\ XVNttPJt >4.46.] !£l7* The price of this Uczctte is Eicht Dollars -per annum to Subset:heri residing in the city jfPii iladelplna. AH others pay onto Dollar additional, far enclosing and di recting ; and unleis'somc person in this city tviil become' answerable for the subscription, it n:usl be paid Six Montis in Advance. *„* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. - DWHfiW'f >799* AKMANAC Fr«m July 30 —to Angles. UlOll WAXES' WedoefJsy Tk«rfday Friday Saturday Gniiday Monday Tvefaay Wedcefday TburUay Friday • • SstunUy ialrlif Mwwy Tuesday ADVERTISEMENT. ALL pevfons who bare any demands against the isfllte of WILL.J AM FISHER, are desired to brittg in their accounts to the fulifcriber, in order that they may be difoharged ; and all perfois who are indebted to said eltate by con trail, bond, bill, book debt, for rent or other wise, are required todifebarge the fame, other wise they fr.ay expef fcigflt DoUars on each Ihare of (lock, of which, fix dollars per /hare will be paid the Stockbdtiers or their rcprefcntativos any day after the 14th instant; the remaining two dollars has been retains! and expended in com p'etfting and repairing the roid agreeably to a riiolution of the ftockholjen. Wm. GOVETT, Treasuef. m4t ful* I 4 ,1 PROPOSAL by William Young Birch, A N 11 Abraham Small, Of the City of Philadelphia, FOR PUDMJHIIIO BY aungCRIWIOK, / ' THAT INVALUABLE WORK, DR MWSS£LL':S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. With an account sf ibe Decline and Fall (if tbe R-oman Empire, the liise cf Modern Kingdoms, &c. Ofc. HE great applaul'e which this excellent X book lias rciiivrd, jf a sure proof of its merits—The vail sale which it has h?d f.ir several years, is -a /air criterion by'which the public opinion of its worth -can be known. Daring the Ufa of the learned author, it went through the annual sale at' a very Utye impref fi'in —*v-ery facceeding edition rllcived feme improvement the relnlt of his deep refearchcs and great judgment—he lived to make it as pe.-Sefl as in ihs aature of'things it «<-uld be— he is dead ! Whilst the Eijghfh Ungate is road, the'Hiftory of Modern -Europe will -re main a monument to bis fame ! It.is as enter taining a? initru&ive ; as interefling as pro found. The,plan of the work is copious, but by ax happy arrangement, the reader i« at cr.ce piefented with the extemporary history of every p.;rt of Europe. Thi- book now offered ! to the public is from the tail antt milt cnrredl I copy, to which this shall be no way inferior. I JT COb'TillHS— / An h»flory r>( the drcline-afid fall of the Roman empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge nerally. A particular hiltory of the French monarchy. .Do Spain from rite dornitito* of the Vifigdtfis. -Italy., with the rife -and progress of the Temporal 'Power .of the -Popta. -Britain, fre Purveyed and fold in lots tofuit the purchasers; plots of- which will be ex hibited on the day of sale. Seized a,nd taken in execution, and to be fold as the property of Oliver Pollock, Efq by JOHN HALL, Martial. Marshal's Office, ) T Philadelphia, June 2j, 1800.5 eot 3°Jy• Simon Walker « Has rfmov»:d HIS COUNIING HOUSE, - To No, 79, South Fourth Syrwj.t, Garotr. of Utioa Sir«t—whcrc (tr CMn JU»T , * I C«I»»D, t, .. EARTHEN WAR*:/ Affortcd for riporticioi or him markee. Oiaft Ware iooblf flint, ipcafiu. Fi-tft Clove*. jiuuKgtaod Mace. J«ty »4- ts.thUaf. In the Jhip Mary Ann, Francis Sleviart, majler, from Hamburgh, now laiding, AND FOR SiLE BY Jacob Sperry & Co. tio. 195, Mtrtct Attß, CASSJEAILLOB or tkjti r»H« •{ Boitti, PtcuMri, cu«iul cr>ov>9fL Fi»t Cibuad AJlul diftkci, OUTi ft«l» tad kdi far nccklicap oJ »U tniouri •rwJ Oca," Blicfcvod white crigtag* ud Ucet, Kibhiiuiliipei, Crfcg-nilii. Quilli, 4od Hi Scut Bohemi* Wiodow S tf, iOji, it >4, 11 Is, i> jg, 14 18, it as, 18 «4, %o »4, to *6 *4 3*. Alsa, vie New-York, i Galcrwhite rolls, 6 do. Crease la Morlaix, J do. Contils. On hand, which will b« foid reasonable to claje » «*w Cmklci of 110 fadwßk ud> 9 ftioiath. J«lr »• wfc/jw TO BE SOLD, Very loiv for Cash, or exchanged fo r Golds, A Large, Elegant, and well iiniihed 2-story Frame Haufe IN the horeugh of Frankford ; containing an entry and two'large parlours on the firil floor, three bedchambers and two garrets. Th« Jot, which is 340 ftxt deep, fronting on two ftrtrts, end has the privilege of a feft alley,through ; it contains a Ititchen, liable, and coach-h ufr, a well of excellent water!&c. For terms apply to JOHN WOL ELI EN, July 16. tuthiSts tf AN attachpient was lately iflued out of the in ferior court of common piea« of the cauuty ofEffex, in the llaw; of New Jersey, directed to the fheriff of the fafd county, againfl the rights, credits, monies ami effefls, goods and chattels, laiuisand.tenements ol ytSn Clevei Synmes at the fuitof WiUi.im IVeUi,-in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage three thonfand dollars; — And tvbereaty the said ftieriff did, at the term of June last pall, return to the said court fliat he had attached thedofendart by a certain bond given by Matthias Dentnan and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thousand d9llars,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; • A'oto tltrefore, unless the said John Cleves Symmes {hallappear,give fpeciil'hail, anireceive a declaration at the suit »f the plaintiff, judgment wfl| be enters"! against him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the statute in luch cafe made asd pr»v : dcd. Aaron Ogden, >Ckrk, itfe. Elhabeth-townjufy 8, 1709 (11) iawum Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the President and Dire&crs of the Bank of the T'nited States for tfee renewal of.the following Certificates ef Shar ; in the faii Bank, which were iolt on board the ship .John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davsy, matter, bound to London, viz : B. No. 19884") 19085 | Each for nrte (hare, in the name 29886 ofTho's Holy, Sheffield (G. B> 19.387 j catcd lft January, lßco ; itfti J Of which application, all persons concerned, will please to take notice. SAMUEL STERF.TT. Baltimore,sth april, iSoo law^m NOTICE. WHEREAS nr.y wife, Margaret C-innor, has absented beifelf from roy bed and board, without any jofl cawfe. 1 hereby for warn all persons frum harbouring cr crediting her or. my account, as I am detsrmined not to pay any ikbts of her contra^li'*g. BERNARD CONNOR. July 17, igjr. > *1 eojt IMPORTED, IVHERE AS, CHINA GOODS. Landing .from the ship America, Walte Sims, Commander, frdm Canton, ANI) FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH fcr Co. nOHEAi 1 13 Congo, 1 Souchong, ift & and quality, I Caper foucliong, Hyfun-fkin, ■ Tcnkay, Singlo, Young hyfoii, Hyson, iff & 2d quality, Imperial, Yellow & vybiteoankeens Lutcftrings, back & color'd (In Boxes Sinfhawg do. C a.Cnted, Satt ins do. J Lutestrings, maz. bluest dark green ") Siulhaws do f ' n Perfi»n taffetas, dark green j koxes. They have also on band for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, ilie. ") Infmallpick- Striptd ami checked ginghams i jges iffjrted, White figured & color'd Mof- | calculated for lITI . l!netts 'Weft-In " White corded diotities i dia market & Color'd silk, (Wiped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Ciiicoes, 5 i!o. do. 3 Bales feint twine f Entitled to 10 Caffcs English China wjrp, C drawback, in tea setts J 6 Caiks mineral black, 1 do, white, 10 do. coJcother, 3 Caflcs purpie brown, 35 do. nails aflorted, 9 do. London porter in bottl«», Englith fail canvas? No. 1, a & 3, Russia duck, 17 Boxes wlitc Havanwa sugar, 13 old Madeira wiue, Gunpowder, Empty wine battles, 10 Guns, 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, See. ißc,ocolbj. Cerihon coffee, lit quality (Entitled to lo.ccolbs.tlack pepper f drawback ao Loj?s ebor.y J May 13. FOR SALE, 1 A VjILVABJ.* TBACT Of LAND, LYING cn the Votomac Uivor, county of Ner thuml.erlaud, (late of Virginia; containing about 14CO acres—iu fituatiou is equal to any ot her in the Northern Neck, lemarkahle for evjiry kind of wildfowl, oyfier9, fill) and crab, and none bet-, ter for health. It is about the fame diltance from Baltimore, Alexandria aisd Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from cither. Thsre are three improved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the rtfidence of col. John Gordon, is an elegant two story brick houft, with four rooms un a floor, nd a paflage fifteen ftet wide. The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good an J suitable out hoiifw, at Ofie of which Jdhn'Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmor.c land county) lived fcwecal years j 011 thit.farm there is a.good jjrili i' (11, with water fufliciert to .turn any number u! Hones; alfe convenispt (tore hou ses rtnd grataries on a public road, well fituattd for a cotintty store. On each ol Chose places there arefitie apple aad peach orchards. The greater proportion of rhe land is cf the firft quality, a»d' near the half «{the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be knowuby applying to Wm. P. Tebbi Baltimore, Foulhfe G. Tebhn, t fq. nf Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd and ■Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. 5 —14. TO LET, OS FOR SALE, A 2-ft or y brickhoufe Situate in Duke-street (or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wafli houfe, all built of the belt materials, and in excel enc order ; cellars under the whole, one paved,J an ! has two lattice ; dofcts with-k>oh", a large gar den and yard, several fruit-trees in the gatMen ,1 two pumps of excellent water near the ptemifes. Enquire at No, 39, Arch,fir ect. July *5 tu&f'6w TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The Two Haufes, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth street. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, i No. 41, Arch flreet. July 10 3:aw aw A PERSON OF abilities, integrity ami experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage as GLfeRK to a merchant or public of fice, or he concerned with a,ny perfoo as part ner, as he has aniHtercllof about onethoui'and pounds in real e'late in the city. -Please to ?p ---ply to the Printer ; a line left at the office .tor B. V. willbe attended to immediately. Mayio djt mfcth tf To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a fount of Brevier weighing 4colb«. or upwards—ifeey mult not be mnch worn —Any person having types of the above Sefcription and difpofcd to Exchange them foritfcer printing-materials; or will fell may apply at thj OCJce of the Gazette of the United States. JUly 12. Just Arrived, AND FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO -if Souchong V Hyson Skin C TEAS. ro|n?jt Hyibi . -v ' . #• md-Hyfoo.'*.' Sw j ' KA»KEEIS&-^r'- V,JV^ Sogor of ift guitbty* China V/hi. . Caffii. R»p«, An tlToi-tp* ijt: of SjIU. April 14. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure gf Bilio:.s and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Ds. HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, ' WHICH have been attended with a degree effucctf. highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in several parts of tlie'VVefi ln dies,and the southern parts of the IXnited State> particuhrly i.i Baltimore, Petcrftorg, Rich, tnoad, Norfolk, EHcnton, Wilmington,Charlcf ton, Savannah. &c. ihe ttitirnu'vy of a hum berof perfoits in each of tfoeabpvc phces tan fcc adduced, who have reafan to believe that a tiifcely ufu of th s salutary haj, under Providence, preferred iheir lives wh"in in the moil alarming circumstances. Fails of this conclusive narure fpcak more in favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere jflirtr d, could do Itis n it indeed prefumptuoufjy propofcd as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poffib'.e reason, which can result from extenftve experience forbelievingthat adofecfthefepill;, taken race every two weeks during the preva lence ofouran-nual bilious fevers, will-prove an infallible preventative ; and further, (hat in the earlier flages of tlipfe diseases, their use will very generally fycceed in refionng health and frequently in cases efleemed delperate and bey ond the power of .common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfefllv mild and may tc used with fatety by perfoas in every situation and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fa perSuous bile and prevent its morbid fecretioi:; to restore aiid amend the appetite ; ts produce » free perforation and thereby prevent co!d» which are often of fatal consequence. A dose sever fails to remove a cold if uken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coflivenefs, ficfenefs of the floraach an 1 severe head-ache, and oug"ht to be taken by all perfous on a change of climate. They have been found remarkaMy efficacious in preventing an< curing molt dtfnrijers attend ant on long voyages, and ih .uld be procured and carefully preserved for ufc by every feamar». m&w t,f Dn. HAHN's Genuine Eye-water. A certpin and fafe remedy for allt /Jokn-4i6i*eMf-smre3BW^^-> ] uti «'jn.ie p-.ict. •--•• •Ai»>'»;V:--- : ;•;.;?. I M"- ••-■■. 'A; •t *■ * '• •» * t •,,-r. / v J \Volumk XVIII, WJLI4NGS is FRANCIS, No. 2i, Pcnn Street. * • , ' % "£-j# «• •* * ' • t. - ,rt'> Vv • -r d.' V V-' V '"riy •> V