Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 30, 1800, Image 4

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la the PorcocJ, From Liverpool ifid
. Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery,
B r ass fc? Japan* d Wares,
Fer the Brutus and EencUpc, via N.York,
aflfort'ed ill cafel, and
ntis in Boxes—~£r
No 30, Niirth From ftret 1 ,.
June 16
W ri ting-Paper,
»■; toe j'. KcnsinptJn, fr:m
—ari Jar sale bv
no. t7,
IMf* EJ</aI. wuv« »nJ )j 1n > itoyal do.
Rcj al
Medium do.
,Demy da.
Poll thick .ind thin do. folio snd quarto,
Do. do. do. h»t-pref»'d.
Copying machine piper and ink-powder for do.
■lnk arid ink pojudsr, red and hljck, fine Japan
ink, parchment, quills and penknives,
ftaiinij-wjx, vrj'ers, 3cc.&c
A few ftts of ekg'«t Maps and Atlas's,
Mahogany writing deiks of various
|CP Merchant's Acceunt Books retfflj
rud- f or made to any pattern on the short-
est notice.
. J"'y 2J-
f ni&th jt
8000 Feet rf Honduras Bay
At W illing's Wharf, and
No. i,Pcnn street.
Jnly v 24
Just Arrived,
Thecal* Biif". Cuntuaiider, tram Utaga
consisting or
A-> jffortjiiem of Piece Goods.
Sugars df tfte firft quality,
And 100 qi. chofts of Superior qOility
Kyfcn Teas.
Willingt Is" Francis, and
Thomas V John Clifford.
Miicli iy.'
That large and commodious
* At the coi'n r of Arch ill d Ninth jlrectt*
to be Rented,
And entered upon ihii morli, (be HMbilu
blf. Oi«ch Houfc icdlou, now in the Mtmt of
M jur&utUr. C:uuce at above. it No.
»8 rcrih Fifth
July 10
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge:
A LUVIuEND oi 8 per centum per annum it de
_£~V clsre.d Hy thr President. and Dire&ors of the
Cotnp3ny f r '.reiSirgn ' crmanrnt Bridge ovtr
the River S v uylfcill, at or near th'c eity oi Phila
delphia, on the amounts paid in 011 the ift day of
April lift, (the lion when the fubferiptions tothe
flock of tht !ai 1 company weie csmpleated, and to
I>et<.om thlncc computed) payable tothe •rot'k
fco'ders-or their legal representatives after thj 5 oth
day n> the ;rcle"* noo'h, cut of the profits ari
fia.y from the Eluatii g liriJjge Ferry and Tavem,
at th: We»tendof High Strei t,'on application to
the Treasurer, No. 1?. Church Alley
July 1. „ . ' luthslm
To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col
lection Diftrift,
Comprehend, d by *i;e Ea'l and Weft Northern
Lihertiei, and ;he towr.lhip of Blockley in
firltdivXiun, ft tie of l'ennfylvmia.
YOLP are here'ry notified, that the tax
which ha 9 been aff.fied upon dwelling houfe9,
lind« and Caves within this idiftrift, by virtue
of an ail of Congrofs pafled the 14th of July,
17.8, entitled " an a<sl to lay and collefl a di
re! trx," becomes due and payable on the
nth day of July n.*t, snd th*t 1 will attend at
my house, Nc 353, north Second street, te
receive the f.ime, fr )<n ;nJ arftcr the i»th day
ofjn'v to th-- firft day of August next, from
10 o'clock in tSe till 6 in the after
noon, except Monday the 21ft andiFridiy the
»slh, whcn.for the greater convenience of the
inhabitants in the township of Hockley, I will
attend at the houfc: of Mr. Will am K»ads, at
the Cr.ols R.'.ads, of which ill persons concern
ed are to tike nut ce shy nn de'au t the
del r.q-ients wll inwi eduttly be proceeded
ajainll as the law dir-fils, and fubjeft them
fcive» to sft addirit nal expence of eight per
ccn tin on their refpeflvie taxes and cofl of
•proftciitwn. I
In coni'i rmity to the 6th legion of the arfl
as ,-efjid, a f ;ll and correfl ccpy of the tax
li't tenia.ns it the office of John Browne, No.
t6B, nor'.h Front fireet, Northern Libeities,
the furtfev.'.r of the revenue for the fiid afTeti
racnt diftr'fl, cpen t;> the infptislion of all per
foilJ inclined to infpeifi the fame.
Colltiflor of the 3d colledlion d'.ftrift.
Nor'h»rn f-Jkerriee. June 48 w iA
Found,- ,
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
WHOEVER has loft it m y receive it ®n ap
plication at the office of thi-> Gazette, and
paying the fcxpeucc of this advertisement.
July li.
t the Office of the Gjiette of the United
July 6
The House,
LATELY occupied by tjie Chevalier
D'Yrujo, Spani!h Ambassador, will be
let ott to an approved person or family, on
easy conditions. It is Urge, commodious
and elrgant, with coach-house and {tables
cons -.rmable.
Enquire at No. 100. Spruce flreet.
■Arch Street, Na. 94.
July 23. eod'f.
District of Pennsylvania to -wit:
BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of
July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der Addifon of the fiid District hath deposited
in this office the tit'e of a book the right where>
of he claims as Author in the words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in t£e Count/ courts
' f the Fifth Ciccait and in the High Court at
Errors atid appeals of the State of l'ennfylvania,
and charges to Grand Juries of those County
Courts. By Alexander .iddtfon, President of
the Ourts of C m'lion Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State of fenjiiylvaina "
In conformity to the a«fl of Congress of the Wni
ted States j.--.titled " An adl for the encouragement
of learning by securing the copies of maps chart;
and b oks to the A uthor-i an<! Proprietors of such
copies during the time* therein mentioned."
D.C 1-iWjjI.I.,
Clerk of tbc DtjlriSi J Ptnnfflvania.
The above book is urv publiihctl It will be de
livered to (übfenbers by Mr. Dobs n Bookieilcr.
July 23
Clock iff IVatch Maker,
To No. 36, Market Street,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring »nil other Clocks ; gold and silver
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; ftrel
and gilt Chains, Seal* and Keys ; Springs,
Btc. Sue.
Repaired at usual.
June 3 tn&f tf
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM York Town on the 13d inft. JAMES
HENDiIRjON, lately aflerjeantin the 10th
Regiment, and finite enlifled as a Serjeant in the
Marine Corp J, of the following description.—
He is about fiVe feet fix inches high, brown hair
and fair conipl lion He is an adlivc fellow and
brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant.
He has been htely seen in Lancafler, and is pro
bably with his Iriends, who live about 4 miles
from that place.
Theabov* reward will be given an<! all expen
ccs piaid, on delivering him to any officer in the
fcrvice of the United Stat.s, or lodging him in
Adjutant Marine Corps.
Philadelphia, June 30. ajw.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN- A WAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti
more, on the loth inft. a light coloured
negro man, who cails himfcif WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He it about 14 y-<rrof nge,
about 5 feat 8 inches high, neat in his dref«, and
has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he
went away, a gocd beaver hat, a fhert light
green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel
low gilt buttons —alight buff caffimer, double
hreafted waificoat, a pair >■{ dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantalsor.8 —a wfiife linen lfiirt,
white ribhed cctton itvekings, and a good pair
of (hoes with He took with htm a
dark blue coatj a pair of olive cafftracr paxta-
Ihoks, and a light corduroy pair of broeches ;
alfagoldor pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is fend cf fpirittvus liquors, ia inso
lent, has a fiupid look, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles comity, Maryland, and
p'Mchafcd ofrol. J-ihn Thorns by gen. Ridge
ley. Whctver apprehends said negro, and fe
cures him in any jail lo tS»3t the nwnor may
gat him again, ftwl! rccsive the above reward,
withseafonable charges if) rought hema, or de
livered to Jofli'ji b. Be/, Philadelphia,
may 1 dtf
n:&rii V
Twenty Dollars
DESERTED from the Ma inc Barracks on the
Bth instant, the tollo'ving Marines, viz
j JOHN BTEEL, torn uear Brandy Wine in
Chefler county, by profcOiun a Tailor. He is aj
years of age, five feet eight inches higlv, grey
eyes, light brown hair,thin visage and fallow com
plexion—had on a round h,t, hrown silk coat,
nankeen breeches, and other decent cioathirg.
j Frederick Fry, born in Ge-many, hot caroe
to America very yo'".i>g, about thirty fix ye.'rs
of 6ve feet seven Inches high, Hazle eyes,
Bla.-k Curly hair and very brown complexion—
had no uniform on —He was lately a Soldier
in Geseral Wayn-s Army at F rt Detroit. —
The above re A'zrd w ill be paid, or Ten Dol
lars f>r either, and all expences, on delivering
them at the Marine Bnracks, Philadelphia, or
to any Officer in the Service of the United
Adjutant Marine Cwrpj.
Philad. July 11, i3ao.
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CON3ISTTNG of two hmdfome dwelling
houses, with exeelk-nt (tabling for foveii horses,
double coacfe-hoiifc most completely 6ttedup; a
beautiful large and valuable garden ruhly filled
with choice fruit, furtounded with .high hoard
fence, almost new. The premises ace beautifully
fitaated near the middle of Germantown, fur
rcunded ■with rich pro(j>fiisl» of the adj'cent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
haodfome lawn at tht back of the house.
One houte has been reoeatly huilt os an appro
ved plan; the other hat been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new htfule is well talculatcd for a store in
either the dry or wet good line.
Tho air and water are nnrivjlUd, and there are
some noli excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For Pirticsbrsenqnifc of the Phste, er of
«mlk prcmifei.
m »r 9;
iUritan farm,
A VALUABLE and dcfirabln Estate, fit Sated
ort the river Karitan in Jersey, near Scmer
fct Court-Houle, 16 miles from Erurfwick, and
18 irosi Princeton ; ccnfiDingof ujwardsof 700
acres, equally divided into meadew, arable and
woodland; the whole v\lthin a ring fence ; the
barn, Rabies, 3cc. are fpacicu9, and adequate to the
Gze of the Farm ; there is a plenitude of game,
with a good {had filhei/. The estate is cow in
the hands of Mr. Henry Worley.
Further particulars may be known of
Merchants, Philadelphia, and of
"» Germantown,
Or of the Tenant on the premise
May 9, S tf
( ' Ibis Day Published,
By J, o;im*'od, No. 4i, Chefnut Street,
{Price tj Ccnti)
Death of General Wajhirigtcn.
In imitation.of ths manner of Ofliaji.
By Rev. J'.nN B. Link, A. M.
Miriftcr of tlic Firfc Preiby teriau Coogregotim
fff Philadelphia.
0- Mr. Chuidron't Orstiaa will be [pubiifhed
■in M.r.rfay morning.
Micch 15. <J.
rTTITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump,
v \ &c. Bk. The whole containing 17 »cres,
situate on the Wifahicon road, between the
third andfounhmile ftone —Maybe purctafed
on reafonabie term*. —Two third* of the pur
chafe money may remain (secured on the pre
mifes and on interell) during three years.
Enquire of HGNSAL 3c/>HO£MAKER,
No. 1141 South Foarrli-flreet, the Sub
fcriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the
premises, or at No. 45, Walnut-lireet.
June 13. mwf tf.
300 Dollars
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 18th
of June inft. TWO NEGRO PERVANTS ;
viz a negro woman named Pat, a wafhcr wo
man and cook, of about fifty tws years of age—
tall and well fhiped, of a black complexion. Shr
has bad teeth, those of her under iaw are much
difcolourei acd project a good deal. Siie his a
full head of wooly hair—a very cross forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and 1 ugns ami
talks loud. Pat was born in South-Carolioa, ano!
speak* bad Eng'.iSH, with tie negro dialed. Shr
has on the upper |>au of her bread, two pretty
largt lumps cf fleih refttnbhng Wern, or rather
with the appearance of the nfiaris of a burn. She
carried away with her several changes of cloalhs,
and go-vns of wjiite rou-flin, and of coloured and
figured printed <o«t>r» fafhionably made up. fill*
also carried away with her,
CtARA her daughter—a very flout, robuft
ftroug made girl, ul' a fliort ftarure, and round
(houidered—appearing te bs about 14 years of
age. Clara kks large llaring cya«, a flat nofr, an
oval flat face, her under jaw prrjefiing a little,
and good tuth. She is very artful and impu
dent, has a great fluency of Ipeech, uses gUfd lan
guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the
appearance of ring worms on her left cheek and
chin ; thelkin in (pots appearing much paler than
rhe red cf her complexion, which is much lighter
than her mother%—Her hair is fhnrt and woo'.y.
She wore a grounded printed cotton with a
small black figure, with new fore parts.
Also ran away, on Wednesday the nth in ft.
une, DICK and AMELIA. Dick, or as he (.as
ately called himfelf, P.ichard Weaver, is a haulc
■vrvant, —he is about 5 feet 7 inches high, rather
small mad£, is about a; years old, of a g-iod
smooth, black complexion—has a flat nofc, with
very large open nostrils. He carried his head
and neck as if he were ftiff in the neck and lhonl
ders, which are high and tolerably square, and his
neck short—his 1 gs art straight but small and
illy made, with scarce ar.y calf. He has hai bad
teeth, is left handed, and e*c«edingly awkward—
he I)as a full head of wooly hair, which he phits
and drefles to -the best advantage. His voire is
small, his'iptech commo'y mild and flow, and his
manner* appear estremeiy Ample, but he is at
bottom an artfui knav -, and when lpokcn to ij
very apt to b J ofiionaee and impertinent. Dick
is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad
Engliih—he feduccd and carried away with him
Amelia, who he called his wife.
Atjolia is a very complete, well inftruficd la
dies maid, much below the common Mature ao'i
of a (mail make—her complexion is that of 1 dark
mulatto or meflizoe, nearly resembling that of the
Lafcarsof Inr>ia, with Mack curling hair, and a
very low forehead—her right eye has a great
weakness, owing tothrfmall pox in her infancy—
under her »ye» very'black—a flar face, flat broad
nose, with Icarce any rising at thc bridge; a large
mouth, with thick lips, a»d good strong teeth
On the nape of her neck ihe has the marks oi a
Seton. Drtffes whh taste, and imitates the French
llyle ; is very fenfibb, and rxpvcffcs herfelf well.
She took with hef a variety ot clothes, fafhion
ably m.ide— she ha* for more than two years pad
be™ liable to fits, which at times give her awild
refs iniicr ryes—her healthis generally delicate—
fh -it at prefect likely to cticrcaft tcr family, and is
ab-'Uf. ii years of age—she can dress hair, clear
tlarch, has a taste for millinary and mantua-ma
kitig; and as Ihc is very ingenious, 1 can turn her
hand to any thing and may probably offer herfelf
to some milliner or maiitua maker as a work
woman. As rtirelia has heretofore "been a great
favourite of a very indulgent mistress, and 'tis
beiieved ha« been led away by the peffuaGon of
her paramour Dick, if she will return to me, (he
will be forgiven and treated with the fame ten
, dernef- she has always received.
FIFTY DOLLARS Reward for each will be
paid for the delivery of Fat and Clara to the
fubferiber, or to any goal in the United States, so
thatl mry get ptdTeffion of them—One Hundred
Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like
delivery. The fublcriber warns ail master
of veffcls, from taking these Runaway servants
from the United States, and requests such
of his friends and acquaintance as it may notfuit
to arrefl them, to give information, ftnuld they
hear of either of the fugitives, co the fubferiber
by letter direfied to the post office, Philadelphia,
•which will find him, wherever he -may pass the
summer, or to the Printer of the Gazette »f the
United States, who will communicate it to a
Iriend in Philadelphia to aa on his behalf.
Of South-Cttoli" l . comer of rnrth ud
Onio^-Itrecti, Philadeiptia.
Jonclj. W&»,Jt
AfBXLU, dip'.
i ■*-
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in pin
fuance of the a-fl ps Cotjgreli, pafftd on
the firlt day of March, one tfc'u'ar.d eight
hundred, intituled "An aft in addition to an
Ji£l, intituled, an aii regulating the giafits of
land appropriated for military services, and f u r
the Society of the United Brethren fer propa
gating the Gofpei among the Heathen," as fol
if!. All the fratflion:! parts of ths quarter
tnwtifhips adjoining to the Indian boundary line
iif the trail of lafld referred to in said ifl,
except the fra&ional quarter townlhips num
ber four in townfliip nunaher smcn of rit ge
guinber twenty : /.ifo, all the frattional parts
of the quarter tovvrfhips adjoining to the river
Stioto, except the quarter townfliips number
one a«d four, in townihip number tone of range
number nineteen ; the quarter townships num
ber tiyo and three of township number three,
in range number nineteen ; and the quarter
townships number one and four in townfliip
number Jive, of range number tiveirty ; toge
ihsr with the fifty quarter townlhips herea/tet
described, are refcrveU to be located, fcr the
original holders of warrants.granttd for mili
tary services, or their heirs, in lots of one hun
dred acres, pursuant to 'he adl above recited.
ad. The following : s a dcfcription of the fifty
quarter tcwnlhips referred to in the preceding
article *nd which were designated by lot in th*
prtfence of the Secretary ef War, pusfuant to
the nhovr recited •
j? s ¥ § jj? '? a J"?
to O ft Co C. a Co
•g. g £: . • g. ' -*g
1 I 3 6 2 it lO I 2
82 6 2 J 3 4
84 7 3 I 8 I
10 1 8 • 2 11 6 1
223 83 8 i
34742 13 8 4
5 1 I l J I :
53 72 2 :
31182! 7 -
7 1 7 •
72 4 3 16 2
84 51 3
1-4 3 7 3 6
10 3 9 3 7
93 94
!.- dl ir
' - ■ » - • • » * >
3d. All the had* » eecfc of die above fift;
quarter tewoffup*. ami ia the frail ionai part
»( quirtcr ttwit&ipt btfoie 'described, luvt
been divided iifoi tike refpeflivt pint thtT«ef
it returned by the Surveyor General, into a>
mof let) of sic hundred acres each, ap tin
quantity fuck quarter trrvn(hij> or fraiflioa i<
luted to cootaia #ill admit, in the ounnsr
pointed out aad requltvd ky tke above recited
aA. «
4th. The plats divided as aforcfaid into ,ots
of one hundred acres, are dspolUed in the of
fice of theßfgifter sf the Treasury where the
locations are to be made ; and upon fiirrender
iig the warrants which shall be thus located,
patent* will be issued in the manser and upon
the condition* prescribed by law.
Given nmhr my band at Philadel
phia the day and year cbove
Secretary of the Treasury'
■iw —2 s w jm.
»pril u
WHEREAS Mjthew Irwin did on the Bth
eflate ana effects, to u* the subscribers, for the be
nefit of such of his creditors, as should on or before
the lothaf September, 1797, execute to him a full
and final dlfoharge— Now those ofhis crcJUor.-
who are entitled to a dividend under said align
ment. are reqpefted to furnilh their accounts oj
Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the
Bth day <1! July, 1797, as a dividend will absolute
ly be struck on the firfl d»y of April noxt, and those
who negle# t« comply with this notice wilJ th«re
after he excluded from the benefit of the fame.
Samuel Meeker
Nj'.i'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Afiigr.ees.
Pearson Hunt I
John M. Tailor J
Hii'a.lclj.liia, March 14
And Owners of Stills.
WHEREAS by an a£l os-Congress, pafled
the Bth day of May '791. entitled,
" An ait concerning the duties on spirits distil
led within the United States," it is required of
all persons having or keeping a Dill, er ftilli,
to make entry thereof, between the last day
of May aud the firft day ofjulyineach year,
under the penalty of two hundred and fifty
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to all
distillers, or owners of stills, within the city
and county of Philadelphia, to make entry of
them at the office of Inl'peflion, at 49, Korth
Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, with
in the abovementioned periods.
JAMES ASH, Collector
of the revenue of the first division of the
first survey of the district of Pennsylvania.
June 6, ftf
HIS Swedilh Majesty's Consul General, and au
thorized to tranfadl the Cenlular Uufind's,
for his Majefiy the King of Denma ik iu the United
States of America, reliding at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
Thst in obedience to recent inflruflione received
from hii government, it is the duty of all Mafiers
of Swediib and Danilh veflels, be-forc their failing
from any pott in the said States, to call upon him
or the Vice CobCul. in o*£er to be granted such
Certificates for their Catgpes, which the exigency
of the slate of the Neutral Commerce anti the se
veral Decrees of the Belligerent Powers, renders
indispensably necessary, and, that ai.y Master < f
veile'o belonging to the refpeftive nations, or na
vigating under the protection of their flags, io
emitting to take such certificates, will personally
stand reTponfible fi«r the confluences.
Philadelphia, iSth DecemVer,
A CERTIFICATE of four Mures of the
Bank of tbeUnited States in the name of
Bickham & Reefe, No »59J) tor :l " renewal
of whith application ia intended tote made at
the laid Batik, and all persons concerned arc de
sired to take tfotice.
May 8. «d 3in
80 BcxtS Swctt till, j Fryn on loaritht
SCO Mi.:i Lucca o\}y t Louisj t
7 Bales Papi:r f 1 from Lreborn)
Erimflor.s, , ,
ParfntifaQ Cheese, J
300 Pis»e*bcft Bordeaux Btandy,
aoo Hog&ead* Claret fu-trior
700 Caies Frajxoh Swpet Oil,
60 Cal. * Catherine Piunils,
6 Caijvs Prunes,
400 Boxes Capers, Olive?, Arthoyie* and Cor
ICO do. be ft aflc-Tted Cordial*,
DRY GOODS afloxtcd lor the Weft-lndi
Claret in cases of afuperior quality,
London dry White Lead,
A small invoice of Coffiue,
6 & 4 Bound Cannon, mo unfed.
Thomas Murgatroyd Sons.
May 10. fiti.S:! c/
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
Couuty.a ngp;roman, named ISAAC, other
wise CUVJO, about 21 ypar. old,.the nrojurty
of Robert Coleman; He is ahout cfeets
inches high, has ablcmilh in hie cyce, more wr:ite
in them than common, by trade a Fcrge man, r.a<l
on and took -with him a atao coloured broad clcih
coat, new\ a failsre'jncfcetaujl Canta'.ooni*
printed fancy cord, a iwanfrfown ftrips--! nniler
acket; a rorum hat; or,c Gnc and one coai-fe
fcirt' one mtiilin handkerchief, fprlgjrcd, two
ditto liriped border, a ! lite Perfitr
and two peir <;uttcH (Ictkiags. Wf ..ever takes up
said negro and lodges him iv. ar.y jail in tki6 or any
of the" tieigahouriryg Hates (hall rave th." atiove rc
ward or cxpcnct - Lrought home.
•Spring Forge, Oifnbtr 53, . -99.
N B. As l\id negro iorm. rly lived in Chester
couoty, it isprobabk he tnayretiirn there.
November 5
T>Y a dacree of th» High Ccjrt of Chancery,
■D made in a cause, James a;;siiift Newman,
it is among other things refer; ed t<rWnl. Graves'
Esq. one of the matters of the faiJ court, " to take
an account of the Legacies bequeathed bv the will
of the testator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late cf
Newgate street, London, deceased, and a lfo to in
quire and date to the court, whether Francis
James, the brother of th« complainant's named r.s
cne of the legatees in the laid will is dead, and
whether he died in the life time of the testator
Therefore ail persons who can give any informa
tion whether the said Francis James Vie living or
deaj, and if living where he now resides ox last
resided, and when and at what plfce, and when
and where he waelaft heard of. and if dead, vi hen
and where he died, are hvreby requefl#d to give
such information tsthefaid William Graves,Efq:
ac his office in Soathamp'on Buildings, Chancery
Lane, London, on or belt sc the firft day of March
next, eiherwifc he will be excluded the benefit of
the said decree.
The said Francis James was born at or near
Kidwelly, in the cuunty of Caermarthen, and if
living, is about the age cf thirty-four years, and
about the year 1779, was a forcaiaft man on board
tile Milford, a merchant fliip, btlonjing to th«
por:of Bristol, aad failed lor Jamaica in Septem
ber, 178?, afterwards he returned to Srittol,
an lin November, 1781, vtas prcfliid in King
road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate
called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply
mouth on a cruise, and on board of which he af
terwards became a quarter gunner, anddefcrtei
the said (hip at Chatlefton Bar in North-America
in September 1781.
Should aily person in tfre United States of Ame
rica, be enabled to give information of ths above
named Francis James, whether livit.g or dead, they
are requeued to communicate the fame to DAVID
A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone flreet, New-York.
£s* The printers throughout the United States
are requeflcd topufelilnthe above,
april is!
Valiutble Estate,
KNOWN by the name ol the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnata in the county of Morrie iu the
flat'. o( New-Jcrfey, confifliiig of a Forge with
four firr.p, a Rolling aod Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of fi®nci>, and Sav mill, allingood
order and nsw in use, together with an excellent,
large, and convenient house, with out-houfes of
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
(tone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring rn
it, a large Garden, and an cxculknt «olk£lioa of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 4500 acres of wood,
pa-ure and arable land, and a great numSer of
flores and workmen's houses. Immediate poffrfGon
will be given of houses and llore9 fufficient for
providing Hock the prefer.t winter, and pofJc3ion
of the whole in the spring.
For term" enquire.of David B. Ogden at New
ark, mr. Peter Mackie in New-York, rer. David
Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob and Rich
ard Fael'ch on tie premises.
Januar" 11
THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
caster line ofStagee DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to their friends ar.d the public in
general, for the pafl favors {hey have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
th«y are provided with Carriages,fober and careful
driver?, to go through between the City and
BorOHgh iu two days. Those who prefer this mode
of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States Eagls, Market street,
Slough, Downing, Dunwoady if Co,
Nov. 30. 21—$
Of tbt Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of
the most approved European Glass Manu
fu<slurers, and having on hand a large (lock of
the best Materials, on which their wopkrr.en are
now employed, have the pleasure of afluring
the public, that window glass of i fupei ior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
loc feet ea h, may be had at the thortett notice.
Glass for other purposes, may
a'fo he had, such as fot*pi<slur?s, coach glafle*,
clock faces, &c. Unttles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flafki, pickhr.gjars, apotsecary's ihop furniture,
or other hallow ware—the whole at lea!t ij per
cent. luwtr than articles of the iatEe quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
Stat-es A liberal allowance will be-made on
sale of large quantities. Order?tr m merchants
tnd others will be punflually attended to on ap
plication so JAMB'S O'HARA c-t ISAAC
CR (\IG, or at the Storeof Mc.Trs PRATHJEtt
and SftllLlE, its Maiket-Street, P ttfburgh,
March 4, tuth'tf.
V *