Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 30, 1800, Image 3

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Gazette of the United States.
VatUDtLran, J»LT
t per C«m Stock for cafb icri Jaf p. tl.
tt;i pis L'cut. do, 84 a<<
Navy do. . do, 84 «gj
Tfcrce per Cut. do. jl\
Del'e«red, '.' Jo. 81J
B \N'tC Uiiite l do. 30
PcnnffWaaia, dv. if
- North Amenta, d-i. 46
Infuranji comp. N. A. (hares 8 to 10 per cent,
below par.
Pennsylvania, (hare v* J per cent. zAt,
Baft-India Company, of N. A. 7 percent advance
Land Warrants, 2 J dolls, per 100 acn>s.
Bifison Lon. at 30 days for caSh 171 per ct.
Do. do. 60 days < do. 170 do.
Do. do. 90 days do 169
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts.
per Mark Banco
Da. in. Amsterdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
6C7-> The Boflon Papers, due by this
days Mail, have not been received ; scarcely
a mail arrives that we are not deprived of
either a N. Y. or Boflon Paper, it is a se
rious inconvenience to the Editor.
To and Correspondents.
We have given to " Viator" a place in
the firft.rjnk of Correspondents. We hope
that we, lhall hive frequent oppoi tuiiit'its of
iufcrting the efTays of a fenlible man anil
corredl writer, wnom we delight to honor.
We exult he employs his excellent
archery against that naufioas, and impure
and vulgar diflion, which has no authority
in the British' Classics, and whjch a weak
and presumptuous Diciiovarj maker is a
bout to perpetuate in a vdume, \vh.,fe
title ought to be a " Record of the
blunders, and a monument i>f the vulgarity
of American stile, and of the disgrace of
the country." The Editor, like his cor
respondent " Viat r," wishes to be {killed,
in no other choice or combinations of words,
than those which are derived from the coun
try of his ancestors, rnd which constitute
the English (lite. He is fatisfied with Bo
lingbri ke and Burks and with Addison and
Goldsmith. Let pthers make a new lan
guage from the colloquies of our Clowiu,
from the drawling cani of provincial idioms
and the turbid oratory of a Town meeting.
" An Obl'erver" fliall be observed in our
paper, in a few days. The crowd of matter
excludss him only for the prefen't.
The Editor is fortunate in obtaining from
an obliging and classical friend several very
beautiful pieces of original poetry. As soon
as we can tranferibe his manuscripts, We
flr.ll gratifiy the Public, cccaHonalty, wifli
lays tuneful, correft, and elegant.
We are much obliged to an attentive cor
relporidint for the ufeful loan of an inter
esting book from a Calcutta press. Selec
tions from this work, relative to the poli
tics of India, shall be promptly made, and
the requilition of .our friend punctually an
fwe red. -
A letter from Captain Richard Gardner,
of the (hip Hazard of Salent, MafT. dated
Teperiffe, May 27, informs: Thn he has
seen and converted with the captain of a
French national biij, wliich had been chiifed
in there, direct from Bird, bound to the
llle of France, who informed, tnat Peace
had been concluded between Fiance and
America ; that the American flag was flying
at Brest ; that Tits orders were pa> t ctilc.r not
to interrupt unarmed Neutrals, i. e. veflel*
without Commissions, and positive, not to
moled any Amer : can fliip whatever ; and
that Prize velTels been purchased -ipby
the Africans at the diflff-rent ports in
France, in order, it was supposed, to come
home in. This intelligence the French
Captain certified in the presence of the new
French Consul (who'Capt. Gardner speaks
of in refpeflable terms) to be the truth ;
v and the Consul affixed the Seal of the Re
public to the Declaration, and gave it Capt,
Gardner, brig left Bred about the tad
of April or the fird of May, was bound
to the Isle of France with new Commilfion
ers and Dispatches from the Fird Consul.
which the Conimillioners a<Tured Captain G.
(on their hoftor) contained Declarations of
Peace and good will toward the American
flag. Captain Gaidner adds—l am really
inclined to think it is Peace.
The Judges of the Supreme Court of
Pdtrnfvlvania, have appointed a Ciurt of
Niii Prius, to be lie Li at Philadelphia, for
the trial of anions, by General Jury,on the
28th, 29th, and 30th Augufl. The firft
week of next September term will be appro
priaced to the trial of aftions by Special
Jury—the second week for hearing argu
ments. Arguments in Country causes to
be heard on the Bth and 9th of September;
in ■ Philadelphia C'jufity causes, during the
remainder of the week.
Circuit Courts to be he 1J as follows :
By Chief Just ce Si ip'en and Judge Brae-
ken ■ idgtj
J> Berks County, on Mo. day, the 29th Sept.
Dauphin 6th Odt.
Northumberland 13th do.
Lycoming 2gth do.
By Judges Vcates and Smith, ,
In Franklin County, on Monday, 29th Sept.
Slnißfftt Tuefllay, 7th Oft.
F-.yefe Monday, 13th do.
Wjfliiiigtort do. 26th do.
.Allegheny, do. 27 b (so.
Welimorthnd do, 3d Nov.
Bedford do. icth da.
Oil Monday 1 ift, a peiTon who Intd taken
loJgingi at tit? llgn of the Sv.'Bn, 111 TlfiisJ
ftreet, made an attempt on his liir. He
h:is iiiice been cfiniex! to the Pennfylvar.ia
Hofjjical, where he Ji a very iil.
In the city of New-York, there were fifty
Deaths, from the 2.3i.h'to tlx s7 ch July
—Ot whom there were 9 men, 3 wcuitn.
and 38 children.
A P rfon qafliiij l-unifeM" Balev, lately
from Ireland "took' the liberty of carrying
aw*y_a Gentleman'? Trunk as his own, from
the Stage office in N. Yi—lie had proceeded
30 miles on his way to this city, when the
Huge was overtaken J>y the owner of the
trunk, who claimed and received it, Mr. B
! a;l now another name and el'caped detec
tion. [7l is fAlniv was mi his Iray to Penn
sylvania—l iv ,ndcr whether /it bad beard.
ifSiever's appointment. J
At Elk Ridge, and Annapolis, M. meet
ings of the people have been held at d the
different Candidates for Elefto'rs of Prefi
dentard Vice President attended a Mr.
Duval and Colonel Mercer, warmly advo
cated Mr. JefJVrfon, and attempted to prove
tlie neeeffity of turning Mr. Adams out.
Our worthy old Friend Adams was advo
cated by the honourable Samuel Chafe, who
pr ved that the meafuresjof the present ad
miniflratiou were conceived in wisdom, and
exetutsd with firinrefs, uprightness and abi
lity— that the path laid down by Wafhing
tonhad been faithfully purfueiJby Adams ;
and that the latter had done all that could
be done, and no more, to from
abroad and tranquility at home. He was
much applauded.
DISD,] —at Augusta, on the nth ind.
Copmodore OLIVER BOWEN.'
At Raleigh N. G. the infant daugh
ter of Henry Potter, Elquire.
At Fayeiteville, Mrs. Susanna
R jwaV, relict. of the late Colonel Robert
Rowan, and Mother of Wm. B Grove,
Near Fayetteville, Mr. Robert Greer
brother to the deceftfed Mrs. Rowan.
A memoiial has been presented by the
merchants and Planters of the Bririlh Weft-
Ittdies, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer
complaining of the measure which withholds,
upon the re-export of lugar, part of the du
ty levied upon its import into the King
doms ; at a time too, when that duty was
accumulated to a degree which, a few years
ago Would not have been thought credible.
They deprecate the impending danger of
a redudtion df the drawbacks on sugar, when
ever its average price lhall for a short period
have exceeded 7° Shillings per cwt. duty
included, at the British market ; an average
price not hereby secured to the celouift, but
stated as a m ximum and which maximum
is yet a price inadequate, under all the con
tingent chatges of war, to fuppovt the plan
They farther (late the unequal, and to
them injurious, operation of the different
modes in which the duty on sugar imported
from the Weft Indies, and on that from the
East-Indies is refpedtively levied ; being cal
culated, in the latter cafe, on the aflual va
lue at markt t ; in the former cafe, on the
quantity, rcgardlefs of quality and value.
They conclude by relying on his Majcf
t) 's minister to alleviate, as far as pofßhle
the weight of that high duty, by recom
mending to Parliament a continuance of the
bonding fyflem, and also a redu&ion of the
duty on such sugar, a3 may,' for a limited
time, be consumed in the diUilleries ; and
that they will also, for a limited time, au
thor,ze the free use of sugar in the brew
eries ; and fugged, as the only certain
means of securing to them, at all times that
protesting duty, to which as colom'lls they
are entitled, that an uniform cf levy
ing the refpe&ive duties, either upon value
or open quantity, (hall be adopted.
That contemplating the return of peace
and the low prices that mull bcconfequent
thereon, they cannot but view with the moll
serious alarm a disproportion which in that
cafe will operate permanently againtt them,
and prove entirely subversive f that pro
tsftion and preference at the home market
which Great-Britain has pi dged to her
XNSco.rt or Mb. Jo ok Howard,
When the benevolent Howard visited the
Imp-riil Dominions, he had an interview
with the Emperor Joseph the second. In
the courl'e as their converfatiou, the Eng
lishman expatiated largely on the conifort
lefs and pernicious date of the Austrian and
Hungarian prifors, and the (hocking (itua
t.on ot the prisoners. The Emperor who
valued him'felf 011 a code of penal laws, more
efficacious, and less sanguinary, than the
Englifli, was nettlad, and repli-d,'• I don't
use them worse than you do in England,
where you hang them up by dozens at a
time." <> Very true " replied Howard, '• but
permit nle to allure your Ms jetty, that I
would rather be bunged in England, than
Ihe in your German Dungeons." He soon
took leave : "in truth," said his Majefly,
'• this little Englilhman is no flatterer."
We. hear from Nantes, that one of the
powder magazines of the 'castle has blown
up, and orcafioned so great an expolGon
that several of theneighboarln houses were
thrown down, and a four pounder was dri
ven as far as the ;oof of. the house of the
ci devant Canrjciites. Fortunately the o
ther r.agaziuM were not touched. 'Phe
lofa by tiy'a txph fion is incalcu
lable. Many people pcriflied or werewoati
Judicious Piayers, in poflVtfion of Genius,
Talie, and Elocution, have in every age re
ceived tin; app'.aules of. the multitude, and
enjoyed the patronage and approbation of
wife and cJit'c-rnji.ft- meif. Koscius was
prailcd by Cicero, a(id to Garrick Johnson
was a friend, mid Bvt.k a patron. Even.ip
the hvftoiy of our American arid Infant
Stage, fope names may .1 e found, which the
lovers of the mimic fce.iie will love to repeat,
and foine performers, who'A adting .will si.
ways be admired. Among this cL.fs are
Messrs. Barrett and Hodckinson, who,
in the opinion of the bed critics, are at
the head of their prolefiioii. We hope that
tc-iv.rtrrow evening, the united powers of
Humour, Sentiment, and Sor>g, will
attrad a liberal audience, and that Genius
and Merit will meet a reward.
A French Artill h-.s irtventetfr-a methpd
of making candles without wax or tallow,
and a CommiHary the (till more ufefulone
of making ivbea:en bread without Jlvur.
A hivv has pasTed the Legislature of Maf
fachulttto, tinpuwiring the inhabitants of
the town of'Salem in that state, to eftabiith
a Board of Health.
As Boadicea was making her appeal to
tlie Britons the other riljfljt at Sadlers Wells
and exhorting them to follow her agailift
the enemies of their eonntry, when flisceme
'■'■l'll be djm'a if yon, do !" cried an
horeft Tar, trying to get frpm the gallery
to the fhge, " here Jack let us go dnd we 11
shew 'em as tight work cs we did under lis
honour Admiral Ne'j n."~.thegreateft proof
ot the excellence pi an entertainment which
could To far intercft the pafiions of a fpefta
tor, as to betray .him- into an idea of its
being a reality } and we believe proofs of
this natUie are not all unfreque-nt in the
Theatrical World, particularly at seaports,
where our Tars are in their element.
BA.SSATERRF., (St. Chris.
On Monday the United-States Frigate,
Constellation, Captain Murray, artived from
The Brig Eagle has brought in a large
schooner from Guadalcupe * and many
French Privateers and Re Captures h«ve
been fnt in this week by the U. S. Ships
of War.
Yeflerdny about 70 vessels failed from
this for the U. 8. under convoy of the A
dams, R. V. Morris, commander, and
brig Scammel, Capt. Fernald.
A re captured Amtfrican brig, with a val
uable cargo of Flour, was sent in ycftcrday
by oue of his Maj;fiy's /hips.
A cartel sloop. with French prifon
crs, failed on Satflrday from hence for Guad<
aloupe ; and oa Tuffday a csrtd schooner,
which .carried 79 French fcr
Guadaloupe on Friday, returner with 31
Americans in exchange ; as did the above
(loop ailo, with 51 Americans*
A vague report is in circulation of the
capture of the Packet, Pvincefs Amelia,
Captain Stephens, that failed from he ct
for Europe on the 7th of April last, but
we' have every reaf: n : to believe the account
is premature.
Caflor Oi!, and
» . FRUIT,
Just received per the :Lop. Supply Jrom
KhgStOn, j.AHAICA,
Thomas & Peter Mackie.
♦ , - ~ l - '■ t
Who bnvc- on hand,
OKI Madeira Wine, fit (cr inmodijte ufc,
• Pipe 6 of Old Port Wine, and
ic© Bags Eift India Sugar, 3:c.
Ju»y 30. djt€ost
Just Imported,
In tbe ship Kensington, from London, and
for sale by
Joseph 8c James Cruklhank,
N-. 87, High-Rtrect,
A luminary of universal Hifkry, exhibiting the
use, Decline, and Revolutions of tht different Na
tions of the world, from the Creation to the prc
ffnt time, 9 vols. 8 vo. trar.flated from the French
of M Anguctil .
Travels through the Uwi'ed States of America,
the Country of the Ircqowis, spd Upper Canada,
with an authentic account of Lowtr Canada by
the Duke de la Rochefoucault Lia'nccurt a vols,
4 to.
Memoirs i dative t» Egypt written in that coun
try during (he campaigns of General Buonaparte
in (he years 1798 anl x 79.9.
Public Characters of. 1798—99 —18:0 1
Vols Bvo.
A Voyage to the East Wifscpctain'ng an ac
count of the manners, Cuftonu &c cf the Na
tives with a Geographical defcript on of the
country by FraPaoleno dafan Butolomeo.
The annual NeciWegy of 1797, 8 including
also various articles of negletfed Biography.
Watkins Uuiverfal Biographical and Hiftjri
cal Dictionary.
Walpoliana 3 vols.
A Digested Index to the seven of
Term Reports by l ! - E- Tomkins •
Mavors Natural Kiflory for the use ofSi J oo!s
The Britift) Nepos or Mirror of youth con
6fling of ftletfl lives of Illufinotis Britons, by
William Mivor. L. L.D.
Pair's. May 31.
Pocfns 011 various fuV.jeits feleCled to enfprse
the praflics of virtue £• Tomkin*.
Moires Navigation 14th Edition enlarged.
Nautical Almanacks fer 1801
July 30. eadit
From a Late Lond.n Paper.
If your breails conceal ane coward care,
Alone I go
Amongst which ate the following
[We sic gratified by tfie receipt of the fol
lowing acute Eifay. The correspondence
of'the Author' will be grateful to the'
For the Gazette of the United States,
I HE prtece I.abided you by young T.
M'Kean, in defence of his father, for fctting
a convitted thief in tiie l'tcred feats of Ju!-
tice, is so truly contemptible in maiiner and
matter, that it is but loft labor to make *
fer'ous reply to it ; yet, to let it pass with
out obfervution, might feeni to some, to be
yielding to its force. This ridiculous jargon
to prove that a m?.n convicted of robbing a
-(tore may nevertheless be a " respectable
citizen" and worthy to set in judgment over
the honest citizens of Pennsylvania, begins
with some confufed nonsense about A. B. C.
and D. Bcc. about as iwuch to the purpole as
the intrigues of X. Y. and Z.
Let us .mend tu such parts of this per
formance, in which the wi iteraffeifts anargu
meiv't. It is firft very seriously objefled that
the u r ter in the Lmicafter paper again 11 the
Governor and his friend Stever, is in fafl
n» Republican, but a mere pretender to that
honor : This indeed may hurt his credit and
influence with your (launch Jacobin Repub
licans, but cannot deflroy the invincible evi
dence of an unalterable record, which de
clares to ns, and will continue to declare to
all posterity, that Stever was convicle'd of
Larceny, by the verdift of twelve of his
peers, legally and impartially summoned to
pas? between him and his country, and de
livering their veididt under the l'olemn im
prefiion. of an oath, pledging them to their
country and to their God for a true verditt,
according to their evidence.
It is dated that " Judge Tales asser(t"
in a petition ta the Executive Council, that
the alibi of Stever was proved by three wit
nefies. Let it firfl be ricolle£led that Judge
Yates was no Judge then, and ailed not as
a Judge, but as a Lawyer, engaged, I sup
pose, to render every service in his power to
his client, for which, I presume, this respec
ted atizen and hi?ocy respecla'.L friends am
ply rewarded him. Mr. Yates, therefore,
drawing a petition as an Attorney, to obtain
mcij:y for his guilty client, cannot be consi
dered as pledging his veracity to the con
tents cf this petition, which is to be iigned
by the client and not by him. But does this
petition bring forward any thing new in fa
vor of Stever—Certainly not—lt merely
dates Certain evidence, which was heard, and
I dare fay, fully urged at bis * trial. If the
proof of this pretended alibi had been disco
vered after the trial, it might indeed furnilh
an argument favorable to the convift. But
as it was fully and fairly heard from the
mouths of the witnefles themfclves, by the
coprt and jory, it must be prefunxd it was
duly conlidered and jtiflly compared with the
other teflirrtony, and fatisfaclorily disproved
by that testimony ; or the man would have
been acquitted ; < therwife tjiat Jury is per
jured, which is the only manner in which
Stever can be purifird. If this ali i was f.>
clearljr proved, and the verdicl unjullly
given againfl it, why did not Mr. Yates,
wlipfc profeffionr.l zeal and talents are well
known, movei the, Ccurt for a new Trial,
which under such circumft.ances could not
have been denied. Tl is was the true way
to wipe away the slain of the convi3ion,
whereas a Pardon but prevents the puni(h
ment without cleanfiag, the criminal. His
back escapes but his name is loft—lnfamy
covers his chrracler, although h-kcarer,fe .is
Ipared from the la(h.
A third juflificatioti of Stever is that Jie
received 3 pardon on the petition of three or
four hundred Petitioners—And is this a
proof"of innocence in Peenfylvania ? Ex
amine the recotds, of the gaoj, and fee if
more than one third of all the convidled
rogues, thieves, murderers and traitor-, do
not, iH fi>me flage of their punifhmfrnt, re
ceive pardons, and many of them on more
mime'rous petitions than Mr. Stever boafls
< f—Petitions may be i-.htained for any thing,
however at>furd or pernicious.—See the
gangs of convi&cd Democrats, which the
difinterened humanity of his present Excrf
lency has let loose upon society, to exercise
their democratic vocation;, and fay, are
they therefore innocent, refpe&able and fit
for Justices.—The fhnmeful exercise of the
purd.ming power has a&ually become one of
the heavifft grievances the (late labours un
der, and threatens a total contempt of the
laws and the ruin of all honesty. The wri
ter of M'Kenn's defence pretends that eleven
of the jury were in favour of Stiver, and"but
one against him. Idle stories of the deli
berations of Juries are frequently propaga
ted, but feldqm correft. At this distance
of time, a story so grossly improbable, and
so difgraceful to the Jury should not be
countenanced, without direst proof. On
their oaths, those twelve men, in the open
court of their country, arid in the awful pre
sence of their God, have declared Stever
guilty of the larceny of which he was in
difled ; and so he remains and so he must
and will ren ain, should a thouf'.nd Repnb
lican Governors give him a thousand offices,
and ten humble defenders of every
outrage of those Governors, alien hits in
nocence. Let the names and reputation
then of this Stever anct his patron M'Kean,
be hereafter forever blended together.
I did sot furnifh you with the ftatemtnt
of the conviftion, :>nd never heard of it un
til it vras published ; but the evasion of the
charge is so paltry and palpabie, that I have
; hastily fltetched these remarks to expose it.
EDEWTON, W. C. jtfy- >
Schrt, So Flower, Tillet t, - N<*» York'
Good JToicrrt, P«ynV Phitidrt*
v i '» Cph*' ■—
Jofep'i, Bonnar, .
Laiiilia, Toler,
Hannah, Cratch, Philadelphia.
Dolphin, Etheridge, Baltimore:
The sloop Cares, Carpentet, has just
Sthr. Clar:fl"a, Daniel, N. Carolina §
Lumber, to capt.
do 6
Edna, Bell, do (5
Paragon, Geyer, Baltimore 8
Sugar, to capt:
John, Bator?, Norfolk. 4
Hour and pork, J. Lcarny.
YVafliington, Trefitlien, Portfinoutli,
N. H. sundries, to capt.
Nancy & Peggy, T-ylor," N. Carolin:r6
Ship RoeSucl;, RalVr, Loi.don
Sloop Amity, Woodward, Portfmcuth, n h
Ann, Saivfls, Nurfoik
Arrived at the Fort.
Sclir. Aiidrew, M'Gregor, Tcneviffs
[Wines —M. Keeley.
Came up from the 'or t,
Ship Fame, Flinn, Leghorn
Brig Fame, Brown, N. Orleans
Sloop Blanch, Pilt, Turks Ifiand
Ship Abigail, from New-Yorkto Ham
burgh, is taken and sent for Halifax, by che
St. Alban's, Britilh man of war, plea, hav- *
irig no bill offale or charttrparty on board.
Ship AQive, days from Li/bon
Philadelphia, was fpoktn the. 21 ft ins- it)
lat. 41,00, N, long. 67, 41, W.
Schr. Fly, Palmer, of and for N. York,
from St. Sebafttans, has been condemned at
Halifax, velTcl and cargo, a3 French pro-
Letter Bags at lie CnJfa Eoufe-
Boston Packet, for Cowes, cn Tuesday
next, 5 1h Augult.
i Rose, Jones, for Liverpool, ditto.
Elizabeth, Dyer, Hamburg, ditto.
Volant, Hovey, London, ditto.
Marshal's Sale.
United States, ?
Pennsylvania District, y
PURSUANT to a writ to me frrjn
(lie Honorable Riikttd Peters, Esquire, Jodge
of tli- Piflridl C urt of the United States in
and for the Pennfylvaiiia DiilriSl, will be ex
posed to publicise, at the Merchintj' Coffrc-
Honfe in the city of l-hiladelphia, on Saturday
the 9th day oi Augult next, at u o'clbck it
The armed French Velfrt, ci.lea
Ap§£ La Leger,
Villi ail and her apparel,
and appurtenances, the latrn
eanffiSiilSe having been la'e'y condemned in
the said Court as forfeited, &c.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marfcal's Offiie, \
July 30, ißco i
For Halifax, Nova-Scotia,
The St hjOner
m&u Success,
Gearge Cook) Mailer ;
Now lyiuj* at tVe firft wl.arf above Market
ftrret—She his excellent accommodations fee
For freight or paflage app'y to the Cssptain
Market Itreet wharf.
July 30
Now Landing,
And for sale by the subscribers,
Lisbon WINE.
July 30
Just Received,
Br A. LICKINS, opjusife Christ Church,
& View
at THE
0 1 r THE
American Revolution,
In Nineteen Discourses.
Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. F. A. S.
Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents.
July 30.
JHE undttrmmrioned Certificates of Ftock
of I lie Ba".k of the United Slates, viz.
No. 38c4,da ! eil Ift Ju'v 1796, for teri fliarea
in the 1 line of Charles Lovrgr ve of New.-
No. »sj»j —No. 25-21. doted id' July,
jjaiV, for five (hares eich in the narr.e of
Saiah kVrdt>eu(o 1 o! Etr..rb.
No. »"8c8 — dated. Ifl Jat.uarv,
ißor-. fortm fturrteach, in >hahar:ie of Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is -hereby gk'S'U
That application is Hit ended t.i lie trade at
the Oid liankVv t&{ |jl fcfibwt, ft r a rehe val
of the fame, ct whtcW ail prrfaiM concerned
are recpified rrvtckf '' tic.".
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