NUMBFX 2443.] SET* The price of this Gazette is Eight -Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia• All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ,• and unlessysome person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *«* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six mantbs. December 1 1799. ALMANAC From July 33 —to 29. HIGH WATER. WednriUqf Tfcarfday Friday Saturday ,j Sunday Menday Ttufday SUN- Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monody Tuefsfijr Simor\ Walker HAS BEM^Dy HIS COUNTING AOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Cornir of Union Street—where he ha» for sale JUST RECEIVED, EARTHEN WARE, Assorted for exportation or hone market. Glass Ware double flint, in cases. Fresh Cloves. Nutmegs and Mace. July 14. tu.thfatf. To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT o! Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of Brevier weighing 400 lbs. or upwards—they niuft not be much worn—Any person having types cf the above description ar.d disposed to Exchange ihem for ntfoer printing materials ; or will fell cheap, inay • county of Eflex, in the state of New Jersey, directed to the (hcriffof the said county, agaiuft the ri I:ts, credits, monies ariAcffeilsj goodi and chattels, lands and tenements of Jtin Clnii Symr.-es at the fuitof H'Hiitm IVtHi, in a pica of on the cafe to his damage three thoufdrtd dollars; — And Ivtcr.ll, the said fneriff .ltd, at the term of June lall pall, return to the said court that he had attached the defendant by a certain bondaiven by Matthias Denttian and Samuel .Meeker to tlii said defendSnt, to the arrtounc of near' two thoufarid dollars,and alfohy sixty land warrants Noxv thtrffnre, nnlefs the* said Johti Clcves Symrnfs shall appear,give special and receive a declaration at'the suit of che plaintiff,judgment will b* entered againll hifri, and his fropsr.y herein attached, will be fold agreeiMy to the statute in l'uch cafe made aad pr*f ded. Aaron Ogden, o)crk\ ifc. Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (ii) iawi*m Re»fl©r of St. Paul's Church, ar.d forinarty Vice- ProVofl of th« UniverGty ot Peiinfylvania, AND JAMES ABF.RCROMBIE,A. M. One of the Alfiftant MinHlertpf Chrilt church and. St. Peter's, sat>(! OpttttO; At No. 14, Spruce Street, AN ACADEMY, AN English School, a ClafGcal School, and a Mathematical School, in which all the branches of science connected" with those de partments are taught. N.B 7he Mathema tical Department is conduSed by Mr. Pfter D E L A M ah, formerly Prafejor of Mathematics in the Royal Acad'mj, jSublin- June 6. w tf AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of thi Gazette'of the United States. July 6 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY *6, 1800. FOR SALE—A COMPLETE Printing-Office, WITH A Newspaper Establishment, ihree Lents Reward. WHEREAS, Philadelphia Ac adeptj. SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. consisting or By C. P. Wayne, So. 65, South Front-flreet. FOR LONDON, llllk Roebuck, Bernaid Rafer, Mailer ; Has a conliderabte part of hfr Cargo engaged, and will fail with ail eS'.peditiiin. For freight or t-pply to the Cap tain, or to THOMAS & JOHN CLIFFORD. J"'" 12 * eod jt MARSHAL'S SALES. United States, 1 Pennsylvania District, y BV virtue offcndry writs venditioni exponas, ■filled nut of the Diftria Court of the United States, for lh« Diftridl aforefaid, will be exposed to public (ale, on the prernifet.on. Wednesday the 30th of July next, at 10 o'clock i D the forenoon of the fame day, all that TraS of Land called Cone cog win net T ra valuable real- estate. FOR SALE, About 2$ acres of Land, LAYING in the eatt fide of the Falls Road.— On the .".aft it it bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, On—on the south, by a road of two perches, and on the north by a lase, w>ich separates it from Mr. M Call. It is prcpo fe> ths printer, or to AIIiIAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. tu^i&etf That large and commodious ytl the corn. r of Arch ar.d NinthJlreets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this montfc, the House, Sta ble, Goach Houie andl.ots, now in the tenure of Mi jor Butler, Ctuatc as above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth street. July 10. 3w Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: J\ DIVIDEND of 8 per centum annum is de «. clared by the Vrefident and Dite&ors of the Company for Terniamut Bridge oV?r the River Situylkill, at or near the city of Phila delphia, op the smr.untypai lin on the day of -• pi ill,id, (the time wh:p the fubfcri;!tions to the Ao:!t 01 the fail comp/riy wtre camp'eated, and to be frcir.r thence computed) payable t& accepted, futijeft to a propor tional .deduftion. wf G. SIMPSON, Cifh'r. 300 Dollars reward. RAN AWAY frem the subscriber, on the 18th of June inll. TWO NKGRO SERVANTS ; viz a negro woman m med Pat, a waster-wo man and cook, of about fifty tw@ years otage—- tall and well ihapel, ot a Mack complexion. She has bad teeth, thrfe of her under jaw are much discoloured and projedl a good deal. She Irs a full head of wooly h;ir~a very erofj forbidding countenance, is very impertinent, and I .ughs and £ .ks loud. Pa. was bom in Sou-li Carolina, and fpeaksbad Engiiffi, with the negro <3aje4. She has on the up, er ran of her hrealr, two pretty Ijrge lumps of flefli rdtmblmg Wens, or rather with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She carried away with her several changes of cloaths, and gowns of white muslin, an.l of coloured and figured printed cottor.s fafhionably made up. She also carried away with her, CLARA Her daughter—a very flout, robust, firong made girl, of a (hurt llafure, and round mouldered— appearing t>» ha about 14 years of age. Clara has large Haring eys®, a flat nof.-, an oval flat face, her und»d ncfe, with fcarcc any riftng at th- 1 ridge; a large mouth, with thick lips, and good (irong teeth. On the nape of her neck flie has the marks of a Seten. Dresses with talle, and imitates the French flyfe; is very fe-nfible, and expresses herfclt well. She took with her a variety ot clothes, faftion ably—ihe has for , t -.ore than two years y,afl: been liable to fits, which at times give licr a wild fiefs in her eyes—her healthis gtneral'y delicate— illc Is at prefeni likely to encreaje bcr J~.filthy, and is about n years o ( age—(he can Orel's hair, clear Uarch. has a taste for millinary and mar.tua-ma king ; and as (be is very ingeni, us, can turn her hand to any thing and may pfbdly offer herfeif to some milliner or mantua maker as a work woman. As rtjvelia has » trctc-ir.rc b.'i. j n a arct't favourite of a very indulgent tniftrels, and 'tis believe 1 has been led away by the n of her paramour Diek, if Ihe will return to 111*, Ike will be forgiven si.-! rreatt 1 with t!:e iarcc ten dtrntL ihe h-s always received FIFTY DOLLARS Keward for each w-li be paid for the oeliv.-ry of t'at and l.ra to the subscriber, or to any goal in the United states, so that I mry get poffrihon of then.—One Hundred Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like deliver). The fublcriber warns all matter ol vefleU. fiom taking these Pvunaway servants from the United States, and rtcurfls fiich of his frierds and acquaintance as itnujr notfuit to arrest tbeju, to give information, Ihould they hear ol eit; er of the fugitives, to the fubferiker by letter direded to the post office, Philadelphia, which will find him, wherever he may pass the rummer, or to the Printer of the Gazette ef the .-i-itcd States, who will communicate it to a ri-nd in Philadelphia to aft on his behalf. JACOB READ, Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and Union-streett, Philadelphia. June %$. JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. to 6, south Cd« of Market ft; (Price One Quarter of a Dollar,J Pleasing Incitements TO WISDOM AND VIRTUE, Conveyed through the Medium of Anecdote, and Adventure ; Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve the Juvenile Mind. C 3* Said Humphreys has just rcceivea, and is now opening a haodlome collc-dtion of BOOKS. J- - >9 S. 3 t ADVERTISEMENT. ALL perform who have any demands against thecftateof WILLIAM FlsK£H,are rlelired to bring in their aecounts to tiie in orOer that tfiey inay be discharged ; and all persons who are indebted to said eltate by con ,tiQ, bond, bill, book debt, for rent or other wise, are required to discharge the fame, other* wile they may expe [Voi.UMK XVIII. V ' 4 M < t.« '* ' '-s It