Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, sa'turpay' kvkning, july 26 PRICES OF STOCKS. PaiLADiLrniA, July 19 8 per Ctnt Stock for cadi 105 t» to'* p.ct. Six per Cent. do. 84 Navy do. do. 84 Three per Cent. do. 51^ Deterred, - do. 80 B4.NK United States, do. 39 Pcnnfylvaaia, do. »4 North America, do. 46 lnfuran«e comp. N. A. shares 8 to 10 per cent, below par —7- Pennsylvania, (hares, 18 per cent, adv, Baft-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance Land Warrants, dolls, per 100 acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Billsonl.on at 30 days for cafii 171 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 170 do. Do. db. 90 days do 169 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 ctj. per Mark Banco Ds. in Amsterdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per florin |C7» The carriers of the Gazette of the United States have been strictly forbiddtn to sell or give it away. It is requested that, should any person detect them in doing so, they will give immediate information to the Editor. ICT The prolixity of the law in this day's paper, precludes many articles intended for publication. NEW YORK, July 2 j. Captain Stanwood arrived on Thursday in ten days from St. Bartholpmew* informs, that he left Martinique on the Ift of July, instant 5 that on the afternoon he failed from thence, a British packet arrived there in eighteen days from Falmouth, the Cap tain of which assured him that on his pas sage he fell in with a British frigate, the Captain of which informed that he was bound to the firft port in England, wth dis patches from Lord St. Vincents, dating, that the Brest fleet was out, cenfifting f fifty-one fail of the line, betides fmallervef fels, and requesting a reinforcement. It was added that another infurre&ion had broken out in Ireland whicS had afiumcd a formidable afpeft, and occafioncd considera ble alarm to ihe Britifli Governjieot. Captain Stanwood further informs, that on the day he failed from St. Bartholo mews (the 14th inft-) a French ce tleman •' Captain from Bordeaux, gave him a written article in French, which sta ted, that he had just received information from Point Petrc, Cuadaloupt of the ar rival there nf a French corvette, in nine teen days from Bourdeaux ; and that the news she brought is as follows : .«• That the negotiation between tie Amer ican CommifiioMers and the French Republic had terminated amicably ; all differences fettled, and a peace conclu ded that General Buonaparte had ar . rived before Genoa, in time to reliev* General Maffena ; that Buonaparte had t made prisoner» of three fourth's of the Austrian troops under command of Gene ral Melas ; that Italy was entirely in ihe pofleflion.of the French; and that (he French General Moreau. had, in a ihird battle, defeated the Austrian troopi on the Rhine,"—and further, that order« had also arrived there by the Corvette, prohibiting the capture of American vis. fell." The above intelligence, so far as regards the relief of Genoa, is confirmed by the following : NEWS FROM ITALY. Sa^em—Friday evening, 9 o'clock. Brig Essex, capt. Orne, has just »rrived Barcelona, via Gibraher 32 days from the latter. Capt.O. brings the important new s of the detest of the Austrian Army of obfer vatioli, left by Melas before Genoa, while lie went to meet Berthier \qith the army of Dijon. It is said the defeat was comulete and took place on the 18th of May. There had been a previous battle- Genoa was not in so fuffering a condition as has been re presented. The above news is brought on Ihore by boats which have been along fide of the EflejA I (hall fee the opuin when he lar.ds, and endeavor to obtain further par ticulars. From tbe S.tlem Register, Oil Friday evening arrived her? the brig FtTdx, Joi. Orne, i—fr®ni Barcelona, via Gibraltar—3 j days from tlie latter place. Accounts were received at Barceolna the day before Capt. Orne failed, May 23, that 011 the 17th or 18th of May, Gen. Maffena made a fuccefst'ul fallyfrom' Genoa, and killed and took a £reat number of Au ttrians. The repprt was general believed to be true at Barcelona. There was not the leal} probability of Genoa's falling, as great reinforcement*, were marching to its relief. The City wasconflantly supplied with Grain *nd Provisions by flat-bottom'd boms from Barcelona, which from their conftru&ion Could fail in fliore, and of course out c f the reach of the guns of the blockading (hips. There was an expedition goinf> 011 from Gibralter, from whence Gen. Abercrombie failed the 12th of June, with two regiments of foot and two of Cavalry. Its defoliation was unkuowr—but ftippoll-d either for Genoa or Malta. j The French privateers have ceafcr! trou bling our vefTeis in the Straights, unless ar med, or bound to Gibralter, which is block aded by the • Spaniards, who take all veflels bound there. Accounts by Capt. O. we un&rftaiid J'sve. been received, tliat the King of Span 11 i oclamation had forbid tlie further pii*h cies on the American ./Commerce by the Gun-boats from Algeziras, &x. SC7* T he pveccding information, so far as it rtfpefls the failing of the Rreft Fleet, and the conclufinn of a Peace with France, may be true, indeed it is highly probable ; but the vague and bombastic ftaterrent rtTpe&ing the operations in Italy, seems entitled to very little credit.—Let us compare the accounts from S ilern, with thole received a few days ago,'at N. Y. Cap. Orne, arrived at Salem, left Barce lona, the 23d of May, and the day before,, which was the 22d. accounts had been received that pji the seventeenth or tigb tee itb (obfervc the dates) the Auftrians were entirely vanquifhrd by Maficna ; —now, let it be remeinbefed, that by the Retaliating arrived at N. Y. from Lilbon we have accou: ts, (publilhed in this Ga zette on Thursday lafl] dating, that when flie left Lisbon, May 26, a packet had arrived, the day before, May 25, in six days from Genoa, with information of the Fall cf G noa ; now, that Packet mud have left Genoa, the Nneteentb of May, one day after the .battle is laid to have taken placeany further comment is unnecelTary. A letter of the 6th June, from a refpea. ab.e house in London, to a gentleman in Baltimore, fay 3, •' the general opinion is thac a peace will immediately takt place." We learn that the Seleft and Common Councils of this city, at a late meeting, have parted a rcfolution, direding the City Cojn milfionprs to cause all the gutters within the pa' ed parts of the city to be complete ly scoured at lead three times in every week. This salutary regulation is to continue in force until the firft. day of Oaober n«xt. ExlreS of a Letter from a G ntleman at St- Kith- ti his friend in Portsmouth, da ted June 2 2. Our Americas ships of war have lately extremely fuccefsful—Commodore Morris, since he commandsd the fqmdron which began last Odtob-r, his (hip alone has token retaken 17 prizes ; the fqua drou together 50 prizes—the Philadelphia F igite is rhe commodore's ship, Cap ain Decature, the former goes home this day with a large fleet,—The Connefticut, Capt. Tryon, took - in eight days, 4 prizes, and the whole fqnadron take mareorlef* daily. Extract as a letter from a Mtrcla't in Bourdeauxto lis cvrr-.ipondent in Ptila delpbia. received per the Polly, Cipt. Lake, from St. Sebastians, dated Md after her to the Northward ; in the mean time the schooner had tacked to the South ward, (endeavoring to beat to windward) and about the fume difhnce to windward, received, en passant, another broadside from each fliip, without returning a (hot. We ' continued our course. Unlortunatply for ! our enterprize, whety'fii (1 putting about, the Mount Vernon miffed flays, or we fliould ; -»• . , '- ' have had hini under our lee, and might have given a better account of the gentleman. July 13th, at 1 A. M. again perceived the fchoon-r dogging to the windward. At day-light she crowded fail after us, and gv in. Ed upon us (lowly. Captain Rutter and caj tain Aflimead agreed to, jog 011 under easy fail, and when the schooner drew near to heave to, and offrr battle. Thff day was fqtislly with thunder and win, and in the interims, winds very Jight.. At meridian M unt Vernon fired a lurn-chafe,and (hew ed American cslciurs , f. At 15 minutes P. I\T. (by sea account July 14th) the veflVl in chafe, hoisted her ensign, tripartite, and fired a gun, without lollSoirffc faiJ this was by mistake; hut I. who have a more favorable opinion of Messieurs, affirm, that this inoffensive mode of commencing, was an effrft of the effrvef cence, produced in his mind by an affilia tion of the two paffioiwt mofl predominant in the bread of a true and legitimate Citoyrn of the G'eut Nation, viz. FRIENDSHIP ! and POLITENESS !!—He would not of fend tnote he so dearly lyved, bv' the uncivil, though common, procedure in such cases No !—he had much rather we had trufled at once to his real good will,, without forcing him to do luch violence to his inclinations, as our want of Bitnsiino.e cojnpelled him to. At 30 minutes P. M. Mount Vernon up courses and hove to, the India hove to under her lee quarter. The privateer ini» mediately hrailed up her forefitil, (hewed us her broadside, a random (hot to windward, with nine ports, and gave us fix guns, and afterwards two ; nil of whish fell very near (jne or other of our (hips, and two pilTed over both, but none struck The Mount Vernon returned her broadside ; but before the fourth glin was fired, the robber not be ing in tone to relish such tnufic, hauled aft his fore (heat, and braced close to the wind* 1 he Mount Vernon filled her f'.ils and plied him with hroadfides, so quick, so regular, and so well direiffed, (for wr could fee the (hot fall in all directions close round the schoon er,' and saw one of them pass through one c.f lie." fails) tha: our g cd ally concluded the fyoner he got disengaged from fucli a game the better for liijnfelf*. As often as by b;xk mg and filling we could make our guns bear free of the other flnp, we fired.. But all was to no purpose; the privateer, though not a bri& sailer, could lie too » ( ar the wind for ed) of Charleston ; brifs Mercury, Yardefley ; M<%, Harding, ofi Philadelphia ; and feh! Gallant Pierce, cf N. York with the' x French, frigates, Medea, Francis and Con cord, were at Ri-erdela Plata, when cap tain Higgins left it. At Bnone& Ayres the brig - , capt. Christie of Button, a few days arrived. ■ The Ulyflej, Lamb, of Boston from Can ton, put into St. Helena, in Marcli, greatly damaged. The fhipN agara. Paulding, from Green ock, of and for New-York, put into Liv erpool, N. S, ab >ut the 6 h or Bth of Juljr in distress, and ihovt of proviflong. Three or four p-izesto the Rover, (pri vateer out of Liverpool, N- S.) have arrived at Liverpool ; they are fa : d to be America® vcfiels re-taken from the French. Brig Alert. Rich, from B (lon arrived at Cadiz in 24 days- off Cadiz was boatded by an Engli/h cruizer, and informed tha£ that port was not now considered in a Hate of blockade. The Letter Bags Of the (hip Roebuck, Rafer, for London and brig Pennsylvania, Knox, for Hamburg, will be t ken. from the Coffee-Houfe on Monday next- NEW YORK, July at. Schr. Neptune, Stanwood, St. Bar- I [iholomews rO e Emely, Sword, Demarara 35 s Sloop li.duilry, Savage, Tortola 12 e FaftandEafy, , St. Thomas 28 i, CLEARED, Ship Argus, Main, St. Sebsftians John, Wyer, Amfterdara 0 Draper, Taylor, Madeira t Eagle, Thorn son, Btlfaft , Schr. Flora, Beatty, St. John* s Ship Black River, Mathews, fchoo f ner Commerce, Robinson, from this port, have arrived at St. Bartholomews. The brig Franklin,. Watson, arrived at Tobaga in forty-three days from this port. Schooner Bet ley. from Char'.efton, has arrived at the Quarantine ground--Cap tain, Mate, and Cook died on their caf» sage. Schooner E'tfey, from New Lnndon to New Providence, wa6 (Iruck with lightning and foundered at sea on the 26th June. Brig Industry, BeMing has arrived at Barbadoes from St. Johns, N. B. . The lirig Sally, James Stewart, matter, was to fail from Su Bartholomews for New London about the 16th July. BALTIMORE, July 24. Arrived, Brig Liverpool, Stapleton, 29 days Bay of Honduras. Left the brigs Betley, An drews, of Baltimore, and Hiram, Spur, of Gharlefton ; the former to fail in twenty days. Spoke ship Aftive, of Baltimore, to New- Orleans, on the 11 th July, off Cape Florada, and brig Silesia, of Charleston, bound to the Bay of Honduras, out 10 days, all well. Schooner Two Brothers, Lecatt, 12 days, Havanna. Left there brig Hunter qnd schooner Nymph, both to fail in three dsys. Pal Ted a ship and barque, and spoke the brig Betfejr, captain Low, from St. Thomas, in the bay. Wanted Immediately, A Housekeeper, A middle aged Woman, who we willing to undertake the whole work of a family of 5 or* 6 '■ she mi)il co ne well recommended ; none clfe need apply. Enquire at the Office et' the G?z.:tteof the United Statej. July 36. Received By the ship Kensington, caj tain Adamson, from London, A QUANTITY OF Erown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Duck, Of a fupcrior quality. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, AN ASSOR7MBS7[ OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans, Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For f*le by ROBERT SMITH V Co. No. south Front-street. { daw Jtily a 6. TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash, or exi\ -< ge fo> Goods f A Large, Elegant, ansi well fiiilhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Frank ord; containing an entry and two large parlours on the fir;l floor, t* rce bedchambers and two garretts Th« lot, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two streets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it cni"ain» a kitchen, ftable,.and coach-h ulc, a well of exceiknt war. r. Sec For terms apply to JOHN M'CLKLLEN, Jjly 16. tf FOR S.aLE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the Uniud States. 4 •:* >