* xvxnr.* !tZT* The price of tbis (>'.isette is Eight •D'jllahs per cnttim to Subscribers residing in tie city of Philadelphia. All others pay on* Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless»squte person iiitbit city tvili hcopmt ansvfcratte for tie subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription uul! be received for a ebortir term than six months. December 1 1799. almanac From July 3c —to AvgnJl 5 MIOH WATt»> Wedasfdiy Thnrf'ay Friday Saturday S»uday lviuuday Tucfajy Wedncfday Thursday Friday - 4. JB- 7 x v." i 1 -—6 j; Saturday ftufiday Monaay Tucfdsr Port Wine & Claret In Cases, of the Jirst Quality, Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Q,e»ch with cellar urjtr them and kitch ens in the rear, likcwife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, AJjoioiof the above htodrid aad fifty feet dem, ■, Frr trrniioffale apply Bur. by *hom.a« iarfi(|jb«*>te title will be gtvea. MICAJA.I-I ELLIS. Hotrlirgton; July 9, .1800 (15) eotf VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. TOil SALE, About 25 acres of Land, LAYfN'O t ejt£ T»ll«Rojt<]. On the East it i| fioiuiiied-by jietojn;* Ofi {o Nr. Teeth l?r*nd«, fin.—mi Uie .foittl,6y & rori of two pcrchct, aad oo the north by a ItM, tvlkS .':pif»tei it frfitn JHr.&t'CaJl. It i« props, k C to tT-n&tfeblaml lata 4 parti ia order cl> twit the ;u.*dal«rb Alfa, 31 acres, iituatfd cc the weft fide e* Oet.T.intown reid, V« eilite, ■ tifi,,; p«{ of ifci of the lite Samuel Fcrtartr.s apply to Simvs! Mifflin, corner of Market and nth liresti. January 54. dtf. Gazette of the United States, Daily Advertiser. H. M « St 9 f 11 3 II 47 o 3t *. I 34 a 31 Nt—— atara sits 4 s<> 7 4 / • 4 J 7 7 3 •nthif. RUM away from the Subscriber on the evening of the s&ifc ir.'t. a jtcuai Servant OHUL, nanei Elizabeth Ilowcid, had on and took with her three different changes of garment gad money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar • any pr ion apprehending her {hall he entitled to the above reward—no colts or charges v*ill'be paid. N; B, She.scad ■» years and lome months to fcrve D.l\'l£L FITZF A TJIICK. G"c kLcommodated, nauch to his latisladion, witk meat, drmk, waih ing anilojgisj:,; ty applying to the fuMcribers, living near Bcrry's-ville, in Frederick county and flateof Virgikia. ytitn Milieu, Warner Washington. June ao tuth&f WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. HPHR owners of unimproved lands in Wayoe county, k.reby notified, that Taxes ire become payable thcr.on for the years [ -"99 and 1803. Tkpfe %yho .have not already paid their taif, re herelijr.rtquired to discharge theJarr.e to JOHN BRIKK, Xreafucer us fjid County at Milford, within three months from this date .otherwise proceeding! to sale, according to the aft of AHsaibly in I'uch cafe provided, will be had by the Comiuifliai.trs lor the f.id county. Asa Steatan, "J John Carj;oii, > Commiffioijers Jgbannes Van Etten, J Atwfl,. E. Kei-locc, Glk. July 9. i.gco d 90t A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofMng Come capital, a confi (lcrtMc ihare iif industry, and dtfftrous of eng'jpingas a partner in .a lucrative bnfinefs, of a fttua'ioß. All pripofais oli tliii fuhj >t to be in writmgr l'ealed and directed to W. It. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette c/f the L'nited States, will be at tended to. (£T A Printer would find it to his advantage June J- . 4if Ihree Cents Re-ward. FOR SALE, A Printing Press. By C. P. Wayne, No. 6s, South Ftont-ftreet. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY iu 1800 . Saulnier 8c Wilson, WOOLEN 'DRAPERS, MEReEBS, 53*,. No. 63, Norrh fide Market-flreet, HAVE a general aflortment of best" London fuperfine Bruad Cloths and Caffimerej, (of the newest fafhion) silk stripe and iecond qualitj Cloths, lafliionatU waiftcotting, fi|k flripe u ud twill'si Nankeens,, Jean, Fustian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fapcy Cord, Vulvets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, F'laaders, Irilh and brown Linens, Dowlas, mens' and women#' iilk and cotton Hftficry, coat and-vfift pezri, Heel, gilt and plated Buttons, different cq! urs Silk Velvets, tarn toured and Cambric Muslins, Calicpes, Caliman coes, Siiiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c. &c. N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings—all which they willfel'. very i'o>v. July»B. dtf TO BE SOLD, Very .low .far Cash, or exchanged so* Goods, A Large, Elegant, and well fiijiffied 2-story Frame House IN the horough ef Franklord ; containing an entry and two large patlours on the, firfl floor, three bedchambers and two garrets Th« !ot, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two fcrcets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it contains a k'tch.di, liable,- and ccach-houfe, a well of excellent water, &c. For terms apply to JOHN MCLELLEN,, Jjly i 6. /, tuth&s tf FOB 1 three fairer Stare of Bauk Stock of th«' United tttatri, Ko. jSi* in the name o( J oho ■Hoion, Jon*. hai>n. "1 Infinallpick- Stripjd and checked ginghams | aget afi rted, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for I'netts v.'eft-lu. I dia market f Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Tiupks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. *J 3 Bales seine twine f Ettkled ti o Cases English Chi ini ware, in tea Ictts 6 Calks mineral black, I do. wliite, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks puiyle brown, 3j do. nails aiiorted, 9 do. London potter in bottles, Enjjlifli Tjiil canvar, No. i, a & 3, RuiTia duck, 4; boxes white Havanna fugv, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, « Gunpowder, Empty wise bottles, _ 20 Guns, 6 pr unders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, 3tc. aßo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, ift quajity (Entitled to jo,ooolbs. black pepper Cdrayvlack. so Logs eboiiy J May NoriCE. B. P. Berckemeyer, OF HAMBURGH, INFORMS his friends in the United States, that the partnerlbip of Berckemeyer & Co, was dfflblvcJ on the 3'.ft of December, 1799, and all accounts writUfaid firm will be liquida ted by h>m. For any further tranfidlions lie begs leave to recommend to thera his Brother and Stu ceffcr, John Henry Berckemeyer, Hamburgh, April :a, 1799. Julv a_(. dtf. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WW H a liable, carriage-houf« and lot, frtuated in a pleaf«nt part of Trenton. The ter»ns will be moderate, and poiTcffion tan be had iminediaieiir ; but the tenai.t will not be to occuf'y the premises after the icth of next November. For tprips apply tith» printer, or to AiJRAHAM HUN f, ef FRANCIS, A T c. 2i, Per.n Street. ■ April 14. Prevention better than Cure. For the {retention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have bpen attended with a dfgree » V 0 f foccela highly grateful to the inven tor « feelings, in fever il parts of the Weft In dies,and the lWthern y.rts of the United States particubriy in Baltimore, Petersburg, Kicb, raond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington, Charlcf ton, bavannah. &c. "J he leit-iinoiiy of a num ber of p.erfcJM in each of the above places cjn he .adduced, who have region to believe that a timely ufij of t!i s liluiary remedy, has, under Provid.esce, prelerved their lives when in the most alarming circtimflapces. Fails of this conciu'i ve nature speak more in favour ota medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere afferti'.n, could do. It is not indeed prifumptuouily proposed aa an infallible ewe, but the inventor bas every poffiWe reason, which can refolt from extensive experience for Lelievingthat a doie ot thele pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; and further, thst in the earlier stages of those diseases, .their use will very generally lucceed in reflonag health and frequently in cases esteemed desperate and bej end the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfetfly mild and maybe used with fafety by perfunsin every situation and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fa perfluous bile ar.d prevent its morbid fecretipoe ; ta-reflore and amend the appetite ; t« produce a tree perforation and thereby prevent cojds which are often of fatal conlequeuce. A dose , fails to remove a cold if taker, on its firft appearance- They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenels, fieknefs of the flotnach arid /evere head-ache, and ought to be taken by all peii sons on a change of climate. They have been found regnai kabiy efficacious in preventing and curirg most difordeh a:teK Dqflrojipg Loicngt?, hi? Sovereign K!>xfr for coughs, Xc. Reft orative Drops, fiffeflce and U*. trail ,f MuftarH, Sovereign ointment for the Itch, Dr. Hahn's in!'a!iiblc German Corn I J laifter, In dian Vegetable Sp;c!£c {or the Venereal com plaint, Gowlahil't ai.J i'erfian I.ofi-n, Reftorauvs Tooth Powjer, Damask Lip Sllvc, CJiurch'j Cough Drops, Anckrfoa's Pills, &c. &c. April 1Q n\ tS FOR SAL]-:, \ ' A PRINTING PRESS coainlete. Old Lonf i'rir. <-r, Small Pica ou pica body (new and old Pica, do. English, (two final 1 founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office Furniture, &c. Irim work of a print iilg-prefs, spT They will be,fold cheap Corca!h—Apply at the office of tfca Gazette of :hc United States. Strayed away, ON Sun ay ihe 13th ir.ft. a fmul itr aw berry .coloured MaUK, fourteen ham's hiyrh, has three whiie feet, a white sa v e. about tea years oid. Any information will be thanciully received, and if delivered at John Negus's Firry, at Market ftrvt,a reward ot four Dol lars will be paid. Jul? »7- f >1 A f [Polum* XVII'. ' :K\ * V