Gazette XU.MBFH 2449. ] tTF" The price of tbis Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay ent Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting } and unless'somc person in tbis city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * f * No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December. ( 1799- ALMANAC From July 3®I—to 1 —to A«gyji 5 HIGH WAt in- V'cdnsfday Tkarfday Friday Satarday Sunday Mania; Tacfcay We-Jnefday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuefdaf Port Wine & Claret In Cases, cf the first Quality. Wine and. Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Quarter C«<ks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Gf Co. Ju'y 19 3»wjw. Eliflia Fiflicr 5c Co. No. 39. North Front Street, HAVE OS HAND ASD FOR SALE, GERMAN STEEL, window glass, hats aflort ed in cafe», Nails in calk*, and a large aflVrf m<-nt of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, Coadi, and Hai'nefi Furniture,Brafi and Japanned Wares. Pin» and Necdlea. July 29 tu. th. fa. im, Reteived By the ship Kensington, cat tain Adamson, fYom London, A QJJANTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of a fupcrior quality. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, Jilt AS3OK7MEXT OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, See. For sale by ROBERT SMITH V Co. No. 38, fouih Front-ftrcet. daw July »6, For Sale, In the peasant village of Mount Ilolly, Bur lington C lunty, 18 thilesfrom Cooper's -Perry, and 7 from Burlington ; ONE LARGS TWO STORY Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, four rooms on each flcor, and a cellar under the whole.- Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, situ ate tin Mill street, near the market, with anew Carriage House and Stables on the rear of ihe Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par ticular! apply to MAHLON BUDD.or ISAAp CARR, in Burlington. Who will ftiew the premises and make known thetermsi or of the lubfcriber in Burlington, by whom an indisputable title will be given, MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July g, ISOO., July 19 FOR SALE, In the Ci'y of Burlington, Slate oj New- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet frdnt an 4 thirty-two feet deep, e*ch with cellar under them and kitch ens iH the rear, likewise a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premises, one hundred and filty feet deep. For terms offaie apply to the fubfcrib«r in Bur lington, by whom an iadifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (19) eotf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, Abaut 35 acres of Land, ' LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.-» On the East it is bounded by property belong ing tn Mr. Teach Francis, fin.—on the south, by a road of two perches, and on the north by a lane, wWch feparatcs it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo se ! to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to iuit the purcbaferst Also, 31 acrei, (ituated on the weft fide o Grra<antown ro»d, adjoining Madera'* estate, keirtC part of the property of the. late Samuel Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market »nd nth llrcctj, January S4. United States, } Pennsylvania District, <j PURSUANT tijautit to me i'irc<s)ed, from the Honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Difhift C' urt of 1 the United States in and for the Pennfylvanta Diftritft, will he ex posed to public f.)le, at the Merchants' CofFce- Honfe iu the city of Philadelphia, on Saturday the 9th day of Augufl next, at 11 i?clock at no<n, The armed French Vessel, called With all and lingular her apparel, vsgsl§sjS uns and appurtenances, the fame " having been lately condtmned in the said Court as forfeited, for. . H. if' 8 j« . 9 J« XI ] " 47 on * 14 » 3» MarOial's Office, ) July 30, ißco 5 USES SETS - 4 5 S 7 J 4 7 4 FOR SALE'— A COMPLETE Printing-Office, WITH A Newspaper Establishment^ In the pleafacr and healthy town of Newark, New fcrfey, about nine miles from New-York ; Also, a complete set of BOOKBINDING TOOLS. THE above it worthy the attention of any Printer wilbing to ettablilh himfelf in a country town. The rapid population, and ex treme plosfantnefs of the t«wn, and its vicinity to New York, i» a confederation which every person will kaow how to appreciate* It will be fold very cheap for cash ; or a libeaal credit will be given for one half of the purchase money, if ilefired. Further particulars may be known by fending a line, poll paid, to JACOB HALSEY, Newark. July 19. tuth&s aw 4 5 7 7 3 4 p—7 » - 4 J9 7 * 5 ° 7 o i 1 6 59 To be Let, or Sold, Either together or divided in lots, A CONVENIENT, WELL FINISHED " HOUSE, And 4 acres of Land SITTUA TE in the Village of Attlebornugh or Four Lanes ends, Bucks county. Inime diate poflelion will be given. Enquire of thr lubferiber on the premises. ELIZABETH ROBERTS. N D. The Time of a healthy stout NEGRO BOY for falc—Enquire as above. July iB. _ e»'tf THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B. Wickes, feo. com mander, from Bengal, consisting OF A complete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. 10* SAI.I BY WILLINGS & FRANCIS, No. ii, Pcnn-ftreet. Miy f. dtf TO BE LET, Either separately or together. The Two Houses, LATELY occupied r.» a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francit, No. 13, south i'ourth Arcct. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 41, Arch street. July 10 3tlw »w WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. 'T'HE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne * county, aie hereby notified, that Taxe» are become payable thereon for the years 1'99 and l8o:>. Those who have not already paid iheir re hereby required to discharge the fume to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer of said County at Milford, within three months from this date .otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the ail of AlTembly in such cafe provided, will ic had by the Commiflioncrß for the said county. Asa Slaiton, 7 John Carton, V Commiflioners Van Et } eodtf. J* ACtdk, A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON poAcHing some capital, a consi derable (hare of industry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative business, may hear of a situation. All proposals on thil fubjea to be in writing, sealed and directed to W. R. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. (P" A Printer would find it to bis advantage June 5- j t{ RUN away from the SubfcriSer on the evening of the 18th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with her thre# different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudnt, a noted lyar ; any por fon apprehending her (hall be entitled to the above reward—no coSs or charges will be paid. N: B, She had » years and lome months to serve DANIEL FITZPA TRICK. Gefhen Township, Chrft«r County, Jalv 19. ' 6 JuWtf FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. M. of the United States, & Daily PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2 , 1800. Marshals Sale. TH e c^RGO of 7iik Ship ASIA, captain MoiicjlN, FVom BA T A VIA ; Confiding of JOHN HALL, . Marshal. ten, £l* Kellogg, Clk* July 9,1800 d 90t Three Cents Reward. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. Seribon and Jacatra Coffee 8c Sugar, Of an excellent quality. THE SHIP Is also offered For Sale ; s She has made but one voyage fine lht was (heathed with the belt pa* tent Copper,and (he is 111 ?;bod orucr. Apply to James C. & Samk W. Fflier, William Sanfom, AND Joseph S. Lewis. July »4 mvaf ta For Sale, Freight or Charter, T H K SHIP APOLLO, li Adams, Master, A g oa d ftauch veflel, Burthen one hundred and thirty eight tons; will be ready to receive a cargo in a few Jays. Apply to the matter on board, at Hamilton's wharf, or to WILLIS V YARDLEY, Chefnut Street Wharf, North. N. B. Consignees of Goods on board said fliip from Madeira, ar« receded to obtain their per. mits as early as poflble, and forward the fame to the officer attending. 7 m«n. j8 4t For Halifax, Nova-Scotia, The Schooner ||||fe Success, Geerge Cook, Matter ; ow lyiug at t\» firft wharf above Market flreet—She has excellent accommodations for pafiengers. For freight or paflage apply to the Captain on board) er to WILLIAM WRAY\ No, 5, Maiket-ftroet. July 30 «[ ?t Simon Walker 11AS BEMOVED HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Comer of Union Street—where he has for sale Just received, EARTHEN WARE,- Assorted for exportatioa or home market. Glass Ware doublf in cafot. Fr»fli Clover. Nutmegs and Mac«. July 34- tu. th fa tf. Will be Landed, At Pine Strtet Wharf., - " t Oh TJiurfday next, the CARGO of the Ship Jane, from Kingston, Jamaica, consisting or 20 Hhds. well Flavored Spirit. 25 do. best: scale Sugar. 827 Bags and Seroons Caraccas Cocoa. 40 Bbls. Limes—For sale by Wm. G. to 1 ROBERT C. LATIMER. July 19. dit. Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, Vc. No. 63, North fide Market-flrcet, HAVE a general assortment of bed London fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the newest fashion) silk (Iripe and second quality Cloths, falhionabli waiftcoating, silk {lripe and twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fustian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, Valvets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irish and brown Linens, Dowlas, mens' and wonftns* silk and cotton Hosiery, coat and vest pearl, fleel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured and. Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Shtwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings all which they willfell very low. July 18. dtf TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash, or exchanged for Goods, A Large, Elegant) and well finifhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Frank ford ; containing an entry and two large parlours on the firft floor, three bedchambers and two garrets. The lot, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two streets, and has the privilege of a jo feet alley through ; it contains a kitchen, liable, and coach-hcufe, a well of excellent water, &c. For terms apply to JOHN M'CLELLEN, July 16. tuth&s ti A CERTIFICATE ; FOR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of vhe United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of which all concerned are detired to cake notice. , PETfiR TREOENT. May 19. ' djm. \ CHINA GOODS. Landing fro,n the ship America, Walte Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND for sale nr '■ NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bohea, ' 1 Congo, | Souchong, ift &md quality, I Caper souchong, j ! Hyftn-ikifi, ,■ ' Tonkay, r TEAS, Singlo, Young hyfrn, Hyson, itt & »d quality, Imperial, Yellow & white nankeens •* ' Lutcftrings, black & color'd (In Boxes Sinfhaws do. f alibi ted, Sattins do. J Lutestrings, maz. blue fc dark green") T Sinfhaws do i * n Persian taffetas, dark green j * oxes ' They have also on bandfor sale, received 3v the late arrivals from Europe, isfe. dlw „ . _ 1 InfmaHptck* Striped and checked ginghams [ ages aflbrted, White figured Sc. color'd Muf- | calculated for Jinetts J>the Weft-In w hite corded dimities I dia market & Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine ( Entifled to 10 Cases Englllh China ware, Cdrawback, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, 1 de. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Casks purple brown, 35 do. nails aflbrted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Enclilh fail canvas; No. t, a & 3, Ruffii duck, »7 Boxes white Kavanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine botttes, a® Guns, 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, Btc. ißo,ooolbs. Ceribou coffee, ift quality (Entitled to jo,ooolbs. black pepper tdrawback. 10 Logs ebony J May a 3. NOTICE. B. P. Berckemeyer, OF HAMBURGH, INFORMS his friends in the United States, that the partnerfliip of Berckemeyer & Co. was dissolved on the 31ft of December, 1799, and all accounts with said firm will be liquida ted by him. For any fur;her tranfadlions he begs leave 10 recommend to them hi» Brother and SucceiTor, Jokn Henry Berckemeyer. Hamburgh, April i», 1799. July aj. dtf. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, carriage-hcuft and lot, situated in a pleasant part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and pofleflion tan be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the premises ifter the 10th of next November. For termß apply ta ths printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. tuth&sif A FEW COPIES OF ■. The Anti-Jacobin Review 6c Magazine, „ (VOL. IV.) Have ju£t been received and are now for sale, By A. DICKINS, Opposite Chrilt Church, July l». For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY, WHO has three years and five months to serve ; he is lober, honoft, a good wai ter, and understands taking care of horses. En quire at No. 60, Dock ilreet. July «9- eo jtf Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third (tract. An Office for those ftagei is also kept at mr, Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General PoA Office, April aB. A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of fice, or be concerned with any person a« pai t ner, as be has au interest of abouc one thoul'and pounds in real ellate in the city. to ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for R.-Y. will be attended to immediately. Mayio d3t m&th tf To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of Urevier weighing 400 lbs. or upwards—they mult not be much worn—Any perlon having types of the above riefcription and disposed to Exchange them for other printing materials ; or will lei! cheap, may apply at the Office of the Gazette of tlie United States. July i». * ~ m r Marshal's Sale. United States, ? f Pennsylvania District, Y*' BY virtue of a Writ to me direfled frotrt rhe Honourable Richard Peters, Efq Judge of ■ f® r Court of the United States,„ in and for the Pennsylvania Diftiidl, will be fold at Public Auflion at the Merchant's Coffee tloufe on Monday the 4th day of .August next at 12 noon, tha Bngantine or VefTcl CALLH) THE mmm WEST-POINT, W'TH her tackle, apparel and fur the fame having been late ly libelled in the said court for Mariners wagsg and condemned for the payment thereof. JOHN HALL, Wanbah Marihal's Office, Philadelphia. July aj, 1800: V ~»A %£< Just Imported, In the ship Kensington, from London, and for sale by Joseph & James Crukfliank, N*. 87, High-street, AN ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS AND STATIONARY, Amonget which are the, following * NEW BqOKS : * A summary of universal History, exhibiting the u(e, Decline, and Revolutions r»f th« different Na tions of the world, from the Creation to the pre sent time, 9 vol«. 8 vo. translated from the French ofM.Anguetil Travels through the United States of America, the Country of the Iroqouis, and Upper Canada, with an authentic account of Lower Canada by the Duke dc la Rochefoucault Liancourt l vols. 4 to. Memoirs relative ta> Egypt written in that coun try during the campaigns of General Buonaparte in the years 1798 and 1799. Public Charaflers of 1798—99 —1800 1 Vols Bvo. A Voyage to the East InJits containing an ac count of the mannert, Cuftoma &c of tl»e Na tives with a Geographical dcfcription of the country by Fra Paoleno da fail Bsrtolomeo. The annual Necrolegy efj797iß including ( also various articles of neglefled Biography. Watkins Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiftcri cal Dictionary, W#li»©liana__3 vols. A Digested rt> seven volumes TeranUiports by •E. TornETJi*-. —; Mavors Natural Hiitory for the lls of School* The Britirt* Nepos or Mirror of vouth con fifling of fele<3 lives of liluftnous Britons, by William Mavor. L. L.D■ m&w tf on various fufcjefis fe'eifledto enforce the pra<?lice of virtue &c. by E.Tomitins. Moores Navigation Edition enlarged. Nautical Almanacks for 1801— a July jo- , eod6t Loft, 1 A HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 38o4,dated lit July 1796, for ten fiiares in the name of Charles of New- York. No. 15311 —No. 45311, dated ift July, 1796, for five (hares each in the najne of Sarah Wedgewood of litruria. No. 19808 —No. 19809. dated ift January, 1800. for ten shares each, in rlta name of Henrr Vaddington, Merchant, London. Not id: is hereby given, That application is intended tl> be made at he laid Bank by the fuWcribers, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfous concerned arereoi-ftH tn take notice. WADDING I'ON & HAiIWOOD. Philadelphia, July :o, :800. mwl'jm Just Armed, .AND FOA. SALE BT THE B'/" SCRIBSRS, THE CARGO Of tbe Ship, Canton, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea ■> Souchong j Hyson Skin V» TEAS. Young Hyson | and Hyson. J Soi \ nankeens. Sugar of ill quality China Ware. Cassia. Fans. An affoi'tment of Silks. * WII.LINGS Is YRANCIS, No. 21, Penn Street. <l. . April 14* BENJAMIN .CLARK, Clock if IVatch Maker x HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mauket Strf.kt, Where he has for iV;e, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and Cjv.T and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. kr- CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as usual. tu&f tf Jwit J That large and iommodiuui HOUSE, At the corn r of Arch and Ninth Jlrcets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this monti , the House, S'a ble, Goach Boufc and Lots, now in the tenure ot Major Butler, Ctuate as above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth ftieet. July io. mScih 3W *>.. L-_ v*: s [Volume XVIII. ' f . > V \' ' t ' *i* ' i u' \ ■'••v.' , i . -?*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers