faun;, on t!:c he was obliged to'. taVi* half an hour'* repofc on ihc' grass. The Hrlvetic ex-.dirt;4oi Scc'ieUn- was rcfuiVd admittance to him, us well as Lah.rpe. Tlu firft night ffi'tVr he had entered the Valis, !.- spent 'at St. Maurice, a beautiful viliasrc .<>ll tlie banl.s ot-rhe ftjionr, between two hi.;li niouiHaiiu the 'fftond night he 'retrained i»t Martimch, a liiiaH dill nice from Mount ot. Beriihard. I'AS'LE, May 2^. By the divisions which;general Mortjau lias lent to general Berthier, the two armies are now united in fuel) a manlier as to form but one army. The generals of the divili ons, Lo rot he. and LifcTfrc, have quitted the army under Mjreau for that under general Btrthier. 1 May 10. i be Auflrians ;,re throwing upftronrin irenchmeius near Doti.o d'Offola, fmce it is prcibahle that.the firll Conlul Buonaparte, will endeavour to penetrate into Italy, with a part of the army of refervr, by the Semp lon a mountainous pals between V.ilais and Piedmont, which is ft.II in .poffellion of the trench. Another part -f the army of re lerve inufl turn towards Province and pb ne, as the corps of general Souchet being almost enrirely dil'perf-d by repeated defeats, , provinces are without Miy force to prot (X them from oeing over-run by the 1 Auftriah troops. ■ BQLOGNE, May 13. 1 i)f iniuigents in Corsica have requelted to be fuppol-ted by l'cme battalions of Aus trian troop:. I'hry propole to befi-ge Biftin, in whicli is i French gnrrifon. Some battalions are accordingly on the inarch for Leghorn, where it is probable they will be Eiiglifli fliips are daily arriving at Leghorn with wounded French and Auf tri.in loldiers, and French prironers from the fcoaft of Genoa. LONDON. Jur e 4. Extract nf a letter jr, n, tapt tin Nenumah, late if I tie Jane Packet, dated St. Ives, Hay 13. " I have now to relate to you in what manner I became pofleflVd of the mnrquisof Kildire-Packet. You know already about the capture and re-capture of the Jane, and . of my remaining on board of the French pri vateer i be sent to Sp in. I was landed there the sth ultimo, and marc! Ed on for Ufbon, where I arrived in about 18 days, and took my piifage in the above mentioned fliip for Falmouth. Wt failed on the 29th, and after being a fortnight at sea, fell in with a French privateer, which captured us, took the captain, officers and crew out, leaving five men out of the Jine's crew 011 board, (who were pafici.gers,) as likevife a lady, with her sick bro.her and father, and three of the marquis ps Kildare's people, who had hid thepifeives ; they then put a prize master 011 board, with 17 men, and ordered her for Corunna, three days afterwards, being in fight of the above place, distant about eight leagues, I found means to puflefs tnyfclf of the captain s piilols, and or.e of my people his cutlass ; the others jumped abaft the tiller-rope, and got hold of the hoarding pik'j, when we made a rufli at the French men, and drrve them oft'the deck; then took pofleflion of the ship, gave them the long boa 1 ., with f inr fruit, and wine, and wh:.t bread we could spire, and turned them adrift, in number 18. I have n» doubt of their having reached the fliore, as they had a good boat with malt, ftil, and oars, mode- j rate weather, and Corunna in fiffht. We after experiencing a great many difficulties, such s living 011 fruit for five d.ys, bad weather, contrary winds, and no books to determine where about we were ; I fay, after all this, I had the good fortune to make St. Ives-head, and with the affiftanee of a pilot and iome men (m\fdf and people being ex hausted) she was got in and moored along fide the Quay, where she now remains till the Poll Office and ihe Admiralty fettle the buimefs refpt£ttng her re-capture. CORN EXCHANGE, London, June 9. Notwithstanding a large supply of foreign wheat, yet, from the circumltance of its be ing out of condition, and not to be used without a large proportion of Englifli, this artiele hss again advanced—fay on fine Eng lifli full 4s per quarter. » Barley of all forts was extremely dull of sale, as alio were Tick'beans and Grey pease. Thcle articles refpeftively fell full 2s. per ouarter. Foreign Rye was net much in demand, and was evidently on the decline. Fine dry Oats were much wanted ; and .HOtwithftanding a large supply, fully main tained the prices of last week. Wheat 120 S. to no to 116 Fine Foreign 120s. to 130 Very Fine Englilh 135s to 144 : i Rye 60s. t,p. 66 Fine 70s. ,„h-Stained Birley 403.10 55 .•vßeturn of Wheat in Mark-I*»e, from the .36th to the 31 ft May—Total 16,441 quar ters:—average rus. 10 3-4^l. — is. 3 1-4 ioivcr than lafl return. Price of Fine Flour—joe to 1475. 6d. j>er fact. ■ A return of the price of Flour, from the 04th' to tht JO' h May.—Total 16,798 S icks.—-Averagfc j 023. 4'3-4.d—2s. 6 1-41] liiglier than tail return. We are informed by late private tetters • ■from Bengal, that captain Malcolm, for- j nierly one rf the Secretaries to the Com- ! •miffienerS' for the affairs of Mysore, had Ibeen deputed on an t. in b a fly to the Court of Perlia, accoipfamed \>y Mirza Ally Khan. It is reported that this deputation is sent tliither in confeqje.ice of Zemaun : Shah's e\.i< nation of the Parjob. Buonaparte, it Appears, hue iflueci £rocla !' rlls - promifiitg to re-efti.hlifli • oth the ot ' SdrJuKi and th.- Grand Coke ct' ulcatiy. Tiiis in anceu vre - prefc nt s a Xcvy lingular l*peftafc\% The child and Cham- F>"t>n of Jacobinii'm takes up the defenre of tbe nvntj of two Princes, whofc dominions, "■ Ipite ol all reinonftrances, arc .kept in polTeiHotT by an Emperor who has pretended to fight sos facial order ! 1 !'e Irifii Unionists are in high spirits to and that the weather on the other fide of the wjjer has been warmer than ufuU foi tlie fcaioii, and more- refcmbles the climate ot England I his is ascribed entirely to the prolpect of a union ; and it is con fidently expetfed that not only Englifli capi tal, but even Englifli climate, will in future be common to both countries. Government have difpatchea from Lord Keith of a recent date. They Hate the nirrender of the citadel of Savor.a on the 13th of May in conference of famine ; and that on the 19th of M y. the iul abitants of Genoa afktd and obtained leave to fend a nagto General Mtlas—which it was thought carried provisions for the furrendei of the city Governmt nt have also received dispatches from Mr Jackson at Tu in, which establish the fa<£t that Genertil Melas was marching towards Piedmont to give battle to the army of Reserve. It is laid Buonaparte had not more than 19,000 men with him on the I oth ot May , y Exlraa of a letter from Dullin, dated jun - 5 " Ihe H use of Commons is in Com mit ee on the. Union Propofiiions. The gallery a> d all the avenues hading thereto are crowded to an uncommon degree. The fpeakcra hitherto have been, for the bill- Lord Calilereagh, Attorney General, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer On the other lide, Mr. Plu ,kect Mr. Saurin. and the tiijjht Hon tl e Speaker. Mr r orry, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is on his tegs in r.- ly cp the Speak r The Ho fe will not bieak up this fevera! hour* Mr. Cur rau has not ytt taken his feat." LONDON, June 7. It appears that Certain obl'ervstions qf L id K; nyon, fuppoied to have reflefled on what iiad been said by a L-ird in P.wJiainent, have been made the fubjett of difcuflion in the Upper Houle. It would be very impro per for us to make any remarks upon this very d.licatt- Lord \Vhicworth, his Majefly's ambjff.i dor at the Court ol Peter/burgh, is expected in England in the course of the prefmt month. ' Advices were received yt-flcrday from the Court of Peterfljuqjh, brought by Merfrs. Hunter and C u voifeur. Captain Sir H. Popham cainc in the fame packet. | Ruonapjrfe, it is f reprefeuted to have had " experience, and the evidence of fa£ls," that he had got into very indifferent com. pa>iy ! From the London Gazette, June 7. Tremendous Caps of Good Hope, February 3 Sir., I beg leave to inform you. that being off the Ifie of France, in company with his Majcfty's ftiip Adamant, on the nth De cember lalt, we chafed a French frigate, which ran on /hore on the Weft fide of the river Tombeau, about three miles from Port Louis in that Island: after firing fevtral broad fides at her file cut away her n.rtls • at 7,P. M. the boats wtrr feiit to destroy her under the command of Lie 'tenant Gtay of the Adamant, edited by Lieutenant Walker of that fhipv Lieutenant Sytrts ot the Trcim-nduous, and Lieutniaut Owen of the Marines of the Adamant, who very handsomely rrquefltd to go upon that ser vice. At half pall nine the boats returned, bringing with them the officers and Come few of the ,m«i whom they found on board the frigate, which proved to be La Prene | use, of 44 gtrns and 30® men, commanded !b£ Cap ta mi I'Kcrroite, to whidi thfj hac! ! set £r» in frveral plat&s, ar.,; which fhortlv after blew up. Tine i>r?strpt and fpiritcd manner in vfhich this fcrvice was ptrfor/hed under a heavy fire fromliu bitt<;nVs, refiecis great honour c.n Lieutenant Gray and the officers and men under his cofcmnnd. D u . rinjr olir cruift the Adamant ceptured the Benjamin. a Fit.iich (loon, laden with cnf. fee, from the Island ofßourbun. bound to the I fie of France, and rice f-r 'tine ..fame place { aid the Tremendu.'us captured the Neitra Senora Del Caimen a Spanish brig, and the Bienfait a French big, laden ivith coffee, indigo, and bale j>ootfo, from the isle of France to Rio de la Plata, all of which I am happy to infcrin you are ar rived. I (Signed) _ R''OXAPAH !';'. ,n,d masse'na. Ihe following intercepted lejter from Bu on.ipirte to gener-.l Mofenn lias been publidied as authentic at fcrghorji by the Autfrians. It fliows ihe difficulties with which the trench povernnient had to en counier previous to the opening of the Campaign, and proves ih.it Buonaparte was not entirely, without fufpicloii that g- T.eral Melas would attempt the very I"' n h;s (i:.cc ex cuted. In fait it mir-ht have fupvefted the idea, elpeci;aly as the letter difclnles the weakr.efs cl MaiT-iu's army. I here appears re..fir t«> !'tlie\e, iiui ed, that 'Mai r . ..a b ,-i b.-rr partly surprised by Mdas, and had no' been Ititrkiently aware of the net: |)rv o puardnig the three paflcs kajmg down t' Savons, Final and Albfnga. Dispatch from the Chief Owu't r ; r.i.srt, to Gcnera! Alasseiu, Paßis, Mar. 1, 22. " I cor.fefs my dear general, tb t I an '"t at i 1 l .tisiie I with your I'ft e,l ;i,es •Vhy thofc eternal u),;i;s rc . iroaches ? Do you thin!: we , . •av I 'II aged art"; ii s fcetter ? We do not r. .tot >eds of rr fes liere ; and' if cur armies «n n want, it is beCatif 1 * our refourcrs ex rerm-ly tve.tk. The molt pr< order; lave already been given for fupp'ying yot v:th the neccfl'.ry articles. You mu! iave already received what cincems tin irtillery department. S.nce ti»e loan couli lot be eff-fted in Holland. I am only en bled to lend you five or fix hundred tliou and livres, inllead of the four millions tha' lad !>t n promiled. Apply this entirely tc wj-ing the army, and let the contraftors nd those employed under them, Complain houlfl those gentle men willi to quit the '' vice, inciianie them with death, and be a: food as your word : there is no want o '"venturers of that dofcription, .-whom tlv. ove of gain will allure to the am y, Gin "ire mult be dialed to the f. Idiers, wh; utT-is and fi;.»III*. By no means count oi :lie rein If: tern; nts which you delire. I ion-find it difficult to" main: tin an army o Jo with a flill greater number * I canno r.aie a loijle denii brigade of veteran troops tl. I am able to do t,r you is to keep a lev weal: battalions of conicripts to the depart ment of V.tr, \o uifperfe the difctintrntei m tlv.' South ct I'i ut.ee ;in c.ife of neceillt l you iniylit unite those troops with you army. It ciieves me that you fuller your fell to he mided by accounts which not to !;e rclieu on. it the Imperial arive actually has the 13 ; battalions whit h giv. you so inn. h iineainiclV, what would °th confequcnce ? Hon is it possible for th enemy to employ ever, one h.i'f of his force iii the mountainous position you occupy ? Can he attack you otherwise than \vith Angle columns ? And are you not the brave, the u fortunate Maffeua I Do you not command the heft infantry hi the world ! Is not the aflive and intelligent Frei ch sol dier superior to all t'le troops of Europe, in mountainous diftridts ? BefTde, the eucny can convey provifionj only f®r a small num ber of troops in the mountains, at they are in want of mules* No, my dear general ! the superiority of the enemy gives me no uneasiness—that can only be excited by the plans which they may hit upon j for strong as your fltualion is, you are not entirely out of danger. I will tell you what a ikilful General might undertake again ft you. .Bv daily attacks he would harrafs your centra and right wing towards the sources of the Taro, the Bifagrw, and la Polvecerra, while he would vigorously attack the left, and en deavour to gain one of the three psffes lead ing to Savona, Finale., and Alhenga. Should he fuccced in this attempt, your army would be divided into two corps, and your- com munication with France cut off. But I be lieve German caution will never ester 011 so daring a plan. Meanwhile you muß carefully guard those three passes 5 and fliould thi enemy attack you an ; carry one of those important points (which i 6 possi ble,) then, my dear General, you mult fall upon hint like lightning, attack from the fide of Genoa, while Suchet attacks him from Nice, and destroy evey Austrian that fliould pafo the mountains,'' &c. ji From the London Morning Chronicle, of June 40. It is very certain that the account in the French papers, of Genoa having received-a supply of provisions, though much discredit ed,' was true. No hopes are now cntertatn td of uki g it btit by famine, which, from the quautiy of provisions it has, and the afccttained pofiibility of throwing in farther supplies, will be a very tedious enterprise, and if Buonsp»rte brings an army strong e nough to cope with Mtlas, he will effedi its relief. It seems to be now confirmed, by the re port of captain Popham, that General Su warrow d'cri at Fcterfburg on the 18 th of May. He had been in disgrace with his So vereign ; and f cb, it »ppe»r», is the cha- »rafter of Ruflnn manners, that the difple-a : fnre of ihr Prince includes h.iwrtinuiH from j all foeiVy. The.man so I ttiy h.e'lbenje "f ■ Royal panegyric and the obj.a ■ f ever) | courtier's flattery, was f, f inttly abando ■ e.i u./the (Iruggles of faknefs a -d death,-- The servile herd of the metropolis with a lhameful cooiplaifance, fh,u k (rdm the company of a difgrac d warrior, and the Jali. moments of Suwatrow were deprived of the offices of friendship, anj the cnfolation ot public fympathyi Such at leart is the rep it ; but w. h. p t it is untrue, or f 18 guns, the other of 10) and a small Ichooner, for a tender, were from- Cayenne, and fubjea to the orders of Victor Hughes, to whole condgnment they fend all their prizes. They are now in Tern-riff;, where they are watering and v uilhusr, intending to go from thence to Ki o tie la Plata, in or tier to annoy the valuable trade we have there, that being (their officers acknowledged to me) their chief dependence. lam posi tive they are to put into Monte Video for the lame purpose, for which they "are now in Tencriffc, and the;i to cruize, for two or three months between' th t and Cape Trio, on the coaff of Brazil. 1 his plan of opera tions might "be easily interrupted, if ilv Se cretary of the Navy would take it into con sideration. Ihe above information 1 is from the commodbre himfelf and his officers, with whom I was on vtry good terms during the time of my detention on board. The to gun (hip, having sprung hermainmaft, failed back for Cayenne ten days before I was re leaf, d ; the other lliip is the Bergere, com manded by Citizen Bourdiehen, mounting 18 double fortified twelve pounders, and is net well manned ; the schooner is called the Musette, Citizen Bupne, commander, a weak Virginia built veflelj mounting 6 four pounders, a 'id 60 men." Yesterday arrived at the Fort, the fch'r Prudent, Rabbins. (prize mailer) a prize to the Ignited States thip Ganges, having 16 Haves on board. POST-OFFICE, Philadelphia, jfi> August 1800 Letters for the Britifli'Packet Jane, -fo r Falmouth England, will be received at thi s Office, untill Tuefdiy 12th li.lhnt, at Ij o'clock Noon. N B. The inland Puflage to New-York mud be paid. A CERTIFICATE, No. tff 19. chr. Two Brothers, i'ugh, N Carolina t) F ft. to Capt. CLEARrD, 'tup Bolton Packet, Strong, Cowrs i rptune, Dandelor, Bourdcauit f»g Jtme Stuart, Maxwell, C. Francois >c.ir Liberty, Bulkiik, Baltimore Succtfs, Hoik. Nova Scotia ' ; ' y ° Arrivals ct the Fort, •Ship VVi|!i am Little Fofdick, from !o f K jt 3

« the tat 4.1, 8, N. long. VL° , " U 211 e ilh flip'Muhlenfels, Bryfoa, f.om en et i A mfteroam, ha; hce'j condemned at rie'd aS Cne "' y ' 8 I>r llert >' ; Cd, "S° not JJ et ShipThnmas Wilfion, Owinn, ft-jra PhlUd :.phia, has arrived at Cork. «ri ? Sulannah, Shjilrr.fs, from Philadelphia, .rnved at Lift j P Atkins, 6f Providence fr< m Leghorn and Barcelona to this port, has put in to f«ar.dy II .ulc f m . f U pj,li eB . The Providence mounts 3 j gune, ard men answerable, a-.d fup p led to have left Barcelona tbe latter »nd <( June. The Wifhingwn, Yourg, of Philadelphia, arrived at Gravefcnd the o.rh of June. . 9'ig Dispatch, Role, of Phiisdelphu, has arrived rt Cork. . The Nancy, Lloyd, of Philadelphia, his ar rived at-Liverpool. ' Cleared out at I'r xidcnce R. /. Scji'xiner Sea- Flower, B. Rhodes, Norfolk ; Schooner Zerviah, J. Rhodes, Alexandria. , BOSTON, August r. Arrived, brig Abigail, Hutchins, jun. from-St. Übes. Sailed from thence W 12. in co. with fliip Mary, John Mou'ton, of Beverly. Left at. Sc. Ui.es, H.ij, John, Doardmai), of Portfmorth"; (hip Ciato, Par. her, do. fliip Pacific, Salter ; do.' (kip Han- * nah and Eliza, Emery, of Boston ; fliip Lucy, Cook, ot do ; brig Hannah, Qnif. of Newbury port ;< finp- Thomas, of uo Liiy J,ilon C:irr, of New-York ; with l'evr ral others, unknown. Sartie day, Sti.r. Jutio, ot Newburyport, Mornlbir, 45 days from 'Oporto. It 'Wat reports a few t! yz previous to failing, that the Combined Fleet was fern in kt. <;c long. , g . Li ft at Oporto, flnop Stork,' roller, of Boston, the only Americajp. July JO lat, 44, 47, 1 ,ng. ;8. spoke ship Rubjr and Betsey, 20 daj s from Norfolk, for Li verpool. Yesterday morning f.iw a large Ihip (lauding i n, appeared te deaply laden, and failed fl -w. 1 he fliip.Sup-'rior, C'.pt. M rchsnt. fiom Leghorn, for New-Y ,Ic, i a touched in at the Viney-.ids. Sl,c left L< fc i r;i, J une 3d ; and mud bring news. 1 Jamaica, July 2, C 1 pt. of Nantucket. Schr. M iry, Delano, cf Wif calT t, was spoken 4 days out, bound for- Boston. Arrived at Nantucket, fi,ip William, Coffin, from Sc uth Seas, via' Brazils and Ihip Mary, Eolger, from Brazils, full ofcil. Left on the coast, fliip liiduflry, cf Nan tucket, nearly full. At Brazils, June 10, fchr. Felicity, Moi'reli, of .\>w-Y<,rk. May 12, spoke fliip Mentor, 2.7 days from Portfmoiith, far Mofambique. NEW YORK, August 6. ARRIVED, days Cutter Crocodile. , Klr.gfJon 28 Sclir. Union, M'Donald, Mai.tanzas Sloop Charlotte, Baker,' New IVovi [Jencs 14 Balriin re 8 Virginia 4 Amp' itrite, Geer, Refou ice, , CLEAREDW Schr. Virago, Fuller, Curracoa The Ichooncr Constellation, !ias arrived at Campeachy from Havanna Captain Fharp, of the Packet. July j, in latitude 42. 10, N. longtitude 34, 36, Boston.out eighteen days. July 5, latitude 43, 8, N. longtitud* 38, . 10, the William and Little j. >hn, of Ply mouth ; from Philadelphia to Oporto. July 3°, latitude 40 41, longitude 68, 6 fpnke the fliip Joseph, from New York to Dtblin ; all well. Aocufl I intitude 40, 29 longtitude 69, SJo; io:k to Falmouth, cut fix days. BALTIMORE, Augrfl 4. ARRIVED, Schr. Ariftides, Handy, St. Marks, 18, days. ...■■> >_eft at Go;.aivt» a brg commanded by Captain Gfeene, and belonging to Mcffrs. T. & S. Hollingfworth, of Baltinj! re; fcrh. Ann Pe:mock, of Bal'imore. to fail >he day after Capt. H. Spoke (hip.Miry, Thompson, from Baltimore to Port Re publican.. I J days out, all well, who i i lat.' 25, long. 72 1 2, spoke Alp D/fpatch, Martin, from Baltimore. About the 6th or Bth u!t. Captain Jenny, of •the fchr. Phillip, palled St. Marks for P rt i'epub l?can. 30 days from Baltimore, all w 11. To fail about ijth inflant. For freight of a lew hundred bauds or pas- Cage, apply t« Gideon Hill Welli, or Moore Wharton. August ». "N*', y*' "r %