Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 05, 1800, Image 3

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    ftiftained a biopsy batik, oLiigirtg-rn th»
C'.d Gen. Stzarray to re tire tindei ihewail*
of Ulni. St ijuza* ne commci.ccd he bloc
kade of that city. Morpau h<« ap'proacttVd
Utm on the right bank. We tXpeft the
news that Krjy'Kjs given lti n '•actio.
Bp another letter it is fiid that Morwu
has marched agayift Aiigfburg,leaving U'.ui
in blockade. ' . ' •
' ' TICNH.A. M«y. 17.
_ - Fifty thnufandrrfor. cmcot* arc irirrli*
rtj (orfardi -The roads 'tc covered
with ammutiiiioa and artillery wfggoua.
ULM, May 17. .
. Yeflerday gen tzarray attacked therleft
wing of the French in the Blauthal,
and drove them t* IJrbaeh on the Danube.
The-!• rench loft 800 killed. 6oo.fKifoticrs,
6 piebes of cannon, and 8 aitttnunition wag
gons. , '
May 18.
1 hi* a£lion of the 16th was not so deci
fiveas had been expedted it not having pro
duced the retreat of the F ei ch.
The French armjr in our neighbourhood
is estimated at 65,0 .0 men. The corps un
der Lecourbe at 15,000.
MILAN. May 17.
Genoa still hjlds oot. The following ex
traft of an official letter from Field Marshal
lieutenant Count Hohenzollern to Major-
Gene' al de Nicojetti, commandant of Mi
lan, contains accounts of the latest events tn
that neighbourhood.
ORCESE, May 14.
Yesterday I was attacked by the whole
garrifiri of Genoa. The confiiA tailed fed
eral hi;urs, and I never witnefled a more fe-
Vere engagement. We had the good for
tune to defeat the enemy. Gen Soult (the
fir ft after Maffcna) hit adjutant, a colonel,
and many officers were made prisoners by us,
about 1 coo privates of the enemy's troops
killed, wounded or made prisoners. Among
the wounded is the general of diviiion Hof
piralet. Our loss amounts to about 240
•' Milen, on the • part of the Imperia 1
commander in chief, M;.y 17, 1800.
' " NICOLETTI, Maj Gen."
. VIENNA May 17. •
50,000 reinforcements are marching to
wards Suabia. The roads are covered with
ammunition and artillery waggons.
It is thought that during the late storm,
which,forced the English for a moment to,
suspend the close blockade of Genoa, that
city received some -proviGons.
By the French official bulletin of the pro
gress of the Army cf Reserve, under Buo
naparte, from the 18th to the 24 K May,
If appears, they experienced great difficulty
in paffiug the Alps. —The St Bernard was
covered with snow, and the ascent extitme
ly flee p. Gen. Marmont cammanding the
artillery, took two methods to transport it
oVer. The firft was a limple tree, hollowed
in form of an augre, in which were placed
'the 8 pounders and mortars.—One hundred
men yoked themfelv* to a cable, dragged
along the pieces, and it took two days to
drag it aerofs the St. Bernard. The second
was by fledges upon carters, conducted at
Auxortne. The carriages were dismounted,
and carried piece-mcal, except the carriages
of the 5 pounders, which ten men carried
upon hyrdles.—The ammunition was car
ried t>y. men, or mules. Tne chief Consul
descended from the top of St. Bernard,
(tumbling over the crossing precipices, and
Aiding over torrents. On the 23d Gen.
Lannea, reached and took Ivrea (or Ivres.)
England demands, it is this say laid,
several places in Syria and Egypt, as acom
penfation tor the great expences incurred
by her ill the profecotion of the war.
• ■* i ' • .
HALIFAX, July 17..
A report prevailed, that the French fleet
was at sea, and this report was confirmed by
an American vessel which the Countess of
Leiccfter fell in with,'the mailer of which
reported, that he had fallen in with a Ve
netian, which came through theip.
The Duke of Kent leaves this place in a
Ihort time, being as we have just learnt by
the packet, appointed Commander in Chief
of the army in Ireland.
Heyalism is laid in the late papers to gain
ground fall in Paris; but whether in favcr
of Louis XVlllth or King Buonaparte, is
perhaps problematical.
I find, as yet, nothing refpedling Ameri
can affaii*—amidft the imn.enle perplexity
and importance of European politics, tranf
atlaiitic concerns appear unnoticed.
BOSTON, July 31.
When the arrival of the British (hip of
war, St. Albans, captain Pender, was an
nounced, in. the papers of this town a few
days lince, it (liould have then been men
tioned, {hat on her passage from New-York
to this place, she captured, a valuable (hip,
9 hours out from Providence, for Hamburg,
and sent her into Halifax for adjudication.
Tie true spirit of national pride, fliould
be to dived the mind of prejudice—and the
true policy of AnieficUtij to confides those
as enemies who are hostile to their peace and
prolperity. When we hear of fpoilations
on our commerce by the pirates of Guada
loupe, we feel an indignation against France
for fgffer,ing unprincipled men to be com
missioned by their government ; so on the
other hand, when we fre pur vcffels cap
tured by British ships of war, within fight
of our very harbours, and sent into a neigh
bouring British port for adjudication, we
feel an indignation, which is heightened by
a by tbr refl&iori of being in- i - . ~ ,
iuluJ (iis was th: cafe in t!i~ recent cupcuie . Gazette of the United States,
y Pen Vrj of tli rich fllip 'train
Providence,) while viliting our ports i»'|
j ri. r.ds.
NEW-YORK, August 4.
On Siiu.'cl.iy la ft. the United Scares sri- i
k'ate, with the intention of goiag down to
the Watt-ring- Plrtcc, fired a Lh'tr, which
was answered by .the fort. The wind, how.
fver fuddrnly changing. and the tide being
unfavourable, flie was detained, and will
probably fall down this day. This • (hip :
wliicli is said to be fuperi6r ty any of the; !
lame number of guns in any navy of thi j
world ; whether we examine her dinien- |
Rons ; her (Irength ; her werkmanlhip, or j
her model'; gives the promise-, under her !
gallant commander, of doing high honor to j
the American flag. |
Capt. Gardner, of the Juno, arrived
here yesterday, left London on the 6th May,
and was hoarded 011' the I2th, bear
irtg E.S.E. 2j leagues, by a French yriva
teer (loop of 14 guns, the officers of which
Robbed him of all his ctoathing,'fmall-ftores
cabbin furniture, quadrants* spy-glass, to
gether with a number of other articles, and
after a detention of 4 hours, 'poliie'y difmifled
him and ordered him to proceed on his paf
WILMINGTON, (Del.) August 4.
Arrived- ship Liberty, William Miller,
matter, 63 days from Londonderry, with
450 paflengers, all in good health. They
expiefs the warmed acknowledgments to
the captain and tupercargo, for their atten
tive and humane treatment.
By thi* Oiip "some Irish papers are re
ceived, which contain but little of impor
Napper Tandy has been acquitted of the
charges advanced against him ; but was im
mediately remanded into cultody, to be ar
raigned at a future day, on a frelh count;
for levyiug war againtt the King, oy land,
ing at Killalor, and heading a foreign force..
It appears that Ireland is generally in qui
etness, except a few' malecontents in the
counties of Armagh and Tyrone.
|C7* T tie t'edrraiills of the City ot Phi
ladelphia are rrquefted to meet atDunwoody's
Tavern, on Wednesday evening next, at 7
o'clock, on important business.
Monday, Aug 4.
On Fifth Day the 9th ot Oclob. r, on the
premises, The
Mary- Forge
And Plantation :
SITUATE pan m Urandywiue town!?»ip, and
part in Werckland, about 30 milts from Phi
ladelphia, sod oas and an hah mile from the Tur
npike road, and Downing's town ; containing
about 330 acres, with allowance ot 6 acre* per
ICO ; two thirds of the land is good wooJUnd,
some excellent meadow made, and much . more
can be made ot the firtt quality; the forge it
turned by the main branch of Bran !y wine C;reck,
a forcible Stream, the forge has three fires and
two hammers all in good repair. The dam being
found and well backed, and apparantly able to
rcfift any fr«A (not fupcrnatural) Likewif there
is another lively stream and current of water, that
empties into the said dam, that might be very con
vti.ient for a Grift Mill,'or other kind'of water
works, might be with facility created; there is a
good two-story stone dwelling house for the ac
commodatioi. of the proprietor of the w< rks, with
an excellent fpriug and good house over it; con
tiguous to the door alfa convenient uone stabling,
with an entry thrcugh the tnidtlc futhcicnt t*
accommodate three teams, beGdishaakt.ey hcrl'cs j
contiguous to the. forge stands a good stone office,
and a numler of convenieni house. for the work
man is erected amply adequate (or th> (aid works
If not then fold it will be rented fur a term of
years. Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
WILLIAM EVANS, in Willijtown,
•r JOHN MARSHALL, in '"horu
bury Townlhip. .
N. B. The fiile to commence at I o'clock o>
(aid day.
Aug $ aw6*t
For Madeira,
To fail about 15th iuftant.
for freight of a lew hundred barrels or pas
Cage, apply C*
Gideon Hill Wells,
or \ ,v •
Moore Wharton.
Augufl t. s dtf
Insurance Company
Of the State of Pennjylvattia•
HAVE thi» day declared a Dividend of Thirty
Dollars of Share of the Stock of thii
Company fur the latt fix month*, which will be
paid to the Stoi' kholders er their Representa
tives alter th« 10th inllant.
' , JAMES S. COX, Preftdant.
lllguft I. diot.
For Sale,
Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE,
A Trunk of M«n and Women*' Shtes,
And a parcel of Tow Linen,
Boston Window-Glass,
Bby io, 9by n, io by ij and J7 by ia.
Any fiees larger than these may be had
on being Ordered from the manufactory.
Apply, to •:
3d wharf foutb of Market fticet.
August 4. dj\y
FU|*,*D»LPHIA , JULT 19.
8 per Cent Stock for cu(h 107 p?r tent.
Six per Vcfif. do. 85 aB6
Navy do." do. 84 aßj
Three per Cent. • - do.
Dei.rrcd, - Jo. 83
11 ■i.NK United States, "do. ;r \ pQ
.1 ■ Pcnnfylvattia'j do. 45
1.1 North rtnigntt. do. 46
lufuraa?e couip. N. Ac (hare* 8 10 per ce nt.
, beluw par V** 9H& (•
Pennl'ylvanii, flures, *S ?er cent, ad*,
Ball-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance
Land Warrants, a; (jolU.pex 100 acr«».
Bill»on 1.00. at jo ilip ftr ul) *7* ' per tt
Do." do. •60 daja da. itoi do,;
'Do. - do. ~so dujri 'do 1(9.1
Billi oo H»wbiirjh ai 6* deji \36 syj eti
pee M«rk 4aaco
Do. In Amftefdata, 6od»yt a. 40'cu.'^er
Many of the articles, pqblilhed "under the
Foreign head <ll the Boston papery, received
by the- Leicester pacl**, find on exami
ning our files, have-appeared in this.Gazette,
brought by late arrivals.—W<! have fekfled
fucn as have-not been publilhed.
Extra cl of a letter from a gentleman in
Leghorn to his friend in this c«7, dated
May 30th, 1800.
"We have born in daily hopes hearing
°f the fall of Grnoa, and it is said Genera'
Maflena sent a .rocflage ttf Lord fceitli, re
quelling him to desist. bdjrtibarding the city
'til! this day (jath M.y> when, if the Ge.
neral did nut retcive succour, he would ca
pitulate. Many, bets are laid on both fides
s rid to-morrow is anxiouily looked for.
[The above extraft of a letter is from one
of the mod riTpettable hoviles at Leghorn,
and we are aflured have a continual and au
thentic correspondent at Genoa.—Hence it
is entitled ta the 'highest credit.]
Arrived »t-N. York on Friday Capt.
M ire ant, fro>n Leghorn, which place
he left on the 2d of Junet he informs, that
Genoa ftdl held out by the taft accounts
from there, which are'regularly every 48
Honri ; but that it was the gen ra! opinion
of the inhabitants at L-ghorn, tliat it nmflr
inevitably fall fhottly into the ha. <k of the
opposing army Mr. Felix, a gentlemaa
of reachability, who came in the
above veflrl, is of the ■♦jtmt Titian s hr
further dates, that no accounts of Puna
parte'* advance had arrived at the last dates;
and that MasT at hiid made a sortie ; but
had not been very fucccfsful.
At New-York .On Saturday afternoon,
whillt the fort was retur ing ibfe salute of
the frigate President one of ihe gu s bj.ft,
and the accident..bad -nearly colHLc life cf
a lieutenant; who wai on duty at the time
it happened.
Shipwrecked,' in the Francis (ranfport,
a ihort timi fin'cf on Iflc of Sables, Capt
Holland, O' the Briti/h 441*1 regiment son
of Maj Holland, Surveyor General of Bri
ti(h America ; who served wit)> diftinpuidi
ed reputation under Gen. Wolfe, at'.he
fcige of Lpuilburg aiid Quebec, and aftcr
wardi during the war in the £fuited Stats
From tlie 27th of July, to the 3d of Ail
gutt, there were 45 dcfitks&'N Y. The
Editor of the N. Y Gazette-fiys not one
died of. the Yellow Fever. °* t
No doubt th« .following described pe.rfon
will soon be in this State, he has heard
from some good Democrat * here Thieve*
get appointed to the facreJ feata of Jus
tice. ,
Capt. Delano, late of the brig Bellona
frwm Sligu, Ireland, thinks it a duty he
owes to the Public to inform them, that a
person by the name of EDWARD BAR
RET,'embarked onboard his vefiitl amongst
a number of other paiT ngcrs for this coun
try. Some time after he failed, he found
out that this Barret had cfcaped prison,
where he had been confined, and was under
sentence of Death, for heading a p?rty of
United Iriflimtn ; and that' there was a re
Wiitd'of ico Guineas offered by Goverment
for hit apprehension. This knowledge
would not probably have come to the can
of capt. Delano, had
conduft while an board (be BcHofia, led to
an inquiry who he waa—White some of the
paffeogers ot) board, as well as the'captain,
were treated in the most tillain'ois manner,
he had the addrrfs, with some other, almost
to persuade them to pu: the captain in irons,
and take charge of the veffil, without any
provocation. Capt. Delano, is induced to
believe, that this dgngerous fellow is now in
this city, and hopes the public will have cau
tious eyes upon him.
New-York, Aug. 2d. 1800
Wc perceive by a paragraph in a Boston
paper, that in the new Municipal Court of
that town, a "humane, well principled and
merciful jury found a verdift again ft a Car
ter for cruelly beating and killing a horse.
We wifli we could obtain the lift of the
names of these emphaucally w fosrf men and
'rue."—We would infect tlieip in honor of
utnanity. Wc arc giad too to underH.ud
!iat tlitie is at least sometimes a disposition
ii our country to punilii the inluknce and
'»fs and brutality cf the vulvar;
M ft of the genuine democratic Americans J
l ho i magi n't that it) nee of their
freedom and independence, they are free
to behave like rascals, and are independent
of deteticy' and dignity;
* .
■. , FOR #J£amek; -
Exiraß of a letterfrem a gentleman on board the
Jhip , nn an J Hope. Capt Bant ley. Provi
- dence, (Rhode ijland) dated IV arnpoa
(Canton Bay J 'Janu.ry 10, iB6O.
*' In taking the eafternmuft route to, China,
agreeably to orders, we did not fiitid so open
a sea aa was expected. On the jrh of D:-
cea.ber, in latitude 19, S. longtitude 177,
30, E. at dajr-break, saw the land on out
(larboard bram, bearing E. which furpriz
ed us, onr charts laying down no land in
this quarter. We coasted ?long 120 milts
in a N W. coall, and saw, aj we judged,
more than 30 different islands. These I
suppose must be the north wefternmoil of
the Friendly Islands, Which were described
to Captain Cook when 1 he was at Tonga
taboo and Anamooka, as lyifrg about 500
miles in a N. W. direction. The -natives
called them Hamao, Vavaoo, and Fitjee,
Captain Cook did not proceed to' explore
them, and it is probable'that we are "the
firft wliit*9 who have feehthem. Thty ap
pear to be well cultivated, and laid out iu
regular plantations. We saw none of the
natives, but observed frequent smoke* as
we failed along the coast. From the second
island th«re is a dangerous rises, extending
three or four miles into the sea. How ma
ny islands to the foutbward of these we
pafftd in the night I cannot fay. but tola
king the firft land on the beam gave re.tfon
to fuppofc more to the Southward. Had
we fallen in with ih* land fifteen miicsfiir-,
ther eastward, or had not the wind abated
that night, it might have proved fatal to
us, by carrying us on the reef From tbe
latitude of 19, S. 'o 10, N. we were entan
gled by land and shoals, and our chart hav
ing deceived us we could place no reliance
on it. The nights were excessively dark,
and in force instances the course we ftecred
must have precipitated us on the reefs or
i aihore; but the Deity, who regards the'
; lives of the meancft of hit.creatures, temper
red the winds contrary to aur vain wilh?s;
and at the dawn, when, wc. surveyed' the
dangers we had escaped in night, our
ftnie of his wisdom and goodi ess was in
creased. We saw more rflands to the north,
ward between the trail of the Scarborough
and the Caroline-Islands, amounting to up
wards of fifty. January 6, at 3, P. M.
we made the island of Saypan, Shortly af
ter Tinian and Agnij.m. On the 15th we
entered the Cl.inefe Sea, and on the 18th
anchored in the Dad f Macar. -
" A Capt. G, wlio ran away
some years linee with a veffrl belonging to
John Brown, El'q., his been murdered by
the Malays off Borneo. They slabbed him
in his cabin while trading with them. / The
vessel, after officers were cut off, for want
of a navigator, was wVei on a reef;
the remaining crew all penlhed, except four
men, who were ffrved by the vcfiel in which
Gardner left Providence. Our landlord
at Macoa gave me this information, and I
have no reason to doubt his veiacity."
At 7 o'clock on sat r.iay Event .g at thj Mer
--- i ■ /. r _
Wl 1H all the improvement! thereon, situate
on the f>orh fide of Coombs' alley, near
S«rond -troet ; contaii ing io frant on Coombs'
alley 19 feet, and in deprU 74 lei tor thereabouts
To be fold by virtue «f the will of Peter Hen
Ji'si it L. Cjates, Ex'tr.
august s
.« >t \
For Sale,
In the Borough rf Frankford,
BORDhRINO on the fide of Frankford creek,
with a large well fimfhed Hone dwelling
houfe thereon, with 2 brick' adjomit g;
and also a large ar.d convenient fr.r. e cou h- j
house and liable. The li tuition i» healthy and
agreeable. For lurcher particulars apply to the
fubferiber onthe prrmilo.
August 5. "tu n\<ki^
Jacob Sperry 8c Co:
No. 195, Maukei'-Strekt,
Have received by the slip Eagle, and .
other late a-'ivals Jrom
' - Hamburg, ,
The following Goods,
Which they offer an .liberal teims ;
ESTOPIL.I-.A3, -> . fDtcant rs,
Cafferillaa, | 2"5 i Coffee-Mills,
BoccadiHjs, [?. 2 ' I ap«S twiU'd.p'ain
Rouans, f1 * ! ind coloured,
Creas a la Morlaix, i j» -o j Sealing Wax,
Coucili, J L
from London, A cons '.gr.ment of
i Packages of Sadleri' Webbing a«d
3 Cases of the Wslhirgton Print, m hanifune
frames of full length Engraving.
2 New Cables,
Eaah llj latl.oms, io and If inch,
august 4* d6t m&th im
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
WHOEVER kat 101 l it m y receive it in ap
plication at the office oi thii Gazette,,asd
paying the expense ef this advertiLmcnt. (
J* f / 45.
Will be fold,
chants' Coffee Howie, for Cash,
Gazette Marine Lilt,
V 0 ARRIVED day!
Brig 7wo Brothers, Stoddart, Dublin, 81
Dry goads,
Schr. Vcunqr, Gtolby, St. Thomas
t s ug a T
Slooj> Weftop, Havanna
Cougar; L. C i.rpenticr
Sally, ' ' N'aff.u, N. Pi
[Gill, Qmck-filver See. "n
Schr.. Pheqefce, (Stevens, mafte ) pr ze to
the sloop of war Ganges, 118 black me.i or
Brfg Dispatch, (Jones prize master) of
.nd for Baltimore, from Go«aiv*s, with a
valuable cargo of fdirer and coffee; has ar
rived at the Fort, prize to the Ganges sloop ■
->f weir. She had been 12 days in poflcf
fioii of the French.
Ship Four Friends Hathaway, of this
port, has arrived at the Isle of May, 40
days firice, frotn Bremen.
Schr. Meflenger, Hopkins, from hence,
has arrived at Cape Francois, in 23 days.
Ship Charlotte, Morgan, of Providence,
has arrived at Amsterdam.
Ship Refoiirce has arrived at Providence
Rhode Island, after a passage of d«Js
from Canton.
•». -
Letter Bdgr at the Coffee Itovfe.
Bolton Packtt, for Co'wea, this day,
jtK August. 'f ' *
Rpfe,-Jones, for Lirerpool, ditto. _
Elizabeth, Dyer, Hamburg, ditto.'
Volant, Hovcy, Loiidou, ditto.
The Leber Bag of the Ship Boiton Pac
ket, Strong, for Cowes.'will bt taken away
from the coffee Houfc this morning.
BOSTON Julv a 8
Arrived, (hip Rptt, Hich, London, 51
days. Left thfrte ship 5 brothers, Philips,
for Boston, fojn ship superb, Trpil ; ahd
Betsey, Whlmprney, of ftolton j with ma
ny others. June 10, Fair Lee -bearing
N N W. w»3 brought too by his .Msjeity'.-i
Queen cutter, of 12 fiu'is, whale iiatiou
was ofFDungefs, the captain of Which treat
ed him with a great deal ofinfolence.
[/f is veil known there are unprincipled
and cruel men am rg ell ifati >t:t, and ivc
fling the captcl.i of the a.!ove Cutter of tlit
Arrived. Harmless, Stoddard, Baltimore j
Adamant, Triifiiiit, Newyork t CiiTt/rc, Lin.
coin, dn ; Georpe, Cli.ifc, Baltirlioie 5 Sif
ters, Frreninil, Norfolk.
Cliaredj Eoterprizr, Hammont 1 , Alexati.
dria ; Federal George, Arnold, Biltimore ;
Betsey, Copelaitdj do j George, Chace, do.
PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island.
Sloop Riling Son Rhodes. Norfolk.
Schr. Sea-Flower, Rhodes,
Zcrvidh, Rhodes,
NEW-YORK. Aiyuft 2.
Brig Fair Manhattan, Creed arrived fafe
1 at Kingston.' (Jam.) in 25 days fiotn this
The schooner Resolution, is cleared at
Kingston —the carg > totally condemned.
I lie schooner Determi ed Rever, from
this port arrived at Ciuracoa in 2 i davs.
Yesterday arrivej (hip June, Gardner,
from the Isle of M.y, 32, ..days. Sa : led in
crt, with the fchr- F iicii-y Morrell, of and
for New York, an parted in lat 36 00.
long. 68, 00 8 days ago. .he ship Four
Friends, Hathway, arrived at th« Isle of
May from Philadelphia .3 d'ays before Capt
G, tailed. July 24, lat. 35r40, long 68,00
I spoke >?rig Sally, of and from New-Viik,
! for New Orleans. I
July 26 lat 39, 00. 71, 00. fppke.biig
Susan 5 days*out from Providence, R 1(1-
and Ju v 27, long 69. Oi. (pi ke a. (chr.
3 da)scut from New London !<*rDomini
co July 29 spoke (hip William aj d Hen
ry 4 days out from N t York fop Fa'mouth.
Same djy arrived, Superior Mer
chant, from Leghorn, whrh place he left
on the 2d June June 22, fp< ke (hip Ri
ling un, from Londonderry bound to
Philadelphia, with 20 p*{Tcnger-
- i he ship. Volant,
I For London,
» IjpQWV To fail on Saturday pent,
Will akc a little Freight if i. :,mediately
Augvji 5 <
For sale, .
rat ' v \
Ship India, -
Nnw lvinir at Rof» & ajrnln's
(oKSS&fc- barthen 401 tons, for .
ireicht or paffag* apply <°
Aujruft 5 dst
Ship Lavinia.
On SATURDAY next the j;h ir.fiaut, at 10
o'cleck at the CcffVe-Hi
9 UK SHlr
About 20? I ons burihfnj
A well knwn iaithlul live oak
and Cidarhuiltvcffel mounts 10
(our pounders, small arm*, Sc. complete. Ap
proved Notes at to and 90 day swill be received
in payment
Inventory to be fcen on board at South-street
whirl, sad at the au&ion room of the luMcribef.
augufi J.
, Norfolk.