Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 04, 1800, Image 1

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    tiUMIPR 1450.1
3 per Cent. Stock,
6 do. (netam®unt)
Navy do.
3 do.
Bank United States,
_ Pennsylvania,
Insurance Company of North America, {hares 8 to 10 per cent, below par,
Pennfylvania, lhares 25 per cent, advance.
B The following Duties are such as arise on Importations in American Vefiels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize,
Imported in Foreign Bottoms.
Wholeiale from to DUTIFS ,
ALLUM C 9 Free
Almonds lb 22 Isprctadv ■
Anchors ' I iz-iditto.
Allies pot
Bacon ib ;- •
Be*f, mess B ' 2
prime '® 12
cargo 6 9
Bread, (hip C 4
pilot 89
Braziletto T 7° '
Bricks M 650
Stock 24.
Brimstone, roll C 4 45°
Butterinkrgs lb '4 >5 .
CANDLES aipt| 16 17
moulH 20
Spermaceti 50
Cards, wool
Cassia 80 Ijprctadv
Cheese, English 33 7 cents. *
American 12
Chocolate, Botlon 26 '
Philad. 17
Cinnamon t scarce
Cloves 1 30 Isprct»d. t
Clover feed, red Id so do
white 10
Timothy bu 4
Herd graft I 5°
Cocoa C 24 26 2 ctsprlb
Coffee Ib »5 26 5 cents
Coal, foreign bu 5 cents bushel
Virginia 30
Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 £- cen;spr ib
Surrinam 5° j
Geurgia fra ifl. 45
upland 29 3°
Cordage, American C '4
Ruflia, tarred 11 50 180 cents prC.
Copper in Iheets, Ib 40 5° }
Bottoms 40 V Free
Pat. Iheath. J
Copperas C 35° 4 do
Corks (f* 33 43
Currants, Zant
Duck, Ravm s? n n2j -J ,
Ruilia fail 14 17*0
Holland scarce j ad Val '
Feathers ib 4s s°
Filh, cod dry qu 250
do. pickled
Salmon do. B 9 95°
do. fmoaked
Shad B 7
Mackarel 5 7
Herrings' 3 3 5°
Flax » lb 13 scarce
Flaxfeed H Bjo
Flour, fuperfine B lo $o
common 9 9 5®
Burr middlings 6 7 50
Jtye meal 450 5
Indian meal 4 A S°
Ship ftuff C 213 233 ~
Furs, Otter Ik 333 160 "j A
Beaver 1 2
Seal >Ere^
Mink Ik 33 J
Mulkrat, 33 J /
♦ Noil. Salt weighing more than 56 lb.Wr bushel, pays 10cents lbs. per bushel or less, 20 cents per bufhrl, in American ve(M« ;if in foreign veffds 21 cents.-" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond a
ttreair from Europe, bohea tea pays 14, souchong it, imperial and hyson 40 centsjer lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17,
fnnrhrmcr in imneriai and hvfon co cts per lb. in American bottoms. IndForeign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5,27, 50 cents per lb. From any other place, 18,7-10, 297-10, 55 cents per .
All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having more than one year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fubjed to a dedu&ion ot one per centexcept ipirits, whic lis one a cen pr g
|C7» Of those articles that hare no price affixed to them, their isHer none at market, or such price cannot be ascertained as to depend upon it.
Baltimore and New York Mail
Stage Office
18 removed from No. 13 South Fourth Greet, to
No. 18 South Third firaet.
An Office for those stages is also kept at Bir.
Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet.
General Post Office, April 18.
OF abilities, integrit • and experience in
mercantile bulinefs, would willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
fice, or be-concerned with any person m palt
rier, as he has an intereiiof about one thousand
pounds in rea) eftjte in the city. Pl*tfe to ap
j,|y to the printer ; or a line left at the office
for H Y. wiil be attended to immediately.
May 10 d3t m&th tf
Gazette -°f ibe United States, Daily Advertiser.
srice of &tatkß.
fvr cash,
Either separately or together,
The Two Houses,
LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa
muel Francis, Na. 13, south Fourth flreet. For
terms apply to
No. 41, Arch ftrcet.
3taw aw
July 10
"for SALE,
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette of
the United States.
By C. P. Wayne, \ T o. South Front-flreet.
v ■
W nulcUlc | From 10
_J n 1
Martin Ik jo
Grey Fox 47
Red Fox 1
Racoon 33 53
Filher 50 1
I Bear 150 3 '
Wild Cat 40 50
southern 2;
j Deer in hair, fall lb 16 17
j Ditto red 25 J
Fuflic' T
GINGER, Race C none a market, ijprctadv
do. Jam. grd. IU- io 12 do
Glafi,Wind.B by 10bx 11 11 50 15 pet ad v
7 by 9 do
Glue Ib 15
Grain, Wheat bu 2
Rye 67 73
Indian corn 83
Oats 43 46
Grain, Barley bu 67 1
best (helled lb 6
Gunpowder Eng. kg Jo ia
do Amer. 8
Hams, Pork ib 10 n
Hair-powder i S pctadv
Hemp, Ruflia T 200 cts p C
Hides, La Guira lb io
St. Domingo 10 > F«" e
Green • 3-} 3
Hoops,Hhds. lhavtd M
Hogs-lard Ib 13
Honey, country ga
Havannah <dj 80 86
Barrel poles
St. Domingo I I 25 ")
Isle of France 1 25
Ntfw-Orleans 1 7 1 12 J
Carolina 60 1 II
Iron Callings T 74 67 80
Pig 34 38
Country Bar ioj 33 ic6 67
Raffia Bar 89 97 l ~« pct |
D Sweden 110 no r ad val
Sheet 226 67 240 J
Hoops „ 133 33 138 67
Nail-rods 121 33 122 67
T" EAD, Bar F 150 t I cent plb
| 1 J Sheet J
j Lead white, gr. in oil C 1450 15 tj pct a v
fl Leather, foal W> 18 20 0
| Lemons, Lilbun bx .
Malaga, 10
Cadiz 5 ,
yLime stone H 5 25 0
I Lignumvitse T 65 J*
II Logwood 50
Boards, Cedar M 25
White Pine 19 33
Ditto Paiinel 27 28
Inch&qr. do. 53 33
Heart Pine 2S
Sap 14
Oak Scantling 18
Hemlock io 12
Bed Cedar Ft 50
toy . percent.
85 a 86 ■
8+ a 83
For Sale, Freight or
S©ifl!rV2i Kkowlrs Adams, Master,
A good ftaach reffel,
B >rti.en one hundred and thirty eight tens; will
be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. Apply
to the mailer oa board, at whaif, or
Chcfnut Street Wharf, North-
N. B. Consignees of G -od» on toard said shir
from Madeira, ar« requeued (o obiain their psr
mits an early as pofiible, and forwird the fame to
the officer attending.
7 men. »8 4*
Bills on London, 30 days,
do. do. 60 days,
do. do. . 90 days,
- Bills tjtt Hamburg, at 60 days,
do. in Ainderdam, 60 days
Eati India Company of North America, 7 per cent, advance,
Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres.
VV' nolrfalc From I'o
"rt T\ p f\ f1 duties#
CUUHEDT PRICE. 5 D. C. ii. (>. i
Shingles, 3 ft. dreft M 28
2 feet R 8
18 inches 5
Limej bll
L?r J , hogs Ib 12
M\CE 750 8 15 P r « adv
Madder 28 3° f
1 Mahogany, Bay F >• Free.
St. Domingo 40 J
Molafles, W. India G 50 60 j cts per gal S
Sugar house 78
VTuft. Fl. in Bottles dz 120 '5 P ct v
XT AILS ' 3d lb
-IM 4 d E o
6d j.6 1 ? •- JJ
8 1 15 S
iod is « c t:
i2d , 3 j t J
aod 12 -
Cut do. -3d 13 3
4d 13 14 Si
6i 12
8d 11
iod 10-i
12d 10
aod to
Nankeen., long p i2 T pctad\
short 96 lc °
[Nutmegs lb 7 7 5° »sP cta(lv T
OILFIor. 308 a. 12 I Ditto
12 bottles 8 J
Oil, com. Whale G 40
Spermacetti. 60 70
Tanners B 16
Lintfeed G 86 9°
Onions, bu
lioo ropes 6 7
T)EAS 40 40 T
IT Pepper black lb 30 33
Pimento, Jam. 12 l 3 tts P"
Pitch B 4 cents
PlaHler, Paris T 8 >jo F
Pork Burlington, B 13 '3 S°
Carolina II 11 50
Porter, Lond. draftdz 3ctspgScio
bot. 250 3 "" bot - id v T
Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do
Pearl, Penn. patent 8 9 . f
TJ AlSlNS.beflkg 9 10 15 pet ad v
Jt\. Bloom & mulkbx 45° 5
Redwood, ground lb 20 30 1
Rice, G S S 2 S
Rosin, B as° 3 _
SALT, Allum bu 67 " 1
Cadiz none at market. I g ee note * \
Lisbon 67 (
Liverpool fine 5 2 SS . IP
lalt petre refined k 26 28 Free.
Sail cloth Eh. No. 1 «a*pctadv V
Segart, Spanilh VI g Io
America *2
Shreting, Ruflia P 16 S o 17 5°
Shot C 7 JO 8 « «nt per lb
Snuff, in Bladdars 33
Bottles dt 6
•, Rappee 6 94
Soap, Caflile Ib ao 22 2 cents per lb C
Brown 9 10 gk
White 13 11 1
Spirits, G 120 1 S a,,on
Brandy, French 1 1 25 ) I " P a s c
THB owners of unimproved lafid6 in Wayne
county, are fc«reby notified, that Taxes arc
become payable thereon for the years I **99 and
1803. Those who have not already paid 'hair
taxes, '.re hereby required to discharge the fame
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer of said
County at Milford, within thre* month« from
thi» date .otherwise proceedings to sale, according
to the a& of Assembly in such cafe provided, will
be had by the Comnjiffioners for the said county.
/Isa Stenton, 1
John Carson, J- Commissioners
Jebannes Van Etten, J
E. K:llogg, CUC.
July 9,1800 d jot
' -.3 c :^..
Course of Cjcciiange,
(for cash)
■August 4, 1800.
Wholesale Prom To
Spanill 70 1 2d p25
Rum, Jamair. I 15 3 H p2 B
Antigu: none market i J. 4 th p-,3
St Croi> do. 3 | s th P3B
Windwarr I 17c J 6th p 4 6
New-Englanr 70
Gin, Hollam 110 120 2 8 to so c g
Apple Brand; 7° 75 *
Rye 53 5 to
Slaves, wt.Oak pip- iVi 69 33
Hhu. 40
Heading 40
Red Oak 30
Leogan 26 67
Barrel 26
Steel, German 't> 16 ")
Englilh blistered f> 14 13 L 100 cfnts
Crowley's 1 17 5° 18 J P er C.
American 140 44
Starch b Io 11 Is prct ad
Sugar, Havan. white C I 3 cts per sb
Browi U-J-- i 2 2t do
India, iftquality >. 13 14 2 do
Muscovado C 12 14 2 do
Lump ib 26 ' 6t do
L.iml\ fiugfc r.f. 28 9 . . do
TAR, N. C. 3 !j= j(- g ■
Jersey I 25
Fallow, Ruflia Ib 14 112 •percent.
Americar 14 1 I
tea, Imperial IJO 166 1 '
Young Hyfoi if 2 J per lb t
Hyson 1 20 J
Hyson Skin 80 83 20 do
Souchong 80 9®
Bohea 38 40 12 do
Tin in plates bx 18 Fre^
Tobacco 0
Richmond olc S 2 S S 75
do ne* S 55°
Peter{burgh S 5' 2 5
Frederickfburg 4 4 5°
Mar) land
Georgia 5 5 25
Carolina 5
Twines Seine lb ? 400 cts
Sewing 46 S P-rcwt.
Turpentine B 250
fpirits\ ;'a 33 40
Varnifli 33 I s
Wine S° ■
Cydei 18 2o
Varnilh 23 25
Verdigreafe 80
Vermillion 2
WAX, Bees lb 28 30
Wines, Madeira P 160 200 - 1 ° to s° C S
Best Lond. partic. 240 40to 58 do
Sherry ? a 1 112 40 cents
Lisbon P 160 1; o 30 do
Teneriffe 9° 93
Malaga 8- 85 28 do ,
Fayal 68 70 18 io
Port none at market 3° do
Claret, sup. Bourd'x ,
calks 60 gals. 40 45 40 prct a y
Old fuperfine cargo 60
t7* perct.
»7* do
' 'alf .. *•
jS 037 eta per Mark Banco* ,
39 a 49 eti per Florin.,
About 25 acres of Land,
LAYING on the east fide of the Fall# Road.--
On the Efttt it is bounded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Franciv lVn.— on the south, by
road ~f two perches, »v.i o:;the rvortVi by a lane>
vVich separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo
sed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order
to iuit the purcha(;r»
Also, 31 acre», situated on the wtfl fide ®
Serirantown road, adji>ini<ig Maftcra's eftatej
'ting part of tjj* propsny of the Ute Samue'
Forternu apply to Samuei Mifflin, corner a*
Market and nth llrcets.
January »4>
r 1
«■<* f