Gazette of the United States. PIjn.ADu.LPUI A, Ps ON DAT tVKSISG, AUGUST 4. [lt is rare tli t a modern novel of the circulating library of Lane contains sense, or exhibits nature. In the '« Myft.c Cot tager of Cham luriy," amid a mass of ab surdities, »e are farprifed to find' the foj lowing'ipoeticalfgej*. It is worthy to be p-e'vrved ; and the readers of the Gazette will allow, that we jiayt picked up a dia mond from a compott heap]. THfc *VI.ETh t*. Wijen o'er the monn a myltic.veil, O inures her p.did sylvan light, When h wling winds burst o'er the dMe, And no bri ht eve flir le'.ds its light ; Then oVr the clifTs's impending, brow Our lowly muleteer nilill go. His twinkling lamp he cautii us bears, To »uide him from thf ( clia finis deep ; And oft t«ie rushing catar hears, V*' hrn every ryt is feal'd in deep, Full dr-ar the hour, through hail or (new AUs tli.i i),uletrer must go. Joyous he views the rifihjr dw n Break from the thick rob'd ftiadea of nigh' With fluid gold the'blulhing morn Sheds the foft, ambient b im of light ; O'er crag:'y stress, afn-ndmg flow Ojr-blithfome muleteer mull go. The early songstress sweet rectinei Upon her niates foft 'ylumap'dhreaft, And warhlins; midst the waving pines, She courts the travellt r to reft.; For, oft as her sweet numbers flow, The muleteer forgets to go. Yet though fe'vere the toil ]i(" hraves, At midnight, (helter'd in fonie cot, He heeds not how the\empeft raves, And all, his fcardfliips are forgot ; When mountain . rapes, and mountain cheer, F.efrefli the weary muleteer. Then, traveller, his care repay. And let him turn his rapped mule, B-ick to his hovel bend his way, From fervid heats to cafcadrs cool ; For thus ypur bounty through - the year, Supp - rts the humble muleteer. [The Connefticut wits are singularly fuccefs fill in their p*r d ; es of the metre <>f SreuNUuLD and Hnpgivs Sc Tate and Brady. The following from aN w- Hjivrti panT is easy and luimorntis. It in;>rrovri. apply to a vcigbbour-itiz Ft •t-n.'rrat-'r m TupoHed to tt uiie oT the drunkards of Ephriam. F' jm tbe Messenger: THE VANITY OF 1W INKING. " Ciaudit - j-'m, piir-r i, » iio:." TEACH nie thr nr-afure ».f the gin, , Th'JO. dealer of the drani) I w*irt'l survey the glnfs. within, And ir rn how 'lrunk I ain. A>• ikl is all that we ho'iff, A ilimi Ar two in time ? f." - is . drnnkeft 'i i,' ai n ft, In all his ll'iwerard prime, the vain race t fdru f ' ards reel, I /.k" Indians, o' r the. plain ; IVy rage, they fit.lit,' th-y and fleal, But ull their noief is vain Some walk the crack, to make a shew, Some rill upon the floor, Some pay the bill—they know net how, And flraight* they fee no more, Whit fh -uld I wifti or wait for then From brandy, gin or rum ? Tliev make our expectations vain, And plague the folks at home. Now I forbid my fooVifh hope, My love of grog ; I Rive my drunken frolics up, And make my home—my at.l ! Fnmf tbt WilmimgtM Mom tor. \ ADVERTISEMENT EXTRA. Something new under the Moon ! Strange ai d interellirg ! very ioterefting indefd ! Hear with attention all ye antiquated defponslirg' virgins, frequently though malicicufly and falfely denominated old maids all ye pgor, forlorn, wandering, weather beaten old batchelors, who have ne glePed the golden opportunity, and pafied yt ur grand cKmafteric. All ye little girl*, at>d big ditto filly women, maids, maidens and hiaidenettes—prudts, coquettes, and coqueUees, of all ages, fliipes and fizes— ell fops, foplings, (cpliugetts, and foplin- gees fippees, and tippee bebs —all simple tons, nireo.mpoops, ninny hammers, and Ideotte6, with but little sense, and incorri gible blockheads with no sense at 11—re pair without delay to Mother Mad Cap, at the figti of the half moon, in the neighbour hood of all fools, where, for a trifling pit tance* you wil be told all that (lie knows, and a great deal more, of past, present, or futiyt events. N B- Young ladies, who ar bankrupts in good sense, will find their advantcge in applying as above. The vacuum of their pericianiumswill be stored with fubjeft-mat ter sos convcrfation for a week at a time, provided their filly heads can ci main as much, at the molt reafonahle rates A great ' discount wj 1 be allowed those who are un der the neefffity of calling eveiy evering, and (till greater to those who come every hour. Stated hours of attendance, from 9 to It every evening. , | NK W CALENDAR.. A Correfpondeirt, in a merry mood, has amufc-d himftlf wiih giving ua a new set t:f names :o the months, a a Francoifs. — They run thus, ocgiuriing with Apiil: Sj. ring : - Siavlerj, Fioiverj, Bowery Summer : Mopjty, C'oppy, Pop-py. Autumn : Wheezy, Sneezy, l'retzy. Winter : Slippy, Drippy, U'lpy- The immaculacy of g >odC)neen Bess has long been the burthen of prole and rhyme in these days ; but who fh.tll equal her fa vorite llaieigh in description ? Iri one ot his letters he obfcrves, " he was wont to be hold her riding like Alexander, hunting like Diana, walking like Venus, the gentle wind blowing her fair hair about her pure cheeks, like a mmpb ; sometimes sitting in the lha'.'e like a Goddess, fonjetrmes singing like an Angel, and fomet-.mcs playing ise o:phtus. Such a model of perfcttion r 2 wager of five guineas,' to weave a warp of mufliu of too yards in length, and 6-4ths wide, 74 picks in an inch, in 1 week ; but completed it to the fatisfa&ion of the parties, as p-rfedt manuta&ure, in five days and otic hour. A whimsical circumstance took pi ce at one of our Theatres, iilring ( the reprelent tion of Piz-trrOj which contiderably letard eJ the performance. Art hiiiirtt lar in the b.xes, who lcertitd by his dress to be a Lieutenant in the service, conceived such an antipathy to the chara£ter of Pizarro, that when the latter was exporting his design ot revenue to Alonzo, the gallant foil ot Nep tune could not retrain his feel ngs, byt called, " Oh ! you damn'd rascal," repeat edly, with great violence. The furrounders attempted to keep him quiet, with the usual threat of turn bitn out. The far, how ever, defpT-d their menaces, continuing to abuTe the Spanish commander, and suffer ing his opponents -with " he is a damn'd rascal—l wilh I had him here," Sec. See. till poor Pizarro quitted the stage. When ever Pizarro appeared the honed Tar grum bled forth his indignation, till his feelings were fully gratified in the fall of the tyrant. EPITAPH, Intended for John and Mary Hsg, ( man and wl£e.) [Written at the requi-ft of Her Old John and Mary Hogg here lie, By butcher Death o'ertaken ; Have mercy on the swinish p: ir, O Lord ! and save their iucon. *" \ PARISIAN MANNERS. From a French Paper. Obfcine books, the titles and prints of which are alike cffei fiyt to modelly and go»d taste, arc-the only fort tjpoled' for fiile. Thtfe monst'' ti'L-s are exhibited eveiy where, along the bridges, at the doors of the Theatres, oil the Boulevards—The po-fon is not dear, ten sous the volume- Theft; p-odudlions of libertinifin rife one above another "in licentiousness, and have attacked public decency without restraint »r tar. Tfie' venders wf tin fe pamphlet* may b's e.i'.led the privileged Merchants of cor ruption, Every title, that is not infamous, feuns tb be excluded from-their catalogue. There youth, without in pediment or scru ple, tn..y ltarn :he elements of every vice.— This horiible manufacture of licentious books is carried on b» a species of literary pirates, who will destroy learuin;* and men of letters. * Its basis is that unlimited libei ty of the - press «hich the mod infamous, wicked,' or at all events, the blinde'l men are constant ly Crying out for. The infiitution of di vorce, that sacrament of -uultery, is one • support of this disorder. It powerfully en. courages the jin penfity to libertinism, main tained by luxuTy, by the cuflom of cofi ftantly vifitiyg fpe&acles, balls, and the frivolous modes of diflipttion in which Paris abounds above any city on e*rth. The theatres nattiralifes idle ness, deflroys tW arts and artisans, paraly ses tiie arm, and effeminates the mind. Holid ys muil cease to exist, when the peo ple are every day solicited to throw • away half of the produce of their labqur in sup porting, or rather jult enabling a phalanx i f buffoons to live. " TiX Piirifians think only of trifling, and laughing at the eyils that await luxury. -There it not a corner of a gate, or a wall, that is not covered threefold with bills, an nouncing remedies for dife«(es which attend the criminal indulgence of the paffinns. A thousand advertifc-ments, of pretended cu: s?, are put into the hands of old men, women, and girls, as they walk the ftrcets ; none :.«r ash itner 1 io-giv* or receive the paper.— Each diftrift has its house of health. Here areihe nervous eakes, chocolate plumbs, pastils, &c Neil to these r; nk ymir Char iatans, who aft the farce on hoiftback. or in theii cabriolets, fom which the Pierrot distributes his infallible medicines to ine found of cymbals, clarionets, aud French hor s. Such are the people of Frapce, whom eight years have entirely changed ; who drink, laugh, ft g, dance, a; d mur mur under a peaccMt and vigil nl govern ment ; accuse it in the morning of royalifm ; at night, of terr rifm ; calumniate it, me nace it every infant, at lead in words, after having endured in silence, nay often with | an appearance of approbation, the reign ol | Robcfpierre." POLITICAL From the (Boston) Columfan Centinel, THE JEFPERSOtIAD, ko. VI. IC Virtue is aluays cox istent, but dishonest Ambition aciommjatcs its principles to its Interest" MR. RUSSELL, ' W H ::N Mr. 'jr(T-fon, Sifted as In own executioner, by his book b did not polkfs a ot prnphe cy ;--.and, although he uideitsok to pre dift, that " imtped au-ly ;fter the war w< ih' aid go down liill, anA that our ruler would become corrupt," yet L catmot- be lirve thai he- was so much ot' a prophet a to forefee, at lb at time, thut he {liquid out obliged by a violent ambition, not fimpl; to retradt but to oppose bis former opinions Had he |.off llc.t tint I'pirit of divin ition this unfortunate work w >uld have beei luppreffeJ. tbe world would have loft tbl (j,tnm-n of American talent;, and his po lineal :-pp'ui-nts would have been d.piive. of im;ci- " matter of dct isio.i and cenlure at a Julure Aiy." In Irleftiug some ftrontrand decided pa{ fges if Mr. Jefferfoti's Notes on Virgi iiia, I prop .11- to efT.-ft three diflinft and perl" ftly cunlilleirt objefts : ift. To vindicate tl« condtrft °f the Ft du'al government in their nioft c.bnoxiou: u eafures, bv tb» uiibufled opinion of th : n y.ic bin philafonhcr, exprelTed at a mo il ent when he w,,s " less corrupt" according 10 lus own declaration, and had less interefl to difguil'e or conceal. si. To put down the Jacobin fattion, by 111 appeal to their patron and bead, thereby pro\ iiijf th,it their clamours ii ( *»in(l tiie rnvclimnnt, hive been directed at the \v 11 It iniifurrs, and i'uch us Mr. J fljrfon, " when he wrote tbe declaration of Independence" highly approved. 3dly. To humble, and d.fgrace the great Ilatefman, by (aswing 1 not only that he sup ports and leads a party, who direftly oppore tbe principles which he has avowecMn print; not only that he is a man of wavering and uncertain politics, but that, against tbe light and conviftion of his own* underft.mding, he iiow toil, rs an-.l encourages feutiineuts oppoled to bis own, and hoftde to the true inteiefls, and real dignity ot the people of the United States. No one fn 1 j. ft has excited Jacobinic fury more than the fyllem of public taxation and expenditure It has given ds ft m-.lancbol ly to " many a pretty speech" in Congress. It has afforded '•marry a d leful ditty" to tbe pages -,f the Auora and the Cb> onicle ; and it has furnilhed to leaden-headed demo crats, ample fubjefts of clamour and iom plaint. The ivbisky tax has excited one re bellion, which cost the United States, more than -the wbolt} produce of that article in Pennsylvania. si ic it was firfl established ; and the land tax, if you include the rebellion, the fuppreflion of liberty poles, the convic tion of Brpwn, and the double trial convic tion and pardon of tbe innocent fries, Gett man, andoth rs, has been nearly absorbed by the very means of enforcing its colleftion. Now hear Mr. Jrfterlo , the prefen.t head t' these opponents: In Xoles, he lays, "We could raile, [that is Vi-giiia alone] and we ougbt to'raife from • r,e million to a million and an half of dol ars annually,'* and this in specie. Again n page 293, ''The value of our la: ds and lives doubles in about tventv y-ars." ' The amount of what may be raised will of ourli r'se in t!i-- lame proportion.'' Tin? 300k was written twenty years ago, and of j'lurfc Virginia in the opinion of Mr. J.-f ---'erfon, could n '.v by direct tax, three in l ions of dollars annually ; and til" Ui i J States in the fame ratio, could raise without lifir. Is twenty millions in dollars.—Now whatever may be cur opinion f the c-.rreft uefs of Mr. JeiFerfbn's calculation, what be anies of tbe Jaco' in complaint*? The wh le United States, call for only 'to millions, and so Mr. Jefftrfon's party ,'ird on their swords to refill its colltftion, and millions of dr^llpens are wielded to cre ate opp liticn to it. In wnat manntr did Mr. J,-fferfon propose to (Spend this public mo- ey wlitn raised ? " In fuppotting the federal atmy, paying the fed'r.l debt—in buildii g a navy, openin groads. clearing ri vers forming fafe ports, and other nfrful works.'' page 289' In what manner have Congress expended the public money, for which they have 1 een so bitterly and fevere |y confuted by Mr, JefFerf -11 and his adhe r nts ? In supporting 0 f nail federal army not fufficie l t to garrilon our frontier pods In repelling Indian and French aggressions and hoftilitiefl ; in paying the int«reft of the national and the Fr- debt ; in fuppref (i: g two infurreftions r idable to our •n mies, thin the gafconadc of our vapour ng faftion. Liflen to the sentiments of a Solomon of of Jacobinifoi, and cenfu-e them ye demo crats if ye dare ! -■ The Sen is the fieM oa which we fhouid meet an European enemy —on lhat element we (hould polTefs e: some power. Page 291.. A gun, "" A small ff naval force then' is fufficient for ua, and •' asm 11 one is nectflary- Here our Jacobins, ' unacquainted with their patron, 'might be n disposed to triumph, and to adduce this » paflage as a proof oY the oqconomy and mo- " delation of Mr JefTerfoft's policy: But let e us hear the patriot himfelf : " suppose the r mil ion of dollars wh'ch Virginia could an- " nual'y fpareto be applied to creating a navy ; ( one year's contribution might equip, man f. and fetid to sea, a force which (hould carry ( 300 guns. In like manner one years con-' h tribution of the United States would set up c a navy of iScOguns," page 292. Ag in, ' " 1800' guns, fays he would form a fleet j 1 of 30 (hips, 18 of which might be of the ( line, and twr!,ve frigates." " TheiT annual j expence w.uld be about 2,304.000 dollars " Here then we diTcovet* what Mr. Jrff.rfon would call afrnal naval force. What hare his party, and Mr Ji-fferfon himfclf censu red as a> useless wade o£th» public money ? Congress have b>l i l(n 15 frigates, and about . twenty froaller ve(T Is calcul ted to dejlroy the plundering corsairs of our late alius and Mr. J. fferlon's (launch friends, the French—They have been as fuccefsful as could have been expe£fed :—Our pvoperty has been transplanted with vadly great secu rity, and our e'd friends, convinced of our 1 spirit, have bten induced to court a tie Hi friendfhip with us. Satisfied that they could not bully or plunder us into submis sion they sre determined to try their happy knack of coaxing and tubtcd tag. —At that ("port, lam afraid they will prove an over i match for the descendants ef John Ett'l. But what has so changed Mr. Jeffcrfon's j fent'unfnts on the fubjetl of a N.tvy lince ' the year 1781 ? If the United Statu then confiding of three millions of inhabitants and with half their present wealth, could support 18 (hips of the line and 12 frigates, why can thi-y not nit now maintain 15 frigates and 2 (loops of war ? Is it because | this navy was advocated by his political op ponents ? John Adams Tecommended the measure ? Or isit, that our commerce pa (Ted the ocean unintei-rupted ? Were there no pirates, no plundering picaroons to moled and invade " the free charter of trade" ? Could Mr. JefFerfon (loop to consult bis po pularity on a subject so intereding to his country ? Did he know the weak fide of his fellow-citizens, that they value their money mote and their Jionor less, than their true interel'l requires, and does he mean to flatter this weakness ? Is he like the Syllas, the Cxfars, the Cromwells, the Bonapartes of other countries, and does he intend like them to mount the people upon their hobby-> horse, come upon their blind fide, and ride them to their own deftruftion ? Or ladly, Is it that this naval force was fitted out to repel the aggreflvens of his dear friends tie French ? That glorious people, for whom he formed so ardent an affection during four years residence that people whose infideli ty is so congenial with his own ; re«r people,evei busied incontriving the hap pinel'j of their old friends, the Americans : That vise people who alone underdood the true principles t>f liberty That >n aen ani mous'nation, who render di inerestedfcrv\ccs, and never demand even gratitude in return— who liberate nations from (lavery, without putting them to. the mortification offoliciting their adifiance, and who demand no other requital, than the monument# of the fine arts, the delicious charms of their females, and their circulating medium :—That sym pathetic peo le who alive to Mr, Jefterfon's meri s, did fucli ample jufticc to tnem,. in the fa-lie addref9 to Munroe, in which they execrate and d.-nounce the American Gov ernment—and that honed and trujly race of men, to whom Mr J fferfon confided his hatred of Wafhi- «ton, his enmity to the constitution, and his determination to over throw it—£See the letter to Mazzei, a • Frenchman, who like Stephen T. M.son, publirtvd it againli Mr JvfFerfo'n's wfhes ] To all these causes my fellow citizens, but efptcially to the last, may we attribute Mr. JcfF rfon'soppofition to the present navy and his barefaced def's LECTURE ON HEADS. Beii g a c< mic. iaiyric, whir ilea , humour ous, moral, iilu/ir-iivi-DilToitaii 1. a-d Dilpla; Of Heads, Htetrts, P-Ssi ns, Humours, Wbims, Oddities iff Characters. In three parts. 1 1~0 expatiate on the pr. priety of an Enter X tainment, nhcrfc th: follies of Life an xpofed in laughable <& (Irikirg colours, & tl.e « (j lal inferences itraun from filch dil'play, It is ;rf eltimarion j i ll' has it Ie- . L'f' e:' ernt. I! y the iu >fj . ilhr'l .nations among the modems. To ' Catch the living manners id they rfe," ha# ■ver been held rot enly allowable but merrito- . " ious ; and the opinion given by one of the nolt enlightened of the sons of men, of the iriginal compiler, of the Leifluie now offered 0 the public, " That hi* merit, genius, and a iricai obfervati nj, marled him as a Public Cetf>r; and that his judicious difp ay of Fol ly and Vice, ei title him not only to public en. :ouragtmen', but public thanks " As the high ly flattered attempts of the then living author" onuft be considered as the highest eul»gium to his manes ; so it is toped the fame wilb to v'eak- jt.d entertain in the y resent cafe, wiii be viewed at lead with candour. PART ill, I. Doflor. i. Coat of Arms. i 3 Misfortune. 4. Simple Block. 4 5. Dissertation on Liw, with a Cafe iR Point. 6- Pretty Fellow. 7. Nobody's Hsad. 8. Differtaticii -ffefs the beauties of Venus. 9. French Night Cap. 10. Old Maid. 11. Old Batchelor. 11. Brow ze Head, 13. Flattery. J . ' B 14. Honefly. 3d. I. A London Buck, a- Lady cf Ton. 3. American Sailor. 4- Connoisseur 5. Turtle-eating Alderman. 6. Swiudler. 7. Funeral of ditto. 8. Monument of ditto. 9. The Treatment of a Soldier ill the year 45 —Story of the Year 45. 10. Ycrick by Shakespeare, and Tristram Shandy, if. Methodist Preacher. ii. Conclusion. Between the different heads, Mr. Hodgkin fon will f me of Dibdin's New and molt Fopt,lar SONGS, never yet heard in America, with Recitation, &c to be arranged in the fol lowing order. PART It. After the diflertation on law with a cafe in point, theSaagof TRUE GLORY, With various opinions, and an illuftrafioit of what True ii. After the illustration of BULLUM versus BOAT TJM j —Part ill, will finilh with the Song of'the Country Club ;' OR THE SJF IZZICAL SOCISTr. Put ad. After the Laughing Philosopher, Mr; Hodgkinfon will sing a much eeltbrated LAUGHING SONG. End of the Head of the Old Batchelor, the new popular Song of NEGRO PHILOSOPHY, OR Cudjo and £>^iasbte. Part the Second wiii finflh with an ODE 10 LIBERTY. PART 3 1: After the Head ol an American Sailor, Mr Hodnk tif m wilt fit,g tha SAILOR'S JOURNAL'. After the Turtle rating A'dtrman, the much aduniird Song ot ; MOUNSEER NONG TONG PAW, OR 1 1 y°i , n Bull's Trip to France. End of tke Mcnurkent of the Swiudler, a New Song, called. ; THE PROFESSIONAL GRINDERS. Lawyers—Do&ors—Gamefters—Taylors Ba li.'S—Miici K.:rb*rs-- • hurcb-wardens - ' Cobler>—Old Nick—Columbia's Grinders the finilh, The Evening's Entertainment to finifh with A Monody,, SACRED TO THE MEMORT OF General "Washington, And concluding Song &-ChoriiS. Messrs. Barrett iff Hodgktnson, b«g leave to allure the public that eve-y ear« has been taken ole eel an er.terainment worthy t' eir patror.age at d t make the Theatre com . modious ani cool as poffibic. Piacts for the Boxes, to be bad at Mr. . North's, Ti 'kcts to be had at Thomas & William Bradford's Buok-Stor?, No. 8, south Ft out llreet- ** # Box 1 Dollar—Pit 75 cents —Gallery 50 < en s. Doors to be ' pen at « o'clock, and the per forms ce tulxgin pretiftly at 8. 2. For Halifax, Nova-Scotia, <"""{*» The Schooner ■ Success, Gtorge Cook, Matter ; o# lying at t'vt fir ft wharf above Market fWet—S: e hss rxcdlent acgcmmodations for pafTcii^crs. For si eight or pafTige apply to the Captain oil board, sr to WILLIAM tt r R ir, No, 5, Market-flreet. ' July 30 «[ 4 t