Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 22, 1800, Image 4
TO BE SOLD, On WEDNESDAY *te sjd day of v 7 o'clock, P -i- at the Merchants' CotKe Hctic in 1 ft; eet, A Lot of Ground, C>ONT INING 3 acres, 4 perches and 5 loths, j, situate ' at the upper end of Germantown, oppolite to M.unt Airy, about 8 milea from the city. On which is ereited a .good conv, «.ent new ftor.e dwelliUg-houle, kitchen, piazza, &c. alio a good stone barn. It i-> an eligible fituition for a family who with to retire ir-the city daring the summer months. JOHN CONNELLY, /iu& r. ju'y.4 d " 70 HHDS. AND 36 BARRELS, or Prime Port-au-Prince SUGARS, And Twelve Tons Logwood, JUST aTr ved in th« Brig bufannah, Captain Smith, from Port.™ Prince, and (or sale by THOMAS KLTLAND. tot July 14 Just Arrived, AND FOll SALB By THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF tUS SHIP MJLADIiLPIIIA, Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Bcnga eonsisrruG of An iffortment of Piece Good*. £ugir« of the firft quality, And »oo qr- chefis of luperior quality Ilyfon Teas. Willings \sf Francts, and Thomas If John Clifford. March 17. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible EbTATE, CONSISTING of two handfomc dwelling toufes, with excell' nt ttahling for feveu hcrfe., double coaci-houfc mod completely fitted up ; a beautiful Urge and valuable gar'Jin richly filled •with choice fruit, surrounded with high hoard fer.ct, aiitioft new. The premifea are beautifully fi'aated near the Middle of Germanrow;,. sur rounded with rich profp.<s* of the adjacent country ; an orchard of a'..out two acrti, with a har.dfoir.c lawn at the back of the house. One houft haabecn recently built o» an mr pro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain t;n rooma with an elegant drajvxng-roam, fifteen feet by thirty- The new house is well calculated tor I flore in either the dry or wen good lm*- Tha air and water are unrivalled, and there are some molt excellent schools in the neighborhood, for particular* enquire of the Wntet.or of rUI Itßi oiwhe premifss. dtf M»y 9 Twenty Dollars reward. Dw.SERTED from tho Ma ine Barrack* on the Bth instant, the following Marine*, v>z — TOHN t>TEBL, torn near Uraody Wine in Cheller eonnty. by profeffiiii a Tailor. He »»5 yean of = Re, five feet eight inches high, grey L . light brown hair.thin visage and fallow com plexion—had on a round hat, brown silk coat, nankeen b'c-ecli-s, and other decent cloathmg Fredirick Fry, bom in Germany, hut came to America very young, about thirty fix ye<rrs of age, 6ve feet seven Inchet high, Hazle eye*, Black Curly fcair and very br wn complexion— had no uniform on—He was lately a Soldier in General Wayne* Army at F' rt Detroit The above reward will be paid, or .cn ol lars for either, ar.d all expince., on delivenng them at the Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, or to any Officer in the Service of the United Statei. ROBPRT RANKIN, A,!juuul Marine C»rp«. Pliilad. July 11, liso. d;w Strayed away, ON Sun ay '3th inft. a fmlU strawberry coloured MAKE, fourteen hands high, his three tfhite feet, a white face. *bout ten vears old Any information will be thankfully received, and i» delivered at John Negus s Ferry, at MirUet street, a reward of four dol lars will It piid. July 17- Imported In the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for sale, Ironmongery, Sadiery, Cutlery, Brass fc? Japan'd Wares, Pet th« Brutus and Penelope, via N.York, HATS afTorted in cafe», and PINS in Boxes— by ELISHA FISHER & Co. •No. 3q> North Front street. dim June »6 A fafhicnable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horse ymwg, and the Gig as good at new. Av>p't to the Editor. N.B. NEW WATCHES will be taken n\ 'payment at a fair wholesale price. Tone I*. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND of 8 per centum per annum is de clared by the Pre&dei.r and Diiedors of the Company for irtAfcga Permanent Bridge over the R.wr ShuylkiH, at or near the city of delphia. on the amounts paid in on the Ift day of April last (the time when the fubfcnptions to the stock of the raid comp.ny wcr, eemplcated, and to be from thence camputed) pnyable to the stock holder. or their legal representatives alter tkc 10th dav of the pre feat month, out of the profits an f,vz from the Floating bridge Ferry and Tavern, a'The Webtend of High Street, on application to theTreafurcr, Wo. .3. Church Alley. WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. —t..i„ u ... tuihsjr* MARSHAL'S SALES. United States, "I* Pennsylvania District. J ... BY virtue of fandry writs cf venditioni «P or ' 3 ®' issued «uu of the i>i(tna Court of t..i United State., for the DiUriA afnrefa.d, will be «P°J^ d to puHlic file, on the premises, on Wednef-iay the of J»ily neit at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ot the fame day, all that Trait of Land called Cone dogwinnet Trait, fiuateir. Eafl Pennftury town (hip, Cumberland county, contahing five hundred and thirty two acres, more er less, with the Mel- | fuagiis thereon ere&ed. Also all that Trail o Land called Locust Valley, adjoining the above, containing three hundred and fevuntecn aerc«, ©ore or less, with the Messuages thereon ere«ed. Also all that Trait of Land called Oak Bank, u tuate as above, containing two hundred and seven ty acres, more or less, with the MeiTuages thereon The property will be surveyed and fold in lots to suit the purchasers; plots of which will be ex hibited On the day of sale. , M . Seizcd and taken in execution, and to be fuld as the property of Oliver Pollock, Kfq by JOHN HALL, Martial. Marshal's Office, ? eo ,, o T y . Phila J elpliia, June 21, ißoo. ) WALNUT STREET, Opposite to tbe Public Square. 111 that hand r rme and airy spot, there are just now ready TO LET, 4 or 5 New Houses. I'HI ficuation {or pleasant: eft as the prufpcA of trees and herbage, and its tho roughfare of Irelh air, is deemed equal if not su perior to any other, that ij as convenient to the trading parts of the town—The water is «xcel lent, perhaps the most pure and wholesome that is to be met with in the city. Perfcns inc (ned to rent will pltafc to maks early application at the office No. 96, Arch street, or ab-:ut the premifet I to July 7 Just Arrived, AND »0R SALI BT THE 8»BSCR.1BIR«, THE CARGO Of the Ship C a arotr, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea Souchong Hyson Skin * TEAS. Young Hyson and Hyson. W|» ite I NANKEENS. Yellow ) Sugar of ift quality China Ware. Cassia. Fans. An assortment of Silks. WILLINGS U FRANCIS, No. a i, Penn Street. d. April 14.. Ten Dollars Reward. deserted FROM York Town ontkt aid infl. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the loth Regiment, and since enlisted as a Serjeant in the Marine Corps, of the following defeription.— He ia about five feet fix inches high, brown hair and fair compl xion. Me is an active fellow and brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He has been lately seen in Lancaster, and is pro bably with his iriends, who live about 4 miles from that place. The above reward will be given anrt all expen cespaid, on delivering him to any officer in the firvice of the United States, or lodging hun 10 Jail. ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant Marine Ccrps. Philadelphia, June 30. dlw - Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen, ttidgely of Balti more, on the aoth inft. a lipht coloured negro »an, who calls himfelf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 years of age, about 5 feet 8 nehes high, neat in hisdreft, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a (hort light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt buttons—a light buff caffimer, double breasted waistcoat, a pair cf dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen lhirt,' white ribhed cotton flock ings, and a good pair of (hoe» with firing** He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive cafnrtKr panra loom, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a iteel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquora, is info ler.t, has a iiupid look, and chews tobacco.— He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of cpl. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le cures him in a»y jail lo that the owner may got him again, lhalf receive the above rewird, with reasonable charge* if brought hom», or de livered to JosHua B. Bond, Philadelphia. ■ dtr may i __ f 3t A PARTNERSHIP. ' A PERSON possessing some capital, a consi derable (hare of industry, and defiraua of engaging as a partner in a lucrative business, may !>ear of a fttuation. All proposals on this fiibjefl to be in writing, fraled and direfled to W R. J New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. , C3r A Priater would find it to bis advantage Jw«.r 150 Barrels Boston Prime Beef, It Hogsheads Molaff;s A few Quarter-cases of firft qua.ity Madeira Wine, and . too Molafles Knockdowns with heads, For fa'e by SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Penn-ftreet. Who has to Let, A Genteel Three Story Brick House, In Spruce, near Front-street. July ?• '° j 4t " FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Cnnfifting of 75 dozen assorted—they wllbe ield cheap for calk. Apply to the Frinter. »»y 19. Landing fron the ship America, Wa e. Sims, CommanJer t from Ronton, AND FOR SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH b* Co. Bokea, Congo, Souchong, tft &znd quality, Caper souchong, Hylon-fkin, I TEAS, Tonkay,' ; . | Singlo, Young liyfon, Hyson, lit & ad quality, Imperial, J Yellow & white nankeens Lutcftrings, Mack & color'd Cln Boies Stafhaws do. C affultcdj Sattiss do. J Lureltfhigs, ma*, blue & green £ j n Sitifhaws do r j. oxe! . Persian taffetas, dark green J Tbey have also on band for sale, recthed bv the ,latc arrivals from Europe, isfe. JOHN CREAN. jt CHINA GOODS. "I Infma'.'.pack- Strlped and checked fcinghams i ages aflorted, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated tor llnetts . ("he Weft-In- White corded dimities 1 dia market &. Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, j do. do. _ 3 Balesfeine twine f Entitled to 10 Casts Englilh China ware, Cdrawback, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, I da. white, 10 do. colcether, 3 Calks purple brown, 35 do. nails affrted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Englilh fail canvas No. 1, a & 3, Ruflia duck, n Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, GunpowJer, Empty widc bottles, 10 Guns, 6 pounders, 11 do. f-4o- . 1 j do. 9 do. with carnages, &c. »Bo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, ill") .... quality (Entitled to jo, pepper Cdrawback. 10 Logs ebony J May 13. Ibis Day fublifbed, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chetnut Street, (Price is Cenu) THI Death of General Wajhinglon. A POEM. In imitation of th« manner of Offian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister cf the First Prifcytcriaa Congregation as Philadelphia. gT Mr. Chaudron't Oritiair will be [publifted on Moniay morning. Much 15. * THE CARGO Of- the Ship Criterion. B Wicket, ien. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISTING OF A complete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. ro* lAimt WILLINGS y FRANCIS, No. aij Pens-street. May j. WILL BE LANDED, IN A FEW DAVS, At Beck's Wharf, the next below Market St. ■A QUANTITY OS Jamaica Spirits AND COFFEE. Also, a few Hogsheads of JAMAICA SUGAR, ■ FOR. SALE At No. 1.7, South Water Street. July 3. diw. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING on the Potomac Rivar, county of Nor thumberland, date of Virginia; containing about 1400 acres—its fituatien it equal to any o< her in the Northern Neck, remarkable for every kind ot wildfowl, oyflers, fife and crab, aßd none bet ter for health. It is about the fame diftancc from Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from either. Thare are three improved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the residence of col. John Gordon, is an elegant two story brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a passage Cifeen feet wide The other two arc commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good and suitable out houses, at one ol which John Murphy, Esq. (how of Weftmore land county) lived several years; on this farm there is a good grill mill, with water fulficient to turn any number of stones ; alf« convenient llore hou ses and granaries on a public road, well lituaced for a country (lore. On eaeh of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. Tlie greater proportion of the land is of the firft quality, aud near the half -/the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be known fyapplymg to Wm P- Teh»« Baltimore, Foufhee G. TeV esq. of Richmond couuty, Virginia, or ti Thomas Murgatroj d and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. 5-14. 3 taw A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, &c. &c. The whole containing 17 acies, lituate on the Wifahicon road, between the third and fourth mile-ftone —May be purchased on r.alonable terms.—Two third, of 'he pur chase money may rema.n (secured on the pre mise. and on interest) durmg three years.. Enquir. of BONSAL at SHOEMAKER, No H4) South F-ißrth-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premises, or at No W 4 lnut-«r«t. V TON- WILLIAMS. nr.vf tf, June 13. treasury deparment, April 21, 1800. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby>given, in p»r- . fuance of the a& of Congress, pafled on „ the firft day of March, on* thousand eight jqc hundred, intituled " An a£l in addition to an , aft, intituled, an ail regulating the giants of land appropriated for military ferviccs, and for the Society of the United Brethren for propa- 3CX gating the Gospel among the Heathen," as sol- 0( lows; 701 ift. All the fractional parts of the quarter 6 townships adjoining to the Indian boundary line 1 of the trail of land referred to in fjjd »dl, 40 except the fraaional quarter townships num ber four m township i.uTnber seven of range 10 number twenty : Also, all the fra&ional parts D of the quarter townships adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townships number C one and four, in township number sow of range L number nineteen , the quarter townships num [ ber t r ~vo and three (if township number three> in range number aineteen ; and the quarter townships number one and four in township * number five, of range number twenty ; toge ther with the fifty quarter townships hereafter dtferibed, are 1 eferved to be located, for the O original holders of warrants granttd for mili tary services, or their heirs, in lots of one hun- w " dred acres, pursuant to the a£t above recited. ot id. The following i» a description of the fifty quarter townships referred to in the preceding article and which were designated by lot in the " coi prrfence of the Secretary «f War, pursuant to pfi the afl above recited • acl J® S /© S 5® fhi 9 a •' 5 I • a 5 •, dii 1 I 3 H 2 3 1 s? ">< 4 P * 1 Of , J 3 6~ 2 1 to 1 2 w; 82 62 3 4 84 7 3 81 10 1 8 2 11 6 1 223 83 81 3 4.7 4 213 8 4 - s i6!ls 1 3 - 5372 2 2 ] 311821 7 3 it 71 23 7 4 E 7 2 4 3 16 2 4 »' 84 S 1 3 4°| 4437 3 6 ' q 10 3 9 3 7 J j ; 5339* 3 7 4 o 717417 7 4 v I 9 I 3 I 191 4 | J I 3d. All the lands in each of the above fifty quarter to wnlhips, and in the fraflional parts ®f quarter townihips before described, hare been divided upon tne refpeiflive plats thereof, js returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of one hundred acres each, as the quantity such quarter townihip or fraflion is listed to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out and required by the above recited ail. 4th. The plats divided as aforefaid into jots of one hundred acres, are d.-posited in the of fice of theßegifter of the Treasury where the locations are to be made ; and upon furrender itsg the warrants which shall be thus located, patents will be iflued in the manner and upon | th* conditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Pbiladcl pbia the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of tie Treasury. drw —aaw 3m. m&w t April ai. WHEREAS Mathevr Irwin did on the 3th day of July 1797 make an alignment of his ellate and effe<sts, to us the fubferibers, for the be nefit of l'uch of his creditors, as (houid on or before the loth of September, 1797, esccute to him a lull and final dlfcharge-Now thofc of his crediter." who are entitled to a dividend under said align ment, are requested to furr.ilh their accounts oj Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the Bth day of July. 1797, as a dividend will abfolutt ly be struck on the fir ft day of A pril next, and those wi»o negle<B t<» comply with this notice will thjre after be excluded from the benefit of the fame. Philip Nicklin Samuel Meeker Natb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. >Affigne< Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor Philadelphia, March 14 TO DISTILLERS And Owners of Stills. WHEREAS by a n ad't of Congress, pafled the Bth day of May '79 I '. entitled, 41 An concerning the dutits on spirits distil led within the United States," it is required of all persons having or keeping a still, or ltills, to make entry thereof, between the lalt day of May and the firft day of July in each year, under the penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars. NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to all distillers, or owners of stills, within the city and county of Philadelphia, to make cntrjr of thern at the office of Infps&ion, at 4 9» North Third flreet, in the city of Philadelphia, with in the abovemeotioued periods. JAMES ASH. Collector of the revenue of the frst division of the first survey of the district of Pennsylvania. June 6, THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedilh Maiefty's Consul General, and *u thorizcd to tranfail the Conlular Bufineis, lor his Majesty the King of Denmaak iu the United States of America, re-Gding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in to rcc. r.t inftruaions received from his government, it i» the duty of all Mailers of Swedilh and Damlh vessels, beJor. their laillng from any port in the said States, to call upon him or the Vice CoHful, in oriier to be granted fuel) Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the state of the Neutral Commerce and the se veral Decrws of the Belligerent Powcri, renders iodifpenfably uecelTary, and, that any Mailer tt vessels belonging to the refpe&ive nations, or na vigating under the protfiftioik of their flags, in emitting to take such certificates, will perfoually fund responsible for the conferences. KICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, lßtbDecember, 1799- LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four Shares of the Bank of the United States in the name of Bickham & U«fe, No. *j93, for the reoewa of which application is mtesdeu to be made at the said Bank, and ill persons concerned.are de sired to lake n.tte^ d-3«n M»y 8. NOTICE. mfcthtf. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE fG* SALE, AT NO. 35> DOCK-STREET, ioob Boxes best marbled Soap,") So Boxes Sweet Oil, 1 '» 100 Halt chelb Lucca Oil, >, Louisa, 7 Bales Pap«r, f fron leghorn, Brimflona, j Parmesan Cfccefe, J 300 Pipes best Bordeaux Brandy, aoo HogfVeads Claret superior quality, 700 Cales French Swoet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Cases Prunes, 4 00 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cof nichons, lOS do. best assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS assorted for the Weft-lnia. market, Claret in cases of afuperior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 •£ 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fc? Son& May 10. tuth&s tT Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in Yotk County,® negro man, named ISAAC, otha> wife CUDJO, about ai years old, the proparty of Robert Coleman; F.fq. He is about 5 leet 8 inches high, ha! a blemifti in his eyes, snore wnite in them than common, by trade a Fer£e manhi d on and took with him a drab coloured broad clo.h coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloot.s* primed fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat; oue fine and one coal fe shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, nvo ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jad .et and two peir cotto» dockings. Whoever takes up fai.4 negro and lodges him in any jail in this or« ny of thrf lieigabouring states shall have the above r« j ward or reasonable expencesit brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring FoTge, o<aeberi3,l799- . N. B. At said negro lormarly lived m Ch« tier coußty, it is probabls he may return there. 1 November ,c • , WHEREAS BY a dacree of the High Court of Chanc ery t made in a cause, James against New*ian, it is among other things referied to Wm. Gr; ives' Esq. one of the matters of the said court," to take an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late of Newgate street, London, deccafed, and also to in quire and (late to the court, whether Fr ancia James, the brother of the complainant's Dam ed a» one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whether he died in the life time ol the teftat or Therefore all person« who can give any info rma tion whether the said Francis be 1 ivinj * or dead, and if living where he now resides ut lift resided, and when and it what place, and * hen and where he was lafl heard of, and if dead,« hen and where he died, are hereby requefUd to ; give futh information t» the said William Graves,: £fq. at his office in Southampton Buildings, Cham ;ery Lane, London,on of before the firft day of Ml rch next, otherwif* he wiil be excludad the benefi tof the said decree. Th« said Francis James was born at or I ear Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, an d if living, is about the age of thirty-four years, and about the year 1779, was a forcmaft man on bo ard the Milford, a merchant ship, belonging to th« port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septj m ber, 1780, afterwards he returned to 13ri| to!, a»J in November, 1781, was pressed in road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frig ate called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth «n a cruise, and on board of which lie af terwards became a quarter gunner, and defer ted the said ship at Charlcfton Bar in North'- Amet ica in September 178 a. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enabled to giv« information of the above named Francis James, whether living or dead, they arc requested to communicate the fame to DAV ID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone street, New York g3» The printers throughout the United Sti te« are requested to publiih the above. April iß< a . BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OK LEASED FOB ONE YEAR THAIT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booncton tron Works, Ctnate'in the county of Morr is in the (tate of New-]crfey, confifling of a Forge with four £ro», a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of denes, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, large, and convenient house, with out-houfes of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and (lone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring it* it a large Garden, and an cicallent solleition of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood, pafcure and arable l&nd, and a great number of (tores and workmen's house* Immediate pouemoH will be given of houses and (lores fufficient for providing stock the present winter, and polTeflcr of the whole in the spring. , For terms euquire.of David B- Ogden at Ne'- ark, mr. Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. Da'd Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob and Ri(i ard Vaelch on tbeprcmifcs. Januarv 11 —_ LANCASTER STAGES. r|~<HE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Iji -1 caster line of Stages DISPATCH, r«turn tlir zrateful thanks to their friends and the pubhon General, for the past favors they have received inform them that in addition to the regular Le, thuv art provided with Carriages,fober and carul drivers, to go through between the City id Borough in two days. Those who prefer this mle of travelling can be accommodated at the Office, Cgn of United States EagW, Market fttt, Philadelphia. Slougb, Downing, Dunwoody ISf Co Nov. 30. II 2t $ GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a futficisnt nurnberf the mofl approved European G!als Mai fudlurers, and having on hand a large itockf the belt Materials, on their workmen e now employed, have the pleasure of aflurtj the public, that window glafsof a fupenor qu lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 byj inches, carefully packed in boxes containij 100 feet ea. h, may be had at the (horteft noti. \Glais of larger fizea for other purposes, m also be had, such as for pidlures, coach glafl, clock faces, &c. Buttles of all kinds and of a quantity may also be had, together with pot"! flalks, pickling jars, apothecary's (hop fuinitm or other hallow ware —the whole at least 25 p cent, lower than articles of the fame qujli brought from any of the sea ports of the Unit. Sta>ei. A liberal allowance wilt be made 1 sale of large quantities. Orders from merchar, and others will fee pUn<slual|y attended to on aj plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAA CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRAI HE and SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittfcurgh. March 4> 1