Gazette of the United States. HIIL4DSLP HIA, TUKSnAT KVi MING, JI'LT 1<). To RkA. Ea> AXU CoitSltSP;illDKKT*. O" It is proper to apprize newfp.iper reauers in the remoter qu rtersofthe Union that she Gazrtte of the United States is an Official paper and is the regular Journalist o the Laws, and of every important Po litical Document. With State Papers, the Laws of the Union, and the moll recent Fo reign and Domeltic News, general Litera ture is aflociated, and the departments of the paper so arranged, that wc have it in our power to furuilh ot original mattes seven or eight columns a week to the motley tr be of mifcellantons readers, If public encour age ent will, in the smallest degree, juftify the labor, we (hall, in addition to our pre sent we kly exhibit ol amusement and criti cism (honly iubjoin a series of Original Ef lays upon th le topics ' which came hoi'.e to ivunnefs and bosoms." Hence, the Gaz;tte of the U "*ed ta tes when, bound in volumes at t'ie nd of each year, and when the politics of the hour or of party shall have ccafed to inform, or to in fl-.rae, will be found to contain those ar ticles and principles ofljcerature and morals, which are at all times, and in all places, profitable and pieafant. CCS* The merchants of thecity, and friends to the interest of this taper. are requelledto furnifb lie Editor with such London, .Liv erpool, Dublin and Edinburgh papers as come to hand New papers will be always intcrelling to ltofe " whohungeratjd thirll" for intelligence, and Old papers will subserve the views of the Euitor in fele&ing cLffical and miscellaneous articles. For the Gazette of the Ua/TEd States. LOAVES AND FISHES. In the famous addrefj to the Republican' of Blinks County, dated at Addis's Tavern* Aujyult ;4, 1799, they were told, tbat if tbey succeeded in tbe grand object of rais in# to the fist office in tbe StJte, Thomas M'Kean, tbe man pJ tbe-people' &c. Istc. iSc. it vitll be tbe prelude to future successes ; a change of men and a ctange of manners villi follow in due time. In puifuance of the abovr do&rine, the Jarobin cluhs (I life the epithet on account of the near resemblance between them and the cluhs of that name, who afted so confpi ruous a part on the theatre of France,) con tinued their periodical meetings, and altho' ' endeavors we re uled to keep .heir proceedings i a frcre: amoni* thenifelves, the attempt al ways proved abortive, for they were not all of th? illuminati, and the biifinefs always transpired ir, a grearer or a lefi decree. It was so on publicly ktiown that one grand ob jett of tUeir deliberation was to prevail 011 the Governor to displace Protys and Remitters iiulifc .iminately without a hearing, who had appeared in opposition to their fa. vorite candidate, but no individual would acknowledge that to be the principle upon wh;«h they «£U-d, although one of the Di rectory of Eaflon, who has since been re warded with a portion of the loaves and fillies, was heard, in an unguarded moment, over his bottle, to declare, that tbe Governor rjjuld be a demned rascal, if he did not dis place every damned rascal who bad appear ed against bis election. Petitions and re commendations were accordingly drawn up and signed for the laudable purpose, in order' to be presented upon or before the day of inauguration, and groundless calumnies, in imitation of the electioneering scandal N of 1798 and 1799, were industriously circulated among the citizens, from the highest to the lowest, [I beg pardon, I h«d forgot that this is a land of liberty and equality], in order to prejudice the puhlitimind againfl the ob jeits, who were meant "to be deflroyed. One miscreant in particular, who had long been remarkible for his want of common hone fly, who has forged and record-d .1 re ceipt for interest money, never paid, in order to secure the payment of principal upon a bond long since difebarged, has drawn and caused to be executed, a bond and judgment without a confideratinn, to defraud a poor woman of her living, in cafe she should be left, a widow—and other feats of the fiime complexion; and who had never ventured to meddle with firelocks, except on the fol lowing cccafion, viz. to drive from his dwelling a little kitchen girl, who had com plained to his wife of his impudence—began to kick and squeal with all the grimaces of a crazy baboon, and circulated a report from Briftcl to Durham, that there was such a set of damn'd rascals about the public office that he coultT not fiequent it with fafety, nor even ventuie into the street without carry ing his p ftol-and bayonet. At length came the memorable 17th of December, 1799, w,len Greets of Lancas ter were illuminated with torches, and crouds of patriots moving in proceflion, rent the air' wTtli joyful acclamations. Meanwhile the chief, not elevated by fuccef? above his proper level, as vulgar minds usually are, retained his equanimity, and remained the fame candid placid creature as before, en tered immediately upon the duties of his of fice, and ilTued a proclamation, confirming and continuing all appointments and com roifiions, fcc. &c. for 3 months, unless sooner fuperceded and annulied, &c. &c. &c. And on ih; 18th of the fame month came for- ' ward the famous circular letter, whereby, it I seems, the Governor had direftfd his secre tary to intimate to 20 or 30 Protys and Regiflers that he was sorry (I wish he had chosen some other expreflian) that he had determined to displace them. And the se cretary, kind foul ! dlfcants upon the pain ; he fullers in comhiunicating the intelligence. Together vri „h the proflttoation and cir cular'letter, came a vetbal report, that the Register and Recorder of Bucks in particu lar (though;i)ot honored with a circular Ut ter) would be in darker utile I s he discarded a certain clerk, who had taken the principal charge of those office;-, for some years part, and in theccurfe of his business, full/ evin eedhis ability, induflry, integrity and sobri ety. This report became great matter of speculation among the Republieans; some declared it was an upright ddcifion of the Governor, and truly republican upon the principles of Rotation, while others, equally sanguine, declared it to be beneath the dig nity of a Governor to dabble in such trifling affairs, and even afF=£ted to believe it a piece of aristocratic calumny raised in order to tar ni(h the reputation of his Excellency. The matter was canvalled for a long time, and many pressing applicatisns made to the officer lor the removal of his clerk, who flill retaining sense enough to know that he could not be spared, waved the matter from time to time, notwithllanding a numerous fry of candidates were besieging him on all fides. At length the tumult subsided, and many who were knowrt to be the most de termined adversaries of the young man, now declared themselves perfeftly reconciled to his keeping his Ration, from a convidtion that his prefcnce was there absolutely neces sary. After some time the affair of the Surveyor Gem ral made a the State, and Broadhead and Parker, because they re lufed to be f-parated, were both ordered to decamp. Upon this, the patriots of Bucks took nev; ccurage, and renewed their solici tations, and finally, at a meeting of the Re publican Csmmittee of Bucks county, con filling- of Delegates from twenty-five town (hips, at Addis's tavern, on the 14th of June, ißob, many resolutions were palled, among: which is the following. " Refolvid, that it is expedient,that the Republican Citizens, and all who seek information- on the fubjetts of the day, hold frequent meetings for mutual council, aid and encouragement. The more the measures of the expiring Fa&ion are exami ned, the more their tendency will appear. If the people lhall find upon enquiry, that their hard earning have been extorted, to fill the pockets of a few ; that their money has been paid and their ellates mortgaged to fee advocates to plead for the powers that be, they will draw their own conclufiom . and act accordingly." The Phifiegnomy of this refolre puts one in mind of the charafter of a demagogue drawn by a modern hand, which appears t» be exadtly in point, of which take the fol lowing extraA for a comment.—" With the rights of the citizens, their virtue and their sovereignty, eternally vibrating on his lips, he may, for auaht they care, have a heart as black as Tartarus, If he writss, let him fill his pages with frothy declamation, and vaunting Hombaft, with the canting jargon of modem republicans, and it matters little what arrangement he makesufeof. Am biguity and confufion are even an advantage to him, tbey are a labyrinth in which he lo- i fes the wretches wh m he has enticed from thdtr duty. In (hort, his business is to a waken in his readers, jealousy, envy, re- > venge and every paflinn that can disgrace the heart of man, to lull his gratitude, rea- ' son and conscience allcep, and then let him loose upon society." '1 his was coi fidered as a good republican resolution, and therefore pafled nem. con. altho' it is so perfect a riddle that no one but the demagogue, who drew it in hi* close, can comprehend the meaning. De termined however to make the b»ft of it, every one undertook to explain ijt in his own way. The Chairman of the commit tee thought it was an encouragement for those whe had fine horses, to make a pre* fentof them to citizen Buonaparte, or cheer fully to give up their (lock of grain for the use of the Frrnch army in cafe of an inva fion,or to rails corps of volunteers for their aflillance as occasion might require. Others thought it fixed an unequivocal mark of re probation on the President in pardoning cap tain fries, as the fellow had aded an im prudent part before he left Philadelphia, having according to the trite phrase let th: cat out of the bag, by overlapping the pre ferred mark, and (hewing that the spirit of infurre&ion was not in full vigour. One other, an imported patiiot., who tints del no wan fud be ctntyn nued in offyfe. w :c is not 1 a friend to de coJlitu fii on, fancied that it ! was advice to the militia colonels to cashier their paymasters and appoint others ; and some were ofopinioo that the design was to enrol ;o,coo United Irilhmen to teach the Americans true liberty and the Rights of Man. At length a tall raw-boned figure, who from his pra&ice of negle&ing his Clerical FunAions for the fake of dabbling in poli tics, has taken the name of Talleyrand, who is the reputed author of the Bucking ham address of last year, and who, previous to the last ele£tioti upon a day of Sacrament, between sermons, disgusted the pious part of his hearers by distributing among them packets of the Aurora, advanced upon the floor, his afpt.commanded immediate at tention, and whether fraught with a m f fage from his excellency supplementary to that of the 10th of December, or from his own native penetration, is uncertain, dis covered that one princ/pal objtdt of the re solve was that the Register ot Bucks be di redied to difcird his clerk, on pain of ex hibiting the fame fpeftacle that Broadhead and Parker had done before. Accordingly a vote was taken, when it was determined nem. con. that the young Federal Minion should tramp before the 17th of July, ißco. When the Register received the mandate he could not but feel the diminution of hi own importance, and smarting under the democratic lash waa led into a train of very disagreeable feiJat!on3, which terminated in the following foliloquy—ls it for this that I h»*« so loqg exerted eveiy nerve to pio mote the cause i O the weary da»s and nights that I have spent in planning and ex ecuting elt&iorteering schemes, when the cause was extremely doubtful ! Have f not taken upon me every fhapeand name afTusied by the party since the revolution ? Have I not been a yellow-wig. a blue flcin, a red Inouth, a constitutionalist, an anti-federal, a democrat and am I not now a republ can ? And shall I not be permitted to retain my own clerk, who has been long tried, and in whom 1 can placa full confidence ? But be di&ated to by the sovereign people who are so much indebted to me for what they now po'iefa ? Be it so since the people have ordered it. Still am I determined ro re main a republican, or whatever name may be adopted by the party, and like the pa triot vidlims of our lifter state when advan cing to the national razor, cry out with ec ftacy, Vive la Rrpubiique. awaking from hit reverie he accord ingly gave the signal to his clerk to depart, whj upon the 17th inft. bid adieu to th« painful service, consoling himfeif with this refie&ion, that the office wants me more than I want the office. J should not have dwelt so long upon the minutix of this trifling and local aCiir, were it not chat the fame condutt pervades the whoL . fyftcin of modern democracy, Were not the fame exertions, duplicity and fcanslal used to secure the loves anctfillies of an ounce, as those of a pcund weight, but when we fee the fume train of secret craft and open calumny pra&ifed againd a Presi dent of the United States, a candidate for the office of Governor, or a Registers clerk, it matters little from whence you take your examples : I know no difference in lefpe&a bility between a Secretary of State and his junto, and a chairman of a County Commit tee at Addis's l'avern, between a Gallatin, secretary of a seditious meeting in Brad docks field, and a Fries at the head of the Northampton Infurreftion. Such b«ing the state of politics in this country, it would be well for those who put security of person and property upon a level, at least, with the new fangled system of Liberty and Equality, to consider whether tamely to fuffer the rein of government to go into the hands of those who appear so little qualified to hold thetn, and who like the heroes in Hislibras —Tug at both enrft of the favr, To tear down government and law. or whether by a united and spirited exer tion of the right of fuffrage at the ensuing eledtion continue the power in the hand of those men and their adherents, who at the commencement of the federal government rescued the fhtes from the jaw* of bankrupcy and impending ruin, and have since fte d j their course with so much wisdom and mo deration that no hoiieft man by their means has fuffered either in his person or proper ty- A Bucks County Man. For Sale, Freight or Charter, fejaL SHIP APOLLO, 'sMgcrsjl Knowjlbs Adams, Mastbh, A good ftauch vefliel, Bat en one hundred and thirty eight tens; will be ready to r-ceive a cargo in a few days. Apply to the nailer oa board, at Hamilton's wharf, or WILLIS is- YARDLEY. Chefnut Street Wharf, North- N. B. Consignees of Ciiods on board said Clip from Madeira, art requested to obtain their per mitt a* early at possible, add forward the fame to the officer attending. 7 inon. 18 _ { 4t Saulnier & Wilson, WQQLSti DRAPiUS, MEXC£JtS, UV No. 63, North lide Mark«t-flre«, HAVE a general afforttaeot of bed London fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the oewtft lattion) silk stripe and second quality Cloths, filhionabls waiflcoating, silk stripe jnd twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fuflian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickfetj fancy Cord, Vtlvets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irish and brown I.inein, Dowlas, mens* and wnmens' liik and cotton Hosiery, coat and veil pearl, ft eel, gilt and plated Buttons, different eel ura Silk Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Lhecks, &c &c. N. B. Taylors' bed quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. Jul) 18, «!tf To be Let, For the seasons is* immediate possession given A very pl«afant, healthy COUNTRY SEAT, TT7"ITH Garden, Palmrr Grounds, Coaih- VV House, Ice-Hf>u(e, &c &c.—Situated near the Frankford road, and about 3 1-2 mill's from the city. For terms apply ts the fuhferiber, in Chefnut, above Eighth iirret.. W. MACPHERSON. July aB. d6t Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third !■ reet. An Office for thofc ltagts is also kept at tor. Kardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April aB. " NOTICE. B„ P. Berckemeyer, OF HAMBURGH, INFORMS his friends in rbe United States, that the partnerlhip of Berckemtyer & Co. was dissolved on the 3; fl of December, 1799, and all accounts with fcid firm will be liquida ted by him. For any fur hertranfaflinns he begs leave to recommend to them his Brother and Succeflbr, John Benry Berckemeycr. Hamburgh, April IS, 175-9- Jul) » 5 . dtf. A Messrs. HODGKINSON and BARRETT, Refpeflfwlly acquaint the Lad:es and Gent'e meu of Philadtlphia, that the Old Theatre, in Southwark, will be opend For Two Nights only, On THURSDAY Evening, July 31ft, ißdo> with a Ipecies of entertainment, Moral, In firuflive, and Amusing, confiding of Reci tation, Music, Song, &c and properly de nominated the Feast of Reason A NO The Flow of Soul. Part I ft. Will commence with an OCCASIONAL ADDRESS, after 5 year's abtence, by Mr. Hodgkinfon, To be followed by Mr. Barrett, who vri'l de liver, the nv ft feledl paru of the celebrated George Alexander Slivens't LECTURE ON HEADS. Being a comic, fatyric, whiml'ica:, humour ous, moral, illui'trativeDiflertaiion asd Display Of Heads, Hearts, Passions, Humours, Wbtms, Oddities isf Characters, In three parti. T~*o expatiate on the propriety of an Enter tainmeDt, where the Follies of Life are exposed in laughable striking colours, and the moral inferences drawn from such display, it is presumed, would be needless. It is well known that theantients held this mode of inftruflive ainufement in the higheil degree of estimation ; ncr has it been lef« esteemed by the molt p >- lifhed nations among the moderns. To " Catch the living manners as they rife," has ever been held not only allowable but merrito rious j and the opinion given by one of the most enlightened of the sons of men, of the original compiler, of the Ledlure now offered to the public, " That has merit, genius, and fatincal obfervationt, marked him as a Public Cesfor ; and that his judicious difp'ay of Fol ly and Vice, entitle him not only to publir en couragement, but public thanks." As it high ly flattered attempts of the then living author, mufi be considered at the higheil eulogitim to hit manes j so it is hoped the fame wi(h to please and entertain in the present cafe, be viewed at least with candour. PART ift. 1. Quack Doftor. 3. Coat of Arms. 3 Misfortune. 4. Simple Block. J. Difiertation on Law, with a Cafe in Point. 6. Pretty Fellow. 7. Nobody't Htad. 8. Difiertation on Nothing. 9. Nobody't, Somebody't, or any Body's Coat of Arms, 10. Diflerta-ion on Architecture, Painting, P. etry, Astronomy and Music. 11. Illustration of Law, Bullam verfut Boatum. PART id. 1. Riding Hond. 2. Lady of Fafhian. 3. f'ifhwoman. 4• Contrast j- Crying Phiiofophers. 6. Laughing do. 7. Cleopatra. 8. Diflrnation how Ladies will or may peflefs the beauties of Venus. 9. French Night Cap. 10. Old Maid. 11. Old BitcheWr. 12. Krowze Head, 13. Flattery. T4. Honcfly. kit 3d. t. A London Buck. ». Lady of Ton. 3. American Sailor. 4< Connniffeur j. Turtle-fating Alderman. ♦. Swindler. 7. Funeral of ditto. 8. Monument of ditto. 9. The Treatment of a Soldier in the year 45 —Story of the Year 45. to. Yorick by Shakefpearc, aod Tristram Shandy, it. Methodist Preacher. l». Conclusion. Between the different heads, Mr. Hodglcin fon will f.tig frme of Dibdin's New and mcft Popular SONGS, never yet heard in America, with Recitation, &c to be arranged in the fol lowing erder. PART id. After the Head of the Quack Doctor, The celebrated Song of the NEW QUACK, Or the man that cures every difnrder, with cuppinc, drenching, couching, clyfler, pu king, bleeding, sweating, blister, diet, bolus, dofeorpill. After the diflertatioa on taw with a cafe ia point, theS^sgof TRUE G L 0R r, With an introduction, and various opinions, of whit True Glory is. After the illustration of BULIUM vfrsus BOATUM ; —Part ift, will finifh with the Song of the Country Club ; OK THE QVIZZICAL SOCIETY. Pait ad. After the Laughing Philosopher, Mr Hortgkinfon will sing the much celebrated Lauphing Song, " NOW'S THE TIME FOR MIRTH AND GLEE and con dude Part the id with SHELTY'S TRAVELS, AND Voyage to America : Leaves the Isle of Col—arrives in Lsndon meets O'Keefe, and lives by Story .telling— Binifhraent—ariival in America—visits the ' Stat»-Houfe, Museum, Theatre, 4cc. Conclusion and Song of HERE'S A NICE NEW BOW WOW, The Staunch Dog—the Sly Dog—the Hearty Dog—the Sulky D«g—the Cheating Dog— the Catching Dog, aad many other Dogs, in the charaAcr of A COMICAL DOG. part 3d: After the Hea 1 of the LONDON BUCK, Mr Hodgkinfon wil! ling th-a Froiickfome Fellow. After the Turtle eating Alderman, the much admirtd Soup of MOUNSEER NONG TONG PAW, John Bull's Trip to France. The Evening's Entertainment to finirti with General Washington, And concluding Song & Chorus. Messrs. Barrett & Hodgkiwson, bsg leave to allure the public, that every eare has been taken to felecl an entertainment worthy tf.eir patronage, and t • make the Theatre com modioli? and cool as poffi'^le. ?£s" Places for the Boxes, to be had at Mr. North's, any time from Wednesday i® o'clock A, M Tickets to be had at Thomas Sc Wi'litm Bradford's Book-Store, No. 8, south Front ilreet- *„* Box I Dollar—Pit 75 cents—Gallery 50 cents. Door* to be "pen at 7 o'clock, and the per formance t j begin precisely at 8 July 29. Port Wine & Claret In Cases, if h' f.rj f ualiijy. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes ard Qi<ariar Caflr> Prr 3 | e (,y BENJAMIN W. MORRIS £3" C O . July 29 3aw^w. For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY, WHO has three y< ars and five months to serve ; fee is sober, hoar ft, a good wai ter, and underftanda taking" care of horses. En quire at No. 60, Dock street. J al r *9- eo ,«f For Sale, In tke pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur lington County, 18 miles from Cooper's Ferry, and 7 from Burlington ; ONE LARGE TWO STOP Y Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, fourtoomson each floor, and a cellar under the whole.— L'kewife a forty foot front Lot, situ. ate on Mill-street, near therairket, with anew Carriage House and Stables on the rear of the Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par titulars applv to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will shew the premifea and nuke known the terms, of the fubfcri'ier in Burlington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800. I"'y »*- eodtf. Received By the slip Kensington, cajtain Acfemttn, from London, A QJJANTIi'Y OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of a superior quality. Also on band, received the late arrivalc 5 y AN ASSORT MEN? OF Holiery, Checks, Fuflians, Jeansj Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For sale by ROBERT SMITH (J? Co. No. jB, south Front-street. July i 6. diw VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, About 25 acres of Land\ LAYING on the east fide of the Falls Road.—• On the East it is bouuded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, frn.—on the south, by a road of two perches, and on the north by a lane, wMch separates it from Mr. M'Call. It ii propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal part* in order to fait the purcbaferst Also, 31 acres, fitnated on the weft fide c f Geraiantown rotd, adjoining MAen't estate, being part of ths proparty of the late Samuel Mifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifitin, corner of Market and nth flreets. January »4. <itf. A FEW COPIES or The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have just been received and arc now for sale, By A. DICKINS, _ Opposite Christ Church. July ti. A CERTIFICATE F©B a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, jun has been lost or miflaye.) and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of which all concerned are desired to take-notice. PETER TREOBNT. May 19. d3m. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a stable, carriage-houft and lot, situated in a pleafaat part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and pofleffion can be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wanted to occupy the premises after the 10th of next November. For terms apply t« th» printer, rr to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. * Juneu- tuthJcstf A Monody, SACKED TO 7HE MEMORT OP A Summer Retreat. - -.V i'
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