Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 06, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
S per C«nt Stock for ia"i toy j>'f
Bit per Ccuu Jo. 8j *BS ,
Navy do. dg. . 84 a 2$
Three per Cent. do. ja J
, Deferred, - do. 8j
B\Xi United St»re», do. jo
.___ I'ennfyiviuir', du, if
. ii—' North Auirf'ta. do. 46
Infura:Hi comp. fc'.A. ftarea 8 to io per cent,
below par
—— Vcnflfylvania, (hares, 25 per cer.t. adv,
Baft-!nrSia Company of tJ. A. 7 per cent advance
Li'.iiWWarrant, 15 do'ls. per 10c a cr««.
"B : .U 011- on. at 36 days for cafb .171 per ct.
Uo. uo. 60 day* do. 170 do.
Do. do 911 days do l 6;»
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts
per Mark Uanco
D». in AmflerJam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
" A Vision" (hill appear in due time.
The Author, like the prophet Hofea, has
4t used limilituJes," and looked at strange
things through thi telescope of Fancy. Our in their journey up the
44 HiU want a Bunyan to de
ftribe both the " Den of Lioni," and the
" Slougb or Despond."
" TnxsTßAk," has a right to the fa
mily name of Shandy, As we ref;>e& this
race, we cordially takes descendant by the
hand, and propole, some evening this week,
to introduce hi:n into public company.
We. recommend to the perusal ok" every
sober and moral man the article in the Ga
zette of to-day, ligned Indignation. It
exposes with energy the foul deformity of
that date of things,-where a convicted felon
is Aatianed on the judgment feat. Among
other " monstrous and prodigious things"
in a state government, the terms «filching
judge," and 44 innocent criminalswill soon
be current and popular.
No labors ot research, and no expence of
time and ininutrenquiry are spared to ren
der our Mahink List accurate and copi
ous. All the poll papr rs are daily ran
sacked, and the Coffee-Houfe books are
looked into with care and regularity. We
have a right to affirm a more detailed and
prolix Marine Journal cannot be found in
any paper of the United States.
Specimen of French Amity.
The brig Polly. Makins, of and from Phi.
ladelphia, bour.d to La Gnira, was captured
on the 23d May lad, in lat. 14 00 N. long
58 00 W. by three French velTels ofwir,
and sent for Cayinr.e—The Supercargo was
order'd on board one of tlie l'rivateeis
which t.appily fell in with the Brig Abigail,
fism St. Übes, ofandfer PortTmOirth, (tod
enabled iiiin to take his palTagt. The Abi
gail has fcfely arrived at.Purlfmoutb N. H.
The Earl of Leicelter, June Packet, has
arrived at New-York, frum Halifax—the
articles publiflu-d "<n the lialtern papers re
ceived by this veflcl, are 11a L - .
An article under the Calcutta head in this
day? Gazette dates the c*ptuie of an Amer
ican fliip Louis, by t French privateer,—
The Aurora has looked very tlcudy for
some days It refcmbles a farthing ca<idle,
more than a beautiful moruing It duds no
light, and its heat, like that of the kafoe is
dull aod malignant. Of this paper tbe down
fall is at hand Ma yol the torrents of iu
vettive which pour from it are (hallow and
muddy, and, like the Tweed in Caledonian
" Grow drumly ana dark is they roll
on their way."
Found, by a Jacobin vagrant, one decent
paragraph ou the an ti federal fide. The
owner, paying for this advertisement and
treating with a bowl of grog, may have liis
fcnfe andJngenuity again, they being of no
use to the advertizer.
A letter from Liverpool, May 28, fays,
the Union with England and Ireland has
not created any impediment to the importa
tion of the produce of the United States,
Seth Ha flings, Esq. is nominated in the
Worcester Gazette, to succeed the Hon.
Dwight Fofler, as a Representative in Con
gress. A paper printed at Brookfield, in
the fame diftritk, proposes Jabez Upturn,
Esq. Both candidates are Federalists.
The Hon. Jonathan Brace, Esq. has re
figntd his feat in the Congress of the United
Died at Charleston (S. C.) John Rut
kdgf, Efq,
Bos WILL, in his preface to" the Life cf
Dr. Johnson, exprefles liis opinion in the
following manner, of what have been called
the Doflor's Tory politics :
His fkrong, clear and animated enforce
ment of religion, morality, loyality and fub
ordinaticm, while it delights and improves
the wife «ik! tlx; good, wilf, I trust, prove
an efffc&ual antidote to that deteflable sophis
try, which has been lately imported from
France, under the fs4fe name of Philosophy,
and with a malignant indufiry has been em
(pkiyed against the peace, good order and hap
piness of society,. in our free and prosperous
country , but, thank® be to God, without
producing the pernicious efieft?, which were
hoped for by its propagator*.''
l - SQ (hips failed from Toulon, w'th >ji--
' it:o:,s, ammunition and money, for Creno
>\ f tlielc with prbvifi'ins have been taken
,y the . -Br_:ti(h frigate Phaston, fcvAai h«ve
be. n carried to- Minorca, Inive beer.
'"l* > al >- * &»".» it is said, fucucJeJ
1 to Genoa.
A rerharkable inftauce of the ferocious o 1 )-
uiuacy of what is teruird the truly bred
Bull-Dog, was witijicflej at Catlifle (F.n r.)
A. horse belong to a poor man, a ported, ut
cor.tuved to freed lYoni the
fuller with which he had been f.iiWed, iv.
and had j r.cecded ievcral yards
>n its way home belVrithe owner was.ap
piiz-.'d ot its efcaps. Immediately on his
dilcove ring it, lie gave pu.luir, and cailed to
the furroun.'.iWif people :o affill him in the
recovery of hi, brail. A bull-dog alio ta
iling the alarm, pnrftiedj aiid f>on coming
up, the poor animal by the upper lip.
Ihe horse, ailrightrd, ra:i violently along
CalHe-ilreet, by the Market place, through
Scotch-llrcet, into Uickergate-flrcet, the dog
! all the time depending frcjm his hp
Here a crowd collesing prevented its fur
ther progress, and turned it again up Scotch
Street, where it was met by those wh j had
betn its pursuers ; to elude being caught
by whom, and frantic from pain and fear,
it ran into the (hopot Mr. Porter, ironmon
ger, and thence into the parlour, where the
■ amily were tea. After overturning the
table, but withouc doing any other irjury.
the unwelcome vifitan were driven back ioto
the ihop, when every exertion wai> made in
»ain by the owner of the horse and several
other perfom to extricate the fuffe ing ani
mal from the gripe of its merciless tormen
tor, till one of the company with a pen
knife. put a termination to the exigence cf
tLe fav ge brute, h&d itept its hold,
in aefpite of threats and blows for above half j
an hour.
.The School fo r Scand / has been trans
lated in o ihe Ruffian language, and isaclcd
at PeUrfcurg with gieat tdat.
Rheumatic colds have encreafed so much
with th« muslin transparencies, ihat there
is scarcely a falhiooable bouse in town with
out a / ir pe itoit.
A woman was taken up on a charge of
bastardy ; Ihe rcfufcd to swear to the fatherof
the child till (he was delivered, giving as a
reason, that Ihc could not dojullice to her
conscience till Hie Iviiew the'colour of it, as
her mailer was a white man, and his foot
man a black !
Frsm toe German cf Gertie.
SCAT TER'D o'er the flarry piJe,
Glimmers Cynthia's bsarn ;
Wl.ilp'ring to the foften'd foul,
Fancy's varied cream.
OVr the Jandtcape, t'.ir : <1 nigh.
Gi- jim iht- f lowitrg night,
Sottas fricncl(l.:p*s m lung eye
B i'ds its fuuitiir.g light.
I i.ucli'd, in tiirn, by jov and pain,
rtfponds my heart
Floais, as metti'iy paints the scene,
'Twixt delight and (mart.
Riv'let, fpeedthy flowing maze ;
So my years-have flown !
Part delights thy lapfc displays ;
Joys for ever gone !
Dear the transports once I knew ;
Dear and l-v'd in vair. !
Mem'iy's Jing'ring fond review
Turns the pad to pain.
( Riv'!, t, urge thy ceafelcfs flow,
Gurgling speed thee (in ;
Wh tp'ring (trains of plaintive woe :
M -urnful unifou I
Whether, at the midnight scene,
Swells thy troubled source ;
Or, along the flow'ry green,
Glides with gentler course.
Blell the man, who, timely wife,
Seeks retirement's fliade ;
Bled, whose lot a friend supplies,
Partner of the glade.
Calmer pleasures there invite
Joys, nor vain nor loud ;
Jbys, that erring mortals flight ;
Joys, that fliun the crowd !
Pb.ladelpbia, stb August 1800,
Letters for the British Packet Jane, for
Falmouth England, will be received at this
Office, until! Tuesday 12th li. flint, at 12
o'clock Noon.
N B. The inland Poflage to New-York
mild be paid.
Insurance Company
Of the State of Pentifylvauia.
HAVE this day declare J a Dividend of Tuirty
Dollars of each Share of the Steck of this
Company Ct.r the lad fix months, which will be
paid to the Stockholders er their legal Reprcfenta
tives alter thai icth instant.
JAMES S. COX, Prejidant.
aaguft i.
For Sale,
In the Borough of Franiford,
BORDERING cn the fide of Fraakford creek,
with a large we'.l fini&ed flone dweliing
honfe thereon, with a brick kitci-en adjoining;
and also a largi; and convenient frinie coach
house and liable. The iituation is healthy and
agreeable. For further particulars apply to the
Jutfcriber on the premi!e«.
•Aueuft 5. tu ai&ff
Gazette Marine Lift,
Schr. Bcfbiah, Buck, Boston,
IJ laoa, Newman, Jamaica
[Cocoa —J. Alien.
CLE \ R. 1-D.
Ship Little M.rtha, Pile, Charleston
A r o Slrrivah ct the Fort.
Ship Jcflcrfoi}, Morris, from iiatavia, for
this port, was tlic 22J ultimo, in Jat.
34. 36, Ions:. 6'i. .
bhip Rlfiiijg lun, of New-York. in fifty
five days from Londonderry, with palTen
gers, has arrived iu the river.
1 lie fchoonci James Morton, Matter
from Jamaica to Pjbilad. lpliia, was lpoke
July 7 in lat. 23, 21,
About the sg'.h of June the Conftelhtion
sent a French Privateer Prize into St. Vin
cent';, which left her in purl'uit ot another
About i<j.da\s fmce the frigate Prefidcnt
was i'een in pursuit oi a Frt ;;cli Privateer of
14 suns, to windward of Antigua.
J Ship Roebuck, Rafer, for London, aud
br:g Pennfylvan'a, Kncx, for Hamburgh,
went to sea on Saturday lad.
Shi;i Perseverance, Wheatland, from Cal
cutta, lias arrived at Boston.
Ship Sainpfon, Rook, of ao,<} for New
, Y> rk, from Canton, was parted from the
I 6th July, lat. 9, 30, N. long* 37, 00, W.
loop Patfey, Oliphant, cleared out at
Charle on on the 7th ult. for this port.
Capt. Peck, of New-Haven, m the fchr.
t bound to New Providence, and near I
her port, was (truck with lightning, and was 1
so much damaged that the people had but j
just ti: ue to save themfclwea in the. boat be
lore she went down.—-The crew reached the j
shore in about nine hours afcer the dififter. j
BOSTON, July 31.
Arrived fliip Perseverance, Wheatland,
Sailed from thence March 4, in co. with
! the Northern Liberties, W. D. Seaton, for
New York, -lrid the Atlantic, Waters, for
Madrafs, who parted with us> the 14th, lit
12, 10, N. Lef; at C.ileutta the Ulylfes,
j Muxford, and Elizabeth Bla< kley, of Salem,
and the Delaware, Clay, of Philadelphia,
from London. Touched at St. Helena
June 9, and 011 the iit[).lelt there in com
pany with the Northern Liberties, Seaton;
and JeiFerlun, Morris. The former parted
the next d*y. Left tfere the Mount Ver
non, Rutter, of Baltimore $ arid India, AO)-
mead, tor Philadelphia, to fail the nexe'day.
June 24, Ipok ■ the Symplon, Rook, 4Yom
Canton for New York, kept co. with h?m
till July 6, when we left him in lac 9, 30,
N. long 37 W. June 2i, fell in with the
P brig Extrafidrnaria, Manuel
1' rancifcA Parrifco, from Oporto, for the
Brazil, in a mod dreadfuf-fituation, having
been dismasted off Madeira, 78 d..ys before
by a (hip's running 011 board her—l'he crew
were anxious to leave fitr ; but the captain
prevailed on them to lemtin, by protnifing
to bear aw.iy tor Barbidi cs ; the (h ps fup
lied liirn with spars, proviß'ons, &c. July
9, spoke brig .Franklin. Chandler, aS u„ys
trom P pperelboro' for Surrinatri, lat 14, 59,
I'Hig 43. July 30, Cipe Cod bearing W.
N. W. 6 leagues, spoke bri«: Eliz,, and S.l
- Rhodes, 4 days froui Biftjn for Ber
bice. The Ulyffi s, Lamb, of Bos
ton, left St. Helena, June 4, he met with a
severe gale of wind in lontf 63, E. in which
his Ihip was diTntaßed, and so much injured,
that it was found neccffjry to throw joo
chests of tea overboard.
K7* 1 here is no v» (Tel now performing
quarantine, in this harbor. The taft was
discharged on I uefday ; an 1 no one fubjeft
to quarantine has (ince arrived.. T
NEW YORK, Aiiguft 4.
British Packet, , Halifax
Cutter Crocadile, , Kinglion 22
Bri\> Fanny and John, Mills, New
[Orleans 7o
Sciir. Betsey, Hull, Norfolk
Agnus. DeSrta, Peterfburgh
Sloop Riling Sun. , Richmond
Brig Diana, Burnam, Cadiz 68
Schr. Union, Dickey, Virginia 4
Schooner Jane, Shoemaker, has arrived
at Kingston.
Ship Yankee has arrived at New Lon
Yeilerday arrived brig Diana, Bournham,
sixty-three days from Cadiz. June 13,
spoke brig John. 23 days from Beverly,
for Malaga. June 17. latitude 37, 30,
longtitude 22, 15, spoke schooner Char
lotte from New York for Cadiz. July 21,
latitude 4!, jo, in a gale of.wind, carried
away the loretoptnoft sprung the foremaft,
and loft a man overboard by the name of
Johft Hobbs. July 5.,, was boarded by a
French privateer, the Captain of which in
formed that he had the day before captured
an American brig from New London bound
up the Straits.
Same day, arrived <hip Lord Bernftorff,
ates, from St. Doming®, nine days ago
was boarded by the Britiih Lugger Expe
riment who pressed two mec out, and then
fuffered us to proceed.
One ship and four schooners signals up
at the narrows last evening at seven o'clock.
The schooner Amphitrite is on (hdre on
the Weft Bank. .
One of the fchobners below is the Uni
on from the Maotanzies. Wind W. N. W.
The sloop Charlotte, Captain Baker,
from New Providence, in fifteen days, A
pafTenger in the Charlotte informs, that
prov;fior:s were very plenty there, and much
cheaper than in the United States.
Left theie two brigs, one of Philao'el
phirt, Captain H«u>mond the other of Sa
lem Captain Ropes, waiting trial, and a
number of other vessels, names not recol
Lift of American veiiels at G- Francois, ta
ker, from Hancock and Co's Marine Re
gift?""— Furnished by capt. Culver.
U. S. '! Ip Conititu ion, to repair.
Ship Two Friends, cf Haouurg, capt.
p ~ [Parmati
Sch r Mary Ann, of Newport, Burdick
Elizabeth,' us Baltimore, Swifey
Sloop Hazard, of.Nantucket. Brock
Br g Union, of Boston, Hil{
EftVquebo Packet, of N, York,—.
Schr. Fox. cf Char'efton, Parfoas
Nestor, of Baltimote, Gold
Brig James, Philadelphia, -Duerl
Snow Eliza, of Baltimore. Watts
Sch'r Eliza, Myers, of Philadelphia, Lu
„ C ver
Favourite, of do do Qiiandrel
Meflengcr, of do Hopkins
Brig «ally, 0 f do Davidlon
Ship Mary, of do Odlin
Brig iVio'ly, of Bjltimcre, Yerfcey
Aurora, of Charleston, Stow
Sch r Nancy, of do Done
Brig Union, of Portsmouth, Blunt
Peter, of Boston, Burton
Ship Stag, Stieaper, Kmgft on 20
Sloop Rachel, Catlin, Cape Francois 10
Sloop Lydia, Johnfton, NafTau 5
SloopSufanna, Laurence, H vanna 14
Brig Harmony Shotwell, of this port,
carried into Jamaica some tune ago for trial,
i* acquitted, both vessel and cargo.
Extraft from the schooner Betfey'j Log
Book, Captain Tuttle, from St. Tho
" July 10, parted with the Adams fri
gate, being then in latitude, 30 36, long
litude 73, 20. Same day spoke the (hip
General Waihiogton and brig Sophia, of
and from Philadelphia, bound for New Or.
leans. The Adams was to have come off
Charleston, but (he being in bad order in
her upper works and her bowsprit dange
rously sprung, expe<9 (lie has gone to New
Nork The Ad ms has captired seven
privateers and recaptured eleven merchant
men, since (he has been on the Welt India
BALTIMORE, August 3.
Arrived Ship Penelope, Groom, 24 days
American wttth Ttft atKingtton, ictb Jit/j
Ships Larlc, Gilnvan, Charleston ; Patty
Warren, Wilmington, N. C. Sympathy,
Charleston ; Hope, Edmpnfon, Philadel
phia ; Aftiea, Bull, New-York, cleared but
appealed for ; Grand Turk, Taber, New-
Lo> don ; Providence, Sawyer,
Brigs Mary, Auld, Baltimore ; Hanno
ny, Shot well, Charleston, cleared, but ap
pealed ior ; Mar;, Johns, Ke tine Dec k ;
Catharine, Ehrenftror.t, Charleston ; Pearl,
riiompfon, Norfolk ; Fair Manhattan,
Creed, New-York ; Minerva, Dickenfon,
Norfolk ; Smith, Philadelphia j
Rebecca, M'Clintock, Portsmouth j Abigail,
Hyer, New-Yoik; Two Friends, Hart,
Baltimore ; Lahreny, 'Smith, North Caro
lina ; Samuel Edwards, Baltimore ;
St.hooners Mary, IVI in o," Wilmington'
N. C. Three Josephs, Pons, Norfolk :
Thomas Truxton, Morrifon, Philadelphia,
waiting trial ; Trimmer, Mathews, New-
York, waiting trial ;
Good Intent, Park, Ne\«*afork ;Cato,
Burkfton, George-To »vn ; Clara, Owens,
—p—, leized j Hope, Tyler, Newbury 5
Industry Fre then ton, Portsmouth ;,Rant>et.
Norton, Baltimore ; Olive, Arnold, clo.
cleared, but appealed jor ; Rrfolution, Mon.
cries, New-York, cargo condemned, vcfTal
appealed for ; Fame, Davis, Charleston,
cleared, but appealed for ; Relief, l).iws,
Newbury, cleared but appealed fur ; Rover
Toy, Bikimore, condemned ; Margaret,
> • Wen with provilions, sent in
by an Englilb frigate.
Sloops L.ucky, Frat.klin New-York, con
demned ; William, Collier, Edenton ;
Frieiidfhip, Brown, Philadelphia ; Rainbow
Rogers, Norfolk ; Fair American, Joy,
Opp site Christ - Church,
English Papers
Philadelphia, Aug. 6.
For Sale,
Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE,
A Trunk of Mci. and Women?' Shoes,
And a parcel «f Tow Linen,
Bolton Window-Glass,
Bby 10, 9by 11, 10 by n and 17 by 12.
Any sizes larger than those may be had
on-beinir ordered from the manufactory.
Apply to
3d wharf south us Market ftieet.
A»2 4>
; Marshal's Sale.
UxiTED SrjTEs, >
Pennsylvania District,\
PURSUANT to a writ to me from
the Honorific Ui Wd Peierk, Efo ire, Ju Ve
°f tfcr I/iftriil c ort of the Umicl State* Ml
and fir the PeOufylviiua DiflridV willhe fx
pofed to public fjle, an the Merchai.t.' Coffee-
Honfe-in the city of Philadelphia, .on Saturday
the 9th day of Augutt next, at Ii o'clock st
110. n,
•f"A-1 The arrofd French YclTel, called
ggpSL, La I.eger,
V '''' a "»nd jugular her apparel,
s^j'-s^g un f 'PpnrK-ntncei, the lame
hiving been lately condemned iu
tde said Court a 9 forfeited, &c.
JOHN HALL, "[jrsba!.
Mirflial's Office* >
N B. The Scbonner La I.eser lies at
Brown s wharf ; her fail- may be ften at the
Sail Loft of MefiVs. Cliffton & Wa kins, ac
Latimer's wharf..
The ftiip Volant,
For London,
tfSWOTb? To f»i! on Saturday out.
Will »ke a little Freight if inttiediitely
/ltigujl J
For sale,
r r-Kx he
J|i|v Ship India,
Now 1 : "g at Hofs & Siail'cn'i
cTr?' wharf, burthen 40X tons* 'For
terms apply to
August j
Ship Lavinia.
On SATURDAY next the 9th ir.Oant, at 10
o'clock at the ©offee*HouU 4
Will BE 3CLD,
About aoo Sous burthen ;
*^r known' faithful live otk
an j cedar built veifTel. mounts 10
lour pou.ders, fmail irms ike. complete, np
provad Notes at 00 and 90 cays will be received
in payment
Inventory to be fern on beard at South ft re
wharf, and at the auAion room of the lubferib
duguft 5.
For Madeira,
djjgjfej ABIGAIL,
To fail about 15th inflant.
For ireight of a lew hundred barrel* or pas
sage, apply to
Gideon Hill Wells,
Moore Wharton.
Augull ». d[f
wiru a
Newspaper Establishment,
In the plaijfaiit and healthy town of Ne.w-
Jcrley, about nme miles trom NcwYcrk ;
Also, a complete set of
rHB above is worthy the attention of any
Printer within,, to ellablith Hmfelt in a
country town. The rapid population, and ex
treme [»l««i'antncfs of the te-wn. an? It v vicinity to
Sew York, is a connderatiou which every pe. on
will know how to as f r;;iate. It w.ll be fold
very cheap for cash ; or .a liberal credit will be
given for one half of the purchale moiuy, if
1 urther particulars (nay be know n by tending a
liiit, poll paiij, to
J c ly 19. 1 tufhSti- aw
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
ijrrHOhVtK fu> Idft <m y r cnv' ,tar-
VV plic.ti u a> the otiic. o: ti.i. Gazette, miJ
payipg the .1 this jcivert >('• m< r
\ " ' ,
J, s
A(fefc,i{'f i t'iCA i E
F©R a three qoarrer Share of J3ani. Stock of (he
Umtfd States, N'o. ,381? in the name of John
Holmes, Jun has been lost or and hr uie
Renewal <fwhi'h application- has b en made at
said Bank, of wbieh ailcoccerned are ccfiied to
May 19
AN attachment was lately illued cut of the in
ferior c-ourt fl'common p!ea« of the County
of ESex. in the slate of Hi-v* JcrlVy,'directed to
the flic:iff of the laid county, again li the rights,
credits, monies ami effeils, goods and chattels,
lanusand tenements ol Join CUitt Fytumcs at tic
suit of William li'tiij ,11! a plea of trefpafa on the
cafe to his damage three th-ufand dollars;
And whcredi, the said lhenff Jid, at the term of
June lalt paii, return to the ftiid (Qi.rt that he had
attached the defendant by a certaiH bond given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel.»V;eiiker to" the said
defendant, to the amount .if i.ear too thousand
dsllars.iifd also by sixty. lar.d warrants ;
AW t!:s>efure y Hlifl fs the fait! John Clevps
Symmcs ihaiUfpear give {fecial bail, and receive
a declaration at the luit ol the plaintiff, judgment
• Will be entered again# him, 2nd his property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
Statute in luch Cafe made a»d 'pr».v ! ckd.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, &c.
Elizabeth-town JuljiS, j ;qo *(ii) jaw.tira
Two or three Lads
OF Reputable Connexions as apprentices to aw
elegant and profitable business. Apply to the
Office e' the Gazette U. States. /
<*ȣ' 3 - eolw
a; m