Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 06, 1800, Image 1
XLHifR 34^i.l 60™ Tbeprice of this Gazfite is Eight JJollaUS per annum to Subscribers residing ia the city of Philadelphia. All others pay oxe Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ! and unless.some person in this city will become answerable for the subset-, ! tion, it must be paid Six Months in *»* No Subscription will be received for a :hsrter__term than months. December 1 1799. ALMAN<V Er*m (>—t4 11. mcu virii. r » • • > •"* WedntfJajt ThurfJay Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuefaay / -rr BVN— —- R:s ** 3ETS J » 6 jS S 3 6 57 5 4 6 s<> - 5 5 <5 55 - S 6 54 5 7 6 5.1 5 B—6 jj Wednefdff Thursday Fr«l»y Saturday landij Monday Tncftoy Marshal's Sale. Ukitid Statii, ? , Ptnmj.vcnii Dinrict, " BY virtue of 1 Writ to me directed from the Honourable Richard Peters, Efq Judge of the Diilrnfl Court "t the United States, in and for the Pennsylvania Difl i<SL will be fold at Pubi c Au&ion at the Merchant's Ccffee Houle on Monday t! e 4th day of August n- *t at la o'clock at 1100:1, "the Brigantine or Vtflel _f i IST C ALL IJ) THE WEST-POINT, With her p tkle, ?pparel and fur* <t u re, the fame having been late ly libelled in the said court for Maripers wages and condemned ('■>- the payment th^rjof. JOHli HALL. Marsleh Ma.-ft»l'» Office, i'hiiadelpbii July 15, i.B.p: July a 5. 3tawt'a. Marshal's Sale. United States, > Pennsylvania District, J PURSUANT to a writ to me direfled, from ihf His Peter», Esquire, Ju :ge ot' tY DiftriQ C urt of the United Statea in and f»r the ken'fylvania Diftridl, will ex poffd to pu v 'ic file, at the Merchant*' Coffre jHonTe in the city of PhiUdclpV. U) on the 9th day oj Augufi next, at i» o'clock at noon. Ie armed French VefTel, called V/jth all and fingubr her apparel, ippsirtenanc«<, the fame **■" "~* living been lately tondtmrieJ in the said Cou t as t( rfritnl, &c. JOHN HALL, Marshal. MarfliaJ's Office, ) July 30, tßoo ) Received Jly tie itip Kensington, ca tain Adamson, from London, A QJJANTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of a superior quality. Also en band, received by tie late arrivals, AH assortment OF Holiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. ror f*le by ROBERT SMI TH & Co. No. 58, south Frunt-lkcet. diw [»'r »* Simon Walker HAS UKMOV^D HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Strkf.t, Cornir of Uni n S;r;ct—ih.rc h.- haa for sale just aicsivtD, EARTHEN WARE, •AfforteJ for esportatioa or hooia iparkec. jGUfi Ware double flnt, ia cafea. Fr#ih Clores Nutmegs and Mac:. July 24 tu. th FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Oi l JyQnp P,rir. er, Small' Pica on pica body (r.ew and old Pica, Jo. Jingiift, (two fnjill founts) 16 JLjne Pica, &c Suiwry Frames, and a great variety of Office Fur:.itu:«, &c. Iroh work of J pr nting press, they vciUfce '.old cfceap forcath—\pply at the oiflce of Gazette of the Ut.ited States. v A "l'liw The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. iV.) ' " fli A. DTCfcINS, ' - Oppose ChniiAt^<ciii Jul)' 11 Gazette V # United States, & Daily Advertiser. Eiiflia Elflier 5c Co. No. 39 North Front Street, have ON lI."Hp AND FOX SALE, GERMAN STEPX,windowglafs, hatsaflort esj in cases, Nii)» in calks, and a aff .rt m<nt ef Ironmongery, Culcry. Sad'ery, 1 oath, a:'id Katt.etV Furniture, Era£> and Japanned Wares. Pins and Noddles. July 29 tu. th. fa. im, BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock If Watch Makek, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where ha has for Sale, Spring and other ('.locks ; g«ld and silver Watches ; Tool:, File: nnd'Maferials ; fh*el and gftt Chains, Seal* aiid Keys ; Springs, stc. See. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as usual. June 3 tuStf tf H. M -3 *5 4 1* 5 40 6 21 7 °5 7 49 For Sale, In the pleasant vilkgc of Mount Holly, Bur •ington C unty, i $ ttii.'esfrom Cooper's ferry, and 7 from Bur'ingt, n ; ONE LAHGE TWO STOHY Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar un *.er the whole..— Lik;wf« adjoining, a forty fool front I.ot, situ ate o» Mill flreet, near the rairket, with a new Carriage Iluufe ant! Stables on the rear of the Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par titulars apriv t« MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will (hew the prcmifes and nuke known the termn, or of the lubfcriHer ir> Burlington, by whom an injlifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July g, 1800. July »9 eodtf. FOR SALE, In the Ciy of Burlington, State of Ne'Ji- Jfr*<y» TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market Arret, BEINO twenty feet front and thirty-two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, likewifc a well of good in front. also, >. Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above prcmiles, op« hundred and fi'ty feet ieep Tor terms offale apply to the fubfiribcr in Eur lingtcn, by tahom an iadifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (29) eotf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. mwf t« LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.— On the East it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fun.—on the south, by a road of two perches, and oi.the north l>y a lane, witich feparatcs it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal in order to fait the purcbafers. Also, 31 acre», situated (in the weft fide of Germantown roid, adjoining Maftera's estate, being part of tht property of the late Sasi&al Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market and iuh ttreets. January 14. 4tf. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ""PHE owners of unimproved latins in Wayr.e * county, are hereby notified, that Taxes are become payable therfon for the years I ■'99 an J 180:5. Those who have not already paid their '.axes, .re hereby r qifired to discharge the fan.e o J )HN BRINK, Efijuire, Trcafurer of l'.iid bounty at Milford, within three muntha trom his date . otberwife to file, according n the ail of /.flembly in such cafe provide ), will ie bad by the Commissioners for the said county. //sj Stenton, J bn Carson, Vein Etten, J J* _., en E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, jBOO d 90t A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a (table, carriage-houfc and l"t, situated in a pleafjnt part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and poflfeffion can be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be watite>- to occupy the premifrs after lie 10th of next November. For terms apply tha printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. tuth&stf TIIAT application willbe made to the Prsfident and Directors of the Bank of the United I'.tate. for tkc renewal of thi following Certificates of Shares faid Bank, which were loft on board the ship John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davny, mafler, bound to London, viz ; B. Wo. *9884*) »988j I 99f A>att> >Q (be name «886 Tbo'a Holy.Wijfceld (O. B) '•jM; j »ft lyiijiiry.jlg©; ' •988KJ Of jrhich ari pitys* resetted, wilj 1* rleafe'to take notice. ■' SAMUEL STEHETT. ; Baltimore, jthapiil, 1800 11*3*1 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST*6, ißco. FOR SALE, About 2$ acres cf Land, Notice is hereby given, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South T'ront-flreet. «* • I -m- ■'J ' J' - ■■ \■'• - •• T just Imported, In the ship Kensington, from Lbndor, and. for sa.'c by Joseph & James Grukfkank, N*. 87, High-street, 'if' fht ' % ' BOOKS and STATIONARY Amongst which ave the following NEW BOOKS : A luminary of univetfal'HiTtory, exhibiting the use, Decline, and devolutions W the different Na tions ot tfie world, irora the Creati n to the pre fenttime, 9 vols. 8 vo. trar.flated from the French of M Angucril i>avf Is through ths Uaited States of America, theCflun'try of th : Ircqouis, and Upper Canada, with an authentic account of Lower Canada by the Duke de la Rcclefoucault Liancourt a vols. 4 to. Memoirs relative t® Egypt written in that coun try < urir.g the campaigns of General Biouaparte in the years 1798 ani 1799. Pu')Hc Chariiflers of 1798—99 —1800 2 VOTI Bvo. A Voyage to the East Indies contain'ng in ac count 6f the manners, Customs Btc cf the Na tives with a Geographical defcript'.nn of the country by FraPaoleno dafan Bartolomen. The annijal Necrolegy of 1797, 8 including also various articles'ot rieglefted Bi graphy- Watkins U'jiverfal Biographical and Hiftiri cal Dictionary, Wilpoliana 1 vo's. A Digested Index to (lie seven volumes sf Term Reports by P. E. Ton kins. Mavors Natiral Hiliory for the life of Schools The Britilh Nepos or Mirror of vouth con s fling of frlefl lives of Illuftnous Britons, by w illiain Mayor* L. L.D- Popwis on various f ' jrils felefled to ens. rae the pra&ice of virtue .by E. Tomkins. Moores Navigation 14th Edition enlarged. Nai'tical Almanacks fu'r 1801 —» July .10. tod6t GLASS MANUFACTORY. Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of the malt approved Eui'opeak Glals Manu facturers, fli'i having on hand a large Hock of the heft Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupei iar qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing too feet ea h, may be had at the fhortefl notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purpofts, may also be had, such as for piflures, coach glaflls, clock faces, Sec. B ittles of all kinds and cf any quantity may also be had, together *i h porku flafk*, picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other hwllow ware—the whole at least 2} per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports ot the United A jppp J. sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants and othets \*ill be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAME.i o'HAKA or I-AAC CR .MG, or at the Store of Meflrs PRATHEK andSMILIE, in Maiket Street, Pittsburgh, March a, tu htf. LYING on the Potomac River, county of Nor thumberland, state of Virginia; containing about 1400 acres—its situation it equal to any o'.her in the Northern Neck, remarkable lor ev«ry kind of wild fowl, 6ytiers, fi(h ai d crab, and none bet ter for health, ft is abcut the fame ditlance from Baltimore, Alexandria a&d Norfolk, and not more than on«! days fail fr- • either. Th«re are three improved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge,former ly the residence "f col. John Gordon is an elegant two {lory brick house, with four rooms 011 a floor, and a pitfage fixtecn ftet wije. The other two arc commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good and luitablc out houses, at one ot which John Murphy, Esq. (io wof VVeflmore land county) lived fevers', years; on this farm there is a good grill mill, with water fuilicient to turn any number of flones ; alf® conrenimit store hou ses and granaries on a public road, well fxusied for a country store. On each of those places there are fioe apple aod peach orchids. The greater proportion of the land is of tie firft quality,a.d near the half of the whole heauily timbered. The terms may be knownby 3pplyngto Wm P. Febht Baltimore', Foutbee G. 'l'ebbs, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thoaas Murgatrojd ar.d Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. s—l4 »» HIS Swedilb Majesty's Coo til General, and au thorized to traofadt the ConfulaC Business, for his Majesty the King of Deimaak in the Ifmted States of America, reading at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftrufliins received from his government, it i> theduty of all Mailers of Swedish and Danish veffcls, befors their failing from any port in the feid States, to call upor him or the Vice Confal. in orier :o be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the eiigencj of the liate of the Neuttil Commerce an.i the fe veralDecrrfss of the Belligerent Power*,renders indifyerlalily neceflary, and, that any Mafler of veflels b*longmg to the refpe<ftive nations, or na. vigating Milder the protetSlion of their flags, in emitting to take such c«rtificate», will pcrfonally fta»d rcfpoofihlc for the confequehcet. RICHARD SODERSTROiyi. Philadelphia iStb December, «79;. For Sale, The Unexpirtd TIME of a BLACK BOr, WHO has three years and five months to fcrve ; he is lober, honed, a good wai ter, and underftanda taking care of horles. En quire at No. 60, Dock street. July *9. to ,31S WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Two or three Lads / OF Reputable Comitflioas ns apprentices to au elegantand profitable business. Apply to the Olßce.ot the Gazette U. States. August a. eolw THE PROPRIETORS FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, THE UNDERSIGNED, Writing, drawing & printing Papers, AND Stationary Wares, FOR SALE, AT W. YOUNG'S BOOK-STORE, No sa,5 a, south Second Street t the corner of Cbijptut Sreet. Who has received an cxtenfive and gene ral supply, ami of the best quality. A CONSIGNMENT Of super royal, double crown and double pott Printii.g, and also of writing tools cap PAPER. A rll UN IC OF Ladies Slippers. Which will ba fold low, for cafli, or negotiable Notes. W, Yourg has alfp received a complete aflort ment ol Englijh, Latin, and Greek Clajfics. A libe ral allowance made to wholesale purthafers. July 31 aawaw yusr PUBLISHED, AND TO EE SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. »06, fcuth Gd» of Market It. ( Price One Quarter of c( Dollar,J Pleafmg Incitements TO WISDO A AND VIRTUE, Conveyed through the Medium of Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ; 1 Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the Juvenile Mind. Translated chiefly from the German. Cj* Said Humphreys has just received, and is now opening a handfoitie collection of BOOKS. Ju y 19 S.jt WHEREAS OV a d«cree of the High Court of Chancery, i) made ip a cause, James againS Newman, it is among other things referred to Wm. Graves' Esq. one ot the mailers of the said court, " to take an account of tht Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, \VILLIAM PHILLII'S, late of Newgate flreet, London, deceased, and also to in q«ire and state to the court, whether Francis James, the brother of the complainant's named a» one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whother he died in the life time ot the tellitor;" Therefore all pcrfons who car. give any inform* tion whether thefeid Francis Jaroe, fee living or <iea>i, and it living where he now rcfi !es < r 1 ?.ft resided, and when and at w! »• j-l'.ee, and when and where he v.aslitt heard ot ai d if dead, when and wtn're he die.f, >re hvreby receded to give '"1. — ■' - - -*— C -- J utiuiam at hit office 111 Southampton Buildings, Ci.ajicery Lane, London.on or before the firfl day of '-iarch next, ctherwife he wiil be exclud«d the benefit of thtrfaid decree. The said Francis Jame» was horn at or near KiJwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, a- d it living, is about the age of thirty four years, anil ab lit th > 1779, was a foremartl man on board the Milfcrd, a merchant {hip, belonging to th« por'of Br.ftol, and failed lor Jamaica in Septem ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to ririflol, an iti November, 1781, was prcCVd in King road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate ci'.Ud the Dicmcde, in which he tailed from Ply mouth en a cruise. and on board of which he af terwards became a quarter gunner, and riefertrd the said (liip at CbatUAon Bar in North-America in September <7Bl. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enabled to give inlo; mation of the above named Francis James, whether living or d: ad,they are requeued to communicate the fame to D,-iViD A. OGDF.N, No. 69, Stone flreet, New Y rk The printers throughout the United States are rcqueUcd to 5 üblilh the above, stnl i 8; Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Sftirg Forgi, in York C.'unty.a ncgroman, named ISAAC, other wise cunyo, about 11 years old, the property of Robert Coletnan; Kfq. He is at out 5 feet 8 inches high, ha» a ! lemifb in his eyes, ir.ore in them thancommsn, by 'rade a Fergeman; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad clclh coat, almost new, a Jailors jacket and pantaloons; printed faDcy cord, a Iwanfdown (Iriped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse fhjrt' one muilin handkerchief, fpriggecj, two ditto flriped border a blue Pcrflan under jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up fail! negro and lodges him in any jail In this or jny of the ueigabouring dates (hall have the above r« ward ar cxpencesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. ?pring Forge. October 13,1759. N B. As faiVUiegro formarly lived in Chcfler county, k is probatls he may return there. November 5 Strayed away, Gftf Sun ay the 13th inft. a small itrawberry coloured MA HE, fourteen hinds hiph, has three white feet, a white faie. abcxt ten years ojd. Any information will be thankfully received, and if delivered it John NegOs's Ferry, at Market street, a reward of four Dol lars will be paid. July 17. ? .It TO BE LEI', Either separately or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL fcy Mr. Sa tnuil Francis, No. 13, south Fourth ftrcet. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 4r, Arch street. July 10 31 aw aw FOR SALE. A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. .. -.rrr:*'- --V .1 . » ■ L \foi.uMt' XVlEif, * just Received, Br A. DICItINS, oppis'U Christ Cburcl _ \ View ~ • cr.ra*' , CJVSMS *ftt> l -09NS$$U£XiiE& V ; T"5 - fej Nioutcta ' ": • ■■•' '*» *'' - '• . '•:' Price i Dolors to Centiif Ai July 30. ' i • . • . . •< - ,v; . - Houses to Let: ONE large conven ent three-story Blick Dwelling Heufe, with four rooms on a floor, atij twp Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, ar.d a rain water ciftem n lbs yard ; situate on the <aft i'de of Fourth- Street, one door above Strut, lately occupied by Solomon Morocht. . Lo O , brick House, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch Street, third dooT abovt Eighth Street. For'terms apply at No. 1:6 nrch- Street. 4. ' rr.&wtf For Sale, Linntvg fr m cn toa d the Scboone*' An drew, from Tenerijfe. M'crig ' 75 Pipes j.o Hhds. > TeneriffjeWine. 34 Cailcs, J For terms ripply to MATHJAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. BUgllft I, Port Wine & Claret In Cases, cf theJirst Quality. "Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In l'ipes and CaJk« - l ? r>r a'e by BENJAMIN W! MORRI- Gf Co- July 29 3 'W3W. To be Let, or Sold, Either together or divided in lots, A CONVENIENT, WKLL FINISHED HOUSF And 4 acres of Land SITTUAI'E in the Village of A|tlct.orough l ; ur I ai:ts mhls, lucks omiMy. Ir me diate poflvflion will be given. Enquire of the iubferirer on the prcrAife*. ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N 7. T.Vc .i e v:i" a fcLalf.'iy lieur i-«EGRO BOY so; sale—Enquire as above, July 'vß Madeira Wine : The fubfcribtr has received in the Apol!o, frQm Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hh'Js. 9c qr ca(k». GIDEON HILL WELLS. luguft 4. And Owners of Stills. WHEREAS by an ail ot Congrcfs, parted the Bth day of May >79*, entitled, " An a<Sl concerning the dutiss on spirits distil led within the United Slates," it i« required of all per font having or keepir g a still, or Hilli, to make entry thereof, between the lalt day of May and the lirft day of July in each year, under the penalty of tv/o hundred and fifty d* liars. NOTICE is therefore hereby given to all diilillera, or owners of stills, witmn the city and county of Pliladc'phia, to make entry of them at the office of Itifp«flinr», at 49, T.'orth Third street, in "the city of Philadelphia, with in the abovemer.tioned periods. JAMF.SASH, ColLkctor of the revenue of the '-first divii i n of the first surrey of the clistiict of Pennsylvania. Ft? Baltimore and New York Mail I 1 :^ TS removed from No. 13 South Fourth firect, to i Kt>. 18 Bou'.h l kird rcot An Office for thofc ft?pes is aifo kept at mr. Hr.rdyVlun, N0.98 Mat A PERSON OF abilities, integm •• an.l experience in rritacanJtile hufinet's, would willingly en gage a. CLERK to merchant or public of ;>.e, op be concerned wiih-ar.y perloo as pait r,er, as he has an ift.erifi of about oneihouiand pounds in real el'.ate in,the city. Pltwfe tf> ap ply to the Winter ; < r a line left at the office for B Y. will be attended toirr. . ediately. May to djt m&th tf 7 TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, ' : Small Pita on Pica Body,' iinglifh, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and ag'rcat varitty of artieles jjecefiVy to carry o.: the Print ing Bnfiikfs. They will be fold c» ti>r cafl»- Apply to the Printer. .fl > •/ r- "-V _ ' •r-4 • • ' . « ««*'* :: .'«a ■ •V s ' * V' 1 •• t t * «' I e» tf , r s " J