Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 02, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
Voltaire pleasantly observes, that the bu
firiefs of many philosophers is to calculate
bow ma'ny more drops of rai.i fall in the
month ot the sheep, than in the month of
the Goat. Of this ufeful tribe is the man
ot Monticello ; a fort of political and phi
lofophieal quiddity ; —as fit fora Statesman
as.Vesuvius for a powder-bouse !
One of the Aurora scribblers is a fort of
spOrting Parson
" Much be mWd in beer.*'
He may be known'by his bellowing against
and the town of Litchfield, a
place where name excites, according to Mr.
Locke'i theory, certain' unpleasant associa
tions. He it a rhapfodift in writing, and
a vilionary in life. It' bis lunatic efTufions
were dated at Moorfields, it would be for
the health of the authtfr, and the comfort
of the reader.
I dtrncn: et curre per Alpea
Ut declamatia Cas.
If we have the good luck to make a firm,
lafling i;nd honorable peace with regi.
cide Duane will be appointed by npoftate
lalleyrand, as chief cook and bottle-washer
to the gangs of Frenchmen w|io will then
overwhelm us. Parson Mooniliine is to
pray lor the Goddess Aurora, and Philoso
pher Csbweb is to f"ave a patent for French
lacs, equally ul'tlefs and flimfy..
In the four New-England States, pien
have an accurate knowledge of the real cha
mber'of the Aurora. Strings of lies, in co
lumns of nonsense, wickedness without wit,
and the temper of Wilkes and Junius, with
out* their spirit and ingenuity.
As two learned jacobins yesterday were
perufiog the Centinel " Jefferfoniad," one
of them requetted the other to tell him the
mean ng of the signature, Dccius ? " Why,
(replied the profound, flroking
his iicck) Why, Decius literally means to
US!" * O. T.
UPON a lonely defart beach,
Where the "white so ira was fcatter'd,
A little sired uprear'd its head,
- Tiio' lofty ia»ifj"wete (Tiatter'd !
The sea-weeds gath'ring near the door,
A sombre path difplay'd,
And, all around, the deaf'ning roar
Re-tcho'doh the chalky Ihore
i By the green billows mad*.
Above, a jutting cliff was seen,
Where sea-birds hover'd,craving,
■ And all around, thecraggs were bound
With weeds,' for ever waving ;
And, here and there, a cavarn wide
Its fhad'wy jays difplay'd,
A: d near the land, «tebb of tide,
A fliatter'd mart was seen to ride,
Where the green billows ft ray'd.
And often, while the moaning wind
Stole o'er the fuminer ocean ;
The mcoliglit scene was all fcrenc—
The waters scarce in motion.
Then, while the smoothly slanting sand
The tall cliff wrapp'd in shade,
The Fish uman beheld a band V
©f gliding, hand in hand—
Where the green billows play'd !
And pale their faces were, as snow ! ,
And fulienly they wander'd !
Ai d to the Ikies, with hollow eyes,
They look'd, as tho' they ponder'd !
And sometimes, from their hammock shroud,
They tlifmal bowlings giade J
And while the bl.ft blew strong and loyd,
The clear Moon mark'd the ghaflly crowd-
Where the green billows play'd. •« '
And then, above th; haunted hur, /
The Curlews, screaming, laover'd ;
And the- low door, with furious roar,
The frothy breakers cover'd.
For, in the Fisherman's lone Died,
A Mtißi eu'u Man was laid,
With ten wide gashes on his head,
And deep was made his Candy bed,
Where the,green billows play'd.
The SPEC! RE band, his mefmates bold,
Sunk in the yawning ocean ! '
While to the rralf, he lafh'd him faft,
And brav'd the dorm's commotion !
The -winter Moan upon the sand
A filv'rv carpet aiade,
, And mark'd the Sailor reach the land—-
And mark'd his Alurd'rcr walh his hand,
Where the green billows play'd !
And fine* that hour the Fi/herman
Has toil'd, aod toil'd in vain !
For all the night, the moony light
,GI ams on the SPECTRED main !
And when the skies are veil'd in gloom,
The MurcFt tr's Prer's liquid Way
Bounds o'er the deeply yawning tomb,
And Unfiling fires the laud illume
Where the green billows play.
Full thirty yearj his talk has grown,
Day after day, more weary ;
For F.eav'n defign'd his guilty mind
Should fe«d on profpeft* dreary !
Bound by a flrong and my flic chain,
not pow'r to iiray,
But dellin'd mis'ry tp- sustain,
He walles in folisude and pain,
The following is the most beautiful French
version extant of Petrarch's celebrated
Ode to the fountain Valclaufa, memora
ble both from the lays of a poet, and from
the partiality of Laura.
Claire fontaine, onde amiable, onde pnre
Ou la beamequi 'consume moncceur,
Seule beaute, qui foit dans la nature,
Des feux du jour evite la chaleur ;
Arbre heujeux, dont le feuillagc
Agilt par les Zephirs
La couvris de son ombrage,
Qui rapelles mes fouphirs,
En rapellant son image
Ornemens de ces herds, et filles du matin,
Vous dont je sous jaloux, vous moins bril
lantes qu' Elle,
Fieurs, qu' elle embelliffait, quand vous tou
chiez son fein,
Roffignols, dont la voix eft moins douce et
moins belle,
Air devenu pluspur, adorable fejour,
Immortalise par fes charmes
Lieux dangeraux etchers, out de sis tendres
L'amour a blefle tous mes fens
F.fcoutez mes derniers accens
Recevez mes derniers larmes.
ExtraS of a litter from J b Nctt, the Buckle
ma kef, to his Couftn.
Birmingham, Jan. j, 1799.
" The English and Irish Emigrants now
fee how wrong it. was to go Srutting and
flumping to America, where they fay the
reftlefsnef; of their nature has egged them to
try to kick up a dust, .and that they are ha
ted woife than they were in their own coun
try. They tell me, cousin John, that the
Americans now discover the rani Jacobins,
by means of a small dog, called the gaul
fcenter. I was wondering how that could
be, 'till one day, ppring in an old book, I
found that difappoir.ted and fretful men of
large gauls, have a very particular /null. —
The words of the book are these ; " men
who are puffed np, and are withal tullifh in
thd gJul, are generally very offenfive in
cempnny. For the extravagant fiae of the
lung 9, forcing down the n idriff, presses up
on the hepatic region, and so pinching the
gaul bladder, throws off that offenfive liquor
j'o copiously into the great guts, that the
conl'tquences are very disagreeable indeed."
Now, cousin, this being the cafe, and the
gaul-fcenters being sent aboard all (hips, co
ming from France, Ireland and England, to
smell over the crews, there is but little
chance of a Jacobin r-.aking good a landing
on the Ihores of America, without being d:£
covered. '1 hefe fellows are dillinguiflied
likewise by their prating incessantly tor the
French Republic, curflng the Engiiih gov
ernment, and 'damnicg certain laws, which
the American Congress has been obliged to
pass, to keep them in order."
I will not undertake to assert that thisho
nsft buckle-maker has been quite correfi in
hi« information, in every particular ; how
ever he has furniftied a hint, refpefting the
morbid Hate of the gaul in Jacobins, that
may ft-rve as a clue to some ufeful difco
vcriea. If the effluvia of their bodies arts so
offenfive, query, whether thjy have not
contributed to corrupt the atmosphere, aod
to produce the vcllow-fever, which we know
is a malignant difordev of the bile ? If this
has been cafe, and the time they began
to Immigiaie to the United States, in the
years '92 and '93. fcems to confirm the sus
p cion, vegetable putrefa&ion has had less
concern in the bulinels, than some of the
learned imagine. Mephitic Gas, constantly
issuing from tlifr high scented carcases of
ten theufand furious Jacobins, must be much
more pciliiential, as well as a more probable
source of the difordc.
'I his is a very important qutftion ; and
as such I refpedtfully submit it to Dr
and tbit Medical Soiiety— and, in or order
to enable ihem to discuss it with greater
perspicuity, I hereby grant them full per
mission to diffeft every Jacobin they catch,
spreading sedition, or talking treason. If
the operation lead to any ufeful dilcovery,
the miscreants will be made to benefit so
ciety by their deaths, more than ever they
did by their lives.
The charafler of in France is
thus faithfully described by Mercier, in a
iccent publication : " Plebeians, ever ready
to murmur and dilpute, taking delight in
speaking with cpntempt of their rulers ;
evtr loquacious, without a knowledge of any
thing ; looking at all objedts, and feeing
none ; always more difpoled to rebel than
to fight ; incapable of holding a middle
coarse : servile (laves or insatiable tyrants ;
forced by the calamities inseparable from
coiifufion, to wi(h for order, )et immediate
ly alter relapsing into tumult andvriot.
Tllefe stupid and ferocious plebeians .oppress
those who confer benefits on them, and fawn
upon those who treat them with
What they reje£t is good ; and what they
approve is bad ; and what they praise must
be infamous. It is by tfie help of fiich wret
ches that the pretended friends of liherty
have risen through all the stages of the Re
volution to thefirft places in the Hate."
Formerly the trade of a (hoe-boy was ex
ercised at Paris only on the bridges and in
the squares. A little do 1, fame rags, a, brufiies, and an old pot, conflitut
ting the entire (hop ; but ar p*-efen: a Ihoe
b y exerci/es his mystery in a handfeme
"uorkfhop, has his appretices, his sign, &c.
The customer mufl wait his turn there, as at
a barber's, and the place is provided with
journals, pamphlets, romances, &c. to amuse
him. When those who were in before him
are accommodated, he is placed in a hand
fame,elbow-chair, with bis foot in a kind
of stirrup, and in this situation his boots or
shoes are neatly cleaned and blackened, with
out the trouble of ouce moving his leg or
his body.
There are now forming, in the county of
Suffix,' E, Female societies for literary pur
suits. One of these, we are informed, has
lately bee 1 )! instituted at Chictefter, whero
not only the Belles Letters are read, but
philosophical researches pursued with infi
nitely more ardour and attentien than the
domestic concerns of the families of the re
fpeftive students.
BOSTON. July 29.
I hlive lately held, at difticfl times, con
versation with two members of the Legifla
tu»o of MaiTachufeth, and one ef the AfTem
bly-of ConhedVit ut. The topic of difcuf
fron being the approaching election of Prp
fitlent, I was {truck with the great iimili
tude of their remark : They.'&U declared,
tliey refpedted Mr. Acjairs for his firmnefs,
integrity and uprightness ; that they would
support his adminiflration ; and that he me
rited the intire confidence ®f the People.
Acquainted with the general complexion ot
these gentlemen's politics, I w;is furpiized
at these declarations, and in the course of
conversation, took an opportunity to ask
them all-—" If they -were appointed Ele&ors
ot PreGdent, for whom would they wne-
for Mr. Adams, or for Mr. Jefferson ?"
Judge ot my when they all
three unequivocally declared " They would
vote for Mr. .Jeffirson These are facts ;
let the people judge of them. What oh
jedt but to cajole and deceive the Federal
Eledlors into some measure which ihall
prove injurious to tlie great Federal cause,
can men have, who can declare that one
candidate for an office is intituleito their full
confio'ence ; when they would vote for his
rival Candidate to supply his place ? Is there
not some unfouud parts in men whose tongues
are thus at variance with their hearts?
Let the people, and the Eledlors cotifider
these queries, and decice ; a:id I call upon
tlie gentlemen who know they have held
this conversation to denonftrate the coi,fi
ftency of it ; and if they with to know who
it is that thus calls upon them, upon enquiry,
they fh;ill,as readily be l'umilhed with his
name, as the public hav: been with this in
id. It Gov. Jay, orany Federal Gover
nor, should publicly declare his abhorrence of
the million to Franc*?, ard in cafe a treaty
with Fiance Ihnuld be ritified should in a
public address, fay, that fudfi treaty was
pregnant with evil, could he'ixpeft the plau
dits of the President of the United States,
01 his friends, or of any good Federalist ?
zdly—lf a Governor of a State should
publicly have disapproved of the excellent
Washington's mission of Jay, to Great-
Britain, aud afttr that treaty was ratified by
Gen. Washington and the Senate, Ihould
have said in a public addrtfs that the treaty
so ratified was pregnant with* evil, would
such a governor deserve the plaudits of
Washington, 6r his friends, orany good
Federalist ?
3<tfy—lf such a Governor, who had thus
countenanced opposition to the conflituted
autherities, had once been a " proscribed
patriot,'.' ought hi s former patriotism to
screen him from public censure fur subse
quent disorganization, and would it be "de
voutly and eternally tf) be deplored," that
such disorganizing Governor though a " pro
scribed patriot," fheuld fall into disgrace in
the eyes of America ? I think not.
NEW-YORK, July 31.
The public hate been led to believe, from
tfee late change in the ele&ion of our State
Representatives, that the majority of the
citizens approve of all the lies published in
the Aurora. But, when we perceive how
little attention is paid to the Editor of this
paper, we need not be at a lofi to know
the sentiments of even the democrats of this
city, with refpefl to this-foreign rtnegado.
Lad evening there was a fnpper given to
the Aurora-man, and we learn that out of
nearly 300 who were invited, not more than
25 attended on this Occasion—And who
were they ?
Six per cent of U. S. 17S1
Three per cent do. 1036
Deferred 6 per cent de. 1617
Eight per cent do. per cent adv.
Manhattan -J- fkares, 48 percent adv.
Do. compleat do. 25 do.
U. S. Bank Shares, 30 per cent adv.
Y. Y. Bank do. 33 do.
N. Y. Insurance do. 13 do.
Columbian insurance/hares") ,
on the 4th inftamient. J °*
On London, 60 day! fight, i-J- to 2 per
cent. adv.
On Amftetdam, 40 to 4t cents pr. guilder*
On Hamburgh, 34 to 35 do. per Marck-
HALIFAX, June 20.
Mr. William Cobbett, has arrived
| here from Nevv-Yark. This gentleman has
disclosed such nefarious practices, and hoi
| rid cruelties ot the French Directory, as
will forever remain lading testimonials of
his resources and integrity ; and his steady
support of the Federal Government does
him egual honor ; and it is' much to be re
gretted that the virulence of the Democratic
Faftion has conltrained him to leave that
boajledLapd of .Liierty, which if we judge
from present appearances will feon become
a melancholy fcece of anar:hy, diforderand
civil diflention9.
Po/itively the Lajl Night.
Ilefpeiftful'y jcquaint the Ladies and Gent'e
men of Philadelphia, that the
Old Theatre, in Southwark,
will fee opened for
On Monday Evening, August 4tb,
With a species of eate~rainment, Mora!, lu
llruiSlive, and Amusing, consisting of Reci
tation, Music, Song, &c and propwly de
nominated the
Feafl: of Reason
The Flow of SouL
Part ift.
Will commence with an OCCASIONAL
ADDRESS, after 5 year's absence, by Mr.
To be followed by Mr. Barrett, who will de
liver, the most fcledt parts ot the celebrated
Ge». ge Alexander Stevens's
Being a comic, fatyric, whimfieal, humour
ous, moral, illuiirativcDifiertarion aid Display
Of Heads, Hearts, Passions, Humours,
■ Whims, Oddities Ist Characters. ,
In three parts.
'"PO expatiate on the propriety of an Enter*
•i- tainment, where the Follies of Life are
exposed in hugliable & striking colours, & the
moral inferences drawn from such display, it is
prefumrd, would be needless. It is well known
that the ancients hf Id this mode of ißftru&ive
amusement in the highest decree of estimation ;
nor has it been lefa esteemed by the mc!l po
li filed nations among the moderns. To
" Catch the living manners as they rite," has
ever been held not only allowable but merr'ito
rious ; and the opinion given by one of the
most enlightened of the lons of men, of the
original compiler, of the Leisure now offered
to the public, " That his merit, genius, and
fa ii ical obfervati jns, marked him as a Public
Ceil fir ; and that his judicious difp'ay of Fol
ly and Vice, entitle him not only to public en
couragement, but public thanks-" As the high*
)y flattered attempts of the then living author"
muli be considered as the highest eulogium to
his manes ; so it is hoped the fame wilh to
please and entertairt in the present cafe, will
be viewed at least with candour.
part ift.
l. Doflor.
i. Coat of Arms.
3 Misfortune.
4. Simple Hlock
5. Diflertation on Law, with a Cafe in
6. Pretty Feilow.
7. Nobody's Head.
8. Diflertatioii on Nothing.
9. Nobody's, Somebody's, er any Body' 3
Coat of Arms,
Differtition on Architeflure, Painting
P. etry, Astronomy and Music.
11. Illuflration of Law, Bullxm vcrfus
PART id.
I. Riding Hood.
а. Lady of Fifhion.
3. Fish woman.
4. Contrail.
5- Crying Philosophers,
б. Laughing do.
7. Cleopatra.
8. Diflertation how Ladies will or may
poflefs the beauties of Venus.
9. French Night Cap.
10. Old Maid.
11. Old Batchelor.
ix. Browze Head,
13. Flattery.
14. Hontfly.
part 3d.
I. A London Buck.
а. Lady of Ton.
3.' American Sailor.
4. Connoifleur.
j. .Turtle-eating Alderman.
б. Swindler.
7. Funeral of ditto.
8. Monument of ditto.
9. Th 4 Treatment of a Soldier in tbe year
45 —Story of the Year 45.
10. Yorick by Shakespeare, aod Tristram
if. Methodist Preacher.
11. Conclusion.
Between the different heads, Mr. Hodpkin
fon will some of Dibdin's New and molt
Popular SONGS, never yet heard in America,
with Recitation, &c to be arranged in the fol
lowing erder.
PA R T si.
After the difleVtation on law with a cafe in
point, theSoagof
With various upinient, and an illuftraticit
of what True Glery is.
After the illustration of BULLUM versus
BOAT UM ; —Part ill, will finifh with the
Song of the
Country Club j
Part »d.
After the Laughing Philosopher, Mr.
Iludgkinfon will sing a much celebrated
End of the Head of the Old Batcheler, the new
popular Song of
Cudjo and Quashec.
Part the Second will finirti with an
PART 3d:
After the Head ol an American Sailor,
Mr Hodgkinfon will sing the
After the Turtle erting Alderman, the much
admired Song of
John Bull's Trtp to France.
End of ihe Monuraent of the Swindler, a New
Song, called.
Lawyers—Doctors— Game tiers—-Taylors—Ba-
kei s—M ifcrs—Barbers—Church-wardens —
Coblers—Old Nick—Columbia's Grinders
the finiih,
The Evening's Entertainment to finith with
A Monody,
General Washington,
An'd concluding Song & Chorus.
Meflrs. Barrett W Hqdgkinson, beg
leave to aflure the public, that every eare ha»
been taken to feiecl worthy
their patronage. and to make the Theatre com
modious and cool a3 polTikle.
■S3* Placts for the Boxes, to be had at Mr.
Tirkets to lie had at • Thomas fc William
Bradford's B>ok-Store, No- 8, south Front
*Box i Dollar—Fit 75 cents —Gallery
50 cents.
Doors to be open at 7 o'clock, and the per
formance to begin precisely at 8.
August 2.
Now Landing,
And for sale by the subscribers,
Lisbon WINE.
July 30 d2W
Smith & Rodman,
No. 14, south FrM-street,
Have re ceived per Ktnfington from Lcndon, a
handfotr.e supply of the undermentioned
FLAXEN and Tow Oznabrig®,
Droghedj and Lancashire Sheetings,
White and brown Irifli Linens,
Ell wide India Perfiann, assorted coinurs,
An extensive alTortment oi fancy & other Ribbons
Cotton and silk Hosiery,
Women's white and colcur'd Silk Glevcs, usual
Do. do. extra do.
Striped and mixed Bengals,
Fine Decca Handkerchiefs,
Superfine white Ginghams,
Check'd and striped doj
Calimancoes, Joans and Durante,
Pins, Scotch coloured Thread, &c. &c.
Whith arc for sale on low terms, for calh or
July 31.
Jufl: Received,
Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Church
A. View
American Revolution,
In Nineteen Difcourfcs.
By the
Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. F. A. S.
Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents.
July 30.
No. 106, south fids of Market-ft.
f Price One Quarter of a Dollar,J
Pleasing Incitements
Conveyed through the Medium of
Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ; '
Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the
Juvenile Mind.
Translated cbiejly from tie German.
C/" Said Humphreys has just received,
and is now opening a handfeme colle&ion
July 19 S-3t
Writing, drawing & printing Papers
Stationary Wares,
No. 51, South Second Street % thc corner of
Who has reeeived an extensive and gene
rrl supply, and of the best quality.
Of super royal, double crown and double pott
Printing, and also of writing fools cap
Ladies Slippers.
Which will bi fold low, for cafli, or negotiable
W. Young has also received a complete aiTort
ment of Englijh, Latin, and Greek ClaJJics. A libe
ral allowance made to wholesale purchasers.
July 31 1 lawiw
Strayed away,
ON Sun ia* the 13th inft. a small strawberry
coloured MARK, fourteen hands high,
has three whitefse t, a white face, about ten
years old. Any information will be thankfully
received, and if delivered at John Negus's
Ferry, at Market street, a reward of four Dol
lars will be paid.
J»'y 17- , • • f3*
Philadelphia Lancaster
Julj iltb, ißeo.
THE President and Managers havs this day
declared a dividend of Eight Dollars on each (hare
of (lock, of which, fix dollars per fliare will be
paid the Stockholders or their rcprcfentatives any
pay alter the 24th inlUnt-; the remaining two
dollars has been retained and expended in com»
pjeating and repairing the road agreeably to a
rsfolution of the ftocliholders.
Wm. GOVETT, STreasuer.
July 14 , m4t
*jiv *