Gazette of the United States* PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY KVKNIKG, AUC-fIST 2 I'HICES OF STOCKS. Ftm n, JOLT 29 0 per Csnt Stock for ca(h 10' Ja7 p. it. Six per Cent. , do. 84*85 Nav >' do- do. 84 aBS Three per Cent. do. 5.4 Deferred, - do. 82; U-iNK United States, do. 30 Pcnnfylvania, do. 4; ». 1 ■ North America, do. 46 Infuranj- comp. N.A. (hares g to ,0 per cent . below par. Pennfylvania, (hares, 25 per cent, ady, Bift-lodia Company of N.A. 7 per cent aJvance Lacd Warrants, 45 dolls, per 100 acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bill« on Un. at 30 days for cash 171 pcr ct. )50. do. 60 days do. 170 do Do. do. 90 days do 169 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 c ts . „ per Mark Banco Va. in Amsterdam, 60 da y8 33 „ 40<; t3. per Florin The Earl bf Leicefier, Jure Packet, has arrived at Halifax ; llie' brings accounts to June re-~< Extracts will be found in this day's paper, received by Mail. A If*iter from a young man on board the Connecticut, to his friend, fhtes the capture irom the, French ot the American schooner Hannah of Baltimore, the American antine Penelope of New-York, the French privateer brigantine of 12 guns callfd the It3he Conquefi, the American schooner Pri fcilla of Boston, the American (liip Tho Chalkly of Philadelphia, the prrvateer Le Pege, the American brig Mar tha and Mary of" B«itiii)oie, the French pri vatrer schooner La Unite, and that they had chaced on Ihore the American schooner Polly, of Middletown—a French Chip of 22 guns, which bilged and funk, and had dri ven under the guns of a fort a French pri vateer of I 2 guns. The Hon. John Kittera, Member of the United States Legidature, from Lancaster county, in this rtate, has in an AddreJ's to his conflituents, declined their fuflrages, at the approaching ele induced to Oppose certain measures, from a conviflion, in their minds, that the liberties of the country were in danger ; he proves the f.tll.ny of such opinions, and concludes by inviting the citizens to culti vate an attachment to the general govern ment, as necelT.iry to our. political happi neis, and as the bert security againfl opprcf lion. The profrjerity of each Rate is inti mately and inseparably connefled with the prosperity of the whole. In union, is fafe tv : In di'vifion, ruin. United, we bid de fiance to infuk : Divded, we f ill an easy prey to foreign invasion, or doniertic ambi tion. V. e are not vainly to expe£t t contra ry to the ufuiil course of human events, and the experience of other nations, always to avoid insult : we ought to be ready to repel it. To prel'erve peafce, we mult be prepared for war. George IVcJhin t n Fayette, is with Buon aparte, now in Italy T wo fliips of the size ofS© guns have late ly been built, one at Rotterdam and one at Amfterdatr. They are said to be the fitveil vefl's ever built in Holland Tiny were to have been launched on the 22d of last May. The Emperor of Russia has given ordets that a division of his gardes-du-corps, (hould ftrre *s a constant guard to the fuccefLr of Pius VI. and remain at his difpnfal. Ihe Emperor of Germany is much displeased at In digging a canal naar Vienna, a great quantity of Roman coin, together with a cumber of ancient vases and statues were found. Or.e of the principal '■ Salles de Spcfta cles" at Paris has been burnt to the ground. Another at Bourd-aux has met the like fate, and an attempt had also been made (9 set the Theatre du Paris on fire. * MARRIED, on Thursday evening", the 17th July, by the Rev. Mr.' I.inn, Mr. James Caldwell to Mtfs Susan Julian Ca tbarina Sporon, both of this city. ■ ■ • On Thursday evening last, Mr. benjamin lVest, merchant of this city, to Mils, A'ccAe/ Budd, daughter of Dr. Budd, of Mount Holly. ing, in Middle-Town, Mr. Richard Dil vjorth, merchant of this city, to Miss Sa r.ih Pen: ell, daughter of Joseph Pait.cll, of Ash-Town, Delaware. DJEI), on SunJiy Uft, Mr. John Drin»' Lr. 1u ihe many tril-utri of departed woi«!i, that wc have liad late!)- to pay, few, if «ny, hii\e merited nin« tkan tlic dc ccafrd. macli, Mr. Bernard S,. effler y printer, t-f this c.ty ; worthy, hotieft and toduftriou* man. « the Great Bead oi Suiqnelv.nna,-j Lcttcr from Halifax, July 17. Mr, J.mietpjrMar-rtsatif tbinvtriy otthiso-' * J I / xy, type-founder. He had tlown into the! On the 19th ,of May-the Channel Fleet inuzzts of a gun which he held in his hand "nder Lord St. Vincent put into Torbay in and thinking \{ nnhweied,, handed it to a J diflrfes ; fcveral of the p» dismasted, and y: ung d« firing her to t ke aim and ' °o< r way* n aterially injured. This gave 1 fife, after faint* persuasion (he did so, and a j '' !e r ombincd fleets an opportunity to leave • buck (hot (with, which, contrary to excetfa- • Brest, which 'tis said tiny embraced, and tier, i: was charge.') entered his brain, and ! had aflually failed. On the 27th of Play, he irftumly expired. I Lord St. \jncent , s with a* mdny of his BOSTON', Jul; 19. The June Packet. V- e liatl information yrflerday of the aV nval of the Bntifli June P.icket at Hali fax, with London papers to June ■«.. We have received a Halifax paper printed iinme elicit* ,y afier the arrival, winch, of couvfe, merely contains a ffiort fummaiy. It is as certained, however, that 011 the icth of Jtu.e, there -/as in London, no information (>f the capture or relief of Genoa. The Auflrian Gen. Melus, apprized of the ad vance ol Buonaparte, lud determined to pr» ceed to Turin 0:1 the 14th of May, there flrengthen hi It. fe If, a"d, if net attacked, to commence ofF~nftve operations agninft the French army of reserve in Piedmont.—-The intelligence from Germany is to t;,j latter part ot May, Ulm was run then taken. Ihe head-quarters 'ot the Aufkrian army were on the northern fide of the Danube. Mo re a a has discovered no difpelition to pe netrate further into Germany; b« seems to meditate a movement towards the Tyrol, to favor the operations ot the army of re serve, to which he 1; -s already detached a cor].- of 25,c00 men—lt is Lid the com bined floeti have got to ft,-, from Bred, and that Lord St. \ incents is in pursuit of them. —1 lie death ot Su\y rrow has been officially announced.—7 he firitifli Government have received advices w' ich establish the truth of the late report of the success of the French \ troops i,, Efi-ypt over a Turkilh armv.— 1 idinsrs relative to the Negociation between I the United States and I*ranee, continue cor tradidory. FOREIGN NEWS, /In letter from Ha ifcx of ibe 17 lb inst. Contains tbe following items of Foreign Intelligence, received by tbe June l , acket arrived there. Phom THt H*Liri* Journal. July 17. We have flopped the press to mention the arrival of the l.arl vf Leicester Packet, si •OIU l'.il mouth in 35 days# We havr papers by her to the icth wit Genoa flill held out. The French Army having cioffcd the Alps hud rcaclud the plains of Piedniunt 011 the l8(li of May—Gen. Melas had advanced with the main body of his Army to Tunis, and it was expe&ed that a General Engage ment would take place in a few days which would decide the fate of Italy. The Au strian Army uncier Gen. Kr y, had ret'ied* behina the Danube, after leaving a garrison in Ulm, and G;n. Morcau did not discover a disposition to advance further into Ger many, but was detaching a put of iiis Ar my to Italy. The of hoftillties in Egypt is confirmed by cfficial%dvice received by Government. A report prevailed that the French fleet was at sea. and this report was confirmed by an American vefTel which the l'.arl of Leicester fell in with, the matter of which reported that he had fallen in with a. Venetian, which caise through tfl'm If thii intelligence is true we have no doubt but our brave tars will soon give a good account of them. The Treatv between France and America, was progressing faft, and it was expe&ed would in a very short time be finally concluded. Thefo'lowing articles are hajiily extraSe<* f om the London Papers. LONDON, June 10. The Hamburg mail, which arrived in course yesterday, has net brought intelli gence of any peculiar interest. The ac counts from the Theatre of war in Germa ny ,are two days later than those received from Colonel Clinton, and publilhed in the Gazette of Saturday evrning. All our rtknarks with refpefl to the real design of Gen. Moreau are fully-confirmed. He does not intend to penetrate further into Germany, but h.i» stretched his line to j the Tyrol and the Voralbcrg, for the pur , p»fe of favouring the operations of the j French army of Reserve, to which he had alreaiiy difpafched, by the way of Mount St. Gothard, a corps of 25,000 men. General Mclas, as we had previously ob ; served, appears to have had early informa tion of the progrefe of General Berthier and Buonaparte. He was to proceed to Tu rin cn the i4thoflolt monh, in confide -1 rable foice, and having affe&ed a junftion with the Aultrian pavalry neat that place it was expected that he would immediately prosecute off* nfive operations againlt the en emy in Piedmont. MaflVna still makes a gallant defence in Genoa, and the hopes of the fpetdy reduc : tion of that important city becomes every day lefvfaDguiue, more particularly as the French have received large supplies of pro visions by sea. r l he death cf Suworrow has at length been officially announced to our Govern ment. It ha pup tied ontheißthof May at Pcterfourgh. The Ruffian Ambaflador at Vienna has been recalled. The affairs of the Imperial Court &re in future to be condufted by a Chargee de« Affairs, the fame as in this country. The Emperor Paul is said to be nrgociatiug a peace with the French Re r i public, through the medium cf the Court of Berlin. FRANKFORT, May 24. Ytderday several German Deputies palled through, wi:h paflports from Gen. Moreau, on their way to Paris, to enter in to negociations for peace. fliipi a? could be got ready, and several , others that had j lined hirrr, put to sea in I quell of the enemy. Should they meet, i the consequence is obvious. The Duke of Kent leaves this plare in a (hort time, being, as we have just learnt L>y die Packet, appointed Commander in Chits of the army in Ireland. Ihe captain of the Packet reports, that Genoa is actually relieved ; but wc do not find tli s report authenticated ; it is, how. ever, more thin prob bte. Royil'tfm is said in the iate papers to gain ground faft in Paris ; but whether in favour of Louis XVII Ith or King Buonaparte, is perhaps problematical. I find, as yet, nothing rcfpe&iog Ameri can affairs —amidst the immenfs perplexity, and importance of European politics, trans atlantic concerns appear unnoticed. T he United States Frigate Conftcllation has re-raptured, the American (hip Minerra, Hopkins", of Pepperelbrp, and an English Schr. both ot' which have been sent into St. Kitts—the Constellation was left in chafe ot a French Privateer brig of 16 guns— with two English br'gs [prizes] in co. which he was paining 011 very faft. 1 lie Rritifh captah) of the Jflno, who captured i*l, Vice Roy of Mcxici, permited hinvo go to HaVannah in anAmericni veffel -Ihe Hiram, Rogers of Hudson from Havarinah to Ch irldtw • ran on the' Sam braro Keys, Florida llnre ; she was got of but loft 100 boxes ot sugar. June 17, A vefTel under American colours left Algeliras, bound out straits. A Hint loth: U derwriter: at Lloyds The second day after the Eoglifh fl;et' left St. Vincent's, under convoy of the Scourge Hoop of war,the weather being very fine, two large (hips, the Nereus, of 600 tons Gill, of Liverpool, and the Fanfiy, of 7SO ton®, Capt. Brookbank, of London, deeply laden with sugar, cotton and rum, both went down, and only the crewfaved. Also a brig funk at her Tortola, belong ing to the fame fleet. Several American Captains offered their afliftaoce to the mate, (the Capt. not being on board) who refufed their offer, felling them be knew tubal be •wa.- about. The crew of the brig d d the mate for fcutthng her while they were at work forward, by which means they had loft all their clothes.—The mate refufed to give to the American C.iptaius, the name of the brig, or the commander ; nor would he allow them to save any thing from the veffcl. The Gazette de France relates the fol lowing anecdote under the head of " Rouen, May 27th. A servant, who had never fecn the hloody effcfH of the guillotine, yesterday followed the cart which wa* conducting an aflaffin to p . lifhment. His imagination was lo afledt rd with the terror with which that horrid inftrumeut of death had inspired ti/P, that he immediately went home and hung himfcif. At * numerous and refpe&able Meeting of the Friends to Government,,in the City of Philadelphia, far Id purfiiant to public notice or. Tuefdny the 29-J1 infti'at Dun wqody's tavern, for the purprfc of nomi nating candidates to fill thefrveralcleftive o)lfices which will become vacant at the ensuing eleftion. Henry Pratt, Esq. was chosen Chairman and Charles IV, Hare, Secretary. The report of the committee appointed on Saturday the 26th inft. was received After which it was unanirriouAy Resolved, that this meeting will fnpport with the 1:10 ft active exertion Col. Francis Gurney, As Member of the House of Representa tives of the United States. And the following Gentlemen as Mem bers of the State Legislature : Legi/lature. William Hall, George Fox. Samuel W. Filter, Godfrey Haga, John Blakely, H. K. Helmuth, Resolved, That the committee heretofore appointed, be inftru&ed to confer vvith their fellow-citizens of the County of Delaware and County of Philadelphia, as to the no mination of Senator. HENRY PRATT, Chairman. Ctcries W. Hare, Sec'ry. Fle&ion. (£)■ A MEETING will be be held by the Fcderalifts of Chester county, on the 30th day of Aliguft next, at the Court- House in Weftchefler, for the purpole of nominating a suitable to represent the Counties of Chester Bjynton St. Thomas Ruby, Mufon, Nantucket bloop Franklin, Sampson Georgetown Lapt. Ennis, ot tne fthr. Eutaw, failed ° ni P ort Republican the 16th July, in company with the following vefleis under convoy of the United States brig Rich mond-7- irig" Little Susan, 1 aylor, of and for Clinrlcfton Baltimore Do Chai lefton Do Sell. BiKkJlcit', D.tnirh Juno, Peaton, Sloop Lively, Giad < 1 Ballon t>apt. E. spoke iil lat. 27, N. long. 72 44, \\ . the ship 1 horn, Richards, 22 days out of and from Bcfbri, bound to the Ha vanna. At Part Republican, on Ac ' 16th 'ult. we re the BrigrMorning Star, Kelly, of Philadelphia qi '" r "d • ' Baltimore Sloop Providence, Lewis New York, and Iwo (loop belonging to Bolton. A brig was spoke July ,4, f lo m Phila delphia to Halifax. Schr. Orange. Dove, from Havanna, has ar-ived at New-Castle ; failed 17th ult. Sldop Cicera, Remington, of ai d for Philadelphia, from Havanna, was spoken, 4 days out. AKRITrD. Ship Pcquote, Brient, Turks Tfland ,i Brig Hannah, Mantaazas Morning Star, , Curracoa Dthby, Starr, 8 , * I'air American, New-Orleans Sloop Nanlis, , Virginia CLEARED, Erig Commerce, Delano, Hull Schr.* wmrwoi tir.lsriTefon, Hairrax Sloop Shepberdtfs. Munfon, N, Providence Ship Ailrta, 8001, rcleafed ; vessel and csigo at Kingston, Jamaica. Yeflrrday arrived brig Hannah, Huddy, Matanzics, in 20 days. Left there, /hip Potomack, Greenjeaf, of Alexandria ; brig Elizabeth, Huff of New- York ; fchr. Union, Macdona'.d. of do. to fail in ten days, aud a privateer with 3 pri zes. July 7, lat. 31, 00 lofig. 78. 00, spoke brig Mary , from Jamaica for Norfolk, out 23 days. The flopp Fair American, Captain Jay. from this port, arrived at Jamaica iu 2? days. BALTIMORE, July 31. Arrived brig Seaflower, Pierce, 60 dtys M ;deira, brig ParagoD, Allenby, of Balti more, f.iiled with her from the Cape de Verds lllands. Lett at Madeira, Ihip , of New-York, captain Nolcs Adams, to fail iu 10 days. July 4, in lat. 35, long. Co, spoke bripr Fanny, Wnodhoufe, of WincHWi Lin'jp""! to Alexai-^rra. — Brig Hunter, Edwards, 13 diys da < s Havatin*—Spoke sloop Cicero, Warfing-- ton, of and tor Philadelphia, 4 days from the Havanna, all well. Schr. Nymph, Missy, r 3 days Hnvanna The fclir Orange and Holker, of SnJ for Philadelphia, came out with her ; saw no thing on her paflage but an Englifli floopof war, who treated her politely. ' Sloop Resolution, Fulford, 11 days New- Providence. The ships Commerce, from Batavia, and General Greene, from Bremen, are in the river. NORFOLK July 24. Arrived Britilh (hip Mary, Kelfo, Liver pool—lad from Cork, 55 d ys ; came out under convoy of a British Weft-India fleet, aod parted on the 22d June, in lat. 27, long. 2 5• brig Henderfon, for Rappahannock river, and {hip Ntptyns, Leak, for Norfolk, failed with the fame fleet. Currier, Steed, 23 days Antigua ; erig Taplter, Anderfon, from this port, arrived at Cork. As is the (hip Fabius, capt. Black. The brig Maria, LivingftoH, from this port, arrived at London. BOSTON, July 27. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. : No Ar Arrived, brig Neptune, Clapham, thirty five days Demarara ; brig Har.nah, Can non, St. Vincents, thirty-one days: schoo ner Dolphin, Mudge, Trinidad, thirty se ven days ; schooner William, Tevery, Port St. Pedro, sixty-two days ; Industry, Top lift, St. Vincents, thirty-one days ; schoo ner Sifters, Oris. do. thirty-one days ; (loop Juno, Staple?, Port au Prince twenty five days. Same day, the new (hip Warrington, Captain Delano, from Portland. Same day. Schooner.Rebecca, Sampfsn, Amsterdam fifty-four d.-ys from the Texel. Left at Amsterdam, schooner Washington, Captain Burnett; brig Ranger, Captain Snow, of Boston ; (hip EfTex, Captain Jen kins, of Newburvport • (hip Planter, Ja cob", of Philadelphia ; Captain Snow of Baltimore ; the (hip Mary, Captain Cazne au of Beflon filed in co for Bremen ; fliip George, Captain Collins, in the Texel, in a gale of wi:;d was obliged to cut away his V Gazette Marine Lift, ' PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. '> —> NEW-YORK, August i. r'rvahi maJb bound In ; Captain Henfliav, of N. • «rk, on his passage out of the Texel, ear ned away hit sore-mast, and had put back arrived at Fly. Capuin S. fp:ke fa lr:,gi,tude 45, the brig Iris.ofxMew York, eighteen days out,, for Bristol. List ef American vessels left at Liverpool June ijt. Sliips Sally, Gallop, New London, to j J un,j 'Oth ; Mary. Stoddert. Boilcn, do. Afirea, M'Kinfey. New York uncer tain; Sarah, Gray, Boston, June 35 1h'j Nancy, Lard, C ty Point uncertain ; brig ihiee Friends, Norton, B.jfton, June 10. V- Far the lnjl 30. — May 19 was fpokcn fh.p Mentor, Shaplehgh, 27 days from Portfinoiith for Mafambique, iu Ist. J7 N. long. 21 W. Ship Caroline, Moteley, of Portland, which when fr»m Liverpool for America, was taken and .carried i-to Tannce, cargo srd vessel acquitted, lias f.nae . filled from St. Sebsfb'ass for the U. S. and beeti taken by the KnghCi. anand that Mr. Cromweil Greenleaf, one of the gentlemen taken out of the Minerva of this port, was psfTenger on board of the Caroline, when For Madeira, ABIGAIL, ttt «N'i» rtthiniißt.' For freight Page, apply to m Moore Wharton. Augufl 4. Capt. Thomas Nelson, WHO isluppoftd to he at in thi«city, is requeued to call on Mr. Thomas ICet latid, No 67, south Fiont ftrcet, who has a letter of conference for him, wl.ith if called for im mediately will relate to his particular ititeieil. Any person giving inlt>rniatioH where Captain Nelson may be letn will greatly oblige Mr. A\ gu ■ 4. WANTED IMMEDIATELY*' Two or three Ladsi OF Reputable CMncdiom u mpfimiticM tin , v Ajanooit'proCdbk Office (I |K; Cticttt U. A»g«ll a. Insurance Company Of the State of P'cniifylvaxia. , THE DIRECTORS HAVE this day ricc!»r:«l a Dividf-n ! of Thirty Dollars of each Share of the Stock of tins C .mpany for the lad fix months, which will be ' paid to the Stockholders or their leg j| Keprcfe :ta tives a'ter th» loth instant. i JAMES S. COX, PrcfiJjnt. august .. .(tot. For Sale, Landing fr m on loa d the Schooner An drew, from Tenet iffe, James M'Griv ger, Majier, 75 Pipes 40 Hhds. > TeneriffeWine. 64 Casks, j For terms apply to ' MATHIAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. •Dgttff I, " - 5 *» GJC. The Bankrupt Law;' OF THE UNITED STATES, Was this Day Publiftisd by A. DIC KIN* S, op fofite Chrill Church—[Price 45 C e its ] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST It : C IVED FROM NEW-%OKK DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE. New Political Afpeft ofPtiblic Affairs In the United Sr.iTi.s. [Pri.e 37J Cents ] augtill t: , tl, Runi Coffee Cocoa Catlor Gil, asi ' > IKUIT, 1 Just received per the sfyep Supply Jrsm Kingston, Jam'aica, FOR SALE BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on 'hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate i. c f * Pipes oi ■OM P< rt M'iiye, an 4 10© DagM East India £>ugar, &c. I"'). 3©- dSI co;t ' * * 'o . : ' V ->•» V' eoiw, i. "* v.* i