Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 06, 1800, Image 4
I'HK WA SHINGTON D aily Gazette, VuW.lhcd at the SEAT of GoTEfiNMExr OF THE UNITED States. r I" , HE publication of a good Newfpaperat the feat cf government, is io ufetul an undertaking, both to the government and to the citizens r.t large, for the pnrpofe ot com municating State Payers, the Proceedings ol and o:her Intelligence, that the Editor hits no doubt of" receiving the public patronage. Having left a specimen ot th s l'aper with the principal print*rs and laook feliers at Philadelphia, lie tikes this oppor tunity of laying his terms before the public. 1. The Gazette flftll be published every day in quarto, on a half (heet large royal, and be delivered to fubfc'riberS in this city and Qeorgetown at their places of residence. 2. Papers for distant fubferibers fliall be carefully packed up and forwarded every post day ; in half lliects to places where the mail is conveyed every day ; au i in whole (lieets to fubferibers at places where it is not con veyed fa often. 3. It fliall be carefully printed on a good type and paper, to be enlarged as loon as fubfpriptions and advert'.fements \vilt adiiiit cf it. The price to subscribers shall be five dollars a ye ; ir, to be paid half yearly in ad vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to be pi id at the end of each half year. 5. Advertifemeiits will be inserted three times at the rate of one<lollar a Iquare. 6. The Gazette (hall contain the earliest intelligence foreign and domestic—public of ficial papers, a sketch of the proceedings and debates in Congrefe •. with fele£lions and el fays on the various fubje&s of economy and literature. It flia* be conducted on a fair and impar tial plan, open to political discussions ; but no personal pieces or irritating aniinadver fions on parties or individuals fliall be ad mitted. The publication of the Gazette will com mence on the firft dav of O&ober next. CHARLES CIST. Washington, July 25. (Aug. i)niwf 3 w The Supporter. The non publication of the Daily News paper under my dire&ion intituled " The Supporter, or Daily Kepaft," which has not appeared since Saturday last, calls forat) apology frani me to my subscribers and customers; and the derangement in the print ing of it being sudden. Ih d "not the opportunity of doing it in my own paper, I therefore take his way of informing my fubfcribeis 8c r<aderß f that owifig to a change in the printing thereof the publica tion will be suspended for some time until other arrangements are completed which will be as soon as possible. In the mean time such psrfons as chufe to add their natpes to the lift of Subfcrihers are refpeft fully i;>fo med that fubfcriptiot) papers for that pu pof< contulue open at Chalk's libra ly No. 75, N. Third ft. at Wm. Y Birch, No 17 South Second-street. at Thomas Dobfon's. No. 4t, South Second ftrect. at John Orinrods. 41, Chefnut-tlreet, and with the subscriber himfelf.—» During the fuf pcnftrm l*ubfcriber3 will of couife not be charged. JOHN NICHOLSON. J"ty 3 1 • Writing-Paper, AND STATIONARY, Just received by the ship Kensington, from London,—and Jor sale by william Young birch, NO. 17, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, IMPERIAL wov«and plain, Super Uoyal do. Koyal dir. Medium do. D*my do. , Foolscap do. soU thick and thin do. folio and quarto, Do. da do. hot-prefs'd. Copying maihire paper and ink-powder for do. Ink and ink powder, red and black, fine Japan ink, parchirent, quills and pens, penknives,'X, waieie, &c.Ac. A few fetn of tlepiHt Maps and Atlas's, writwg defies of various sizes. g£7* Merchant's Account Boohs ready , or mode te any pattern on the short c Si it 'c July 15. Just Arrived, ANn FOR SALE BT TIIE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO / Of THE SHir PHILADHCritIJt, Theudore Bliss, Commander, from Benga mvsistftic or An ifiorttr.en; of P'.tcc Goodi. Sugars of the firft qualify, And aoo qr. chefls of superior quality Ilvfon Teas, Willings 15' Frcnas, and Tibotnas If John Clifford. Marvh t}> THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, R Wicket, fen. com mander, from Bengal, COSSISTINC OF A complete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, ULACK PEPPER do. fOR- 9A1.1 BY WILLINGS Etf FRANCIS, No. 11, Penn-fircet. dsf D:stru tcf Pcnnsyhctvia to ml •' I BE it re*n»mbered thit on the i eoth day of ] July in the t'.renty fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United Slates nt America, Alexan der Addifr.n of the Dift; i£t hath dep ifited in this office the title of a booi the right where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, " Reports of cases in the County courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals ofthe State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Jyries of those County Courts. By Alexandsr Addifon, Prefidcnt of the Cmrtsof Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State cf Pennlylvania." In conformity to the aft of Congrefsof the Uni teJ States ItSftled " An aft for the encouragement of learning by feeuring the copies of maps chart" and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the time* therein mentioned." D.CU.DWKLI;', Cjtri kf ib* fitJkiS tf PtMpdmnla. • Tlia above book at nuw puMiffiea. ft *flt fl«- livercd to fuLTcHHrrvby Mr» Dob£k> Bo^kCtltcr. July'".s HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier R'Yrujo, Spanilh AmbafTador, will be let put to an approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and stables conformable. Enquire at No. too. Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, N». 94. July 23. eodif. Ten Dollars Reward. FROM York Town 011 the jjd in(l. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant iu the loth Regiment, and since enlisted as a Serjeant in tht Marine Corp», of the following description.— He is about five feet fix inches hieh, brown hair and fair conrpl xion. He is an adive fellow and brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He has been lately seen in Lancafler, and is pro bably with his lrisnds, who live about 4 miles from chat place. The abovu reward will be given and all expen ees paid, on delivering him to any officer in the fervic; of the United Statei, or lodging him in Jail. ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant Marine Corps. Philadelphia, June 30. diw. Fifty Dollars Reward. RA.N-AWAY from Gen. Ridgely of Balti more, on the aOth inft. a light coloured negro man, who callt himfelf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He ia about 14 yearsof age, about 5 feat Binchethigh, neat in hisdrefs, and hat a good fait of hair. Had on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a fliort light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt button*—a light l>uff caflimer, double breaded waistcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pintaliont —a white linen shirt, white ribhed cotton ftockingt, and a good pair of lhoe« with firings. He took with him a dark blae coat, a pair of olive caflimer paata loor.s, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He ia fond of fpiritous liquori, it inso lent, hat a stupid look, and chews tobacco. — He wat bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purckafed of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehendt said negro, and le cute* him in any jail so that the owner may g«t him again, ihsll receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought hom», or de livered to Jolhu> B. Bond, Philadelphia, may 1 ' FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houfcs, with excellent {tabling for feveo horfei, double coach-house mod complwely fitted up; a beautiful large and raluabls garden richly filled with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully situated near the middle of Germantown, sur rounded with rich profpt<2» of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at the back of the house. One house ha» been recently built on an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty- Ox. The new house it well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or wet good liu«. Th« air and water are unj-ivall<d, and there are fame most excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mr. POTTER, on lhe premises. dtf May f: LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of th« Philadelphia and Lan cifter line of Stages DISPATCH, rgturn their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, fnr the past favors tfcey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y aro provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivors, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Tbofe Who prefer this mode of travelling can be acebmmodated at tfee Stage Office, Cgn of United States Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. f m&th 3t Slough, Downing, Dunvioody & Co. Nav. 30, at—§ A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofltfling some capital, a consi derable share of inJuftry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative business, a situation. All propofa's on this fubjcifl to be in writing, sealed and direiled to VY. R. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazstte of the United States, will be at tended to. fpT A Printer would find it to bis advantage June j- <4'f Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcriher on the eveniDg of the »3th inft. a bound Servant GIRL., Earned Elizabeth Howchel, had on and lock with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and itrpudent, a noted lyar ; any psr fon apprehending her Ciall'.ie entitled to the above reward—no coi>s or charges will be paid. N: B, She had 1 years and some months to serve DAh'lEI, frtZPATMCK. Qolhen TownftiipjChtfierCoucty, July 19. anguft 6 jawtf DESERTED Rum Sugar Coffee Cocoa Caftflr Oil, and FRUIT, Just received per the sloop Supply Jrom Kingston, Jamaica, FOR SALE BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate uic, t Pipes ol Old Po/t Wine, and 100 Bags Eatt India Sugar, &c. July 30. The Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED STATES, Was thi9 Day PuMifh>d by A. DIC K1 NS, op polite Chriii Church —[Price 15 Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK. DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpcft of Public Affairs In tbe Usjteu Stat£S. [Pri« 374 Cents ] augaft i! To be Let, For the season, is? immediate possession given A very pkafant, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, WITH Garden, Pafmre Grounds, Coaeh- House, Ice-House, &c &c.—Situa'ed near the Fratikford road, and about 3 i-i miles from the city. For term» apply to the fubferiber, in Chefnut, above fcighth street. W. MACPHERSON. JulytS. £6t. Smith & Rodman, \ No. 14, scutb Front-street, Have re ceived per Kensington from London, a handsome fujiply of the undermentUned Articles—vi*. FLAXEN and Tow Oznabrigs Droghedi and l.ancalhire Sheetings, White and brown Iri{h Linens, EU wide InJia PerGans, assorted colours, An extensive aflortsnent ol fancy & other Ribbons Cotton and (ilk HoDcry, Women's white and colour'd Silk Gleves, usual length, do. extra do. Striped and mixed Bengals, Fine Decca Handkerchiefs, Superfiue white Ginghams, Check'd and (Iriped do. Oalimancoed, Joans and Durants, Pins, Scotch coloured Thread, &c. &c. Whith are for sale on low terms, for ca!h or (hort.trcdit. <|uly3l. diw RARITAN FARM, lOR SALS. A VALUABLE and daGrable Ellate, situated on the river Raritan in Jerfcy, near Somer set Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and 18 from Princeton ; confiftingof upwardsof 700 acres, equally divided into meadow, arable and wood larnd ; the whole within a ring fence ; the bars, (tables, See. are fpacioui, and adeq*ate to the flze of the Farm ; there 1: a plenitude of game, with a good shad liihery. The estate is now in the hands of Mr. Henry Worley. Further particulars may be known of Messrs. NICKLIN W GRIFFITH Merchants, Philadelphia, and of JAMES GIBSON, Esq. Of Mr. RICHARD POTTER, Gcrmantown, Or of the Tenant on the premise may 9. 8 tf Ibis Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street. (Price %s Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Offiin. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the Firfc Preibyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. ftf Mr. Children's OratUn will be [puMHhed on Monday morning. March 15; d: A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, he. &c. The whole containing 17 acres, Tituate on the Wifahicon road, between the third and fourth mile-stone—Maybe purchased on realonable terms. —Two thirds of the pur chase money may remain (secured on the pre mifea and onintereft) during three years. Enquirn of BONSAL 8c SHOEMAKER, "No. 1141 Sd»th Foarth-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Moant-Pleafant, adjoining tlie premises, or at No. as, WalnuNftreet. JON' WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf. Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, 150 PIPES OF Lisbon Wine. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. July 30 rti-w Philadelphia £s? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, .THE President and Managers luva this day declared a divide«d of Eight Dollars on each (hare of flock, of which, fix dollars per ftiare will be paid the Stockholders or their rcprefentatives any pay after the *4th instant; the remaining two dollar* has been retainod and expended in cpm pieating and repairing the road agreeably to a rcfolution of the stockholders. Wm. GOVETT, Treasuer. July ( 4 Just Arrived, AND *o* SALI BY THE Stf BBCKIBBRS, THE CARGO Of the Ship C a Nfo v, Richard Dale? Commander, from Canton, Bo he a Souchong Hyson Skin Young Hyfori and Hyson. White I v Yellow 5 * Sugar of ift qua China Ware. Cafiia. Fans. djteojt An assortment of Silkt. WILLINGS e FRANCIS, No. ai, PtanSlrttt. i. April 14< At the corn.r of Arch and NinthJlreets. And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, Qoach-Houfo and Lots now ** tenure of Mujor Butler, (ituate as above. Enquire at No. aB, north Fifth street. July 10. A CERTIFICATE of four rhares of the Bank cf the United States ill the name cf Bickham & Ueefe, No 459J, for the renewal of which application is intended to be made at the fad Bank, and a» perfoas concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. <ym PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in pur suance of the a<sl of Congreli, pafled on the firft day of March, one thousand eight hundred, intituled " An ail in addition to an aft, intituled, an ail regulating- the giants of land appropriated for military services, and for the Society of the United Brethren for propa gating tke Gospel among the Heathen," as fol lows j ift. All the fradlional parti of As quarter townlhips adjoining to the Indian boundary line of the trail of land referred to in said jdl, except the fradlional quarter townships num ber four in townfliip number sc-ven of range number twenty : Also, all the fradlional paru of the quarter townlhips adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townlhips number one a'ad four, in townlhip number tone of range number nineteen J the quarter townlhips num ber t<wo and three *f township number three, in range number nineteen ; and the quarter townlhips number one and four in townlhip number five, of range number twenty ; toge ther with the fifty quarter townlhips hereafter described, are r-eferved to be located, for the original holders of warrants granted for mili tary services, or their heirs, in lots of one hun dred acres, purfuarit to the ail above recited. ad. The following is a defciiption of the fifty quarter townlhips referred to in the preceding article and which were designated by lot in the presence of the Secretary ef War, pursuant to the ail above recited • the aat aoove recuca • >3 t; • 2 £ is t: ■ • Ox? to «r £ O l O l o g fc- § • 5- V "f> ? a "p." a 1136j 1 10 1 2 81 62 3 4 84 7 3 81 IO i 8 2 11 6 1 223 83 81 34742 13 84 j 1 6 1 ij 1 3. 5 3 7 2 22 311821 73 7 1 2 3 7 4 72 4 3 16 2. 4 84 S 1 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 3 93 7 2 5 3 3 9 74 71 7 4 17 7 4 9 3 9 4 3d. All the lands in each of the above fifty quarter townihip*, and in the fra<slional parts as quarter tswr.fhips before described, hare been divided *poa the refpeflive plats thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of one hundred acres each, as the quantity such quarter township or fratflion is ilited to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out and required by the above recited afl. 4th. The plats divided as aforefaid into jots of one hundred acres, are deposited in the of fice of theßngifttr of the Trtafury where the locations are to be made ; and upon furrender isg the warrants which (hall be thus located, patents will be iflued in the maimer and upon the conditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel phia the day and year above- To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of Brevier weighing 400 lbs. or upwards —they mult not be much worn —Any person having types of the above »!efcription and disposed to Exchange them for other printing materials ; or will fell cheap, may apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. July 12. TO BE SOLD, Very lotv for Cash, or exchanged for Goods, A Large, and well finilhed 2-story Frame House IN tbe borough of Frank lord; containing an entry and two large parlours on the firit floor, three bedchambers and two garrets. The Jot, which i» 340 feet deep, fronting on two streets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it contains a kitchen, liable, and coach-haufe, a well of excellentwater, &c. For terms apply to JOHN M'CLELLEN, tf JulyHtb, 1800. CONSISTING OF TEAS. fANKEENS litjr" That large and commodious HOUSE, TO BE RENTED, LOST, OR MISLAID, MatS TREASURY DEPARMENT, Apeil 21, 1800, mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. dlw—zaw 3m. April jz. Juljr if. Saulnier 5c Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, s#% No. 63, North fide Market-firect, HAVE a general assortment of heft London fupcrfine Bread Cloths and Caffinieres, (of the reweft faihion) silk stripe and feeond quality Cloth?, fafhionafcU wai "coating, (iile iliipe .md twill'd Nackaers, JeanFuiiian, Gingham, D;.*ni ty, Thickkt, fancy Cord, Va', vets, Scarlet, Yellow ar.d white Flanoe's, Flanders, Irilh and i-rown Linens, Dowlas,' and worriers' silk and cotfn Hofiury, coat and veil pearl, ft eel, gilt and. plated Buttons, different col urn Sill; Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muflirijl, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Sh iwls, Pociet Handkerchief*, Gloves t hecks, &c &c. N. B Taylors' best quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. [uiy «8, CHINA GOODS, Landing fro ii the ship America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH to* Co. ROtfEA, D Congo, Souchong, ifl &and quality, Caper l'ouchong, Hyfoo-lkin, ltea^ Xinkay, J-TEAS, Singio, Young hyfrn, HyLn, 11> &id quality, Imperial, Yellow Sc white nankeens Lutcftring's, b'ack & color'd ( In Boxes Sinlhaws do. C affcited, Sattins do. J Luteftriiigs, niaz. blue.& dark green } T Siwfluws do > , ! Persian taffl-tas, dark green j m&ch 3w Tbey have also on battel for so. tbe late arrivals from Ei Stripfd and checked ginghams White figured k color'd Muf- linetts White ccrded dimities Color'd silk, striped Nankeens 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to io Casts En,»li(h Chim wave, (drawback* in tea setts J ■ I da. wbire, 10 do. colcother, j Calks purple brown, 35 do. nails affirted, 9 do. Londoß porter in bottles, English fail canvas, No.l, 3 & 3, Russia duck, 17 Bixes white Havanr.a fi'gar, 13 Pipes old Madsira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, 10 Guns, 6 prur.derf, 1 j do. 9 do. ig do. 9 do. with carriages, &c. »Bo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, i«") ( Entitled t< ip,ooolbs. black pepper f drawback 10 ebor.y J May 13. r'HE undermentioned Certificate* of Stocjc i of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated Ift July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrcve of New- York. No. 45311 —No. SS3IJ, dated ift July, 1795, for five (hares each in the name of Sarah Wedgewood of Etruria. No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800, for ten (lures each, in tha name of Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at the said Bankky the'fubfcriburs, for a renewal of the fame, of which all persons concerned are requested to take notice. WADDING rON if HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwl'3lll THE SUBSCRIBERS - AT NO. 35, DPCK-STREET, 1090 Boxes heft marbled So*p,~j 80 Boxes Sweet Oil', 1 Ercwt 0/1 hoardiht 200 Half chests Lucca Oil, l Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, j from Leghorn Erimftona, > Parmesan Cheese, J 300 Pipes best Bordeaux Brandy, 100 Hog&eads Claret superior quality, 700 Galea French Sweet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 100 do. best assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS aborted for the Weft-India market, A Claret in cases of a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Sens. May 10. tuth&s as WHO is fuppofcd so be at present in this city is requclted to call on Mr. Thcmas Ket land, No '67, south Front ferret, who has a letter of confequencs for him, which if called for im mediately will relate to his particular intersft. Any person giving information where Captaia Nelson may be seen will greatly oblige Mr. Kttland. August». d^t TTT'HEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth W tiny of July 1797 makeau aflignmentof his eflate and effeSls, to us the fulftcribers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as Ihould on or before the loth of September, 1797, execute to him a full and final dlfcharge—Now thole of his creditor? who are entitled to a dividend under said aflign mer.t, are requelled to funiißi their accounts 0* Samuel Meeker, with inturell calculated up ri> the Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend willabfolute ly beftruck on the firll day of Aprif next, atr>d those who negleit t® comply with this notice will thsre after be excluded from the benefit ol the fame. Philip Nicklin Samuel Meeker Natl)'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Aflignees. Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 mSctht!. . le, received iv iropc, t?e. Infma'.!pack« agei affined, calculated for the V/eiHn dia market & entitled to drawback, Loft, HAVE F&K SALE, Capt. Thomas Nelson, NOTICE. 4tT tDfcw tf