THE WASHINGTON Daily Gazette, Publiflit-d at the Sunt or GortnnM' sr or tb& United BTAT£S* r ] ''HE publication of a good Newfpaperat the {eat c-i" government, is so uiefol an undertaking, both to the government anil to the citizens at large, for the pnrpofc of 40111- municating State Pipers, the l'r ol Congress, and other Intelligence, that the" Editor has n*> doubt of receiving the public patronage. Having left a fpecimem oi' th s P.ijvr with the principal printers and book-, fillers at Philadelphia, he takes this oppor tunity of hiving his terms before the public. 1. *1 lie Gazette (half be published ev ry day in quarto, on a half iheet Urge royal, and he d livered to fubferibers in this city and G orgetown at their places of relidericr. 2. Papers for diflant fubferibers (hall be carefully packed up and forwarded every port diy ; in trill' (beets to places where the mail is conveyed every day; ami in whole sheets to fubferibers at jlaces where it is not con veyed fj often. 3. It (hall be carefully printed on a good tvpe and paper, to be enlarged as footi as fubfcrlptlons and advertisements will admit of it. 4- TiVt price to subscribers (hall be five (K'llarS a yar, to be paid half yearly in ad vance ; or (ix dollars a year, one half to be pud at the end of each half year. 5. Adveitiiements will be inserted three tiiiies at the rate of one dollar a fqitare. 6. The Gazette (hall contain the earliell iiU -Jligj-nce foreign and domeflic—public of ficii! papers, a (ketch of the proceedings and delates in with feleAious and ef l'ays on t! e various fubje'&s of economy and literature. It fliall be conduced on a f.iir and impar tial plan, open to political difcuflipns ; but no personal pieces or irritating ar.iinadver fions on parties or individuals fliall be ad mitted. The publication of the Gazette will com mence on the firft day of Oftober next. CHARLES CIST. Washington, July 1 (Aug. t) mwf^w The Supporter. The hon publication ot the Dsily News paper under my Commander, from Bcngi covsisrrn g of An gffortnient of Piece Goodt. Sugars of the firft quality, And ico qt. chefta of superior quality Hyson Teas, ' Witlings W Francis, ;ind V Thomas if Jobn Clifford. March 17. d. THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wickes, fen. com mander, from Bengal, cossis-risc OF A complete afiortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firll quality, BLACK PEPfER do. rO* SALI BT WILLINGS tf FRANCIS, No. 31, Penniftreet. M«y 5. dlf 1 District cf Pennsylvania to wit : BE it remembered thit rn the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence ot" the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the f»id Dili id hath dep sited in this oiSce rbe tit e of a book thi right where of he claims as Author in the words following to wit, " Reports of cases in tie County courts "f the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those Con ty Courts, fly Alexander Addifon, President of the C"ijrt« of C m-non Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of 1' nnlylvarna.'' In conformity to the ail of Congrefsof the Uni ted States inrtiti''d •' followit g dvfcr'.ption.— He is about tire feet fix inches high, brown hair and fair cosnpl xi n fie is an aflive fetlowand brags much of his abilities as a lir ,U Serjeant. He has be. n lately {< en in LancaOrr, and is pro bably with his iriends, who livr about 4 miles from that place. The above rewar i will be gi'/en and all expen ces paid, on delivering him tr, any officer 111 the ftrvice «f the United States or lodgii.g him iu Jail. ROBi' rt RANKIN, ddjutfjr.t Murine Ccrfs. Philadelphia, June jo. diw. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY froni Gen, Ridgely of Balti more, on the loth inlt. x light coloured negro irian, .vho calls WILLIAM Mc. DONA LD ; He it aba ut ?.4 years of age, about j fe*t 8 inches high, mat in his dress, and h»« a gfjod fait of hair. Hid on, when he went » .vay, a good beavey hat, a Ihcrt light gree f. cloth coat, edged v/ith \ ellow,' and yel low gilt button* —a lig'jt buff caflimer, double h'. ealled waiflcoat, a "pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantal /ons —a white tinen shirt, white ribhed coWO/i It,clings, and 4 >od pair oi .hoes with B.rlngt. He took with him a ■lnk blue coat., » pair of olive caffirotr panta loons, and a (ight corduroy pair of breeches; alfi i gold or pinchbeck watch, with a fleel chiun, I* x e is fond of fpiritous liquors, ii inso lent, ha'/ a stupid and chews tobacco.—. He wa>, bred in Charks county, Maryland, and f'Urchafedofcu!. J >ljn rhomir by gen. ley.. Whoever apprehends said negro, and fe cures him in any j:i! o that the owner may g»t him again, lhall r i eiVe the above reward, with retainable charges if brought h->mf, or de livered to Jo&u.ii. HonJ, Philadelphia, may i dtf FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling lioufev with excellent stabling for seven horfei, double cfp«<9i of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acrei, with a handsome lawn at the back of the house. One house hai been recently built on an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten roomi with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix i The new honfe is well calculated for a Sere in either the dry or wot good lino. Th« air and water are unrivalled, and there are some mod excellent fthooli in the neighborhood. For particalara enquire of the Prin'.er, or of Mr. POTTER, on the premifee. May 91 dtf LANCASTER STAGES. TpHE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and JL carter lice of Stages DISPATCH, return their grate/u' thanks to their friends and ihc public in general) for the past favors tkey have rernr'h-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Plcjfant, adjoining tVe premises, or at No. 45, W^lniit-ftneet. JON-WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf. Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, ISO PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JESSE ROBERT WALN. July 36 ' Philadelphia £s?Lancafter TURNPIKE COMPANY," THE Prefidcnt an 1 Managers have this day d-clarrd a divi end of t Dollars <>n each (hare of' stock, of which, fix dollars pr fiure will be paid the Stockholders or their representatives any p*y alter the 14th instant; the remaining two. dollars has been retained and expended in com plating and repairing the road agreeably to a r«loluti.on of the flockholders. Wm.' GOVETT, Treatuer. July 14 LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four . hares «f the . Bank of the United States in the name of ftickham 3c Keefe, No 1593, f»r the renewal of which application is intended to be made at the Paid Bank, and all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, In pur suance of the afl of Congrels, parted O a <0 C> 1 *s.' a -5" a "S-" a 11362 1 10 1 2 82,62 3 4 84 7 3 8 i. 10 1 821161 223 8381 34742 13 8 4 j r 611513 53 72 22 311821 73 7 » » 3 7 4 72 4 3 16 1 4 'B4S 1 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 3 93 7 a 5 3 3 9 *3 74 7 ' 7 4 *7 7 4 9 3 9 4 3d All the lands in each of the above fifty and in the fraiHional parts ®f quarter tewnlhips before, ''elcribed, bar been divided upo* the refpeisli»e plats therect is returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of one hundred acres each, as the quantity such quarter townlhip or fran is lijttd to contain will admit, in Ihe mnimer pointed out and required by the above recited ail. 1 4th. The plats divided as aforefaid i to |Ots of one hutidrtd acres, are deposited in t' e of fice of tbeß'gifter ef the Treofury where the locations are to be made j and ripen 'urrender i*g the warrants which (hall be thus located, patents will be iflued in the mamcr and upon the conditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel phia the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury, april u. diw —law 3m. NOTICE. Mathew Irwin did on the Bth day of July 1797 make an alignment of his estate an 1 effeils, to ue the subscribers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as should on or before the »oth of September, 1797, execute to him a full and final dflcharge— Now thofc of his creditor l who are entitled to a dividsnd under said assign. merit are reqaefled to fur: ifh th 'ir accounts 01 Samnel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the Bth day ol July, 1797, as a dividend will absolute ly be struck on the fir (I day of April next, arid those who negleil te comply with this notice will thtre after be excluded from the benefit of the fame. Jvlji fill), l&OO. At the .Office of the Gazette of the United Just Arrived, AND fOJL SALE BY TBI SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO Of the Ship CAN Toy, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea Souchong Hyson Skin « TEAS. Young Hyson and iHyfon. S," I nankeens. Sugar of ift quality China Ware. Caifia. t Fans. An aflortment of Silks. WILLINGS is FRANCIS, ffo. 21, Penn Street. April 14. d. That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of Arch ai d Ninth Jlreets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, ©each-House and Lott, now in the ttimre of Mijor Butler, situate at above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth ilrset. July 10. JAMES HENDERSON. d3m May 8. TREASURY DEPARMENT, April 21, 1800. Philip Nicklin Samuel Meeker Natb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. > Assignees. Pearson Hunt John !\ 1. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 m&thtf. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, State*. July 6 Marshal's Sale. UNIT nil ST.itks, > Pennsylvania District, J PURSUANT to a »tiMo m? difs&led, from (he Honorable Kiikitd Peter«j Efq ire, Judge of thr Dillrifl C urt of the United States in and f'T :he Pent.fylvania Piftudl. will lie ex posed to puVic f.le, at the Merchants* Coffee- Honfe in the city of Hiiladelptia, on Saturday th 9th day of August next, at 11 o'clock at ron, % 'Jkll ie arm 'd French Veflcl, oiled &Jm[t La I eger, 104*0 With all and lingular her apparel, 'Virs an.l appmtenances, the fame —3' having l een lately condemned in the faidCou't as forfeited, &c. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marlhal'i OBice, > July 30, fgco > By the ship Kensington, cat tain Adamson, from London, a qjj ;n n rv of Brown Russia Sheetings, and Kavens-Duck, Of a fupcrior quality. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, m&th 3w JK ASSORJMENf OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For file hy J»ly s6. Saulnier 6t Wilson, WOO/.tf A DnAfiHH, MtadßS, Vt f No. (], Ntrch i'it Market-iireet,. HAVR i gmrril aflbrtmcnt of txfl Load** fuprrltne Until Ciorht aort CiSiaera. (of the ncwtfi U(hi!nr l Uini tp, Tbickfetrf fnqtCard V»!»en, i-tjrlct, je.Utw •ad fhiu Fluueli, Line*!*. Dodlji, Btni' w4 w-mriV lilk ud cotton cu>t trd*cft port, flrtl Jill *o4 p!»trd Burvui, different i>) sri Silk V< tvctt. tfat bowed cojl Cmnjbrx Calici-M, Cajima. ' con, docket Hiodktrc«ief«, 'Glotc* ' , ihcckt, (tc lit. N B Taylors' bed quality Trimmings———all which rhcy will felt very iow. fulv r8 CHINa GOODS. Landing from the sbi[> America, WaltCm Sims, Commander, from Cwlnn, AND FOR SALE fiT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH fcr Co. Bohea, ; CoOgt), S I'lchorTg, ift & jnd quality, Caper fduchongj T nkay, fTEAb, Singlo, Young hyfen, Hyf n, Ift & id quality, Imperial, J Yellow & whiteninkeens Luuftring>, back & color'd (In Boxes do. ( a(T rtc4, Sattias do. j Lutrft'ii'ps, ir d-. j £»[<•• fern*twtae (Entitledto tp Cases Euv'l lh China ware, C drawback, in tea J 6 Calks iiiin al black, i d«. «hi:e, 10 d>'. ci'lc >th r, .5 Cnfk.. purple i>rown, 3* do. nails aIT r>ed, c do. L .nd .n porter in bott!es< '"nir ilh fail can- as, No, i, i & 3, i;'i;ck, j- B< v i'.e Havtnna sugar, Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunp'wer, Empty wine brttles, IB Gurs, 6 pcuriders, ia do., 9 do. it do 9do with rarriages, BtC. i$ v cclbs. Cfri' on coffie, lit (Entitled U iO,oooll*s hlack pepper (drawback 20 L 't;B ebo y J May i.;. A FEW COPIES or The Anti-Jacobin Review 8c Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have just been received and are now for sale, By A. DICKINS, OppoGte Chrill Church. July »». - Loft, - • - "I 'HE ondirracntiopud CtrtiEcm* of WinA » J of tbe Bank of tbc Lfatt*d. Sum*, No. 3804, dated lit July 1756, for ten (harei in the t;aine of Charles Lovegr, ve of New- York. No. 2]3*t —No. i(l July, 1796, for five (hares each in the name of Sarah Wedeevwood of Etrurij. No. icißc8 —No. 19809, dated Ift January, ißcc. for ten (hares f3ch, in tha name ef Henry Wadilington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be- made at the "id Bank by the fit fciibsrs, fur a renewal of tl.e fame, of which a!l'ptrjons concerned are requcfled to take notice. WADDING i ON & HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwl^m mwf ts Received ROBV.RT SMITH Is 1 Co. No. j 8, south Front-flrcet. daw nftw tP