.-V' ru '- If A 3 JAGT~, ,v Daily Gazette, PuMiiii-'il at tte Sl.it o'f Goyf.kkt.z:- ::r of ths United S r.'.tES, H 'HF/pnbl'uwonr of a gopd Nevvfpaper at the f.-at of government, i? so Hiiful an undertaking, botii to the government and to the < itizens it laiuc, fur the | iirpofe of com municating State Papers, the Proceedings.of Con. it fa, sutl other Ii telligence, that the lv!'tbr h :s iio doubt of receiving the public pat'ons-.ge. Having left j specimen of th s Papej with tlx principal printers and book - fei! ers at Philadelphia, he tr.kes thi3 oppor tunity of laying Ins tern>s before the public. 1. Ihe G.ifctte 1 fl) ill be puhljlfred evyry day in quarto, on a li -lt Iheet large royal, and he delivered to fuhftrbers in this city and G "irgetmvn a"t their places of residence. 2. papers for distant fubferibers (lull be cartit'lly packed up arid forwarded every pofl diy ;in hall flu ets'to pla'fes where the mail is conveyed d"V ; arid in whole flieets to fubferiber's at i laces,where it is not con vened f I'ft'ii:. 3» • fiall be cairfi.l'v pruited on a good t>l>s irtid psfwr, to be enlarged as soon as iti:>fcHpt;sns anil iidvertiremsr.fs \viff ;,dniit of it. i lie p>ice to fuliftr'brrs (full be five xkl!:!r»« year, to be paJci haff yearly in ad. valtee ; or fix dollars a year, one half to be pud at tile end ofeath !1a 1 f year. 5. AdvertilL-ments will be inserted thr*e times at die rate of one dollar a fqu.ire. 6. !he G'ltStte (ball contaib the earliefl intelligence furficrn and donieftic—public of ficial piper?, a fkrtch of the proceedings "and debates in € >n jre!"- ■ \vith fele£t>ons and es says on the various ttibje&s of economy and literature. It fliall be coßulb/It?3*on a f.iir and impar tial plan, to political drfctiffions ; but no perfor.al pieces or irritating auimadver- Hons on jnrties or individuals fliall be ad mitted. The pirblictti. n of the G.-.sette will com msnce 011 the fi.-fl day of OcYoßfr next. CHARLES CIST. Washington, July 25. (Aug. 1) niwf^w The Supporter. The non publication of the News paper under my diredtion intituled " The Su-pporter, or Daily Rrtaft," which has not appenred since Saturday Itftt, calls for an apol'i jy frem me t<» my subscribers and ctiWfHberPj aicf th derangement in the print ing of It sudden. Ih d not the opportui ity of d ii g It-« jmr own paper. I therefore take his way of informing my fubfcribeis & readers, that ow to a chai ge in the printing thereof the pjfertca lion will be suspended for some t:me until other arrangements are completed which mill be as fion as pollible. In the mean lime such purf-jns as chafe'to add their names to the lift of Subscribers are rtfpe£l fuily it so nied that fubferfption papers for that pu pose crnt'nue "pe". 3t ' alk's l.bra iy No. 75, N. Third ft. at Wm. Y Birch. No 17 South Secoiid-ttreetr at Thomas Dobfon't No 4T, South Second ftrcct at John Ornirods 41,'Chcfnut-llreet, and with the fubferibfr Limit If.— Darirtg the fuf pjnlion fubfe'ribers will of course not be •Jul) y . JOHN NICHOLSON. . iT3' Writing-Paper, AND STATIONARY, ' Jtlst received by the shift Kensington, frStn l.f.i! >n m : fir sp/e by WILLIAM YOUNG BIRCH, no. x r7 , south sf.coxi) srnzzr, T "TEUI VL <*ovb .-.ml phis), JL "Super "H dtit Ho. Ro.il ijo. M !ium do. Pcmy do. Bo. Pod thick and thin do. folio and quarto, t d<>. do. , liot-pref»'d. C Vf.yinf machine piper and ifik-powder for do. I til art (I red and blick v fine Japan ink, parcSnieiit, quills and pent, penknives, feaiirg-wax. "vaiera.-Jcc. Sic. A f<-'ts of elegant: Map* and Atlas's, Mahogany writing de!ks of various Gzjs. |LZr° Merchant's Account Books ready , or made te tiny pattern on the short est nonce. J«!y »5- ' f m&th -jt "» ■" " " "• " " Just Arrived, AND'FOR S A I. B BY THE SUBSCRIBERS THE CARGO OF THE SHIP Pill LA ift LP HI Ay Theodore .Dlifs,..Cora:»aiider, from CQXSlf'fjpG OF A PARTNERSHIP. Aq aflTortr-.ent ot Piece Goodi. nrncrKvt rr Sugars of the f.rii quality, A pofiefllnc some capita', a cofiii- And 400 or. chef* a of superior quality GerrSle mife ot ind'iflry, and delfyfas of Hyson Tea*, - CK g*tf'»g 2S a partner in a lucrative bufmefs, Willtngt Vf Francis, and T* mua f'." n ' Ail on this TUnas V Join Clifford. \° 6 ' »?, 10 i»„a T „ J a * T-cw \ ork, and left with the printer - of the Gazette of the United States, will be at IHE CARGO '(; , A Printer would'find ft to his advantage Of the Ship Criterion, B Wicket,-fen. com- J»nej- , mander, from Bengal, —— CONSISTING OF C€ d f titS I'xCLVl}}d* A rnmnlpfp n(l"nrtm/.nt nt ' O I,N aw3 )'' roa the Suls f- r »-cron the eTCniDg complete allot trpent O. i\_ of t h E -jSSthin.l. a hound Servant GIRL IiENOJL GOODS, . j sane ! "lizaheth Howckel, had on and took with , ' her three diJfcr.nt changes of garment and mor.ey, , "'""Iw or t..e firft quality, proud,bold and impudAt, a noted lyar ; any p»r- BLnCIv PEPPER do. lon apptehendingher (haLlSe ivtirlert to the above lot sals By reward-no coi-scr charges will Hp paid. WILLINGS W FRANCIS, No. 31, Perm-ftreft. Ooften Towftfcip, ChcSs: Cpeory, 'July » 9 . dtf a-gutt 6 ' 3 a*tf May 5. District of Ptnnsjhsr.Va to ivit: remethherc.l -!,« -n the l"eis Say of J"'v ,u '^ lCl Cf'K year of t!ie Indspcn-. •fence o! t!.<; Unheal Sutc> o} America, iYlcxaii .'Ter Addifow ofth ■ (ViJ hath d

e Fifth Cir cuir of the .Sta-:e e»f Pci;»iy}> %n.}*J 9 In conformity to thi ail of Congrofsof the Uni ted Matts i:ititii:d " r.n a*sl for the encouragement of learning by si-curing the copies of maps charts and b •oks to t»e .iu:hors and Proprietors of such copies during the tinies therein mentioned." D.C ••J.pWBLL, G/'i/■ nf tie jyiflrivl of Ptnnfylvpnia. The above hook is nosf pubh&ed. It yvillßede livered to lubfenbers by Mr. Dobf.n Boikleller. J u 'y 23 . HIGH-STREET. The House, LAT ELA occupied by the Ghtfvsilier R'Yrujo,.Spai){lh Ambafl'sdor, wiUbe It I Q-jt to an approved person or family, on eify conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-hocfe dnd {fablis coqfurmnble. Enquire at No. too. Sprnce street. SAMUEL MAG AW, Arcb Street, No. 94. eodrf. »3- Ten Dollars Reward. FS,OM York Town on the 1511 intt. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the 10th etegimeni,. and Once en filled at a Strj-ant in the Marine Corf 1, of the follbwirjj d'feription. He it fcbout five feet fit ?nche» high, br<&rti hair and fair corapl xian. . He is ah aSive fellow and brag» much of hit abilities ss a Drill Serjeant. He lia« been lately seen in Lancafier, and is pro bably with hii Iritndj, who live about 4 miles from that place. Theabov: teward will be given and all expen ces paid, on delfvlrifife hith to any officer in th.: fii'vice of the United States, or lodging liioi in ROBERT RAVKIN, , Adjutant Marine Corps. fiiladelphli, June 30. diw. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen. kidgely of Ralti rtiore, on the aoth inft. a lifrht coloured, negro rxan, who calls himfclf 'WILLIAM Me- DONALD ; Hrisfcbiiut 14 ytafsof &ge, about s 8 iitches high, neat in his dress, and ha» a good fait of hair. Had fin, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a fbort light greeh cloth coat, edped with >eUow, and yd loW yilt buttons—a light l.ufTcaffimer, douMe bre?fted waillcoati a pair cf dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—* white Ifnen shirt* white ribbed cotton ftockitfgs, and a good pair of Dioes with ftriDgs He took with bin? a dirk blue coar, a pair of olive caflimer paa'a- I' or.c, ;nd a light corduroy pair of (breeches ; slf>_ a "gold or pinchbeck witch, with a steel ■ ha. n. He is fond of fpiritoui liquors, is info ltr.t, has a Cupid look, and chews tdliacco.— He wis bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of col. Jnhn Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. U'hotver apprehends ("aid negro, and (e cures him in any jail (o that the owner miy g!>t him again, (hail receive the abnve reward, l - ith reafnnable charges if brought h~mtr, or de livered to Joftuu B. Bond, Philadelphia, may i dtf FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING «f two handsome dwelling houses, wjth eiccltcrt ftihling for seven hoHes, Jounft ccach-hodfc moll eompktely fitted up; a beautiful \ilft aad valuabla garden richly filled with choice fritit, surrounded with high hoard fcncj, aimoll ijtw The premifts are beautifully iituated near the middle of Gerratotown, fur rourrded with rich profp»cls of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about twn acres, with a haoiUonu lawn at th« back cf the houle. One hrufe ha« heen recently built m tppro vjd plan; the oth-r ha»b«en completely repaired, paintrd and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty "fli .... The new house i« well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or w« good line. Ths air and witer ir.- knri+alUd, and there are f»mc raoft excellent fcnools'in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire ol the Printer, or of potter, or.the premifen. dtf M*r LANCASTER STAGES. TUB Proprietor! of the Philadelphia and L?iv cafler line of Stages E'ISPAT(iH, rsturri their ' grateful thinks to their ffiends ind the public in ' genirjfl, f'r t?ie past favors tiey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regwhr Line, j tfcvy ar» provided with Ciirrugct.fober aftdcarefai 'drivers, to go through between the City and |. Ecrosgh in two days. Those who preferthis mode j of rraviiliag t:.n be accC toAiodatcd at the Stage Of;-", Sg:i of United Stetc* Eagl», MarJset street, Philadelphia, Slough t Downing, Dumvoody (Jf Co. Nbl}. JO. 2t—s DESERTED Rum C trfFcrC Cocoa ( Cafhir Oil, and FRUIT, Just received per the sloop Supply Jrotr, Kir.*?ion, Jamaica, FOl SAI E l»Y Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Olii Mad.rira Wine, fit for immediate life, « Pipes of Old Port Wine, and ,c |. a .? s Euft-India Sugar, &c. July 30- -djt eojt The Bankrupt Law OF THK UNITED STATES, Was thU Day Publifliad by A. D IC K I N S, op polite Christ Church [Price 2; Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK. DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In tie United States. [Priie 37$ C'enn ] aii»aft l: To be Let, For the season, Isf imrr.'ediile possession given A very pleafdnt, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, WITH Garden, Paftarr Orownd*, Coa*h- House, Ice-House, &c &c —Sftua'ed near the Frar.kford road, and about 3 1-2 miles from the city. For terms apply to the fubferiber, in Chefkut, above Eighth street. W. MACPHERSON. J"'y * 8 - <-6t. Smith &c Rodman, JVb. 14, south Frir.t-street, Have re ceived per Kenflngton from London, a handtome-fupply of the undermentioned .Artictes—viz. FLAXEN and Tow Oznabrigs, Droghedi and Lancashire Sheetings, White and hrown lri(h Linens, fill wide India Perfiarrt, affortcd colours, I An extenfive^lTortment oi fancy & other Ribbons Cotton and silk ri fiery, "iVitnen's white and coloured Silk Olaves, usual length, LJO. do. extra do; •'tripod and m!x:d Bengals, Fine t)ecca Handkerchiefs, Superfi :c White Gln'gKaais, Chrck'd andUripcdio. Oalirnancoes, Jpans an 1 Durants, Pin's, Scotch coloured Thread, Ac. Sec. Whith aTe for sale on low tcittn, for ca'fh or short credit. July3t- diw RARITAN FARM, FOR SALE. A VALUABLE and daGrjbl: 'EftSte, fitnated on the river Raritan in Jerky, near Somer fec 1 Court-House, 16 miles from BrurffXvick, and 18 from Princeton ; confiftingof u-wards of 700 acres, squatty divided if.to meadow, arable and wood la-nd ; the whole within a rins; fence ; the barn, fUMes. See. are fpacicua, and adequate to the Gzr of the Farm ; tKefc is a plenitude of game, with a-good fhid fifhery. The eflate is now in thy hands of Mr. Henry Worley. Further particulars may be known of , Messrs. NICK LIN W GRIFFITH Mcichanti, Philadelphia, asd of JAMES GIBSON, Efrq. Of Mr, RICHARD POTTER, 'Gurmantown, Or of the Tenant on the premift may 9. 3 tf Ibis Day Published^ By J. OftMtoo, No. -41, Chefnut StTtet, (Prtce'jj'CtilM) , Ta» T)t?a(h its General W&fhirigl'o*. A POfE'M. In imitation of tlv*'n«na«r of O&ul By Uc». Johmß. Likw. A.M. Ffrft-Pirffc#te#iM Cbtgft^Rla* Mr. bWdron'* Orttitii bt {pmhUfiio4 toMmifWbigfi "Muxh 15: '^ll A PLEASANT 'COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an Occellent Orckard, Bam, Pomp, &c. &c. The Whole-containißg 17 acres, situate on the Wifafiicon road, between the third and fourth mile ftpns— Maybe purchased On r«afoiilsble terrnj.—Two thirds of ihe pur chase rtiffaey'may remain (Teciired on the pre mises and onlntertft) during three years. of BONSAL & 'BHOEMAKER, No. H4i South Fiiarfh-ftreet, the Sub fcriher, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premises, or at No 45, Walnut-ltrert. JON* WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf. Now Landing, And for solely the sicbscriier.t, rjo PIPES OF Lisbon Wi^e. 'JESSE fc" ROBERT WAL-N. July„io rfiw Philadelphia £s? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, 'liftb, 1800. THE . President arid Managers have thjs day declired a of Eight Dollars 011 VachWhare qf flock, of which, Cx dollars per share will be paid the or their rcprefentatives any pay !>fter the 1 14th ihftsnt; the remaining' two dollars has been retaSnod and expended in enm picarirg and repairing the road agreeably to a r»fo!ution of the fiockho'ders; Wm. GOVETT, Treasner. July 14 "Mt just Arrived, AfeD rOR SALE BY THt SPBSCRIIIt*S, THE CARGO Of the Ship Canton, Richard Dale, Commander, from G.inton, CONJISTING OF Bolica Souchong Hyson Skin i. TEAS. Young Hyson and Hyson. Sow \ nankeens. Sugar of il\ quality China Ware. Gilfia. Fane. An alTortment of Silks. WILUNGS is FRANCIS, No. 2i, Fenn Strict. d. April 14. That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corn r of Arch and NinthJlreets. TO BE RENTED, And,entered upon this month, the Koufe, Sta ble , Gets eh House and Lots, now in the tenure of M;jor Butler, firuate as above. Enquire at No. 28. north Fifth ftraet. July 10. LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four Shares of the *• Bank of the United Stales in the name of Bickham tk Ueefe, No 1593, for the renewal which application is intended to be made at the said Bank, and all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. d^ra Mhi«. TREASURY deparment, April 11, 1800. TDrUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in pur- A fuance of the ail of Congrels, paiTed on tin lirft day of March, one th iul'and eight hundred, intituled " An ifl in addition to an .sft, intituled, an ail regulating the giants of land appropriated for military services, and for the Society of the United Brethren for propa gating the Oofpel among the Heathen," as fol lows ; >ft. All the fraftioml parts of the quarter townlhips adjoining to the Indian boundary line of the traifl of land referred to in fiid »£l, except the fraflional quarter townships num ber four in kwnlhip number seven of range number twenty : J", lfo, all the fraAioiwl parts of the quarter townlhips adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townlhips number one ad four, in township iiumber ,o«? of range number nineteen ; the quarter townlhipj num ber two and three *f towiMiip number three, in range number aineteen ; and the quarter townships number one and four in towrtlhip of range number twenty ; toge ther with the Jifiy quarter toWnihips hereafter described, are i eferved to be located, for the original hdlders of warrants granted far mili tary services, or their hell's, ih lots of one hun dred acres, puriuant to the ail above recited. id. The following is a description of the fifty quarter townships referred to in the preceding article and which were designated by lot in ths prtfence of the Secretary ef War, pursuant to th- above recited • <5 i s. 1 S 1 • 8 ! I 3 • — : 1 . 53 Ci 0? Jl a 1 7 § "I 1 $ ? V ? ■■ UN . 3 > "?■' a >' . I i 1362 i 10 ' 1 2 82 62 '34 8.4 73 81 101 821161 223 8. 3 81 34742 13 8 4 S 1 6 1 1 j i*3 5 ' 3 7 2 22 3 1 1 S 2 1 73 7 1 23 7 4 7 2 4 .3 16 2 4 84 51 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 3 9 3 72 5 3 3 9 I 3 74 - 7 1 7 4 17 -7 4 9 3 9 4 3d All the lands in each of the above fifty quarter townlhips, and in the fractional parts ef quarter tewnihips before described, hare been divided iipoa the refpedliveplats (hereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of one hundred acres Wch, as the quantity such quarter townlhip or is itited to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out arid required by the above recited ail. 4th. The plats divided as aforelaid irtto ,ots of one hundred acres, are deposited in the of fice of the j£*gifter *f the Treasury where the locations are to be made ; and upon furrender isg' the warrants which shall be tf.us located, patents will'beJiTued'in tile mar.Rer and upon the renditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel phia the day and year above 'mentimed. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of lb Treasury. :«■—23 w jm. fg[ ft 10 3, | tprit »» NOTICE. WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the St h d&yofjuly 1797 make an afiignmefttol his filiate anu rflVits) to ns the futffcribcrs, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as {hould oa or before the o£rh ol September, 1797, execute to him a full and final dlfch'arge—Now ihoi'e of hi* rrrrlitßf who are entitled to a dividend tinder laid aflign. ment, arc requested to furnifh their accounts 01 Samuel Meeker, with irttcfreft calculated up to the Bth day ol July, 1797, as a dividend will ahfohitc- IV beftruck on the'firit day Of April next, and those who negledl t» comply with -this notice will there aster-be excluded Wotii the benefit ol the fame. Philip Nicklin * Samuel Meeker Natb'l Leivis, by his Ads. J> Affiances. Pearson Hunt John 'jV.' Tafhr Philadelphia, March 14 m&thtf. AN APPRENTICE wanted, At the.Office of the G-azettc cf the United 'State*. July 6 Marshal's Sale. UkirirD States, Pennsylvania District, $ PURSUANT to a writ to m- direfted. frcm the Honorable Rkkard l'etcrs. fu'pe of thr Diftrifi C urt of the United Stares in end fir the Peiii.fytvania Diftrid*. will be r». poftd to public f-le, at the Merchant#' C<,ffV#- Honfe in the city of Philadelphia, on Saturday the gth day of August rjext, at n o'clock at no n. The armed French VefTe!, called La l e S er > and jpptirtenance.s the lame 1 ' having been la'tly condemned in the said Court as forfeited, ate. JOHN If AL £, Marshal* Marflial's Office, J July 30, 1800 Received By the ship Kensington, captain Adamsen y from London, A .qjj ENTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings; aad Ravens-Duck, Of a fcperior quality. Also on band, received by tit late arrivals AN AssamKßirr ot Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Darants, &c. For sale by ROBERT SMITH VCo. No. j|B, south Ffont-ftreet. J*'r *6. nkay, {►TEAS, Singlo, Young hyson, Ilyfon, iff & id quality, J Imperial, Ytllow & white nanketns ) Lutcttrings, b:ick & color'd (In Boxes Srinfhaws do. t assorted, Sattins do. j Lu!t-ftring», rnsz. SiMfhaws do. • r 1 Persian taffetas, dark green j tbxen Toey bavt also on band for sale, recurved dv the late arrivals from Europe, i^e. ■V & Q> 1 t: "1 liifma!!p*cfc- Pulped and checked gmghau.-s : ages aiT-rted, White figured & color'd fyjuf- | '-altulaied lor iinetts j>the WefUn- VVhite corded dhr.ities I dia market tn ■Color'd silk, ftnped Nantoeas j emitled .to J drawback,- r 4 Trunks printed Calicoes, J do. d°- \ 3 Bales seine twine f Entitled to io Calls Engli/hQhini ware, fdrawbaek, in tea fells ) 6 Calks mineral black, , I do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, 3J do. nails alerted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Fnglilh fail canvas, No. i, a & j, Ii_-s eboi.y May 13. re&w tf OF The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have just been received and are now for-fale, By A. DICKINS, Qjpofite Chrill Church. ly it Loft, i HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock - of the Ba"k i f the United States, viz. No. 3804, dnted lit July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charies LoveKfcive of Wew- York. • No. »53»» —No. ajjJi, dated id July, 179\ for five ftur.es each in the name of Sarah iVedgewood of I'truria.. No. 2 :808 —No, J9Bcr , dated ift January, 1800. for tea ftures e?ch,_ivtha name of Henry Waddingtoiu Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given', That application is imemftd to he made at the fiid'Rankhy the i l (crib#rs. fur a 10, mil of the fa mi-, cf which all p.rfous concerned sre teqtii'fled t. take n tice WApDIiNGTON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphia, -July ~0, ißco. mwfjiu CHINA GOODS. / ■ ✓ -1-4 <: j > ' * .'it- y y - /J> ■ ■ . *. , A FEW COPIES ■ < " "* 1 m»f ts