BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. NEW-YORK. July 31, It is with pleasure we learn, that there is not a fing'e c*fe of the Fever at the Marine I-lofpital on Siatcn-Ifland. Of the threo that were afFe£tcd with it, two havp recover ed, the other is dead. Tho't! ;re are about 20 on the lick lift at the Hospital, there is liardly one who canno'c eat his allowance. NA rCHF.Z, May 16, 13c-!. Yesterday being the diy fixed for the de parture of Brigad er General Wiliuxso-v, for the Athntic S'ares, via New Orleans, ffce following Addivfs, v, hehaif of the ci tizens of the Miffifi-pi Territory, was pre fcnted to liini hy Judge Bruin. To the Honorable Brigadier General James Wilkinson, Commander in Chief of the United States Army on the.]tfissisi'jpr i is*c. citizens of the MilTihppi 'Terri tory ofter you this teltimony of their appro bation and attachment for the regard yVni have uniformly tnanifefled during your reti cence in this country for their rights, and interests, and for your con[lant endeavours to prevent the jealousies and diftindYions too/ common between civil and military commu nities. You have, Sir, removed the apprehend ons natural to a people who had long lived un der a military government, and convinced them, that the troops of the United States have been levied for national, and to promote the tranquility and happinrfs of the citizens. Your conduft has explained to us the in tentions of the Executive of the general fp yernmeiit, and has, it' polfible, increased our attachment to the conflitution and the laws of our country, and while we flatter our selves that your exceJlent example will be followed by your fucceflor in command, we do uufeignedly lament the cause which ren ders your departure neceflaiy. The impreiEons you leave behind you, ar«; honorable to your charatfer, intereftini* ro cur country, and pleasing to the inhabitants, who will ever of you, and sincerely wiUi for your happinef. and prosperity. . To which the General, after retiring a few minute*, returned the following au fwer : To the Honorable Brian Brtin, Esq. Senior Judge of the Missisippi Tet ritorjr. THlii tettimony from the rcfpeftable ci tizens of the Miflifippi Territory, of their approbation of my conduit, is highly accep table to me, and amply rewards my humble endeavors to promote thi-ir interells and their happiness, which will ever be dear to me. Bound by my orders, and prompted by my inclination, td fpfter good will and at tachment towards the national government ai*ong the citizens of the -western fttle ments, the aflurances of complacency and fa tisfaftion which I now receive from an en lightened community, are highly flattering to me, and will, I am persuaded, prove ac ceptable to my fuperidrs. Reposing entire confidence in tht prcfef fions of r«gsrd which are applied in this ad drers, to the general government, I cannot conceal the j >y I derive from the avowal; hecaule I atn convinced that the dignity, the independence, the happinrfs and prospe rity of my country, and of my countrymen, must, under God, depend on a firm, cordial and ftedfaft union of the whole. To efhblilh this important truth, and to corntt the delulirns which spring from a Superficial view nf the vail fubjett, let us examine the petition, figure, extent, fcil, and production of the United States, and we (hall discover, bonds of reciprocal intereff and mutual dependence, manifeft in no other nation of the earth, the diffoiution of which, mail infallaoly produce into (Vine feuds, civil wars, desolation and\yretchednefs. That such calamities may ie long, wry long, averted our country, and thqt its citi zens may enjoy the abundant blessings with in their reach, is the firft wi(h of my heart. To the good people of this territory I acknowledge high obligations, in return fo>- which, I beg them to accept my warmrfl thanks, with the adarance of a grateful re membrance, and the proffer of my best ser vices. It is peculiarly pleasing tome to receive a teftirconial so honourable from the hand <*" the (irft Judge of the territory, in whom I recognize the meritorious war-worn vete ran, the acquaintance of my youth, and the :nan of my affe£ticns. The general was then accompanied by a rnmber of the citizens of Natchez audits' vicinity to the river, tfhere he took boat for Loftus Height*) under a fulute from t!sf galley, and the livtlisfl good wishes of the Loftus Heights, and saw him set out for the metropolis. frigate General Green has been difpatcbed to convey the General and his family, and is now at anchor at the mouth of, the Miffifiippi. Never did I wit ness tnore obvious regret than appeared upon both officers and troops upon the departure of their much admired,their be'ovfd comman der. Indeed, nether could the expnfled, nor flill flrongcr and equal'y apparent, though silent, iroptc-ffions of the civil and military cn thia orcafmn, have rendered n>ore than was due to the conciliating and attrattive ch;trafter of the Gener. I. Permit me, before I < lof;-, to give a very (hort account of Loftus Heights. Nature (who fecsna as to military pofllflions to have denied Iter aid to Spain on the Miffil'ppt, who Terms a3 if fl'.e had f-.orned to elevate her so.i where her fans were deprcfled) al though flie has been frequently liberal of commanding ground on the American mar gin of this river, has reserved the difplayof her Tublimity for the barrier poll at Loftus Heights. The ground witiiin f'.vetp [ or tii; forvfcatlorj ife a u; of p'Surefque and beautifully varied heights, capable of 'in infinite diveifity of fortificati n,' but, j high above the reft, in proud ore-eminence Ift ti" Mount IVaJbi-gt non wliich thecica. del will br erefied. This eniin nce com. raandsa itfew whbfe circle is at leaf! thirty leagues, exactly bifc&ed hy the MifliOippi river ; it o«eriooks, and all but overhangs, a water battery now i n conliderable forward nets, wider the imrred ate fuperiot?ndance of captain Sterret ; its diftanc? frr>m high water mark is 86j feet, and its elevation above it 294 fret 8 inches, The river di re£l y opposite the fallient angle of the wa- ' ter battery is 689 yards wide, .and line'e- ! nough hai> not yet been let down to discover i its depth. I am not equal to afc entiTic pourtray of the General 9 plan, but I think it may fafcly be said that when it is com- I pleted it will present the handfomc I profpe& in the United States. The Supporter. The non publication of theDailv News paper under my dire&ion intituled " The [ Supporter, »r Daily Repast," which has not appen ed since Saturday last, calls for an apology from me to my fubferibers and cnftomers; and the derangement in the print ing of it being sudden. I h,.d not the opportunity of doing it in my own paper, I therefore take his way o( informing mv futferibers Sc readers, that ow ng to a charge in the printing thereof the publica tion will be suspended for some time until other arrangements' are completed which nil! be as soon as poflible. In the mean time such persons as chufe to add their names to the lift of Subfcriber9 are refpeft fully ii so med that fubfeription papers for that pu pose continue open at Chalk's libra ry No. 75, N. Third ft. at Woi. Y Birch. No 17 South Sfcond-ftreet. at Thomas Dobfon's, No. South Second-street. at John Ormrods. 41, Chefnut-flreet, and with the fubferiber himfelf.— During the sus pension fubferibers will of coOrfe not be ch n-ged. JOHN- KICHOtSCN. Rum S«j»nr Coffee Cocoa Cattor Oi!, and FH-UIT, Just received per the sldcp Supply Jrom Kingston, Jama'ca, FOR SAi_E BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit tor ioimediue afe, • Pipe* of Old Port Wine, and to* Bip Etft- Igdit iipr, ftc. Joljr jo. djteojt To be Let, For the season, W immsdi ite possession given A very pl«afan{, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, Wll'H Garden, Faliurr Gro«nJ», Cog'.h- Honfe, Ice-Hou'e, &c. &c.—bituafed near the Frankford road, and about 3 i-» mile* from the ciry. For terms apply to the fubferiber, in Chefnut, above Eighth flreet. W. MACPHERSON. July 18. d6t Just Received, Dr A. DICKINS, oppesite Christ Church, A. View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF TUI American Revolution, In Nineteen Dilcourfoj. By the Rev, Jonathan Barents, A.M. F. A. S. Price 2 Dollars jo Cents. J"'y Writing, drawing & printing Papers AND Stationary Wares, FOR SALE, AT W.'YOUNG'S BOOK-STOXE, No. 51, South Second Street, tlx corner of Chef nut Sreet. Who has received an extensive and gene rrl ("upply, and of the bed quality. A CONSIGNMENT Of super rcyal, double crown and do-iMc pott Frintiag, and alio of writing tools cap PAPER. A TRUNK OF Ladies Slippers. Which wi l b« fold Ipvv, for cash, or negotiable Notes. W. Young has also received a complete afiort cient o! Era'ijb t Latin, and Greek ClaJJlcs. A libe ra) allowance made to whokfale purchasers. iaw:w Now Landing, And for sale by tl>e subscriber s\ 150 PIPES OF LIS BO N WIN E. JESSE <3 ROBERT WALN. July 30 rf 2\v TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Plimer, Sraall Pica on Fica Br-dy, Engliflj, Chafes, Compoflng Sticks, and a crea variety of articles neceffsrv to carry on the Vrint ing Business. They will be fohh heap tor calh- A PP ! 7 t0 [ he Printer- Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAV KVKNING, AUGUST I. PRICES OF-STOCKS. I'oiudiuiia, Jt>ir 39. 3 per C/nt Stock for tarti « j p. «. 3i* |>cr Cent.-• ■ (Ja.' S4 ■ gj Nivy do. d«. .I 4 0 Three per Cent. ds>. _ Deferred, - do. 811 U<"»yK J'nited do. 1 Pcnnfyl*£Dyi, dn. Narth America, do. 46 lofuran.c c>3ip. N. A. fc«re» Bto to D er .1.. Wow ?ar . P tent ' Pennfyivania, third, »J per cent. «r) T Ril-lndls Company ~|"N. A. 7 PereeutadC.nee Li- 1 Warrai.t,, 1 j per'to6 aer.» COUXS2 OF EXCHANGE DilUoo I.on. at eafc i;j" ptr et Ho. do. 60 day, do. 170 do Do. do. 9od«y» do it) Billi on Hamburgh «60 dayt 3 « m ct , n • . n . , , per Mark Banco Q#. in Amfterdaa,, 60 day, 39 „ 40 cts per Florin. The privateer Dolly, Captain Webb, l ''' s P or 'j bas captured a fine copper-bot tomed French privateer—See Alexandria bead in Marine Lilt. We are this day deprived of the Boften, Baltimore and Wilmington paprrs ; for three fucceilive days the papers of the termer place have not been received. Ihe Snhfcribcrs to this Gazette who refido in German town, arc informed, that their pipers arc forwarded every afternoon, o:,e la 'K e by the Aage, dire ft ed to Mr. Kiter, at whose house they will on enquiry be found—lf they prefer it they can be sent diiedted to each individual se parate; but the p raft ice 6f pilfering the Gazette from some bf the ftage-offifea, in duced the Editor to adopt the prelent plaji. A friendly correspondent lj*s favored the Editor with a file -of London papers, received by the Packet at New-York. Their contents are uninteresting to the poi litician ar.d the qnidnync; but we fliall probably find something for the amufemer.t of the Lounger. Ihe London editors excel in articles of playful levity. Major-Gen. Charles Cotefworth Pinck ney, arrived at George-Town on Friday last. T lie New-York Gazette mentions that an entertainment had been given at Louvet'd hotel to William Duane, Editor of the Aurora ! It is concluded, with fufficient reason, that tlie party, originally composed of fools, fuhleqiiently confided of drunk ards ; thst tre.fonable sentiment? were Ut tered, blafpbemous toasts given, and smutty songs encored. It is with pleaftlre (lAle, from un doubted authority,, that on hoard the fleet confifling rf 2R /nil now at State Ifland— there is not a jingle instance of ill health ; and there are hut two indisposed in the Holpital, one of whom has a wound in hi? head, the other an intermiting fever, and both able to walk out-*-1 here is no founda tion whatever for the report of a ntimber of recent deaths. MARRIED]—Lad eveningby the Rirbt Rev. BiSiop White, Captain Cearkk, to Miss .Mary Fellcn, daughter of the late Dr. Janie* Fellon—all of this city. At a numerous and .refpeGahlf Meeting cf tire Friends to Government, in the City of Philadelphia, ht id .pniluant to public notice or. Tuel'day the 29that Dun woody's tavern, tor the of nomi nating to fill the several eleflive (Offices which will become vacant at the ensuing eledlion. Henry Pratt, Esq. was chosen Chairman, *nd Charles W. Hare, Esq. Secretary. The report of the committee appointed on Saturday the 36th in If. was received After which it was unanimotifly Rcso'ved, that this meeting will support with the most aclivc exertion Col. Francis Gurncy, As Member of tl<e Ho life of Representa tives of the United States. And the following Cenrlemen as Mem bers of the State Lrgiflature : Ltgijlature. William Hall, Georgt Fox. Samuel W. Filher, Gadlrr y Haga, John Blakely, H. K. Htlmuth, Resolved, That the committee heretofore appointed, be inflruded to confer with their fellow-citizens of the County of Delaware and County of Philadelphia, as to the no mination cf Senator. HENttY CtcrUt IV, Hart, Sec'ry, ELe&ion. sj" A MEETING will be he held by the Federalißs ol Cheder county, on the 30th day of August next, at tjie Coui't- House in Wedcheflei, for the pnrpole of nominating a suitable person to represent the Counties of CheUer and Delaware in Congress, and alio a suitable cluraifler to be elcd\cd a Member of the Senate of this state, front the Counties of Bucks, Mont gomery «nd Chcfter. N. B. The Citizens of Delaware coun ty, by Committee or mherwife, are re queued to attend at the above meeting. Cheller Co-jnty, ) July 13d, 1800. 5 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ' ' ARRIVED. Days, oclir. Jane, Toby, Havanna, Ballast. R Oalcly. Amity, Shapleigh, Portsmouth. N,H. „ . 11 days; he Brig ,G. Bill, of Alexandria, was at J urks-lfland July 10. From Calf. Waters nf tie sclooner Swift. Sailed from Havannah the 17th infhnt, in company with the schooner Orange, Dove, Hoop Cicero, Remington, and (loop Little San\ Bunker, all of and for Phila delphia. Left at Havanria the (hip Good rwiios, Earl, (hip Fair American, Breevor,.' and sloop Regulator, of Philadelphia, the latter ior New-Orleans. Captain Waters spoke the (liip Alexandria, of and for this port, Irom Honduras, going info the Hn vanna, being Ihort of wnter, and in want of affift.nce, having 18 sick on board. Letter Bags at the Cajfec Eoufc. Boston Packet, for Cowes, on Tuesday next, sth Augult. Rose, Joi es, for Liverpool, ditto. Elizabeth, Dyer, Hamburg, ditto. Volant, Hovey, London, ditto. I J CLSARtD. Ship Franklin, Goodrich, Cork Brig Eliza, Bahcock, J amaica bchr., Nancy, Layboyteaus, do. Sloop Alice Bridger, Tucker, Bermuda The brig Louisa, Joseph Hurr, mailer, left the Havanna on the 16th inft. Left thete the following vcflels : Ship Harmony. Coffin, to fail for New- York hi a few days ■ ■ . Brig ——, Curtou, of and for Charles ton* to fail on the 17th inft. Brig Stirk, Earl, of Bristol, to fail is 3 days for Bolton. Brig , Thotras, belonging to Nor folk, to fail in a few days. Sloop Little Sam, Bunker, of and for Philadelphia, to fail on the 17th ioft. and several veflels belonging tothe United States, names not rc-olledted. ALEXANDRIA, July 29. Arrived, schooner Eliza, Baldwin, Turk's Island. July 13, at 3 P. M. latitude 26, long titude 71, W. Captain B. was boarded by the privateer armed brig Dolly, Capt. Tho mas Webb, of Philadelphia, mounting 10 guns and bound to the Main , the Dolly had then with her, a fine copper bottomed French privateer schooner, (which foe had 1 captured a little before) of eight guns and forty-five men, from Porto Rico. The pri vateer, who had given chafe, {truck after receiving four broadsides, and airong her crew had ten native Americans, whom Cap tain B saw on board the Dolly in irons. At 6 P.M. (time day) Captain B. lpoke ship Fair American, Hockfbe, from New- York, for Cape Francois, cut 14 days ; all well. At 7 P. M. (fame day) fpojee brig Har r ot, Prince, from Charlellon for the Cape ; all well- The Bankrupt Law OF THS UNITED STATES, Was this Day PuMi(h«il by A. DIC ICI NS, op posite Chrill Church.— [Price 25 Cents] DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON Trfl New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs In the United States. [Pri»c 374 Cents ] aujuft is rf. tf*. ioi, fonth fid» of Maikct ft. ( Price One Quarter of a Dollar,) Pleasing Incitements WISDOVT and VIRTUE, Conveyed through the Medium of Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ; Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the CCj* Said Humphreys has jnfl received, and ia now opening a handsome collection of BOOKS. July io AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior oourt of common pleas of the county of Essex, in the (late of New Jersey; direvfted to the fheriff cf the laid county, a gait) (I the right*, cr«dits, monies ana efleits, goods and chattels, lanusand tenements ol Jthn Glevu Syames at the fuitof IVUliam Wells, in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage three thousand dollars; — And wkrraj,the said flieriff did, at the term of June lad pall, return to the said court that he had attached the defendant hy a certain bond given by Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thousand dollars,and alfoby futy land warrants ; Nov therefore, »nlefs the said John Cleves Symmes (hall appear,give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment wili he entered againfl him, and his propsrty herein attached, will b; fold agreeably to the (latute in such cafe made asid pr*»v : ded. Aaron Ogclen, Gazette Marin^L^ NEW-YORK, July S i. Brig Norfolk, of Charlelton, jult arrived. A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RHCEIVED f ROM N KW-YOKK. JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, Juvenile Mind. Translated cbiejly from tie German. W'HEIihAS, Insurance Company Of the State of Pennfylvauia. THE DIRECTORS f-T AVE this day declared a Dividend of Thirty J. X Dollars of each Share of-the Stock of thi« Company for the last fa months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legil Reprefencs tives after fOth mftant. JAMES S. COX, Priftdant. l. For Sale, Landing fr m on loard the Schooner- An. drew, from Tenerife. James M'Grig ger, Matter: 75 P'pes j 40 Hhds. > TeneriffeWinb. 64 Casks, ) For terms apply to MATHIAS KEELEY, or JOHN SLESMAN. august I, d,<t. THE W A S HI NG TO N Daily Gazette, Published at the Seat of Government of thk United r*HE publication of a good Newfpaperat tilt feat of government, is so nleful an undertaking, both to the government and to the citizens at large, for the purpoft of com municating State Papers, the Proceedings ot* Gongrefs, and other Intelligence, that the Editor has no doubt of receiving the public patronage. Having lef't a fpecimcn of th's Paper with the principal printers and book fclltrs at Philadelphia, he takes this oppor tunity of 1 tying his tern.s before the public. l- Ihe Gazette (hail be pubhflird every day in quarto, on a half iheet hrge loyal, anc. Georgetown at their places <~f residence. 2. Pa ptrrs for diflant fubferib-rs (hall be carefully packed up and forwarded ever,y p -ft day ; in h-.H (he-ts to places where the mail is conveyed eveiy day ; and in whole sheets to fubferibers at places where it is not con veyed fu often. 3. It (hall be carefully printed on a good type and paper, to be enlarged as soon as fubfcript:ons and adveitilemcnts will admit of it. The price to fubferibers shall be five dollars a year, td be paid half yearly in ad vance ; or fix dollars a year, one half to be paid at the end of each half y ar. ' 5. Advertisements will be infeited three times at t|ie rate of one dollar a fcuare. 6. The Gazette dial! contain the earliest intelligence foreign and domeflic—public of ficial papers, a (ketch of the pr ceedings and debates in Congress • with febdlions and el fays 011 tiie various i'ubjefts of economy and literature. Jt (hall be conduced on a fir and impar tial plan, open to political difci-ffionS ; but no perianal pieces or irritating animadvtr- Gons on parties or individuals Hull be ad mitted. The publication of the Gizette will com-' mence on the firfl dav of Oftoliei' neyt. tUARL.ES CIST. Washington, July 25. (Ai.g. 1) mwf'^W ROW LETT* Copy-Right. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— TO WIT. BE ITREMEMttI'.K .' D, • hat ort tV 31ft dajf of July, in the 85th of tho Ii dsg»ndenc& ot the United States rt Am rica, J<Vhn r of (he said Diftricl hath deposited in this Ojcßcff the Title of a Bock, the right whereof h« clairtis as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. ROWLETTs Tables of I) if count, or Interest, ON HVERY DOLLAR, FROM one to two ttioufand ; on evety ten do!* 1 irs/rcrtn tws thou sand to two tfimfaritf five hun dred ; on every fifty, from two thoufa»d five hun dred to three thousand, and on every five hundrt*4 from three thousand to five thoufand—from cn«s day to fisty-four days inc!ufiv>, AT SIX PER CENT, Gompfiiing, in the whole, up wards of one hundred and thirty two thoufatjd one hundred and fifty calculations of Difcourit; all performed according to the equitable juiinciples of the Banks, and as pra&ifed between individuals throughout the United State. WITH NOTES Preceding the work, fhewirp how, t>y rf the Tables, to afceriiin the Discount, AT SEVEN and at EIGHT PER CENT, reckoning either 360 or 365 days to the year—explained by examples ALS , Another Note, under the firft pnge of the V**rk f fhewingthe made of calculation on CENTS. LIKEWISE, The ready way to use Tables for any number of Days exceeding flxty four. To all which is added, the principles of compu tation ©f the vr rious exchanges between each flatc ' refpedively, and between all and London and Paris, at different rates of Fxchange. By JOHN ROWLETT, Ace s rapt ant, Bank of North-Am erica* IN CONFORMITY to thr aA of the Con gref* of tfce United States,intituled " Aa for ths en oiirugement of learning, [«rAt.] bv fccuri-g the copies oi Maps, Chart* and Do*ks to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the time here in mentioned " ( Signed) D CALDWELL. Clerk of the L ish ict of PennsyharJa* august 1. iaw4w. s..n Strayed away, ON Sun lay the 13th itift. a fmail ltrawberry coloured MAKE, fourteen hand? high, has three white feet, a white face, about ten years cM. Any information will be thankful!*,* re eived, and if delivered at John Negus's Ferry, at Market street, a reward of four Dol lars wH! he paid. , Ju }' 17- 1T it i diot. St jit as. » N % ,' -V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers