NUMOF'A 3437. "J tCT* Tie price of ibis :: i.i OoLLAits per Jnnumt- Subscripts res. ' ii the c/tp f Pbilekh i(Jt>ia. otbr ' /"t.L • e IJnUar ulJ:ti.,n .'r >■ tt*g J d « rertihg ; and utile ss>svri< ■ nin '.3 ei[ wilt becvt.c amwer .■Me ' ■ f t t j>ti<*- j it must be paid f/jr jMgr> *,* Ao Subscription wli be ri.jivrd fur a shorter term tbjn six m&ittbt. f799. Hi. MAN AC From July IJ —to a*. IIICH WATER. Wednsfday Tku'.'l'day Friday Saturday Sunday &t*uday Ttctity fiOfJ- Wednesday Tbnrfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monaay Tuesday FOR LONDON, &§p» Roebuck, Berna d Rafrr, Mailer ; Has a conliderable pirt of er Carg . engaged, and wjll fail with ail expedition. For freight or piffage, apply to the Cap tain, or to THOMAS W JOHN CLIFFORD. July 12. eod ;t A fa/hicrtable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horle young, and the Gig as good as new. Appi, to the Editor N.B. NEW WATCHES will be taken in payment at a fait wholesale price. Tune it 70 HHDs— AND 36 I'ARRELS, or Prime Port-au-Prince SUGARS, .v; d Twelve Tons Logwood, JUST arrived . n th< Brig • ufannah, Captain Smith, from Port-r.u Vrir.ce, and for file by THOMAS KLTLAND. July 14. mwSf lot TO LET, 0 K t0 ft J iL K, A 2-story brick house TW'J rno:"« on u P.?< r, kitcben »nd boafe. >'l Vuil' 01 !ie 1 oi«t>riih. »!><; «ic-U la t orjrr i cellar* uurf. r tbe «h otic p«TC.', at ! [d> r»« lattice ci- feci «i h oclt * lirjf ipi* d'ii .n.i y»*!, I'cwrml fruii T'r<-> in ih, jfwjin, two jumpol (CCv'Uni wjtcrnc.t tbc yremifc*. £j;qoir« at h« Jf, Ardi l.r«t jW 'J Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from N I * South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Tfctrd • reet. An Olfic. for thife !' ■ ::*« it *lfo k»pt at mr Ha-dy't Inn, N;. M :rk r treet. General Pi ft Office, {ril 18 Jast si "iVod f AND FOIt SAI.E BY rilß subsckibkbs, THE CARGO OF TUB SIIIP rillLADKLrtllA, Theodore Ulifs, Commander, from Benga coss\sr/nc of An allortr ent of Piece Goods. Sugars of tlu Srtfr quality, And xoo qr chefcs of superior quality Hyson Teas, Witlings is" Franca, and TbjMtis if Join CliJJ'vrd. March 17. d. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling fcoufea, with excellcr: fUhliog lor seven horfei, douhl cnach-houfc mofl completely fitted up; a beautiful Urge a, J Vi'.uablu garden richly filled with choice fruit, furroundeil with high hoard 'fence, alfewft- new. l'he premilVs are beautifu'ly fitnated neir the middle of Oetmantowu, fur rounded with rich profp«£ls of the adj cent Country ; an orchard of a out two arres, with a handsome lawn at th& back tf the hoafe. One house has been recently built oa ar, appro ved plan; the other has been completely r- paire.! painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirtj new house is well calculated for a fir,re in either the dry or wet good liHe. Tho air and water are unrivalled, and there are some most excellent fchcols in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of M<. POTTER, onothe prkmites. May 9; dtt , A CERTIFICATE Fog 3 three quarter Share ot Bank Stock of th<' United States, No. 381! in the name of John Holmrf, Jun- ban been lott or ipiftayed and for the Renewal of which application has been made at hid Bank, of which all concerned are desired to take.uctice. M*y 19- Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. —— Jr ■■■ ■ . ,*B -* ,)<«*>,■»*• - J 'gwsat.^«.« l niiwnriir TO BE SOLD, 3n WEDJfESi?. Y 'e 23d yof ]uly. at 7 .•'tick, P "... ut the .Mer.kaoi*' Coffee House 1 in Se 1 street, A Lot 6f Ground, CU 3 acn... 4 (v'frhes and ■ ic. 1 :■ i .: - jV nvsfi • - .d p£ Germ -nt t /.., ppj' 1. .e to V \: I .>, •> bout i ixiiUs Iron 'Jw city. On which in crafted a gjm! new "one d«t liug-houie, kitchen j.mzi, See. alio a Ooi.e J am. !r i- r.n ciigiMe Gvu .tion f-r a family who wi(h to ictire fr > the ciiy d*r.iosr the fomnur months. JOHN CONNELLY, MiVr. ' July 14 dts LAND. FOR SALE, A TRACT of LAND, SH'UATF.D on Scot's mountain in Oxford townlhip, county of Suflex and flateof New Jersey, eight ar ten miles from (about four from the river Delaware, and l'eventy two Irora Philadelphia ; containing 579 Acre 6 ; aiiout ioo acre* of which 11 cleared and under good fence, inclnding 11 ac.s of meadow : the remainder.ii woodland, coafiiling moflly of chefnut end oak. On the pre-jifes are two log hdlifes and out boildings, a number of fruit trees, and fprirgs ila.V v hir • or it Mr, 'E« k#at\i Mou'a, *}aAcu r i'iunjrjwi-' ii, will be puly answered. WILLIAM GARDOM. N. B. No application will be necessary after the 14th of July next. Jtyieao. eod tf K. II 9 S4 to 4> li *9 o 4 4.1 —-7 17 4 44 7 '6 4 4.< 7 'J - 4 4< 7 >5 - 4 46 7 14 4 4" 7 *3 4 48 7 » DESERTED from the Ml' ine Barracks on the Bth iiiftant, the 10l owing Marines, viz JOHN STEEL, horn near Urandy Wine in Cheiter county, by profeffion a.Tailor. He i» ».? years of age, five feet eight inches high, grey eyes, light orown hair,thin visage and fallow com plexion—had on a round h.t, brown silk ccat, nankeen breeches, and other decent cloathing. Frederick Fry, born in Germany, but came to America very vonne, about thirty fix years of tpe, Ave fcitfeven Inches high, Hazle eyes, Black Curly hair and very brown complexion— had no uniform on—He was lately a Soluier in General Waynes Army at F rt Detroit The above reward w ill be paid, or Ten Dol lars for either, and all expences, on delivering them at ihe Mjrine B:rrackt, Philadelphia, or to ar.y Olficer in the Service of the United States. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND ol 8 per centum per amiu;n is da dared by the Vrelideut and Director« of th. Company f >r «re3ii g a Permanent Bridge ov?r tlit U:ver Shuylkill, at or ntar the city of Phila delphia, un the amountß paid in on the ifl day tif April l h iiift a lma I lit a wherry coloured MARK, fourteen hands h'gh, has three white t'eft, a white face, aboet ten years o.d. Any information will be thankfully re. eived, »nd if delivered at lohn Ncpus's Ferry, at Market street, a reward of four Dcl lais'will he paid. July 17. .. 11 3t NOTICE. ■f T7"HERJt AS ir.y wife, Margaret C.nnor, W has ahfented herfelf from n.y t md board, without any jufl cause. I hereby f< r warn all per 011s from harbouring or c e'.itT.g 'her on my account, as I am cjewrinined not to pay iny debts of her contraiflit g. BERNARD CONNOR. lu'v T7, iBo->. T : f-. 1 ' H HERE AS, AN atthchrrent was lately iflued out of the in fer. r oeurt f common pleas of the county the llat - of I'jiv Jersey, direited to rhe flieiiff f the lid county, against the rights, credits, monies a&u ifft-Ss goods and chattels, landsand tenements ol y»l* Clcves Symmes at li.. fuitof William Weill, in a plea of trespass 011 the cafe to his datnag r hr«eth ■ rfand dollars; — And rvlureai, the laid (be» iff w?im Bank of the United States, July 7ih 1600 THE Directors have this day dec arrd a di vidend ) r the last Jix ißontl.B, of fuitr n Dollars per rhare, p ya ;,e t- tft« St ckhf.idtr their reprefentatives aftet the 17ti. Injkant. G. SIMPSON Cadi'r. cufr. 1 FOR S.iLE, A Printing Press. Apply »t lb* Office of th« Gazetteer the Umicd Statei. By C. P. Waynx, No, 65, South Front-street. BENJAMIN CLARK, , Cr.& Kiss Watch Mjiker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where he Ivas i r Sale, Spring and other Clocks.; jfojd and silve r Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; steel ind pjilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs* ; &c. &c. CLOCKS AND W.VTCHES Repaired at ofusi. 'lwe l tukftf A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, carriage-houfc and lot, situated in a pleafaut part of Trenton. The terms will he moderate, and pofleffion Tan he had immediately ; hut the teaa;.t will not be wante* to occupy the premil'ej after the roth c?f next Novethbep. For terms apply to tha printer, or to'ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. tuthAcs tf RAN AWAY from the fuSfcriber, on the 18th ofjHneinft.TWO NIiGRO SERVANTS; viz a negro woman numed I at, a wa(her-wo msn and cook, of übcut £hy iv* years of age— OB and well shape f, of aUI ict 1 »mplexion. She nas bad teeth, thof- of her uni! jr jaw are much difcolourei-' and prr jcS a good ,eal. She has a full head of wooly hiir—a very aioft forbidding countenance, is very impertinent, and 1-ughs and talks loud. Pa: was bora in South-Carolina, and fpeakft bad Englilh, with the negro dialed. She has on the upper part of her braaOt, two pretty large lumps of flefh reftmbling Wens, or rather with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She carried away with her feverai changes of clonthe, and go-i/ns of white rcuflm and of coloured and figured printed cottons fafiiionably made up. She also carried away with her, CLARA her daughter—a very {\ont, robust, strong made girl, of a short (tature, and rcund Siouidered—appearing ta be about 14 years of age. Clara has large llaring-eya-, a flat nose, an •val flat face, her tir.dv r j,w pajtfitgf a little, and good teeth. is very artlul and impu dent, has a great fluency of fpeech.ofes goad lan guage, has been taught to read.—She has the appearance of ring worms on her left cheek and chin ; thefkin in lpots appearing much paler than the reft of her compl.xion, which is much lighter than her mother's— er hair is fbert and w-,oly; She ware a pink greunded printed with a small black figure, with new foreparts. Also ran away, on Wednesday t.V: nth inft. June, DICK and AMELIA. Dick, or as he has lately ealled himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe fervant, —he is about 5 feet 7 inches high, rather small made, is about n years o<], of a gjad smooth, black complexion—has a flat nri'fc, with very large open noflrils. He carried his head and neck a> if he were fliffin she neck and shoul ders, which arc high and tolerably fquarc, and his neck fliort—his 1 g« are but fiMll and illy maie, with scarce ar.y calf. He has ha- bad teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward he has a full head of wooly hair, which he pi? its and drcfles to the best advantage. His voi'e is tmall, his lpecch coif.moly ciild and llow, and his ma ners appear <-x;remely simple, but he is at bottom an artful knave, and when fpuken to is very apt to be paflionate and impertinent. Dick is a native of South-Carolina, and fpealcs bad Enghfh—he seduced and carried away with him Am lia. who he called his wife. Ai. ejia is a very complete, well inftruifled la dies mail!, mu h below the common fiature an! of a fmallmake—htr complexion is that of dark mulatto or meflizoe, nearly re(emtilip,g that of the Lafcarsol India. with Mack cur'ing hair, and a very lu*' forehrad—her right eye has a great we knef«, owing to the (mall pnx in her infancy— under herey«» very black—a flat face, flat broad nose. with fcarcc any riling at the > ridge; a large mou'h with thick lips, and good strong teeth. On the rape of her neck (he has the marks of a inn Dretfis with tafle, and inii'ates the French iyle; ij very feufifcle, and cxnrtffs herfelf well. She took with hr a variety ut clothes, falbion ahlyraade—(hehasfor more than tvw> years pad 1t n liable to&is, which at times sive her awili i ess in htr eyes—her heal this generally delicat. fh u preftnt lUtly to e*crc • irs pi age—(he can dress hair, clear starch i a- a tailefor millinary and raantua- ma king; an J a« is very ingenious, ran turn her hand to any thing and may probably offer herlelf to some milliner or mar.tua maker as a work woman. As . ; rr-elja has heretofore been a great favourite of a very indulgent mistress, and 'tis believed has been led awr.y by the perfuafian of her paramour Di.k, if (he wiii return to mi, (he will be lorgiven and treated with the fame ten dernef- (he lias (jwarsreceived FIFTY DQI LAkßeward for each will be paid /rr the delivery cf Vat ar.d Clara to the fllbfcrl'er, or to any goal in the United t'tates so cl.atl mry get poffelfion of them—One Hunfed Dollars esch for Dick and Amelia, on 'he like dtliv r; The fubfcrilier warns all matter of trfftls, from taking these Runaway servants lrr>m he United State*, and rellon, New-York, B'ltimure, Norfolk, and Charleflon, for the p'jrcirafe of One Million and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of Stock, dir. fted by the Secretary of the Treasury, t > be issued in purfuarce < f the abovenientici.erl con. trad. The prcpofals most advantageous to the United States will be accepted, but no 1 Stock will be iff tied at less than five ret' I centum advance, or one Imndr-d ai d five dollars in money for one hundred doll.:rs in flock. In cafe the funis fpecijjcd in firrilai proposals Ihail exceed th? amount of (Utk offered for file at the places abovenientioned, 1 they will be accepted, fuDjeft to a propor tional dedu&ion. wf G. SIMPSON, Cafh'r. IMPORTED, In the Jh'ip Mary /Inn, Francis Stewart, majler, from Hamburgh, ho9s. Mirkcfcftceet, >t, C(S!iEß[Ll>oi or *biie ralji oj n| ytrii,' Rpuuu, tot and uJru~noa, Fl»fc CafnioJ&lM difto, / ' • OUf» pearl. and W4* far dacUactt'M «H «Mo«r« •ad fno, Blicfc *n4 wh/tc edgiojgi and lu**, • . RiWions r;jif♦, - Ccifce-inilh, Chilli, it}d At' I *' ■ l> - 35>Bck> Boiivi'iii V.'iodow Gfafi£ ♦ J, t Id,' | n, io u, » >4, «4 «<, 16 13, >8 »4, so A 4, %0 t6 M 3*. Also, via Neiu-Tork, . . 6 Cslcs white roils, 6 do. Crcas» la Morlaix, ' 1 do. f:nsti;s On hand, which will lie loid rcafonaMe tc close fajes, 1 new Cables of no fathom each q &ioimh. July i w&t -w Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. ReiSor oi St. Paul's Church, and formerly Vice- Proroft of tils Unirerfity of Pcnufjlvauia, AND JAMES ABERCROMRIE, A. M. On: of theAlfiftant Miniflcrsof Christ church and St. Peter's, opcneD, At No. 14, Spruce Street, AN ACADEMY, CONSISTING OF AN Englifti School, a Clafiical School, and a Mathematical School, in which all the bianchtj of fciescc conntitci w th thr.'e de partments are taught. N. B The Mathema tical Department is conduced by Mr. i'F tt R Dflama k. formerly Prrffjor of at hematic* tn the Royal Academy, Jjublin- June 6. VALUABLE lll ti— fojith, !-y a road oi" two perches, and oßtt. i;; rth hy a !:ne, ~ w.'-iich fepa»at.-3 :t from Mr. VS'Call. It i« pi< po fcl to dirldcthi* land into 3 equal pan . n. urdar to fair. the ptrcfcafcrsi Also, 31 acres, fi.tatrd . n the fide of Gormantinvn rujd, adjoinicg eftstej being part of th» property of the lite Samunl Mifflin. For ternn apply to Samuel Miffl'o, ccracr of Mnrket and isth fanukry A PERSON OF abilities, ititegfit • an rap-pence in mdrttntile'- gige as CLERIC to a merchant or pni.lic of 'j e, or : e concerned with any perfo> .-s pait i er, as lie has an iF.tereft ot about one ihpuiand pounds in real ellate in the'city. Plealc rc> ap ply tn the Printer ; or a line left at the office K,r B Y. will be .attended tu im e.liaclyi. Mavi- -f itui idige and Lcu\ffu Jtuu# < i HOUSE, At the corn r of Arch and Ninthfreels. TO B(c 'hare us md'jitry, and defi-ous of engig.i.g as * • artner in a Jjufrative JiiJinWs, wa) i-arpf a fiiuitinn. All pr-p'ota's on this fnbjecl to be in ritirg, fea!?t! aril diredled to A.R. J New York, arid leit Witli the prii.ter of the Gazette yt the United State*, wiiibt at tende : to. (j: A Prittor would find it to his advantage June 5- d:t \VOLUKK XVIII. ■' J » M.