Marshal's Sale. United States, ? , FeHnaftv.ema District, 5 Y virtue of a Writ to me d'refled fro'rft 'he J Honourable Richard Efq Judge of the Diftnfl Court of vhe.United State*, in and for the Penniyhania Dift'iil, will he fold at Pubi c AudVidn at the Merchaßt's Coffee Houle en Monday the 4th day of \uguft n r xt at 11 o'clec'U at noon, tho Brigantineor YefTel r "visßr - CALLID THE j£§Pl\ w E -T-POINT, With her t cklc, apparel an r BAT A VIA; Confining of Seribon and Jacatra Coffee & Sugar, Of an excellent quality. The SHIP Is also offered I'or Sale ; 'he has made but one voyage fine ihe was Iheathcd with the be'ft pa tent Copfcr.and (lie is in good order. Apply to James C. & Satnl. W. Fifhcr William Sanfom, AND Joseph S. Lewis. July 1 a <*iw Imported In the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for ftle, Ironmongery, Sad/ery, Cutlery, Brass fc? Japan'd Wares, Per the Brutus t'enelfcpe, Tia N. York, HATS alTorted in cases, and PINS in Boxes-—by ELISHA FISHER & Co. No. 3q, North Front street. Jrtne 16 dim Writing-Paper, AND STATIONARY, Just received, by the ship Kensington, from London,—and Jcr sate by WILLIAM YOUPG BIRCH, no. 17, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, IMPERIAL wov* and plii*« Suucr Koyal do. Royal di». Mrdium do. D.-nty do. Fo'>!fc>p - do. thick and thin do. 1 folio and qoarta, D>. d». do. k»t-preTt'(l. Cupyinft machioe piper and ink-powder for do. luk S'l'! ink p«v*der, fed and falick, fine Japan ink, parchment, qtiillt anil peat, peakmvci, (riling wix, wifert. fcc.Ac A 'tw fro of eleptnt Map* tnd Atlu'i, MjHr-pioy writing delkt of variout Han. |Cr* Merchant's Account Books ready m ult., or made to any pattern on the short- est notice. July 25. 8000 Fe'et J Honduras Bay MAHOGANY, LANDING. At Willing's Wharf, and FOR SALE, By SAMUEL RHO ADS, No. i,Pcnn street. July 24 eojt. Just Arrived, And for salb by the subscribers, THE CARGO OF MB SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Rlifs, Commander, from Bcnga CONSISTING OF An assortment of Piece Goods. Sugars t>f the fii It quality, And aoo qr. che&s of superior qoality Hyson Teas. Willings Is" Francis, and Thomas Ii Jcbn Clifford. March IJ. That large ans commodious HOUSE, jit the corn res Arch and NinthJlrects. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, 6< ?ch House andl.otn, now in the tenure of M jor Butler, Ctuate a« above. Enquire at No. 18, north Fifth street. July 10 Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND 6f 8 per centum per annum is de clared by the PrcGdent and Direfiofs of the Company for "reding a Permanent Bridge over the River Shuylkill, at or near the city of "Phila delphia, on ihc amounts paid in on the ift day ef April Lift, (the time when the subscriptions to the {lock of the said Comp.'tsy were conipleated, and to lie from thYtice c»Aij.uKo. djw. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen, liidgely of Balti more, on the »oth inft. a light coloured negro man, who calls himfelf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD j He is about 14 ytarsof age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in his dress, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a Ihort light green cloth coat, edpcJ with vellow, and yel 'ow gilt buttons —alight buff caflimer, double tirealled waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton (lockings, and a good pair or (hoes With firings- He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflimer paft'a loovis, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; alf> a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco. — lie was bred in Charles cdur.ty, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le cures him in any jail so that the owner may get him again, ftiall receive the above reward, with reafonjble charges if brought home, or de livered to Joihui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may 1 dtf f m&th 3t Twenty Dollars REWARD. DESERTED from tho Marine Barracks on the Bth instant, the following Marines, viz JOHN STEEL, horn near Brandy Wine in Chester county, by profeflion a Tailbr. He it aj years bf hge, five feet eight inches high, grey i yes, light brown hair,thin visage and fallow com plexion—had on a round hit, brawn silk cdat, nankeen breeches, and other decent cloathing. Frederick Fry, born in Germany, but came to America vety young, about thirty fix ye.-rs of age, five feet levin Inches high, Hazle Black Curly hair and very brown complexion— had no uniform on—He -was lately a Soldier in General Waynes Army at Furt Detroit.— The above reward will be paid, or Ten Dol lars for either, and all experices, on delivering them at the Marine Bjrracks, Philadelphia, or to any (jfficer In the S'erviie df the United Stites. ROBERT RANKItt, Adjutant Marine Corps. PhiUd. July u, lido. d IValte, Sims, Citnmatider, from (.anton, AKll FOR SALE Itr NICKLIN, GRIFFITH Isf Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, tft & mil quality, Caper souchong, }TEAS, Young hyTon, Hyson, tft & id quality, Imperial, J . Yellow & white nankeens Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxes Simhawi) do. ( aflbrttd, Sattiss do. J Luteftrii!g9, msz. bluejScdark green") , Sinfhaws do > , Perlian taff.tss, dark green J oxe! ' Tbey baiSe also on band for sale, received bx lbs late arrivals from Europe, U"c-. 1 Infmallpack- Striped and checked ginghams j agrt White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for lineits [>the Weft-In- White corded dimities I flia market & Color'd silk, Jinped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Balesfeine twine /Entitled to 10 Casts Ennlith Chins ware, fdrawtack, in tej f> t's J 6 Cafke mineral black, 1 do. white, 10 do. colcother, 3 Calks pnrpte hroton, 35 do. nails afl">r6ed, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Ene'ilh fail canvas, No. I, » & 3, Ruftia duck, 27 Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wire, Gunp >wi!er, Empty wine bottles, Ghiis, 6 pc-iinder*, 1 j cio. 9 do. >8 do. 9 do. with carriages, &c. >Bo,occlbs. Ceribon coffee, ift} quality (Entitled ti iO,ooclbs. bla; k pepper f drawback 10 Logs ebor.y J May lint D*y fuMnbtt By J. Orstkod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price *5 Celhti) THE De&fb of Qentrdl Wdfklngton. a n T? A POEM. hi imitation tlf the hianrter 6f OffiSa. By Rev. John B.Linn, A.M. Mirtifter of the First Prefbyttrian Cdngreg-ition of Philadelphia. Mr.Chtndroa'tOniitD willb«|p«UUh«l oa Monday Mninf> Mtrdi ij. dc THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wickes, fen. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISTING OF A complete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. roa SAL* BY WILUNGS fcf FRANCIS, No. ii, Peim-ftrcet. ■ dtf May 5. WILL BE LANDED, IN A FEW DAYS, At Bed's Wharf,, ike next b'lcw Market St. A QJ/AXTITY OF Jamaica Spirits AND COFFEE. Also, a few Hogsheads of JAMAICA SUGAR, FOfc SALE At No. 17, South Water Street. July 3. diw. Just Arrhtd, and 10a sali Br Tut svbsCribibs, THE CARGO Of the Ship C a xrb fr, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea 1 Souchong Hyson Skin TEAS. Young Hyson and Hyson. J I NANKEENS. Yellow 5 Sugar of 1 ft quality China Ware. Caflia. Fans. An assortment of Silks. WILLINGS FRANCIS, No. 21, Pinn Street. April 14. A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Bam, Pump, &c. &c. The -vhole containing 17 acres; situate on the Wifahicdn road, between the third and fourth mile stone—May be purchased on reasonable terms. —Two thirds of the pur chase money may remain (secured on the pre mises and oninterell) during three years. Enquire of BONSAL -3c SHOEMAKER, No. 1241 Bouth Fourrh-flreet, the Sub fcrib'er, at Mount-Pleasant, idjoimng the oreftilfea, br at No. 4.?, Walmit-flrcet. JON^WILLIAMS. niwf tf June 1-3. AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gaiette of the United States. July 6 treasury deparment, April 21, 1800. PUBLIC NOTICE ishereby"given, in par lance of the a O a Q 1 5- 3 g- g. s~ § ■V a *5-' a . 3 113621 IQ 12 8 2 62 3 4 84 7 3 8 1 io 1 8 2 11 6 i 223 8 3 81 34742 13 8 4 j i 6 1 15 1 3 5 3 72 2-2 311821 73 7 1 23 7 4 72 4 3 16 2 4 84 S 1 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 3 93 72 5 3 3 9 I 3 74 7 1 7 4 17 7 4 9 3 9 4 m&w tf 3d All the lands in eich of the above fifty quarter tnwnfhips, and in the fractional parts s>f quarter tewnlhips before described, have bte'n divided opon the refpcilive plafs thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, Jnto as many lots of one hundred acres each, as the quantity such quarter toM-nftrp or frafijou is itated to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out and required by the above recit#i ail. 4th. The plats divifled as aforefaid into ,ots of one hundred lefts, 4te dfpofite'd iii tht of fice of theßsgifler ef the Treafyry wheie the locations ire to be fnade ; aftd upon furrendfcr i»g the ■warrants which (hall be located, patents will be ilTued in the manner and ujxsn the conditions prelcribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel phia the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. April 11. tli w—law 3m. WHERE A"S Mathew Irwin did on the Bth day ofJoly makean affignm«ntof hi 9 estate ana effects, to us the subscribers, for the be nefit ot such of hi« creditors, as ihould on or before :Tie 10th of September, 1797. execute to him a full ahd final discharge— Now thbfe of'his creditor? who are efititled to a dividend under said afTign ment arc reqnefted to furniKh thei<- accounts oj Samuel Meeker, with interefl calculated up to the Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend will absolute ly be (truck on the firtt day ot A pril next, -J d those who hegleS te comply with this notice wSI thtre after be excluded from the benefit 61 the fkme. Philip Nicklin Samuel Meeker Nutb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. S- Affignefes. Pearson Hilnt John M. Taylor Philadelphia, March 14 m&thth TO DISTILLERS Ahd Owners of Stills. WHEREAS by Ita ail of Chngrifs, pafled the Kth day of May 1791, entitled, " An a6l concerning the dutif9 on spirits diftil !ed within the United States," it is required of all persons having or keeping a Dill, or ftillt, to make entry thereof, between the last day of May and the firft day of July in each year, urtder the penalty of two hundred and fifty di liars. NOTICE is therefdre hereby gifen to all distillers, or owners of ftilla, within the city and county of Philadelphia, to mike entry of them at the office of Infpstflion, at 49, North Third-street, in the city cf Philadelphia, with in the abovementi ined periods. JAMES ASH, Collector of the 'revenue of the Jirst divisim of the Jirst survey of the district of Pennsylvania. Jline 6, ftf THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedilh Majesty's ConCul General, and Au thorized to tranfaift the Consular BuGnefs, for his Majesty the King of Denmark in the United States of Ameiica, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby g'tDcs public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftruitions received from hi* government, it is the duty of all Matters of Swedifc and Danilh vessels, before thiir failing from any port iti the fiid States, to call upor him or the Vice COBful in orJer to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the state of the Neutral Commerce ami thefe veral Decrees of the Belligerent Powers, renders indifpepfably neceflary, 'and, that any Master of Vefltls belonging to the refpeitivc nations, or na. vigating tinder the protection of their flags, in emitting to take such certificates, Will personally stand responsible for the consequences, RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four -hares ef the Bank of the United States in the name of Bickham 8c Ueefe, No a;9J> r '' e renewal of which application 19 intended to be made at the laid Bank, and all perfoti6 concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. djm- NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAI'E FSM SALE, " AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, jooo Boxes heft marbled Soap,") 8(3 Boxes Sweet Oil,. j Frim m hard lit too Half chclt- Lucca Oil, t Louisa, 7 ftaiesl'aper, i from Leghorn, Brimfton->, Parmesan CJ>eefe, J • 300 Pipes best Bordea*x Brandy, 200 Hogfteadc Ctaret filperior quality, 700 Cales French Swoet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine plumbs, 6 Caiks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 108 do. hfft assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS assorted for the Weft-India market, Claret in cases of afuperior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fc? Sons. May 10. tunics tf Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from 'spring Forge, in York County,a negro man, named ISAAC other wise CUDJO, about SI years old, the property of Robert Coletmn; Esq. He is al ojt'< tect'B inches high, ha- ablemift in his eyes, w.orr wfcite in them than common, by trade a Ferge man; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad clofh coat, almcft new, a sailors jacketani pantaloons* printed fancy cord, a iwanfdqwn striped under acket j a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue PetGan under jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up faH negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the neighbouring <1 jtes fhal! have the above r« _ ward or reafouarble expencesif brought home. JOHN B-RIEN. Spring Forge, N. B. As faidnegro fermsrly lived in Chester eoimty, it Is probablo he may return there. Novrrnb'eT 5 WHEREAS BY a decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, James again ft Newman, it is a'mongtither thirfg; referred to Wm. Graves• Esq. one of the matters of the said court, " to take an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late of Newgate Greet, London, deceased, and also to in quire and state to the court, whether Francis James, the brother of the complainant's named a« cce of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whether he died in the. life time of the testator Therefore all persons who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis James tie livifcg or 4ea7Bl. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enabled to give information of the above named Francis James, whether living or dead, they are rcquefted to commuricate the fame to DAVID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone Sreet, New York. gjp The printers throughout the United State« are requeued to pufelilli the above, april 18» BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASE D FOR ON K YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booncton Iron Works, fnnata'in the county ofMorrisin the flatte of New-Jersey, corififlitig ot a Forge with four {ires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift ihilt with two Run of ftenes, and Saw mill, all in good order and n«w in use, together with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with out-hnufi-s of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and flone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a Urge Garden, and an excellent snllcition of Fruit, a large 01-cHird, and ijoo hefes ef wood, pa • urt' and arable land, and a great numhef of (lores and workmen's houses, Immediate poiTeflioa will be given of houses and flores fufficient for providing (lock the present winter, and pol'effion of the whole in the iprihg. For terms enquireiof David B a! New ark, mr. Peter Mackie in*New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or meifrs. Jacob and Rich ard Fael'ch on tbeprecnifcs. Januarv 11 LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caftcr line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the past favors they have received, and inform tfcem that in addition to the regular Line, th«y are provided with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and fioroHgh 'n two days. Tl.oCe who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, ftgn of United States Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Lhiniv«odj> (J? Co. Nev. 30. 2t—J GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured 3 fuffidsnt number of the moil approved European GlafsManu fuilurers, an ; i having on hand a large stock of thebeft Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the plejfure of alluring the public, that window plafu of a superior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches) carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice. Glass of larger lizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piflures, coach glades, cloclt Faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks,picklingjars, apothecary's {hop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at least 15 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchautj | ind others wiH be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HA It Aor ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER and SMILIE, in Mai ket Street, Plttfburgh. March 4, tmhtf.