Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 29, 1800, Image 1

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    ;.'o.u-"'.v >44j<]
SCf T./jr/ce of this Gazette is Ercirr
Odl-LAlls per annum to Subscriber' residing
in the City 'if Philadelphia. All Cithers pay
r* Dollar additional, fir enclosing and di
recting ; and unless+sume person in this city
will become answerable fur the subscription,
jt mint bi-paid She Months in Advance.
%* No Subscription •will Be received for
a shorter term tb'in six months.
j I 799.
. ALMfttf A.-C
Frtm July 3 c—to A-jgJfi 5.
Wo'ucfday - « 8 58
'/>!•,rfday - - 9 5'
t ; ! 'ay - - It 3
Saturday - - II 47
Sunday - - - o 31
Monday . . v . 1 34
•yti-fitey - - » 3a
Weclnefday - - 4 55 7 5
Thurfdiy • 4 _st> 7 4
Friday 4 5" 7 3
Saturday - 4 J8 7 *
Sumlsty • - 4 s9' 7 1
Monday 5 0 7 o
Twfda ? ... 5 1 6 J9
ALL perf ms who have any demands ajatnfl
the <<ftate of W ILLIAM FISHER, are defircd
to brißp in their -aecoMtns to the fubferfber, in
order that they may be difchir^ed; and all
peffrms who are indebted to said eilate by con
trait, bond, billhook debt, tor rent or other
wise, are requirci todifcharge the fame, ether
« ife they may expert to be proceeded against
according to ta-w.
AdmimCrator t» the estate of William Fiflier
w im
June is
Philadelphia &P Laocafter
Jvty 14lb, i'B®o.
THt Prtfident ani Managers have this da"y
declared a dividend of' Eight Dollars nn each fhjre
of ftoA, of tfKich, fix dollari ihare will tie
paid Ae Stockholder* or thcirTcprcfcnt Jtires arty
day alter the 24th inOant; the remaining two
dollar* has Bettr Wtaiined and txpended in com
pleating and the road agreeably to a
rafo'.ution of the, flotltholders.
Wm. GOVETT, Treasucr.
Tuly I' 4 trti(t
A Pk. O ft) SA L
W ■
William Yctung Birch,
Abraham Small,
Of the City of Philadelphia,
Modern Europe.
With an account of the Decline ar.d Fall of
(be iiomrtn Empire, the tiise cf Moderk
Kingdoms, iSV. ijV.
'""I "HE great applause wHKn this excellent
X hook has received, is a sure tvroof ct its
merits—The vail sale which it has had for
several years, is a fair criterion t>y which the
puMrcopmron of rf» wtirth can be, knr.wn.
Durug the life of tlie learned author, it went
through the annual Caleot a very large impref
fiftn—■ faccetding edition received feme
improvement the result of bis deep researches
and great judgment—he lived to make it as
perfect is in the sitilrc of things It eould be—
he is dead ! VVhilft the Englrth Unguaier is
read, the Hiftory'tf Modern will re
, monument to his fame ! It is as enter
tarn'mjV-4s inftruJlive ;as interesting ai pro
found. \The plan of she work is cripiotu, but
fcy-ax h.i-ipy arrangement, the reader is at once
presented with the cotemporary history df
■every part of, Europe. The book now offered
to the public is from the last and moll correal
copy, to whicb this shall be no way in/erior.
IT cox?a ins—
An history e>f the decline and fill of the Roman
The rife of modern kingdoms, ge
nerally. A piriicular history of the French
monarchy. Do. Spain from the dominion
of the Vifig»ths. Italy, the rife and
progress of the Ttmporal Power of the
Pope*. Britain, frotn Its relinquilhmcnt by
the Romans. Ireland. The German em
pire, from Charlemagne. The trdpire of
Conllantinople to its overthrow. Empire of
the Arabs. Rrfe Jnd progress of the I'urks
and fall of the Griek empire. Hiftftry of
Portugal ; View of the progress of Naviga
tion ; Cortquefh in the East and Weft Indies j
Discovery ofAmerica,&c. History
Denmark, Norway, Ruflia,Poland and Prul
fia: North-Amertca, is Co-tfflefled with Eu
ropcin history. A very cemprehtnfive and
highly ufeful chronology.
I. The Whole shall be comprized in five larpe
oilavo volumes, printed in the befl manner,
6'-> a ftiprrfine paper.
11. It intruded to deliver one volutne every
two month', at the price of Two Dollars per
volume in Boards, ptyable on delivery.
111. A? it may be inconvenient to deliver them
to diflant CuMi-ribers fn finale volumes, tho f e
who wiDi lt, may let tl>cm remain with the
puftjSiers-until the whole ire published,
The work rs at pre!Vjpd will' be printed on
•1 beautiful new type call for the purpose. The
cncouragers of fh>i undertaking may reft as
sured, that nothing row fortfeeo shall delay its
regular procedure ; lb that in one yelrst far
theft the cit'zens cf the United States lhall he
prefer,ted with an American Edition of Doilor
Kuiltll's Miftory of Modern Eur-pe, equal to
the Ene'i'h copy, aud at a lower pi ice.
JuneM* tuitff
~'"L • * t
Gazette of the United States, &■ Daily Advertiser.
WHEREAS hy an aft of Congress
pafletj on the feventb day of May,
in the'year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred, the President of the United States
is authorized ko borrow, rtn behalf of the
United States, from the Bank of the Uni
ted States, or from any other body or bo
dies politic or corporate, or from any per
son or persons, and upon such term 9 and
conditions as he (hull judge rtioft advanta
geous for the United State*, a sum not
exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred
i houfai.d Dollar?, so however, that no
contrast or engagement be madr, which
ftialj preclude the United States from reim
bursing any sum or sums borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from the date of fucli Loan. And YVhcßE
as it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be necefTary of the surplus of the
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by 1 W, fnall be pledged and
appropriated for paying the interett ; and
also for paying and discharging the princi
ple sum or sums of all the monies which
may tie borrowed according to the term or
terms which may be fixed pursuant to the
authority aforefaid. AND WHEREAS
by the said aft the faith of the U. States,
is pledged to establish fufficient permanent
revenues, for making up any deficiency that
may hereafter appear in the provisions b«-
fore mentioned forp.ying the interest and
principal sums, or either of (htm, or any
monies which may be borrowed pursuant to
the said aft. AND WHEREAS the
Pkesi dent of the United States, did by
an Aft or Commifiion under his hand, da
ted the seventeenth day of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred, autho
rize and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrow on behalf of the Uii
ted States, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, to make such contrast or
contrasts as (heuld be oecefTary, and for
the interest of die United States, in pur-
Cuance of the aft of Congress above recited.
NOW THEREFORE, theunderfigned
Secretary ef the Treasury, in pursuance of
the aft of Congress and the authority from
the President of the United States above
mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following, to wit :
ift. There shall be created -a funded Ca
pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to bede
(ignated by the fsiid Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, which Cftpital Stock /hall be
diviflble into fliares of one hundred dollars
each, bearing interest, at eig-ht per centum
per annum, payable quarter yeaf-ty at the
Treasury of the United States, or at Xhe
Loan Offices, where the said Stbck may
fland credited, until the last day of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight.
2J. After the last day of December in the
said year one thousand eight hundred and
eight, and after reafurable notice to the cre
ditors, which (hall be given by an advertise
ment in some public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government ef the United
States, the said Capital 'Stock shall be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimbursement of the 'whole
sum or funis borrowed and which maycon
ftitute the said Capital Stock, eithsr at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may Hand-cre
dited. 1
jd. The credits for the said Capital Stock
ft*;l nrd may be fepsratefy certified in luins
either for one hundred, four hundred, one
thousand, four thousand, or tell thousand
dollars, and the credits so certified shall be
transferable by the 'rn ditors, or their attor
nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpeifliveiy, in puifuShtifc 6f (he rules which
have been or which may be eftablifjied rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A fufficicnt sum of the forpkrs of
the duties on imports and toiiitage bevoncl
the permanent appropriations heretofore
charged tfjJon them by law—'together with
the faith of the United States, are hereby
pledged for the fulfilment of this contract,
in pursuance of, andaccording to the terms
and conditions of. the-aft ef Congress herein
before recited.
GIVEN under my hand, ar»d the seal of
the Trsafury tit' t'he Ofritcfl States, at
) Philadelphia, riiis second day cf June,
one thaufand eig-ht luindred-; and of
the Independence the twenty-fourth .
Secretary of ibe Treasury.
June 21, 1800.
Proposals will be received until the last
day of July next inclusive, at the Bank of
the United States, and the Offices cf Dis
count and Deposit at Boston, New-York,
Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charleston, for the
pure ha fe of One Million and Five Hundred
Thousand Bollars of Stock, direfted by
the Secretary of the Trea'fury, to be issued
in pvrftiance of the abovemerttifned con
tra A. The proposals moK advantageous to
the United Slates will be accepted, fentrno
Stock will be ifltied at less than five per
'centum advance, or one hutidt'rd and five
j dollars in money for one hundred dollars in
I (lock. In cafe the funis fpecified in similar
proposals fliall exceed the amount of flock
By C. P. Wayne, No. 6s, South Front-street.
'< . f I ( "V ; ; -
offered for sale at the places abovementioned,
they will be accepted, liiojeft to a propor
tional deduttioii.
wf G. SIMPSON, CifhY.
Due on Unsedted Lands ~
In Fnek'in County.
ON the fallowing defcribtd Lands, thh
following Taxes are due—which if
not paid within three months fcrm the'Jitte
of this Advertifehient, will be told" for tne
fame, agreeably to law, by the fiiiWfcribers.
William Clerk.
Commiflioner's Office. }
Chamberfburg, April 30, I'ftoo.s
Nicholas Bittiftger, 305 acres 150 perches,
in Guilford township, adjoining lands of
Edward Crawford, Conrad Wolfkill and
others, on which the following taxes are
due, viz.
Fcr the year 1785
1786 239
1787 i t6 6
1788 i 16 5
1789 I 16 J
1791 12 9
1793 o II s
Total £. 10 19 3
James Cunningham, 27J acres So perches,
in Guilford townfliip, adjainirg lands of
Edward Crawford, Hugh Crawford and
others, on -which the following taxes are
du«, viz.
£. s. d.
For the year 1755 1 16 4
1786 290
1787 1 13 4
17SS 1 13 3
1789 1 5 o
179 1 o 13 10
1793 o 6 10
Total £. 918 5
Jo'bn Shits, 50 acres in Guilford towrifhip,
adjoitflig luntU ot' 0:1 which
the following taxes are unpaid, viz.
° 5 9
For the year 1755
Totfcl sfi. 1 U 4
Daniel Duncan's lleirs, 100 in Guil
ford townfiiip, a3jlandsl of Wm.
Crawfurd, Edward Van Lear and others,
on which the following taxes are due, viz.
£. d.
° 1 3
o 2 s
« 2 S
For the year
Total £.115
James Gardner's Hairs, 100 acres in Peters
townlliii), ;■ Jj'jiniug lands ot' James Dun-
and %tftefs, cm wirich'the foHofrhig
taxes are due, viz.
£• s ' d'
1 6 3
o 19 5
on o
112 3
For the year 1785
Total £. 6 19 3
SamuelLindsej, 100 acres in Guilford to.wn
fhip, adjoining lands of John Andrew and
others, on which the following tax is un
paid, viz.
For the year 1787
Asbbridgc and Browa, 2000 acres in Fannet
townlhip, adjoining linds of John Noble,
Francis Elliot and others, on ■wlijch the
following taies are due, Viz.
£< s. d.
For the year 1785 385
1786 526
1787 4 13 9
178S 924
1789 2 j6 5
i 791 1 5 2
•1793 ® 12 7
1794 i 13 10
1796 2 so
'797 1 S 8
179 so s o 15 o
1799 o 15 o
C- 33 '5 8
Cbar'lfs M'Cormick's Heirs, 275 acres in
Hamilton township, adjoining lands of
James Moore, John Leeper and others,
o;i which the following taxes are due, viz.
£. s. d.
1 1 7
1 910
1 3 9
015 6
1 1 2
- For the year 1785
' 1787
Stimiiel Moorhtad, 20# acres in Hamilton
townlhip. adjoining lai.ds\ of Wiliiai'i
Morrow, Jolm Jack and others, on which
the following taxes are unpaid, viz.
£. St d.
1 3 8
» 7 S
O 13 9
o ic 6
° '5 7
For the year 1785
£. s. d.
For the year 1785 138
1786 I 7 3
17*7 013 9
1788 o 15 6
1789 o 15 7
Robert Hoops, 200 acres, in Hamilton
township, adjoining lands of Meek,
and others, on which the following taxes
are unpaid, viz.
£• *■ d
-112 8
For the year 1785
Total, £.5 2 6
Peter Maty/ball, 100 aires, in Fannet town
flijj), adjoining on which
th'e following taxes are unpaid, viz.
£. s. d.
For the year 1788 074
1789 040
1791 o 1 1
1794 o 311
1796 060
1797 020
1798 020
Jacob Gilbert, ifco acres in Washington
township, adjoining lands ef
ttnpald, tSi.
For the year 1791
tjtHorj it Ctutaftfrbim, SOO inn, In Green
toftttfhrp, idjtftmig Soxfth Moonuln, kc.
»n wtiith the fbflowing t»xe* are n-npairf,
it. f 1 d*
o > 10
O 1 10
> » 4
For the year 1796
Daniel Dure an's Heirs, g-t acres in Fannet
township, adjoining lands of William
M'Glfcllartd,alid others, 011 which'the fol
lowing taxes are urfpaid, viz.
£. s. d.
014 o
oi3 7
o 13 I
12 1
O 2 I
0 7 6
'Fer the "year 1785
1 799
. " « - .J
M'JMitt's Heirs, 200 acres, in Hamilton
township, adjoining lands of ——
on which the following tax is unpaid,
For the year 1796
■Daniel Jlugbes, 400 acres, in Wafhingtou
townlhip, adjoining lands of Thomas
Stoops, Phillip Waggoner, and others, on
which the following taxes are unpaid, viz.
£. d,.
£. s. d.
For the year 1797
1 79$
Total, £.2 4 2
Samuel Culberlfjn's Heirs, 103 acres and 16
perches, in Southampton t»\vnfhip, ad
joining lands of William Rippey, An
drew Boyd, and others, on which the fol
lowing taxes are unpaid, viz.
£. s. d,
For the year 17£6
Total, 4 12 Ii
Csrnelius Ifiggins, 100 acres 80 pershes,
in Fannet township, adjni.iing lands of
Henry Vernor, Jacob Yoft, and others,
m which the following taxes are unpaid,
£■ s
-04. 1
o I 5
c i 5
For the year J 796
Total £. 4 15 9
Total £. 4 15 9
£• s. d.
o 13 10
b 19 I
016 6
c 13 8
© 8 4.
o 19 s
Total, £. \ 64
£. s. d.
e 2 8
£- o 16 4
Total, £.460
£. s. d.
o 10 10
C JO 10
o 15 .8
« Is' ''s
o 10 6
o 10 5
0 5 7
018 o
FOR SALE,. /...
A PRINTING HR&S9«ottpfctt£, v / >•
Oi-lLoag .■» .
Smxll Pica oa Aid <l4. '■
P'®®* i * * *
Englilh, (t-aro fcu»r#J"' -',■■"■» ~.
10 Line P.c», Ac , A .
Sundry Prtinr*, *a4 ■ grt»t rxriAf qCfMUt ''
F?r*iMre,*C • V --y V/. „ v .
JprtH ♦tHls at -.1 • •■»■;" • .
fT.tW-Wtt w
it tb« r>rac< «f th« OtMiXt H :ti« ynA*4 *•
J ■r, r. it
• " " J 'V : ■
« > v \ \
.... - '
[Volume XVIII.
Griffith 'Jones, 206 acres no perches, in
Fannet township, adjoining lands of Da*
niel Duncan, John Hermanni, and others,
on which the following taxes are unpaid,
£. s. d.
o 3 11
For the year 1796
Total, £.09 1
James Rcfs's Heirs acres, in South
ampton township, edjoining lands nf
on which the following tivxes are
unpaid, viz, £. s, d.
For the year 1794 Ix 6
1796 2 1 3
1797 o 13 9
1 79® o 13 9
£-4 10 J
Samuel Beakle, acres, in Green town
fliip, adjoining lands cf
in which the following taxes are unpaid,
£■ >• d.
o 8 4
O 2 lO
2 IO
For the year 1795
1 797
Total, £. o 16 o
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure oj Bilio- s u n &
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
of fuccels highly gnteful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft In
dies,and the southern parts of the United State;-
particularly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef
ton, Savannah, &c. The teitimony of a num
ber of persons in each of the above pt»ces can be
adduced, who have reason to believe th?t a
timely use of th sfalutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
mofl alarming circiamftances.
Fails of this conclusive na:ure speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompou»
eulogy, founded on mere afltrtion, coul! do.
It is not indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
possible reason, which can result from pxte&five
experience for believing that a dofeet these pills*
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual Jsilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier stages of these diseases, their use will
very generally fticceed in restoring health and
frequently in cases esteemed desperate at?d bey
ond the po« er of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeilly mild
and maybe used with falety by perfonsin every
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off
perfluous bile and prevent its morbid secretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite ; ta produce
a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose
never fails to Remove a cold if taken on its firlt
appearance. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the ft®iaach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
persons on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in preventing and curing mortrliforders attend
ant on long voyage", and ftnuld be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every seaman.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all <Jif afos o<"the
eyes, whether the effU,ft of natural weaknefi, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullntf- itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently fuccecd the small pox. measles and fe
vers, an 4 wonder ully (lengthening, a weak fight.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtue#
when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered im
mediate and lading relief in the mod levcre in*
mediate and lalting relief in the molt fevcre in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every, kind of head-ache, and so
pains in the face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never faikd, in many thou
and caf-'S not one in a hundred has had occasion to
fake more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if the cur
is not performed.
No. 17, South Second Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may 1)£ had, Dr. I-l4iuilfeirV W)
Deftriying l.ozei'ges, lits~Sfffereign Elixir for
coughs, ftc. P.cftorative Drops, Pflencc and Ex
trail of MuiUrrt,?overeij;n Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaificr, In
dian Specific frr the Vener?. I com
plairt, Odwland's and Persian Loti*n, SeCtqrative
tooth Powder, Damrlk I.ip Salve, Church'j.
Cough Dfops, Anderfou'-BVpilts, &c. &c.
apriliQ m tf
* "» >
' f
» -* .
■-"r •« *