t
Strayed away,
ON Sun ay the :jih ind. a J'mu'.l ltrauberry
coloured MARK, fourteen hands high,
has three white feet,-a white face, about ten
years old. Any information will be thankfully
re eired, and it delivered at John Negus's
Ferry, at Market ltrttt, a reuard if four Dol
s will he paid.
Jul\ 17. . .tt
BY a decree of the High Court of Chancery,
made in a cause, James againh Newman ,
it is among other things* referred to Wm. Graves'
Esq. one ot the matters of the said court, " to take
an account of th? Legacies bequeathed by the wil!
of the tefUtcr, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late of
Newgate street, London, deceased, and also to in
quire and {late to the court* whether Franci*!
James, the brother of the complainant** named a* <
one of the Legatee* in the said will is dead, |
he died in the ltie time ot the tcHator j
Therefore all pcrfons who can give any in for ma ;
tion whether the said £>aatis James be living o> j
dead, and if living where he now re fides or Ufi ,
resided, and when and at what place, and whet j
ai«u where he waslaft heard of, and if dead, when
and where he died, -re hereby requefled to give
fmh information t©thefaid William Graves,Efq*
at hib oiEes in Soathampton Buildings, Chancery
Lane, London .on or before the firft day of March
next, otherwffr he wiil be excludsdthe benefit of
the said decree.
The said Francis James was born at or near
Kidwelly, in'tht county cf Caermarthen, and if
living, is ibbut the age of thirty-four years, and
abaut the ycir 17 79, was a foremacft man on board
thd Milfcrd, a merchant (hip, belonging to the
poriof Bristol, and failed tor Jamaica in Septem
ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to Bristol,
an! in > jvember, 1781, was prefled in King
road, Bristol, aud sent on board the king's frigate
called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply
mouth »n a'cruife, and on board of which he af
terwards became a quarter gunner, and deserted
the said (hip at Chatlellon Bar in North-America
in September 178 a.
Should any per for. in the United States of Ame
rica, be enabled to give information of the above
named Francis James, whether living or dead, they
are rtquefttd to'communicate the fame to DAVID
A, OGDIiN, No. 69, Stone street, New Y rk.
The printers throughout the United State?
are requefled to publilh the above.
April 18:'
A VALUABLE and dsfirable Sftftc, situated
on the river Raritan in Jcrfcy, near Somer
fct Court-Ftyufe, 16 miles from Bmofwict, and
18 from Princeton ; confiding of upwards of 700
acres, equally divided meadow, arable and
woodland; the whole within a ring fence ; the
barn, ftablel, &c. are fpaciout, and adequate to the
size of the Farm ; there is a plenitude of game,
with a good fliad fifhery. The estate is now in
the hands of Mr. Hgnry Worley.
Further particulars may Se known of
Merchants, Philadelphia,aad of
james Gibson, Esq.
Or of the Tenant on the premise
8 tf
m»y 9
Ibis Day Published,
By J. OunmoD, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
(trice *5 Cent*)
Death of General Wafhrngtox.
[a imiMtiea of «h« tnuaar of Offija.
By Re*. B.Liw*, A. M.
' MinlAtr of the rnft Prdbjterua Cooftrgitlaa
gj- Mr. Chwidron's OratUn will be {publi&ed
on' Monday morning.
M»rch 15. d-
WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump,
&c. &c. The whole containing 17 acres,
Jituate on the Wifahicon road, between the
third and fourih mile stone—Maybe pure-hated
on reasonable terms.—Two thirds of the pur
chase in >oey may remain (secured on the pre
miCcs and oninterefl) during three years.
No. 1-34 i South Fotsrth-ftreet, the Sub
fcriher, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the
crenufei, or at No 4*, Walnnt-flr-1.
June 13. mwf tf -
A Printing Press.
Apply at the OfEee of the Gazatteof
the United States.
Jo it jirricjJ,
ABB »W *■ '»f *» HWaHf,
Of the Scip Ca^Ton,
Ulc!i:,rd Dale, CnmwaiiJsr, t'roir. (', iiaor.,
CovtlSTlMO or
Bahea 1
Hyion Skin J> TEAS.
Young Hyson I
ami Hvfoii. J
Yellow >
Sugar of ilk quality
China Ware.
An afTortnient of Silks.
No. 21, Penn Street.
April 14.
That large and commodious
At the corn r of Arch ar.d NinthJlreils.
Am! entered upon this mflntW, the House, Sta*
ble, Gorch-Houfo now in.the tenure of
Nl'jor Butler, situate as above. Enquire at X
18, north Fifth street.
July io.
A CERTIFICATES of four r.hares of the
Batik of the United States in the name cf
JKckhaitt & Keefe, No 259.-;, fur the renewal
of which application is intended to be made at
the said Bank, and all pei foils concerned are de
sired to take notice.
I m
May *
Apuil 11, 1800.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, i-n pur
suance of the ail of Congre'a, pafled on
the firit day ot March, oris ih uiand eight
l.undrcd, intituled " An art in addition to an
iii, intituled, an a& regulation the giaiits of
land appropriated for military services, at:dfor
the Society of .the United Brethren for propa
gating the Gospel among the Heathen," as fol
lows ;
(ft. All the fractional parts of ths quarter
townlhips adjoiningto the Indian boundary line
of the trad\ of land referred to in said ait,
except the frailic-nal quarter townlhips num
ber four in townlhip number seven of
number twenty : Also, all the fractional parts
of the quarter townlhips adjoining to the river
Scioto, except the quarter townlhips number
one a-d four, in townihip number ione of range
number nineteen ; the quarter townlhips num
ber too and three »f township number three,
in rar ge number aineteen ; and the quarter
townships number »ne and four in township
number five, of range number twenty ; toge
ther with the fifty quarter townlhips hereafter
described, are 1 eferved to be located, for the
original holders of warrants granted for mili
tary services, or their heirs, in lets of one hun
dred acres, pursuant to the aiSt above recitsd.
id. The following is a description of the fifty
quarter townlhips referred to in the preceding
article and which were designated by lot in the
prcfence of the Secretary ef War, pursuant te
th? a£t above recited •
02?5 3 h § 2
1 g. .? g. 2' ? §. ?
-p.- a -3-' a a
11 3-6 2 1 to 1 2
82 62 3 4
84 7 3 81
to 1 8 2 11 6 1
223 83 81
34742 13 8 4
s t 611513
5.3 7 2 22
311821 73
71 23 74
72 4 3 «& 2 4
84 S 1 3 4
4 4 3 7 3 61
10 3 9 3 7 2
533913 74
71 7 4 17 7 4
9 3 9 4
..1 All fV<> Knilo art f fK* 1 fifflJ
3d All the lands in rich of the above fifty
qnaitertownfiiips, and i« the fractional parts
ef quarter tewnihips before described, haTe
been divkkd wpoa the refpeflive plats thereof,
as returned by the Sarveyor General, into as
many lon of one hundred acres each, as the
quantity such quarter townihip or fraflion is
itjted to contain will admit, in the manner
pointed oui and required by the above recited
4th. The plats divided as aforcfaid into jots
of one hundrtd acres, are d~pofited in the of;
sice of theßsgifter of tht Treasury wheie the
locations are to be made ; and upon furrender
iag the warrants »'iich (hall be located,
patents will be ilTued in the mati&er aad upon
the conditions prescribed by law.
Green under my hand at Philadel
phia the day and year above
Secretary of tb Treasury.
dWr-jsw 3m,
April 21.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
or 70 n lb. or upwards, and a Fount ojp
Brevier weighing 4COibs. or upwards —;frey
rnuft not be much worn—Any person having
types of the above rfcfcription and difpoled to
Exchange them for other priming materials ;
or will fell cheap, n.ay ?pply at the Office of
the Gazette of the United States.
July Ij.
Very loiv-for Cas?j } or exchange I for Goods,
A Large, Elegant, and we)l fii.ilhed
2-story Frame House
IN the borough of Franlnord ; containing an
entry and two large parlour, on the si floor,
three bedchambers and two parret- The lot,
which in 340 feet deep, fronting on two iireets,
and has the privilege of a to feet ailey through ;
it contains a kitchen, (table, arid coaclr-h u e, a
well of excellentwater, &c. For terms apply to
tuth&i tf
Juty as.
Ho.£j, N«r«hfij« WirV.cfUM'et,. '■*■
TTAVfi » pnajl ol I<H, Ltiaicff. £
il fn]«ifio< lirv«d Clothj anJ O&vet/t, {of; ' 8
the mr«r*tt Mhivn) Glk stripe »itd ftcocd <j«j'ity ' I
Clct! », Wbicnitl* «'iiAco*riog, Uk Oiipe .oi ' T
twill'J M«,tcer.«, Jr«n, Fuftho, Ciagtiiho- .
«y, Thickfcr, t*urj Co»<A|V«hr«t*i Hurler, yoiap '• t
zod white F.umcli, Miß'itri, Iritk iqdii»ojsn ■'
Linem, DowUt, nut/ aa4 wiwai' lllk tod , Vt
co:t"nHoCcry,cojt (l<l *cQ p«rl, ft«l, (Ut m<l ' JE
»lu«l Bucmn, <?iffrr«nt <cl an Silk Velvet*, om>~ 'il
boii/ed «w) Caoibrit MtOtai, CaKomi, Cilin^d
coct, ilii .wit. Pocket Hanlittdbuft, Clrtti ~~j
ihrcki, ftc ftt. '
N B. Ttyiftr.' bett qu»lity TtillUfcluy^—fll
which rhcy n*i!l fell »er; low.
r«>»>* • . .. : .m .
Landing fron the ship America, Wa.'te.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Bohea, I
Souchong, ift &ind quality,
C:ptr souchong,
T. nkay,
Young hyf n,
Hyf n, if)' & id quality,
Ir:':ptr:;!, J
Yellow & whitenanlicens
LutcDrings, b.ack & coiur'd
mScth 3w
Sinl.'iaws c!o. C afl'oittd,
Baui»s do. J
Luteftriiigs, maz. blue .& dark green T
Si'-fWs > , iOXCS-
Persian taffetas, ciark green 3
Tbey ba-ce also on band for sale, received, bv
the late arrivals from Europe, ifc.
1 Infma!! pick-
Stiipedaod checked ginghams : a;;rs alT>rted,
Wfc ite tignrcu ic cclor'd Mul- | calculated !or
linens ' J» the ■ Wcft-In-
Whi>" I- -rritd din:ities I <J.a market &
Cotor'tj (Ilk, striped Nankeens | to '
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 r!n. • do.
3 Bates seine twine f Entiiled to
10 Cafss Englilh China ware, fdrawbacfe,
in tea setts J
6 Cafiis mineral black,
1 do. white,
to do. Colcotber,
3 Caik» purple brows,
35 do'. Bails as) rifd,
9 do. I.ctidnf: porter in bottles,
Englifl) fail canvas, No, 1, s & 3.,
Uuffia duck,
27 Boxes White Kavanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wire,
Empty wine bottles,
10 Guns," 6 plunders,
11 do. 9 do.
it do. 9 do. with carriages, B>c.
aßo,ccolba. Ceribon coffee, Jtt")
quality ( Entitled to
iO,ocolbs. black pepper C drawback,
ao Logs eboi y
"I""HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock
X of ihe Bank of the United States, viz.
No. 3804, dated lit July 17?6, for ten ihire«
hi the r.aine of Charles Lovegrove of New-
No. 2531: —No. ijsii, dated id July,
1796, for five (hares each in the name of
Sarah Wrdgevrood of Etruria.
No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January,
1800. for ten Shares each, in tha name of Henry
Waddingtcn, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given.
That application is intended to be made at
the laid Bank hy the f.fcfcribsrt, for a renewal
of the fame, of whicn ail peri'ons concerned
are requcfted to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. ttiwl m
1000 Boxes bed marbled Soap,"}
80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j Frsm on tear J tit
soo Half chests Luctd Oil, 1 Lcuiia,
7 Bales Paper, | from Ligiorn,
Parmesan Cheese, J
300 Pipes belt Bordeaux Brandy,
100 Hogfteada Claret fuf erior quality,
700 Cales irench Swset Oil,
60 Cases Catherine Plumbs,
6 Calks Prunes,
400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cos
100 do. brft aliened Cordials,
DRY GOODS aborted fcr the Weft-India
Claret in cases of afuperior quality,
X,ondon dry White Lead,
A small invoice of Coffee,
6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted.
Thomas Murgatroyd Sons.
May 10. ' tuth&s tf
Capt. Thomas Nelson,
WHO is fuppofea to he at prefcntln this city
is requeued to call on Mr. Thctnas Ket
land, No 67, south Fiont ftrcet, who ha* a letter
of confequenca for him, which if called for im
mediately will relate to his particular interefU
\ny pcrion giving inlormatioa where Captain
may be iecn will greatly oblige Mr.
d 3 t
Augu;> *.
WHEREAS Ma the w Irwin did on the Stk
day of July J797 maltca¥ affignmstitol hi»
ellate and effeils, to us the futffcribcrs, for (fee be
nefit of such of hiii creditors, as fhouM on or before
the scth of September, 1797, execute to him a full
and final dlfcharge—Now chose of his cvedit®i»
who are entitled to a dividend under said argu
ment aie requeued -t" furzifh their accounts oj
amuel Meeker, with intsred calculated up !tt-thc ■
Bth day ol July, 1797, as a divi lend will abfolute
\y Le ftruclc cn the fir 11 day ol April next, aiid thofc
who negleil t® comply with chi- notice will th«re
affer be excluded lrom the benefit «1 the fimc.
Philip Nicklir. ~1
Savtuil Meeker '
Nalb'l Lewis, hyhis Ads. V Affignec*
Pearson J hint
y?bn M. Taylor J
Philadelphia, Match 14 m&tJitf.
\. I \
In Boxes
m&w tf