Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 23, 1800, Image 2

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    (o*TlSf •f.tM 'if
Rtcrited by lk~ Firtj-, /ruia London,
B \S:,r, May J"
Prifoneis it' war continue ;o pafj iy in
great mithher, and without interruption'.
The number of already taken, finee
the op>-n ; ng "of the cv.npaign, is estimated
a: 17 ff©o. It >s moreover confidently af
ftrtvd, tiilt tti,eir exiih an embvyo of rebel
lion in the AiiftViah arniy, and that it daily
swells into raa^rittgdc*: Two Hungarian
regiflrentf, have lately declared that they
wuukl no longer ta-fee a part in tlm field ot
battle, because, as they observe, inauTpi
cious -beginning's; the troops are unable to
re<aflure anil re-ellablilh th-inf Ives. It also
appears that there is fotne dtf agreement a
mdiig the gelieiaJs.
Feldkitch, of wh'ch the French are now
in pyffeftior, is the key of Granbtmdlen, al
the Tyrol, smj trf the Rheinthal ; during
the l:ift campaign it'firnily re/iiled the reite
rated attack of MaifeiU. The French have
advanced towards Ci-oir-, immense maga
zines were taken *at Feldkrrch ;'at Bregentz,
a large quantity of -provifiOrts of every kind
•fell into the li. nds of the Fr'nch. After
the taking fit' B'egentz, the Auftrians re
tired to Langezargen with fotne pieces of
artillery ; but the next day the French at
ta ked tl is important p >ll, and carried it.
Tiiof- who came to reconnoitre the country
laid down their arms and retired. The
fame took place in the V >ralberg.
JVtay s6
General Mnncey has olficially announced
to tlie Helvetic, government, that a body of
?5/oeo men, which have arrived in Switzer
land by the route of Schaffhaufen and Basle,
are to p;;fs by the St. Gothard to march
towards Belli naon?, and Lugano in the Mi-
Janefe ; that Fcldkirch was in the hands cf
the French, and that 'lie greater part of the
Grifof.s had been evacuated by the Auftrians.
All the hanks of the Lake of Constance are
it) the hands of the French ; the trade and
the tiatigatiwn - are entirely free. The ex
dircftmsy La Harpe and Secretin, had an
audience of the chief conlul at Lausanne,
and made important proportions to him re
ceding the Helvetic government.
. AUGSBURG, May to.
The corps of prince R. use is Hill at Ren
ti ; his patr;'lei sre puflird on as far Immen
ftadt. The fortreft of Kuflein is supplied
with frovlfiolis. General jellachich and
General Auflfeiiberg have stationed 5000 men
to guard the frontiers of the Ty/01, towards
the Vc.ralberqh. Gin. Hi'.ltr has his head
quarters at Cuire ; he is entr.ufted with the of the Grifons ; he is to act in con
cert with the corps of Gen. Dedouvith in
JiaJv. '
The citrlsrens ot Ulm have been dire&ed
to take every thing that is combuflible trou>
th* roofs erf their hr.uses, and there is no
doubt thit the Auftrians expert that city
to he immediately bombarded. On the I ith
the French nitroles were puiliecf »n as far
as Minclelheiin. In the evening, after a
fkirmifli {t K'-untbiich, some cf :he French
were made pr fnner«. A corps under the
coibipand of Gen. Vandamme, was yester
day in the environs of Mindel, and is fup
p<.ftd to bs march nar ag. itjfl .Bijruan. A
dreadful cannonade ha? heen heard this day
in the dnertion of U'ro. The Auftrians
have ftronzly entrenched G isflingen and the
road to Ulm.
Aliouft -all the prirces, nobility and pre
lates of ..iiaiia l ave 3rd jipart of them have
f juplit refuge in Germany, a-i.d part of the in
in France. Irrmenfe nunbers are daily
flying-. hy H idenheim to Anfpach, frem
Ulm, Ribeiath ai'd Mennningen.
Letters from Ingolftadt announce that a
corifiilcraMe flipplv of ammunition, provi
sions ..i d military ftures, had reached that
It seems to be perfedlly wtll ascertained
that there exists some feed of rebellion in the
Austrian army. Two Hungarian regiments
whom gen. Kray had charged with some
very dangerous service, have refuftd to obey,,
alledging the inipoffibility Hun>; [. y was un
der of fumilhinga fufficient number of re
cruits to replace them in cafe fhould
prove unfnccefsful. They likewise oblerv
cd that they were ready to serve the Era
per .r with their I ves and fortunes in all
wari against the Porte, which nearly i'ltertft
their country ; but that th£ war which they
were now carrying on was wholly unconneft
ed with thtfe interests. Gen. Kray feeing
lie was unahle to gain over their refinance,
resolved upon having recourse to force, and
ordertd thim to be surrounded. The Hun
garians then formed thetrfelveg into a fqnare
and declared they would periih fooucr than
yield. Gen. Kray more advife
able t'.» withdraw his order than to persist in
it : but the next diy he incorporated these
regim rt« wih other corps. A similar
fctne lately took place at Ulm ; the Anf
tiUA tioopl exprcfl'ed the greatest repug
nance to the further continuance of the war.
JCitraA of a letter from the Head-
Quarters of Babenha*fe», May 17
" It appeared that the enemy did not
mean to guard Ulm, but merely to throw
a garrlfon into that fortrefs. They have
cha ped their plan The wing of the ar
ray of the Rhine which was to have march
ed to Augfti'irgh* remains in the environs.
It will soon come to an engagement, in
wKich the right wing wifl probably have no
star;. They have begun to levy contribu
tions, which have fcrved to discharge part
of the pay of the army. The bell nr.eans
luvt beca taken Jo prevent this money from
1 . • ,
beirg embezzled, a;id appropriated topij
vate uses."
May 75.
According to the lall advics from the
army of the Rhine, of the 19th of May,
(he head quarters of MorcaU were at Dil
roefingen, .11 e place which he occupie ! af
ter the famous retreat which has immortal
ized thit gene al. The Auftriansdefert in
such num'iers, that a victory more would
entirely diflolve their army. Although it
isfaid the Eleilor of Bavaria ia fending all
his troops againll the French it is thought,
however, that he under andshis iritereft too
well to aft so. A letter frcrn the head
quarters of the army of the Rhine announ
ces, that Sztarray, after having attacked,
with a ;hree foil superior force, gen. Su
zanne -who blockas?s U.lm 011 thtf left, has
been rep'llffd wi(}i very great Iwfs. The
Trench are IfiH eucamped round Ulm, It
is sut ksovtrn that there will be an engage
ment there.
We are informed that the French array
is extending itfelf more and more upon the
left in fn nt of Ulm. The division «f Le
grand, tho' re u'.fed on the i6tb,advanc d
anew on the 17th, bending its course by
the road which leads from to
Ulm. The pUn of General Moreau ap
pears to be to turn Ulm on this fide, and
particularly the Fruenberg. His head
quarters were in the night of the 11 th and
18th at Schelktingen.
Since the 12th several more French de
tachments have pal Ted to Tuttliogen. On
the 16th arrived there sixty carriages laden
with ammunition from Kehl, and which j
were escorted by three thousand men. The :
ammunition will be sent to Mofkirch and
Riedlinjen, from be forwarded
to the Danube. The traops will take the
route of Engen and Schaffhaufen. on their j
road for Zurich, from whence they will
probably pas« into Italy.
The division of general Lorge, belonging
to the army of Moreau, has also the fame
dedication. It was expe&cd on the :9th
at SchafDiaufen. We from the latter
place, of the date of the 15th, that the !
Frerch troop* which ascended the eastern
ba'.ks ef the Lake of Coiiltance, arrived on
the 12th at L'ndau. They joined near ,
Helonnkirch those which were in the Rine- ]
thai: After having pofleffed themselves at o> the vell'tls which composed the
fleet of Colonel Williams, they direfted their
course towards Allgau.
The two cmmandant3 of Hohenweil,
General Dilfinger, and Lieutenact Gene
ral Wolf, arrived here some days ago. An
aid:-camp has fignilied to them that they
were arretted, and two grenadiers have been
stationed at their gate; their l'words have
been taken from them. Wolf ha 3 said, in
his j'lftificati'in, that when Hohenweil wa3
;urreudercd, it was besieged by 16,000
French troops, who were on the point of
commenting the aflault ; that farther ,he
had ftipuhted that at the peace this for
trefs (hall hr given up to Wirtemberg ; and
all that the riches iour.d in it ftiall be giv-'
cn up to its owners.
May 36.
A letter received here yesterday from
head quartern brings intelligence of a very
warm aftion which has taken place neir
! Ulm. Ge:>ral Sattarray ataked general St.
: Sur.anne, wliofe corps invellcd the fortrefs
!of Ulm. His troops though very superior
: in number, were rcpulfed with eonfiderable
1 loss. We exped the details of this engage
ment to-morrow.
/'ntlhtr letter.
A» soon as Moreau heard of the check
experienced ob the 26th by general Le
grand, in the valley de la B'aw, he detach
ed numerous reii torc r anrnts to hit left "ing
On the ] 7th that wing, commanded by St.
Suzanne, advanced to gain poffefilon of
Geifslingen, where tf*tarray had drawn a
confidcrable force. From the 20th to the
■lt there wa a bloody combat, at the end
of which St> Suzanne obliged Sztarray to
retire under the walls of Ulm. St. Suzan
ne, has commenced the blockade of Ulm,
on the left bank of the Danube.
An Austrian detachment has repaired to
Stutgard, from whence it proceeds againit
H chingen.
Moreau approaches Ulm on the right
bank of the danube. We ejyjeft the news
of his having battle to Kray.
HAGUE, May 2+.
To-morrow all the primary aflembliea
are to meet, to proceed to the new eleftion
of the legiflati®e body,
It is looked upon as very probable that
the diie&qr, who is to fttcceed citizens Van
Spaan. Van Steenwyk, Van de Keheele,
and Leibhetr.
P \ RIS, May 30.
An Alierican frigate placed by the por
er ment of the United States at the dispo
sal of their ministers pleuipoten iary,|iaß en
tered the road of Havre. A French pilot
was sent o» board to condufit T>er into the
harbour ; b'-t as late as the 24th (he rema.n.
Ed in her former anchorage.
Yelterday peace was the order of the day,
and nothing was heard but wilhes of peace.
Undoubtedly a peace cannot arrive too f <on
—but in trie present posture of affairs, it
might be fuppofrd that the Auftriam would
be the firft to talk of it.
Office of the Minister of War•
The chief of the general ftaff of the army
of Italy writes to the minister of war from
Nice, under date 10th May.
" I have the honor to inform you of tbt
agreeable intelligence which I ha»e this
morning received from general Mass na
" Io the night of the 3d and 4th, tfci
general wade a sortie on Volt' i, completely
defeated the epemy, and took from thsm
lSco prisoners; in that of the 4th and sth
Joco, which added to the that he
had before taken, gives a total of 11,890
" His refou,rce in provisions are fee urc d.
He is besides perfectly seconded by the in
habita ts of Ge.'oa, who are in the best dif
pofiiii'n toward him.
" The minister at war has been informed
from other quarters, that, the cicy of Genoa
was vidudled for thirty days on the 15th
May, and that different supplies continued
to reach him, ,•
" A copv, certified to be conformable.
(Signed) CARNOT."
It is evident on the one hand, that the
army of referee pursues its march with suc
cess, and on the other, that Genoa will
hold ou,t "longtft;. than is neceffa,ry to re-esta
blish tfif fa rtivje of our arms in Italy while
Moreau ki*eps in check and de'eats the Im
perial forces in Germany , we receive intel
ligence that he is marching against AugC
burg, leaving U!m blockaded.
General Defaix, n a letter addressed to
the mii.iftcr at war, dated ihe Lazaretto off
Toulon, 15 Floreal, May 5, givet the fol
lowing details :
" He set out from Egypt on the J 2th
Vent< fc lad (March 3) afie. having nego
riated with the Grand Vizier, by order of
General Kk ber, for the evacuation of E
gypt by the French army. He was accom
panied by General Davouft, arid several of
ficers of the ftaff and commiflar es at war.
On the 10th Germinal they were flopped
by the Dorothea English frigate, and (coo
duded to lord Keith at Leghorn, where
they performed quarantine. Admiral Keith
authorized by his governmei t havifg given
order* for their being fufitred to fail, they
embarked on the ioth, and "entered Toulon
on the 13th in ft. (May 3 )
" The. cqmmiffary Michaux, in a letter of
the fame day, announces that he has appri
zed the commiflioner'of the marine at 1 cu
l'-n of .the fperdy arrival of 900 wouoded
men, , under tlie care of general Fougicres.
Several letters written fromCaiio to th« mi
ni niilcr, by the commissioner Daure, have
been transmitted to thair deilination by the
commissioner Michaux.
" One dated from Cairo, 25 Pluviofe,
(Jan. ij) fays, that the army of the East
consists of 18,«oo infantry, 2000 cavalry,
3CCO artillery, and 10CO miners ; to this
number must be added >OOO officers of the
fiaff and other individuals attached to the
army. The commiffijner thinks, that on
account of the small number of vcffcls at his
4 fpofa!, there will not be above 4 or 500
horses embarked.
" Another letter from Cairo of the fame
date, fays, that the plague'had maoiftfted
hfelf in the corrfe of the year, in the hof
pifals at Alexandria, Uofetta and Damietta,
but that it had carried off only about 50.
Bern, May 12.
s In a letter ftom general Lecour eto ge
neral Moncey the former (fates that in the
battle of Stdckach 1 , there were 15,000 kil
' led on both tides, and that 8,000 Auftriaus
were taken priToners. The town of Stcc
t kach, tnagazi. es, and a confidcrable artil
j lery are in our power. The Auttrian army
is in full retreat to Ulm, to which we a*
advancing to give them a last battl*.
[Signed] LECOURBE.
LONDON, June 1.
Report fays, that all the fcnglilh in RuflSa
are held as hoflages for the return of the Impe
rial troops from the Mlands of GuemlVy and
A ferment prevails among the inhabitants of
the Duchy >f Wjnemberg One half of that
country is occupied. hy the French , at he de
parture of the l ift p. ft, however, they had not
arrived as Stulgar'!.
The City ot Schafhaufen was obl'ged to pay
to the French a contribution of 710,000 livres.
From tUi free Ic.perial eity oI Überlingen,
they'exacted a coctri! ution of j.>coo florins.
At Hohentweil, the French toui.d 33 brafi
guns, 3 morar», 4000 /».ulkets, ic,c _ o pounds
of powder, 1 configurable quantity of fl>"ts,
koß>b (hells,'' nils, grenadees,aoco caflta of flour
anil many othei ft ores.
From the rich Abbeys in Germany, the kigh
eit contributi. ns are exatfed I'y the French.
The frse Imperial city of Mfmmingen was
obliged to pay to the French a ren ribution of
90,000 florins. *
An article from Confintinop'e, dared March
30, fays, the Graod Admiral of the P rte will
fai about the middle of April, with 14 (hips
of war and io.oco men for and Sy
ria. '
As (con 3s tranquility and wrder shall he re
ftrrid in Egypt, the Grand Vizier will pro
ceed agaisft the ptcha of Acre, who w.lhes to
render hiinfelf in lepender t of the Porte. A
great reward is set up. n his head.
Prince ltalifkni. Court .*uwor< w Rimniftei,
has been confirmed in his efcara&rr of Cham
berlain, at the Court of Fe'eifcurgh, wh cli he
held prevk ua to his leaving Raflia with tkearmy.
-• ■ j .}'
The {ollowing letter was delivered on Mon
day at 'St James'* Palace, by a poor man,
who said he travelled a number of m.les
for the purpefe of serving Hia Sovereign,
and to inform him of a great Seeret.
London, May 24, 18 o
May it please your hijjhnefs to forgive
my freedom, I 2m comedo disclose to your
bighnefs a great ficret. which 1 believe is
to be fulfilled in a short time, which if not
suddenly prevented, I am afraid that our
•awt and religion and all will be turned to
ru»:» f which I pray GOD to prefcrve them,
and crown oui,King wi h peact at h<|ne ai.d
viftory abroad. 1 hope your highness will
not retufe me your preience, for I am comt
above one hundred and sixty miles on pur
pose to disclose to you ; I you will
txcufe my bad writing, ibr it is the fiift I
ever wrote.
I am bow waitisg at your gate to hear
an answer trom you, and so no more at pre
fect from your loyal fubjefih
(iuperfcribed) '• King George «-
his Royal Palace, London. With speed."
The Ratilbon Mercury announces, that
general Kray is drawing his forces towards
the Tyrol, to succor Xt.'.ly.
The Gazette of Auglburg Rates, that
prince Reufs is going ta Irifpruck, to de
niajid succors from the governor of Tyro!,
for the defence of that country.
We are affined tliat the negociation with
the miriifters of the United States of Ame
rica, at Paris, are advanping rapidly to an
amicable conclufioii.
June 4.
The Hamburg mail due this morning, ar
lived jufl as this paper was about to be put
to prels. It brings accounts of the advan
tages obtained by the Auftrians over the re
publicans in Italy, which the Landon Ga
zette Extraordinary of Sunday lafl stated,
A letter from Roveredo, ftatts, that the
capitulation with Maflcna was already fofar
advanced, that the Imperialists were expe&ed
to enter Genoa on the 15th ult.
From Ulm we learn, that the Imperial
army in that quarter was informed, in gene
ral orders, of the Auftrians having entered
Nice on the ilth, and that Genoa had be
gun ta capitulate on the 13th.
From Stutgard, undei date of the 23d,
and from Gunzburg, under that of the 21ft,
we learn that the French, after unfuctefsful
fighting, had entirely withdrawn the
Blauthal. They had retreated a confidera
! le way towards B'berach and Memmingen j
and the Auftrians were again at Ehingen.
Ten in the evening.
On the 7th instant, a decisive battle was
fought between Ceva and St. Lorenzo, in
which the French were totally defeated,
with the loss of 19 piece«of canson, and
120■: prifoners-mong them were 157 offi
cers and the General of division Gravel
On the Bth the Imperial head quarters were
at Porto Maurizio.
Soon after thin engagement, the Colonel
di Tends was also taken by the Imperiali'lts,
who took four piecei of cannon, 'and made
2 • ptifoners.
On the 9th the Imperial head quarters
were at St. rfteffano. Aftei these fuccefiVs,
the Imperial army took [oUt-ilion of the
whole principality of Ooeglia, and advanced
againll Nice.
General Elfnitz has also defeated the en
emy, and the French general Suchet has
rttrcated behind the entrenchments of
Nice, with the whole of his army.
The blockad- of Genoa becomes closer
everyday. Jtisfaid, that and day,
Mass na holds two (hips in readiness to cf
fed his escape, but the Engiifh lufLrno vef
fel to pass, and frequently make prizes.
It is laid that the 13th halt" brigade of
Cil'alpine treops at Nice had been difarnsed
for having made an attempt to march to the
territory on the coaW of Genoa.
General Tukafiovich has already entered
Switzerland by way of Mount St. Gothard :
hii hend quarters are at-Airola, on the fron
tiers of the Canton of Uri, his advanced
potts penetrating as far as tJrferrn, On the
frontiers of Dauphine we are only 12 miles
from Briancon. «
The necefTary measures have been taken
for the fiepe of the citidel of Savona. The
French commandant informed the magis
trates of the city, that, if it was not evacu
ated by the Auflrions in hours, be had
orders to set it on fire. In cf
this, gtneral St. Julien apprised bim, that
the infamy of that horrid ailion would en
tirely fall on him, and that, as the citidal
would be obliged speedily to surrender, he
and his garrison would be made responsible
1 for every caTafnrty that he fhduld bring on
1 the city of Savona.
Trtvisc. May 11.
The day before yefh'rday Joo cavalry and
60c grenadiers, from the co*ps of Conde,
arrived here with a train of artillery. To
day they were preparing to march to Padua,
when fuddttily counter-orders were received,
! and they diredied their march to Corne
Letters from Bologna flat?, that the Im
perial regiment Strafaldo is expt fted in that
city, from Ancona, on its Way to Leghorn,
Fior.ticrs cf Italy, Maj 18.
A confidenible body of Auftriifis is fla
tiotied near Aofta, toobferve the ruovt merits
of the French in Savoy and the -Valais.
General Vukuffovicb, it is said, has penetra
ted into Switzerland by wwy ef Mouilt St.
Gothard. On the approach o£ the Anflri
i ans, the French fuddetily removed ih'tir ma
gazines and hospitals.
Tie city of Leghorp has voluntarily sent
a large supply cf provisions to the corps cf
the Imperial army blockad ng Geroa.
Sivalna, May aj.
The expedition which the Imperialists
have undertaken from Italy, againfl the fourh
of Switzerland, to the canton of Urj, obli
ges the French to fend reinforcements thither
ti om Suabia, to prevent the Irnperialifls fre'm
occutsying Switzerland in their rear. From
the Grifon country, the Austrian troops also
penetrate farther into Switzerland.
slntilet May 15.
The Auftriatis have evacuated Nice.—-
' hiy entered the city on the 6th, ai three
in the afternoon, We are again upon the
Var, the ancient boundary c f France Yes
tt rday morning we were again attacked by
four battalions of grci aditr , three of Pied
montefe, two reg!mer,t» cf Hungarian hul
! fars, ariiJ a Urge body of Irregular cavalry.
The rain fell in torrents and the wind drove
it irt our faces. llocham'tau commanded
us, and the defence of the bridge was en
trusted to him. The enemy was completely
repulfrd ; they loft a great, many in killed,
left ,150 prisoners in our hands, the
mod of whom arc men of rank. In the e*
venirg we learnt that General Melas had
arrived at Nice. the. day before,, with from
ten to twelve thousand men. . We expe&etf
a freffi attack this morning, and as our out
pofls touched those bf the enemy, we palled
the night uaderarms. Tb our utter aft«ni(h
ment we saw the Auflrian columns file off
through the mountains on the road to Corn".
Thi; precipitate retreat can only be occa
sioned by the motions of the artry .of re
serve. We have no intelligence from Maf
j fena, who seems to be Hill blocked up in
i V
ULM, May 21.
Our apprehensions of a bombardment of
this city by the French, have vanished. The
French begin to withdraw from tlit-ir peti
tions in our neighbourhood, and are follow
ed by the linper.alifh.
The divrfion of Lorge and other troop*
have been detached from Mofreau's army to
reinforce the army of reserve under general
The Imperial armyin Suabi* now amounts
to i®c,«oo men, is particularly strong in
cavalry, and has a capfiderable number of
frefti troops.
JEtening. This morning; the army lias
been officially informed, in, general orders,
that on the litli instant our troops had en
tered Nice, *nd that on the 13th Genoi had
begun to capitulate.
1 his day the centre of «>ur army was en- J
gaged with the enemy, the advantage being
new an one fide then on the other. To
wards evening the roaring of cannon ap
peared more diftaat, which is confidersd as a
favorable sign.
Or the 21ft French had entirely with
drawn from the B1 iuthal, *nd not any of
them were seen it Bianbeuren on that day.
The pofiti<,n of the Imperial army be
comes every day more advantageous, gene
ral Kray's manoeuvres having induced the
French to withdraw ficm the environs of
Ulm. The c *rps of prince Hohenlshe ap
proaches from Kannftadt, and menaces their
flank. t
It appears that the left wing of the French
hitherto 011 the left banks of the Danube,
will form itfclf on the right banks of thai:
GUNZ3URG, May 21.
YeAtrday morning the French made an
other attack on the position of the Auf
trians, with a violent cannonade, towards
Solflingen. After fevfral fruitlefs attempts
to penetrate through the Biauthal, the ene
my were obliged to retreat about noon, lear
ing behind them many killed and wounded,
3rd nearly 160 prisoners. The Atiflrians
are again at Ehin^en.
From another correspondent.
The French begin to fee the impoffibilitjr
of gaining any advantage over the Irrperial
army.nt ai Ulm ; and to-d y they have ac
tually retreated a cenfiderable way towards
Biberjch and Memmingen. Gen. Kray's
head-quarters, it is thought, will be remo
ved from Ulm to Ehingen, in a few days.
The piffage between this place and Ulm is
entirely open and perlect)y secure.
This rromentTin expiefs '-arrived with the
very important, that Genoa had
had capitulated, and Nice had been ta
ken hy florn». Refprflilig'the capitulation
of Genoa we mufl wait futxher official
accounts. ftj
Letters from Ulm, .of the 21 ft, jufl re
ceived here (late, that the Imperial army is
rapidly advancing, cloTcly following the
French 011 retreat. Several engage
ments were fought on -be 19th and 20th,
In the environs of Blauheuren. which ter
minated in favour of the Auftrians.
„ fc*>.
TYROL, May 18.
The headquarters of general prince Reufs
ha*e again advanced From Reuty to Fut (Ten,
fmce there is no longer any necessity for
being closer to the frontiers of Tyrol. All
the pasTes are ftronply guirded by the militia,
and the whole of the arnißd peasants have
orders to hold themselves in readinels.
According to the last accounts, prince-
Rtufs will foot) commence cffenfive oper
ations, conjointly with the troops near Field
kirch and Chur.
BERN, M«t", >B.
The marching of French trcops through
the Vallais still continues. Operations w ill
be c.rried on in that c urtty and through
Savoy, again'ft Mount Cenis, at the fame
time. General M< pcty is now with the
aflive army, and Mor.chojfy commands ia
his room in the interior of Switzerland.
Yesterday the 17th and 30th half bri
gades of light treaps patted through Lu
cerne, the; lirperialius having advanced near
Mo unt St. Gothard. Front Hotl ind 4000
mep are, flwrtly expec\fd hi Switzerland.
The passes of the Grifon country, the
LOc enfkijr ar.d Chur, ace yet occupied by
the Imptrialifts, where they afe in great
rrce. ' '' *
II MoreaU had not obtained poflefllon of
so many magazines in Suabia, the French
4rmy in Italy would not htve been able to
li is now known, that thr general objett
t Camot's journey to general Moreau's
iead-q'uai'tf is hxS been to induce him to fend
ro oco men to the of general Berthier.
» I i »