BY .TRis MAIL§. B \LTIMOJtE", Aujroft r. Among the ftolqs article's advertiffd Jt(-' and which have bffn rccovrred by the vigilance of the police, is asa ily Bible ! No doubt it contained the 20(h chapter of Exodus which is tamcftiy rrcoram nded in particular to the fuious perusal of the' thief. •' The law came by Mofcs, but"—the Age of Retfon came by I homas Paine ! ar.d as Paine has I d these men into etr r f let pain bring tlum to a sense of their duty. ' CFfARLESTON, July 19. On Mondaymorning lan, the Barn, on General VanderhorfVs plantation iri Chnft- Church paii'h, -was ft nick by lightning, a id entirely consumed, together with his Ma chine-Huufe, Grift-Mill, ar.d some other buildin'gs, which ftopd acli< ning. Nothing wai saved, but a few bufli-ls of corn. Died, n'lich reg'etted by all his acquain tance, at "Cambridge, in this state, op the 9th inft. Mr. Wil'iam M'Courty, a native of Galloway in Scotland, aged 24 year-i. On Saturday faft a beautiful fl.ip was launched at Hobrow, from the lliip yard of Mr. William Pri'.chard, fen.— calhd the Horifon, is about 360 tons burthen, and pierced for 22 guns, and built of 'he bt ft ma terials eur country affords. She is pur chased by MelTr;. A. and John M'CUtre,and intended for a London trader. Judges of naval archite&ure pfonounce that her model for failing and the fjit".fulncfs in the execu tion of the work will do great crtdit to Mr. Pritchard. The launch was ex cuted with ikill and exptrdi ion, and highly gratified a large number of fpettators, who attended for the purpofc. ronoF.BT. An Irilhman, by name bn M. Mur ray, was arrtflcd on a warrant from Joflice Bentham, and committed to the gaol of this city "'on Tuesday night, as one of a gang concerned in counterfeiting and ifTuing Bal timore Bank Notes of ioo Dollars. Information had been forwarded by the Mayor of Biltimore to a gentleman of this city, that an accomplics of Murray's was then confined in gaol, for puffing forced notes of 100 dollars of the Baltimore Bank ; and that'in expe£latiori of lefiening his pun ilhmcnt, he had confefled that they were ex ecuted by Murray and hiinfelt in Charlel ton, South Carolina. He likewise described the person of Murr y, his ixfiJence, and the part of it, (under the floor of one ot the lower rooms, Ni>. 19, Kino-flreet,) where the plates and otj er necefiary implements were concealed. Upon ths arrell of M. and the examination of thi premises, the cor - reftnefs of the information was ellablilhed. Tlie copper plate and two not»s of the Bal timore B ink for 100 dollars each were . Ifuund. By the confeffion of the fir ft villain it is stated that tlry ft,imped 85 nojes ot 100 JolUr? each, and that between the two they Itad passed off So of theni—the small sum of 8000 dollars. The copper plate is f*id-TeneriffeWine. 64. Caflcs, ) For terms apply to > MATHIAS ICEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. anguft 1, / djt Found, A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, \t rKOEVCW hat 101 l it m y rctrtVr * «n i* y\r flKiiiog' u lti< oßu ol ihi.CiitiUiMid M*iu|; ihe cipcntt cf (hitjdwtifiiiicin. *. W *».' •••" • • ~ ' . Capt. Thoirtas Nclfon, - - k. ' "'VJTHO M foftmOd to Ht .txMcMO tlweily W I* rc<]HWle AY b'.VKIJt: G, At)jSB«T 4 JO' 1 he FVd<-raliiis (if the City of Phi ladelphia/arc requcfted to n.etf atDumvoody's Tavern, on Weilnefday evening next, at 7 o'clock, oh important bytiuefs. Mondhy, Aug 4. The Federal printers are rcquelled to ir- fert ;lie abovt notice. No paper* have come to har.d by thi3 D.iy's E The " Aif\ to cftahlifit an uniform syfkin of Bankruptcy throughout the U» States," is from its impt rtance and prclix;ty, b«(t cakplated to .ppear in the pamphlet form. In this mode, the conven.euce of the pur chaser is coiifolted, and the knowledge of a part of our legal code, at ortce novel acd important, is mofe commu nicated than in a fugitive nt,-u fpapef. We find that the a& in qucllion is very neatly printed in this city by Maxwell anil Dickons. The proofs were infpe&ed by a gentleman of profeffional (kill, and the exe cution is highly refpe&alle. The type is beautiful, and the text is phre of errois. The Jacobins cC| cUuM grr. but 6'J votes i all t lie Ua'.ts, out ui 138, ofwhich it ttqti.rcS 70 to 111.:k. a majofiy. 'i h t is. that if the ici fe of the ration c itjd be cx| rtf Ted b vhc tairttt of all pcfnale, n.o 8, a .general elcfrtio by the Jjec pie in diftj-itls, there won hi he a larg: msj rity of the nation against that candidate Whom his Iriendi are now at tempting ta fmwgiile in, by changing the mode of e efti ft from /Lftritts to a general ticket, where it 'suits their views, and 0.. mouring, at the fame ;ime, for dilirifct cleft ions, where they hope to get forrrething Dy them. | InViigii'ia thfy began the ga*i«. Tht} : if.ok away the fair mode of dittrifl tltdl ion» snd fubll tutrd a ge<*eral tic' ft. *liert' v by the toice cf fin federal di(lr:&» wa» li [ lsnred ii> tliif tlrHjoo «>f PreGtfenl- I" ! Pcnnfylva in tl:e| eiimtnded l" tht 'aft for • general tickeT,and reftrfed to the. fed_ • dillrifl cleft inii, on tlic fan* l <. the flatc, which was tepetrd y offered ti I thtm. A pcrfon, indeed, under the-figna tur. of" A Pe»nfylwaiii»' , «*' who i» f>id It •be Mr. JDallas ha» bad the unaccuu'ilablt fffiOi toy to alTtrt, in a paper of tlu» <>ty» th I r. Jeffer'on, hypocritically afiVft the molt violent attach mont t 1 diffrift elections, rase a loud cla mour about tl>« rights of the people, and contend, tooth and nail, for tha< very mode ] v hich their cojdjutors have aboliibed in Virginia, and pretented in P< nnfylvania ; ! hoping by thife mcins to cheat the federal patty, who calculate the majority in Ma ryland, as well as in the nation at large, out of their choice, ou of their ri ht as a Ma jori y, to heav a Pnfidert of their ctioice and to itnpofe on ifte nation a C iet Ma gillrare to wnom the majority is unquft on- j ably opp fed I will examine, more at length, this pre- | tence about the rights •' the people, wh< re- ! by they ire attempted to be cheated in 'fad, out of their rights ; and he founda tions of this clami ur. by which the good sense of the majority is attempted to be im posed on, and a 1 r, fideot to he chosen by a fi&iour. major ty. 1 the mean time, I wi 1 atk the federalifts of Maryland who con ftituethe majority by the confefiion even of their opponets,' what is the right which they h< Id mod dear ? Is it not to have a President of thtir own choice ? If so, will they fuflcr themfclves to be defrauded of this dear and fubftanti.-.l right, by a tew cant phrases ; by the artifices ( f the ei emie- of government in other flafes, aided by the noisy clamours in this ? Should such be their couduA, I (hall indeed be acquies cent but astonished. Jacob Sperry & Co: No. 195. Market-Street, Have received by tie skip Eagle, end other late a- 'ivuls from HaMBU IG, The following Goods, Which (hey offer on libcrrf! terms; T7S I OPILI.AS, -v . i-Decanters, Cafferillas, 1 2"S . Coffee-Mill;, lioccadillos, . J? , Tapei, twill'd,plain Rouans, 1 and colour;d, j Cren a la Mcrlaix, j I 5*S-.' Sealing Wax, Cob tils, ( J L from Lond on,'Aconsignment 0} 2 Packages or and 3 Cases o£ the Wafliing'ton Print, in handfeme frames of full lengch Engraving. ALSO, ' , 2 New Gables, Eaoh 125 latlioms, 10 and if inch, sugufk 4. ci6t mfluh im Madeira Wine : The subscriber has received in the Ap°'.o, from Liverpool, a Quantity of H ill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. cades. GIDEON HILL WELLS. august 4. niw&l 4W For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, .n. Trunk of Met. und Wotnens' Shies, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, Bby 10, 9by 11, Io by 12 aod 17 by 12. Any sizes laiger than tholts may be had on ordered from t,he manuiadWy. ' Apply to ISAAC HAKVEY, Jun'r. 3 1 wharf south of Market ftieet. August 4. 03W Houses to Let: ONE large conven ent three-story Biick Dwelling House, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there" is apump of water, ai;d a rain uattr ciftem n the yard ; fitliale on the raft 1 de of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. A convenirut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fid? of Arch Street, third door abovt Eighth- Street. For tifims apply at No. ti6,Arch- Aoguft 4. TOUT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED days hip Adr.'flus, Paik--t, Liverpool 63 [Salt & Crates ; W. St P. Keith Schr. Two Hrothcis, Pender, Richmond iO C'lil ; 10 Captain Betsey, Walker, Frederickfb'urg 14 [Tobacoo, Fl ur St Fur ; U. Wain iloop i'.-tty. Cliphant, Charleston cj [Tobacco, Ruin, Stc. to Capt. Vermont, Williams, Fredtrickfhuig 13 [T batco £ FUuir; C. Sc W« Jolly CLE RED. ■ I Brig Harriot, bweeirer era'ifts i [ . T-.vo Ful-riJs, Wilbur Came u.p Ir rn the Fort— Ship Pallas. M rrcn ncr George, Bell Schr. Beifey, Hallie a n», v m&wtf .. . '■ < " ~e: . , Gazette Marine Liil, Arrived at the Fort, Brip- DifpatcKJ , Liverpool (detained) Sclir. Orange, l)wvc, tJavanna 18 days [Su Role, Jones, for Liverpool, ditto. Elizabeth, Dyer, Hamburg, ditto: Volant, Hovcy , London, ditto. The Letter Bag of the Ship Boston Pac ket, Strong, for CoVves, will be taken away from the coffee Houft to-morrow morning. BALTIMO.HR, August I. Arrived, Schooner Per/ererance, Noyes, 15 days, Havanaah. >hip Commerce. Smith, five months and an halt from Pat a via. Spcke nothing but the brig Agnes, of New-York, and two schooners, n.ames u;>t recolh&ed, since we parted from tbe.Monnt Vernon. Ship General Greene, Hill, 85 days, Bre men. Was boarded by the British frigate Boston, who fuffered us to pass after open ing all our letters. Ship London Packet, Wilson, 38 days, Liverpool. Ship Thomas, Willifon, of jphila 'elphia, failed the day we did. ' x. ! i' Left there the following Baltimore vtflels. Ship Harriot. Martin, to fail in 10 days ; Francis and Maty, Spencc, do ; Union, Porter, do ; Triumph, Wefef, do ; Mo hawk, We, ihtrly, dJ. CHARLESTON, July i 7. ARRIVED, , days Schr. Friendfliip, Sheffield, St. Jago [de Cuba 22 Barque Lydia, Millwood, Havaur.a 21 Schr Brother*, Dryburgh, do. 21 Sloop Lord Duncan, Collins, Naflau 14 The United States frigate Chefapeak, Captain Barron, which'"-anchored off the bar on Thursday left frefm a cruise, failed on Sunday morning for the Northward. The Unitid States brig Pickering, lieut. Hiilar, at chored in the roads at 10 o'clock on Monday night from a cruise, and failed again yefttrday at 2 I'. M. having taken a lmall supply of frefh provisions. The Pickering ha& been one of the mod diligent, fucccfsful cruisers in the United States service. In her last cruise she took four French privateers, retook twelve Amer ican vefftU, and liberated 300 American prifoneis from the French prisons. ExtraS from the Log Booh of the febooner Friend/hip. " In latitude 19, 40, longtitude 19, 50, spoke the fch, oner Succefa, Captain John foß, of and from Philadelphia, bound to Truxcilla,.thirty diys out, all well. At the fame time, we were both -boarded by ihe States brig Augusta, Captain Elroy, who informed, that three days before he I ad taken a brig from St. Domingo, loaded with 110 tons of sugar, and ordered her for BolUn." . July 21. Yeflerday arrived the filTooner Jimo, Payton, Port-Republican, 13 days; fchr. Brtfey, Tuttle, St. Thomas's. 21 diys; schooner Betfty Holland, Webb, Philadel phia, 17 days j schooner Betsey, M'llllit'n ny, Wilmington 8 days. ' Cleared, Ship Mary, Craig, Liverpool Henriaus he 4th, Jolinfon. London Flora, Clough, New-York South-Carolina, Pelor, New-York Brig Peggy and Woodman, Hon duras Aurora, Church, Kingston Schr. Polly, Snow, Providence, (U. I.) By the ihips Sufinnah and Rachel, ironi Havanna, which anchored off Fort John (lon, cn Thursday last we learn-That the 5 jfchrs. Nancy, Vofs, and Jason, Cromwell, j from this port to the Havanna are hotli, ■ taken by a French privateer, and carried in to the M.tanzes ; also a brig from some j part of the Continent, and the fchr. —j 1 apt" Graham, from Havanna, bound to • this port. I *-* C; | Exit act of a letter si am the Jft.aanna, 2d, 1800. \ A French privateer mounting ihert 6 pounders, and 4 nines, has 1 !y arrived Oil » , our coafi, from Porto-Rrco. Sh« has aU ready takm ttfo American and fe:it ' tlvjm into the Matanzas, a pont within SL tew It-ages of this, and will continue ta tmike depredstiqjls, unlefsi i' ;me r:l yur ar« i"ed Vftfrfs Ihould appear to check lief career." For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE CITY 01- WASHING?* N THE property h-lo;!' lujy to the Truf» tees-'of the Fund, pr<-vid d for thtf payment of certain cretfittff ol fcdward and Ja;ivs Greenleaf. Cn Mond.iy the i&tb Augijt :r.rt. OART ©f the property of fai 1 fund, in the Cits .1 1. of U'aShircgton, that now is rendered cleaf of very incumbrance, will be exposed at VuViie u&ion at Tanr-idifl Tavern, amonfrt which ard he following valuable l:tuatiow, vii- IT Lots id quare No. 973. 2 lots in fcyu re 974. *5 quafc N«. 995, 2 lot* in square fofit-fi of 019, 19 lots in square 1010, i lot in fquar* iostj lot in square ioai, '7 lots in square 102;. 4 lot* 11 square lota in X CAS> Z*° 6 \ n quare 1C46 9 lot> in square »* lots in quare 1048 with sundry others, advantag oufl/'. ;tuated it: various parts of che »il!o the ® lory frame house row occupied' y Mr. DcbloUf jeaatilully situated (with an extensive view CJf fev« :ral mi'iea down the IVtomac) on the lotftn cast : rner of square 973 .fronting '42 fert on 11 street past, lod4i fe& on south G street,! a4.ohini«>diouf ICitchcn with an oven, &c. adjoining the south [rout. A large frame flablc, carriage h'*ife and I \ay loU'so feet by 25. and a pump of -x l< 13% Water near rhe back door 0! the kitchen, the lot extending 9 1 feet on ij ftrcet, and feet' inch in G ftreer, comprizing lots $ 1,2,5, and of li, in the regiftcred division of the fqvare. I hp sales wi'l commeote at the said heufe-at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the xBth of fcugeif a- v \ ferefaid. The tewmone fr -urth C?lh, one fourth In 6 ni ader GEY, Agent. August 4. For Madeira, ABIGAIL, . ' To fail about 15th inflanf. For freight of a few hundred barrels or pas* faffe, apply 10 Gideon Hill Wells, or " Moore Wharton. Atigufl 2 Insurance Company Of the State of Pennfylvaxia* TI'JE DIRECT' RS HAVE this day tieclarcd a Dividend of Thirty • for the lad 8» months, winch will he jald to the StOikholdcrsAi" their leg»l Represents* ivc» alter th» lothinrtant. V JAMES S. COX, PrefJant. august 1. (iiot. Charlfton N, York CurracOß • Si. Kit u —o - - THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE F@k SALE, , fl AT NO.-35 # DOCK-STREET, i'ooq Boxes best marbled Soap,"] 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, < Frm on boardth aoo Half chefls Lucca Oil, i Lcuisa, 7 Bales Paper, | from Ltghtr*, - , Brimfton», Parmesan Cheese, J • v 300 Pipes best Bordeaux Brandy, 100 Hogftcad* Claret superior quality, 700 Cales French Sweet Oil, • ■- 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anthovies and CoT» nichons, - 100 do. be ft aflorted Cordials, DRY GOODS aiTorted for the Weft-lndi* market, Claret in cases of a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A frm 11 invoice of Coffee, b & 4 Pound Cannon, monnted. Thomas Murg&troyd & Sons. May 10. tuth&s 1 NB. Tkel mie of a, Hosts KEOB.£> ' > BOY'for file— Enquire as above. ,[ July %*. 7 - v '| . - ' - P V< 1 4 " V j:. »**: v ■ K K> • '