Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 23, 1800, Image 4

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March li, ißco
Notice is hereby'',
THAT fepa> lte propo.'als will be received
at the otfi- e f the rfceretary of th<- De
parttnenf of War- until the expiration of the
15th of July n'f xt eiifuing, for the supply of at!
rations, u'biclf mav* be r-quircd for the use oi
(lie United States, trotr, the ifl day of O&ober,
1800, to the 30th day of September, iSof,
days inclusive, at the places and within
the tuo difWjftt hereinafter firfl mentioned;
ant! all > thai fepirate propofils will be received
t the f.'id ('See until the expiration of the 15th
d.-y of July next enfbitlg, for the f ppfy of ail
rations which may be required a s aforel aid, from
the ift day of January in the ye-tr ißei, to the
3 til day of December in the fame year, both
d»\ B i> i lufne, at ■ he,place av.d within the ftv
era!/Utis hereinafter mentioned, viz.
fitjl. Proposals to supply all rations, that
may be required, at Ofvvego ; atN agara | at
Piitlbiirg ; at Prefqu'ile; at MichilimacVinac ;
at Fort Franklin ; at Breuf; at Cincinnati ; at
Picquc Towp, and Loramies flores } at Fort
Wayne ; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below
Fort Defiance, on the Miami niyer ,to Lake
Erie j at Fort Knox, and Onatonon on the ri
ver Waballi j at Maffac ; at aiiy place or places
on the river Mitlifiippl, above the mouth of the
river ■ 'hio, and upon the lllonois rivet.
Second. Pruprfals to supply all rations that
may he require', at any place or places on the
eafi fide of the Mifliffippi river,below the mouth
of the river Ohio to the foutfcern boundary of
th- state of Kentucky and within thefaid state;
at Knoxville ; at all pnfls and places within the
ft-ate «f Tenneflee ; at South Weft Point: at
Tellico Block Uoufe; at St.Sevens, or other fort
or past on the rivers Mohille or Tombtgby,.and
any place or places within the Cherokee bounda
ries j below the southern boundary of the flat*
l os Trivieffee a:-,d within the boundary of the
United States.
Third. Proposals to supply all rations that
maybe required, at Point H-etre : at Colefaine,
as Savannah, and at any other place or places
where troops are or maybe llationed, marched
c- mruit'ed wiihin the state of Georgia; at all
forts or llation»- on the Oconnee and Alatama
ha, snd at all othir places it> the Creek nation,
within the limits of the United States, wßere
trsops ire or may be stationed.
Fourth Proposals to supply all rations that
may be required at Fo. t Johnftc ti, at Fort Pinck
ney, at Charleflnn, or at any other place or
places where t-r -'»s are or may be stationed,
marched or'recruited in the state of South-Ca
Ftfth\ Proposals to fuuply all rations that
may be required at the Fort at Wilmington,
. Ca;ie Fear at Beacon island, Ocracock ; at
Charlotte ; at Fayetteville 1 at Salilbury, or
at at;y other place or places where troops are or
may be 'tationrd, marched or recruited in the
llite ofl!J«rth'Carolin».
Six!(r. ' ro,'ofa!s to supply all rations that
m-.y b* required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth, at
Ktmpfville, at Charlotteville, at Wincheftcr,
at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at
Leeibjrg, at Frcderickftwrg, at
Harper's feriy, or a' any other place or places
where troops are or may be stationed, marched
orrecrojted, in the state of Virginia.
Stvcntfr. Proposals to supply all rations that
may he required at Port M'Henry, at Balti
more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at
Lermarrt town, at Hagerstown, at Bladenlburg,
at George-tpwn, at Eaftown, at the Head ot
B!k. and at any other place or places, where
troops are or ii»ay be stationed, marched or re
crui ed within the limits »f the state of Mary,
hnd. '
F.igbtb. Proposals ti ftfpjily all rations that
m*y be required at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel
ph'iß, at Darby, it Lancaster, at Wilktlbarre,
at Reading, at v 'iftol, at York town, at C.arlifle,
at Lew Mown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at
Greerifburg at Washington, at Eaftown, at
.WjTmTi'.gto-i, at Christiana, at Dover, or at
any other place or places where troops are or
mjy be /latiou{d, marched or recruited within
the limits of otjPi nnfyUania and De
tiwaA-f except the poAk'ifitnin ihe'ftate of Pehn
fxHvania, enumerated, in tht firlt proposals a-
Iftrel'gi 1.
Ninth. PropofaU to supply all ratiops that
rjiar he req tired at Hat keri.fac, at Elizabeth-
at New-Brunfwicki >f Burlinuton, at
Woodbury, at Trenton, ataoy ; p'ace
or places where tr»»ps are or may be Rationed,
piarched or recruited within the limits of the
Hate of Jersey.
• Ttnth. Pr>-p ifals to supply all'rations th.'t
may be required a? New-York, at Weft Point,
Jt Fhvfhing, at Haerlrm, at Weft Chester, at
at Konderhoalt, at Stillwater, at
Newberg, at Albany, »t Conajokarie, at Cher
ry Valley, and «t any other place or places
where troops are or may he stationed, marched
ur recruited within the limits of the liate of
Kew York, exce; t the polls within the state
enumerated in the firft proposals aforefaid.
E'tviMh. Proposals to supply all rations
that may be required at Hartford, at Hebron,
at New I.' ndon. at Brooklyn, at Wyndham,
»T Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-Haven, at
Fairfield, at Danbury, at Middletown, and at
ary other place or places where troops are or
ftiav lie stationed, marched or recruited within
the limirs of the state of ConjifiSMcut, 9
Twelfth Proposals to supply all rations that
mav be required 4t Fort Wolcotti'at flrinton's
Point, at Newport, at Providence, and at any
p.-ce.or phces\yhere troops are or may be ftat
cioiied. marched or recruited within the limit*
Ot the slate of Khrtde-lfland. ■
' •Tb'rrtetnth. Proposals to fupp'y »11 rations
{hat.maybe required at Portland in tbr Dif
t.-.-l Maine. Gloucefltr, Cape Ann, Salem,
KarbUJicic!, Ballon, atUxbridge. and it any
A' plact or pfsres whet-e troops ire or may be
tlatjonfd, marched or recruited within the li
mitS'of the ftste'of MafTachufetts.
Pithrlotk Proposals to supply all rations that
maf"***required' at Portfmeuth. ar ixeter. at
Windsor, at Bentiirigscn, at Rutland, or at any
fort, p'acr or places,'where troops are or may be
ilatiotifd, tuarched or recruited within the States
of Ne* Habiplhire and Vermont,
The to cpnfift of the
•flaw i.ig articles viz. tlghteeu ounces of.bread er I
flour, or W.lieti.ncitliet can~jbe ibtained, of one ,
quart of rKe", or i'half pound ol fiftcd or '
hjjuUed.lndian meaj, ope pound anil a quarter of
f-erti beef, or one pound <jf faltejl beef, or when j
quartern of a potftd'rff failed ptiH:, and jhrce frefh
meat is*ilfued,"fatt, at the rated Two "qiiarfs for
every hundred rations; soap at the rate of four I
pounds, ard candles at the rate of a pound and a
Ifalf for every hundred rations
• It is eiprfletl'the pro[A>fal» will also extend to
the'fuprly of= t furti. whiflty, or othei> 'ardent fpl-'
fits at the rata of ha<f a gill per ration, and virl
,t > r at' -the rate'of two quarts for every hundred
rations. I'M proposals Will fpccily the price W'
rho leveral cempof.en't parte of the ration, as will
as those of substitutes or alternatives' for pirts
The rations are to be furnilhej 111 fueli quanti
ties 4t thit therefball at all times, during the term
us the proposed contrails be fu|Ecisut for the to -
jumption of thf troep> at Mifhilitnaekinac, De
troit. Niagara and Olwi'ijo, for fix mpHths ia ad
varce, and at each ol' t ie r.fher polls on the wef
cern watfrs, f-r at leatl months iii advance,
of gopd andwliolefome provisions, if the fmie fliail
he required It is alf» to ho permitted to all and
everty of the commandants us fortified places, or
or polls, to call for at feafptis when the fame can
he transported, or at any time in the cafe of urgent
cy, such supplies of like proyifiens in advanc«, as
in the discretion of the commandant shall He deem
ed proper. Jt is to he under ood that the con
tractor i« to be at the expence <tnd rifle of ifluing the
supplies to the troops,ana at all lcjTei, l'uflaiiied, by
the d.ji'redations of 29 ei e y, er by the means of
he troops of the United States, (hall bepai3 lor at
the priae of the article captured or cleflroyej, on the
depositions of two or more persons of creditable
chaiaSrrs and the certificate of a commitlioned
officer, ascertaining the circumftai ces of the lofi,
and the amount of the articles, f«r which conipen
fation shall be claimed.
1 he privilegs is to be anderllood tobereferved
to the United Status of requirirg, that none ot the
supplies which may be any of the
proposed contrails shall lie itfueJ, ujitil the sup
plies which have or may be furni9i;d under ca
ttails new in force have been consumed. and that
a supply in advance may he always required at any
of the fixed pods on the Sea-bard or fndian frcn
tiers, not exceedifig three months.
Secretary of IVor
f tif July
March *4
Opposite to tbe Public Square.
11l tlat handsome and airy spot, there are jufl
ndw ready 'TO LET,
4 or 5 New Houses.
r V I HI* situation lor pleasantness #f the profpcA
X of trees and herbage, and its extenfi\'e tho
roughfare ot Irefh air, it d'enisd equal i£ not fu
peribt' to any other, that it as convrtiient to the
trwling part« of the town—The water is excel
lent, perhaps the pure and whole-Tome that is
to be met with in the city. Perfous inclined tc
rent will plcafe to maka early application at the
Office No. 96, Arch ilreet, Or about the preniifes
July 1 • ft
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM York Town on the ajd inft. JAMES
HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the 16th
kegimer.t, and since entitled as a Serjeant in the
Marine Corps, of the following description. *.
He is abovt five feet iii inches high, brown hair
and fair cotnpl xion He is an aSive fellow and
brags muck of his abilities as a DHU Serjeant
He has been lately seen in Lancafler, and is'pro
bably with his Iriends, who live about 4 miles
from that place.
The above reward will be given and all expen
ces paid, on delivering him to any officer in the
service of the United States, or lodging him in
Adjutant Marine Cirps.
Philadelphia, June 30. daw.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti
more, on the loth inft. a lijtht coloured
negro man, who calls himfclf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD 1 He is about 34 years of age,
about 5 feet g inches high, neat in hisdrefs, and
has a good suit of hair. Had on, wheu he
went away, a good beaver hat, a ftiort jight
grteri cloth coat, edged with -. ellow, and yel
hnfr' gilt buttons —a light buff caflirner, double
breaded waiftcnat, a pair ■ I-dark olive colour*'
ert thickfett pantal. oris—a white linen ihirt,
white ribbed cotton ft..ckings, aiid a good pair
ot Iboes with firings He took with him a
dark bh.e coat, a pair of olive cafflmcr panta
looh*, and a light corduroy pair of breeches;
alf"< a gold or pinrhSeck watch, with a steel
chain. He 1 is fond of fyii'itotls liquors, is inso
lent, hat a Cupid look, and chews tobacco. —
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thoma? by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends fiid and le
cutes him in any jail so tkat the owner may
g«t him again, (hall receive the above reward,
with reifonable charges if brought hom?, or de
livered to Jofhui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may 1 dtf
Twenty Dollars
DESERTED from thu Ma ine Bariackson the
Bth infant, the follovriog Marines, viz
JOHN STEEL, born near Brandy Wine in
Cheller county, by profeflion a Tailor. He i« 35
years of age, five feet eight inches high, grey
eyes, light In-own hair,thin visage and fallow-com
plexion—had on a round hat, brown silk coat,
nankeen breeches, and other decent cloathing.
Frederick Fry, born in Germany, but came
to America very young, about thirty Ox
of age, five feet seven Inches high, Hazle eyes,
Black Curly hair and very brown complexion
had no Uniform on—He was lately a Soldier
in General Waynes Army at F> rt Detroit
The above reward will be paid, or Ten Dol
lars for either, and all expences, on delivering
them at the Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, or
to any Officer in the Service of the United
Adjutant Marine Corps.
Philad. July 11, iSeo. daw
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two haedfome dwelling
fcoufes, wiW excellent flawing for seven horfet,
double coacVhoirfb mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful and valuabl* garden richly filjed
witji choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, aimoft n*fc. The premifas are beautifully
situated near the middle of tSermantown, fur
roundrd with rich profpsdU of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of Ihout two acre>, with a
handfomc lawn at ths back of the houle.
One house has been recently built or an appro
ved plan ; 'the'other ha« been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a store in
either the dry or wdt good line
"li* .air and w ater are lkd, and there are
some mod excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Prmt'er, or of
Mk. potter,
May 9. dtf
Landing from the skip America, Walte.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
And for sale nr
Souchong, Ift &ind quality,
Caper souchong,
Young hyfrn,
Hyf.n, ill & ad quality,
Yellow & white nankeens
Lutcftrings, back & color'd (In Boxes
Siiifiiawi do. f aIT 1 ted,
Sattins do. •. , J
Lutestrings, maz. blue & dark green .
Si:-:ihau>s d# ft"
Perfi.m taffetas, dark green J oxes.
Tbey have also on band for sale, received bv
the lju arrivals from Europe, isfe.
1 Infmallpack
Striped and checked ginghams i ages afTmed,
White figured & color'd Mui- | calculated for
linetts ]»the Weft-ln-
White COriltd dir.ities I dia market &
Color'd silk, Itriped Nankeent j entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoe»,
5 do. do.
3 Balesfeine twine (Entitled to
10 Cases English China ware,
in tea fettg J
6 Caflts mineral black r
1 do. white,
10 do. colcnther,
3 Calks purple brown,
35 do. nails afT rted,
I 9 do. London porter in bottles,
Fnglifh fail canvass No. I, a & 3,
Kuffia duck,
.27 Boxes white Havannafugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira
Empty wine bott|e«,
16 Gu.os k 6 prundert,, _
it do. 9 dd.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, 8(C.
ilo,tcclb>. Ceribdii coffee, rft
quality to
jo,ooolbs hhw k pepper C drawback,
ao Logs ebo, y J
Miy a ?. m&w tf
'ttis Day Vubtiibeii
By J. Ohmuod, No, 4t, Chcfnut Street,
(Price 1$ Cents)
Death of General WaJhinvtoH.
lit imitation Of the manner of Offian.
By Rev. John JjJ. Linn, A.M.
Minister of\he First Presbyterian Coucregitior.
Mr. Chiudron'a Oratitn will be [publifhec
on Monday morning.
M.rch ij. " d»
Of the Ship Criterion', B WicVes, fen. com
mander, ftom Bengal,
epxsisrisG of
A complete allortment of
SUGARS of the firft quality,
ro*- sali br
No. 41, Peun-ftreet.
May 5. dtf
At Beck's Wharf \ the next b iozv Market St.
Jamaica Spirits
Also, a few Hogsheads of
At No. 17, South Water Street.
July 3. diw.
LYING on the Votomac River, ceunty of N»r
thumlicrlaiid, state of Virginia; containing
about 1400 acre* —its situation isequal toany o'her
in the.Northern N'ck, icmarkable for ev«ry kind
ol wii [fowl, oyflers, fifh and crab, and none bet
ter for health. It i< about the fame distance from
Baltimore, Alexandria and N'orfolk, ana not more
fhln one days fail from either. Thsre are three
impr-ved plantations with dwelling houses, the
one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former
ly th- refidentt of col. John Gordon, is an elegant
two ftdry brick house, with four rooms on a floor,
and a paflVee sixteen feet wide
Vhe other two are commodious and convenient
ly fitted; with g>od and suitable mit huuft* atofie
ot which J"hn Murphy Esq. (n >w of Weftmore
land county) lived several years ;on this farm there
is a g'od grift mill, with water fulficient to turn
any number of flones ; alfe eonvenw'it store hou
ses and granaries on a public road, wellfituated
for a country store. On each of those places there
are fine apple and peadh orchards. The greater
proportion of the land is cf the fir ft quality, and
near the half of the ,whoip heavily timbered. The
terms may he knownhy applying to Wm. P. Tebbs
Baltimore, Voufliee G. Tebbs, esq. of Richmond
county, Virginia, or to ThornMurgatrojd and
Sons, Philadelphia.
Fell. 3taw
WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump,
&c. Sec. The vhole containing I j acres,
situate cn the Wifahicon road, between the
third andfoonh miie ftone —May be purchased
on reasonable terins.—Two third# of rhe pur
chase nvney may remain {secured on the pre
inifes and on ir.tercft) during three years.
No. 1241 South F.iarth-flreet, the S«b
---fcriht-r, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the
premifts, or at 'N' l 45. Walnnr-fifeet.
June 13. mwf cf,
II, 1800.
PUBLIC NOTICE if hereby'given, in p«r
fuance of the ad of Congrel*, pallid on
the firft day of March, on# th ular.d eight
■ undred, intituled "An adl in addition to an
'<sl, intituled, an ail regulating the giants o(
land appropriated for military I'ervices, andrar
the Society of the United brethren for propa
gating the Gospel among the Heathen," a» fol
lows t
ift. All the fraflional parts of th« quarter
town£hip« adjoining to the Indian boundary line
of the tradV of land referred to in hid
except the fradtional quarter tewnlhips num
ber four in townfllip r,umber seven of range
number twenty : Also, all the-fradioi:al partj
of the quarter townships adj .ining to (he river
Scioto, except the quarter tcwrj/hlps number
one a»d four, in townlhip number/>ne of range
number nineteen ; the quarter townihips num
ber two and three -f towrifh p number three,
in range number aineteen ; and the quarter
townfliipa Yumber trie and four in townfhiji
number Jive, of range number twenty ; toge
ther with the fifty quarter townlhip herea>fte'i
dcfrr.bed, are refcrved to 'be located, for the
>rijjinal holders of warrants granted for mili
tary lcrvices, or their heirs, in lots of one hun
dred acres, pursuant to the a«£l above recited.
ad; The following sadefcViptionofthefifty
quarier townlhips referred to in the preceding
artiile and wh'ich were dcfignated by lot in-tha
prt-fence of the Secretary ef War, pursuant to
■ "i A above recited
?=" I
| •>,<> jhow recited •
so> Ka- Sj S /Si -S: '■© {
a 2 p o 2 v- ft 2 -1
«S § tS' § <
n <0 Qi* fj Co c <2,1 J
J- S- 2- 3 0 s <
■-2-' a tj-' a ' 3
. ;:—-- —° : : : ,' 1
I'j r 3 | 6 2 1 TO 1— 2 1
82 62 3 4
84 7 3 81
tto 1 8 211 6 1
223 83 Si*
3 4 7 4 2 13 8 -4
5 1 6 1 IJ I 3
5 3 7 2 2 2
382 11 1 7 3 |
71 2' 3 ! 7 4]
72 4 3 '6 2 4 a
84 S » 34c
4 4 3 7 3' 6 1; 1
«o 3 93 7 2^
5339» 3 7 4 i
7>7417 7 4 v
9 3 9 4 J
s *d All the lands in each of the above fil'fv 1
1 3d All the Unds in eich of the above fifty
quarter townfhipt, and in the fra<sllonal parts
P quarter fiwr.fliips before described, hare
been divided upon the refpedlive plats thereof,
)• returned by the Surveyor General, into at
many sots of oae hundred acres each, as the
quantity such quarter townlhip or fraflinn is
ft;ted to contain Will admit, in the manner
pointed out and required by the above recited
4th. The plats divided as aforefaid info i©ts
of one hundr«d acres, Jre rfrpofited in tbe of
fice of theK«gifttr of the Treasury wheie the
locatfonsare to be made ; and upon surrender
ing the warrants wl)icb (hall be thus located,
patents will be iflueJ in the manner 2nd upon
the conditions prescribed by law.
Given under my hand at Philadel
phia the day and year ai'ovc
Secretary 0/ th Treasury,
april i». . diw —law 3m.
WIERF.AS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth
day of July >797 make an alignment of his
estate ana effects, to u» the fubferibers, for the he
ncfit of such of his creditor!, as Ihould on or before
the acthofSeptemier, 1757, eiecute to him a'fuli
and final, discharge-- No* thole of his creditors
who are entitled to a dividend tinder laid align
ment, ate rtquefled to .furnilh their Accounts oi
Samuel Meeker, with irjterefl calculated up to the
Bth day ol July, 1797, as a dividend will ahfolute
!y on the fir(L day of April next, and thoC
•vho negle.3 t» comply with this notice will th«re
after lie excluded from the benefit of the fame.
Philip Nicklin
Samuel Meeker
Nalb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Aflignees.
Pearson Hunt
J<fbn M. Taylor
Philadelphia, March 14 m&thtl.
And Owners of Stills.
WHEREAS by an adl of Congrefj, pafled
the Bth day of May '791, entitled,
" An a<sl concerning the dutt«s ou spirits distil-,
led within the United States," it is required of
all persons having or keeping a still, or Hills,
to make entry thereof, between the last day
of Miy and the firit day cf July in each year
under the penalty of two hundred and fifty
NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to all
difliillers, or owuers of stills, within the cky
and county of Philadelphia, to mike entry of
them at the office of Infpsflion, -at 49, North
Third flreet, in the city of Philadelphia, with
in the abovemcntioncd periods.
of the revenue of the first divisLn of the
first survey of the district of Pennsylvania.
June 6 ftf
MIS Sijvedilh Majefly's Consul General, and au
th r.'ic 1 to trartfaift the Confnlar Business,
for his Majesty the King of Dtnmaak iu the United
States of America, feeding at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience t" recent inftru&ioni received
from hi' go»erj)tne;it, it is the du'y of all Maiier?
of Swediin and-Damlh he-!or*th«ir tailing
from any port in the said States to call upor liim
or the Vice Cimiul, in' 6ft.-r to ' c granted such
Certificates for their Cargo?*, which the exigency
of the llate of.thr Neutt j1 Cvmr-.. rcc ani ijiefe
v< ral Decrets ef the Belligerent Powrrt, render'
iiidifpenlahly necefiary, and, that any Master < f
voffcis belonging to'the refpeftive nations, or na
vigating tnder the prute&ion of their flitgs i R
emitting to take such c«rtific<te9, will pcifonalfy
ft&nd refporiCMe for the consequences
Philadelphia, ißth Decern'. Ir, 1799.
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficUnt number of
the moil approved European Glaii. ■ '. nu
fuilurers, and having on hand a large Ibnk of
the l ielt Materials, on which their win kmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of aflbring
the public, that window jrlaf: of a fupeilo'r qua
lity and of any size, f'roti 7 by 9, to 18 by 24.
inches, carefully, packed in box#* containing
toe feet ea h, mav-be had at rhe fhortefl notice.
Glass of larger fizeij for other purpofrs, may
llfn .be hail, such is Kor pi.'lure«, coach glafTej,
:lr>ck fac*s, ftc li -ttles of all kinds and . f any
I'iantity may also be had, together with pocket
fldk«jpr(k.i" > {.jar«;'ap!>t*;e-a>7's fh-»p furniture,
LiWp .L ,UU . cent : , than .article • f the 'atpe quality
ACR'iITIPICATE of four hal ess the brought from any of the lea ports of he United
Bank of t! ic United States in the name o' 1 t-taties A libera l allowance will be.m/de on
Bifkham M Reefe, No 3,59", t«r the renewal faleof hrfceq> ati'itiev Order»fr m merchants
o'F which application is intended to be made at jnff rtthtrs Utll w pimffuatfy attended'to on ap
hefaid andall peifom concerned are de pp at m to' J. ME* (I'M vl£.\ ,<r ISAAC
ired to take notice. yR or at the Sfore'df-MrlTi« PRATIfBR
JAMES HEIVDERSON. and ;i lE, in 'Matlrei-Hreet, P.ttfbnrgb.
*'•' djin March.},
May I.
1000 Boxes heft marbled So.ip
80 Boks Sweet Oil, j Frm on Uardtht
100 Hall chefls LucCd Oil, Louisa,
7 Bales Papet,
Parmesan Chcefe,
300 Pises best Bordeaux Brandy,
%<So Hogfteads Claret superior quality,
70® Caie* i r. nch Sw<>rr Oil,
60 Cases Catherine Plumbs,
6 Caflt9 Prunes,
400 Boxes Capets, Olives, Anchovies and Cor
ios do. best aOorted Cordials,
DRY GOODS aff<,rted for the Well-India
marki t,
Claret in cases of afuperior quality,
London dry White lead, '
A froill invoic 6f Coffee^
6Sc 4 Poll'd Cannon, mounted.
Thomas Murgatroyd £s? Sons.
May [O. tuth&s tf
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY froiE iprrrg Forgo, in York
County a negro mari, named ISAAC, other
wise CtfDjO, about tl years old, the property
of Robert Coleman; Ffq. He "is about sfeet 8
inches high, ha- a Klemifh in his eyes, snore white
in them than common by <radea Fergeman; had
on and t&ok with him a drab tMowed brbad cloth
coat, alnvjft new a iailors j>cketand pantaloons*
Crinted cr.rd, a lwarvfcowp striped under
acket; a rorum bat; er.p. titfe and one coariei
fliirt' one muflir. hardkercbief. sprigged, two
ditto flriped bord r a lue.Pcrfien under jacket
»nd twr. prir cuttr.H (locking*. Wb/;e»cr tahesup
fai-' negro and lodges hitn ir. any jail in this or any
of th< lieigabouf ir>g ftatc (hall h?»e the abqve r*.
ward or ci;.e;ic. m' brought home.
Spring Forge, Oifloher J.?,1 799.
N B As f»id negro live! in Chester
couuty, ft is prpbsbli i e may r< am then.
Novepl' er '
BY a ducree of the High Court 61 L.ncery,
made in a cause. Jamjs J . -,' Man,
it 19 amotig other 'hingp referred to Wni. </raves*
E(q one of the ipaftiT'! of the/jiil t.otake >
an account of the Legacies be<ju..;.;h.»* by t e will
of th teflator, WILLIAM FHILLIfS. late oI
Newgate tlreet, London, deceafei'. an. -lib to in
quire and' ftite to t!.e cour' whether Francis
James, the brother ot the C' mpjainaat's named a»
one of the Legatees in the fai! wy lis dead,' anfj
whether he dicil 111 the tit« timV oi 'the teffator \*
Therefore all porfons wh , can give any i forma
tion whether the said Francis J.mes t - Uviog or
dead, and it living where'lie nt.\»' refi< e* I r last
rfcfided, and when and at'what {-late, ari»i when
and where he was
and wbtrejie diejj, ;re h* recjueiled I'.ivS
fiuh information tw tiefiid Graves,3£fqt
at hi.- effic.: in Saatliafttp on Building", Chancery '
X.aiie, London, >r before the fir;: ciay i t March
nexjt otherwiic- he wul he cxeiucUd She benefit of
the faiifd'ecree
Th« fai! Franci« |ame> was J'orr. at Ar near
Kidwelly, in the cour.'y of Caeir:v hm,,aiid if
living, is jlbout the age f thirty '.cut ju&ri, and
about the. year 1779, ma! at< rer.iafi an on hoard
th: Miifcrd, a merchant ftiip, ' r gnig 1 '
por of Br.ftol, failed tbr Jamaica .0 Septem
ber, 478.". attcrvrard.i he to " riilol,
an In"N»v4ttibi-i, t?Bi, w« jircfled it King
road, BriCol, and frtit on h< ar . ihe king's fiigate
called 'h" Di m»iie, m which he tail d Irrm rlj
mouth *n a cruile and on of which he as»
terwards J ecame a quarter gunner and drfwttd fuld'ftip at Charlelloti U;:r n NOl h-America
in September 1781.
Should any p rfun in the United States of Ame
rica, 1 e enabl d to givj jnio mat lon of the above
named Francis James, wfitthcr livir:g or di ad, they
are requefled to eommui icate the fame to DAVIB
A OODKN, No. 69, Stone street, New Y ik.
£5" The printers throughout the, United State*
ate requeflco to } wlilii the above,
afcril 18-
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN by the name of tlic Bnoneton Iro»
Works, fitnati? in the coutity of Morris in the
(tat* of New-Jtrfey, conGPJrjg ot a forge with
four sirs«, a Rolling arid Slitting Mill a Grill mill
with two Hun of fiene«, and Saw ri.iH aUingood
or.ler u>d n»w in ufc, together with an -itcllcnt,
Urge, <ind convenient house, with out- of
every kind ; among which are in Ice bouse, and
ftoric milk henfe, with a remarkable Brie faring in
it, a large Garden, and at; excvtlent «ollc>Sion of
Fruit, a large COrckard, and 2500 a- res <»f wood,
paMire and arable land, and a great uum v cr of
store.l and workmen's houses Immediate; oir.-flio*
will he given of huufee and (lores lutfiii tit for
providing (lock the prefei.t winter, and polTefCoii
i>f the whole jn thefpnng.
F )f,xerm? •nqujro.of David B Oyrden at New
ark, mr Peter Mackie in Nrw-Yom, mr. David
Ford in Morris ' own, or m. fir 3. Jato!- and Hich
ard Fasfch on t&epremifct.
January 1:
J Lancaster stages'
r PHE Proprietors ot the Philadelphia and Lan
1. carter line of Stages 1 ISPtiTCK, rstuin their
i/ratrfu! thanks to their friends ard tfcc public in
general, for the pad favors ttey hive received and
inform them that in addition to theregalar l.ioo,
they are provided with Carriages sober and car ful
drivers, to go .through between the City and
Borough i» two day t. Thole who prefer this ./.ode
■i travailing can be accommodated at tke
Office, sign of United States Eaglv, Market flteet»
Slough, Downing, Dunivnody Ut Co*
Alev. 30. zt —J
"glass manufactory.
' ' 'r
•* I 4
► it- ..1
\ > .• '