Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 25, 1800, Image 3

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    Ex'rcft if a letter from a meidisnt at St
|ago de Cuba, to a merchant in Balti
more, dated June 2r, 1800.
" I invite you.'particularly to (hip Flour
?.nd fait provifnns to this part of the ifl nd.
With n a few day 3 pad, flour has risen to
an exorbitant price, as has also fait pro
visions andr dry goods. Several (hipments
liave recently been ma 'e to the foytb part
of St. Domingo, which have, notwichlland
ing fevcral arr vals from Curracoa and St.
I homas's, answered admirably well. In
that department coffee keeps down at 12
and 14 sous, and flour up at 30 dollars.
" Rigaud's army is in good condition,
and keeps in awe that of Touflaint, which,
these 40 days past has taken pod before the
bridge of Maraguace ; both armies have re
mained inaftive ever lin'ce. It appears that
Rigaud will maintain himfelf agaii.ft the ef
forts of Touflaint. You have leari.t, no, that the former was obliged to re
treat at the passage of the bridge at L.eo
gane. The troops of Touflaint committed
the moil barbarous afts of murder and pil
lage ; aud the inhabitants of the south, fee
ing that the traitorous and savage Touflaint
was intent on their lives and property, rose
en m Jfc against him, and beat bim out of
the poll he occupied, from St. Michael's to
the aiorefaid bridge.
" The merchants of Aux-Cayes and other
places', have formed an atTociaiion for the
purchase of powder and lead ; and I am in
formed have railed by fubfeription, the sum
of 6",000 dollars for that purpose. Rigaud
maintains His influence in his department—
and one and all have determined rather to
periih tfian to submit to the hypocrite 1 ouf
" Two pilot boats have lately arrived at
Jeremie, loaded with a cargo of powder and
lead, which will be of great service to that
department. Five (hips from Bordeaux
have lately arrived at AuxCayes and Se
quin ; they inform th t capt. Dupeyrat,
who was the bearer of Kigaud's difpatc! es
to the consuls of France, gave information
that those dispatches tended to chai,ge the
government very much agaiiift the c<,ndudl
of Touflaint; and it was generally believed
that be was greatly influenced by the Eng
lish ahd French Emigrants, which are in
great numbers pt the Cape and Port Re
" Every thing was tranquil in the depart
ment of the south on the 16th June, the
day that a Spanish schooner left Aux Caycs.
Kigaud had fee off the day before for the
army, before the bridge of Miraguane ; and
it is believed that the cause of his departure
was to repulse Touflaint as far as Grand
Guave. Sanguine expeditions are tntcr
taioed that this will not be a difficult task for
him. .
" Maay inhabitants of th* neighbourhood
of Miraguane, have been maflacrced by bands
of soldiers from the wdl. It is said that
Messrs. St. Croix, father and so», formerly
governor of the south of St. Domingo, are
among them. Yon may depend that a (hip
ment of flour for this place will turn to •
good account."
From a Paris paper of June ift, received by
the Polly from St. Sebafiiam.
On the 20th May arrived in the Road
of Havre, the A mertcan frigate Portsmouth,
Captain M'N«il, of 26 twelve pounders, in
86 daya from N'ew York Two officers
came a(hore the Battery de la Heve,
and were escorted to the city by the soldiers
of the poll. They went to inform the
commander, that this frigate had been sent
to Havre, to wait there for the Commiffi T
oners, who were negoc'ating with our go
vernment. They received affnrances that
the French nation, and particularly the
inhabitants of Havre would give them an
honoura'oleand hospitable rectption They
returned on board with a French offic r, an
interpreter and a pilot, who were doubtless
charged to offer the captain any afliilunce
he might (land in need of and to make the
necessary arrangements fcr the encry of the
frigate. On the officers going ashore the
Portsmouth fired 15 gu"B. The batteries
retnrned the salute with nirte guns, which
was answered by the Portsmouth with 15
more.—The negotiation is near being hon
orably terminated for both parties ; ?nd,
it is expefted, the American Cotnmiffioners
will leave this city, the latter end of June.
In one <?f the French paper? we find an
account of the aftion between the Venge
ance and Constellation, in which it i> aver
ted, that the Constellation "Ji jl ceafeJ her
Jlre ami left the Jit IJ of battle" It however
allows that thi Vengeance " was not able
to pursue."
WHEN your correfpondrnt >em«rked
on the title of the paper conduced by the
foreign atTaflin of General Washington's
fame, he was not apprized of the sol owing
fa ft in the life cf the Gin-guzzling Jasper
—a tad. which gives considerable congruitv
to the title of '• Auro a" as relative to its
present worthy Editor.
This Gentleman it seems was a Peep-o'day
Boy fn Ireland, and forfome of his feats in
that charn&er, was furnifhed With a pas
sage at the King of Gre3t-Britain's expence
to a colony in the southern Ocean, whence,
while under the care of a Jailor, he contri
ved an escape to the United States, where
he struts a capt.iin and shines a moralill.
Such is the vagrant, who, under the aus
pices of the.: Mammoth faflion, has aflumed
the inftrudion of the people of the United
Statts in politics and morality !
J u - as our paper '.vas going to \r e ,
heard of the arrival at the Fort, of an J
inward bound schooner, name Unknown, j
and a sloop from Turks Iflird.
The following United St ates vessel's of War '
are in the D:tawarc.
At Pl>ilade!pl'i j,
Schr. Experiment, Malcy juit arrived. 1
Frigate George Wafhingtod. Bsinbridge,
bound out—tn fail in a few days.
At Marcus Hook,
Frigate United States, Commodore Barry,
At New Cojlle.
Chesapeake, Barron, from Charleston
Sloop of war Delaware, Baker, from Cur
.Har*!d, , from Newport
Brig Pickering, Hilyer, from St. Kitts
Scammel, Fcrnauld, Curt racoa
Fsr lit Gjztm 9/ tbt Umitmd Statis.
J. J. Rousseau.
Rnufleau poflclTid a'l the head-drone; ab
surdities of genius. He was a mixture of
rsilk and vinegar, of hone/, and of gall,
every thing by turns, and nothing long,—
He has been called a philosopher run mad,
an inspired ideot ; dull, trifling, imperti
nent, and disgusting. Yet, it is impoiUble
to deny, that the author of i'.milius was a
man of genius ; now, good, solid, generous,
sublime ; the next moment vile, contempti- 1
ble, vain, supercilious, and affetted.
But it is not to difCiiminate, or enter on
an enquiry into the ch a rafter of the inspired
mad-man qf Geneva, that he is mentioned
in this placs, but to notice a glaring m
confiftency in bis system of toleration.
Towards hereticks, Roufleau appears to
be pacific and mild ; but against fana'icks,
he boldly recommends corporal puniftiment,
and the vigor of the magiftrave. It seems
as if the spirit of Cilvin, with a new hjric,
dill hovered round the lake of Geneva, in
hope that he might difnlifs a new viitim to
the fliades below, who meeting the unhappy
Servetus, might tell him, that like him he
too had been doomed to the flames by bigo
try. " By bigotry," would the surprized
Servfctus exclaim, " by bigotry, in the eigh
teenth century." " Yes," might the Gran
ger have replied, " the cruel unrelenting
bigotry of scepticism."
" Fanaticim," fays the intolerant Philoso
pher, iL is not a corrigible error, but a blijjd
and fenfelcfs fury, which reason can never
keep within bounds. The Only way to hin
der it from spreading, is to restrain the dis
ciples of it. It is in vain to demonflrate to
madmen, that they are deceived by their
leaders ; they will flill be as eager as ever
to follow them. Wherever fanaticifm has
been introduced, I fee but one way to (lop
it's progress, ani, that Is, t» combat it with
it's own weapons. Little does it avail to
reason with those whom it is impoflible to
convince ; You most lay asidb philo
This fentiraental ftfoundrel is the pagod
of the French revolutionifb : his works are
in all their hands. This sentiment is the
foundation (lone, the leading principle, of all
their labours ; it is thus they wo«ld break
the sceptre of monarchs by the fwori of
Oh were I fctied high at my amHtion,
IM place this naked loot on Deck* of monarchs,
And make them bow to creeds ir.vfclf would
laugh at.
This, Americans, ij the toleration you
have to expect from a modern philosopher,
from a disciple of the French school. If
you ever en trull the keeping of your civil
and religious liberties to such a man, you
deserve justly to fuffer all the niiferies he
can inflnf>.
It was the Encyclopedids ecotinmifb,
and sther calls of philosophers, that prepa
red the wsy for that monflrf us fcour-e of
hnni tnity, the French revolution. It was
in the name of virtue tljat it's hellish agents
committed the mod dreadful outrages ; iu 1
the Dcred names of Liberty and Equality
t nt an hundred thousand bafliles wrreere£l
ed. Their pages have been ranfarked to
cover criuv s with|polifhed names, and to ren
der the work of deflruftion more ingenious.
Murders, and robberies were called energetic
meafurei ; blood, fl .wing in flreams, the
perspiration of the body politic.
But it will be fti , that there are no men
in America, capable of such enormous cru
elties as the Jacobins of France. Why not ?
Are not some of the British, Germans, or
Irifti, or their delcrndants, as able to pro
duce a Marat and a Robespierre, as the once
humane, refined, and magnanimous French
nation ? Yes ; by embracing a philofopliy
which tends to harden the heart, to annihi
late religion, and to glois over the mod
atrocious deeds with popular names, they
would rival, if not furpals their proto-types.
And who is so proper to lead the w.iy in
such a work, as a man addidled to French
politicks, French manners, and French phi
lofcphy ; tfpecially if, by some fatal mistake
of the tunei, this perfoliate has acquired the
honored title of the " Man of the Peo
ple ?"
Wit, on all fubjecls is eagerly fought
and reqd with pleufure. We fometinies dis
cern it even in the arid sentences of an ad
vertisement. A Mr. James Cross, whose
profeffion is cotton dying and scouring thus
quaintly prefaces a Ihort public notice, iti a
paper, printed at CnarVftotl, S. C. " All
trades tnnit live ; but one must d e."
" Tour Commonwealth's a common Harlot—
The property qf every Varlet,"
Thus sung the poet Trumbull some 20
years ago Many of the late appointments
in Pennsylvania, Civil and Military, serve
to elevate the character of Trumbull.—Hfc
was not only a poet, but, alas ! he had the
gift of prophecy !
Gazette Marine Lift, .
Ship Edward, Baird Liverpool 64
Salt and coal-i»J. Brown
Eagle, Dennit Hamburg 61
Dry goods—C. F. Rouflet
Fair American, F,ndlay ' Lilbon 84
Wines—JcfTe & Robert Wain
Snow Polly, Lake St. Sebaffians 45
Brandy, wine, &r.—F. Brmil
SchV Clermont, Parker Richmond 21
Tobacco, &c—P. Barker & Co.
Paraijou, Lord New-York 5
Mahogany & capt.
Polly, Read Nouth-Cjirolina 5
Lumber—to captain
Farmer's Venture, Waliom, Virg. 4
Corn. 1
Cyme up from the Fort.
Sch'r Nancy, Ford Port Republican
Ballaft—J. Tittermary.
Highland Lass, Brswn Kingston
Ballift—.J. Titteimary.
Arrived at the Fort,
Brig Eliza, Israel, Havanna
Left it J7th ]une—Sugars.
Montgomery, Sutes St. Thomas
Left it 6th instant—Ballast.
Schr. Succcf., Hock Bermuda
Ship Neptune, Hacquin Cape-Francois
Sch'r Minerva, Hughes ' ChirleOon
Schr. Holker, Medlin, from hence, has
arrived at Havanna in 12 d.ys.
Brig Mary, Dixon, of this port, founder
ed in a dreadtul gale of wind, at St.
Michaels iath March Lift, with several
others ; all on board perifljeid—Captain
Dixo'n was fortunately alhore.
Tho schooner Hope, Fullerton, 18 days
from the Sp&nifh Maine, has arrived at
Ship India, captain Alhtaead, from Bin
gal, is below.
Ship Pomona, Merril,for Liverpool, went
to sea on Monday last.
The schooner El|za, Richardson, from
hence to the Havanna, is taken by the
the Fiench add sent into the Mantanzies.
Captain Baird, of the (hip Edward from
Liverpool, spoke in the latitude of 38, is.
North longitude 61, 30, Weft, the (hip
OU Tom, captain Morton, out 8 days from
Philadelphia to Cork. •
Ship William, Forreft. for Ohirlefton,
failed a few days before the Poll/, Laki;.
Ship Fair America, Brever, from hence,
arrived at Havanna the 9th infh under con
voy of the Ganges.
Schooner Two Brothers, Monroe, from
Hence, has arrived at Cape Francois.
Particulars of the loss of the' brig Molly
and Fanny, Benjamin KopptQii, m.ilter,
bound from Havanna to Plitfadelph'm.
" Sailed from Havanna on the a+th
May. Nothing material until
the 3<j:li ; on which day, at one o'clock in
the warning, perceiving that he was on
foundings, an the Florida (bore, in i 3 fa
thoms water.; hauled off, wind Eift and
S >uth Eafl; in half an hour after, found
no more than 4 fathoms ; tirlffd to the
South W ell, and in one hour*ft)ond ho more
than 3 fathoms j then tacked to the South
Eafl, and kept the lead agoing, and in one
hour found the brig again in four fathoms
water ; immediately tacked tegain ; but a
heavy sea running, {he m:(Tc.l jfoys. The
bell bower anchor _ was then Ift and as
the brig swung round to the *n'nd, file
(truck, and knocked off ihe ruddcf3, and in
Ids than five minutes, the ftrrn-pofl was
started, and th*:re was (lx feet water in her
hold. Finding all further attempts to save
the brigfriiitlefs, and the waier having rvfen
above the cabin floor, the captain and crew
took to the boat, and were picked up by 3
New-Providence privateers ; oh board of
which the the crew were diftnbiited, and in
a few afterwards entered into their fer
vicc. On the i3th June, the
in with the schooner Highland I.ass, of and
from Kingston (Jamaica) William B.
Brown, it.after, on board of which captain
Kempton obtained a pafTige, and arrived
there on the id infant.
£5" The name of the captain of the Fair Ame
rican, it Findlajr, and notN.fbitt , at frated in ytf
terday's paper.
BOSTON, July 19.
Arrived, schooner Nancy, Crofby, eight'
days Halifax. No news,
July 20
Arrived, a briij from Baltimore, and a
new brig from the Ealtward.
The schooner—,—, Captain Merry, ar
rived at quarantine this day, from Marti
The fcheoner Harriot, Captain 1 J.' At
kins, from this port for the Havannah, was
taken May 16 and sent into Guadaloupe.
On Thursday last arrived at Nantucket,
(whalemen) from a whaling voyage, twtotv
three m»nth9 out, had been very fuccef ful.
Tefterday failed from this port the (hip
Minerva, Captain Barber, for London. Pas
sengers in the Minerva, Mr. William De
blois, and fatr. ily ; ana Mr. Allen Melrille.
The Brig Alert, Captain Rich, of this
port, has arrived at Cadiz twenty fojir days
paflage. Captain Rich wa ! boa ded br an
Englifhfhip of war off Cadiz, who inftrm
rd him that they did not molest ary Afleri
can veflel bound in or out of that place.
NEW-YORK, July 4-
Arrived. Lays.
Ship Angelica, , Newburyport
Brig Experiment, Bhkeley, Porto Ricn 13
Schr. Federal, White, Bermuda J
Paragon, Spooner do £
Hope, Mathew, Antigua
Phoebe Ann, Culon, Norfolk 4
Alert, , Cape Francois 19
Sloop Lucy, F-afton, Curracoa. Ip
Lark, Gibfon, Barbadocs
Brig Cleo, Bourne, Amsterdam
Rainbow, Tyler Tobago
Schr. Larke, Donald, St. Johns.
Quaker, Lovett Anapolis
J hree Sifters, Norris > Halifax
Hurcum,Utley Yarmouth
l he Ihip Hero from this port has arrived
at Tunis,
SUip Carolina, Motly, from St. Sebastians
captured Lj the British and carried to Guern
Ihe f_hooner Trimmer, Mathews, from
this to Cuba, captured by the British and
carried to Jamaica.
Arrived Ihip Olive, Laughton, in 7 o days
rom Naples, lad from Algeiiras, where (he
wat carried in by two French privateers' and
etained 17 days. Capt. L's papers were
lent to Cadiz, where he attended to know the
tate of his fliip. When he left Cadiz the
following veflHs were there.
Brig Alert, Rich, of and for Boston, to
fail in 6 days.
Ship Dublin Packet, Green of and for N.
York, brought in by the French and detain
Ship Defiance, Smith of and for Balti
Brig Friendship, Butler, Charleston, S. C.
to fail in 6 days.
Brig Friendihip, Rea, Salem, brought in
by the French, liberated.
Biig 1 homas Pinckney, Gardner, of N.
I urki
Brig Angle, Young of Philadelphia.
s*" Schooner Hawke, Laton, Boston, from
Schooner —, Eve, Charleston, to fail
in 6 days.
At Algesiras tytb June.
Brig Betsey, Blackwell of and from Balti
more, brought in by the French and Spanilh
and detained.
25th. lat 34, long 25 W from London,
spoke the brig Fairfield of Boston from Ma
Game pafiengerin the Olive, John B. Sar
tori, Esq. American Consul at Rome, with
his feerenry and servant.
Also arrived sloop Hawk, Walker, from
Barbadoes. Captain Walker informs, that
a French sloop of war of 20 guns, dirett |
trom France, was captured a few days pre
vious to his failing, by an Englilh frigate off
the Weft India station.
E.rtraft from the fchr. Guflarias' Log book,
,J. Udell, mader, from St. Vincents. I
June 18, was boarded from the Conftella- I
tion frigate, off the weft end of Guadeloupe,
on a cruize.
J Lily 2J, in lat 23. 00, long 65. spoke the 1
brig Hannah of Bifton, captain Cannon,
bound for Boston, all well.
Arrived brig Hiram, Cooley, 37 days
from' St. Vincents. Sailed under convoy of
the Invincible 74 and a sloop of war in co.
with a fleet of 2co fail, principally bound to
Europe ; captain C. records the following
vefTcli in the fleet. v
Brig Bstfey, Bondman of New London
William, Freeman do
Schr. Earl, Blenn do
Fanny, Hathway do
Hannan, Cannon of Boston
Industry, Stp do
Sloop Colebrook, do
Schr. S-ven Sifters, Weffcls of Wjfcaflct
Nabby, —, do
, Merry, do
Same day sloop Lark, Gibfon, 1 4. days
from Barb idoes, to Rhode [(land, Tucker,
lat 17 00, lon< 62, 00, £aw the United
States frigate Phil add. in chafe of a French
privateer brig of :4 guns. July 17, lat 32
00, long 70, spoke Ihip John, Williams, 67
days out from Hamburgh for Baltimore.
Arrived Schr. Nirmod, Hamilton, 11
davß. Havanna. ' Left in Havanna, the brig
Hunter, Edwards, & fchr. Two Brothers,
Lecatt, to fail in a few days.
Captain H on shore, on the Gulph, of
Florida, on the Martyr's Reef, the fiiip
Tanner, of New-York, captain O'Brien.
The Tanner was bound to Spain, from the
port of Vera Cruz, with the vice king on
board, as paflenger. Was captured by a
British frigate, who permitted the (hip to
proceed to the Havanna and leave the vice
king in that place, and then to Kingston, in
Jamaica, having firft put on board a lieu
tenant, as prize-matter, and a number of
seamen—Captain O'Brien was on b ai d
when the ftiip ran on (here. The Tanner
was a large copper bottomed fliip, mount
ing futeen gunes.
Came paffcngtr in the Nimrod, captain
William Dimond, late of the fchr. Alert.
Arrived, (hip Cordelia, Norby, St. Tho
mas's 23 days.
In the Cordelia came paflenger Captain
Wilson, of the brig Eliza of this port, cap
tured the latter end of April last by a French
privateer, and ordered for the island of
Marguiretta, near tie Spanish Main. Cap
tain Wilson was kept on board of the pri
vateer, which carried him to Guadalotipe,
from whence he made his escape aud got to
St. Thomas's
The f rig Industry, Dobell, anchored last
evening at Fort Johnfton, in thirty days
from Kirgflon. On the 25th of Juue,
Captain Dobrll spoke the American (hip
Tanner, Bryan, matter, v from Vera Cruz,.
»h ch had been captured on the 30tk of
May, by 'he Britilh (hip of war Juno. The
Vic roy of Mexico and his fuire were on
board. When Captain Doball spoke her,
(he was goirg to Jamaica m a prize. .
f Tie United Stales frigate CJiefapeaie,
of 44 guns,. Samuel Barron, Efq com wan
aer, anchored off the bar on Wednesday '
evening, from a criiife.
Letters received yesterday from on board
tf-e John Adams, dated off St. Kitts, 2id
May mentions her , having retaken three
American vtflela, since vre heard from her
Marshal's Sale,
United States, ) f
Pennsylvania Liuri.t. W ...
»>Y virtue of a Writ to me dirtied from ijie
iJ Honourable Richard Peters, Efq Judge of
the Diftrtfl-Court of the Unhed Ststef, in ar,d
tir the Pennsylvania. Dift.idl, u*Kl he foM at
Pubi c A I,air,n ar the Merchant's Coffee Houie
on Monday the 4th day of AuguftVn xt at 12
o clock at noon, tho or VcCtl
'fi-Jjc jlji. Call id the
ith hei t cklc, apparel ar.d fur
r'^£*i2siSsj£itfn turc, the fame having hcen late
ly libelled in the said for Mariners wages
and condemned for the payment thereof.
JOHN HALL, Marshal»
Marshal's Office, July 1800:
Wy *5? 3 tawtfa.
B„ P. Berckemeyer,
TNFORMShis friends in the United States,
A that the partnership of "Berckemeyer & Co.
was diflolved on the 3id of December, 1799,
and all acc u ts with fjid firm will be liquiia
ted by hiin. For any fur; her tranfadiions he begs
leave to recommend to them his Brother and
Surceflor, John Htnry Berckemeyer.
Hamburgh, April j», 1759.
July »<• dtf.
Just received by the sbip Kensington, from
London,—and J or sale by
so. 17,
Imperial wov»andplain,
Super Royal do.
Royal do.
Medium do.
Demy do.
Foolscap do.
Post thick and thin do. folio and
Do. do. do. hot-prefs'd.
Copying machine paper and ink-powiltr for do.
Ink and ink powder, red and black, fine Japan
ink, parchment, quills and pens, peiiknive9,
fealinp-wjx, wafers, See. Ac.
A tew sets of elepast Maps ajid Atlas's,
Mahogany writittg Hefks of various sizes.
|G7* Merchant's Account Boohs ready
made, or made to any pattern on tie sbort-
Ju'y :s•
In the Strrvt lift cVrnH>g by i yotmg woaao,
A plated Wing of i - -
Tit p«rfon whi» lr.ft it mis b**e br ' v
'•lir.g M Street.. Md tefiac «•"••■: ""
the e<pepcc r.f Uii »dvert«fcaieM.
.. Ju'y tf
if 7he Ship ASIA, captain liontah,
fuelv BAT A VIA;
Coffee & Sugar,
Of an excellent quality.
Ckx, The SHIP
Is also offered For Sale ;
She has ~"zAc but one voyage fins
tfSliSmmSl was I>eathed with the best pa
tent Copper, and {he ia in good order.
Apply to
James C. & Saml. W. Fi£ber
William Sanfom,
Joseph S. Lewis.
July 14 > • ,
F@R a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the
United States, No. 381! in the name of John
Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and for the
Renewal of which application has been made at
said bank, of wbich all concerned are clefired to
May 19.
-r/ 1
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
WHOEVER has loft it may receive :t «ri ap
plication at the office of this Gazette, and
paying the expence of this advertisement.
8000 Feet f Hmdi.ras Bay
At Willing's Wharf, and
l\ KS.Li,
• by . . Ml EL RHOADSy
No. i.Penn street.
July >4 .
A Printing Press,
Apply at the Office of the Gazette of
tfae Urited State*. -J 1
» r
? * •»
f m&th 3t
.'J "•
* #
-ir v