Laws of the United States. Bp Zutfyotitv* Sixth Congress of the United States At the First Session, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Peitnfylvania, on Mon day, the second of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. AN ACT To amend the act, intituled, " An act pro/ vidtng fir the sale of the lands of the United States, in the territory nortb-iuest of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river. Sec. i. T~l E it enae'eiby the Senate and J3 House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congrssss assembled, That for the dilpofal of the lands of the United States, dire.fted to be fold by the aft, intituled, " An aft provi ding for the sale of the lands of the United States, in the territory north-weft of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," there (hall be four land»offices efta blilhed in the said territory : One at Cincin nati, for lands below the Little Miami "which have not heretofore been granted ; one at Chilicothe, for lards east of the Sci cta, south of the lands appropriated for fa tisfyintj; military bounties to the late army of the United States,and weft of the fifteenth range of townfliips ; one at Marietta, for the lands east of the sixteenth range of town fliips, louth of the before-mentioned mili tary lands, and south of a line drawn due weft from the nerth-weft corner of the firft of'the second range, to the said military lands ; and one at Steubenville, for the lands north of the last mentioned line, and east or north of the faid'military lands : Each of the fjid offices shall be un der the direftion of an officer, to be called, ,l The Regifler of the Land-Office," who shall be appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and fliall give bond to tilt United States, with approved fecu nt/, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, for the faithful dilcharge of the duties of his office ; and fliall relide at the placfe where the land-office is direfted to be kept'. Sec. 2. And it it further enacterL That it shall be the duty of the Surveyor-General, and he is hereby expressly enjoined, to pre pare and trail fin it to the Registers of the fevcral land-offices, before the days herein appointed for commencing falt's,gener;J plats of the lands hereby direfled to be fold at the said offices refpeclively, and also to for ward copies of each of the said plats to the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the Surveyor-General shall cause the town ships weft of the Mufkingum, which by the above-mentioned a£t are direiAed to be fold in quarter townships, to be sub-divided into naif legions of three hundred and twenty acres each, a? nearly as maybe, by running parallrl lines through the fame from east to weft, and from south to north, at the dil tance of one mile from each other, and marking corners, at the distance of each half nille on the lines running from east to weft, and at the distance of each mile on those running from south to north, and making the marks, notes, and descriptions, prrfcribed to surveyors by the above-mentioned a£t : And the interior lines of townships Tnter tflcd by the Mufkingum, and of all the townships lying east of that river, which have not been heretofore aftoally fob-divi ded into feftions, shall also be run and marked in the in .nner prescribed by thefaid a£f, for running arid marking the interior lines of townships dire&edto be fold in fec tiori of fix hundred and forty acres each: And in all cases where the exterior lines of the townships, thus to be sub-divided into ftdlions or half fettions, shall exceed or shall not extend fix miles, the excess or deficiency shall l? r specially noted, and added to cr de ifler of the land-office at Stevbenville, after the firft day of July next, may prcceed to fell at private sale, the lands situate within the diftrift afligned to his direftion as herein before described, disposing of the fame in feftions, and chilling fraftional with entire feftions, according to the provisions and regulations of the above-mentioned ait and of this aft : And the ltegift.-r of the {land-office at Ma rietta, after the said firft day of July next, may proceed to fell at private sale, any of the l lands within the diftrift assigned to his direftion as aforefaid, which are east of the river Mnlkingum, excluding the townships interfered by that'river, disposing of the fame in feftions, and classing fraftional with entire feftions as aforefaid. - Sec. j. And be' it further enacted, That no lands fliall be fold by virtue of this aft, at either public or private sale, for less than two dollars per acre, and payment may be made for the fame by all purchefe'rs, either rti specie, or in evidences of the public debt of the United Ststes, at the rates prescribed by trie aft, intituled, " An aft t» authorize the receipt of evidences of the public debt in payment for the lands of the United States and (hall be made in the following manner, and under the following conditions, to wit: i. At the time of purchase, every purcha ser (hall, exclusively oi the fees hereatter men tioned, pay fix dollars for every feciion, and three dollars for evjrry half fettion, he may have purchased, for surveying expenses and deposit one-twentieth part of the amount of the purchase money, to be forfeited, if with in forty days one fourth part of the purchase money, including the said twentieth part, is not paid. 3. One-fourth part of the purchase money shall he paid within forty days after the day of'fale as aforefaid ; another fourth part (hall be paid within two years ; another fourth part within three years •, and another fourth part within four after the clay of sale. 3. Interest, at the rate of fix per cnt, a year, from the day of sale, shall be char ged upon each of the thiee last payments, payable as they refpeftively become^due. 4. A discount, at the rate of eight per cent, a year, fliall be allowed on any of the three last payments, wl ich fliall be paid be fore the fame shall become due, reckoning the discount always upon the futn, which would have been demandable by the United States, on the day appointed for such pay ment. 5. If the firfl payment of one fourth part of the purchase money (ball not be made within forty days after the sale, the deposit payment'and fees, paid and made by the pur chaser, (hall be forfeited, a'nd the lands (hall and may, from £nd after the day, when the payment of one fourth part of the purchase money (ball have been made, be disposed of at private file, on the fame terms and con ditions, and in the fame man -rr as the other lands direftcd by t'is aft to be disposed of at private sale : Provided, Tliat the lands which (hall have been fold'at public sale, and whicn (hall, on account of such failure of payment, revert to the United States, lhall not be fold at private sale, for a price lels than the price that (hall have been'offered for the fame at public sale. 6. If any traft lhall not be completely paid for wi' hin one year after the date of the last payment, the traft shall be advertised for sale by the Regiller of the land-office within whose diftrift it may lie, in at lead five of the mod public places in the said dif trift, for at lead thirty days before the time of sale : And he (hall fell the fame at public vendue, during the fitting of the court of quarter feflions of the county in which the land office is kept, for a price not less than the whole arrears due thereon, with the ex penses of sale ; the surplus, if any, (hall be returned to the original purchaser, or to his legal representative ; but if the sum due, with inteieff, be not bidden and paid, then the land (hall revert to the United States. All monies paid therefor (hall be forfeited, and the Register of the land office may pro ceed to dispose of the fame to any purchaser, as in cafe of other lands at private sale. Sec. 6. And'ke it further enacted, That all and tvfcry the payments, to be made ty virtue of the preceding fedlioh, be made either to the Trenfuref of the United States, or to such person or pfficer as (hall be ap pointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate, Receiver of public monies for lands of the United States, at each 0/ the places refpeflively where the public and private (ales ot the said lands are to be made ; and the said receiver of public monies (hall, be fore he enters upon the duties of his office, give bond, with approved security, in the sum often thousand dollar!, for the faithful dil'chargc of his trust j and it (hall be the doty of tW.ft'uJ Treasurer 4'ni 'Receiver, of public liriofifcsto give receipts tor the monies by them received, to the pcifons refpeftivcly pay ng the fame ; to tranfniii within thirty d'.iys in cafe of public lale, arid quarterly in cst'e of private file, an accoutit of"all the public monies by them received, fpetifying the amount received from each person, and distinguishing the funis received for futvey in« expenses. and these received for purchale money, to the Secretary of the Treasury, and to the Registers iof the land offici, as the safe may be. The said receivers ®f pub lic monies (hall, within three months af ter receding the fame, tranfinit the monies by them/received to the Treasurer of the United States ; and the Receivers of public monies for the said sales, and alto the Receivers of public monies for the sale which have taken place vat Pitt/burg i)n der the aft, intituled, "An a<3 providing far the sale of the Unds of the United States | in the territory north-weft ot the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," (hall receive one per cunt, on the money received, as a compen&tion for clerk hire, receiving l , fafe-keepincr, and transmitting it to the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 7. did be it further enaded, That it (hall be the duty of the registers of the land offices refpeftively, to receive and en ter on books kept for hat purpose only, and on which no blank leaves or space (hall be left betweeA the different entries, the appli cations of any person or persons who may apply for the pu chafe of any feftion or half ieftion, and who (hall pay him the fee here after mentioned, and produce a receipt from' the Treafttrer of the United States, or from the Receiver of public monies appointed for that purpose, for three dollars for each half feftion such person or persons may ap ply for, and for at - least one twentieth part of the purchale money, dating carefully in each entry tht date of the application, the date of the receipt to him produced, the a - mount of monies fp'ecified in the said receipt, and the number of the feftion or half feftion or half feftion, township and range applied for. If two or more persons (hall apply at the fame time for the said traft, the Register (hall immediately determine by lot. in prefencr of the parties, which of them (hall have preference. He (hall file the re ceipt for monies produced by «the party, and give him a copy of bis enti y, and if re quired, a copy of the description of the traft, and a copy of the plat of the fame, or either of them ; and it (hall be his duty to inform the party applying for any one traft, whether the fame has already been entered, purcbaffd, or paid for, and at his request to give him a copy of the entry or entries conce 1 ning thefame. He (hall, three months after the date of each application, if the par:y shall not have within that time produced to him a receipt of the payment of one fourth part of the purchase money, including the twentieth part above-mention ed, enter under its proper date, in the said book of entries, that the payment has not been made, and that-the land has reverted to the United 'States, and he (hall make a note of the fame in the margin of the book opposite to -the-.original'entry. And if the partv (hall, either at the time of making the original entry, or at any time within three months thereafter, produce a receipt to him for the fourth part of the purchale money, including the-twentieth part afoiefaid, he (ha.l file the reteipt, make an entry of the fame under its proper da;e, in the said book of entries, make a note of the fame in the margin of the book, cppcfice to the original entry, and give to the- party a certificate, describing the land fold, the sum paid on account the balance remaining due, the time and times when such balance, (hall become due, «tnd that if it (hall be duly diftharged, the purchaser ot his affigner or other legal reprefentativ'', (hall be entitled to a patent for th- said lands ; he (hall also upon any subsequent payment being made and a re ceipt front the receive being produced to him. site the original receipt, give a receipt for, the fa met to: thepvrty, and inter the fame to the credit'of the party, in a book kept for that putpofe, in which he (hall o~ pen an account- in the name of each purcha ser, for.eaeh feftion cr half feftion that may be fold either at public or private sale, and in which he shall charge tl.c party for the whole purchase money, and give him credit for all hi 6 payments ; making the proper charges and allowances for intcreft or difconnt, as the cafe may be, aecording to the provisions of the fc urth feftion of this aft ; and upon the payment being com pleted and the account finally fettled, he (hall give a certificate of the fame to the party j.and on producing to the Secretary of th* Treasury the fame final certificate, the Prelident of the United States is hereby authprized to grant a patent for the lands to-the said pur:hafer, his-heirs or affignu ; and all patents (hall be countersigned by the Secretary of State, and recorded in his office. Sec. 8. /id be it further enaded, That the Rcgiftert tof the iafid officers refpe&ive ly, (hail also note on the the book of iur veys, or original plat transmitted to them, every trail *h ch may be f"ld, by insert ing the letter A on the day when the fame is applied for, and the letter P. on the day when a receipt'for one fourth part of the pur<-hafe money is produced to them, and by crossing (he said letter A oh' the day when the land (hall revert to the United States, on failure of the payment of one fourth part of the purchase money within three months after the cale of application. And the said book of surveys or original plat (hall be open at all times, in pretence of the R'egifltr," for the infpe&ion of any individual, applying for the lame arid pay ing the proper fee. Sec. 9. [And be it further cnaßed, That it (hall be the duty of the Regillers of the lard offices to trai fmit quarterly- to the Se cretary of the Treasury, and to the Survey or-General, an account of the several trails applied for, of the several trafts for which the payment of one fourth part of the pur chase money has been made, of the several trails which ha«e reverted to the United States ob failure of the said payment ; and alio an account of all the payments of mo nies by them entered, according to the re ceipts produced to ihem, fpecifying the sums of money, the names of the persons paying the fame, the names of the officers who have received the fame, and the trafts for which the fame have been paid. Sec. to. Jnd be it further enaded, That the aforefaid (hall be precluded from entering on their books any applicati on far'laiids in their own name, and in the name of any other person in trust for them ; and if any Remitter (hall wi(h to purchase any traft of land, he may do it by applica tion in writing to the Surveyor General, who (hall enter the fame on books kept for that ptirpofe by him, who (hall proceed in refpeft to such applications, and to any pay ments made for the fame, in the fame man ner which the Regiflers by this aft are di refted to follow, in refpeft to applications made to them for lands by other persons. The Registers (hall, nevert'nelefs, note on the book of surveys, or original plat, the applications and payments thus by them made, and their right to the pre-emption of any ttaft (hall bear date from the day, when their application for the fame (hall have been entered by the Surveyor-General in bis own book. And if any person ap plying for any traft (hall, notwitbftanding he (hall have received information from ihe Register, that the fame has already been ap plied for by the said Register, or by any other person, insist to make the application, it (hall be tht duty of the Register to enter the fame, noting in the margin that the fame traft is already purchased ; but upon appli cation of the party made in writing, and which he (hall file, he may and (hall at any future time enter under its proper date, that the party withdraws his former applica tion, and applies in) lieu thereof for any other traft : Provided always, That the par ty (hall never be allowed thus to withdraw his former application, and to apply in lieu thereof for another traft, except when the traft described in his former application (kail have been applied for previous to the date of that hit former application. Sec. it. And be it Jurlher enaSed, That the Secretary of the Treasury (hall and may prescribe such further regulations, in the manner of keeping books and accounts, by the feveial officers in (his aft mentioned, as te him may appear neceflary and proper, in order fully to carry into effeft the pro. v fions of this :- four dollars, and for every feftion five dollars, to be accounted for by the receiver of the fame. Sec. 15. And be ic further enaSed, That the lands of the United States reserved for future disposition, may be let upon leafcs b» the Surveyor General, in fe&ions or half fed! ions, for terms not exceeding seven year's, on rendition of making fucb improvements as be shall deem reasonable. Sec. 16. -And It it further enaded, That each person who b fore the palling of this aft shall have erefted, or btgun to ereft, a gri(t-«nill or saw-mill upon any of the lands herein direftfd to be fold, shall be entitled to the pre-emption of the feftion including fnth mill at the rate of two dollars per acre ; Provided, The person or his heirs, claiming such right of pre-emption shall produce to ihe Register of the land office fatisfa&ory evidence that he i->r they are entitled there to, and shall be fubjtfl to and comply with Ihe regulations ai.d previsions by this aft prescribed for oiher purchasers. Sec. 17. yjndbe it urtber enaded, That so much of the " aft providing for the sale of the laptk of the United States in diei ter ritory north-weft of the river Ohio, and a bove the mounth of Kentucky river," as comes within the purview of this aft, be and the fame is hereby repealed. THEODORE SEDGWICK, Speaker of the Honte of Representatives, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice-President of tbe United States, and President of the Senate. Approved, May io, A. D. ißoo> JOHN ADAMS, President' of tbe United States. BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. BOSTON, July 22. A letter from captain' Crust, dated the nth inft. Hates, that his schooner was re leased, without trial, through the exertions and Influence of Mr. Matthew Bridge, to whom he very gratefully and properly ac knowledges his obligations. The release of these veffelswe conceive is a fact which de stroys the rumcurs that the British govern ment have iflued new orders to their naval commanders {o depredate on the American trade. This decilion "appears an acknow ledgement of the right of neutrals, at leaft v indire&ly, to carry the produce as the colo ny of a btlligerent natron to its parent coun try ; which right it has been supposed the British were about to deny. We wish that the honest Judges of the British Vice : A dmiralty Courts, in the acquittal of American vessels, carried in for adjudication .wyujd aflefs, |s they ought to, the cods and dama ges upon the captors. • If this was done our trade would not b<-, as it now is, frequently and wantonly interrupted. While the Bri tish captains ran make their experiments at the expence of the Americans, experiments will frequently be We understand thaj the schooner belong ing to Mr. Hooper, Hill remained under orders for trial. On Friday lad a Carter was convifledby a 'Verdid of the jury of the Municipal Court in this town of cruelly beating and killing a horse in Bowdoin's-Square to the injury of the humane feelings of all the citizens there inhabiting and passing. He was fen tenee J to pay a fine of ten dollars with cofls of prosecution. SALEM July at. Arrived Teh. Trial, Tate, 29 days from Mar- v tinique, and 18 from St. Thomas's. Left at the firll place, Capts- Lirdfay and Black ler, of this port. June 15th, 12 maflers, and 200 A mericaa Prifooers arrived at St. K'tts, from Guadaloupe ; and had taken i paflage in the different Ameiican vessels for J their hotpei. The usage that the Araeri- I cans meet with at Guadaloupe is very bad.; , th«y are taken 6ut of their vessels pnd mar ' ched to prison like so many sheep, with a guard of blacka to surround them. The allowance tbey get is about 2 ounces of raw pork, and 3 4 of a pound of bread, ior 24 hours. Same day ; brig EfTex, Orne, from Bar celona and Gibralter, 32 days fidm the latter.— Left in Barcelona and on the Coast, May 23, Ship Providence, Adams, of Pro*, idence j Lucia, Meek, and brig I'henix, Smith, of Salem ; Aurora, Bowers, Charles ton ; Iris, Cafineux, New-York.— Gibral ter bearing WNW 12 leagues, spoke brig Liberty, Sianwood, 40 days from Cape Ann for Leghorn, all well—Left at Gib ralrer, i6th June brig Friendship, Rogers, of Boston —Georgia Packet, Drummond, New-York, taken 1 y the French, retaken by an English privateer, and li filed for salvage. | The Amiable Matilda, Conckling of Newyork, failed for Barcelono with the British cor.voy on the 12th June.—Ship Eliza, Barker, of Boflon for London, and brig Commerce, Bowers, for Charleston, failed in c». with the EfTex.- July 10, lat. 40. 2r, lon 52, ;o spoke brig Greyhrund, Saunders, fn m Boston, f r Alicant, 6 day* out, all well. Arrived on Saturday, fch. Briton, Capt Woodberry, of Beverly, 29 days from Tri. nad^d—failed under convoy of the Hawk British sloop of war, in company with 80 fail priucLally British—among them were 2 Americans, Capt. Pierfon o! Alexandria, and Capt. Mudge of Boston —lu Capt. Woodberry, came paflesger, Capt Smitfc, of the privateers Coop Frances and Mary, owntd by Collins f* G cf Liverpool, N. S. who had been taken and 2 schooners from Laguit a Left at '1 rinadad, bark Galen. Afftby, who had Jo days pafTage cut, making however a good voyage, felling his fifh for 8, and lumber 48 dollars other articles in proportion, expec ! ted to fail in five or fix weeks, Also Cap ; tain Webster, in a brig belor.girg to New . buryport, and a Portiroouth brig Captaia I Pry. A FEW COPIES The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have just been received and are now for file,. By A. DICKINS, ■? OppoGte Clifift Churclj. July at. notice: T" B. P. Berckemeyer, OF HAMBURGH., ~f ... INFORMS his friends in the United States, that the partnership of Berckemeyer & Co. was dilT.ilved en r';e 3ift of December, 179*9, and all sccouihertrai!fi