Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 24, 1800, Image 4

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March 12, ißco
Hot ice is hereby ghen,
\T ftr/arste propolajs will be received
i. at the ofe<-« of the .Secretary of th- De
partwient of AV?r, until the expiration of the
•2jih of July next ensuing, for the supply of all
rations, which may he required tor the use o)
the United States, from the ift day of Oftober,
1800, to the 30th day of September, i_Boi>
both days lßcliGve, at the places and within
the two diftridls hertinafter fifft mentioned ;
and alio that fepirate propofils will be received
t the taid office until the expiration of ths 2.5 th
diy of July next ensuing, for the supply of all
rations which may berequiredas aforefaid, from
the ift day of January in theyear 1801, to the
31ft day of December in the fame year, both
days inclusive, at the place aad within the sev
eral llates here'nafter mentioned, viz.
Firji. Proposals to supply a!l rations, that
may be required, at Ofwego ; at Niagara 1 at
Pittfburg ; at Prefqu'il* ; at MicMimackinac ;
at Fort Franklin ; at Bxuf; at "Cincinnati ;at
Picque Town, and Loramies flore#; at Fort
Wayne; AFortDtfianee ; at any plade below
Fort Defiance, on the Miami river to Lake
Erie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouatonon on the ri
ver Wabaffi s at Mafiae ; at anyplace or place?
on the river Miffiffippii 4bov» the mouth of the
river Ohio, and upon the Illonois river.
Stctnd. Prnpcfals to supply all rations that
may be required, at any place or places nn the
ei!t fide of the Miffifiippi river, helnw the mouth
of the river Ohio to the foutbern boundary of
the ftite of Kentucky and within tbefatd date;
at Knnxville ; at all posts and places within the
I'.ate ff Tenneflee ; at South Weft Point: at
Tellicoßlock Houfej at St.Sevens, or other fort
orprift on the rivers Mobille or Tcmbigby,and
any place orplatcs within the Cherokee bounda
ries ; below the fonthern boundary of tlie ftat«
of Teruiefiee aad within the boundary of the
United States.
Third- Propofali to supply all rat'oriS that
may be required, at Point Petre : at Coleraine,
at Savannah, and at any other place or places
where troops are or may be Rationed, marched
or recruited within the ft&te of Georgia; at all
forts orflatipns on the Oconnee and Alatama
ha, and at all othtr places in the Creek nation,
■within the limits of the United States, where
traops are »r may be fta:ioned.
Fourth Propefals to supply all rations that
ms v be required at Fort Johnfton, at Fort Pinck
ney, at Chartefton, or at any other place or
places where troops are or may be ftatioaed,
inarched or recruited in the fiate of South-Ca
Fifth. Proposals to supply all rations that
may be required at the Fort at Wilmington,
Cape Fear ; at Beacon, island, Ocracock ; at
CharloUe ; at Fayetteville t at Saliibury, or
at any other place or places where troops are or
may be Rationed, marched or recruited in the
slate of North-Carolina.
Sixth. Frcpofils to supply all rations that
*niy b» required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth, at
Kcmpfville, at Clrarlntteville, at YVinchefter,
at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at
Leelbirg, at Frtdcricklburg. at Carterfville, at
Hirprr.'s feny, or at any other p'ace or places
where troops are or may 'oe Rationed) marched
or recruited, inthe state of Virginia.
Seventh. Proposals tr> supply all rations that
may he required at Port M'Her.ry, at Balti
more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at
Leonardtown, it Hagert town, at Bladen/burg,
at George-town, at Eaftown, at the Head ot
Elk, and at any other place or places, where
troops are or may be ftatiene', marched or re
cruied within the limits ef the state of Miry
Eighth, Proposals to supply all rations that
may be required at Fort Mifftin, at Philadel
phia, at Darby, at Lancaster, at Wilktlbjrre,
at Reading, at Hrißol, at York town, at Carlisle,
:*t Lewiftown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at
Greenfburg at Waßiington, at Eaßow*, at
Wilmington, at Christiana, at Dever, or at
any other place or places where troops are or
ipay be Rationed, marched or recruited within
the limits of the Rates of Pennfylvatua and De
laware, except the potts within tne Rate of Penn
fyNania, enumerated in the firß proposals a
Ninth. Proposals to supply all rations that
may be required at Harkenfac, at Elizabeth
town, at Ne<v-Brunfwick, at Burlington, at
Woodbury, at Trenton, and at any other place
or places where troops are or may be (tationed,
marched cr'recruited within the limits of the
stare of Jerfcy.
Tenth. Proposals to fuppljr all rations thrt
may be required at New-York, at Weft Point,
at Flushing, at Haerlrm, at Weft Chester, at
Poii;;hkepfie, at Knnderhoak, at Stillwater, at
New berg, at Albany, at Conajokarie, at Cher
ry Valley, and at any ether place or places
where troops are or may be stationed, marched
or recruited within the limits of the slate of
Nevy York, excest the posts within the state
enumerated in 'he firft proposals aforefaid. _
Eleventh. Proposals to supply all rations
that may be required ar Hartford, at Hebron,
at New-London, at Brooklyn, at Wyndham,
at Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-Haven, at
Fairfield, at Danbury, at Midd'etown, and at
any nther place or places where troops are or
may be stationed, marched or recruited within
the limits of the state of Onneflicut.
' Twelfth. Proposals to supply all rations that
may be required at Fort Wolcott, at Brinton's
Point, at Newport, at Providence, and at any
pace or places where troops are or may be ftat
eioned, marched or recruited within the limit*
of the Hate of Khode-Ifland.
Thirteenth. Proposals to supply all rations
that n ay be reqtirid at Portland in the Dif
trl<?l of Maine. Gloucester, Cape Ann, Salem,
JMarblfhead, Button, atUxliridge.'and at any
other place or places where tronpe are or may be
ftationcd, marched or recruited within the li
mits of the Rare of Maflachufetts.
Fourteenth. Propofab t» supply all rations that
rfiay be reqtiirrd at Portfnicuth, at Exeter, at
Wmdfor, at Brnningson, at Rutland, or at any
for', ji'ace or places, where troops are or may be
flat ion; - U marched or recruited within the States
of New Hampfli're and Vermont.
The rations to be supplied, is to conftfl of the
ollowiilg article.-, viz. r igltectl ounces of bread or
flou , or 'a'ct neitSei can he obtained, of ore
quart of t ct • or one and a half pound of fifted or
boulted Indian meal, one pound and a quarter of
frei'- beef, or one pound o! salted beef, or when
quarters of a pound ol faltedo>orh, and jhrae frefh
meat ii issued, fait, St the rate oi two quarts for
every hundred ntiotw; soap at the rate of four
poupdi, awd candles at the rate of a and a
half for every hundred ra'inns
It is e-spe<9c,l the propofalt will also extend to
the supply of* rum, whisky, or other ardent fpi.
rits at the rats of half a gill per ration, and Vine
gar at the rate of two quarts for every hundred
rations. The proposals wnl fpecify the price o4
the fever*! component parts of the ration, as w«ll
ss those of substitutes or alternatives for parts
The rations are to be furnifhcd in fitch quanfi- j
ties as that there shall at all times, during the term
of the proposed contrails be fufficicnt for the coi
jumption of the troeps at MichiliaiacUaac, De- j
troit, Niagsra and Ofwego, for ft* months in ad
var.ce, imd at each of the other potts on the wes
tern waters, far at least thrc months in advance,
of good andwholcfome provisions, IT the fctne (hall
he required. It is alf* t® ba permitted to all and
every of the commandants ef fortified places, or
or pads, to call for at seasons when the fame can
be transported, or at any time in the cafe of urgent
cy, Rich lupplies of like provifians in advance, as
in the discretion of the commandant shall be deem
ed proper. It is to be underwood that the con
tractor is to be at the expence and ri(k of issuing the
supplies to the troops, and atallloffen-,fufiaiin'd,by
the depredations of an enemy, er by the means of
he troops of the United States, shall be paid tor at
the prise of the article captured or destroyed, on the
depofitiens of two or more persons of creditable
characters and the certificate of a comrriflioned
officer, ascertaining the circumftarces of the loss,
and the amount of the articles, f«r which compen
sation shall be claimed.
The privilege is to be underlined to be reserved
tothe United States of requiring, that none of the
supplies which may he furnifhea'under any of the
proposed contrails shall be iifued, until the sup
plies which have or may be furnifhed under can
trails new in force have been consumed, and that
a supply i> advance may be always required at any
of the fixed polls oa the Sea-bard or Indian fron
tiers, not exceeding three months.
Secretary of War
f tjjJuly
March *4
Opposite to the Public Square.
In that handsome and airy spot, there are just
now ready TO LET,
4 or 5 New Houses.
Ctuation for pleafantcefa »f the profpeA
of trees and herbage, and its extensive tho
roughfare ot freft air, is deemsd equal if not su
perior to any other, that is as convenient to the
triding parts of th'e town—The water is nxcel
lent, perhaps the mod pure and wholesome that is
to ke met with in the city. Perfens inclined to
rent will plcafe to make early application at the
Office No. 96, Arch street, or about the premises
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM York Town on the »jd Jnft. JAMES
HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the loth
Regiment, and since entitled ai a Serjeant in tht
Marine Corps, of the following description
He ia about feet fix inches high, brown hair
an.! fair conpl lion He is an afiive fellow a;id
bragi much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant.
He has been lately seen in Lancalter, and is pro
bably with his iriends, who live about 4 miles
from that place.
The above reward will be given anil all expen
ccs paid, on delivering him to any officer in thi
service oi the United States, or lodging him ii
Adjutant Marine Corps.
Philadelj-hia, June 30. 4-lvr.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti
more, on the loth inft. a light coloured
negro raan, who call« hitnfclf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He is about 24 years of age,
about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in his dress, and
hat a good fait of hair. Hid on, when he
went away, a good beaver hat, a Ihort light
greex cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel
low gilt buttons —alight buff caflimer, double
breaded waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen (hirt,
white ribhed cotton ftockingi, and a good pair
ot ihoet with firings. He took with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive caffimer panta
loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has a ttupid look, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and (e
---cures him in any jail so that the owner may
g«t him again, (hall receive the above reward,
with reasonable charges if brought hems, or de
livered to Joihui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may 1 dtf
Twenty Dollars
DESERTED from the Marine Barracks on the
Bth inflant, the following Marines, via
JOHN STEEL, born near Brandy Wine in
Chester county, by profeffion a Tailor. He is »5
years of age, five feet eight inches high, grey
eyes, light brown hair,thin visage and fallow com
plexion—had on a round hat, brown silk coat,
nankeen breeches, and other decent cloathing.
Fredtrick Fry, bom in Germany, but came
to Americs very young, about thirty fix
of age, five feetfeven Inches high, Hazle eyes,
Black Curly hair and very brown complexion—
had no uniform on —He was lately a Soldier
in General Waynes Army at Fort Detroit
The above reward will be paid, or Ten Dol
lars for either, and *ll expences, on delivering
tliern at the Marine Bin-neks'? Philadelphia, or
to any Officer in the Service of the United
Adjutant Marine Corps.
Philad. July T I, tsec. diw
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two Kandfome dwelling
tooufes, with' excellent ftabKng for seven horses,
double coach-houfc most completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fituatcd near the middle of OermantoWn, sur
rounded with rich profp«&s of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handfomc lawn at the back of the house.
One house has been recentry built oh an appro
ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a store in
either the dry or wot good line.
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
some most excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of tl*e Printer, or of
onith* prcmaes.
Landing from the ship America, IVaite.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ift &«nd quality,
Caper souchong,
Hyrm-ftin. j>TEAS,
Young hyson,
Hyfyn, ift & ad quality,
Yellow & white nankeens
Lutcftrings, biack &tolor'd ( In Boxes
Sicfhaws do. C aflbrted,
Sattins do. J
Luteftriugs, n>a2. blue & dark green T j n
Sinlhaws do. > feoxe^
Persian taffetas, dark green )
They have also on band for sale, received bv
the late arrivals from Europe, ife.
1 Infmallpack-
Striped and checked ginghams i ages alerted,
White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for
White corded dimities I dia market f
Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
j (Jo. do.
3 Balesfeine twine (Entitled tc
10 Cales Englilh China ware, f drawback,
in tea setts J
6 Casks mineral black,
I da. white,
10 do. colcother,
3 Calks purple brown,
35 do. nails aflbrted,
9 do. Londoß porter in bottles,
Eng'ifh fail canvas} No. I, 1 & 3, v
RuiTii duck,
27 Boxes wliite Havanna fuglr,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Empty wine bottles,
13 Guns, 6 plunders,
i» do. 9 do.
15 do. 9do with carriages, &c.
»Bo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, Ift
quality (Entitled ti
iO,ooolbs. black pepper
io Logs ebor;y J
litis Day Published,
By J. Ormkod, No. 41, Ghefnut Street,
(Price %f Ccoti)
Death of General Wujhington.
11l imitation of th« manner of Oflian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M.
Miniftcr of the Pirf: Preibytenan Congregation
of Philadelphia.
#S" Mr. Chaudron'a Orati»n Will be fpublHh«
on hlonday morning.
Mi.rfh 15. di
Of the Ship Criterion, B. Wickes, fen. com
mander, from Bengal,
cotrsrsfiiTG OF
A complete alTortment of
SUGARS of the firit quality,
for balk bt
No. si, Perm-flreet,
May j.
At Bccl't Wharf, the next below Market St,
Jamaica Spirits
Also, a few Hogsheads of
At No. 17, South Water Street.
July 3. dtw.
LYING on the Potomac River, county of Nor
thumberland, state of Virginia; containing
about 1400 acres—its fituatien it equal to any other
in the Northern Neck, remarkable for every kind
of wild fowl, oyflers, fifli and crab, and none bet
ter for health. It ii about the faroe distance from
Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, and not more
than one days fail from either. Thore are three
improved plantations with dwelling houses, the
one known by the name of Exeter Ledge,former
ly the residence of col. John Gordon,is an elegant
two story brick house, with four rootns 011 a floor,
and a pafTage fixjeen feet wide.
The other two arc commodious and convenient
ly fitted, with good and suitable out houses, at one
of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore
land county) lived several years; on this farm there
is a good grift mill, with water fulficient to turn
any number of stones ; alfe convenient store hou
ses and granaries on a public road, well situated
for a country (lore. On each of those places there
are fine apple aod peach orchards. The greater
proportion of the land is of the firft quality, and
near the half ofthe whole heavily timbered. The
terms may beknownby applying to Wm.P. Tebbs
Baltimore, Foulhee G. iebbs, esq. of Richmond
county, Virginia, or te Thomas Murgatroj d and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Feb. 5—14.
WITH an excellent Orchard, Bart), Pump,
&c. &c. The whole containing 17 acres,
situate on the' Wifahicon road> between the
third and fourth mile stone—May be purchased
on terms.—Two thirds of the pur
chafc money may remain (secured on the pre
mites and on interest) during three years.
No. Ix 4, South Fosrth-ftreet, the Sub
scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the
premises, or at No. 45» Walnut-ftfett.
" r r
PUBLIC. NOTICE is hereby'given, in par
fuance of the ad of Corigreli, patted on
the firft day of March, one thousand eight
hundred, intituled " An in addition to an
aft, intituled, an a£\ regulating the grants of
land appropriated for military services, and far
the Society of the United Brethren for propa
gating the Gospel among the Heathen," a 9 fol
lows ;
lft. A! 1 the fraiflional parts of the quarter
townlhips adjoining to the Indian boundary line
of the tradl of land referred to in said idl,
except the fractional quarter townlhips num
ber four in townlhip nuraber seven of range
number twenty : Also, all the fradtional parts
of the quarter townlhips adjoining to the river
Scioto, except the quarter townlhips number
ane a<d four, in townlhip number none of range
number nineteen ; the quarter townlhips num
ber two and three <vf townlhip number three,
in range number aineteen ; and the quarter
townships number tne and four in townlhip
number five, of range number twenty ; toge
ther with the fifty quarter townlhips hereafter
described, are reserved to be located, for the
original holders of warrants granud for mili
tary services, or their heirs, in lots of one hun
dred acres, pursuant to the a& above recited.
3d. The following ; s a description of the fifty
quarter townlhips referred to in the preceding
article and which were designated by lot in the
prffence of the Secretary sf War, pursuant to
the above rVeited ■
5o Kit 5e /@ 5a « *©
51?§e • 1 1 ?
r, c, O' a K O' 1 C O'
* S
i> r i* ? *>' ?
I 13621 IO 12
826 2 3 4
84 7 3 81
10 1 8 2 11 6. 1
223 83 81
34742 13 84
51 6 1 15 1 3
53 72 22
311821 73
7 1 23 74
72 431624
84 J 1 3 4
4 4 3 7 3 61
10 3 9 3 7 2
* 3 3 9 » 3 7 4
7 » 7 4 17 7 4
9 3 9 4
3d All the lands in each of the above fifty
quarter townftiips, and in the fra<slional parts
»f quarter tewnfhips before described, hare
been divided upoo tJie refpedlive plats thereof,
as returned by the Surveyor General, into as
many lots of one hundred acres etch, as the
quantity such quarter townlhip or fraflion is
listed to contain will admit, in the manner
pointed out and required by the above recited
m&w tf
4th. The plali divided as aforefaid into |Ot»
of one hsndrad acres, are drpofited in the of
fice of the Regifitr ef the Treasury wheie the
locations are to be made ; and upon liirrender
ing the warrants which shall be tVus located,
patents will be iflued in the manner and upon
th« conditions prescribed by law.
Given under my band at Pkiladel
| pbia the day and year above
Secretury oftb. Treasury.
diw —jaw 3m.
April i>.
WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth
day of July 1797 make an alignment of his
estate ana to us the subscribers, for the be
nefit ot such of his creditors, as fltoold on or before
the aoth oi September, 1797, execute to him a full
and final discharge—Now thofc of his crediterp
who are entitled to a dividend under laid aflign
ment. are requefled to furcifli their accounts oj
Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the
Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend will abfoiute
ly be struck on the fir 11 day of April next, and those
who negleil to comply with this notice will th«re
after lie excluded from the benefit of the fame.
Philip Nicklm
Samuel Meeker
Naib'l Lewis, by bis Ads. > Assignees.
Pearson Hunt
John M. Taylor
Philadelphia, March 14 m&thtf.
And Owners of Stills.
WHEREAS by an aft of Congress, parted
the Bth day of May 1791, entitled,
" An afl. concerning the duties on spirits distil
led within the United States," it is required of
all persons having or keeping a ftil!, or Ailli,
to make entry thereof, between the last day
of May and the firft day ofjulyineach year,
under the penalty of two hundred and fifty
NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to all
diftiliers, or ownert of stills, within the city
and county of Philadelphia, to make entry of
t>m at the ofiice of Infps&ion, at 49, North
Thirdflreet, in the city cf Philadelphia, with
in theabovtmentiitned periods.
JAMES ASH, Collector
of the revenue of the first ■ division Of the
first survey of the district of Pennsylvania.
June 6, ftf
HIS Swedilh Majefty'sConful General,and au
thorized to tranfacSl the Consular Business,
for his Majesty the King of Denmaak iu the United
States of America, refidiDg at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That In obedieiice to recent inflruflions received
from his government, it is' the duty of all Matters
of Swedish and Danilh vessels, beiors their failing
from any port in the said States, to call upon hitn
or the Vice Consul in orier to be granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency
of the ilate of the Neutral Commerce and thefe
veralDecress of the Belligerent Power!, renders
indispensably necessary, and, that any Matter of
veffeU belonging to the refpe&ivc nations, or na
vigating under the protection of their flags, in
emitting to take such certificates, will personally
ftaad responsible for the consequences.
Philadelphia, xgtb DecemVer, 1799.
A CERTIFICATE Of four Shares of the
__ Bank of the United States in the name of
Sickham & Reefe, No. aj9J, for the renewal
of which application ia intesded to be made at
the f&id Bank, and all persons concerned are de
sired to take notice.
April at, 1800.
1000 Boxes best marbled Soap,")
80 Boxes Svrctt Oil, j rrcm n boardtbt
100 Half chelts Lucca Oil, 1 Louim,
7 Bales Piper, j from Leghorn,
Brimfton«, .
Parmesan Cheese, J
300 Pipes best Bordeaux Brandy,
aoo Hogflteadt Claret superior quality,
700 Calcs French Sw<»et Oil,
60 Cases Catherine Plumbs,
6 Calks Prunes,
400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor
100 do. best assorted Cordials,
DRY GOODS assorted for the Weft-India
Claret in cases of a superior quality,
London dry White Lead,
A small invoice of Coffee,
6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted.
Thomas Murgatroyd fc? Sons.
May 10. tuth&s cf
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other
wise CUDJO, about 11 years old, the property
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about J feet 8
inches high, has a blemish in his eyes, snore white
in them than common, by trade a Fergeman; had
on and teo"t with him a drab coloured broad clolh
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloon**
printed fancy cord, a lwanfilown striped under
aciet; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse
Giirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket
and two peir catcOH (lockings. Whoever takes up
faiJ negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neighbouring dates (hall have the above r«j
ward or reasonable expencesif brought home.
Spring Forge, Q&ober 13,1799.
N. B. As said negro formarly lived in Chester
county, it is probable he may return there.
November <
BY 2 decree of the High Court of Chancery,
made in a cause, Jamis again ft Newman,
it is among other things referred to Wm. Graves'
iiftj. one of the matters of the said court, " to take
an account of thi Legacies bequeathed by the will
of the teflator, WILLIAM PHILLIFS, late of
Newgate ftreef, London, deceased, and also to in
quire and slate to the court, whether Francis
James, the brother of ths complainant'? named •<
one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and
whether he died in the life time of the teflator 5"
Therefore all persons who can give any informa
tion whether the said Francis James Vie living or
dead, and if living .where he now resides or lift
resided, and when and at what place, and when
and where he waslaft heard of, and if dead, »h£n
and where he died, are hereby requested to piTC
futh information tethefaid William Graves,Efq:
at his office in Southampton Buildings, Chancery
Lane, London,on or before the firft day of March
next, otherwif* he wiil be excluded the benefit of
the faid^ecrce.
The said Francis James was born at or near
Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, and if
living, is about the age of thirty-four years, and
about the year 1779, was a foremaft man on board
the Milford, a merchant (hip, belonging to the
port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem
ber, 1780, afterwards he returned to Bristol,
and in November, 1781, was. pressed in King
road, Bristol, and sent ob board the king's frigate
called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply
mouth «n a cruise, and on board of which lie af
terwards became a quarter gunner, and deserted
the said Ihip at Charleston Bar in North-America
in September 1781.
Should any person in the United States of Ame
rica, be enabled to give information of the above
named Francis James, whether living or dead,they
arc requested to communicate the fame to DAVID
A OGDEN, No. 69, Stone street, New-Y< rk.
The printer? throughout the United States
are requested to publish the above.
April 'B'
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN by the name of the Booncton Iron
Works, fitnatein the county of Morris in the
state of Wew-Jerfey, confiding of a Forge with
four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of flenes, and Saw mill, all in good
order and nirw in use, together with an excellent,
large, and convenient house, with out-houfeß of
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and
stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolleition of
Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1500 acres of wood,
pasture and arable land, and a great number of
itore9 and workmen's houses. Immediate poflcflioH
will be given of houses and ftore9 fufficient for
providing stock the prefect winter, and possession
of the whole in the spring.
For terms enquire.of David B. Ogden at New
ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David
Ford in Morris Town, or mefirs. Jacob and Rich
ard Faefch on tie pretnifci;
Januar" n
TI-IE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and ILan
cafter line of Stages DISPATCH, return tbeir
grateful thanks to their friends and the public in
general, for the pafl favors they have received, and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
they aro provided with Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Borough i» two days. Those who prefer this mode
of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States Eagle, Market flreet,
Slougi, Downing, Dunivoody Is? Co.
Nev. 30. U 2t—s
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of
themoft approved European GlafsManu
fuilurers, and having on hand a large flock of
thebeft Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a fupe'rior qua
lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the fcortefl notice.
Glass of larger sizes sor 1 other purposes, may
also be had, such as for pitfures, coach glaflea,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flafks,pickliHgjars, apothecary's thop furniture,
or other hellow ware—the whole at least a; per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will bs made on
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be pun<s~ attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, orat the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh,