Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 07, 1800, Image 1
NvMnjtjt 245.3.") fry* The priae of this Gazette is EIGHT Dollars' per"annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. AH others pay one Dollar, fir enclosing and di recting ; and u:iless>some person in this city mill become answerable far <be subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. . *,' No Subscription mill l'e received for u sbm~tx-r nrryn atx -n*oiiths. December 1 J 799. . ' AI.VAN \C Vr*m 4—ft 1*• uirtr wat(i. H M-' ' WrtmfxUf < t *f * TwUijr v - 4 ** Friday " " * 4'' J ® SattftHay • 4 » 4 flunisy • * - - y 6 . »» Mar.Uy .... j os - - 7 -49 SUN— — »'i"» »»T« WertreMay • - J' '* < j8 thttrfJjy » * 5 3 & SJ Friday - - • S ■ 1 4 Saturday • S J— —6 33 Baoday - - • ■ 3 6—6 3 4 Monday . - S I——»6 3i TuiHa / ... J 8—.6. J» Marshal's Sale. Ukitkd Statu, ? , J'tr.nylvcai; J ii'ri.t, ) BY virtue of a Writ to me direfled from the Honourable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of the Diftrifl Court 01 the United States, ir< and, for the Difl'i£l, will he fold at Public Audtion at the Merchant's Coffee House oil Monday «he 4th clay of uguft n'xt at 12 o'clock at nooa, the Brigantineor Vessel /: CALL V D THE WEST^OINT, ,TH • 1 c ' l ' o ' I V > P , "' ei ur * niw*. 'he fame having heen late ly libelled in the said court for Mariners wages and ton l*ninerl f«r 'he payment thereof. JOHN HALL, Mar,UK MtrOlif* Office! **l.ila.dc'i-hi a. July »j, 18,0: July at. .yawt'i. Received By tbe sbip Kensington, ca.lain Adamson, fr(fm London, A QUANTITY OF, Brown Rufila Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of • superior quality. Also on band, received by tbe late arrivals, AN ASSOX7MEN<r OF Hosiery, Checks, Fuftions, 'Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For f»le by ROBERT SMITH Wo, No. 58; louih Frvnt-Oreet. di w '■fy »v' Simon Walker HAS ;t EMOVT' D HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No• 79, South Fourth Street, Cofntr of Unian Street—where he has for file JUST RECEIVED, EARTHEN WARE, Assorted for exportation or home market. G'.afa Ware double flint, in c_fe». Fr.fh Clotcs. Jiiutruegsiud Mace. July 44- tu.tb FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, J.\ Old Lon ( » Vrii • er, Small Pica on pica body (new and ild Pica, do. English, (two fmill founts) 16 Line Pica, &c Sundry Franitß, and a grear va.-iety of Oflice Furnitire, &c. Irori work of 2 pr hting prcfs, 0- They will be lold cheap for cafti—Apply at "the office of tha Gazette of the United States. A FEW COPIES OF The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) 'Hare iuft been received and ara now for fair, BY A. DICKINS, OppoCte Chrifl Church. July %%. District of l 'eansjlvar,ia to nit: XJ £it remembered th it on the 1 enth day of A) July iri the tyreiity fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States cf America, Alexan der Addiftirt ofth: Piid Diftifl bath deposited in lliii-cfficf the title of a boot the right where i,{ hi claims as Auth?r iri the words following to v/it, «< Reports of cases in the County courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court ot Eiyors and appeals of the State of Kennfflvattia, an 4 charts to Grand Juries of those County Courts, Ito 4!exan>t<jr Addifon, Prelident of the C.iur.,s of C. rrrnon Ple'ts of the Fifth Cir. cuiro.f tie State efPenniylvsnn." In conformity to the »<ft of Congrtfsof the Uni te.) States ifttit'.fd "An ait the encouragement ot learning by faeuring the copies of maps charts und b ioti to thevAuthor» and Proprietors of such c».rie3 duri*e the times therein mentioned." ' . D.CVLDWELL, Clerk »f the DifiriH if Pennsylvania. shove book is now pufclifhed. It will be de liver-<i to lubferibcis by Mr. Dobfcn Bookseller. July *3 Gazette of mUnited States, -&■ Dally HIGH-STREET The House, LATELY occupied .by the Chevalier H'Yriijo, SpaliilK AiiibafTador, will be lit out to an approved per fun or family, cu taly cuucmmns. It is large, commodious and il-jatit, with coach-hcufe and fUbles cofifnim»hlr. Enquire at No. 100. SprjJCe Orest. SAMUEL MAG AW, Arcb Street, No. 94. July 23. eodtf. Eliftia Fiflber 6c Co: No. J9 Noith FrottSirr*!, HAVS CM n.iND AKT> "TOR SALKy German, wi n <£>» ? tif., hat. aflW «! >(> caf<», X lilt in cafkt, aod a lirgcaffoit. nulU of Ironmongery, Cu lvy, f-adlery, Coach 1 , and Harnirft Furniture, £rif» and Ja'aooed Wu<4 Cirt? and Nerdlea. ' Jcfy *9 to th. fa. im, ( BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock is" Watch Makes, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Maiiket Strekt, Where he has for Sale, Spring snd other Clocks ; gold and silver Watches: Tools, Files and Materials ; ftrel and-gilt Chains, Seals £• J Keys ; Springs, Sue. &c. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as usual. June 3 tuSif tf Im tie pleasant viUflg* of Mount I'o'lj, Bur .i Kg ton C'untj, r 8 ni'.es from Cooper't frrrj t and 7 from ■ ; Brick - House, FIVE and thirty sett square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar un-ler the whole.— Lijtewift adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, situ ate 00 Mill street, near the market, with a new Carriage House and Stables 011 the rear of the Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par ticulars apHv to MAHLON BUDD.or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will shew the prernifes and make kuown theterm», or of the l'ubfcriber in Burlington, by whom an indifputaMe title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS.' Burlirigtcn, July 9, 180 c. July 19 eodtf. FOR SALE, In ibc Ciy nf Burlington, Slate o/.Nciv- Jcrsej, TWO NSW TWO STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market ftroet, BEING twenty sees fropt ani thirty two feet deep, each withce'lar under them and kitch ens iH the rear, likcwifc a well of good water m front. ALSO. Four twenty feet Lots, Adpining the abo»e premises, one handrtd ami filty feet deep For terms offale apply to the fubferiber in Bur lington, by whom an iadifputable title will be giveii. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 eotf WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ""pHE owners cf unimproved in Wayne county, arc t.treby notified, that Taxes are become yayebla thereon for the .years J**99 1865. Those who have not already paid thoir t»lt<, re hereby r quired to difchargir the fanie to J >HN BRINK, Esquire, Trcaforer of laid County at Millord, within three rcontht Irom this date .otherwise praccedirg! to file, accorjir g to the ail of /.(fembly in inch cafe provided, will be had by the Coniiniffioners for the f-i'J county. Sumo, 1, "1 J'.'bn Cartrttt, > Comm'ilTtoners Fan Ettcti, J T E. KeILOGG, Clk. July 9, i2oo d 931. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RE NTE D, < A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, carriagt lioufc and lit, in a plcifatst part oi' Treqtoa. The terms will tie moderate, and poflelfion can be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the pretnifes after Ae ictli df next November. For terms apply t<» thi printer, or to AUit'AHAM HUNT, cfquire, in Trenton. June 14. tuth&stf Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the FrsEdent and Tifre&ors of the Bdrik of the United State* for t!»e renewal of the following Certificates of Shares in the said Dank, which were 101 l on board the Clip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davny, iriflef, bound to London, viz: •U. No. a9Bs4~| 19885 I Each for one (hare, iri thrf name 39886 ofTho'« Holy, Sheffield (G. U) 59887 | dated all January, 1800 j 19888 J I Of which application, all pet foiis concerned, will please to take notice. SAMUEL STEUETT. Baltimore, Jthapvil, 1300 aaw;m By C. P. Wayne, No. 6s, South Front-flrcct. £ PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY 'EVENING, AUGUST 7, ißco. For Sale, ONE LARGE TWO STORY Rum •Suf.r Cctfic . Cocoa Caflc.rOil, arid FHUIT, , fust received per tin slj-ip Supply Jfom Kingston, Jamaica, FOR SAI E UY Thomas & Peter Mackje. _____ ' «* Who have oh hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate use, < • Pipes of Old Port ".Cine, and 100 Bags Eatt- India Sugar, &c. July 30- djttojt The Bankrupt Law oV T H F. UNITED STATES, Wa> tins D.iy Pitt>U(b«d by A. DICK INS, <n poQic Cttrift Church—[fries 1; Cesti.j A. DICKINS HAS JUST KtCHIVED FROM MffW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In the United Stores. [Pri,e 374 Cents ] au»aft 1: Just Imported, In the ship Kensington, from London, and for sale by Joseph 8c James Crukfhank, Ne. 87, AN ASSORTMENT OF > BOOKS AND STATIONARY, Amongst which are tl-e following NEW BOOKS': A summary of univcrfal Hi:'tory, cxhil itint* the life, Decline, and Revolutions ->f thit different Na tions o! the !»orld, !rom t!~e Creation to the pre fer! tine, 9 vols. 8 vo. transited from the French of M Aftguctil Travels through the U«ited States of America, the Country of the Iroqouis, and Upper Canada, withan authentic account of Lower Canada by the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt 2 vols. 4 to Memoirs relative t» Egypt written in that coun try during the .campaign* of General Buonaparte in the years 1798 a.ii 1799. PuSlic Characters of 1798 —>99 —lß jo 1 Vols Bvo A Voy;|re to the Eifl In»'j(»containing in ac crual of tl * nj*na*r», tcc of the Na tivt»,'viih ,* .Geographical di-fcript on. of the cuuAiry bjr Fri f"aoleno difan Bitiolonfco. The animal NccroJrgy as 1797,8 including jlfo Tirioai irticjea of veg,\e£\cd Btugraphy. Witlciot Uiiiverfal BlograpMcil and Histori cal Didlfortary. W»lpo!tan» S vo'a. A Digested Index to tl.e seven voluir.c* ef Term Reports by P. E. Ton/kins. Ml vers Natural Hillorv for tlie use of Schools The Britift Ntpos or Mirror ofve uthcon t fling of A lea lives of liluftrious liritous, by William Mivon L. L.D- Poems on various fuhjefts feleiled to enforee the pra<slire of virtue &c. by E - Tomkins. Moires Navigation 14th Edition enlarged. Nautical Almanacks Lr 1801 1 July 30. endfit Smith & Rodman, -AO. 14, south Frjpl-itrcet, Have received per Kensington from London, a bandfrnne supply of the ur.der:nentioned Afticles—v:r. f'LAXF.N and Tow Oznabri;jJ, Droghcdi and LancalhirC Sheetings, White and brown Iriih Linens, F.ll wide ItiJia Pfrfians, alTorted colours, A n ritenfive affr.rtment ol fancy & other Ribbons Cotton and silk rfofiery, Women's white and cobur'd Silk Gleves, usual length, Do. do. extra do. Striped and mixed Bengals, Fine Dscca Handkerchiefs, Superfiiie whit* Gingbans, Check'd and ilriped do. Calimancoes, Joaus and Durants, Pins, Scotch coloured Thread, tec. See. Whith are for sale on low terms, for caih or tbort credit. Julyjr. diw 1 bree Cents Reward. RUN awny ffom the Subscriber on the evccioe of tha inft. a bound Servant CIR.L, Earned Elizibcth Howciel, had on and took with her three different changes of gar.twnt and ir. ney, proud, hold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r ion apprehending her ihallbe entitled to the above reward—no costs or charges will he paid. N: B, She had i years and ionic months to fcxvr DANXZL FriZPATSICK. Goftien Townlhip, Ch; County, jHly i;. aupt'.rt 6 «wtf > For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK DOT. WHO ha 3 three y< ars and five months to l'.rye ; he is kiber, hoaeft, a good wai ter, and uiidejrfland» taking care of horses. En quire at No. 60,"Dock street. July ip. eo ,?t1 i TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The Two Houses,, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muil Francis, No. 13, Couth Fourth ttrew. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 41, Arcli Creet. Ju!)' »o 3 raw iw Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, 150 PIPES OF LISBON WINE. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. J"'v3o rtjw Jacob Sperry & Co: No. 195, Market-otreet, Have received by the ship Eagle, end other late arrivals from Hamburg, The following Goods, Which they offer on liber al terms; ESTOPILLAS, -1 , f-Dicant"j-s, C.-.fierillas, i £-g ! Coffee-Mill?, foccadilljs, , u J . Tape*, t#ill'd,plam Rouans, ' H « ami coloured, Creas ala Morlaii, I £-S ' Sealing Wax, Coutils, J L from London, A consignment oj 1 Packages of Sadlers' Webbing, and 3 Cases of the Wsfhingron Print, in har.dfejne frames of full length Engraving. ALSO, 2 New Cables, Eaeh 125 fathoms, 10 and if inch. augufl 4. d6t m&th im FOR. SALE, THE CftRGO of THE SHIP ASIA, captain MORGAN, Fit cm BAT A VIA; Confifcing of Seribon and jacatra Coffee & Sugar, Of an exctllent quality. gfe\ THE SHIP fflSrrWghj Is also offered For Sale ; * A ; hc has made but one voyage fine lhc was fteathfd with the best pa* tcui Copper, and (he is in good order. Apply C P James C. & Saml. "W. Fflier, William Sanfom, AND Joseph S. Lewis. July 24. Hi For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE CITY 01- WASHINGTV-N. THE following property belonging totheTruf tees of the Agg egate Fund, provided for the payment of certain creditor 6 of Edward Fox and James Green'.eaf. .On Monday the ißfb Aug'ji imt. PART of the property of said fund, in the City of Wattiington, that new is rendered clear of every iLcumkrarce, v.i'.l be exposed. at PuMic AuSion at TjiiNiclifl Tavern, amongst which arc the following valuable •fituxtioi., viz. t r Lots in fqifare No. 573, 2 lots in square 974, 15 lots in jquarc N®. 99.5, a lots in square south of fquiri 1019, 19 lots in square lOio, 1 lot in fquarc io»e. 1 lot in fquaxe ion, 7 lots in square 1043, 4 lots in square 1014, 3 l° ts > n square 1045, 3 lo.i in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 11 lots in ftjaare TO4B, with fun. 4 ry others, advantageously fituaud in various parts of the city, Jclfo the 2 llory ffame houle now occupied by Mr. Deblois, beautifully situated (with an extensive view of sev eral mi'.ej down the Potomac) on the south eift corner of square 97,3, 'fronting 4a Tect on 11 street east, and 41 fectonfouth O street: a commodious Kitch. n with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame liable, carriage house and liay loft 50 feat by »J, and a pump of excellent water near the back dnor of the kitchen, the lot extending 9 1 feet on >1 Itreit, and 139 feet 1 inch in G street, comprizing lots Nos. 1, a, 3, and paTt of 21, in the refill ere J iivifion of the square. 1 he sales wiil commence at the said house at till o'clock in (he forenoon oa the 18th of Augufl a fsrefaid. The term jonc fourth C'.lh, one fourth in 6 months, when a deed will be given, the remain ing moiety in too yearn, payment to be secured by bond and mortgage. But the credkers in the above fund, may in lieu of mortgage fccure pay ment of their bonds by depilit of certificates of the trailers at the rate of five (hillings in the pound, to the amount fecurud and (hoetld a dividend take place before the expiratioa ef the" two years, it will be set off 3g»:nll tha bond, and the certifi cates returned i:ithc fame propertion. Henry Pratt Thomas W. Francis John Miller, jun. John Afhley Jacob Baker. THOMAS TIN August 4, Insurance Company Of the State of Pennfjlvania. THE DIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a Dividend of Thirty Dollars of each Share of the Stock of this Company for the last fix months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legil Reprefcnta tives a:tcr th« ioth instant.. JAMES S. COX, Prefidant. atrcuft i. (11 or. TO LET, OX FOX S4Z.£, A 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street ( jr Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and waft houfe, all built of the materials, and in excel ent order; cc!i.r< undir the whole, one paved, and has two lattice clofcts with locks,' a large gai den and yard, several fruit-tree* in the garden, fwo {.utnpaof. cxcsllent water near the primifes. j Enqnire it No, 39, Arch ftrm. I July *5 tuM 6w 1 1 ''. - Just Received, Br A. DICAIAS, oppcsite Christ Church A. View ' 01 TIIC By the Rev. Jonathan Boucukb, A. M. F. A. $, Price x Dbtlars 50 Gents. J" 1 ? 3°- Houfe§ to Let: ONE large conven'eot three-story Brick Dwelling House, with sou? rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there Is a pump of water, ard a rain Water cittern n the . yard ; Yituate on the raft Tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race Strut, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. A LSO, A convenbut Three Story brick house, WitK a pleasant yard on the South ft(J« of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth Street. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch- Stieet. August 4. Lancing fr m on boi-d the Schooler An* drew, from Tenet iffe. 'James M'Grig ger, Majler, 75 Pi P es 40 lihds. > TeneriefeWini, 64 Calks, j For terms apply to MATHIAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. augtift I, Port Wine & v In Cases, xfthejirst Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In l'ipes and Qiiarrsr Casks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS fc? Co. July 29 { 3>wjw. To be Let, or Sold, Either together or divided in lots, A CONVENIENT, WELL FINISHED HOUSE, And 4 acres of Land SITTUATE in the Village of .Attleborough or Four l.auis ends, Ducks county. ..time* diate poffeGon will be given. Enquire of thr lubftt'ler on the prcrrifet. ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N U. Tke Time of a healthy ilout NEGRO BOY for sale "squire as above. if July »8 Madeira Wine : The fubfcribtr has received in th« Apol'o, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. caflts. GIDEON HILL WELLS. auguft4. Riw&i4w And Owners cf Stills. WHEREAS by an atl of Congress, pafled the Bth day of May >79J, entitled, " Ana& concerning the dutiss on fp'tiits distil led within the United States," it is required of all perlons having or keeping a Hill, or flillt, to mike entry the eof, bi-tweeu the last day of May and thr firft day cfjulyineach year, uc.dtr the penalrv of two hundred and fifty dollars. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to all diftilltrs cr owners of stills, v ithin the city and comity of PUlade'phia, to make entry of them at the office of Infps&ion, at 49, North Third ilreet, in the city of Philadelphia, wirh in the abovtmentioned periods. JAMES ASH, Collector of the revenue of the . first c'ivisi n of tie first survey of the district of Pennsylvania* JuAe 6, v ftf Trujiat. rEY, Agent. , dtf Baltimore afcd New' York Mail Stage Oifice ["S rsmoved from No. T3 South Fourth street, to I Nc. 18 South Tfcifd ftrcct. Ad Office for those (la-ts is IWO kept at nxr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet. General Poil Oifice, April 28. & r A PERSON - OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercastile buSneO*; woirid « en gage a» CLERK to a merchant o* public of fisei or be coiti .rtied wiiii any pcribo as part ner, as he.has an intei-clt ot about oiu-ihouiand pounds in real eiUte it] tr ecity. fleal'e to ap ply to the Prit.ter ; in line left at the office for 3. Y. willhe attended tuiriwr ediate'y. May to djt m&th tf TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, ■« prraall Vica on Pica Body, Englift, Chafes, Compoßng Sticks, and a rest vari; ly of articles neceflary to carry on the J ri-. t • ing Bufmefs. They will be fold eheap t«r C»fe« [ \pj-!y to the Printer. {VoiMnp: XVlri — \ "** * \ CAUSES AND CQKSUS^UE'NCLH OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Difcourfcs. For Sale, TO DISTILLERS : • ? afrwtf &JX- c® if