WAR DEPARTMENT March ia, ißco- Notice is hereby given, THAT fe pirate propofali will be received at the office of the Secretary of the De partment of War, until the expiration of the 25th of July next eiifuing, for thefupply of all rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, from the ift day of Oilober, liioo, to the 3Pth 1 day of September, i8oi» hLth days inclusive, at the places and within the two diftridH hereinafter firft mentioned; and alio that propofals will be receivtd t the fjid office until the expiration of ths 25th day of July next ensuing, for the supply of all rations which may berequiredas aforelaid, from the ift day of January in the year 1801, to the 31ft day of December in the sam« year, both clays inclusive, at the place and within the fev era'l dates hereinafter m»ntioned, viz. Firjl. Propofjls to supply all rations, that may be required, at Ofwego ; at Niagara 1 at Pittfburg ; at Prefqu'ile; at Michilinackinac; at Fort Franklin ; at Bacuf; at Cincinnati ;at PicqueTown, and Loramies stores; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort Defiance, on the Miami river to Lake Erie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouatonon on the ri ver VVabalh ; at Mailac ; at any ptace or places on the river Miflifiippi, abova the mouth oftfe Ohio, and upon the Illonois river. Second. Prupofib to supply all rations t> at jr.ay be r?qulre:l, at any place or places on'the ead fide of the MiffiiTippi river,bef>w the mouth of the river Ohio to the southern boundary of the ftite of Kentucky and within the said state ; at Knoxvilie ; at all ports and places within the state of Tennessee ; at South Weft Point: at Ttllicoßloek iloufe; at St.Sevens, or other fort or on th,e rivers Molpltfe or Torr;bijiby,and anv pUce or places within the Cherokee bounda ries ; !»el"w 1 lie southern boundary of the state of Tentieffic a.-d within the boundary of the United-States. Third- Proposal' to fjpply ail rations tlut may be required, at - oiat t etre : at Coleraine, at Savannah, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within t'ne Hate of Georgia; at all forts or stations on the Oconnee and Alatama ha, and at ail othfr places in the Creek nation, within the limits of the United States, where trsops are or may be Rationed. Fourth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Johnfton, at Fart Pinck ney, at Charleston, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited in the Rate of South-Ca rolina. Fifth. Prcpofals to supply all rations that rniy be required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape Fcir ; at Beacon island, Ocracock ; at Charlotte ; at Fayetteville j at Saliftrtiry, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be flationed, marched or recruited in the Rate of North-Carolina. Sixth. Proposals to supply all rations thjt nuy b« required at Norfolk, at Portfmourh, at at Charlotteville, at Wincheßer, at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at Leefburg, at Frtdericklbarg, at Carterfville, at Harper's ferty, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be Oationed, marched or recruited, in the Rate of Virginia. Seventh. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort M'Henry, at Balti more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at Leanardiown, at Haperstown, at Bladenfburg, at George-town, at Eaßown, at the Head ot Etk, and at any other place or places, where troop 3 are or may be Rationed, marched or re crui ed within the limits *>f the Rate of Mary land. Eighth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fori Mifflin, at Philadel phia, at Barhy, at Lancafttr, at Wilkefbarre, at Reading, at Wriftol, at York town, at Carlisle, at Lewiftown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at Greenlburg it Walhington, at Eaftown, at Wilmington, at Christiana, at Dover, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftatioued, tr.arche i or recruited within the limit* of the states of Pennsylvania and De laware, except the polls within the slate of Penn fylvjnia, enumerated in the firtt proposals a iorefaid. Ninth. Proposals to supply all ratinns that may be required at Harkenfac, at Elizabeth town, at New-Brunfwick, at Burlington, at Woodbury, at Trenton, and at any ether place or places where troops are or may be flationed, marched er recruited within the limits of the state of Jersey. Tenth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at New-York, at Weft Poiut, atFlulhing, at Haerlen}, at Weft Chester, at Poughkepfie, at Konderhoak, at Stillwater, at Ne« be>- h % at Albany, at Conajoharie, at Cher ry Va'.ley, and at any other place or places Where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited withia the limits of the (late of New-York, except the pofis within the Hate enumerated in 'he firft proposals aforefaid- Eleventh. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Hartford, at Htbron, at New-London, at Brooklyn, at Wyndham, at Litchfield, at Guilford, at New-Haven, at Fairfield, at Danbury, at Middlelown, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be ftatior.ed, marched or recruited within the limits of the Hate of Conneflicuf. Twelfth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Wolcott, at Brinton's Point, at Newport, at Providence, and at any pace or places where tfoops are or maybe ftat eioned, marched or recruited within the limits ot the Bate of Uhode-lfland. Thirteenth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Portland in the Dif triel of Maine, Gloucester, Cape Ann, Salem, Matblehead, Boston, atUxbridge, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be flattoced, marched or recruited within the li mits of the (late of Mafiachufetts. Fourteenth. Proposals to supply all rations that miy be required at Portfmruth.- at Exeter, at Wifidfor, at Benningson, at Rutland, or at any fort, p!ate or places, where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the States of New tlamplhire and Vermont. The rations to be supplied, is to eonfift of the following articles viz. eiuhteeu ounces of bread or flour, or when neither can be obtained, of one quart of rice, or one and a half pound ot fifted or houhed Indian meal, one pound and a quarter of frcfti beef, or one pound of salted beef, or when quarters of a pound of faltad pork, and jhree frefh meat is ifiuerl, fait, at the rate of tvyo quarts for every hundred rations; soap at the rate of four pound*, and candles at rhe rate of a pou.id and a half for every hundred rations- It is espe&ed the proposals will also extend to the supply of rum, whisky, or other ardent spi rits ar the rice of half a gill per ration, and vine tar at the rate of two quarts, for every hundred rations. The proposals wHlfpecLfy the price of the several component parts of the ration, as w«ll as thife of substitutes or alternatives for parts The rations are to be furnilhed in such quantt- | that there (hall at ail times, durfog the term | of thTv Philadelphia, June 21, 1800. •* WALNUT STREET, Opposite to the Public Square. In that handfomc and airy spot, there are just now ready TV LET, 4 or 5 New Houses. THIS Gtuation for pleafantuefs ef the profped. of trees and herbage, and its extensive tho roughfare of freih air, i» drem«d equal if not fu penor to any other, that is as convenient to the tridicg parts of the town—The water is excel lent, perhaps the molt pure and wholesome that is to be met with in the city. Perfens inclined to rent will plcafe to make early application at the GIHceNo. 96, Arch street, or about the premises JOHN CREAN. July 7 ri it fust Arrived, AMD tOK SAL* BT THE SHBSCKIIIIS, THE CARGO Of the Ship C a ttVo y, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea A Souchong Hyson Skin TEAS. Young Hyson and Hyson. J Yellow \ NANKEENS. Sugar of ift quality China Ware. CafEa. Fans. An assortment of~Silks. WILLINGS ta FRANCIS, No. at, Penn Street. April 14. d« Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM York Town on the ajd inft. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the 10th Regiment, and flnce entitled as a Serjeant in the Marine Corps, of the following dc-fcription.— He is about five feet fix inches high, brown hair and fair complexion. He is an acftive fellow and brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He has been lately seen in Lancadcr, and is pro bably with his triends, who live about 4 miles from that place. The above reward will be given and all expen ces paid, on delivering him to any officer in the service of the United (States, or lodging him in Jail. ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant Marine Ccrps. Philadelphia, June 30. daw. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AVVAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti more, on the ioth inft. a light coloured negro man, who calls hiinftlf WILLIAM Mo. DONALD ;He is about years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in his dress, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a fh&rt light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt buttons—a light buff caffimer, double breasted waistcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good, pair of (hoes with firings. He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caffimer panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and fe cutes him in any jail so that the owner may gst him again, (hall receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought hom#i or de livered to Joffiui li. Bond, Philadelphia, may i dtr This Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 4i, Chefnut Street, (Price is Cent#) THB Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of tha manner of Offian. By Rev. John B.Linn, A.M. Minister of the First Preibyterian Congregation ofPiuladelphia. &• Mr. Chaudrnn's Oration will be [publifljed on Monday morning. Mutch 15; THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wicket, fen. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISTING OF A complete assortment ot BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. TO* SAI.I BY WILLINGS tf FRANCIS, No. ai, Penn-ftreet. May 5. dtf WILL BE LANDED, IN A FEW DAYS* At Beck's Wharf \ the next below Market St. A QUANTITY OF Jamaica Spirits AND COFFEE. Also, a few Hogsheads of JAMAICA SUGAR, FOR. SALE At No. 17, South Water Street. July 3. diw. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, LYING on the Votomac River, county of Nor thumberland, state of Virginia ; containing about 1400 aercs—its situation is equal to any other in the Northern Neck, remarkable for every kind of wild fowl, oyflers, filh and crab, and none bet ter for health. It is about the fame distance from Baltimore, Alexandria a»d Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from either. There are three imfraved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the residence of col. John Gordon, is an elegant two story brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a paflage fifteen feet wide. The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good and suitable out houses, at one of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore land county) lived fcveral years; on this farm there is a good grift mill, with water fuflicient to turn any number of stones ; alf® convenient store hou ses and granariis on a public road, well situated for a country store. On eaeh of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft quality, and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may be known by applying to Witi.P. Tebbi Baltimore, Foufhee G. Tebbs, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or te Thomas Murgatrojd and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. s—;l<.5 —;I<. 3«* A PLEASANT COUNTRY HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, &c. &c. The whole containing 17 acres, situate on the Wifahicon road, between the third and fpurth mile-Hone—May be purchased on raafonable terras. —Two thirds of the pur chase money may 1 emain (secured on the pre mises and on interrft) during three years. Enquir* of BONSAL & SHOEMAKER, No. I»4i South Eourth-ftreet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premise», or at No. 45, Walnut-flreet. JON*. WILLIAMS. June 13- mwf tf - RARITAN FARM, FOR SALE. A VALUABLE and dsfirable Estate, situated en the river Raritan in Jersey, near Somer set Court-House, 16 niles from Brunfwick, and 18 from Princeten ; confiding of upwards of 700 acres, equally divided into meadow, arable and weod land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the bara, flaWes, &c. are spacious, and adeqaatc to the fixe of the Farm ; there i> a plenitude of game, with *tjood lhad fifhery. The estate is now in the hinds of Mr. Henry Worley. Further particulars may he known of Messrs. NICKLIN W GRIFFITH Merchants, Philadelphia,and of JAMES GIBSON, Esq. Of Mr. RICHARD POTTER, Germantown, Or of the Tenant on the premises May 9. . S tf Ihree Lents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the 18th iofl. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howckel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any psr fon apprehending her (hall be entitled to the above reward—no cofis or charges will be paid. N: B, She bad a years and fonie months toferve Daniel fitzpatrick. GofhetaTowafcip.Chsfter County, July 19. august 6 jawtf Notice is hereby given, THAT application will be made to the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States for the renewal of the following Certificates ef Shares in the said Bank, which were loft on board the fliip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davey, matter, bound to London, viz : B. No. 198841 19885 | Eathfor ose scare, in the name 19886 'f ofTho's Holy, Sheffield (G. B) 59887 | dated lft January, 1800 ; 19888 J Of which as plication, all persons concerned, will please to take notice. SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, Jthapril, 1800 lawjm FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Confining of 75 dozen assorted—they wllbe fold cheap fcr cast. Apply to the PrinUr. way 19. TREASURY DEPARMENT, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby'given, in pur suance of the aft of Congress, pafled on the firft day of March, brie tfeoufand eight hundred, intituled " An a