Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 22, 1800, Image 1

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    HUMOPR 2439.]
fcf* The price of this. O'jzette is Eight
Dollaks per annum ip Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; and unlessfsome per son-in this city
will become answerable for the subscription.,
it must be paid Six Mor.tbs in Advance.
*,* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December 1 1799.
Fr'm.Juiy 13 —to *9.
gPfe Roebuck,
Bernaid Rafcr, Matter ;
H<s a considerable part of her Cargo engaged,
and will fail with all expedition.
, For freight or parage, apply to the Cap
tain, or to
July 12. cod 3t
A 2-story brick house
TWO rooms 011 a floor, kitchen and wafli
houfe, all built of the bell materials, and in excel
lent order ; cellars under the whole, one paved,
and has two lattice clofcts with locks, a large gar
den and yard, several fruit-trees in the garden,
two pumps of excellent water near the premises.
Enquire at No, 39, Arch fireet.
Jtdy »J tu&f 6w
A Summer Retreat.
WITH a (table, carriage-houfc and lot,
situated in a pleafaat part of Trentoa. The
terms will be moderate, and poffefGon can be
had immediately j but the tenant will not be
wanted to occupy the premises after the loth
of next November. For terms apply to ths
printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire,
in Trenton.
June 14. tuth&itf
Clock & Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Market Stieet,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and silver
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; flee!
and gilt Chains, Sftils and Keys ; Springs,
&c. See.
Repaired as usual.
. June 3 tu&f tf
SITUATED en Scot's mountain in Oxford
townihip, county of Sullcx and Hate of New-
Jersey, eight or ten miles from Eaflcn (about four
from the river Delaware, and seventy.two from
Philadelphia ; containing 579 Acres ; about »oo
acres of which is cleared and uuder good fence,
including-11 acres of meadow: the remainder is
woodland, consisting moflly of chefput and oak.
On the presjifes are two log houses and out
buildings, a number of fruit trees, and springs of
excellent water, and a flream runs through the
tra&> The premil'es is occupied by Chriltian and
Peter Snyders.
Letters addressed (pod paid) to the fublcriber.
at No. 87, Arch street, Philadelphia ; or at Mr,
Edward Mott's, Eaflon, Pennsylvania, will be
puly answered.
N. 6. No application will be neceflary after
the 14th of July next.
Either separately or together,
The Two Houses,
LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa
mucl Francis, No. 13, south Fourth street. For
' terms apfly to
No. 41, Arch street. "I
July 10 3taw jw
Notice is hereby given,
TH AT application will be made to the Prtfidcnt
and Directors of the Bank of the United States for
t!»e renewal of ths following Certificates ef Shares
in the said Bank, which were loft on board the (hip
John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davay, matter, bound to
London, viz :
B. No. 19884"!
19885 | JUchfor oae share, in the name
19886 of Tho's Holy, Sheffield (G. B)
19887 | dated tft January, 1800 ;
(!>f which application, all petfons concerned, will
ijeafe to take notice.
Baltimore,sth aptil, 1800 -aw3m
Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
Newspaper Establishment,
In the pleasant and healthy town of Newark, New-
Jtrfey, iibcrut nine miles from N'ew-Vork ;
. Also, a complete-set of
THE above is worthy the attention of any
Printer wishing to ettabliih himfelf in a
country town. The rapid population, and ex
treme plwfantncfs of the t»wn, ani its vicinity to
New York, is a confederation which every person
will know how to appreciate- It will be fold
very cheap for cash ; or a liberal credit will be
given for one half of the purthafe money, if
H. M"
3 »i
4 8
4 J 3
J 38
6 21
7 II
8 2
Further particulars may be known hy fending a
line, poll paid, to
4 49 7 II
4 49 —7 II
4 40 7 IO
- 4 ,41- 7 9
- 4 42 ; 7 8
4 43 7
4 44 7 6
RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening
of ths 28th inft. a bound Servant GIRL,
named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with
her three differimt changes of garment and money,
proud,bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any pi>r
fon apprehending her lhallbe entitled to the above
reward—no coils or charges will be paid.
N: B, She had 2 years and lome months to serve
A VALUABLE and dafirable Eft ate, Gtuated
GB the river Raritan in Jersey, near Somer
set Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwiclc, and
18 from Princeton ; confiftingof upwards of 700
acres, equally divided into meadow, arable and
wood land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the
barn, (tables, &c. are fpaciout, and adeqaatc to the
size of the Farm ; there it a plenitude of game,
with a good {had fifliery. The eft ate is now in
the hands of Mr. Henry Worley.
Further particulars may be known of
Merchants, Philadelphia, and of
Or as the Tenant on the premises
May 9. S tf
A SINGLE Man,capable of inflru&ing twelve
Boys, in the Latin, Greek and French lan
guages, also writing aud arithmetick. Such a
-person coming w«ll*recommendcd, for his abili
ties and good behaviour, will receive four hun
dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated,
much to his fatiifa&ion, witi meat, drink, wafli
ing and lodging ; by applying to the fubferibers,
living near Berry 's-ville, in Frederick county and
flateof Virgil,ia. »
John Milton,
JVarner Washington.
June »o tutli&f I9tf
WHEREAS my wife, Margaret C«nnor,
has absented herfelf from my bed and
board, without any just cause; I hereby for
warn all perfous from harbouring or crediting
her on my account, as I am dettrmined not 10
pay any dobts of her contracting.
July 17, 1800. eo3t
AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in
ferior oourt of common pleas of the county
of Eflex, in the state of New Jcrfey, dire&ed to
the iheriff of the said county, against the rights,
credits, monies and cffedU, goods and chattels,
lands and tenements ot Jcbn Clevis Symmts at the
fuitof William Wells, in a plea of trespass on the
cafe to his damage threethoufand dollars; —
And vitereai, the said ftieriff did, at the term of
June last pail, return to the said conrt that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the aaiount of near two thousand
dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrants; —
Nm• therefore, xnlefs the fa id John Clevei
Symmes fhjlfappear, give special bail, and receive
a declaration at the fujf of the plaintiff, judgment
wili b« entered againll him, and his property
Herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the
statute in such cafe made and prev : dcd.
c«4 tf
Rc<stor ol St. Paul's Church, and formerly Vice-
Provoll of th« University of Penhl'ylvania,
One of the Assistant Miniftersof Christ church aod
St. Peter's,
AN English School, a Claflkal School, and
a Mathematical School, in which all the
branches of science conneflei} with those de
partments are taught. N. B Ihe Mathema
tical Department is conduced by Mr. Pfter
D fla mar, formerly Profrjfor if Mat hematic*
in the Royal Academy, Dublin.
June 6. w tf
At the Office of the Gazette of tfce United
July 6
Prin ting-Office,
July 19. tuth&s 2w
Ihree Cents Reward.
Oofhesi Townlhip.Cheftsr County, July 19.
aupruft 6 lawtf
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, is?c.
Elizabeth-town, July 8,1799 (»l) iawum
Philadelphia Academy.
At No. 24, Spruce Street,
•ONatariito or
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
In the Jhip Mary Arm, Francis Stewart,
mafler, from Hamburgh, now landing,
Jacob Sperly & Co.
No. 19s, Markut-ftrcet,
C'V.SSERILLOS or white rpll» oi u J yards,
Rouatn, •»
Decanters, cut and comroo*;
Flajk Cases and fallad diflies, . -
Glass pearls and bee«U for necklaces of all colour;
and fizei,
Black and white edgings and laces,
Kibbonsand tapes,
Coffee-mill*, Quills, and
352 Boxes Bohemia Window Glass, 7 9, 8 10,
9 11, 10 I*, is 14, is 16, it 18, 14
18, 16 20, 18 24, 20 24, 20 26 24
Also, via New-York,
6 Cales white rollt,
6 do. Creas ala Morlaix,
% do. C'oatils. ,
On hand, which will be fold reasonable to defc
a new Cables of no fathom each 9 & 10 inch.
July 1. w&f 3W
William Young Birch,
Abraham Small,
Of the City of Philadelphia,
Modern Europe.
With an account of tbe Decline and Fall of
tbe Roman Empire, tbe Rise cf Modern.
Kingdoms, iSfc. is"c.
great applause which this exctllen 1
X book has received, is a fore proof of it 8
merits—The vast sale which it ha 9 had fo r
several years, is a fair criterion by which the
public opinion of its worth can be known.
During the life of th« learned author, it went
through the annual sale of a very large impref
fion—every fttcceeding edition received tome
improvement the result of his deep researches
and great judgment—he lived to make it as
perfect is in the nature of things it could be —
he it Jead ! Whilst the English language is
read, the History of Modern Europe will re
main a monument to his fame ! ft is ai enter
taining as inflruftive ; as interesting as pro
found. The plan of the work is but
by ax happy arrangement, the reader is at once
presented with the cotemporary history of
every part of Europe. The book now offered
to the public is from the lalt and most correal
copy, to which this /hall be no way inferior.
An history nf the decline and fill of the Roman
empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge
nerally. A particular history of the French
monarchy. Do. Spain from the dominion
of the Vifigsths. Italy, with the rife and
progrefj of the Temporal Power of the
Popes. Britain, from its relinquilhment by
the Komans. Ireland. The German em
pire, from Charlemagne. The empire of
Conliaotinople to its overthrow. Empire of
|he Arabs. Rife and progTcfs of the Turks
and fall of the'Gre«k empirff. History of
Portugal ; View of the progress of Naviga
tion ; Conqucftsin the Eafl and Weft Indies ;
Discovery ofAmer ca,&c. History of Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Ruflia,Poland and Prus
sia: North-America, as concealed with Eu
ropean history. A very csraprehenfivc and
highly ufeful chronology.
I. The whole Hull be comprized in five larfe
oflavo volumes, printed in the best manner,
on a fuperfine paper.
11. It is intended to deliver one volume every
two months, at the price of Two Dollars per
volume in boards, payable on delivery.
111. As it may be inconvenient to deliver them
to distant futferibers in finale volumes, those
who wish it, may let thvm remain with the
publifliers until the wholi are published.
The work i 9 at press will he printed on
a beautiful new type call for the purpose. The
encouragers ef this undertaking may reft as
lured, that nothing now forelcen fliall delay its
regular procedure ; so that in one year at far
theft the citizens of the United States fliall be
preferred with an American Edition of Doilor
UufTcll's History of Modern Europe, equal to
the English copy, aud at 4 lower price.
June 14 lulsfl
** • t>
Philadelphia Es? Lancaster
July nib, 1800.
THE President and Managers havs this day
declared a dividend of Eight Dollars on each (hare
of flock, of which, fix dollars per share will be
paid the Stockholders or their representatives any
day after the 24th inflant; the remaining two
dollars has been retained apd expended in corn
pleating and repairing the road agreeably to a
r jfolution of the ftocltholders.
Wm. Treasuer.
J u b' 1 4 z m4t
XI Old Lon£ Printer,
Small Pica on pica body (new and old
Pica, do.
Englifti, (two finall founts)
16 Line Pica, &c.
Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office
Furniture, &c.
Iroii work of a pr'nting-prefs,
•gf Thrv will be fold cheap forcafh—Apply
at the office of the Gazette of the United
WHEREAS by an aft of Congress
pafled on the feventlfday of May,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred, the President of the United States
is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the
United States, from the Bank of the Uni
ted States, or from any other body or bo
dies politic or corporate, or from any per
son or persons, and upon such terms and
conditions as he (hall judge molt advanta
geous for the United States, a fumnot
exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars, >fo however, that no
coutrail or engagement be made, which
(hall preclude the United States from reim
bursing any sum or sums borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from the date of such Loan. And Where-!
as it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be necefTary of the surplus of the
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by law, (hall be pledged and
appropriated for paying the intereit; and
also for paying and diftharging the princi
ple sum or sums of all the monies which
may be borrowed according to the term or
terms which may be fixed pursuant to the
authority uforefaid. AND WHEREAS
by the said aft the fa ; th of the U. States,
is pledged to eftablilh fufficieut permanent
revenues, for making up any deficiency that
may hereafter appear in the provifiori6 bs
fore mentioned for paying the iotercli and
principal sums, or either of them, or any
monies which may be borrowed pursuant to
the said aft. AND WHEREAS the
President of the United States, did by
an Aft or Commiflion under his hand, da
ted the seventeenth day of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred, autho
rize and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrew on behalf ,of the Uni
ted States, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or
coDtrafts as fhsuld be necessary, and for
the interest of the United States, in pur
suance of the aft of above recited.
NOW THEREFORE, theunderfigned
Secretary cf the Treasury, in pursuance of
the aft of Congress and thfc authority from
the President of the United States above
mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following, to wit :
ift. Ihere (hail be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to ,*.a amount hereafter to bede
fignated by the said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, which Capital Steck (hall be
divilible into (hares of one hundred dollars
each, bearing interest, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices, where the said Stock may
(land credited, until thelaftday of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight.
2d. After the laftday of December in th
faid year one thousand eight hundred and
t eight, and after real' notice to the cre
ditors, which (hall be given by an advertise
' ment in fonie public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government of the United
States, the said Capital Slock fli? 11 be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimburftnient of the whole
sum.or funis borrowed and which may con
flitute the said Capital Stock, either at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may (Land cre
3<J. The credits for the f.iid Capital Stock
{hall and may be separately certified in lums
either for one hundred, tour hundred, one
thousand, four' thousand, or ten thousand
dollars, and the credits so certified fliall be
transferable by the creditors, or their attor
nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpedlively, in pursuance of the rules which
have been or which may be eftablilhed rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A fufßcient sum of the surplus of
the duties on imparts and tonnage beyond
the permanent appropriations heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
the faith of the United States, are hereby
pledged for the fulfilment of this contrail,
in pursuance of, and according to the terms
and condition? of the a£t of herein
before recited.
GIVEN under mv hand, and the seal of
the Treasury of the United States, at
,77) Philadelphia, this i'econd day of June,
one thousand eight hundred; arid of
the Independence the twenty-fourtli.
Secretary of ii)e Treasury.
June 21, 180 c.
Proposals will be received until thj last
day of July next inclufivr, at the Bank of
the United States, and the Offices of Dif'
count and Deposit at Bollon, New-York,
Baltimore, Norfolk, and Chavlefton, for the
purchase of One Million and Five Hundred
Thousand Dollafr of Stock, direikd by
the Secretary of the Treasury, to be ifTued
in pursuance of the abovementioned con
trad. The propofaH mofi advantageous to
the United States will be accepted, but 110
Stock will he ifTued at lei's than five per*
centum advance, or one hundred and five
dollars in money for one hundred dollars in
stock. In cafe the funis fpecified in firr.ilar
proposals (hall tzc?ec! the amount cf (luck
v /ir* s
. v
* . •
offered for sale at the places abovenientioned,
they will be accepted, funjedt to a propor
tional deduftion.
wf G. SIMPSON, CaTh'r.
300 Dollars
RAN AWAY from th; fubfcribcr, on the :Sth
of June inft. TWO NJiGRO SERVANTS;
viz a negro woman ue.nied Pat, a waflier-wy
man and cook, of about fifty tw® years of age—•
tall and well (haped, of a black complexion. She
has bad teeth, those of her under jaw are much
discoloured and projeA a good deal. She h s a
full head of wooly hair—a very cross forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and laughs and
talks loud. Pat was horn in South-Cawlina, and
(peaks bad EngliGi, with the negro dialed. She
has on the upper yart of her breast, two pretty
laige lumps of flefli resembling Wens, or rather
with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She
carried away with her several changes of cloaths,
and gowns ot white muilin, and of coloured and
figured printed cottons falhionably made up. Shi
also carried away with her,
CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robust,
flrong made girl, of a short Mature, and round
fliouldered—appearing te> be about 14 years of
age. Clara has large flaring ey««, a fiat
eval flat face, her uridi-r jaw projecting a little,
and good testh. She is very artful and l.jpu
deut, has agriat fluency of speech, uses good lan
guage, and has been taught to read,—She has the
appearance of ring worms on her left cheek and
chin ; the ft 111 in (pots appearing much paler than
the reft of her Cotupl-xion, which is much lighter
than her mother's^—Her hair is short and wooly;
She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a
Email black figure, with new tore parts.
Also ran away, 011 Wednesday the nth infl.
June, DICK and AMELIA. Dick, or as he has
lately called hiinfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe
fer*ant, — he about 5 feet 7 inches high, rather
fotall made, is about 25 years old, of a
smooth, black complexion—has a flat. nose, with
very large open notlrils. He carried his head
and neck ai if he were fliff in the neck and Ihoul
ders, which are high and tdlerably square, and his
neck Ihort—his legs are flraight but small and
illy made, with scarce ar.y calt. He has hai had
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward
he has a full head of wooly hair, which he pl:its
and dresses to the best advantag;. His voi'e is
small, his tpeech commoly mild and flow, and his
manners appear extremely Ample, but he is at
bottom an artful knave, and when spoken to is
very apt to b: paflionate and impertinent. Dick
is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad
Englilh—he seduced and carried away with him
Amelia. who he called his wife.
Amelia is a very complete, well inftrufted la
dies maid, much below the common flature and
of a small make—htr complexion is that of i dark
mulatto or mefiizoe, nearly rcfembling that of the
Lascars of India, with black curling hair, and a
very low forehead—her right eye has a greSt
weakness, owing to the small pox in her infancy—
under her eye. very black—a flat face, flat broad
nose, with fearefc any rising at the bridge; a large
mouth, with thick lips, and good fining teeth.
On the nape of her neck she has the marks of a.
Seton Dresses with taste, and imitates the French
flyle ; is very sensible, and exprtfies hcrftll well.
She took with her a variety ot clothes, falhiou
ably—fhe has for more than two years f ail
been liable to fits, which at times give her a wild
nefs in her eyes—her health:s generally delicate—*
she is at pre/cut likely to encrecfe ber family, and i»
about 21 years of age—(he can dress hair, clear
(larch, has a tafle for millinary and mantua-ma
king; and as file is very ingenious, can turn her
hand to any thing and may probably offer herfeif
to foroe milliner or roantna maker as a work
woman. As Amelia has heretofore been a great
favourite of a very indulgent mistress, and 'tis
believed ftas been led away by the persuasion of
h»r paramour Di_k, if she will return to tat, she
will be forgiven and treated with the fame ten
derneC' she has always received
FIFTY DOLLARS Uewatd tor each will be
paid for the delivery of Fat and Clara to the
fubferiber, or to any goal in the United States,fi>
that 1 r.iry get poffeflion of them —One Hundrci
Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like
delivery. The fublcriber w?rns all master
of veffcis, from taking these
from the United States, 'and requdls foch
of his friends and acquaintance as'it may notfuit
to arrefl them, to give information, should they
hear of either of the fugitives, to the futferiber
by letter dire<sled to the post office, Philadelphia,
which will find him, wherever he may pass the
summer, or to the Printer of the Gazette ef the
United States, who will communicate it to a
friend in Philadelphia to ail on his behalf.
Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and
Union-streets, Philadelphia.
June »5.
No. 106, south fids of Market ft.
( Price One Quarter of a Dollar,J
Pleasing Incitements
Conveyed through the Medium of
Anecdote, Tale, and Adventure ;
Calculated to entertain, fortify and improve thg
Juvenile Mind.
Translated chiefly from the German.
{Cj* Said Humphreys has just received,
and is now opening a handfame collection
July 19 S.3t
ALL persons who have any demands against
theeftateof WILLIAM FISHER, are defited
to bring in their accounts to the subscriber, in
order that they may be
perfsns who are indebted to said eitate by con
trail, bond, bill, book debt, for rint or other
wise, are required to discharge the fanje, other
wile they may expert to be proceeded against
according to law.
Adrnmiflrator to tb'c estate of William FUher
W 19,