WkfTING-pAPER, STATIONARY, Just received by the ship Kensinvton, from London, —and Jor sale, by WILLIAM YOUNG BIRCH, NO. 17, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, IMPERIAL wpv« and plain. So k >er Koyal do. Royal ili' M-diura j)o. Demv do. Foolicjp do., Post thick snd thin do. folio and quarto, r»o. do. do. hot-prefs'd. Copying machine paper and ink-powder for do. Ink and ijik powder, red and black, fine Japan ink, parchment, quijis and peas, penknives, fea'iiug-wix, wafers, &C.&C. A ft -,j sets of elegant .Maps and Atlas's, Mahcga-jy writing delks of various fines. |CJ* Merchant's Account Books ready made, or made to any pattern on the short- est notice. Just Arrived, AND FOlt SALE BV THE SUBSCRIBERS, TIIE CARGO Of Tim SHIP riIILAVKLFHIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander, from B:nga , cqjfsisrrnc of An uffortrrient of Piece Goads. Sugars of the firit quality, And »oo qr. cheßs of superior quality llyfon Teas. Witlings l? Francis, and Tbomas & 'John Clifford. March IJ. Imported In the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for sale, fn 111 3 ~n* p "j 1 1 'I J 1 ! Brass fc? Japan* a Wares t Per the Brutui and Penelope, via N. York, HATS allotted in cases, and P. INS in Boxcx—bt ELISHA FISHER & Co, No. 3g, North Front street. » . dim Jun't ii To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col lettion Diftrift, Comprehend d by the Eall and Wefl Northern Liberties, and the township of Biockley in fiiftdiv.fion, flneof Pennfylvinia. YOU are hereby noticed, that the tax which has keen afT-fled upon dwelling house«, Is'nds and (laves within this diflrift, by virtue of an aft of Congress patted the 14th of July, 17 v S, entitled "an atii(b, (twi small founts) 16 Lne Pica, &c Sunriry F imt-i, and a great variety of Office pur ntu-«, &c. lrot> work of apr nting prrfs, gF They will be fold clieap forcalh—Apply at the office of the Gazette of '.he United States. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, COASTING of two handsome dwelling houses, with excellent stabling for. fevea horfei, double cuck-houfc mod complately fitted up; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled with choice fruit, surrounded with high board rcby given, fence, almost new. . The premises are beautifully y , fit Hated near ibe middle of Gcrmantown, fur- THAT ?p, lica'ion will be made to the Prcfident roumied wir ), r ; c h profp«ds of the adjicent and Directors of the 3aiik of the United State* for country ; in orchard of about two acres, with a tie renewal of the following Certificates of Share. handsom e j AW „ at the back of the house. in the said Bank, which were Icil on board the (hip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Dav«y, waller, bound to London, viz : B. No. 29884") 19? 85 | Each for one (bare, in the name 19836 of Tho'e Holy, Sheffield (G.B) 11/8" | dated rft Jjnuary, lßao ; J9BS? J Of which application, all peifons concerned, will to take notice. 'OtICC IS SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, sth april, 1800 iaw3m Found, A Red Morocco Pockct-Book, WUOtVfST ku lufi it ra»y r«thr» it *o tf. plickti.li itthc.cfluxof thi*Oinut, ka4 ftfiojf lbs cipcocc cf tkii idferlilWMb Jtt'r it. District of Pennsylvania to mil : BE it remembered tint on the Tenth day of Jul/ in the twenty fif'li year nf the Indepen dence of'the United States of America, Alexan der Addifofi oßhe I'iid Di/H.'t hath deposited in this office the title of i hook the fight where of he claims as Auth>r in the' words .following to wit, " Reports of cases in the Ceunty courts of the Fifth Circuit ar.d in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Tennfylvania, and charges to Grand juries of those Cour.ty Courts. Bv '.Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas ';f the Fifth Cir cuit of the State «f tVnnlylvann." rh conformity to the of Congrefsof the Uni ted States ixtitled " An ad for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps charts and booki to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." r D.CMLDWEL!., Clerk of tie Dlfirlpi of Pennsylvania. The above book is now published It will be de livered to fubferibers by Mr. Dobs n Booltfeller. JMy 23 HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spanilh Ambassador, will be lei out to ati approved pevfon or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and stables conformable. Enquire at No. 100. Spruce street. SAMUEL MAG AW, Arch Street, Ni. 94. July 23. eodif. f rc&th 3t Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM York Town on the »jd inft. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the loth Regiment, and Gnce entitled at a Sirjeant in the Marine Corps, of the following description.— He is abo*t five feet fix itches high, brown hair and fair coarpl xion He is an a, or at No. 45% Walnub-ftrcet. JON"" WILLIAMS. June 13. * ' mwf tf. 300 Dollars REWARD. n AN AWAY frem the fubferiber, on the 18th LV of June inft. TWO NEGRO SERVANTS j tiz a negro woman named Pat, a waflier-wo man and cook, of about fifty tw» years of age— tall and well shaped, of a black complexion. She has bad teeth, those of her under iaw are much disco loured and project a good deal. She H.s a full head of wooly tr-ir—a very cross forbidding countenance, is very impertinent, and laughs and talks leud. Pat was born in South-Carolina, and speaks bad Englifc, with th<- negro dialeil. She has on the upper part of her breafl, two pretty large lumps of flefh reftmblir.g Wens, or rather with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She carried away with her several changes of cloath?, and gowns of white muslin, and of coloured and figured printed cottons l'alhionably made up. She also carried away with her, CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robufti strong made girl, of a short flature, and round lliouldered—appearing t« be about (4 years of age. Clara has large flaring ey«s, a flat nose, an oval flat face, her under j,w projecting a little, and good tetth. She is very artful and impu dent, has a great fluency of fpoech, uses good lan guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the appearance of ring worms on her left cheek and chin j the Ikin in spots appearing much paler than the reft of her complexion, which is much lighter than her mother's—Her hair is short and wooly; She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a small black 6gure, with new tore parts. Also ran away, on Wednesday the Ilth itift. une, DICK and AMELIA, Dick, or a 9 he has jately called himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe ervant, — he is about 5 feet 7 inches lii/b, rather made, is about i? years old, of a good smooth, black complexion—has a fin nose, with very large open noflrils. He carried his head and neck as if he were ft iff in the neck and (houl ders, which are high and tolerably square, and hi* neck fliort—his l.gs are straight but small and illy made, with scarce ary calf. He has ha/ bad teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward— he has a full he«d of wooly hair, which he phirs and drefles to the bed advantage. His voi<-« is lmall, his i'pecch commoly mild and flow, and his manners appear extremely Jjmple, but he is at bottom an artful knave, and when l'pokcn to is very apt to be.palConate and impenitent. Dick is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad English—he seduced and carried away with him Amelia, who he called his wife. Amelia is a very complete, well inflrufled la dies maid, muf township number three, :n range number aineteen ; and the quarter townihips number one and four in township number fine, of range number tivetrty ; toge 'hsr with the fifty quarter townlhips hereafter dtferibed, are reserved to be located, for the original holders of warrants granted for mili tary services, or their heirs, in lots of one hun dred serfs, pursuant to the a£l above recited. id. The following i s a description of the fifty quarter townlhips referred to in the preceding article and which were designated by lot in th» presence of the Secretary tf War, pursuant to thi- ifl above recited • o 1 ? 8 3 V § 1 , ? a co o l a Frtm on fcWtht aoc Half cherts Luccj Of) \ Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, j frm iyfcr*, - ■ErimflonJ, PirnieUn Cheese, J 300 Pipes bcit Bordeaux Biandy, 100 HoglVxad; Caret superior quality, 700 Cali s livnrh Sweet Oil, 60 Cafet Catherine Pl;:ir.bs, 6 Cases PruNes, Boxes Capers, Olive?, An*£otfie» and Ccr nicbons, 100 do. fc< ft assorted Cordials, ■ DRY GOODS assorted for t!ie We£l-ladi» market!, Claret in cases of a superior quality, ; London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, ( 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mo-jnted. r Thomas Murgatroyd Sons. J Msy to. - tutl)&s tf Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY frcra Spring Forge, in York County,a negroman, named ISAAC, other wise CUVJG, abriut 21 years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Eft). He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has a blemifti in his eyes, more white in them than common, by trade a Ferge man; ha'l on and took with him; a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a jacket and pantaloons* printed fancy cord, a Iwanfdown flriped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and or.c coarse (hirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto Criped border, a blue I'erfian under jacket and twopeir c»tton (locking*. Wltoever tales up faH negro and lodges him in any jaU in this or any of the neigabourir-g dates fliall have the above m, ward Of reafomble expenses if brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring forge, Odloberij, 1799. N. B. As*{aid negro formerly lived iu Chtfur county, it is probabls he may return there. November f WHEREAS BY a dtcree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, James against Newman, it-is among other things referred to Wm. Graves* Esq. one of the matter* of the said court," to take' an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late of Newgate flreet, London, deceased, and also to in quir« and (late to the court, whether Franci» James, the brother of the complainant's nampd at cne of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whether he died in the life ti:ne oi the tellator Therefore all persons who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis J.mes We living or dead, and if living where he now retides or Uft resided. and when and at what place, and when and where he was lall heard of. ar d if dead, w hen and where he died, ere iWreby requettei Ut give such information tettefaid William Graves, Efq*. at his office in Soathamptor Buildings, Chancery Lane, London,on or before the firft day of March next, otherwifr he wiil be exc'ud.d the benefit of the said decree. The said Francis James wis born at or near Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, and if living, is about the age of thirty-four years, and about the year 1779, wasa foretnaft man on beard the Milford, a merchant (hip, belonging to the port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem ber, 1780, afterwards he returned to ISriftol, an! in November,; 1781, was pressed in King road, Briflol, a:,J fient ob board the king's frigate call»d th* Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth an a cruise, and 00 board of which he af terwards became a quarter guaner, and defertei the said (hip at Charleston Bar in North-America in September 1781. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enarlcd to give information of tbe above named Francis James, whether livii-g or dead, they are rtqueled to commuDicate the fajre to DAVID A. OGOEN, No. 69, Stone ftre.j, New York. gf The printers throughout-the United States are requested to puilift the abt'vc. apnl 18' / BOONETON IRON WORKS. ""2 DE SOLD, OR L»ASKJJ FOR UNK YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Boooetcn Iron Works, Ctnata in the county cl Morris in the itar • of New-Jirfey, confifti'ig of a Forge with ' four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of ftsnes, and Saw mill, all in goo