Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 26, 1800, Image 1

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    NUMBFX 2443.]
SET* The price of this Gazette is Eight
-Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia• All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ,• and unlessysome person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*«* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six mantbs.
December 1 1799.
From July 33 —to 29.
,j Sunday
Simor\ Walker
To No. 79,
South Fourth Street,
Cornir of Union Street—where he ha» for sale
Assorted for exportation or hone market.
Glass Ware double flint, in cases.
Fresh Cloves.
Nutmegs and Mace.
July 14. tu.thfatf.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT o! Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of
Brevier weighing 400 lbs. or upwards—they
niuft not be much worn—Any person having
types cf the above description ar.d disposed to
Exchange ihem for ntfoer printing materials ;
or will fell cheap, inay <pp!y it tne Office of
the Gazette of the United St£te4.
July it.
Just Arrived,
Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Benga
An alTortmeni or Piece Goods.
Styirs of t«e firft quility,
Acd »oc qr. cheßs o: l'uperior quality
Hyson Teas.
Witlings 17 Francts, and
Thomas to" John Clifford.
March 17.
In the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for sale,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery,
Brass fc? Japan'd Wares,
Per th» Brutus and Penelope, via N. York,
aflorted in cales, and
PINS in Boxes—by
No. 39, North Front lireet.
June dim
Just Arrited,
Of the Ship Canton,
Richard D;ile, Commander, from Canton,
Consisting or
B«)hea }
Hyson Skin TEAS.
Young Hyson J
and Hyson. J
Yellow )
Sugar of Ift quality
China Ware.
An aflortment of Silks.
No. 21, Penn Street.
April 14. . d.
A fafbionable
Horse and Gig
The Horle young, and the Gig a 9 good as
new. Apply to the Editor.
N.B. NEW VVATCHSS will be taken in
payment at a fair wholesale price,
fone I*.
A PERSON poflefling some capital, a confi
derible lhare of industry', and deftrous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative business,
raay heap of a fituatinn. All on this
fuLjeil to be in writing, sealed and directed to
W. R, J. New York, *nd left with the p/iritrr
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to.
03" A Printer would find it to bis advantage
Jane y
Gazette of the United States,
A VALUABLE and dafirable Estate, Gtxiated
en the river Raritin in Jcrfey, ne.-.r Somer
fct Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and
18 from Pritjccton ; confiftingof upwardsof 700
acres equally divided into meadow, arable and
wood land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the
bars, ftabies, See. are fpacioue, and adequate to the
size ot the F. rm ; there is a plenitude of game,
with a e;ood (had fifhery. The estate is now io
the hands of Mr. Henry Worley.
Further particulars may be known of
Merchants, Philadelphia,and of
Or of the Tenant on the premises
May 9. s tf
H. M
4 8
4 J.I
5 38
6 »i
7 II
8 *
- 4 49—7 «
4 49 7 II
4 40 7 10
4 41 —r7 9
- 4 4» 7 8
4 43 ——7 7
4 44 7 6
In the pleasant and healthy town of Newark, New-
JtrCey, about nine miles from New-York ;
Also, a complete set of
r rHE above is worthy the attention of any
* . wilhing to eftablilh himfelf in a
country town. The rapid population, and ex
treme of the tewn. and its vicinity to
New York, is a consideration which**wefy perfoni
will know how to appreciate- It will be fold
very cheap for cash ; or a liberal credit will he
given for one half of the purchase money, if
4c fired. '
Further particulars may be known by fending a
line, pod paid, to
July 19 tnth&s aw
RUN awsy from the Rubfcriber on the evening
of the aßth inft. a bound Servant GIRL,
named Elizabeth fiowchel, had on and took with
her three differ«nt changes of garment and money,
proud,bold and impudent, a noted Iyar ; any p»r
fon apprehending her fhallbe entitled to the above
reward—no coils or charges will be paid.
N: B,She had » years and fomc months toferve
Daniel fitzpatrick.
Oothen Td*ru(bip,Chefter County, July 49.
aujfuft 6 tawtf
A SINGLE Man,capable of inftru&ing twelve
Boys, in the Latin, Greek and French lan
guages, also writing aud arithmecick. Such a
person coming well recommended, for his abili
ties and good behaviour, will receive four hun
dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated,
Much to his fatisfailion, with meat, drink, waft
ing and lodging ; by applying to the fttbl'criber*
living ncr Berry's-ville, in Frederick county and
ftateof Virginia.
John Milton,
Warner WaibingtorK
June 10 tuth&f igtf[
WHEREAS my wife, Margaret C«nnor,
, has absented herfelf from my bed and
board, without any just cause. I hereby for
warn all persons from harbouring : r cediting
her on my account, at I am determined not to
pay any debtj of her contrailing.
July 17, ißbe. e"3t
AN attachment was lately iflued out oT t'le in
ferior court of commbn plea- of tl >• county
of Eflex, in the state of New Jersey, directed to
the (hcriffof the said county, agaiuft the ri I:ts,
credits, monies ariAcffeilsj goodi and chattels,
lands and tenements of Jtin Clnii Symr.-es at the
fuitof H'Hiitm IVtHi, in a pica of on the
cafe to his damage three thoufdrtd dollars; —
And Ivtcr.ll, the said fneriff .ltd, at the term of
June lall pall, return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bondaiven by
Matthias Denttian and Samuel .Meeker to tlii said
defendSnt, to the arrtounc of near' two thoufarid
dollars,and alfohy sixty land warrants
Noxv thtrffnre, nnlefs the* said Johti Clcves
Symrnfs shall appear,give special and receive
a declaration at'the suit of che plaintiff,judgment
will b* entered againll hifri, and his fropsr.y
herein attached, will be fold agreeiMy to the
statute in l'uch cafe made aad pr*f ded.
Aaron Ogden, o)crk\ ifc.
Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (ii) iawi*m
Re»fl©r of St. Paul's Church, ar.d forinarty Vice-
ProVofl of th« UniverGty ot Peiinfylvania,
One of the Alfiftant MinHlertpf Chrilt church and.
St. Peter's,
sat>(! OpttttO;
At No. 14, Spruce Street,
AN English School, a ClafGcal School, and
a Mathematical School, in which all the
branches of science connected" with those de
partments are taught. N.B 7he Mathema
tical Department is conduSed by Mr. Pfter
D E L A M ah, formerly Prafejor of Mathematics
in the Royal Acad'mj, jSublin-
June 6. w tf
At the Office of thi Gazette'of the United
July 6
Newspaper Establishment,
ihree Lents Reward.
Philadelphia Ac adeptj.
consisting or
By C. P. Wayne, So. 65, South Front-flreet.
llllk Roebuck,
Bernaid Rafer, Mailer ;
Has a conliderabte part of hfr Cargo engaged,
and will fail with ail eS'.peditiiin.
For freight or t-pply to the Cap
tain, or to
J"'" 12 * eod jt
United States, 1
Pennsylvania District, y
BV virtue offcndry writs venditioni exponas,
■filled nut of the Diftria Court of the United
States, for lh« Diftridl aforefaid, will be exposed
to public (ale, on the prernifet.on. Wednesday the
30th of July next, at 10 o'clock i D the forenoon of
the fame day, all that TraS of Land called Cone
cog win net T ra<Sl, lituatc in Eafl Pennfyury town
inip, Cumberland county,containing five hundred
and thirty two acres, more er less, with the Mes
suages thereon eroded Also all that TraA of
Land called Locull Valley, adjoining the above,
containing three hundred and seventeen acres,
more or lefa, with the MeHuages thereon eredled.
Also all that Trad of Land called 6ak' Bank, si
tuate as above, containing and seven
ty acres, more or less, with the Messuages thereon
The property will be surveyed and fold in lots
to futt the purchasers ; plots of which will be ex
hibited on the day ol sale.
Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as
the property of Oliver Pol loch, Kfq, by
JOHN HALL, Martial.
Marshal's Office, }
Philadelphia, June 21, 1800.5 eot 3°js r>
valuable real- estate.
About 2$ acres of Land,
LAYING in the eatt fide of the Falls Road.—
On the .".aft it it bounded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Francis, On—on the south, by
a road of two perches, and on the north by a lase,
w>ich separates it from Mr. M Call. It is prcpo
fe<! to divide this land iuto 3 equal parta in order
to ftiit the purchafer«t
Also, 31 acres, fiteated on the weft fide of
Gerir.antown roid, adjoining eft ate,
feeing part of ths property of the lite Ssmuei
terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of
Market and nth ttreets.
January »«. dtf.
Either separately or together,
The Two lioufes,
LATELY occupied as a by Mr. Sa
muel Francis, N0.'13, south Fourth flreet. For
terms appiy to
No 41, Arch lircet.
Ju'y 'O 3'aw aw
A Summer Retreat.
WIT H a liable, carriage'houfc and lot,
situated in a pleafint part of Trenton. The
terms will be moderate, and pofleffion can be
had immediately ; but the tenant will not be
wanteu to occupy the premifet after the ioth
f next November. For terms apply tt>> ths
printer, or to AIIiIAHAM HUNT, esquire,
in Trenton.
June 14. tu^i&etf
That large and commodious
ytl the corn. r of Arch ar.d NinthJlreets.
And entered upon this montfc, the House, Sta
ble, Goach Houie andl.ots, now in the tenure of
Mi jor Butler, Ctuatc as above. Enquire at No.
»8, north Fifth street.
July 10. 3w
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge:
J\ DIVIDEND of 8 per centum annum is de
«. clared by the Vrefident and Dite&ors of the
Company for Terniamut Bridge oV?r
the River Situylkill, at or near the city of Phila
delphia, op the smr.untypai lin on the day of
-• pi ill,id, (the time wh:p the fubfcri;!tions to the
Ao:!t 01 the fail comp/riy wtre camp'eated, and to
be frcir.r thence computed) payable t<?,the stock
holders or'their letjal repr'efentatives after the 10th
day of the prsfent month, o«t of the profits ari
fag fr nt the Floatit g Bridge Ferry and Tavern,
a» the V'entcnd of High Street, on application to
theTreafurer, No. it, Church Alley.
J'-dy T. tuth tra
OF abilities, iritegrit ■ and experience in
mercantile bufinei , wtmld willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
! -e, or be concerned with any ptrfort J 4 part
ner, as he has an ir.tereflfof about one thoitfsnrl
pounds in real estate in the city. Pleal'e to ap
ply to the Printer ; a line left atuhe office
si r R Y. will be attended to immediately,
Mayio m&th tf
Baltimore arid New York Mail
Stage Office
IS from No. xj Soutii Fourth Creet, to
Nci 18 South Third f- reet.
An Office for those ftajjes i» also hopt at mr
Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street.
General Pott Office, April 18. •
Strayed away,
ON Sun 'ay the 13th inft. a/mall strawberry
coloured MAUK, fourteen hands hiph,
has three white feet, a whirc fifee. about ten
years old. Any information wilfbs th|anVfe!ly
re. eived, snj if dc)ive;ed at John Nevus's
Ferry, at Market ftreet,a reward of four Dol
lars will be p-y<f.
July 17' «! 3t
WHEREAS by an aft of Cotigrefs
passed on the seventh day of May, I
in the year of our Lord one thouf.nd eight
hundred, the President of the United States
is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the
United States, from the Bank of the Uni
ted States, or from any other body or bo
dies politic or corporate, or from any per
son or persons, and upon such terms and
conditions as he shall judge molt advanta
geoos for the United States, a sum not
exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred
1 houfand Dollars, so however, that no
contrast or engagement be made, which
shall preclude the United States from reim
bursing any sum or sums borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from the date of such Loan. And Where
as it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be neceflary of the furphis of the
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by, fliall be pledged and
appropriated for paying the interelt ; and
also for paying and discharging the princi
ple sum or sums of all the monies which
may be borrowed according to the term or 1
terms which may be fixed pursuant to the
authority aforefaid. AND WHEREAS
by the said aft the faith of the U. States,
is pledged to establish fufficient permanent
revenues, for making up any deficiency that
may hereafter appear in the provisions ba
fore mentioned for paying the interest and
principal sums, or either of thtm, or any
monies which may be borrowed pursuant to
the said aft. AND WHEREAS the
President of the United States, did by
an Aft or Commission under his hand, da
ted the seventeenth day of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred, autho
rize and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrow on behalf of the Uni
ted States, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or
lontrafts as fhauld be necessary, and for
the interest of ilie United States, in pur
suance of the aft of Congress aoove recited.
NOW I HEREFOUE, theunderfigned
' Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of
the aft of Cor.grefs and the authority from
the President of the United States above
mentioned Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following, to wit :
ift. 1 here fliall be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to bede
fig/iated by the said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, which Capital Stock shall be
divifibfe into shares of coe hundred dollars
each, bearing interefl, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Treasury cf the United States, or at the
Loan Offices, where the said Stock may
fland credited, until the la'ft day of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight.
2d. After the lad day of December in the
said year one thousand eight hundred and
eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre
ditors, which shall be given by an advertile
ment in some public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government of the United
States, the said Capital Stock shall be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimbursement of the whole
sum or sums borrowed and'which may con
llitute the said Capital Stock, either at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may fland cre
3d. The credits for the said Capital Stock
shall and may be separately certified in funis
either for one hi.ndred, four hundred, one
thousand, four thousand, or ten thousand
dollars, and the credits so certified fliall be
transferable by the creditors, or their attor
nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpeftively, in pursuance of the rules which
have been or which may be eflablifhed rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A fufficicnt sum of the surplus of
the duties 011 imparts and tonnage beyond
the permanent appropriations heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
the faith of the United States, are hereby
pledged for the fulfilment of this contrail,
in pursuance of, and according- to the terms
and conditions of the act of Congress herein
before, recited.
GIVEN under my hand, and the Teal r.f
the Treasury of the United States, at
r?7) Philadelphia, this second day of June,
one thouland eight hundred; and of
the Inclepenrlence the twenty-fourth.
Secretary of ibe Treasury.
June ji, iSo'c.
Propofah will be received until thj [aft
day of July next inclufivr, at the Bink of
the United States, and the Offices of Dil
count and Dppofjt at Bollon, New-York,
Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charlellon, for the
purchase of One Million -and Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars of Stock, directed by
the Secretary of the 'JVe.afurv, to iH'ued
in purfuarce of the abovementioned con
trail. Tl\e prt-pofals moll advantageous to
the United Slates will be accepted, but no
Stock will be issued at less than five per
centum advance, or one hui dred and five
dejlar's in money for one hundred dollars in
Rock. In cafe "the funis fpei ified ir» similar
propofi'.s (hall exceed amount of ftcck
offered for tile H.t the places abovementioned,
they will L>& accepted, futijeft to a propor
tional .deduftion.
wf G. SIMPSON, Cifh'r.
300 Dollars
RAN AWAY frem the subscriber, on the 18th
of June inll. TWO NKGRO SERVANTS ;
viz a negro woman m med Pat, a waster-wo
man and cook, of about fifty tw@ years otage—-
tall and well ihapel, ot a Mack complexion. She
has bad teeth, thrfe of her under jaw are much
discoloured and projedl a good deal. She Irs a
full head of wooly h;ir~a very erofj forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and I .ughs and
£ .ks loud. Pa. was bom in Sou-li Carolina, and
fpeaksbad Engiiffi, with the negro <3aje4. She
has on the up, er ran of her hrealr, two pretty
Ijrge lumps of flefli rdtmblmg Wens, or rather
with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She
carried away with her several changes of cloaths,
and gowns of white muslin, an.l of coloured and
figured printed cottor.s fafhionably made up. She
also carried away with her,
CLARA Her daughter—a very flout, robust,
firong made girl, of a (hurt llafure, and round
mouldered— appearing t>» ha about 14 years of
age. Clara has large Haring eys®, a flat nof.-, an
oval flat face, her und<r pr. jefling a little,
and good teeth She is Very artlul an.l impu
dent, has a great fluency of speech, uses goad lan
guage, and has been taught to read.—She l as the
appearance of rngworns oq her lefc check and
chin ; the (kin in Ipots appear eg inueh paljfr than
the reft of her compS.xion, which is much lighter
than her mother's—. 'cr hair is short and woolyi
She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a
small black figure, with new foreparts.
Also ran away, on Wednefd-iy the ijth inft.
June, DICK and AMELIA. Dick, .rash- fas
lately called himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe
fervant, —he isabout-5 feet 7 inches high, rather
small made, is about 25 years old, of a good
smooth, black complexion—has a Gjt Eofe.with
very large open nostrils. He carried his head
and neck as it he were ftiflfin the neck and flionl
dcrs, which are high and tolerably f ;uare, and -his
neck short—his lgs are straight hut small and
illy made, with scarce ary calf. He has ha-' bad
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward—
he 1- 1 a !'..!! head of wo. ly hair, "which he pi.its
and drefles to the heft advat tage. His i»
small, his fpcech comrooly mild and flow, and hi»
manners appear extremely simple, but. ho is at
bottom an artful knave-, and when spoken to is •*
veryapt to bepaflionate and imperti ent. Dick
is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad
Hnglifh—he seduced and carried away with him
Amelia, who he called his wife.
Amelia is a very complete, well iodrutfled la
dies maid, muoh below tlic conimcn flature and
of a small make—her complexion is that of dails
mulatto or mefliz -e, nearlyrefemWing that of the
Lafcarsof InSa, v.ith Mack curling hair, and a
very lo«- fore-head—her right eya has a great
weakness, owing to the small pox in her in r ancy
i-niei her://", v-ry black—a War s ac .-, fl. t «,r,>»d
ncfe, with fcarcc any riftng at th- 1 ridge; a large
mouth, with thick lips, and good (irong teeth.
On the nape of her neck flie has the marks of a
Seten. Dresses with talle, and imitates the French
flyfe; is very fe-nfible, and expresses herfclt well.
She took with her a variety ot clothes, faftion
ably—ihe has for , t -.ore than two years y,afl:
been liable to fits, which at times give licr a wild
fiefs in her eyes—her healthis gtneral'y delicate—
illc Is at prefeni likely to encreaje bcr J~.filthy, and is
about n years o ( age—(he can Orel's hair, clear
Uarch. has a taste for millinary and mar.tua-ma
king ; and as (be is very ingeni, us, can turn her
hand to any thing and may pfbdly offer herfeif
to some milliner or mantua maker as a work
woman. As rtjvelia has » trctc-ir.rc b.'i. j n a arct't
favourite of a very indulgent tniftrels, and 'tis
believe 1 has been led away by the n of
her paramour Diek, if Ihe will return to 111*, Ike
will be forgiven si.-! rreatt 1 with t!:e iarcc ten
dtrntL ihe h-s always received
FIFTY DOLLARS Keward for each w-li be
paid for the oeliv.-ry of t'at and l.ra to the
subscriber, or to any goal in the United states, so
that I mry get poffrihon of then.—One Hundred
Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like
deliver). The fublcriber warns all matter
ol vefleU. fiom taking these Pvunaway servants
from the United States, and rtcurfls fiich
of his frierds and acquaintance as itnujr notfuit
to arrest tbeju, to give information, Ihould they
hear ol eit; er of the fugitives, to the fubferiker
by letter direded to the post office, Philadelphia,
which will find him, wherever he may pass the
rummer, or to the Printer of the Gazette ef the
.-i-itcd States, who will communicate it to a
ri-nd in Philadelphia to aft on his behalf.
Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and
Union-streett, Philadelphia.
June %$.
No. to 6, south Cd« of Market ft;
(Price One Quarter of a Dollar,J
Pleasing Incitements
Conveyed through the Medium of
Anecdote, and Adventure ;
Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the
Juvenile Mind.
C 3* Said Humphreys has just rcceivea,
and is now opening a haodlome collc-dtion
J- - >9 S. 3 t
ALL perform who have any demands against
thecftateof WILLIAM FlsK£H,are rlelired
to bring in their aecounts to tiie in
orOer that tfiey inay be discharged ; and all
persons who are indebted to said eltate by con
,tiQ, bond, bill, book debt, for rent or other
wise, are required to discharge the fame, other*
wile they may expe<ft to be proceeded agninfl
according to law.
Administrator to the elUte of William Fifeer j
June is w lm
•••» ~
* -v>
V ' 4 M < t.«
'* ' '-s